THb NEWS AND OBSERVER THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER :6, 1914. An J U ali'aJU.U. u ak 4 CHEWING GUM r K That' palate -pleasing Peppermint .flavor is double strength in this new, exquisite confection: L. 3 Lots of "Pep' , for those who love real, honest- to -goodness Peppermint The flavor is l-ong lasting ! It's double wrapped and sealed the goodness can't get out impurities can't get in. Always fresh and full-flavored And the band around each 5c package-is a.UnitedProfit-Sharing-Coupon good for presents worth saving them for Double value for your nickel United Coupons , also, come. with the old favorite) WRIGUEYSi SPIGY MINT LEAF JUICE Thanksgiving s Greetings iConlliitied from I'.iki' i 'nr t "Day of Altruistic AwiikoiiliijB." Tils destiny of the I!i public i un folding in srnnrtcr lev. lutton. and bet ter opportunities are opening t,i all her cltlxena In thi day nf altruistic awakening, tut tut- foni hai- or dained f.ntm-. and will ordain riulit-niiinnt-Ks. thai fmm proi'ici.. there ahull come moral pine ri a uml higher social development I.Im'-KK i'IIAIi;. r.nirn"r of North I'amlinu. Ualeinh. N C. "rir Hm- hii-llmi hplrlt." We should in thunKfiil fcr a bounti ful haivesl. f..r the n-?i r himI pn.s perltv nf our St ,t- nihl nation, for inr ncaitn .inn n.iM,'-rui i.i ,oir peo ple, and for 'hi'Mlmi spirit which make im n, .it hot n- ; t'iUMs u to extend ,i helping hatnl to all w ho are affilcied hoiI tn rtlwrrci ' ' K u i!Aiiirn;iit:K. Lieutenant Governor of the Stall ,.f " N'nrth rurnllm. Rocky Mount. V (' "Able l Kxtciul Help." We RhotiM t thankful' for ilir"f thine primarily .... Jr'lrai: That we ar "olizcrm rf the best Country on l : , .,1 s , l n Kurth Hfi-mi.l Thnt vie a v at pi. ice Willi God bnil man. Thir.l Tli.jt , at-.- to i-nu-ml h-lc tf nor far (tiai t.t.Mtn r3..jjiJ. aiitlerx ir th'ir ;iit.' . usitv urnl Kr".n fufTertnif " IAS I .I'iHNSkN Mhv.o of I'nv ,.f IUI.ii.-h lir Vat Ion t IVjMv." "Am thankf.l tin' our h,ui..i i .u Jirai' with I hi- v -a M Tint N,.rih I'aroltna i a.t an. faj-f ni.iti-nal-l', eduiatlona 1 1 1 ,-i'nl i : -. - t j 1 1 tllan anj K.nilhi rn Stntv Ami thunkful tor ninny nrnonal lliH-ingit UvhIowimI apiin tin liv a lulni tliitl. I: II III.KNN. i-"orin-r tlo-rnor, Mi-inlor lati-rna-- Uuiul -l'.oitnti-rv i'oiiiiiilhHioti. Win t!l Sail ni. X. t '. "Kiir WIImiii." 1IIVVK .! Hill WII.MIV. J I 'L.LAS a t.'AIMt. I ut hum. V t V l or In ino ril oiiilltliiii In Ik'rlK' I iitinl). M t h a 1 1 k h art- ilin-ctHil npei ially to t oniiit loim in lli-rti' i-iiiinty anil nr that iv i haw hi-l- 411 iiiIIph nf fni provi'il cimntry rorolH, that wp ralHf u.-r ii:i1Uijii LiUfiiiiijs .i.f x-!irLiitH rh miali atol tiial Ht-vcfity-l hn- jut i i-nt of our populatlolt tn-tofi;s to Hiilllr ii-'.iKioiiH loil, lii iiiIU-h of iniptoveil rumli- w i- 1i-.-ij1 thi- MHtiv In pranut ii'oilui-tioti im U-ail thi nation. In lirtt'rntaf of I'tmri h nii-rnlaTH Wf I. a.l tin- worlil. L m J-li a n k I i I that I ha sotni' small iuj t In thi-ne thiiiKi nnl i -'iiiilt iotiM. ' 1 KKANi'lS I) WINSTON. T ,s TMBtrli't Altornl'y, Windsor. N V Tin- IHNI Tlilntc." "Thi- Iwwt think- that liirla that ari-. tliankfut-in lo in thin: To make lhat-kf'il lon't'i' ofiier hioirt liin." , ' . .VDKI.Allli: I. Fltll'S. i r.-uli'iit. .V. ' . r ili'iaiiiiir-nr xt. nmn'M 1'luhn, W'niBton-Sn li'tn. X. V. .. IIU ui-ii w aln5 o.W'i Nn--lilur." I inn tanVfill f. i" the hlr-sKiniig whlih comi- t'i North t'aroltna llki- ihr t'oldi-n Minshlni-. hufiiy hiiiiii-N, frioiiilj. hi: i it i 1 1 1 i t u- iH'.iplii. a iros pTi"i1 II 1 1 il lli-ll Uiil statt. l-'or tin' l'li-s"lnir hii h hayo i-nnii' to tti! .South afti f lift) yi'iira of itaviill I no'' t"i prini'iiiii iiio'.