-1- THE NEWS AND OBSERVER SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 6, 1914. . STRANGE .SOUTH AMERICAN ISLANDS They lie Off the West Coast and Will Be Opened to Travel by the Panama CanaL . 4'oaltac Mallow for Iha (.'sited Mates Its Wild Caule sued Mute ad 1U k'Mumwm Turtles. Kitbln "w tiwrt Island, Where Chile OW BoitdtOK Mndrl Convtc t- tk Or mr lit.- - Hnw VmlH Defoe ' ' tint HI" WetHtnrful Man Prra s-lan Island Wlik-fc Have Produn-d .' a Hilltoa Dollars' WerUi of I mill ' im. The Guano Deposits and How . ; the Peravlan Uovernmrat Will Kenoraie Them. - fCepyrlshted. l14. by Frank O Carpenter. ) J. Valparaiso. Chile, pec. . 1 dined - the other nlKht on lobsters caught on the shore of the Island where Alex ender Helkirk. the real Itohinson " Ouso, waa caat away. They were liars", tender and Juicy, and 1 doubt ' If better can be found In the world . Robinson Crusoe's Inland la beoom . .Ins; a great fishing, (rounds It has Una rod In fta watrrs, and it U noted ' for lta lobatera and other shrllttsh It haa alao a larxe Chilean fishing, rolony. and the Japaneae. who ace or- . aanntns a nsmna" industry in norm era t'Jitls, are considering the exploi tation of that territory. -..,' Robinson Cruaoe's Inland In known n the maps an Juan Kernaiidrx. It belonjts to Chile, and It lies about 41)0 miles went or this 'port of Valparaiso and !,0 rdllen south of the I'snama f'anal. It Is ifa'hH.l by KoifmniMi! 'Steamers, which n there to supply ; the colony at cerixln times of the ' 'ear, and It Is ruled ly offlcern of the ' "Chilean government. During my 'Stay here I have met men who know the Island well. f ".' They, (lewrllie It us R paradice. It has plenty of rnin and li covered with a luxuriant vegetation. It Is artet-lfd " by the antarctic current, which keepa T-'. tl1KTeWHTw. and Mm wort Horn half on which th rains fait u ruver - ' ed wll h Hirnm, - - - -' . T.he -tsland Is only .slye -miles Ionia: ny sven miles wioe. it con.siMin or 1 .. STat mans of rcx-k rising col .of the v..wi H ,!t44thl, .lit- uwiro lljan four --t- - housao feet. It w made -uv ' nil ,' nd mountain, with many ravHi-M and ahort va'llejs. The most of the uliorea are Inarrsssililr. hut at Cumberland Sassss? W1iawiM'i-i;-eietlil t , IswHn place, lieiiliiil this In a settieiueni "ttas. and huts -mndo ' of ran a. 'ywswaMWI Straw. -The rim liava ' e-anls'ti about them, and at one li.m - there was an attempt lo larl.a iio k -- raising Unlustry. ' one xeitli i la said to have bad as many as .Vi.ooo rattle .and nn eqtml number of elieep-. In ; t time, however, his' lniHliionn fell off and the cattle run wild. The inland now ban ild sheep, wild goutn and " "" wild mules, and the nnlmalr thrive without human cure. The Krnna ih (excellent mid covern every open spot : 4m lh norlli-rii eble of t lie-, iNland. There are w ibl natn on some of tho hills anil also wild vegetable. There are wild fruits whlcli hove repro. fiuieil iliemneUon from Die trees plaiited by Alexarobt Slkiik. hioI ' from the nrne wour e tlu-iv are wild ar-s us lelu;!,.o a.-i t hot whw-ti lloliin'ifon Crusoe diied for roiniti. AW'Xantier Selkirk wan 1 1 . bei,t of ,. lefor ntor.' aiid lite teal Kul llol Crusoe lv w.un aNt ufe.l ou tbIH islntid none than Jm yeaie ok", anil there i. a monument tn lam. nirt' illg of n.llbb tablel ne.t III the links on oM of the blKbir I'liitH ol Ihe l , land The i..!:o i. known Kubtti' son Cru.soe's L'niiiiiil ami tt in where hi in Mlppio'eil to lllie krfo walill- liroM burnniM t1 iittnot the iit(intion if nn .bip l lilt t inlflll pnxh The niollMnif-tlt Whs ernte.l ,li lC.H b Some i;iu:llh naval ofiu i r. I hate a pKolriyrmtT- T,f . -Thi- -rntT-MHIto read. .i f.illows: IN MKNU'liY ill AI.KX A Mil I! HI-:i.kll(K. M AKIN KIC T A native of Lnrru, In tin County "f '. Fyfe. S. .iilund. who lived ,n thi Is land: In i-oiiil Icte Moliltnb-, tour euri' ""and four months I If w.i.h laloloil rri.m tin "t'iin'Ue I'orle ' tnlley. H inn.. Is tuns A. t TJO. and" a"takn i.fT In the "1'uUe" privateer r.'th ..f I . i i i.ir I Tea, He. tiled l.lt nteiiaiil -if H l S I. IT:;; .I .1 17 elkirk w.