r a 3"" VHfc NEWS AND OBSERVER" V . SATURDAY MORNING. NOVEMBERTj4TT9t IIRETOIJ TEAM URIEL MED Raleigh Highs "Add Another Victory' By Score of forty five to Three s Warrsntoa's expected strength tailed to material 1x4 tor any not l ... abl tlm and the eleven from that plac wu overwhelmed by the Ital- elf Highs, to I In their ubw'Jm- trr-ftwuoo at Biddlck athletic Held. Once again the local football , warriors uaed their smooth working machine to the Intense delight of He follower In this city, and again they .' demonstrated to football experts that they have the- best prep tram in this section of the country With the brief period In ,he fourth quarter when the Warrenton. boys were able to make ft rut downs I rapid succession and take the ball close enough to gain rhelr three - - points njr a field coal tbey were com pletely outplayed by Kalelgh. At that time they found a weakness In the local plsyers' Tfhe; due to a sub stitiit playing. gnsV hsmmered th position until their buckfleld was wom out Then Warrenton's offensive strength failed. Forward passes. mostly of the short - variety, gave Warrenton most of their Kami, bu attempted end runs were checked by ftmith and Martin. Mnscly and I'ur rle war the outstanding work of the visitors, while Haln used good Judg ment In running the plays. This lit tie quarterback also stripped several long gains after a Itale(gh barkflrld nad pierced the llnf. n opzdatio: even cell and fibre of the body demands part blood. but divas, extracts and alco holic mixtures art useless. Nawiskasemt ssai a hi art atar' btoasl saakera sad ta rick U-4W4 la iaallvassiUsssaWU arrast UmsskUs. It afcis ta ppatfts, atrestsM U im -. Mr.J Q asms sad fattil flhsawsaiAksaalar YALPFAVORITE OVER PiJGETOH Princeton Supporters, How LeveTePredictVictory; Brown Will Play Harvard ma Raleigh again used an assortment of open plays, with Johnson making an occasional long end run on that fake tackle plunge Champion and Mills were the best ground gainers yesterday, the latter picking out the holes with esse. His speed Was 'loo much for the visitors Mills electri fied the crowd in the third quarter wn-!i iit- i an ium oats as vacua. v seiners was used in a tackle over tackle play, gained In all about 40 yards and made one of the touch downs. Ths big boy was hard to stop. -Raleigh went Into the game yester day with three regulars out. and later Togle Whltaker, the big tackle, was put out or ine.gajrit. but the team work that haa characterised the splen did playing was never absent flood Interferepc was a big asset In the local players' offensive work. -The line-up: AVsj-nctrton. Position. KalWgh. Johnson . Itatchelor I-eft Knd entott . Wagnsr Harris . Ashby . Currle . Wood . . Bain Mosely Daniel Itlghl Half Mitchell Martin Full Its. k Hummary: Huhstlt ut Ions Warren -ton. Orlswald for Harris, Cooper for lantel, Hinrs for Wood. Italrlgh Whiting for Whltnkt-r. Ilowen for Martin. Martin for Itatchelor. Touch downs Champion 2. Johnson I. Kmlth Mill, weathers. (loals from loinh downs Martin. Bowen 1. ibials from Meld Mitchell Ifeferee -"I'rlVale" Floyd. l!mjlre falter Simpson Mean Linesman Park Time of quarters 12 minutes Left Tackle I-ft tluard Center Iight Guard Right Tarkle Itlifht End Quarter I .eft Half . Weathers . . Knontx . . Coley Norwood Whltaker . . Smith . . Johnson . Mills Champion GRIDIRON RESULTS- At 1-etlnytun. K. Transylvavnla t'nrverstty 7; Oenrgetown College 0. At Htate College, I'a: Michigan Agricultural College i; Pennsylvania State College 1 At Manhattan : o-oklahoma I'nlver ity f!. Kansas State Agricultural College 10 At Mttle llork, Ark.. I'nlversity of Mississippi id: Cnlrrrsitv of Ar kansas 7 MTARLIXII SD W K.I Air.