-J-,...... "y . .J W VV bD'JTJ A V MUKN I NG, J AN ul$ V -tS 7,; 191 5. V THE NEWS AND OBSERVER TO KEEP LIQUOR i 4 Anti-Saloon Committee Drafts ' Bill to Be 'Presented to :"- ' '; 'Legislature.. " 'EXCLUSION. DATE APRIL 1 DUTOFTHESTATE Wine For Sacremental Use and -.: - Grain AlcohoJ Per Medicinal l. Purposes Exempted BiH : . , Also Prepared to Prevent "r-f37Tuf!irtgrr af - MaittirT ; ' . as is Used in Manufacture : ". of LFquor. '- No more lifpinenu .r f irltuju, ' winoUJ. frnnCEtcd or matt liiUor or LjUoxlrtUn idtier. excel,! winca In tended for aacramer.lal nurpiwr and 'V -AlCOhtil or njedirlDa. purpose. rl.l be md lino the State of North ' i . Carolina rtr April l if the bill pre pared ay in rtuimlttifi-Mfiintrj i.y " ilia Antt-Haluon r-TftiMi(ti if crt '.1 .... .acted Into law hy the prisci.' (Jeneral ' AaBcmbly. Trie Mil is -xpct-d ! " Introduced In the 1 slat ur.- balny or tomorrow. ' The Antl-Sajoc.;i ..tn-lT-. in 'pawloa Jdonday nil. I 1 1 fo r c.u Tin followlDK nLemlwi-n -m un-sent': W. R. IVeatherspoon. A. I;r !,. V "; Shaw. Dr. II T. V..r:.i .,tul .n.crlu ' ndnt Dal Ttiuer .mscn: wete i . judg J. V. J'i r.. hu rti .11 c li. lit land. " ' The fwi'r.ut:i.- i . pi Miiiln.. thi: 1 - Karth Carol 1:1:1 i .... I j'.wirl . I 'r X M. Tempiccr,, .f '!. I.i tislative , Conna-Mee. !r v. -' llankin "ad J- Ooe.f.in. of' the Xiaiv Hoard ..f limit h. and lr I. I'. Mi'Krnycr, pres tdent of the society, met Willi the n- ' ti-8alonn f ..in mil tee rcpresctilini: their oFr-anizuiiiiiis. ami requested that In draw 11m the I.ill n.i proiision b matic to supply druK stores w.th """-"uMlUur III' suKKi'slion wan incorpo- " ratvd Iri (he l.tll ainl ih- rt-pi' r-. t ji -' ': -tlKWi TtfiTffjtafniuOTinH ' Ill'I-ii With th- Ant I -Sid. Km I-.irim' (..iiwnil ; Cat beft.r th cmiimJttt-fK .f Scn ; ata-avliKiiHf viifn ihti hearing ' leld. t A Mil alrto ilrafil i itmlutut h manufiirtur nJ Hh- ( itiult. "f". fuch as is ufi1 In thp m:muf:i tuft- f xplrituutm lquor Trt off II 10 Mill. The caption of tlu a4iU -u MM t "An art to prohibit ih rwt ipi ami . lUvry f into-xtt-Htitiic llt"4rK.'' unU T.:m , jth followlnir In ih texf of i hilt: , .... : W'hra xrK-t Hmint4ftt' riistti h . t Hui den.fnrHtt U thai lf i.h"l ih si TnrrttUns; to the human . organism, : nd that Urn ninlrlhiit t.-n n lvrr C lays a vtaKKfrtntc M-onomir t.ur 4ten upon th HhutiUlriH tif ttic i'oilt. t- lowers to an Bppallint: ih-icne llf hv ra:e ulrtni1iri f r'hfrftf4r vf mr 7 Ttlllllship. produrVH w U!'HtrfH'1 . frimm. pauperism mihJ triHHnUy, in- hundred 11 of tht'UMumls of Mixt-nH iind ttUxhts with dVnenorucy lhlr rhililrt ti ' Ttty and th very Jife .f ih Stnt-: Therefore ( . Thtt (tnerul AnwinMy of Nor i h - Carolina do rnuct: '' 'tlex-tion I. Thut it hall he unliiw--. rul for sn person, firm r of n.ra ; ', Uon. or any aVMnt. oltlri'i or 'Niplrrr thretf. to nhip, trHnNpori. fjiirv. "i ' iltrr In any manner r h wny iwiim ' Whatsoever, for hire or ot h't w iw, anv . spirituous, vmouiv fertneii()il r linll - liquors r im oxtrutinK hui in, fr.-m a point within or witliotit thin Stiit-. i.. 1 v any ersori, nrm o? c.rioMi lm i.r any aKnt. if?lrT r inpioyi- itoif- of, in thin Stat'. "Hrtiori IV That it shall U ii:rl,o ' ful -or anv pt i!t.n. (inn or Vi'i l"1'"' - tion. or any at;nt. ofTli tT. ir i Jmploy ' - thereof, to rert'ij atii eiijtiUioua. lirious. feV'rneiitMi or malt 1 ' lllt0Xi MllhC? lijlttTri, Uithill Hi-- St'llf of North 'arohi.a. f.ir ins In r ito ir ;-nf lt own uh, or for t h.- us- r any '. Other person, firm or ni juf Mt n.n. "Sertton .t Thai the j.ntv:i.