-r waviTinif. ronlitinif. or ln'ti'linc, Iut ciiumo ha liei n vlndii nti'il hih- iiidiiv i f her horn hi tray still lira, Boutkara IwmI la tha aorarnmanc of tha utlM. for our Preatdent. Mr. Woadrow wltaon. traa, juat. wtaa, chtarl labia, la dmitasl) ana.fratd. a flocttbara Umn, tna man or tba aour.'tha n of deatlny. Him pcopla ahonld pray that ha may haw atrenstb to bear and aaawer tha eaJw of aaapaJr ana uffcfinir of -tha waxrin natioaa rtcartoua aacrtflcra they ahnuld hold tip hta hand that ltirouich him the United 8tat may biins about wortd-paaoa. V " . DAIT DENBON. Secretary Htata Board Charltiaa, Raleigh, N. C. - "Drcaaau the Hit Rktat la Hrtatd.' I am thankful Kecatwa I am a live Amerioan rather than a dead Kuropoan Hecaune we have Wood row Wllaon In the Whlta Houae Inatead of Thao- dore BooeevelL Ilecauae 1 live In- the preaen. en tury of Intellectual and rellrloua free dom. rather than In i ipaat mg nf lupuiuuiu ana uiautry n cution. - - llecauae there la 1n thle laM of peare and plenty a hroadenlnj com munity spirit ami a rrowlna- seatl- ment In favor of Individual reaponat hlllty and our duty towards our neigh bor. And laat. hut not leaat, becauae that particular abomination In woman's drean known aa the silt eklrt ha been relettated tu ' the lumber room of uux- of-ntyle rant offs, tuid la to tie ruper ceded by Karmenta arlinittinc of i comfortable atep without the risk of renklnit a mure or lean precious tieck nr necklace. MHH. Al. KA1KHKOTHER 'irei-tmliorii, N. . 'May 1'eauc t'ontlnue In Our sirciurUi' (Soil has been ao rooil to rn ' Health anil atrenath to to tlia work, and frlrnda to emouraao me. "What tthall I render to the l-nrd for all the thlnaa He hath rendered unto me," I am eapeclally arateful liecuuae am living under the American flan, and that we have a I'reslilcnt who has- TTTirde tt" ncmiil We rtr -'tniait " liver 1 hankHffiyini.' in peace. THOMAS r. (illlFFIN I'MHior of the Hacred Heart Churt h ItaleiKh. N. "!'- llafy Outlijok." Thin ThankuKlvtna" llnila im thank ful for Kood health, koikI crops, felicitous aafloctatlon. a happy imt- k for the days to come, and for prai-e nml icood will -reirntnic In thru id land of ours: These Instill Into our heart a feeling of. deep reverence mwt sratltBde to the -Antrror vt '.H h;ress;ihTr. ' ' n. h. nnowv, Kupu Oxford oriihanage - xford. S. r. For Ok- t lirlt Spirit." NutwithstandiuK the depression in he hualnesH aairldv on account of the horrible cataclysm of blond arjosa the ai-a. the hearts of the American people uliould nwrflow.wilii jcnttilidei fur the Hwmtifil crops'and t rve-ataJote free- loin from hatred for Htiy nation, anil for the hriMt-Hilrit that pfompta us ill of our iiluHiilani e, to t ontrihute ii the nereesllivs of our war-strlckcn ri'thers of Kurope. Yours sincerely, C.KoltV.K HOOD. 'oniiressnian-i'li-i t for tho Third IV IHMrlet. 1 oiMkIuii n. N, C. N. Yoiiiik I He III SiIhhiI aiHl t'ollcer.' i hunilretl the younit I t am thankful iimmiK tliiMT reaoiiM liei'.ause. hrnt. life of iitir countrv is no loyal in schoi and cOUi-jit- pri'parin for tuirnt ruction service In life, rulher than ngaK-il In destruction on the hattletfclil Si'i-onil, Kor a i 'htistlan I'resiileiTt tsith hh ne. sound liiilicinent and a back hone and a cuhlm-t in heury sympathy with him. Win IV MAKTIN, PreMlilent pavlilsnn College Davidson, N. A GREAT BOOK EVERY I tarrtbU, effect but after tba stem WOMAN 8HOVU HAVC I ?'Z. WA? Cbrtatlaa clrlUaatloa will aarrlvs tha BasiaWW abaaVI tbk . 1 T . 