- (Br tl, AamttlHTtraf I . Chicago. ....Ills.. ' Nov. .13. A. ten round mati h here between I'nckey McFarland and Fre'ddlr Wrlah for the lightweight championship of the world, practically a agreed upon today. The bout probably will oc cur In January The weights men tioned were 1 31 pounds for McFnr land and I3fi for th.- chamjilon MrFarland ami Welsh have met three times I ..for- with two draws and one decision for M.-Kurland Up" A "Step n Awaits the individual whose physical and mental powers tit him to grasp opportuni ties .. jhtight fooj pTas i a bij part. Grape-Nuts made of prime wheats and malted barley, contains in correct proportions the elements necessary for tfuilding strong boJies anJ ween brains This delicious food is Ion? baked easily digested and nourishing. A - 3iily ration (Jrapei .Grape-Nuts alongX with other food is food for sm "fcitioui Total '' " "There's a Reason" INTEREST CENTERS E i Commodores Meet Strong Alabama Eleven at Birming ham; Other Contests (Bf ttw AswWsiw Pnasl Atlanta, (ii.. Nov. It. Interest In Southern football tomorrow centers In the trames ltwsfn the Alabama l'.,l vie. hrilr Institute (Auburn) end Vatiilcrlilll. st Klrmingham. and the rnlversl'y i.f the Mouth (Scwanee) and Tennessee in Chattanooga. .Tenneseee ajid Auburn are the chief Contender for the championship of the iVoiith.rn Inler-colieglate Athletic Ass.H-intlon. Neither has met defeat thu-;fHr this season Hot h are Dated fRVrrCHee over their opponents tomor r. -. but close struggles are -aiitlcl - pate. I. VitKtma. also un.li-feated by any' Southern eleven so . far this season. will meet Hwarthrnore at Hwarthmore. I'a North Carolina is eipected to . ot.tiniie Us winning record against Wake Forest when the two teams I at Ituieigh. N. C. .... . tieorgia and the tleorgla School of Tej hnoloiy will meet In Atlanta. other games scheduled for tomor row, include: Virginia Mttltsry Institute . Clem- son, at Klchmon.l, V a. Klorlda v. t'ltad.-l. at ('harleston. H. C - - . . Kentucky State r. lxuU1lle; at Islington. Ky. i fletson v Mercer, at Jacksonville. Kla. ieorgetown V Maryland "Aggies." at Wasbinglon liaylor v Trinity, at Waco. Tex Itatidolph Macon v Medical Col- lene of Virginia, at Ashland. Va. Washington and le v West Vir ginia, lit Charleston. W. Va Kurnian v. Newberry, at (ireenvllle. . c N. C A. and M v V. IV I., at Hoa- noke, Va. NO PEACE YET BETWEEN FEDERALS AND LEAGUES Cincinnati, o. Nov It - "Negotla l..ns for peace between nrganlie.1 l.-isetajl and the Kederal ieague have tgreHsc.l Natinfiictorily. but are by means completed." said Chairman AngitHt llrrnt,Knn. of the National itt.et.nll 4'omniist.lon on his arrlv-il o re today from Omaha and Chlcag Mr. t liares vteeghman will erne i Cln.-lnriatl nl' week to consult with Mr Cha.rle 1. Taft over the rospectlve ttnrchae of the Chicago National league club. I believe the iiiestlon of the Hole of the Chicago Nationals to Mr Weeghman will I settled one wav ir the other at this meeliinr. and I hope peace In base 's 1 1 will come lifter this. The minor league, showed lovultr and gametics In their meeting at maha 1 did not really know how badly off some of them were. Thev hould be assisted and encouraged In everv possible way and with i.ea.-e In aeball. 'they II have a good rham-e win out s.-st season." 