-ll I. "Wevmouth" .er.- "7 This tablet I l.ook'Oit by i 'utii nil 'dot t I ainl ihe ..fii ers ..f II M S -T.iparW I' I NK. Alex. mil. I Si ll.li I, an n-scued III 1711. .lost a 1 1 1 1 1 iiinri. than Jill! !ears aso. lie went to l..,i,il..n inl thle met Ixf,... lo.1iad iiiiint talkn With him ami therefrom .a the Idea and hacjtifroiiioi ..f ni t-toiv The Work "llubllimio t'ruani' ' was imbllnh. rd .tet: veils l.itei It ran through four editions "in as ounw mi-nthn nml was the 1ik t-cllor of ih time It iM line of the biu-ci-Bl sellers of today. and It ranks witS the Hible ami John tuir an's "I'iUriin'n progress" an the Kreatest sellel-s of hisrtorv "Itoblnsoti Crux" has been translated Into ,iearly every known Inngunge. It has been prime. I i Spanish. torinnn. Ttusslan. Italian. tln-ek inl Arabic. It is une of the boyx bo..K i f Japan. -.?.54ii-iJJl!!!il5Jtl-c.'!lL),'"l:-'' been re cently Issued. wii'oii V TiavTne" an" enormous sale. Now thai the Panama cm;.! i rum. Idetod there will prolablv be some Sh?cIsI steamship excur-..u.s to itol.ln son t'rosoe's Island Th- rouml trip from Valparaiso can be mode In - Jhree or four days, and It might in-' I tlude a look at the cave lif shlih .Alexander Selkirk lived, hi the Loufc .OUt. where for four, loin; yearn he sranned the sea for ships, slid I nt restiire" rrf t'l'iinrors marl Krtdar. arid terbape n petrHio.l footprint if that which the svai;e Tnl Jl'JL JJi ' er'ioi nmf iiiiioo iit h smn inat tha hoala in. the .harbor, and 100 of them mania their way Lo Chile and landed there. Wlthla the peat rear or so the Chil- eaa (overament haa decided to make Juaa FemaiMlea again a , tlement. The officials have visited It, and ther find it well fitted for the purpoeea. They have aent a number of convicts there, and are now erect ing a model prison upon It. t had seen the rirevtm the lolwiut. Ac eordlng to the narrative of the eap tlttwho took him to England, he , waa rlad In goatskins and was run ning about an though rrasy. When , he reached London his talk sit the Wonder of the coffee houses and his adventures were ' discussed by every L mne. Sir Richard Steele tol"e of them In one of his papers, and Selkirk puh liahed a little pamphlet of twelve ,JtM ; deaciihJna; his wanderlnK, The Itnhlnenn Crusoe cave? shere Helkirk lived, lies In a1 rldae of vo- - canle rock. It Is easily identified It ll about 10 feet deep, and Its mof Is from ten to fifteen feet from Ihe floor. The entrance la about fifteen ' feet high, and la almost hidden In , lerni The cave shows signs of hav lug been lived In. and It is like the "" description ef -that In "Koblnsnn Crusoe." There are holes and pock- -ate scooped out of the walls and here and there Is a rusty nail that. had been driven In teteen the stones. The eye la aatd to have been the reeortiof the buccaneers. Who . once ravaged the west coast of South. America. There re other cavae usns the 4aiand. and . then are also cave dungeons which were owtipiede'Brhen the Man waa used fur criminals, gome -of the cede were far underground, and the prisoners could not stand upright within them. Illatery records that the ronvrota once muMnled and mur dered Uwir guaxtla. flhey captured Another group of Islands that will be Important, now that the canal la completed, la the , Archipelago de Colon. The name on the maps la the ualapggoe Islands. These talande be long to Ecuador. They are situated about aa far from Panama as New York is distant from Chicago, and In such a location that tbey might form an Important coaling atatloa for the ships on their way north and south between the two continent They are about sOU miles from Kcuador and 2.