-tH of fhia art Nhall not uppIV to wiih'.k in tended for sacrirnrtital put jhsin, ..then rtriivt ly htiy tnimrt'f or . fli er dtTly silt h(Tize1 pri i of mh'Ii t'hurrh; tintl-thf prion. tlrni i.r, ( -r poratlnn no ilt-liviTirik; th- sunn -'slnU , - have in his x it ,tf.. hi f , ; he or It fM-ti-N fur t ntnspnrt a I ! t r r,:i..a...lranHportH Mich w im a nt h"t i i in wrttihe ft-m th- thm h t- toji-l. m.n Ister or ot h-r a ,:'' t t.. i.wim" r (ir.i .ure smh wn f..r mm r.t m fit al pur- JKs-r. a tit slvilt rfrt u h wrttlri suthorllv in In ..f il piiM-:oti. "Ke-ction 1 That t iiaill-l- jmlau r - ful ffor an p-r?on in n iv ;ni wit-, nnder the. orvii. n nf " vSi i ti'iii f X of . this Ht. v fieri o h w,.i'fti ;ie ' I in i tnrtet f.ti sjitn in--njil iMif i"-- !. "Sectmi i Th'nJ -1 r" iVIon ,.f this h.i'' ixo'T 'hp'.v '.. i.r.un all'"- hoi rtetver r ou-tyr --e. phv-i- tliattS. ll lUaTlt :,! l.i..l,-rS, . ,t tj nrieJicin' fl i-r, m; i. -1 t . u . l In rompouhiliiiit'. mivit - ,i Most I "' nedit-nes rr nedirtl ..;... r.i ' srht? .huine. ;is iierirt-.!' . i' ii- ed. . "Pertion t:. That mi n ita ,. nirdloine. .miy h -' . ! ! m and driiaxii.. ?na in.ik . :r'-'i ii plicntton i.i ;.;. ! r ?n n .r JouW of tne c,.unt- f -i a ,t. .: recelv hy trn.tu;..rtit';-n a e.'tn. man carrier, p.-iln alrohul : r. : r , .t .-1 to le ujied ' in .ini.:..M;!Miini:. mr.'i'-' or preervli medieinPd ..n.l i'i--.;.. .V' brvparath.ri. 'K:rh i -rmvt xli a't rr irrante.l I.y thf tJU -r vu iluly apnolhtrd dep-it' wi- i ahull a'tix the ral of hi ofnee therj1... anl "..li- p. r mlt ahall ronl;un tho name ! th" an Dlicant to whom the phinnirm i' he de-llvered' the place fr..m a 1 . II the ahlpment ia 10 l.e ni.i.ie t.i ' amount to he ahmpi'd i,.l ih .! .!.. .:f the arantlns tiie wim.; TVe -ai t WHAT LEADS? TO TL'HERCULOIS la tfete sitinta .mi jsCmny s r s tke 4eeteMMea4 of dln..ri laf.fv-1' .' d n I ..-.b-i.l 11 ..e.:.'l . .eeaM..itvi. jattKW;;: 'i" .'.ri? a - mmmi. i..i.j i.. . fc.i. .'in ivi-," ' h 1 " ".' ' ,v "' " Miliar MarHittald, hy fto f lim- Tm " Pm yiirin. Urm IW I larl4-itU-- f liMK, flue linur slt nitxt tr -MpplirH ninio " Mally-."" r. J.' , ( airbair ..n " v 4l m. Tr. fH tHII. .' f ' T IBH'i; tt! it''. hs. . i ,.;-. li; , - tmf lut4ii'i-'' ,fri"',T'' i i ! ri Vit i.i. t;. flue km mxi fi.rm tlv- ..u- taiiv j -; hHllihr. a 0'KHt41t'l AttrtUr:. In.t vir. i in a .-flfiM ! vmltit a to Iw nht,t niiitHrtMittWyr ' T tfil. ti .tart, is an- ' -f . 'mmrk mt m rvtiv hi rh tr'jt .M i-i - i ojhrft'- mm4 rUivat'- thrat txUl hruyij f..r K i 1 Wt mb, no lwi.fHi taliro' ari,t btattwl 1urlrk yt-nr .f n - iHMVW Wtf rmh .rijHtfittf iim .irhjaj ; iu - ft rmtmi0 u ntmt Mr-,,- 01 hi.:t Inrmng 4rng. hyrt lri r-tt att-to! . 1 tad Huer. Vuur km It uf a mtit St. r u ra muiU 4irv,t. SAGE TEA TURNS nmv nun nmv nrpniiiiriiniTiniiP r. bnHi nflin uim nLuuiviiviLuuh i iuijj. It's Grandmothers Jtecipe to Bring Back Color and Lustre to Hair. Thut iM-autlful, even shadr (. dark; Kloiwy hair tan only lie had by lrev ItiK a miturt of Vai. la juid Sul phur,' -A'our hair la your chjurm. Jl uiakca ir mar the face. Whwi it fadi-K, turn trruy. nn-akivi mntlwm dry. ivlapy and iraKMy. Juot an -lIH:atim ..r two of Snt:c and Sulphur fiiliuin'fn lie Hppearonce a liumjrtil fold.. lm't ln.trn-r-io r-r the tonic; Sou i . n ki fronj i! rujf Jlnte a. T.O--rrtltrJtri? oT "Wveth'a lixiie unil Sulphur ('..nip'aHid," ready to This can alwa lit- drptnd'd upoh f. brine lark the naitiral C(inr, Ihjujt-h-KH ai.d" lnii r if yiur hair and re move dandruff. t.ip .flPhlp Itfhinn and ialllii;; nalr. "" ' Evrrvlci.ly umru "Wyuth'u" tiigce and ulp!iur lica'uw It darken ko natiirully hikI vonly that nnl.udv ran tII II Iikk Im jo applied You olmply dampen npf.ntet ur uift M imh with it und draw this thruuKh Ihe h.ilr. taking uiie Kii-ull alruiid at a time; I.y in jriinif ! lie tfray hair han illnap-. pci.rT.i, and urirr unnltin appliratlun II liMK.mea lieautlfiilly dark and aii piarx nloi, i.islr.uiK alid alMiii.laul. perinit xh.iir he enK iiteil in duplicitu The .,11,11.11 Khali he il livered l.. the applnunt ... I.t nut h him l.. thi ahipper ti. I,, pa-ti (1 ..m the oulMlde i.f Hie nt'k:.te ! nhillilrm I he-ale. .hid. "Sei iiim 7. Tli.ir i, pi-rniit rsijetl. a.i al. me, wh.n atiaihed I.. and plainly alllx.fl in a ( .ii.-pi ii. i ii. plate to any p ickaxe -:i. l i ..niaiiiiiii; uralti air. .h.. I transpoi i l u ii run th.s M.itf, i.h.i)l a 'it In)! r.f .hi ei'iiiniiai (aiil.r wnliili tli. Mi!.- I.i traiixp.nl the pai k.iKi- ur pati:''l I., whlili anrh pel -in It all. i. lie. I ill alllxed. emita ioiiik ..lily :il. ..li-.l tin ri ii .ti.