1 A. "-- ai I will arocaea la Its anal work r aa.. wnico are car a trine," aaya LKxrtor I in clrlllxlnir the human race. Plerrai. will n. rlnth I I. JdcK. PITTEINOER. bound book of over 1.00. paa wltb PN." color ptataa aad aomeroua llluat ra ti ona and will aot charg-e yoa a beany for tba book; itself." Over million coDies of "Tha Peo- pla'a Oommoa Menaa Medical Adviser" are now In tha hands of tha people. it M a Book that everyone should read and have in ease of accident or alrkneaa in tba home. It la so plainly written that anyone ean anderstaad It and treats of so many subjects la each an Interesting- manner that Important knowledge in retard to tha human body is ulckly and easily attained by all who read the book. Bend 2 rents la stamps for mailing chances to lr. Pierce, Invalids Hotel. Uuflaiu. A'. Yn and-enctoee this notice and you will receive by return mail all charres prepaid this valuable book . (adv.) "Growta ka 8etf RestrainC A People we shim Id be clad that we ara btowibc IB sell restraint and power to resist ImDulaaa. We are brave enoucb net to be Bumea into national empHcaUona. Wo have barns ao full that our anunaanca can minister to tha neces sities of others equally as Kood aa ws are. but not this year ao bleesed. We can still take time to be thank ful that though "Paul may plant and A polios water the Increase must come from Clod. D. IL HILX PiosldeurA. TaT College, RaleiKh, N. C "A Uutd of PravKc and Plenty.' health: for the prlvlleice nf helping thoae who need It. and for the help that others give ua: for the prattle of I peoples everywhere' ia no' other period In the history of our eeumry nave we felt so thankful for our land; for its planty; Its peace; He brotherly love: Its Christian stilrlt. erabarclngi In its sympathy suffering little children, teachinx ua the ways nf simple faith and trust: for the prosperity of otr country that enables is people to Uve In comfort, peace and plenty; for the progress that lead on to a better understandtnit or how to live; for these, and other smaller, hut no less essential blessings. 1 truly believe our hearts should be thankful this day. M u 8HI i'M AN, Commtesioner f Iibor and Printing. Ksletgh. N. C. "For An I nslutken Faith." I am thankful for a aoodly land and a peace-loving people: for public serv ants who love riKhleoiisnens and hate nlquny. and who follow after the thliiKs that make for pence: for deliv erance- from war mnd for hearts that can sympathize and suffer with war's wretched victims: for the spirit and power to succor the needy, for the advancing wave, of sentiment for the promotion of sobriety In America and tti the world: for an unshaken faith n the rcia-n of an almighty and ali- ntereiful (iod. who rult-th in the armies' of Heaven and arnonar the children of men. R. T. VASX, Preeldent Meredith t'olieire. Halelgh, N. f. Oxford. N. C. K. P. HOBGOOD. "A Land at rear." Thankful that I live In a land that la at peace with all the world: that we have a President with lofty Ideals. who will not permit this country to be drawn into conflict with another country needlessly; FUANK M. HARPER. Ruperlntendent of City Bchoola. Raleigh. N. C. "Fur Aa Awakening llvtr? Conmtous- nre Amonx nuncn." For an awakening civic conscious ness among women, and with this awakening, .the growing opportunity tor service to tneir nomes and faml lies, as well as to that larger unit. the community. MRS. PALMER JERMAN, njim. Puh. Dept. N. C. K. W. C. Ralegh. N. C. ;,,."JisT. Pearefttt.Aawrliai7.- "Jrbr the Goodness 'of God." 1 am thankful for the goodness of Uod to me and my country, and that our hearts are open to those Individ uals and nations which are .leas. for. tunate. i-HAJUJ5iS W. 11GUXE. Clayt'm. N; t ' ' 'Xs''a'"receni refuaeerrrim "the (lid" Wurld and one. in whose safe re- urn. Secretary Daniels kindly Inter ested hlmself. I ajn especially thank ful for the cuntrual of ear peaceful American ' with warlike Europe. Anl ei i am me more anxious mat we I .rut orii.n.rltv -h.n ik. should, under Jvd a grace. deaere te I tween the nations la over: and continuance of our mercies through uprurht .Uving and charitable conduct and true devotion to. the cause