1'fMI tilH-Hllleil. Chirago Ills Nov 1J Another season, .if tHeliall war was preolcte.l idity by Ireerdent Oillnvrr .if the Kedern' liesgilr He suid the peace erms proposed bv organned baseball were too .one-side. 1 The Federal I.eah'tie. he added, ass nlous f..r peace, but remained pre a red for wsr. k AsMdsMi toast.! Naw.Tork, Not. II Inter In eastern football wlU canter tomorrow In th Tale-Princeton game. Tonight ths Blua ruled favorite, but then were many Princeton supporters who predtXed the- Orwngs aad.Ulack would closa Its ssaaun with a showing that would wipe out the memory of last week's disastrous defeat at the nan da of Harvard. The season's record of the two elerents appeared to discredit ths likelihood of such an eleventh-hour reversal of form. While th Yal defense has proved erratic. It has n ashed at times Into marked superior lty that of the Tlgsra. Syracuse, Dartmouth. Williams, and Harvarl. ail found Princeton weak In defense f her own goal line. rnim an ofrensiva standnnlnt Inn aie appears to outclass her rlvala fc.very team the Blue haa faced this son haa bn acorad unon repeat edly, with th- ningls exception of the strong Washington and Jefferson eleven. in I'ennsvivania-Dartmnuth srame offer somewhat similar line upon which to speculate. The Quaker have piayea erratic football all this aeaaan Iefeated by Franklin and Marshall and held to a no score by I .a fa vet te th hed snd Blue same back alrone ins iavy, winning 11 to s arllale and Hwarthmore were Am. rested in turn, and then Michigan swamped me yuaKers 14 to 1. r I'ennsylvania wins tomorrow. It win re another of the season's start ling upsets. Hoth the Arm and the Naw have selected Maine college combinations opponents and should win. Har iu isi-es iirown in tne nnal same onure lacsnng Va'e. v i Jca.llng l-uitem games .tumor w include: Vale at Princeton. Iirown at Harvard Kartmoith at . Pennsylvania. Colgate at Syracuse. Maine at Army. ;V,lA'X'it.NaJc ...;....,,. iiiiains at Amnerst Albright at LaFayette. Pittsburg at Carnegie Technical. High" at Conference G0LDSB0R0 HIGHS MEET THEIR WATERLOO Mroi Tram From W lliulrurtoii lc- fcat Thorn My Noire or twenty. one In Notliltuf. iwl. loTh in.1 llfi ' il.ilrt'boi.. Nov 1 3 The i ).,ldslMrn hlh w.hoo tUed t heir taMt g-mc .4 the waon this afternoon with the Wilmington football team to ileci.le the TiuiTipionnhip of eastern North '.1 mliiiii, ' s heji ihe met their first .tterb.. being defewted bv tlie visi tors :i to 0 While the I.n sU. bad h.'.iyv ,..l,ls against them In wrlgb.1, the WilMilngton team simply hd them outclassed, and great re1X is due to the fullback, who has-been . one hed by r.rukley. the all-Amerl-. an full k It was a' cfesn. fins name witnessed by the Urges! at tendance of the season." BHH.ll TW. Ktifleid. Nov It The Knfle'ld high llt).. l-sktefl.sll team defeailed the fWeblon higli school team on the Lai ter's grouhds today. 2 to 7. F.nJjbrs .i,l amuse lay in fsst pass ing , sijiHrior glial shouting The Kiieia ir;sa1s. won tne opening ipitne of their n-.n here yesterday -from Pattleboro, J t.j 6. PAIlKFIt Mll.l. MRHTOlUv Viintiaued fnun i'age One. I cafnte preachers In-the church, and "W he reus. The board of trust ..f underbill t'nlversltv contenilu thm he said university is not owned ..nd omrniied hy the Methodist Kplscopal nurcn. iSouth. and anoeam to have been supported ly the Rui.rem. i-oort f Tennessee In this contention, be It resolved, thnt. we. the members of ih Western; North Carolina Conference, eciare ourseive in hearty sympathy 1th the work of the educational com: ilssHm In laying the foundation of a great Methodist' university to he owned nd controlled bv the Methodic placnpal Church. South. Itcsiilved. Further, that It w-o..M be impossible to consider Hcrl.mulv