:m Observer' : Best Advertlslr : Medium in t---. North Carolina . - J DOAY. MORNING eANUART.5, 118.. .:mCE 8 cent: ' ff r Ve - -r a.- I v M ! .-ILL ; . f j.f ... w'U L,.iuij I :f: '1 Is Spirited Eut Friendly zr. J Each Km Is Confident : . ( i , of Winning ; '. . P. VO ASPIRANTS FOR V; f RESIDENT OF SENATE 0. Max Gardner, of Cleveland, , and F. P. Mobjood, of Guil ford, Rival Candidates; L H. Allred, cf Johnston; T. C. Eowie, cf Ashe; A. A. Sea . we!!, of Lee, and Emmett R . Wooten, of Lenoir,; Striving r For The Highest Honor- in The Gift of The House; Fore- , cast of Legislation Likely To " Come Up For Consideration By. The .Incoming L'egisia- ' ture :. '' ' " . , The next Speaker of the ItlS House W Representative of North Carolina u seen Hi th lobby" of tUe Yarboraagh Hotel hut night but what lila nam la, Is loft to th conjecture -of tba reader of thl paper.; AH four of the cand'datea fur (he - honor. Meaara. I K. Al.red, of Johns ton; TJ C. Bowie, of Ashe; A. -Ai T. .Sea well, of Lo. ... knl ' tmmHt K. Woolen of Lenoir wore proeent in tha flesh, an active, smiling and debonair, - each, oivo confident' that tba lightning would strike in hi vicinity and that tonight 'When the Democratic caucus meet It would aet the aa! of approval en hi icandldacy and tomorrow he would be the presiding ofheer of that groat body of men, bl-eniilally chosen . by- tha sovereign people of the State -- to help enact laws conducive to the. -welfare ami proerreaa of this -grand old commonwealth. Friend of each man claimed . (hat 'their candidate would be the winner. ;t -R a mora war rife lust- night of eornblnstlAn that mVrfce, be nude ..-, whew-ehd th strength, at ana. e ',! might b thrown to thai of candl. other but It I aaie to say that all four . men win go Into tha caucua - tonight ana Devoted far. en the first ballot. Tha friends of on of the candidate declared laat night - that hie man Lacked only a few votes of having enougn member pledged to p it Mm over on the first ballot and that with tba aupaort of th member who have Mot a i yet committed . themaelvcs, would elect hla man. Thla view waa combatted by an other candidate, who aaid that hia man, toe, had pledge enough to en aura hla election on tha aecond bal. Int. that ha -would lead on-tha first. and after thla one of tha ether caadl. datea would withdraw and tbua Inaura hla election on the aecond ballot. Two of th candidates were seen to gether but night In earnest consulta tion and It Is believed by noma that something In the way Of a combina tion would be sprung after tha first battut. .All this, however, la mere conjecture and as there are many una and downa In the political game It need aurprlaa no one just what will 'take place tn the caucus tonight. Hnrabmhlp Contest, Spirited On. The contest while spirited one. la of tha friendly kind and whlla three .Of the moat, excellent gentlemen In tha race1 are bound to be disappointed at the outcome there will be no after effect ar heartburning and the de feated men will tak t their defeat gracefully and like men. - . To be Speaker of the House of Rep. resetitatlvea of tha groat State of North Carolina la an honor of which any man might be proud, and tba ambition to servo tn this capacity is a laudable one, hence' the contest Is not on of the "down In tha mud" kind but a contest among "gentlemen. . A- member from one of the Pied mont counties of the State, when naked last night who he waa support ng for the Speakership, remarked that hia mind waa open and this Is th way quit a number of the member - are situated. They have not declared themaelvea-and may not do so. and no one will know how they are going tu vote until the roll la called and th ballot Is cast tonight Democratic Canaan TombrbC lit lautue wl twnvtm tonight In the Hall of the Mouee of Representa tive, a chairman and secretary- will fc selected and the business of elect, ing th Speaker and tba other offi cers will be gone Into at once. For the lesser omces there la a small -army "of candidates tor most of the poril trSiisT Th principal clerk la ons ex ception, T. Q. Cobb of Morgantoa, clerk of the laat House having no op position for" th place so far aa known. ' Kor reading clerk of tha House Messrs. D. P Delllntrer of Gaston and John D. Berry of Wak are making aa activs campaign. For sergeant at arms af House there ar a number of candidates, amoag whom are J. H. storing, of Wake; O. C McLan of Buncombe, L J. Hrlttaln of Guilford and others. On the Senata aide the contest for the different office la not so strenu ous Liuet. Gov iMuightrtdg. big of brain and big of body is hare ready to all that body together. - Th Sen. .ate.:' too will hold a caucua tonight to elect Its ' officers, For .President pro tern ther re only two candidates, Mesm-a. O. Max (iardner of Shelby, and F. P. Hobcood ef iireenabore. K- O. Self of Jackson county, chief clerk of the lant tlenate has no oppo sitton and will be re-elected. 