of the world's Saviour. Jesus-, the t'brtet- EIVAHI KO.NDTHAI.ER. ttlshop of the Moravian Church. Wlnston-Walem, N. C. ". Iind of Opportunity." We should be truly thankfufl tiat we live In a land where every man has art opportunity to develop the best that is In him, and I look for he rn e ahoulr praise the Lord for His, many blessings. P." H -HAt.NKS - -WiBston-KUileih. N. C. "That Country Is at Peace." "Wfcsn t hrboian Kulers." tionie reasons why I am thankful: (1 ) Temporal IrleBslriKa, especially those given throuah the marvelous Tlini Our Nation In at Peace." I am thankful that our nation Is at pence with all of the ivorli!. throuKh the wisdom of our Kreat President Woodrow Wilson, and that our South- crn farmer reallrea I he-tinpiirtaiice irr uruwini; his suppliea at home, anil raising tobacco and cotton as his money crop. JOHN S. Ct'NNlNC.HAM. President Durham County Fair. Durham. N. O . "IiCt I s Tliank Oml ami Tnkr Cour age." The truly thankful heart Is the one that wishes to bless .villus W ail have niiich to be thankful for in mat ters pertaining to our nation, our State, our chun h. our .family. Let ns -thank'-flod,' take couraffe and dci ;ill t ie trooil we chn as the ila a go by JAM10S II. Yol.Nti. Slate Insurance Commissioner. llulel-h. N. C. rvjy wg ten Tons of Quinino Used Every Year? phis enormous quantity of Quinine alone representing about I30th of all the (Jmninc prtiducetl in the world), is required for the prcp;iratu.) uf. Laxative UroHioHHime' SeveHMnrron (?.(H)6,ooo) Uoxes tif which are used eveiry year because of its extraordinary merit. After readinp the accompanying label from the box of T . - laxative iirorao Ouinine, telling what it does and how it does it, you can understand why this remedy i$ used so effectively by so many millions of I IIU 11 il W" y ftnni'iiw iluV T.I,. h-lf I. .1 . . - i... , ) S t ' WVUVIVI ear. Ckildrea whotre aol o'.iirsour-h lo.tlo nrti. ik. VOtl feel n rnlrl fnm 4lsMetcaa be erckea or cat la halt ad t'ea la proportion) :., ,?:'l 1 .1 JlW Tab. swallewea sot (hewed For ats-lach. l.kt 1 ,n2 OU thinlC Ottbe JtlaWeter,e boat, eatil relieved name Laxative (far alailliatlafcel aa backet LM I've Bcoaw, Oil la I boi) OrOiDO Ullline. but remember thcro Is Only Ona r "BmmotiulnlnQ'' To Cat Tha GENUINE, Call For Tho Futt Name LoKdtivo Bromo Quinine WOAL0 OYOt TO CWUC A COLO IM OMt OAT e eareueai reaiMr lor Couthi and CoMt kmimi the veask aad also list Irveritta conditio-!. sail lifsilachr t ataally a'tocialrj uli co'.N The rcoml or tktrd dote will rvir the Costh and llrsjth aod la boa-els will withia b ia iJ hmii shro ih cold arlll b rtlieeed. la treating co!cl It is very iaiMrtoilliil fat bolt ibeoJ4 atove wen ererr day This preparation the bowers ftatly without triofni tod aroute ihr lr sod aa the secreiioaa lo actios tiirrctioris - Adulu two lablela iatjff asJrVyae sl should be takra imoird iaatlr arMrXtn mtCjtt to Ih.,1 homr prr aaas. wha Cfloaj2rsM7r2jAe aufrici'ni lest kecprae jowl:i otisiijrftry hBtil.y Cough 't rt ) vjia u itueTed F IjoiiiivkLndncss and Tender Men-lea" M- reasons, for thiinkf illness is found In the list of W-nellts arrien In Insulin 102. 1-5: "Who foruiveth all thine Iniquities: who healeth all thy iliseiiscs, who redei-meth thy life from destruction: who crownrth thee with. lo lUKkliidiicsii and tender . mercies; who mitlKfleth thy mouth with croud; thliiKs. mi that thy youth Is renewed like the eagle's" W. MoT. W1IITK. Pastor Presbyterian Church. ItaleiKh. N. C. "A Nation lloiintif ully Hli-wcd " First of all I am thankful that I live in a land of peace anil plenty. Al though I remember some thine con nected with the close if the War De-ti-eii the Stale, peace means more to me now than ever before. And lien I thank f.od for a Chris tian President and a Christian Gnv erner. such as we have, men who hon or, revere and worship Our Father who has so bountifully blessed our nation. Kespectfully youra. .lolfN K KAY. Pres. N ". Institution for the Hlind. P.aleiKh. N. t.'