- OuO miles north of Valparaiso. These Islands were for a long time uninhabited, and not long ago they had a sort of a Roblnaon Crust, who lived there for years upon fruits and roots, and upon the wild cattle and nluJ vl.ii.l. h wu u 1,1. ... L 1 1 1 l-l- cauht the animals in traps and kill ed them with a spear made of a pocket knife tied to a stick. He had a hut with a roof of cnwsklns and pigskins. When found he was naked, and was carrying a pig on his hack He hud been on the inlands for years having been left there by gothe ship.. He had almost- lost, .the pnaer of speech. and It took some Ifrno for him to grow accustomed to civilised ways. A t atkf ral timea during our history the I lilted Htutea has considered th getting possession of the (ialapagoa Islands... In 1SS1 preliminaries of transfer were arranged with Ed u ad or, and at that time I3.P0.000 waa offered lut: lor rigm oi collecting tne guano on lh islands The. sale fell through. hownver, and so far none of the auto- seouent negotiations has succeeded Now that we have the Canal, the sale mav again come up In connection with our Pacific i oast trade II la claimed that (he Islands are rtlle Hom parts of them are now being settled. - The- Keusdrtrtaos have fstsbllnhetl .several "" platitatlrma and say that they have t-nmign graslng grounds to' . .taed . tliooaanda of cattle, The islands have excellent cod nah- efirs along Ihe shore, anil are also fainuus fur. turtles of enormous site. which are found nowhere else. Thee turtles when full grown measure about three fort thick and weigh as ntii h as son pounds. They are valiiuble for their oil. which can Imi used in place of lard. An ordinary turtle alll vleld about nix gallons of II. and this will soil for 7 fi cents a gallon. The inlands have also avals and a Ibl dogn. as well us wild doii- n and onlte. all of which are the descendants of those brought by n oluny from tlriinilor. ehlch once at eniepleil to nettle the Island, but failed Tliere Hie oilier i.-lallils King off the I Went const of Houth America that lave yielded noire money than any ther spins -Tepoo earth of u slmilai slr.e I refer to Ihe guano inlands, whuh have produced more than one 1 1 lion dollars worth of ferlllixer. ami w ho h. if the present movement for heir renovation succeeds, will pro hundreds of millions of dollars Thin movement in backed by hi- Peruvian governmen. and Is used upon Hi'irritinc investigations will deMcrlhe It further oi, In thin ctter file guano Islands begin al Ihe Tmnm-TTT paet of f-'ern.-tHil they ruu here nml there ill rough the nea oft U,he. e' i i.m-ii Into Cllll They are i situated that they have no rain, and hey are absolutely barren except for he vsnt flocks of birds which use hem for their breeding places I naw rti.-inv of these Istandn on my H noutliward through ine rmtm-. At -II rat I hey seem- to lie rocks OI white hulk. Th.