-i I in .aiil r' iilil. an. I l.. H. Iivir the n.tui. t.i t'h.' p. rx.n. Ill in or i .. p.. rat loll to w hn h MM ll 1 It- I 1 1 1 I I .l.M ISMO-ll. "S. i'li'in t'h il tin iliipiii iili. i i.iv f th-ttd pel Mill ' tn!elh T with til.' ai.lii an. ii thereri.r, iii lu r. itil.i fore erovwrit. hatl tie ftWT iii'Tlie" i.ffi. r the i'i ik of the Sum n...r 'ouit, rbnin'nliiKli ally and aloUal. elu .ill) Willi MWil to Hie nam.- ot Hi. appll aiit. aiol thi' a ppli. .i t .on anil .p., i mil -hill H all Hum- I.i' soliiiit to Ih.- iti p.ill.Hli i.f anv iltlt'll ol otlleer of the Hlate, i-ounl ut'itnin;jeiijiMi . and for hir servleeH tin i-li-ik of Hi. i-ourt whrtll 1-e elll It I. .1 In a lie of eeenl fie r.-Tf Hto In pUI'l ! the llpplloaill. "S.otion l Tli.it am piTMin. fitiii or corporation p.l.ii I n l: aii'v of th- pto vieioiie f Uum a.i.teitil iui minify of a IliPleineauor ."Seiti.m la That all law and Clatl."!' of ;1H." ill lllflltilt with thi act are here'hy repi ale. I hleillon II. That. Hun :nt Khali lake eflett on 111.- Ill'M day of April, oni th'hiatol nine hiinilie..! and tifieon." lo fn-n'iil Mult Mumilititiirr. Tin ti t oi the malt I. ill ih in fol trrwn: . . -. - 'Section I ThaKlt nhull tie unlaw ful for any person, firm or eorpora lt?n. or any iifccTil, inieer or eniploy.e (hereof, to iiianufa lure or Hell malt, Mtich aw Ih iiNcit iti I tie ma n ll fael are of spirit UollM lliUotr.. in tile State of Nun h 'u roll mi "Sol tloli . That all 'Xpl'eHH t'nlii panteti. iiilliiiad com pa nloM.. or iVth.-r I ranaponatlon C'lnpaniin. dolna hul-. to m thli. State, ale re-iullod lo ke, p a Mepalato record of all lnpil.'litV of sin ll loall. Ill' which hall fie enl. !'.. 1 itmncihatt ly upon rei.-ipt Ihcrrof. the name ol thi' p.Tson to hum ehipped. tin amount of ea. h 'hipineni. tie da!.' when r;ielcil and 111.' d.ite wh. n dolHet. 'l, and f wlooil ililivelrd and to whom d.h ei. it. wnn h r.-euld niiall I p. u l. ii i lo- 1 1 1 -1 . . . 1 1 . 1 1 ot .i ri otll - e.i ..t" iln- Stale, i.. hiiiy or muntit 'alll any tinn' ilulitu: Ii'imiIiki llmlll of t 111' . 'II 1 1 in to .. l imn ;i That anv p. r--. ill, tlrni ..r . i.i p"! at ion o.litmc anv of t ho l , ,v i i . ".UK of tin- ait eltall he ):tilltv ot .1 in id. lli. a nor "S. . lion I 'lh.it tine act riall he In f..ree froi i and after it" t,;ttiliia- Dcfense Arouses National Guard. .i r. i a-..- ( lie In le w ill tile (rallied 1 1 i no 1 1 1 1 1 : i I .11.- i .ii r lo.l r. . II h. I est lOli-ll -. , ...II .1 I'd i I II I'll I t r . ! u ll t . el s Sei 1 e - I M l.tl li;llllM'H 1- i I 1 1'.'.; f I olieHlyl --ac.l .el.l Mom.iI ..'ti. . I ..vv l li. only real -olllll'.o I l. -in op ' ll I'.oole to .Mir IlCe't .Jll'l .ll' i. 'tl IP. .1 '..lielt- ed n. l t I ... . .1 ol.' '., I. ..1 I. i n . I.e.l V to .1., ell . I I..'. '. .1 I .1' ... .' Noi e ol I,- il. I a il 1 'it V to It I tit'-!1 I on:e v i wi i.i ii .. i . 1 ! I . anil I'lent . ! t In 11! M Y .l T lit I 11 I I I.Y t Oil". riin (flifr JPk.a.oi H 1 1 1 Xoumaiii - " ' Si'cliou. j( , i : f y,. . n i . A io-vn.i .l.in iti - A tif .i'i-t i,iH K'ti s. H'T.a ru ih,iit 11 lu- p ti'. .ir! .Ii i .it.'p 'of U.. m;. i 1 t';!' ' wi iii f..r tt.e f-.-'it i.i 1 :i S:a;. -l-t :t ;tttr if. i d t : " 1 . I 1. 1' U. Si'inriifftn. :i i hiiut- .f c Mi !;'. a-- il ! hat ?i Nor t V. I .iruliim Mt TMlh :i U" 1 ,! i.-1 a 1 . I "'a rlifii; MO t M-'ii 11 1 ! n.i-m . Ma.l'T Sulii ! ra I! 1 1 i't ii 1 v iMftl t It - unou ...nil. ..( 1 111 - : a:i. "f lh'- Sial" -lU'l U.i.- Mt i.tlliMl Willi 1(1. onrlll'a. 't RMi-wr 'h.rt Thf W.tr t- tn m.r v 11 ..ft.iiit: v i tJHHv l'i'ii,,:v t fio t;,i... . t f..r tin I i.-k U d..': -'MopiiV ' 1 t .i , .1! th- 1'1-wa h I .a A tilt 1 '. T. i r-ci'il I va? iu, - T . f!.- v I ' 1 ' 'l iii. N. n; 01 t ti Jn-1 -. 'nH I:':it- I. -) V 1 1 1 1 la'.r M.t" 1 all1 .1 In' 'a'c thai h I !-, '..i Vi ill.; a' i i-iiioi, inn? .( l.-.ji ."T.V. f t io tat. W.I' i I u V It . x 1 1 I b i ! f ; . in 1 1. 1 i . ill! irs for rt a -m-i t.i ! no i ;ii : 1 1 i i .! a 1 . !'- .-...oi to i e i - 'n!.NVe.':,-1o,:''V.;;:;;:,,!; Ileal u.t'.ri-4-""'' 1 '.' : ' -I '( .- . i T V- !. lib ..f lb. si Ma I 'i C.lXU-li- MINIMIS Mit t on i f iion Mmilia v Ir MIIM atnrla. V -a. .la:- Th. . i T r?.n . i j ..f'l.i i.t- i ;.t' i - iln,m-l, lif'-f f th. fa - U.i w 't : v .Me i.i ( '., ' , . ' ., a r 11. .r. Li-'l! M I. text v a s'f. : i.f io tr r ; J4" . nlTll raiAit'M f;!,' nj 1 r r ,ri v.i.1 '. ot .Ttiwr- jj.r; ;)! - Mdld.. :'u,Jii- . HrilMrhv. f 'h.i'n;t' "w H (i - a.u-- j i'rt-f . ; .vimti ! , In- oi.ur.ty aiL-rHMiitilrrit h l Hfot th t -atnty a-- j ncuhnrul .