nv proposition to t.lace merelv ih heologlcaf department of Vanderbtlt .over.ny unuer tne control tf our rnurcn. It being- beneath the self. resiiect or a great church to accept a mere modicum of a vast awl valu able property which we claim Is al ready and for a generation had been universally acknowledged as hrr's." laymen' board nie for organiza tion this srternoon. K A. Cole of Charlotte presided and W. Ii. I-ynch of Spray acted as secretary. Very KTSUfvlns reports were presented. Conference I IV unit NaiiHI. At the close of the session Pr J. II ficroggs. secretary to the llishop, announced the noniinatlcns for the quadrennial boards and these were elected by the conference Hoard of Kducatlon K W Fox. J. It. Weaver. T F. Marr. P. C. Whltlock. J. M Harnhar.lt. W. (1. Itradxhnw, II. H. Jordan. J. A. I.a. k. F .1. Poe. h; II Ko. klltikv. i. T llauvb, J. N. Hal.iwln. It. M. Taylor W It. Odell. H M Jackson. ;. It Imrhain. J. F Kirk. W 1 1 Turn.T. I. It I'rotntt. A. K Ward. H. I. Ualn. .1 N Kirau-as Itoard. of MlBstotis V F. Womhlo .1 A MclioK K. K M.-4'lsrty. K. A. Cole. F I. Townsend. C II Ireland U l- Thompson. J n I'ltts II Willis. VV It Lynch. Trtrker Holmes. F 1 1 llackett. J. W Moore t . Hhmn. J V Mocr. C W. Ilnvle. 'A K Mnrdhardt r Matt Thompson. .1 TV Hogers. A C Iteynol.'s. R M, I'wirtncy ftiinday Hi hol Hoard W M llobbl,,, ft"Tirrban.. .1 II llrndlcv I W (,l(,leilge, -C W. Hvrd. Hull farkw. J A ItoWbe. I F titles. A. 1. Ay.ock. H C Oainble. i: P, Stabler C F Morns.ui. II II ItobMna lr T A llaltn.,,1! v II Hhlnn. W Killlan. A l Ktahford. II: F W A Ixml.etb It. t. Nolsn I'.-hlns. II I. Ikickney. Hoard of rhurth Kxtenslnn tlreen. I- F. Ourfee. I ;. II Christen. bury 'i W. Harris. Albert Sherrill. II t;-tc5t J. P. Mlpns. .1 A Yokeley l I- VValirs. .1 S Cnrstln. It. C. Tuttle,, Walter Thnmi.son. VV. T. I'sry:, C it lloey. W M. Piles J F Anderson. H. T. Hatbex, J A. Porter T PRAISE 0 ENOUGH This Lady Was Very Nervous, On Account of Serious Wo manly Trouble. But Now She Praises Cardui. Murrycrosa. Ala. Th following- la from Mrs. W J. Daugherty, this place I will writ a full statrmeriror my condition before I had taken Cardui. I was very weak. I had not any nerve at all and could not stand any noise, and had female complaints. At last my doctor told me to try Cardui and I did so, and I ran say. It ur has cured m sound and well. and am glad to tell anyone what It did for me, and it will help any suf fering woman. I can't praise Cardui enough. I wish every woman would believe what I say and gLve Cardui a trial, and they will find my word to be true. Cardui is an I take In the way of medicine. We always keep It In the house for my benefit. When I was told to try Cardui I did not think I would, but my friends kept on at me until I got one bottle, and It did me so much good that I kept on taking it. My ba-ck has gc well, my nerve is all right and my old tired feeling has gone, and I am stout and strong as woman can be. I am glad to say It was Cardui that 1 can praise for my health." Your druggiet sells Cardui. Try It. WESTERN TEAMS ; REACH CLIMAX W. Plyler, Ieon Cash. (1. 11. Her man. .1. H. Ivey. KpwOnh Jjeague Hoard. W. .. B. oovey, C. 11. Htrawbridite, U A. Falls. K. ft. Hucher. H. c Hyium. J. Craven, J. ' F. Armstrong, J. L. NeJawi, i.. W Uullowul. k. Ed wards. W. K. Aherimtay. W. A. .Shell. W. T. Albright, Iir. J. W. immernian. t H. Miller. C. M. Campbell. M. VV. White, A. C tllhbs, T. F. Marr. J. S. Hyatt J. F, Morris. Joint Hoard of Finance it. B. MufiT. V. V. Iirown. .1, TI. Wools?. W. I'hlfer. VV. . (loode, J. A. odell. It. Allison, J. II. Allen. A. V- flwaf- ord. C. F. Cllne. O. J. .lones, J. D. Moore, J. A. Abernathy. J S. Martin, C. Hprinkle. Dr. - VV. C. Houston, K Wagg. Dr. W. H. Nicholson. M. Moores. H. K Kogers. J. II. West', H. St.M-kton. I,, r. Ivev, v. n latrgc lanmi;cs Askcil. Asheville. Nov. l.