. "Tliat Ration ot Inxolvcd In World W ide Strife. Am thankful.oiir preat Nalivii is not tnvblvevd in the almost world-wide strife, and that we are blessed wittt-a President who Is calm. Just and hu mane In all his dealing M US MAItSHAI.I. WILLIAMS Kx Pres. N. C. lnvlsion V.. I. C. Kalaon. N. C." At IVwt With AII'Naiion." 1 am thankful that we are at peace with all the' nstirms of the earth, that iur eoitle are able and willing to aid their war-strickeri, brethren In Ku rove: and that a irracious Providence has s.iii'lu'il hut and preserve us dur in the fjast year. B. H. ROV8TBR. Oiford. N:-C. -k . "tr Ktioiitlsl Hlie.lnar." For the lows of Ond. that passeth all human understanding that keeps us in atcknev and health, that blesses tia with frtendsT for The daya oT sua ahlne and flowers: for the (treat out doors, laden with, tha wine at life and I am thankful that our country is at I skill of medical science (2.) The awakened ci nscienee that has to do with the brtnulns; about of aticti (real moral reformations In North Carolina and other States. I S. ) The onward procreas of the Church of find at home and abroad. it.) The wise Christian rulers ot ng to respond to the appeal for helpl the head of our government whi are peace and that we have at the head f our aovernment a Christian aentle- nian whose every act Is done for the best Interest and welfare of his coiin- ry; that notwithstanding our own traightened financial condition we have, as a nation, been utile and will- I I of those who have been made desti tute hy the Kurnpean war: and that the rltlxena of our own Htale stand today more firmly bound toeether by the lies nf brotherly love, by the de sire for community service, and by love for the Stste than ever before In its history, which will mean a greater, better, wealthier and more Influential State. JOSKPH HYDE PKATT. State Ueulosist. Chapel Hill. M. C. "A Couiury at IVare." I am thankful Kor a country iit ac-e wah Ihr tia- fUms of earth. so faltlifully lulionnK lo dlscharare their les to maintain pea'-e with the nation; of the earth and pro mote prosperity. C K. NEWMAN. Castor First Christian Church. UalelKh; N. '. "Kitr Favors and Hkwelnjr." Our hearts should sro out to (jod. dally, and especially on Thanksgiving nay. ror the ravors and blessings be stowed on us. We once had the hor rors of war. now when the other nations are in a great struggle we have peace. We thank Clod we have r 4 1st inn man for President. l,et ua all pray for a universal peace I ill! J IssBSUeaVstMsAeUI UtiMIU MMssUMbI U For a I'resideni w ho fears and honors Oenernl Sherman stated a truth when his (luil. For a people whose hearts In sympa thy Ileal . For the Innaient sufferers beyond the nooo. nd For home and the loved ones, i friends that are true. For food ard for raiment gifts OKI a nantl.1 Fr the TTtn-teiw inrilege of laboring with fhrlst Fur the salvation of the lost in every land. T W O'KELL'KY. Pastor First Haptist Co-frch. Kaleigh. N. C. "'L WHI Bring." 1 am thankful today because I am privllrred to think of IXvlne beneflta to me. I ain thankful that this great nation of our hundred millions has been kept in national well being throUKh another year. I am thankful that (tod- has n.ot permitted any arreat disaster to come to us aa a nation am thankful fJr the Christian church and for I'hrtatian friendships. J. it. Met KACKKN. Castor of Central MettiwrlisC'Chur'ch. Italelgh. -N. C. he declared that. "War was hell.'' As a people, we are thankful for this great country, of ours, and that North Carolina Is one of the beat atates In this great