1. H. Uurnetta of Troy, reading clrk of th last ttanat i also a candidate for re elect ten and la belna opposed, l-y Hub ert K. Lee of Harnett county,. There era many other candidate for thla place" also. " ' - ' Hci-geani at .Vrms of Sena : . Th rgeant at arms of th Ben ate seem to bs mora sought , after than any otaer Npnsitlon there being (Continued on I'aga.Thrac.I u . . ' r- , . - -n h 1 fn -- r Da1d ' Mcfe. Acci 'zntai'i Shct-Ey- Henry Rulnt- rcr . (HeaMel t The Km m Otrtw.J Loulsburg, Jan. 4. ifld McKlnne, tha sIxtMa-year-old aun of Mr. F. B McKinne. cashier of th First National Bank, wag acoideut&Hy ahot End In stantly killed thl afternoon at 1:1 o'clock by ll-nry J?ui:m, th ten-year-ol son of Mr. W. II. Kuflin. president of th same bank. The accldfiit oJ-curred whll th two boy were out hunting about on mil . from Loulxburg. A rabbit Jumped up in front of them, Th youniter . boy, who was behind th ot her, stnned to run forward to shoot the rabbit, but stumbled. Aa ha did su the twenty-two calltrre rifle he waa .carrying was dixcharged, tba ball from 11 entering the head of th older boy at the baaa of the brain and causing UiMHlit Ornth. n ivii waa th only child of hla pa rents -and waa a blight and lovable boy. The sympathy of the community aura out to Mr. and Mrs, McKlnne aa well aa to Mr. and lira. Kufnn. The funeral will take place tomorrow aft ernoon at 4 o'clock. . BIO DONATIO AS IN WIIX. VGita n-xtre fiare GewnMly to Toang Houii-ii and lrehtertaaa. f (Br aw jiiipiii t Pies.) New Tork. - Jan. 4. Mlra Grace Hoadley Dodr. tha philanthropist, who died In thl city Iiecember 17th, last, left more than $l.l.u to pub lic and religious Institutions under her will, nled today for probata. Bequest Inrlnd. $600, 00 each to "Teacher Colletre of Columbia University and the National Board af tha Young Wo men' Christian Aesociatioa of tha United States. - r The value of tha astat is estimated at more than $t.eao.eo." ;Othr be queHts lnclud a.oa to tha imirt cm.n College for Girl at Constanti nopla, Turkey; IJS.eo ta tha Presby terian Board of foreign mission, and the same amount to tha Presbyterian Hoard of Home Misalona, and (IS, o to tha World'a Htudent Christian Federation, for benefit of Ita woman' department, - 1 PICKETT lKtCTOR DIES. '. Dr. Cluusrellor rVoanlmmt la Soatiicra ... Medical 1rcl.. . ,. ' ,. tit OH ikencktea IM.) . '' .' j Wahinrton. D. C, ' Jan. 4. -Dr. Charlea W. Chancellor, who - had charge of tha medical force in Gen eral Pickett brigade In the civil war. died here lata, lant night, il year old. He Was'horn In Ppotuylvu t.li county ta Vtrglrrtrn - Aftuf tutf afu" becam dean of tha- medical achool at tha old. Washington University, and waa consul at Hsvrs for several years. SLAYER OF FOUR KILLS HIMSELF William Nichols Blew Out His Brains After Murdering Vir ginia Family (ay a .ineiieesi nwa) Luray, Va., Jan. 4. A coroner's jury. Investigating the murder of Mrs. Charles E. Burner and her .three lit tle children In their mountain horn five mllea from her sometime on Saturday night, today returned a ver dict that they cam to their death at th hands of William Nichols. Tha body of Nlchole was found thla morn ing In tha home of Westley Price, where -he had blown hla head off with a shot gun. It developed at the Inquest that when Mr. Burner-left hla . home on Saturday evening. Ntchola remained at the Burner home to look after the stock. What happened after that and before tha murder never will be known. ' " . " ' Nichols, It la aaid. had been paying unwelcome attention to Mr. Burner, aad Jealousy over, the return of tha husband, recently released from th Stat oouvlct force, la assigned as tha Gruesome details were given at tha Inquest. Hamilton. S years old, tha oldest child, bad bean struck with aa ax. the Made penetrating tha brain, two flngera were cut off, and the body mutilated. Walter, 4 yeara -old. was