-,-For the death Hert 10. Coley who met death un- er his engine last summer. Mrs. Cor- e Coley Is seeking ihimiiKcs from the outhern Hallway Company In the sum of r, 0. 000 the claim having been led at the office of the clerk of the uperlnr Court yesterday afternoon. is claimed that the death of the reman was. not due to any negligence or carelessness on his part but was th reult of the carelessness of the Houthern. mfdh i mp rp ve !;y q u ski man a Try Reilnol Soap for a week. Ton will b lurprised to M how It clear and freshen! your com plexion, even in that 10011 time. Used for the sham poo, it removes dandruff, and keep the hair live, rich and lustrous. The soothing, healing Influence that makes this possible is the Rerinol which Reslnoi Soap contains and which physicians have prescribed, for years In the care of skin and scalp troubles. kl by all drugglMs. fosamptsrrs. writ.toDt.t.l.Jiertooi.BWUmors.Md. Contests Today of Utmost Im portance in Settling ' Championship . Qysss I 1 it nun ,1 Chlcaso, Ilia.. Nov. 1 i vVUra football aPBroaches Its climax tomor row. 'The Chicago-Illinois and Wis consin-Minnesota gamss will go far toward settling th Western col cege championship and th Kan hraska,conUst . will bs of otmot Importance in th Missouri Valurjr race. Michigan and Notre Dam take on Eastern teams, the former wind ing up its season vrith Cornell and tne latter meeting the Carlisle In dlans. Chicago's hop of retalnlna the bis nine cnampionshlp depends on Gray. Flood, and Albert. None of th thre stars ars In first -class shape, and on lorm Illinois is the favorite. (.rules are Inclined to mak Wis consin th favorite over Minnesota. The Badgers aouarentlv are In heat snaps, wnne Bolon, one of the fe ripertenoedr men In th Minnesota team, may not be able to ko through the whole gams. Ancient rivals clash at Ann Arbor, wnen micnigan and Cornell simi a dose struggle, Is expected. A epecta cuiar oaltle la also looked for at Comlskey Park. Chlcajro, where Notre uame meets the Indiana Tomorrow's schedule In th Cen tral Mates Includes: At Urliana: Chicago v. Illinois At Ann Arbor; Cornell v. Mlchl van PC 1U 1Z 2Z HTHAR'S sbmethln insmokln' J- a pipe o' VELVET with a man that makes him warm up to too. It's sort o' like takin' him home to famly dinner. Kir U'- II The "friendliness" that tun Land soil put Into Kentucky! Barley da Lax is ripened In VELVEX. The Smoothest Smoking Tobacco, by that aged -in-the-wood mellow ness. 10c tins and oc metal lined bags. v &9yW&i is oaasi Ck 1UL It irJ CAROLINA PLAYS WAKE FOREST HERE At Minneapolis. Wisconsin t. Mln- EntilUSiaStS Will HaVe An OP' Carlisle y. Notre I DOrtumtV to Srfi Work Of nesota. At Chicago Uame. At Llnooln: 1 Kansas v. Nebraska. At Ames: Iowa v. Ames. At Columbus: Oberlln v. Ohio. At i-vanston Purdue v. : North western. Mflttllc llrwiMb ana W. K. Hrattta rHTtl Itslk-y and ItoblnMon. 1 Bj ilw m.itw n m 1 (Ireenvllle. . it Nov 1J -The di rectors of the Victor Manufacturing CoriiDiuil , a part if . Hie l arkrr group f nulla, met here ti'dsr unit elx-i..l and W. K. Kesitie. of this rtt. direc tor, in place . f K - lUiley and J. A. H.rin.n. reigned. Mr lost tie was elected treasurer to succeed" lewl. w. rark-r. rsngn.il The Vlct-r Mnu jJFa-rtn 4mtnT-tBX-e-Twf4 so. 1 ureer -.wins. n-iirr, the Abalitrhe Mills i.f Arlington. Tf. C. the ttaray Mills of I'nli.n. C. and the Wallace Mills of Jon.