-mt-ri h.-ltl n rm'tiiie, 1 .r ( 'larnVoti Sat l.c i.t i1 a. th. til j ihf rchwl .o'lii'hnc. Thin m.'twiw j will for int-rwT. i.f -urui I TEACHERS jisiative oommiuee or oiaie Assembly Holds Session n In Raleigh. Th .Vurth Carolina teachera will take a hand In. .he lerlaiatlve teatite f hiw afterniain when the Kdiii-iucina i committee nf the Hnuae and lh Wen rte meet. Itefnre thaf enmmitt will n the reprf!entiitlve nf (he ln tHlallve oonimit'ee ()f the North t ar nllna teucher,. AsM-mtily. and th will present the recommend. i. It framed hy that rominlttee In tt-t inet n In rhe State Department Mill I Irti: liiat nlriU. " Tie leaialatlve committee K e .im piixd of Ihe followiim-: " J. Y. Jnyner. Italeleh. Thoi .!. t'uutt. Greenahnro; Miee M. ham. Charlotte; J. J. Hlairn: Uihn itiKton. I- 'Jriffin, ilariin. . Wrlnht. HiintiiiK Crek: and 11. 11 Mclean. Farmville. Counlv Huucruvfendent AiexH-la-! tlon Ih repreneriled I.y A. S. Iluril''.n Knfleld: VV'l lliw nfi .McCIimUv .ciiar hdte. K. A - 'yHenlelle. VV l .. IWV lit : WHllHin Thoihp..M. JackHonv M", ni.l .:, !' UVl,ht ixf rd. . The ITty f'uferinteridenr,i A-M.e-i-ii i, i.. rpreo-,it..-i 1... A T ,1i. ii. Ha 'i bury' . II lialtilliu. t'liarhjlu.. i hi" W M. I':ir' .. Caleith. ii l.tii. hour hi.it nlvht tl.e eolllnltle. dleilhH.il the prriH and cons of Ihe rcciiiniMen.talion of I i . Iiyiiir Thi' will form Ihe ba.-w of the recommejnlatlonM which will be laid before the I A'K I ."la 1 1 y Clll mittee of I tie KooHe alld the el.al' toilay j A hif- ret omtiiendaliotiH whlrh li.i'.e not .t l..'1-n foitillsbed in pant.'lilet fllCIII. IM'. JilVfll I Htf'ellHeH tile n' o . '- ty ..I lie I .iF.e.l effh lem y 111 tea. ' in,. 11 Mil lipel iH.oll Tile firl T ole- triend.ilion of I ir. .lowier wan lowaiil the iinltoflii exaiiiiiiatioti ra l.l:l !i it ml ct ll .ft-alion ef leathers l.v i Slate It-.aril .f I'Aa miners T'r board lo.nbl be . ..ii:..i.i-,l of . si-nt.ltive Mipt lliti lidelltl and e..- seiiutilye I' ln In in The .-Miensc- "f it hhi.llhl I'- bonio liv a' mailed -l.lll ,.f fe. M tbaliieil .chilli, .-t lie- appl..'rtltln for ci inlit ai. . ,' - Tn rniwrr.-Hie neert t"T more -ffe'-' tie Hiiii. iveimi lie. Ji.tiii i lo "in in. 'nil- ili.it the law in for..- at ('resent be .i no ml. .1 I', sie b .in extent that i ll ll . oillllv Will IlilVe .1 whole Utile li.illllv Ml pel ml t rub-jit 'i'bese with a number of minor .ii- l' lli'HH to III p. .No tile C'l ll' ai lolltli pt .... I .i III for I 111 s. M.o:, V Sir Edward Grey Gives Hot Re ply to Von Hollweg. ; . ' i. 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 from, l'ae one i ofNi'.i UK know n of the n. rivi'rs.it ions Itl.l "It Wl.llttl Bfl'ttl lo follow that Hi l ordirm lo lli.tr V im It. ibmann ll.d- wi'i; h code.tj, wronu heeomes riiiht if 111". paltv-Jtjjiil' h ih to be Iln etibje. t of -Jtii! wi forHc, the M..sii.ilTiy mid iiutkeH preparations to i-cHt-at. hat Men (it .Said. "Those who are content with older aint more generally net i ptetl Htan.l- artla are likely to aCt.-e rather with what t'ardiual Mi n i-i naid in his pas tor.! letter: 'ItelKium w ih ht.uml in iiolior to defend lor own independ ence ntie Kept ner oam. inner pt.weis were boliml to r.peet iilld to .te.-l her . neutrality Cermarn lolated her oath. Cnvlaiel krf.t i s These ire Hie fat t.' Ill the r-e- Lll.l p. ill ef Ihe ;crrrian i ln.. ll. .r'n thesis namely, thai t.er- inany t'..k her n sponsiblllt les l.waid the in ntral stales se t n. i isl .' he al leges nothint: t'X'i p t that 'he spoke franklv of tile wr.-ui; . ..in mil te. .1 b ru. a ii v' . i ii invadnm liittiliim b Hill (.ellnani Itefiw If those I op. .iiMbiht les Were in truth liken ;.rrt..iel why. when le:- ItlltliV Was asl.eti to tes-i the Liu it-itlity of 1 '. I ii i mi If ll were refHitJjai l. l-'rli ii. o. tb.l liermariv r.