pulled from tha bed and hia face split open from, ear to ear and ona of his hands la missing. The year old baby, found in Ita mother arms, ha.l' beenvmedr'ty-A' hlow"tt in head. Deep gashes cover tha entire body of Mrs. Burner, s. - Nichols Is a son, of Christopher Nichols, of Rappahnnock county, and recently aerved thro years la tha -Virginia psnllntlry for forgery. After the murder rticnoig went to tne horn of Price, who was away on a visit, forced hla way tn with an ax. found Price' ahot gun aad lew-tUa brain out. ITALIAN WOMAN HURT IN FALL FROM ' COAST LINE TRAIN Kocky Mount, Jan. 4. Mrs. K Ixiperne, mother: of Gulstppe lvr so, said to be a wealthy epons ex porter, of Tampa. Fla, either reaped or fell from aa Atlantic Coast Line train near Pembroke yesterday and sustained Injuries front which lt ta believed aha will die. ' She waa taken to a hospital at Flore no, 8. C. , According ta railroad official, who brought tba now of the accident here, Mrs. Loperno, with her two daugh ters, was traveling from Washington, D. C to Tampa. When bear Pern, broke, Mrs. Leper no suddenly arose from her seat, rushed to the platform and either leaped from the train or fell headlong to the ground. Tha train waa stopped and aha waa picked up and carried to Florence. Neither Mrs? Loperno nor her two daughter could apeak English and It was not until noon today that their nam, was learned. It la said-they only recently arrived ta New Tork from Italy. ' ' II a u . ' y ,.. f - I, . ... , vj i L.0-iivil ; i..f .1 1 -- J '- V'- v f. j, i tui t-1 u 3 i ti i I a Week A:d : CO'.:: .IMPROVEMENT--' KOV. State-Department -"Advices - More Hopeful; Iturbida Com mended For Protecting; For ; eigners; Carranza -Refuses To Pardon Chieftain . Who Threatens fiis Brother " ' .-. (Ut as JkmwUU Pew.) Waahlnrton. D. C Jan. 4. 61r Cell itprliia-Kice. the PritiKh ambas sador) transmitted to the fetate De partment today, a copy oi a mail re port frum Charee Hohler, of the Hritl-h leaation in Mexico City, saying cotidmona there a week ago were de plorable. , HiKh commendation waa glvefl to Rduurdo 1 turbid, former governor of the Federal district, for hia efforts In saving th lives of Briton and Ameri cans when the Eapta forces entered the city. Since then iturbtde has suc ceeded in getting out af tfes hands ef the bands of tha Mexican otllcials wha threatened to execute him, and. ac cording to official reports received to day, a b now In th United state. tiinc Charge Ilohler'a report was sent, conditions have Improved, ac cording to Hla I Department advices. The Mexican convention reasse mbled today and discussed credentials ef delegates. . Neither the war nor State Depart, ments had any further advices as ta the situation at Naco, but th belief prevail Uiat aa adjustment - of th difficulties there would reached on the arrival of General Joan Cabral, with !. Gutlerrea troopa. lesaa Carraaxa a Hostage). - Kliseo Arredondo, head of th Car ranaa agency here. Issued a etatemant tonight utnmarixlng duipaU hs from Vera Crua contlrmina reports of tha capture of General Jeu4 Carianaa, brother of tha first chief, by General Alfonso SanUbanea, In ttan Ueronlmo, Ht at of Oaxaca, onv December luth. Then general and hi son and nep hew, are being held aa hostaa-ea, but hla enttr ataff baa beea executed by Santlhanes, -ho has been Cerransa' commander ef th Isthmus of rehaun tapon. The statement aayst "Tbl first chief has received word from Hantlbanea that If he will par don hi troHchery and allow -him to retain hia mllltry own, he win re- )"atf""' i-'i '"" u.ud bta i reia- tivas." lis .makes. threat theX unless hia condition are met he will execut Gea. Jesus Carraaaa and at eon aad onephtw. -' - lareaaae Heveaxes rarooav "Carranaa's reply was: "'Such traltoroua conduct can re ceive ao pardon.. If my brotheCa death Is a neceesaryN step toward the triumph of our principle and tha es tablishment of peace I am willing that he died. And I know that my brother will b willing to. aacrtfica hla Ufa for hia country, "The ftrat chief, as oon as ha was awar of the plight of Gen. Carran aa ordered troops to the Isthmus. This morning they routed Santlbanea'acoU umn near San Oeronlme and the tral tor with It men fled to the town of Chihultan In the mouataina or Oax aca ' . T""- V Caetoaaa Oflloer Arrested. Eagle Pass, Tex.,- Jan. Enrlue Bressda, collector of cu stems at Ptedraa Neras, tha - Mexican tow a across