-i llle. H. r. The henduarters nf ihew mills will re main in :reemille, .and there w)fl be no changes In the selling end of th business, was the announcement mad by Mr. llralti today. The negro school IMcbera e.r TUnrth Carolina. In their last convention, em j r-wiwi- Hriwatt yrwhirru- ttw total abstinence T : SATURDAY PECIAL; 1000 SHIRTS Of a well known make that former ly sold at $1.50 TODAY qT3 Other Specials in fdft y) (Ci ' ens Furriish- SHOP AT YOUR SERVICE Pitt Does Honor to South's Heroes rConllmied from 4'age On,) law that Is manifest In all life, that nothing dies', nothing changes, but to give Its life or Its Individuality to a new thing, he brought the -ruin and the havoc of the war close to the present, showing that out of this ruin and this havoc has been born the JSew nouth, greater and grander than ever. "Never yet.-: said he. "has a great deed been forgotten ; never yet has an act or neroism been lost: never yet ha a sacrifice been In vain. Every nonie aeen, every act of heroism. every sacrifice of man Is but the seal or the everlasting covenant of the Al mighty-with man that His will shall be done and His kingdom shall com. "I llato War." "Why da we love a soldier T" asked Governor Cmlg. Then he told the story of Genera) Grant, who made a tour of the world after his service In the army and after his presidency. In Germany eight thousand picked ngntlng men or the Kaiser were pa raded before him In review. After th spectacle the Kaiser turned to him expectantly for an expression of opinion. 81re." said the soldier of th blood lest and fiercest struggle of th world. 1 hate war. "Hut we kjve a soldier," said Gov 1 r 11 or Craig, coming back directly to bis Question, "because he gives to us the manifestation of -the very highest manhood, lie shows us that to him there Is something dearer than life.' And for this conviction, he is willing to fight and to live and. If need be, to die for It. ''The county of Pitt and the people of North Carolina cwn do no higher honor, can perform no greater service, can transmit no heritage more sacred truui by suitable memorials, perpetu ate the memory of heroic men and women." ritrlklng a responsive chord every where. Governor Craig praised the spirit of 1'ltt county. He eulogised the memory of Henry L. Wyatt, the first to fall at Bethel and a lttt coun ty boy. and General Hryan Crimea, w ho ordered the last charge at Appo intor. Then he paid a glowing trib ute to ex-Governor Jarvls. "the Grand Old statesman of North Carolina.1. To the veterans he brought the meftsageo f confidence! in valor wall spent. In honors safely won, -and In duty appreciated. "I declare to you," he said, "that In the value to the South, the sacrifice you made is worth all that It coat. 1 voice the sentiment of every gray hair ed mother, every maimed Confederate soldier when I say, they Would not revoke that sacrifice. A.nd If I could speak for the dead. If I could utter the sentiment of every brave young fellow who fell upon the battle scarred bosom of old Virginia, I would say, they also wos.ld not revoke it. ' The Vnvrtllrut Then Came the unveiling. Mother Clemmle Allen and Master Bryan Grimes pulled sway the covering-, and. standing wlthuncuvrcd heads, the whole gathering sang. "Praise God from Whom All I'leaslngs Klow." KOrKKFEJXKK GOT HTX'KG. Virginia's Opponent lUlelgh people, In fact nearly all, 'in tme afternoon be given an op portunity to see the University of north Carolina football team in ac tion before the annual Thanksgiving