- hlt'e. however, was n.nli by the droppings of birds. which i ..me there by the tens of Trill ion every year to nest find raise heir luiiuK. Itl'KNTKll .1 The grflii value comes from the tropotni-'x or inaniire of these birds Al the time tluv were discovered the lepimltn were so largo that the Peru- iann tiTi- two Ketierntloiin In tb-vei-ping thi-to They shipped the guano ii the I nltcii St ites and Kurope. and u fleet of vessels was engaged In car ving it The receipts paid a largi part of t he . evpetises of the govern lent, and they kept the country Hen Then 1'erii had Its war with Chili ml wus compn rel The result was n enormous foreign debt In the set- lenient of which the best of the guano Islands were given oyer lo ihe foreign bondholders, und cam uiult-i whst Is known as I he Peruvian cor poratiuii. which corporation is ntili shipping from them thirty or nmn thousand tons every year. The guano deposits are uow almos- "e H rtUstTH V he mmO. of -Ihe- jjr.uAUlCL. had been ronsumeil before the wai with Chile, and a continual export ha gone on since then. The output now . amounts to only a few thousand toon -;t year, but through the plurfs now inuktng by the Peruvian government i the islands may be renovated, and a continual supply roceiyed from thefn for all timevtu come. These plans are based upon Ihe work of Ir. II. t Forbes, ,-t celebratetl ornithologist, who has been sent by the President of IVrti to report tiport Hhe islands and iid1sn the government aa to their fu ture. Ivr. Korbes has visited the whvde lifajeil all tn mianon ana rotatting forks, studying (3iisjiir4s and their possildlitiea. He rs viught some of the birds and kept 'Vhern with a view tir see how much -frxiano eaoh will produce. lie tlnda that the amount of fish consumed by them la enormous. A single pelican will eat from eight lo ten pounds a day and It deposits an enormous amount of guano in the course of a nesting aeason. A sea gull will drup from four to six ounces per day, iu- something like twenty-six mala there until they have digested sufficient of tbehr ratch to lighten the weight- They always hunt la flock and when they settle on some place where the flak are abundant, titer form Islanda on the eea a mile or go In diameter. Dr. Forbes - Bare that tney git go eloae together that thoae. on the outside hare te rise first before the hirds In the Interior are able to get enough air aadee their wlnge to enable them to riae from the aeev Dr. For bee has found that the moat of the guano eomea from eight apeetee of blrda The chief of these la Bou gainville's cormorant, whose chief nesting -phtee to tM Chinch. 110(1 lst February ur.. r urues touna ten millions of these blrda nesting In the middle of one of these Islands. The nestg were ewee together, ana tne whole formed one of the most wonder ful blrtl night of the world, lie watched them, and fdund that each nest had lta male and female, and that one bird sat on the neat while the other was feeding, and that It in turn, was relieved by Its mate- The cormorants started for their tuning grounds at S or t in the morning, and flew In a broad stream per naps 19 feet wide. This stream continued for hour. The next bird in Importance is the pelican. This alao nests in great flocks, and In the same neighborhood the cormorants. When the peli cans are feeding five or six thouaand of them may be seen diving together. They fill the great 'pouches under their bills, and carry the fish away to eat I hem at their leisure. Another bird is the g an net. whoee yming are beautiful little creatures. The gannete fly In flocks of from ten to twenty thousand, and they go down, like so many rocket into the sea The guano of the Ivobos Islands is found in pockets covered with layers of aand from two to fifteen feet deep. These are old deposits. The sand Ii shoveled off. and the guano la dug nuL The stuff looks like tine sand. As It Is dug up, a strong smell of am monla rises and the workmen wear run masks over their faces to keep the ammnneal dust out of their lungs The guano is loaded upon trucks and carried on a tramway to the