the border from here was ar. rested there late today. At. th nam time Carranxa official began aa in vestigation of alleged smuggling of corn, wheat and livestock from Mexi co through Piedraa Negraa to Tx- 8TRIKERS MAT BE EVICTED. eaasBBwaaanaasp 4 CrMa Seeana N carina: ta Ohio Mining Dketrtc. Clevelond. O., Jan. 4. Eastern Ohie coal operator at an adjourned meet ing tomorrow will decide to break off all negotiations with the United Mine Workers Union, will plan to evict atriking minor becau' They" have paid no rent inee the strike waa called the flrsto f April last, and will decide to make overtures to tha min ers aa Individuals'"" to work "open chop" under the scale rejected by tha miners erganixailon. in the opinion today of those in touch with tha situa tion. Operators declined to make ojcial statement but It waa learned authentically that sentiment express ed by operator at today's session In dicated thla action. , There are IM4 miner working In Central and Southern Ohio on the 47 cent a ton anti-screen baste, a Ua- Ohio operator offer 44.41 cents a ton. AMERICAN HARK U39T, Norwegian Steamer Rcacwra Crew tn Stonr Sea, KTfkwalir- ;dtlantJanT-TVlli London, : p. rn Seventeen per sona, the entire crew ef the American bark Pilgrim, with ths exception ef the mees boy who was drowned, were landed here today by th Norwegian steamer Tholma, . from Mobile, which sescued them In mid-AUantie three weeks ago. The. Pilgrim, from. -Newport News for Bueenee Aires, encountered heavy weather and was thrown on her beam ends through the shifting of ballastr Her masts were cut away, -out tnis failed to right heir and mountainous seas swept ths bark's boats away. In response to the slgnala ef dis tress sent up by the Pilgrim, the Thol ma. bound to Copenhagen, steamed aa close as she dared venture aad - the craw of the disabled, vessel awanv-te the Norwegian boat. Tba Pilgrim re cently had taken American registry, formerly being the Britum bark Gael BIO FIRE AT CBARIXITTE. Two Baalaeaa Buikflnga Charlotte. Jan. '. Fife whtclTerlg Inated in tha dry cleaning establish ment of Bea Vonde tonight at T:t o'clock, destroyed the Hen Vonde buildings and another adjoining, occu pied by Overcash anil Brother, con tractor, and Tomliirsoa -Icpret-'ng Company ' and ' Meesner and Drene, 'r-hemurta. Tba loan- la estimated at ,. .- ES el X Republicans "Agin" Oil U BIAI TACTICS Ths MprjtngiJTfLmesk-F.m .'th Usual Course THE I EN ATE WILL ACT Que :t;:, 1.1s Now Unfinished Puc'nks; The Same Old OL; Raised By The Same f Crow J Who Permitted The - American Flag To Disappear From Mastheads iKySee Isi iiiiirsei Washlnttna, D. C-. Jan. 4. Govern ment pun hase of ships as proposed la the administration bill to create a hipping board to finance a 114,000, ahlppUia; eerporatlon and expend not to exceed thirty million dollars for tba purchase or chartering of ocean Carriers, became today the fore moat Issue be for Congress. By a. V"t of 41 to ft. th Senate mad th ahip purchase- bill ths un finished bualnaas. to be supplanted only by a; proprtetioa bill. This ao. lion, on imtloar of Senator Ftetcher. acting chairman of th commerce committee, precipitated a showing on th part of opposition Senator v Which gava certain; todtoaUene -thai there rare break era ahead for the proposed tegiatetion. . Charging that, aa effort " being made ta rush the bill with andue haste,- Republican member, among them Senator Gallinger, Lodg and Koot, served notice that tha meas ure would be fought to ths last ditch. Minority remrf the comment eommlitee f ed a report written by Senator N'cisoe, ' Perklna.' Smith of Michigan, and OMver, asserting that the plwn pr- ftoaed would not relieve hippins r lltlons becau it would get i i (ugh to do any good. It point.- i .! te dangers of interna tional i ' .ii'-ationa arising, declaring that . -t y craft set afloat by the governs -ut would add ona more risk f ovr t,, ,t.g drawn Into the present war,"- ' -i-., - '. ' Su L Ote Thno To Act. Senator r h-tcner. who has charge o tne bin ana who recently eonfer. red with Trident w'llaon concerning It, urged tha measure m a lengthy speecii. af r rpebteean Henateca hart d tiu tincisneetrto-p f cppoH sttien.. Ma declared the war has pro duced a .hip famine" and. that the interests oi all people In th United States demanded that the government take Immediate action to supply ship to carry American products demand ad la tha markets