event in Klchmond when Trenchard's eleven will play Wake Korest for th. second time this season. The gridiron contest will be staged at' the Raleigh athletic park. " - That Carolina will add another victory to her string Is without doubt, but work has come from Wake rorest that the contest will certainly not b a practice game. Both teams will us practically all of their first team, Carolina having thre reg ulars out. Thy are Tandy. Home wood sod Captain Tayloe. Home- wood, as a matter of fact, will be out of the gam for the rest of the season, and th coaches at Chanel Hill should by all means haVs devel oped good men to take the olnce. of Tayloe and Tandy. Trenchard's statement that he haa not got a reg ular nrat team back fie d stems to have been substantiated by the show ing made by the different hackfield men. There are at least six of them whose playing can not be noted dif ferently. Carolina should beat Wake Forest 40 Doints with Tavloe mil Tandy missing, but would have to Improve wonderfully for the Klch mond gam. Mak Forest sends word that her team will be In the fighting from start to finish. Coach Smith has some mighty good plsyers'and If they cah hide enough Individuality for more team work Carolina will so against a hard team. Coach Bmlih believes his team has a good chance of scoring. CHAIR MEKTING ADJOI K.NS. Chk-ag-o Gets Nfxt Meeting of This .Utociatlon. IB; the Jun iwd hw l Asnevme. inov. II. Chicago was selected as the place of holding the next meeting and May 14th and 15th were named as the dates of the con vention at the final session of the Ns- tlonal Association of chair manufac turers today, officers were elected as follows: A. W. Hiahfleld. Hupertor. Wis.. President; Ashton P. Derby, Gardner, Mass.. Vtce-Presldeht: Nels Johnson. Chicago, III.. Treasurer: J. L. Maltby Chicago. Secretary: Calvin H. Hill, Chlcag-o; K. A. Zumiell. Sheboygan. Wis : J. H. Loudrades, Ht U.uls: K. P. Rurkhardt. Dayton.. Ghlo: M. J. Murphy. Detroit: C. F. Finch. Thom- asvllle. N. C; W. H. Gunlocke. Way land. N, J-iVAL JFenton. Buffalo. N. T.: M. J. Greenwood. Gardm-r. Max, members of the Kxecutrve Committee. CONFERENC - rialisbwry Woman 'Injured. Salisbury. Nov. 13 Mrs. O. E. Ludwlg suffered a' broken nose, a bad cut across the forehead and other In juries this afternoon by being struck by an automobile driven by. C. L. Nussman. a lumber manufacturer. Mrs. Ludwlg was leaving a street car on Main street, when the accident occurred. E WIRELESS LIKELY Note of Powers to Colombia and Ecuador May Cause General Rules Washington. D. C-, Nov. 11. Note recently , presented by Great Britain and Franc regarding alleged viola tions of neutrality by Kcuador and Colombia are receiving the serious consideration of 8tat Department officials- Secretary Bryan said today he had not yet decided whether th good offices 'of th American govern ment ought to be Interposed. It is understood the notes do not call rtlrecfly for any action by the XTnlled States but Imply that the South Amer ican countries might be benefited t follow the example of this govern ment In maintaining neutrality. In South American diplomatic circles It " was thoughf a movement might be Initiated either by some Mouth Amer ican country or th United States to adopt a uniform- regulation of tow. wireless. The srticles of The llsgue convention and declaration of London, the latest rulings In international law. do not deal specifically . with that question. The United Slates has taken an advanced ground in prohibiting transmission by American stations of information to ships at sea. The