country MILKS O KH EUR I IX. Slale Librarian. Italelgh, N. C. "For Bountiful Crops." i Fo the bountiful imps with which I'rovfnVnce has bloased us. For the continued fcrogresa of the adult far mer In agrtrTilture.1 results. "The State Is now thirteenth In the value of Its agricultural products. First In cotton produced to the acre, and In amount of pen"huts and sweet tiota toes. lias Increased from 14 to 22.4 bushels of corn per acre, and now imports of food rodurtay about half what was received threr year ago t2O.08O.llnO vi- 140,000.000 W7 A. GUAHAM. Commissioner of Agriculture. Italeigh. N. C. "Iewe- Wtrirtif-rnir trails.' Thanks- ra to TrttH - TiiveireSice" within our walls and plentlousnewi w-ttbln nur palaces. Humasiity la staggering under a twentieth century war. and terrific. In due pro portion to the features of this modern age The conscience of the world condrnins it. and we all deplore its WESTPORT . ortvct cut-awoy shape to satisfy fashion's ciict and tht Easy-Tie-Slide-Spacfc, to- satisfy comfort arrd cottTcnicnce, found in all JLaiM SbinA Cefiar CATroy, S-YV V uux smjm n. ams mm . "Fur An Administration That HuUw l M -Mtc i r of tsd." For an -administration that rules In the fear of (Jod and in the Interest of all the people, for present peace with pther nations and for peace at nome: tor a fair meaaure of pros- pey- wrrrr- the artrrahCe of tiejfer things to come; for a silrit to hflp tefTeting peoples over-sea and for anility to make the promptings of the spirit effective: for Journals that, like The News and Observer, strive for "peace.' good will among men'' for these thlnga I give thanks nut of full heart thhj Skr to Almighty Ood J. D. HCFHAM. Mebane, N. C Foe- W Ue Kkrratlvea." For bold, wiseand honorable State land National eecutivea. for public ofticers or Int-lligence and high char I niter, for spiritual leaders, aiming to I spread the love of the Master, for bontlful glffta of earth and air. for la haeucg- xi desxruy im; agencies -of- war land pestilence, for all the blessings Miort lias given u. let us tie thsnkfful. KkMI" T. IIATTLE. Chapel Hill, N. C. For teood Men In Authority."1 I am truly thankful for the increas In lore and seal of the Daughters I ot the Confederacy Isrt asow ttll else. fauthorlty In the government of these United Ktatea May their hearts he I Cheered and their hands .upheld, by our citisenry. MRS. R. K. LITTLE. president North Carolina Division. Cntted Daughters of the Confed eracy. . - - . Wades hero. N. C. I "TImH the Cnmplatnetw Have So Little Keasoa bo torn plain." We, have grent reasoa te be thank ful that oar nation Is at peace with all mankind: that aur harna are filled with plenty, and oar proerecla for a I year of anpreeedentiaCproeperlty are hrlght; that tba cvmptamrrs hare LYRIG Thanksgiving Special Program , ; Hepworth's Pictorial - Revival as 1: immortalized by Charles; Dickens "the old: curiosity II : SHOP" In 5 parts of unexcelled acting and;,: photography. " - -t ss i i tL i-: ; Thanijgiying Pioclaaatioa of Hie President It has lor; been the honored custom of otir people1 to turn la the fruitful autumn of the year In praise and thanksgiving to Almighty Ood for His many blessings and mercies to us as a nation. The year that Is now drawing to a close since we last obaerved our day of national thanks. giving has been, while a year of discipline because of the mighty forces of war and of change which have disturbed the world, also ft year ot special blessing for us. It has been vouchsafed to us to remain at peace, with honof, and in some part to succor the suffering and supply the needs of those who are In want. We have been privileged by our own peace and self-control In . day of fear, and dlstea. Tftfr people, have looked upon their own life .as aome degree to steady the