of Uurope and South America. He Instanced the fact that cotton sold at It cents a pound in Germany when It was bringing seven cents In the United State. Germany would eenaum 0t,u,vt pounds ef cotton If she could get It, he said, and the South had fifteen times that amount to sell. For Cpeasserctsl IauVrooViece, Fletcher declared, England had , aad Germaay !. vessels In tha overseas trade, while the United State had only six. H said that American merchant gave annually to. foreign ship owners t0.a,t m ocean freights. Charter rate here had in. creased., la soma cases' per cent atace tha war began, be added, and aaipa unaer tne American nag were not obtainable at a ay price. ' The emergency bill opening Amert. can registry to foreign built craft. Senator Fletcher asserted, .had not met th needa of American -teianufaf. turera. , He read lists of the iti ahipa which transferred their Hags to show that none was a flrst-claaa cargo boat, that over l per cent of thee were hips of companies which needed them for their owa business and conse quently added nothing to th factli ties for "the transportation of general cargoes. Secure Honest Manifest. We must see to It," ha aaid. "that a war .between other countries shall knever again cripple our industries for lack or snips. - - - Aa amendment to tha bill submit, ted by Senator Stone. - designed to prevent secret shipment of contra band to foreign-porta, would author bee the President to .designate from time to time porta where custom collector would be required to ln-1 apect ail cargoes before loading. Heavy penalUea would be imposed upon shippers and vessel masters for violations of tha provision Diecuasina of the bill was deferred argeney dencteocy appropriation bill. Other appropriation - measure protv ably will be taken up a they corns from the House. Republican leaden Insist that many weeks will be con sumed In debate on the measure. of Objection." Id tha minority report, the govern ment, ownership feature of th bill waa dlatued at- length and objee, tlona to such a policy were enumer ated aa follows: "Subtraction from tha field of pervl Sofia endeavor, destruction or indi vidual Initiative and motive for ef fort .the constant tendency ta maxi mum costs, multiplication of govern ment employees and official, increas ed opportunity for corruption, label problem, administrative and execu tive Inefficiency, restriction of the mo tive to invent aad Improve the facili ties of service, eta, and In general It may be said that Industries reach their hlghsst perfection and greatest efficiency when allowed te develop la the free play of ecumenic forces." - Gahdeat .Arranged. j A group f leading Republican Sen- atora met today" to discuss the legisla tive program and plan for preventing j nasxy scuen em im st pui' iiwi Present were Senators Gallinger. Root, lodge. Weeks. Brandegee and other. It waa agreed that the appro, priatloa bills would reuira considera ble dlscuaslnB. -There will be plenty to talk about besides ship purchase.' - said Senator Oalllnger. "Perhaps 'th . Democrats will put thetf program through, out If they see some of their supply bills In danger they may not be ao anxioua about new tegialalioa. CONGRESS URGED BIG NAVAL PARADE TO SHUT OFF ARMS MAY BE POSTPONED German and Irish Americans The President FOR REAL NEUTRALITY Is Is Claimed That The Allies Should Not Be iGven Arms. To Crush Germany With, When That Nation Is Isolat ed; Committee Hearings End Today (Hrue oerlm reejei Washington. D. C Jan. 4. Hear ings on pending resolution to restrict the export of arms and r. unltlr ns' to European belligerents began today before the House Foreign Affair committee. Delegations from New Tork. Phila delphia. Chicago and Baltimore, rep resenting German-American and Irish-American organisatlona, ap peared before the committee. All urged Immediate act-hm un Represen tative Barthojdt's resolution to em power the President to stop exporta tion of war supplies. They Insisted that the United States waa not ob serving strict neutrality because the allies aton Could obtain "supplies. - - Tomorrow's sessions will conclude the hearings. Witnesses will include a delegation from St. Louis aad Kep resentattves' Merv, of New Yorb,and Lobeck, of Nebraska; ""1 .. C. J. Hrxamer. of Philadelphia, president of . tha German-American Alliance, presented memorial adopt ed by that organisation in .many States' urging