Chilean Ambassador gave Mr. Bryan a copy of a Speech by Manuel Salinas, foreign minister, replying to remurs that Chile was violating nu trallty. The minister suggested s pos sible conference among th nations of this hemisphere on th wireless question and other n wphases of neu trality. The possibility that th United States might tske the Initiative In call ing such a conference was widely dis cussed here todsy but Htate Depart ment officials were silent. -Neither Great Britain nor France has indicated the exact scope of their representations to Kcuador and Co lombia but there Is every reason to believe their Inclination not to tolerat violations of neutrality was significant ly set forta. AM! BLAMKM INFFIUORS. Colorado Cenvernor Kays Asbordlnatnt Caused Mires Trouble. Mldson, Wis., Nor, 1 1. Governor K. A. Amnions, of Colorado, blames the- seriousness of recent Industrisl difficulties In his State on th Gov ernor's lack of authority over .his subordinates, he told th governor's conferences her today. Th mln strike troubles ran -the Stat deeply Into debt.' destroying much property and cost 200 live all because other Htate officers defied his orders, th governor said, other governors com plained that they do not have suffi cient power to remove subordinates and therefore are subject to adverse criticism berauee pf the acts of their underlings. Governors Jos. M. Carey, of Wyom -int. William-, Bpy-. of Utah and. 8. V, Stewart, of Montana protested against what they termed lax methods of regulating shipment of tubercular cr.ttle - A convict who escaped from jail at I.yndenburg. Nouth Africa, wrag rap tured on a farm w here he was mas querading; as a policeman in search or nimself. Kays Picture Taxed and Insured Kn- tlrcl) Too High. 1 Ht the JUxx-UMd I rw I Cleveland."!), Nov. 13. John D. Rockefeller In affidavits to the county tax complaint board today admitted he made a bad bargain when he paid 115.250 in 1887 for "The Disputed Boundary." a painting by Krsteln Ntrhol. The picture Is not worth more than IS 000, he said, and pos sibly only I2.RO0. The affidavits were filed in support of Mr. Hockefeller's contention thaj tax commissioners had grossly exag gerated the Value of his property. Hi is fighting a ITS. 001 valuation on 'Th Disputed Boundary." an item of 1100. Oiifl in "credits" and the 1111.000,000 valuation against his stocks , ,and bonds, .. .. . "-aaie painting was insured for 175. 000. An affidavit from Mr. Rocke feller's secretary said "he took put th Insurance without having any Idea as to th picture's real value. ' Commissioner to Meet. The board of commissioners of Wake county will meet today., In th fourt house to receive and award bids for work In connection with th -cunsirucliun. jot lhiLixttL, .cuurl. -ho use. This will probably be the last meeting of the present" county- year, as the new year begins th first Monday "In December. Franklin County " Retains IlevHved by Secretary of Materia Counties Yet- to Be Heard nm. - The returns from only on addi tional county on. ..th constitutional amendment was received at th Sec retary of State's offlc yesterday, that of Franklin. The rote on th tax amendments was 4)1 fof th amend ments and St against. - There are still It counties to be heard from to mak th returns com. Lessons Easier TF the child ha a trie, generous light to' study by: The J&y&, LAMP save eye strain. It is kerosene light at V its . best xlear, mellow, and unflickeryig. Jrhc, RA YO docs not uoko or melL4t : is easy to lieht, easy to clean, and sv tn few ick. 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