-fas. llaliee wh. n ii - h il the tori ocpoml ; ttieston jit lb- same, agreed ClilH Weill. I b.ie unaranlee.l ller- mariyf t"in all .linger of attuik I ll 1. .lit' ll Itehtllilll. "Th.' r. i son of I J ' rnia ny h Y' f'd -'!' was cieli o 11. i r on iteininaiiti ll"ll.L i ..11. ..-ii. (Ihe Herman f'or'imn Se- n i.it v llerr Vnn .l u:.'W - ' 'Tin b id lo ,id ;ni. e into I- ran. aid 11. If V. II t.li'.iW , 'I'V Ihe l II. W. -t 111 e:i,s's! W.l '" ,is to be a Me I" et Well all. .id With their opeia' It Us till eioli t.l to Slllke ...111.' tit I Ml.- I l .w --..s v.i.iiv as posslldt " l I. 1 til ilo i- tt.ll atltltllle tewa.'.'s I'iI.:ioiii w..i- 'h is I i.mkly pui. l.v ih. i;.iii,.ii loi.'ii.n s.. e ret a r - i " i ti'- trtll-h i mi as... i. lor . nil till' I i.r if.a ti Chan ell.. f in Ins spot. Ii to the Keit.li stai; claiu'sd the riuhi I" comnoi a Wl. llv in ltlue .f the tinl'tarv tit . v of im. k , t l: bis w a i through Th ai win 1, f.tb.ldo Ihe wr.'IlL' W.ltf . . ...i t: il N"li a I e'f "5. rap i.f paper" ' I list siaii-niniiH Tnti . I'tie tl;i!h Was : . 111 tilese nrsf ,t.. I lie! I s I v l io' two II. I'mn'i M 1 1.1 - 1. r- A" !'! ..poloel.'S ailt: pI'.oUll IHS wlii-'h hni sin.'. Im tli for i Pi-omiTii: i.:i. i -th. . t ht . t. t y. as.. 1 ,.xi i'ii a.ii vc. HriYVnT- wr.n,. .Mor.-. . wi' 'aP 1 s. nil i.'i,ii upon Client ':r-:,tiTi ic. iti'.iid to tlo.' lo.i'ttr .'n.l .11 ' tis -ib.. !' t 'i .-spoes.biliti. toward t.'ilral slat. - '. lot.- t-.-ollv ftoif.. He. ; ' Who. i ' ' .'" lli.!. U. Mi :ta 'i t. dene til.' Ueltiiiin. . a l.'a rc a 1 11 .. . ol the ncu'rintiv 'I.ltlol, Th, C,"i' ;iiis-i A tiierl. i. bail. ;.r sp. d. nt Yo'Ols. f.-.f xe.lis lo 1 I lilt: abo.u' rrioTersandrr.-i: -4sv-t we n 4-i-tvb.is.p u.sl ( b t m-a ' i '.-' Vt' li nib r-l a n.-ti tie idd.-d llbe ll wo, .1.1 I,., ye 'nbsolrt. - n iri'i, t. . ,1 I ll. p. ,,1 e "f C'll Ape Th' tlrici.' i.tiTiianv sked 'lb .uii.f '.d I t)ie. I, of,- ;,r. in , n ! u .ll d as t in in i ..- d" an iitiil. r-u ! - in ...iditi. oi.i , I . f la iat-i s reu i r n l . . i Toe I'.rfi .-', i i t. ne nf :y ti i . ,. d I s. ties no'. !,, i.t p., I'.lt s o I...' n.l :h in- 'f all Til' x- , . 10 si t: iu"i-rru si i srivt.u u r.i . so till M s .pre WtHell so .. lill-.i. . . X. e 1. I reftkt i s that - we If'.l l . a pil ft - ill e.Uij.ped shop tt X iiretl ' -1 n.aKi h. 11 M'lM.l.l it tirU i. . -Spinlpr. . tliiirHtrhil. i31 l-ayi-ttoxill.- SytTt. Lei !En-Ar-CoOiI Soothes Sore Muscles cle. el mr ncbt Vtm wala' kaa. keee very 1 Now as lo lour Ka-Ar-Ce Ofl aae M Allurd mm lastaat nltal,' Sore, itilfBiiiaciea and jrrintawKnpam ateverr moveoeot bacorae lim ber aod pafblen when a-Ar4 mi I Known 6r 30 Tear M The Wonderful Jap- aneM Oil ) la used. When applied frequently to the part affected and well robbed inEa-Ar-C Oil will quickly and permanently re lieve bodily pain tltat can he reacnea from Thewrtairrer fchenmatrtm Nen ralifia, Sprain, Painful Swellintrs. etc., yield at ooca. To insure yourself against theae jilt,' keep a bottle at home 50 cenu at your dnitfKist. None genuin without the i?nature, National Remedy Co.T New York. . Ioa't lei kklaar oritur troahlrs (et a hold. Ot. b'lii'i Liver aad kidnr iuaiadr hvp Uwia prepared ,tn pletlae tin ir neutrality in can nf a:treHion by in tunny "An A ti i: lo- icrmiin iin.lerst.intil'iit: i.e. the latter lerrns would lo.l hive meant an absolute iruar a i.lee for the pe.tee of Ktirope. I. .11 It wolld hale rnt-ant an absolutely ft. baiol for Herman), no far ne Kiiul.uid was con-ct-rnetl, to I'ireak the pi at e ol Ku rope What I xt Irctl the ham ctlor. , "Th Chare -! I hi sin. I Hint in his Cfinversittion with the l'.lllih ambas sador til Annual lasV he 'ma have been .1 bit excited at eeelltl: tl.e hopes and work of the whole iicritid of hi clia ni tlorsfit f K'UnK foi rtaauhl t 'til. sill. rtliK tlial lit th' d.TTe n-f the ' on versa t ion. Aimust 4. ' i. tni.tt.. ai re, oty liatl matle war "li I'i.iii..' the ri.ilaral toricli'iioii that la. hip- riili of the l ha net llt.r b-.pt s ..,.i hl'stfil. not lii a 1 .a ropea n m It. I.U' ill tile fail that Knland had o I a'le.li to slur,, nm of l INsjILI' I'nifM.sal Itefllsetl. -tleir "I. la 1 bin. o.t, ll'.llwt-k. ii ftlse.d t he Ol.ooai. . W.L...U.. i.