ths adoption of one -of the resolution. tree Trade Channel. "The prlnelpdevil growing out of ne suuaiimv u in oamage oeing done to our commerce," said he. "We should demand that our neutral trade be allowed to go on without Interfer ence and that England be not allowed oj.rf?J!llsjaL thst are of no direct use In war to I Italy, Holland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden, and Hwltserland, or any other country that dabilre to buy our gooda " Beeolutlons presented by the Ger. man-Amerioan Alliance delegation In. chided a letter written by Mr. Heka- mer to President "Wilson, da'ed De." oemner i, "in tn interest or neu trality," aaylng that one of the a tlona engaged In tba war, "could not get munitlena from thl country. "Our faHur li keeping strle nau ii silly beowmea.ttwtelty,'' th letter oontUiusd. ."an unfriendly. If not inimical, act .against and particular natioa. - . " Consider the Germane, "You oannot Imagine, Mr. ITesi dent" he wrote, '"With what chagrin and bittern es It fill th American of German descent ta see the source of this great country which they have helped to build up placed at the disposal of enemies who, with their overwhelming forces, have pro claimed It their avowed purpose - te cruah our anoeetral home. "Since the attitude of our govern ment enable Rngland to cut off most necessary upplle from the civil population of certain -countries, do you; ...not; think, Mr. President, that thereby the assertion that t..a neu trality of th United States la only a matter of form, and doea not exist. are just i near- t IIFXD FOR PASSING 8AW. Jkll Delivery 1're-vrnted Greensboro Incinerator Nearly Ready. f Retrial e TO Mesa Mat tit I Greensboro,' Jan. 4. At a hearing This morning Andrew Montgomery and Mattie lsetey, negroes. bound over to the next term of crimi nal court on the charge of passing a aaw to Data Shaw, a negro In the city Calaboose. Shaw had been out on bond and hla bondsman Waa the late David Stern. After the death of Mr. Htera hia bondsmen turned Date ever to the city authorities. Lent night tha saws were found In his cell and an investigation-Indicated that hia caller were the two negroes arrested. Ths saws had not been used when discov ered. The lncinefator ordered sometime ago by the city commissioners will soon be completed and ready for use. The Incinerator or crematory la guar anteed to be odorless, no matter what la burned in It It Is located on North Buffalo creek at the rear of Greene Hill cemetery. The capacity I fifteen tonj of trash and refuse a day. FARM SCHOOL DISCONTINUED. ' AshevffleT'TTan. .-otfcea nave" fieen sent to the student of the Ashe villa Farm School advising them that they will not be ' expected to reum to the institution ot resume their dutic of the present term. The announce men carries the -statement that It is necessary loTllacontirnnC The work on account of ths fact that the maini building of the school waa destroyed by firs during- the Christmss holiday with a loss of 44.e to the institu tion. Th majority of th student will go to. Hot Springs wher they will rontlnu their work at th achool at that place which ta supported by ths horn mjasion board of th .Pres byterian church, U. 8. A., which main tained the school near this city. Ed ward P. Child -and Jame Rogers, field luperintendent and superinten dent respectively, - are now at New Tork In conference with the member of the board with a view to rewriting a decision regarding the rebuilding of the main structure. GKM.RAI, JVMAN He CARR OFFKKn tIM KFTWARl For Information 8nm4ent to Con vw Dynandtrrs of The Mltrtbcal Mooanwat. The following trtcgram waa re 4ved by the News aad Observer yesterday! H "I will sire one hurulrrd dol lars reward for tnformatT aufll ceent to conrict the party or panic who dynamited tfeo Mltfbelf Mm off Moemt Mltcteeu.. -. "JtLIAJI a. CAtrJ." Governor Goethals Reports SlkiWay-Debar- Great- Dreadnoughts nr Washington, D. C. Jan. 4. Th possibility of a postponement of the cruise of the International fleet from Hsmpton Roads to San Francisco through ths Panama Canal In connec tion with the formal, opening of the canal and the expoaltlon waa aug. gested today during a conference be tween Secretary Garrison and Col. Goethals. Governor of the canal aone. Though the great earth slide at fuouracha apparently have, been con- quereu. n ann movemeaia con tinue In th neighborhood of Gold Hill. At that