counsels, shape the hopes and purpose or a a nation with a deeper comprehension, a fuller realisation of their res ponslbillties as well as of their blessings and a keener sense of the moral and practical significance of what their part among the nations of the W4rld may come to be. The hurtful effects of foreign war in their own industrial and com merclal affairs have wnade them feej, the more fully and see the more i jenny incir mutual inter-iiepeiiueiit-fs upon oiio auni oei auu.uaa auiivu them to a helpful co-operation, such as they have seldom practiced before. They have been quickened by the great moral stimulation. Their unmis takable ardor for peace, their earnest pity and disinterested sympathy fur those who are suflerliiK. their readinea Ui ielp. and to think, of tha neeqs or others, naa revealed tnem to themselves as wen as lo tne.wona. Our crops will feed ail who need-food: the seLf-pnraeasian of our. people amidst the mrt amaietlss rend- flifiU; and th Weaninltsa s-nd resourcefulness of our business men will serve other nations as well as our inn. The business of the country has been supplied with new Instrumen talities and the commerce of the World with new channels of trade and Intercourse. The Panama 'Canal' haa been opened to the commerce of the nations. Ttje two continents of America have been tinmd m cloeer ties of friendship. New instrumentalities of international trade have been created which will be also new instrmentalltrew rf adirnrntance. intercourse, and miftual nervier. Never before have the people of the Cnlted Ktatea been so situated for their own advantage or the advantage of their neighbors or so fuulpped to serve themselves and mankind. NiiW. therefore, 1 Woodrow V'llsoh., president of the t'nited Stales of Anyrlca. do hereby designate Thursday, the twenty-eixth of November fiex. art a day of thanksgiving and prayer and Invite the people through out the rand to cease from their wonted occupations and in their several homes and places of worship fender thanks to Almighty God. In witness whereof, I have hereunto se t my hand and caused the aeal of the Cnlted States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this twenty-eighth day of October. In the year of Our Ixird one thousand nine hundred and fourteen and of the Independence of the Cnlted State of America the one hundred and thirty-ninth. Hy the President: WOODROW WILSON ItOIIKRT I.ANSINO. Acting Hecretary of Htate. nianksgiving Proclamation of the Governor Above all the nations we have been blessed. Throughout the wide do main of our country peace presides In harvest fields and In teeming cities. Industry protected and encouraged by law Is triumphant, and plenty has been decreed as the reward pf labor. . The destiny of the Republic is unfolding- In greater revelation, and better opportunities are opening; to all her cltlea In this day of altruistic awakening. For tis find has ordained order, and will ordain righteous ness, that from material progress there shall come moral progress and a higher social development. America Is more than ever the refuge for the oppressed. She otrers to the worthy, stricken people of Europe, homes protected from the ravages of war, where life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are Kuaranteed TofcTI. In the countries across the Atlantic, the destruction and suflerlng, and sorrow of war are supreme. fn Europe, Asia, and -Africa, fir, and sword constitute the rule, and death and 'desolation reign In the seats of fairest civilisation. As of old. In Itamah, KaeharKweeps for her children, and cannot be comforted. Now. therefore, I, Locke CraJ Oovernor of the Htate of North Caro lina, in obedience to the custom established by our fathers, and .In ac cordance with the proclamation of the President of the