-liIU.ii t'llt forward an.) it, w li, I. I I tint . Ilitiv and Kjsi-,,v con. ..i: d. for a eonfe-I em e al w bit It iV- dlsp'lt. Winild have beet, s. 111. .! fill- .Hid llOllora ble ter rtiV vi IH ' - - ! I f he really wlslittl lo work .mi Vii.t: It . iti for- pent ,-. Hhi did be to ! ..ort j.t !bal proposal? He l.... Mi.lWll after Ihe Italkan ... .nl . t . n ' . In Lon don that rlnii-lujut. co.ild he -jru '-.4 to play fair. Iltrr A ..r. - .t:it! . . w h.nl trivett tt'Kfimon in Ibe K- liliti, lo Kt.u laiidsj Mood fiith in tiio..v liiioiivi. llonn. il taiMtil ithhtit "l"iiichcr. ""The second part of the li I. iview with .an Ann m an in wspaprr rnVri'- l-ItU!llelll "lis-ts i f .1 ttlst . i.e Upon Ihe elhit -t of lli. a n The thlni; IJertiiany Has il 'i.e in 11. Iciinn .alnl .III ) ranee li te I., 'i pl.t. . il ot, l.-c- d by those w-rto bac s-iff.-rt tl from I IiXjii and wlijj i-ij.u.v. theici at -hr-Mt tllUlM Artl'f Ibis il does not In- with the i Vnin n !v ha in t 1 1, t to eeii.l in tlu othi l e-lli. --ti Ills a It eture en the conduct f ! he Mil APEX GRADED SCHOOL SELEC rDEBATERS TO REPRESENT SCHOOL At the A.i V 111 l'ielS, In,,,) n .pre. Imiinary i eitl. -i has liWn held for the pur4n.se ,.f . h"...-mi;.fH.'tli'l.!i. . t. rt-prescrit lie s.'li,... In 1 ii ,n-,1- lar d '.ate lo ... held wttrW.Xn -ti r II. uh S, bo,, 1 ml ii.mii 1 1 m hji h. .. .1 on Mint Ii ti l ot 1 ti.-1-- ,iisi-s, , was. 'lies.. lied 'Ch .t tin I i. ,1 Stales should a.b .l Ibe polity of sif MtlUllm Its met. 1. tot lll.irillt' 1 l.ill'.-iXJ 111 ri.reii:ii tt td. The debaters -e..t le,) 1" represent Ap. V 111 the 1 1 I'T. si 'Wlt.tl I'Unii .41,- c.-.t T . IuiTrTi:-eTt tttpu.i Ctttmi,. ham l-'..r ilh." .1. . ill- with 11-L.i i I. ti 1". 1 1 son n d Koy I:, dim: will li I n sent p. I'be jink.- ,,f Hit pl . Inu111.1t 1 ' av 1 "..Mauijs C. N. t 'ow .in I". .1 . III. ui.l W . I". tooker The debut.- Willi I 1 1 J tl , II, th M. hool f 1,1 1 be h.M .11 ,- x. the Apex t.r.ide.l St h-.t. I ii.l. 1 lliu- Ho- lllll rr'alii t i.ide of ot he 1 I.i. 11 r, t tti I'I. lit. -I "I'll' .1. bp.. W.l'i tile Anci.'r lip.h .s. h,.i will I..- h. Id a" A'luier anil tin A.m.. - I I will th f. n.l the llt'ctlllt there I'll, se ,, l..,.-s n I,,, li ill '... li. 1 I "" 'le s.tll . will be' . 01 ,:, ted '!! r tl'. ." i t ' s . . f t lie X. 1 Mi 1 ' ,r.M bi t lli.-h . b. ..I 1 1, batn : I ';,.. M !' il. hi iwo hundred 1.1 11: h s. Ion. Is .'i 'In Sl id in.- i on ei ioll.d it. Hit 1. 1.1"' aid i,!( l.tiipete tills .priliu' I- r ib- St .1,1 1 1 b.iinpioii.ship 111 .lo- I. ti. Th.-s. r.i . httmlrot" .. more -. boows itt- -lrrnuued in t-i'Liips 'ol t 1 '.t ' ''ill 1 IE ht of Mar. h .1'. t to- I I III ' 1. .. it I H,o!,s 1.,'tWeet. l .1 II. s. t ... i. wi't Le held 11. tl en li HI llofi thai -a ..'.Is 111' Mil I. I'm b.-tsi .1. 1'. '. s w.i' titled I ' m i d Its II pr.-si nt -r.i. t. 1 ha pel lliil t .11 - I" 1 f 1 t i.t A . .. a feio .ml 1 ,,. I - I.'." !' l '.'iii four rep: ."s.-t.i -a: - .- I - 1 r.U. I Hill ' Tt.. " pit I.e..': . colli, s; '(. .. ., f. ' "' Apex S. U" i "l l.t.l . ',,10 ;,. ; . . , Se! X. ., t. I I 1 ..',.! 1 :f: , .1." ,.. ,-. ' M'' i i II" ' . - rilc.1! i t)t:''.!s' !ii .1. 0T l.P' lb 1". 1: !,' I4' I I , WAKE FOREST PILES UP LARGE SCORES c,'"e. ,? i'Iii'.i ' I-, lb -' !!- c l ' Ill- "I I.y a , ,! '., ' ..Wn-.s; : tifii-i! . i - ..i.i-. - ' r . 'ha it .in' ! J ; a ' ui of- lioldiu- uJpr I 4 . if . t -'P. I " I -a o: .sis. fi'ttt.rt.i - i 1 p . it 's il . , ! . filuM -f. Id i;".,1. ;, i H f, :...a-. wnh ettht ?:.'.i!s .not tl. : si, i ,. u .,. . am.' ..Tow inn I. is I. '-. h '- sl u: nt l ie en the i..-ki i for f i :e t - yvee --' . ' w - 1 y. r. "Tl. p.,! . 1 ,.pe- w ilh it-tpii-rs ; ".'! "d ' llt s. o K04 '.y no a e i i.lplis.- ,n ih' .1 f ';- 1 .bus f',.H . w. C " ' 11 ;. H..1. In , iVirei s I ..l ii.v ll.-i.l I i; . i' i- 1- i in l C ' I . I l X ,.-.1, e I ,...," Ill-Hi" f.t liejdnj:. ''trerrk r-TiiTis for tii.T :; i.i si-f..r l iaTiTs " t". . r v s atrai.eh f. r VT-,rt. ia:.. h Farmer f. r (.".ciM. Kt- .nk'.-C.a-ints .x.rif f.r 1:. i' iVflrt f. r"ie)d lid !s 11, ,,,lm.; i.'arrti n x. ' HkH T. Hn -lev 4 laVi f hd' liiii n H Ii; i'ar.