point the super-Incumbent masses ot earth on the side of the canal, by their great pressure, are continuously forcing rock and aoll In great quantities In the canal prism. The movement la sufficiently exten sive to require the continuous em ployment of dredges to maintain th channel. While this can be done to meet tha needa of the present number and slxe of vessel that are applying for pass age. Col. GoetheM report that he could not guarantee that there would be a channel broad eaough and deep enough for the great dradnoughta which will mnke up tha naval parade by the date they are expected -to ar rive at crptohal next spring. The mastery of th earth move meat at .Gold Hilt la considered only a question of time, when the earth must find Us equilibrium. Col. Goe. tha la, however, is unable to promts that thla period of stability will, be t tallies by-the-ttme; -the wwvet fleet is schedule to reacn tne canal. Aa the program Of the fleet from the time it gathers at Hampton Roads to it arrival at San Francisco la- pre scrlled' by law, the official are now cnnalderlng whether It will "he necea- sary to secure special legislation lb case it is decided to abandon, or post pone the cruise becapaa of condition in tne canal. Chile to Send Fines, Santiago, Chile, Jan. 4. Chile ha decided- to send the battleehlp Cap tain Pratt Ita finest vessel, to take part In th International naval parade through tne i'anama fanai. NO DECISIONS ANNOUNCED. Suptevne (wart Adjourns to Honor Memory of Marshal. Ur tea Henrtam ttaavt Washington, D. C, Jan. 4. The Su preme Court announced no decision today., and adjourned until tomorrow in respect ta tha memory or J, M Wright, for twenty.ee ven year Jt aaarbhal. Wttd 'war TMried tminr. "'-rr-Th court today appointed Frank K. Oreen." new deputy marshal, to suc ceed -Mr. Wright Green began as a page. ... - .. - . - '' ' . Cownittee-l,amed-to, Investt gate Right of Recess Appointments Washington, D. C Jan. 4. Differ ences between President Wilson and some Senator over Federal appoint ments culminated today in ths Sen ate Judiciary committee ordering an inquiry into the authority of the President to make a recess appoint ment to fill a vacancy created during a session of Congress. Senators Cul hereon, Rsed, Walkh, Brandegee and Borah were named to conduct the ii vestlgatlon. Thla action followed the decision of the committee to recommend rejec tion of -the appointment of Kwing C. Hland, of Kansas City, to be United States marshal for the Western Mis souri district. Bland was given a re cess appointment to the marshalahlp. After the present session began his nomination was sent In and Senator Reed has been fighting Ita confir mation. Soon after the meeting of the Ju diciary committee.' the Senate in ex. ecutlve aession unanimously rejected the nomination of Mrs. Marjorte J, Bloom, to be poetmlstresa at Devil's Lake, North Iwkota. Three month iro the Senate refused to enflrm the ame.jiamlnatln, and after Congress adjourned the President made a re- t-...i..- I at month he a n In sent In Mr Blno'm'a nomlnaUoa , first nomination w.is made arte the: appointment or ner nuaoana to ip office had been rejected. THEDAt IN CONGRESS. Waahington, D. C, Jan. 4. neNaTK: Administration ship purchase bill was made the unfinished business a narty vote. - ' The Judiciary committee Consider ed without action several nomlna tlona In contests between the Presi dent bud the Menate. - Land committee began preparing report on the water-power atle leas- ins bill. Considered nominations in execu tive session. Adiournsd at l:6i p. m.ito noon Tuesday. i Hlll'bKt Mlsreliansous bills considered. Foreign axalrs committee ' heard delegations supporting proposals to tirohibit exports of wsr material. Representative Gardner urged the military committee to act on nia pro posal for investigation of ihe national defenses. . . Senate bill for a new 1400.449 fire proof assay office la . New Tork passed Passed "Senate bill authorising Issue of gold and silver coins commemorating- th Panama-Pacific expoaltlon. Iheaaed Mos bill to standardise grain grades and provide for Inspection of j grain In Intrastate1 commerce. j Adjourned at (:St p. m to neoa Tuesday. ,. 