shore. where it Is transferred to the ships for Kurope or the l'nlted mates. Huoh loading 1s now being done on the Chincha Islands aa well, and upon th smaller Islahdg efHMTr the hands f the" "F'efuVla'h" govern rrient- When these Islands were first dis covered they -he -. deposits !.! y feet deep, and Alexander llumbnldl who visited them llo years. ago. said hat they then contalnnd enough ma nure to enrich all of the worn-out lands of the old world. They were not thought to be of value, however, nntil about fifty years lirtef. when a frenchman' oalied. aUxnUon to certalu of the deposits, and claimed one-third of the j-nd.iirst by right of discovery. The Peruvian Congreeni voted 111 m 5.-' 000 tons, but It is sftid that he never got It. an died In a poor house. In Paris. Other deposits were discovered by an American named Ijtndreail. and ha was treated In the same way, although our Plate I 'epartment took up lila case nd President llayea referred to It 1 one of his meejnjrea to ongres The deposits I jinilreaii discovered were worth t-iOO. 1)00.000. and accord - ng to the Peruvian law he should huve had $153.00(1,000 from them. He received nothing. i 1000 HEAD HORSES AND MULES 1000 : Is the Capacity of Our . ' StletWv ' '- - . DECEMBER 8TH yE WILL SELL" Private. "SztzrWW HEAD at aoctioa. and ha va, auction sales every Tuesday. eic uauy. ' , We are strictly , Live Stock Commission Sales Men. Ptenbarg Stock Yard Ceorpom&m Pctdrabarr, Va. , w? J. H. Patterxon, Mgr. Your Success ' will depend largely on your training, for the business world demands a BUSINESS EDUCATION. -O.r students are preferred because of their SUPERIOK BU8INK88 EFFICIENCY. Every graduate la as sured aa excellent position. Catalogue free. - - - - - KALKIGH, N. C. AND CTiAKixyrTE, nr. c. f v ; Brenaman's Cigars For more than forty -one years the choice of the American amoker. KmAm C.k..l. : Tee Hesl . ' I I.. -v. f - nu- C. He B. A smoke for every taste C. H. BRENAMAN & CO. Baltimore, Kd. 411 West Laxlngton St. Established 1S71. ybursfora CearHead3 BROMO-SELTZERs OL.D VtZRYlVIJERE REUABLE DENTISTRY Within Reach of AIL - $8 Set of Teeth. . $ 3X0 5 $1& Set of Teeth. .$10.00 Aa 'fltaev DentaWrr at JteOWi -!SBV0aaaW- "... - THE SEALOQ RAP H A Great Time and Money Saver Hold print moistens, and cuts gummed sealing- tap. Used In all lines of business in place of twine. Costs nothing to operate. Will print a million ads with a few rents worth of Ink. Guaranteed for five rears. DON'T FAIL. TO KB IT. 1 For further Information call at or address -0 The Hammack-Cooke Co. Suite 415 Commercial Bank Bldg.. Agents Wanted. . RAX.EIOH. NORTH CAROUNa. RALEIGH Chrysanthemums, Carnations, r.Ant - rATTniv Liliesr Bulbs, Rose Bushes, and FLORAL COllP'Y HedfeShrubs J. G. Boomhour, Proprietor. 'Phone 399 . MODERN DENTAL PARLOR TtsVpboaa 41 IHK Fajettevllle 8C, Ralelcb. If. C IMPORTED BULBS Wood's Poultry Foods Supplies. Poultry raising promises to be one of the best money crops for farmer every where. Our celebrated Holly brook Poultry Foods are very essential to the successful poultry raiser. We grind, mix and sack all our Hollybrook Pou.try Toods and know them to contain only pure whole some gTainS. write for price. Wood's Poultry Spectal giving seasonable hints and time ly information about foods and feeding, mailed free on request T.W.WOOD 6 SONS. Seedsmen, Richmond, Vtu EGGS MEAN MONEY "HEN-CACKLE" MEANS EGGS Tllr. MOST hrtX'KSSHX IIH I.TItYMKX AUK THPSEs WHO INSIST I'lUtl'KIt rtl-IIIX;. THK HI .'NT VHi' rXHH IS llr N'-t'At KI.K" MVIVl, 1XKIII THF HKST H N K THK ItH'lTKYMKN KVKIt H l T tIX MOM V Is MlWr THK Ont"KKT MIIITK Ttl VA. tlA.H IS VI A - "HKX-t AfKl.K." YOI' t S IIKAIt HKN-t