-uee (Vuiis I. It. freer KljATe f mm. o; tw?nly, ininutem ANOTHER BASKETBALL , GAME FOR ELON FIVE '' IIM.1J 111 Ti 3kmr wet tasdver - i-:ion Cidlt-Ke. Jan. iff. k'.lon an nexed Carjn and .Stmwtn'i ssrulp tu niaht In m one-aided conteat hy Itta wore of nfty-aexen to seven In Kltrn'e favof. Captain Mortal!, of Klon Vur . ity. uraa nut uf thu name, hut Hol land played fairt forward in hla rwt L'varaily cifttent . KstHna eleven held Koala. Ms'.refieldi the fast frenhman frw-ard, wit a injured lneec-ond half after hav-lnx atxired eix herd Koala and J. II Jlradford relieved him, aetlln three KcalH. kteOauhy, :iH eaeven lein points to hi.- creiHi at renter. Ilrndford. It T.. and Maset y. aa Kuarda. pliiyed xiilt flu- bill The M.iuinuinecrs from T nnessee pla.ved like Mntm at hay hut nniid not find the pocket, ' VVomen Win First Blood in ' HOUSe." -r - -U n iuiiiiiiied front 1'ace due. i and Diiinh St htetl to the North fur.. I lina School for the Deaf: relative to Jtlwe practice of optometry, i Mr. Cameron introduced' a res.du ' (Ion ri-KardiiiK the i urtailno til of the ' cotton croti In' the rotate . Hills IntriMliii t il. Hills were .Intrtidcus-i rtdi.iws ' II li. 4'J'.". li.iiihlon To establish a t.dl i'att- on Mtilbirrv Cap roatl It It 103 KLbs: l-'ur nli-f t for- m. r ShtrifT I luck tier of Madison county II. II 4'M. UiiKtiiiietii'ii To ap ...tn' a public wfiirhi-r 'for I'.eihel. 1 in Ctll 111 1 II. II. 4'C, l.a iKliitislion.-' To se. ri.rt reliable statistics of agricultural l...tlucls ill the Slate. fl Ir. pi'tl. I.'airiloth To validate n l.tirr.l issue ,.f r?:;.. for Keid r...idH in Saitltson c.innli If I; 4uT lane T.I amend the charter ef I ret nsb. a o I-', tnale Col ic ti ll I:. 4"X, 1 "iiitatm T" piovi.le for ir....tl mails m i'i,.ss' I:. .a. is township. M a rt i ti i ' el . . t , . II. I: . t'.'J. I lu'tiiitia To a ppl opt i- itte nil t .. I li- I .111.1. 'I'lalllim; S. hi.ol for ri'Vt ...sal I'n ml. II p. 1 1 ti. M,,..,ri To a bob- b i - t 1 1 - ts trt i "f . i ' b.i in ;.i on 1 1 i: 1 1 i ,-s, ,.it .n.i i.le a r. i - ol .1 , ,1 , I. : I. s .Jti, ,, n.l e-dtl . I't nil. ! county.. ( ; l '. IJt.i.i r"s of ll lit. oltllle A-ei in rtrfusl- t"S'ittitii..iiK iiH -ie llt'Ss.-s H ii i r:t rtot. n- . t' Hon. omi.e Ibl.ilitii: lo p, litems and U.liol.s I i . but i:'. f. 1 1 n.t...., II. I. 411 111 illo II it t. hi l t-uio s Vs to. lilt IliltlilH I ot i'iX.t.'l. lull s. I. on. I.-. .;. II. li . ti.. I ', i . i . I'i ..lnbit t'llf shi.m. ii.i of i!'!"ii' atiiit: liMli"s mt.. 'I't .1 1 1 s I l , ; 1 ,i 1 'i.lil I , ft It I : '.. I re; m i n .'f Iln hlio 'lid . Ti. . b-i-t d '.ii i "f ; du. Minn .Hid "U.: pt-TiTrtentti ,.r of . d'ui aiioii of liich- III. tit. 1 I' H I V th, peo, ll 11. 15. Hi". I tow ie . 1'.. i a-e t he ti.ll of llllol- ITI Asile I'olillt II li Willi. .f ': To allow lla inns. rs " .11. lllll I'le.ts.lllt I" ll.' I 'HI II 11 IIH I i .1 X IvUar.l- I'olll.tl - n . 1'.. , ti;u, it . hi or . r .112 law . Hie I. IX I I'm lllef of dit I lit of ' Van. -) rait ti i Iht l.w i, of I ii i ii l . th' ail. I take Hoke I.oi.ll.bil .1 lllte I el , ll lJ, Mi.i.i c t'.i ml i. - i This lull al.on i I ni.ii a. I s , .f I : ml f i on i I ...1.1s ,1 ("tt Moore Ciilill I II, II. I.'.'. Kobeiis. of ll .n.-.ml... and ' Xetll. s; Ut liittv.- I" Hie ..lli. . of t:i x ii.lU.'i'ir ..f Ibincttnibe Ci my II. It. I?S. .Au'- To reuilblte ihe f .'S "f tie ele'rk . f th- "ij t ..f lohbst , .1, Colli. 1.1. II. t: 2 t ' lli !. . t . .oil b ! i'. i.t -... l:tl i.ii leys i"i S. linn lo.irishlp .Job us ;. n i on lit I ll i.. 4: . A rrrsn t.. pi . i id. a i-..tid .s.-ee t..r .ei'tl s. b.e I .ll-lli.l II i: 4 ihM-M" u' f' t r. 'i f of A n 1 1 ... .1 and i I: 1 1 .11 in t ,,1. . ...i act sh. .iff .r t 'b. r ..kee i iSNi il Ortlt r. laYyo.l- r. that "f alt-'M it.u hnhH th." ..rthV "f n.!.. 1 v W atiO'H I ; ,!.! - i" - 'w.l - I ;.i N'-i t h I'lii'laiii ti.i 1 hi: Hi- in. v. a - i k n , 'if a ti-i a ( 1 i' i .. 1 ; M:a ; 1 1 1 ' nV . V . Mr I I a 1 1 l - lahl." 1A.IV l".-1 T It", "fl . i , . II. I hint n :i.liny MtU j. .1 th;t : r- T'.' n'--l'n Ma- . "i.a' xjr . - :i: 1 ti.1- I ' n- -V i'- -V n- -.n ai 1.' n I ' l 1 in - 1 "...11 Sa mp -. I n. Ui m w." I- ! 