1 wtmm PATRONAGE ROW BRITISH BOMBARD IMPORTANT PORT 'OF SOUTH AFRIC:, German Vessels in Nairobi Harbor Disabled and Much ' Damage Done STEIN BACH, ALSACE, 4 v . CAPTURED 6Y FRENCH House To House Fight of Days . : Ended When Germans Arc Pushed Out; Russians Ap pear To Be Sweeping Buko wina and Pushing Austrian Galician Armies 'Over; The Carpathians; Turkish Troops Ravage fersia; Much Inter est in Next -Step of Italy in The Balkans;. German Sufcn marine . Reports Sinking Formidable . ( an SisiiUii reeal Sab-obi. lwtUsh) F-sM AiriraTvU Pinion, JM. eVtJiIT h aMbt fsritadi hattieahla fxUain aaat kesi tiulata tnr havwTnrrtrd tmt pnreiewa. - apmuns auraiaex imr i-s naassaa. raphal of 1'iinn Vjmt Afrirn, Tba wanawpa Bosatwntvtd tne town, tnfliv Ine raiaadib esliln - an veeeeta la the harbor were disabled. rwim r.smfiewies and twenty aa. lno lbrHaah learn aeaa bllLaaf ..J ix wonntiod. Dar-rJislaasa, Uie beet bedlt town on the mast of Cenaaa Kaat Africa, be a military eta Una erita aa eacrl ceUewt karbnr, forty sallrs swath ef Kauri her. It la the t-ewaiaas wf an important caravaa roene, tba rent eecejee ,ot a governor and has large) cosasaert isi Interewta. . The white pofe. aaienei m isww was remaxeteai . at l,avOs tne total popalaUoa at a than tu.ooa, . .. . Fle-htlng Appear Ilalled. London, Jaa. 4.-l ax news from too battle fronts Indicate UtUo bfUvtty. tren htU eeeeently betiur . raforx-cxl by aad meat hew. bu-lnbe b, . a lthige Jn upper Alwr. la lu () ykne or tlrtr 1-rcnch, after hme to bouse Btfbtins. Ibis luaa CcrUa ad. aula, 'lite lay was -asarked by artllU-rr dant, with ooeduaal lefaniry dl - for alight galas, bat the Ita l roan ti. Olee to the era eras alxaost calm. fee ma a bcailqasrtm aM-larea the sHaatiow en tne . Kastera front re saalim aeecbaaged aad aothliuj bas enctsnd London to coaaradM't Uiu . Note Foremost Subject. Politically the AaMWtraa Bote still orrajplra a proanlnent posxtJon, diveii Ing atteeetloa with apernlattoaa aa to what Bamanln aad Italy WUI do. Tlee IbitlMtl aneaerr, Mv la expected, will be snot to Washing-toe later this e-k, It to audrratootl bnre that Great Brit sin hast iinbid sorb a satisfactory nadiimasding wttia Italy with regard to the U-aiuwual peace of cantrnbaad that Bate cargnra - destiae) for that eoatstry have been ouned alnre De. reaabrr 4. Brltbdl omctais oereare that tna rrllet of tlas Assericaa abin ptnar from the present rrgulaliomi eV pre His largely - on the awearaaceo of nmtral slates burdrrtns; on bcilig-cr-rut roaatrira that they-wiil ant assist la aapptying tiermany. Aastrta or Turkey with food and war munbiowa, ; French Win la Alaaca.,'. ' Parts. Jan. 4. (14:44 p. m.) Tha following official communication wag issued by ths war office tonight: "Th only reports which have received up to the present have refer ence to upper Alsace, where engage ments of a very violent nature con tinue in the regiou of Camay (Bean helm). ; i - t "lst night our troop lost then re gained tha territory around the churelt at Stein bach. Thla morning they oc cupied th entire village, "The German work to th west of Camay captured by ua yesterday were lost (or a brief period., following; very violent counter-attack, but the Germans were not able to maintain it and this, position remains in our hands." Vienna Official Report. Vienna, via Amsterdam to London, , Ja e.-4U ,,p... aai-Tha ...following, fmcial communication waa issued this evening: ' ' In sever battle In tha dlatricx enuth of (loellca. fought under the wont weather coadlUona, - ear brave troooa aaaured themselves, through gatUnaVpuaeewrtoTi of 'bj .high line of hllia a oase lor xunner operauona, "In th Carpathian ther baa been ao change, -In th upper Ung Valley, there nave been only small engagements. "During ths battles la the Northern theatre at Christmss time ws cap tured thirty-eevea-etOeera ai.d ll.l men." '" , ' Hebaearine flank Forntklabhx BerUa. Jan, 4 (Wireless to Say- vllle ). An official announcement made nubile through the o facial press bureau today says: "A German submarine beat report by wireless to the Admiralty la Ber uM . w - ft i K . - iMTMinM and aunk la the Knglish Channel off Plymouth thw llrltt-th battleanip- rornuoaoie 1 he submarine was pursued br Rrltisb destroyers, bat escaped Bo- da maged.' v - - Raaatana Sweep Babowlna. rriruiiw. - - - commamceulon -Issued from genen-l headquarter tonight follows: -. .. r . i L ...... v a . . tmltArtiiL Lmiins " i m r . Change took place oa th left hen of tn v unue. n meuiy exuvue mr.. have been the usual artillery ease ments and secondary action. More desperate ngnung toon put-e .. (ConUnuad an JPntre re,