At KI.K" PRAISKU A 1,1. OVKK THK OU NTHY. WK I AN FVRNIKM THK l'l(4MK WITH Hl'NDKEtlK . OK TKNTIMI IM I IHOM I'KOI'I.K WHO AOVISK. TH AT TIIKY H 1VK t SK.II MOST K l-.KV KIND tIK KKKD ON THK MAK KKT. St MM! "HKN-CAt Kl.K" 11KATS ALL AT ANY I'KK'K. IK YOI K UK. M.KH IMIKK MIT KF.FI "H KSi -C'At'KXiE" WHITF. l. WK, W ILL tKK TILT OV OFT n. "Hen-Cackle" Poultry Supply Company RALEIGH, N. C. A Large Collection Hyacinths, Tulips, jonquitls. and other choicfiEuIlj4 for Jo.abi, ;l. out-door planting, ; - Now. is- thi. tihielor. planting. .. ' . He STI The Florist. THE LATEST FICTION LOVE INSURANCE By Earle Derr Bigger, Net $1.25 THE POET By Meredith Nicholson, net $1.30 THE WITCH By Mary Johnson, net $1.46 BAPTIST BOOK STORE COMPANY 317 Fayetteville Slreet. Raleigh,. N. C fr Printers-Bookbinders THE COMMERCIAL PRINTING COMPANY RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. HAS HYKKY MODERN FACILITY KOH WORK QF UDAI II Y. WE SOLICIT YOUR RUSH ORDERS. VE WANT Tt) SHOW YOU HOW QUICK IT CAN HE DONE. UKiu'iiils ffu ri ii i Ins. Other llnls produce more anl the total amount Is vry Kreat. Dr Forbes has dlrldrtl the suanu archipelaaro Into lorirl and ll is his Idea that each tone will be worked only once In four years, during" which times the other tones will be accumu latlnr, ruano. In this wsjr the supply will he continuous and the Islanda may strain be enormously profitable. Dunns' my trip off thr suaho islands we had millions of pelicans flylns over our steamer. There were auK ea, fulls, wild ducks and divers of many, klns. In places tha eea wae covered with birds, and a creel flock of eormoranunr pelloana would drop out of the sky'os to the water, cover ins an" acre or so at ons time. The birds feed la the awe. The pelicans .have pouches sr liaii of yellow akin lundee-thetr necks; and they scoop the fish Into these. They often aonre thenuelwea to such an extent that the, cannot rise from Uie water, but re- , PENN MUTUAL . LIFE INSURANCE POUCIES NOW CONTAIN A MOST LIBERAL DISABILITY CLAUSE - iNTADDlTION-TO LARGEST GUARANTEED VALUES EASY TO SELL Agents wanted ball towns. A chance for a hustler in each county not now covered Write McPHERSON & RARNFS Gen. Agents For C. - i'. J .; iJ 1 J ., y Rooms 401405 Corrimerqal National Bank Biiildlng. iiiiiiiniitiiiuiiiiiiuiHiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiniiiiiHiuiiuiiiHiiiiuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiniuiiiiuiiiiumiuiiiim r ' i ..p. li.. !- rt i i r r ' H i s rvery Kjem you spena Tooiisniy is oanKea Dy oome une..s 1 whynotbank ityourseLf? IT IS YOUR I MONEY SAVE ITI g 1 Start an account with us We will help you save. s n I MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK I HiHinniiiitiiiniiminiiiiiiminniwiniiinm SHAVING MIRRORS Ladies. If you wan't to please your husband, sweet heart, or brother, give himva nice shaving mirror, something he can use every day. We have the largest, prettiest and most durable line in the city, in fact the only real Shaving Mirror line in town. Don't fail to see them before it is too late as our stock is moving fast. J. C. BRANTLEY, Druggist Bell-Phones 14 or 15. FALL AND WINTER WOOLENS NOW ON DISPLAY URRAY TAILORING COMPT Coal Brick WooxTlce If you have not got your winter C0AL get our prices before buying., PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW. We handle ail kind coal, and can handle any size order. cOHHSON8r Raldigh.N.C Phono 150 Cobb Dros. .Company - , ; BROKERS 7 " j. Membsrs of Nst. Tors and NorfolV Cotton Etchanje, : Fromrt atterttkn-to?,lerraphlp and 'phone ordera - . , -'totton. flocks. Bor'v.t. isr"rroviion, Trlvtts wirrm. -1S Itome trTc, i t i X I 1. : NOKrXiLK. V1K.IL.