Cnlted States, do proclaim Thursday, the twenty-sixth day of November, a day of thanks giving and dedication. I call upon all people to observe 'this day, to assemble in their usual places of worship, and In reverence to give thanks to the Almighty for the blessings vouchsafed to us, and to pray that the power of faith and righteousness may lie quickened In this land, iand that In all lands the reign of the Prince of I'eace shall be restored. T call the people To the rohllJiatlon of their obligation ''aa a Stale and its a nation. "To purify our principles, ennoble our national ambition, to make this people great and strong, not fur aggression and conquest, hut for the peace of the world, giving to ua the glorious prerogative of lead ing all nations to Juater laws, to more human iKilkieg, to slncerer friend ship, to national constituted civil liberty, and to universal Christian brotherhood', to exemplify the strength and beneflrience of a government baaed upon moral power rather than military force, and to send this message of Cod to the uttermost parts of the earth for the redemption of men. ' , fin this day let ua remember our poor and our unfortunate, for It la more blessed to give than to receive. And. I do further call upon sll ministers and all good people that nn 'Bunday. the. twenty-ninth, it being the Sunday after Thanki,gl!ng Day, they contribute to the relief of the millions of innocent and industrious people In other lands, who are suffering and dying, not for any wrong done by them, hut because their homes and fields have been destroyed by armies, and their defenders slain. This Is the obligation and the ex alted privilege of our great and prosperous nation. And in this holiday season and approaching Christmas time, let us In humility make some sacrifice In answer to the far-soundin.crj:. fur hi4 the-yeae- of stir Lofd-,-onertfroTraitnrr TiTheteeri "Burin1 red and fourteen, and in obedience to a sympathy as wide as tHe world, as deep as humanity. Done In our City of KaJeigh on this, the twelfth day of November, In in the one hundred and thirty-ninth year of our American Independence. ' LOCKE c'RAIG. Governor. Hy the Governor: ' .- J. T. KKKK. Private Secretary. so little reason to complain, and that we have In the White House a man with sense enough and strength enough to save the. South from the folly of Its own leaders. AUCH1UALD JOHNSON. Editor Charity and Children. -Thoniasvllla, N. C. "For lniddVnt Wllon.,r 1 urn thankful for President Wilson who has done so mucji to keep the Cnlted Hta lea at peace with tha na tions of the world. H. L. GODWIN, Congressman for 8ixth N. C I'Jslrlct, ' Dunn. N. C. Tirlitlaii America Rising to Ttt On- r iiunufMif' " 1. We should be thankful -to Ood that our country Is at peaca with the world. 3. We should be devoutly, thankful that the Chief Magistrate of our great nation is an unselfish patriot, a God fearing t'hrwun gentleman whose life Is an open book. S. We should rejoice, and thank Ood for the progress that education)-'' has made and Is making in our Btaie. , and for the growth of the community spirit In bettering the commercial.---- moral. aridao-if.1,yi1- cnniiltiiina gf our "tTfne. . . , - 4. An finally, we should thank our Heavenly Father that Christian (Continued on- Page Seven.) V'TaUcum Powder rart a wmw ana Soft. S Fee Sab CvwywWa tinmmMxmzi.tmAMu AM lit ' AXSOVXt FJafENT OF PARTNERSHIP . Dra. tiewia and Battle take pleaauce -in. announcing that Dr.! John H. Wright, will hereafter be associated with them. Dr. Lewis -will, limit hfa practice to tha eya. Dr. Battle and Dr. Wright will treat tha eya and alao tha ear, "Uoae and throats 'r .-z ,;"" . ' ' '. tide ttoura: t to I. , " -. '' "'' 5 . - ; a l t- 4 i I 1: 4 , -4

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