'all in a 1 1' i-elll! ., I s.i! ii.n 1 1 III..! s . lli1 ' - The I ,!) of Ml Villi htllle HI t'-U. lid I., r. y:-ta(;n I u'tac. - aft. t f: l.. Is ma with '. 11:. I --us opposition 11 1 aft. I a' ! 1 t'b. - " 'i ll by III ii.wi. in CP' s';: ?i !.. Ih. lull It lias l. lily I . ! U oil 1 be I. lib Hills Dm ol Order Th.-' ' f"-!'.-M mi: bills wire in! i ...I uc d Mlt of ""'' t PILLS, CALOMEL If "Cross. Feverish. Coystipat-j edC Give '"California Svrup t -. of Figs." i I. .He . is ..ays. I t tir-t- l-.sis; - I i: 11 ' . r In . . I .... o. s,.., ,., l.,..i i, : ' atallls! I . K. 1; t 1 1 .. l t Is , . 11 "" .Ti M..i ! . t - w . lli ,-.t e.uru.-s . u. ,b. : iv 1 rn! fought ".. " .'"'s " tlifTen i t 1 to ..ui tor tn of 1 t ii-i- w h .I t ht i s ni.ii .i. 'w a' I - il 1 ' r H.ldf J. :..! i... a, r ';:M. .'ir.n.tf. 1 ti in- e -"'" j ! ii i s :!.... Ir lli.-r 1 ' 1.. r.s.is 'tyv .i.'iy deli - ' i! .1- .;' 1'iss ' lis ; ... ,-.! ,.. ,11" . Mib . ,I',U. te,'ll.fciilis hsrMlb'Ss-i ot (... t. t t In 1 snow ' . 1 ','ase 1 ,'t-u 11 11 ul , n th. -ril-f aii.t l-v . is .:-r-t ' I I I'll, 1.1 .Is I' i,:..i .- : tnjti a r... t hi, 1 4..'...i - ' .ocfii . ...llri - s.tx . s , s:ck 1 bl ",- ii. 1 : v J i-.k y -.1 ,liia.i.l.l"l '..-.'. nt 1 ,t'.-..t ':iii.,riii i Situl' "f Klj-fc.' 1 1 yi i.i. I, ha- fn . ,ttf t ttions t-eir tii irs. iii.il.l.i'. . i .ill ae at'.v! in- -oxl'il-i -.- 1 t.i.alv en e.t.h 4.ttle. i are j i t tu, .rfeiis fiol'i here., is. .. thai it I mad,' by -"I'ltiftu rui h iu ' fix rup j .tn,',n . Kef ue an) .'th. r kind with ' 1'i.iinniL j ' . yi l-.n: To .rtfv.li '. iln in. . up. I! t : 1 1 w i ', . 1 ' 1 1 iln- 1 ia "iNj -J ..!' " III II nf !'.! 1111-ii.V .1 H lAiUlllv- !' llf--..ii'"-l v'tiiS" ,'r H . i Tn ;l.i .f ' 1 in-' T ! !' jm.-m ij . t Iti. I" a i- da I a t -ham' i illo. 'tntt I'-f' ij- M. 1 . .o lit . nini nnm niTf I I VIIIU WI IUI1 ' :t:..'. AND CASTOR OIL mmmm mm cnnwiTH it (0 i jikts t'jrj! crc. m bis b wm tail 1 Mi..l . A bcaulifui r.t'd initruc- hve book of 1-18 pace, con U'ninst yil'-Hible infnrnis tion, tnpiai nint; iCtoil Hvjj tt f!Ji:ilT?V.'ttn t pLml What w p'.iiitl. Writstw covr HJjf It 1 fn. lOSEilT BUST C01PANY m riah-Utoku. r. 'j.i'i -i-.V'.it e ..u. .'ton y... ' .'. i H-H. -4 rtenwert tiy fpq pprt':3i a If-' iui; ah aiipropriHtion for the celebra tion of Hie itenteiihial - nf the 1'erry ln tolim !.nke Krfe. i, II . It. 4o. Ciinley: Tn amend th" drainage law of Mcliowt ll as iffectlnj; M iidiiy creek. - II. I". 4.11. Ilot.ver AuUlotize i.in- e. dm. .ti to borrow money for school purposes .VI r .vlason introduced a renoluiion w hi. h was passe, I unanimously rela titiK to the otliie of the Stare Treas in. r as reported by the Moard of lu (elnal I in iroi i nit Ills iirid same was ifi'-rr il t.. the litiiiiuc committee. I'a-s I lll.ll IteaillllK. . ".til.- passetl final reading as ful lows C.datiiis: lo the- t t.'mpulsory school law In in. oil to Columbus i ,.i:nty only, alio ml public h.-.i It h, la iv l.rity hlini! for i i t nn iii-j'i" lions .if inmiri t amps ami . laps: im p iisim tin- coinpt'tis tlioii of Hie board of edu cation of Wilkes r,.iinty. l.-uie of al.seiue was granted Mr. All. a f..r thr. e dais anil to Mr KMih mil ll ii. t Tin stlay I l.jiise adltiurnt tl until In :bi Inlay WILL HIKE TO RICHMOND To MiiiiImi oT UjIoIuIi Milu.irx ( fjuifi !! ( inrrnu r n Million Uo-Tm-!. Al i Hiaii l: 'ralMrt- aii'l I'n- vTi i: s ii.ihw.'h... ..f . 1 1 1 1 1 1 it. ThitM i n f 1 1,( n N-rth 'a n-hria 'a i i i (.i-j.tf'l. loii; h. witi tfjiv-' t h . iti- rniiii- 'n a hik.- in Ui'liincn . itjiJ 1 1 l.uii.,. .rru.u-I.iJX'.jia;iiii'ii..t.a. v uit' M't ( vvalU Wo-tll If ihfvi- hurntrft a r: il - i t ft ll in l ys. "A- in. aalit ! nf a Xtirih ('htIimi in i lit :t t i . m: 1 n I lo have t h" f s,t -1 1 n (irrini.-viii nf A-tjulanl 't'ln v il I . i v I ' 1 1 ' X V nit rth; ''l -i- irji ha- I- n 'limlt-r fnshl.-r-..le'n -(, lal tifii-- t'i.1 a hut fr iri k n v xy ri'.iMnix i a 1 1 1 1 no- if h.ls or-n Liu-i,' i. p. Th w I iia M. srs. 'ra l i r- iv .mil HnfW-M.it iiitfT'l to 1'nr.y nj their. v. ai.uiJ wiaisJ' 4-hi -l-'titihv hATKi " If fliiv. ttiaixa this trip of 'I i,-" f i ' ; n ! T- t afi't -i!'.ii mil.-, hy , i . 1 In '. v ill ha. i ..iiiit.-i1 mrr a miMh-n r u,Ssvtlf ItM. WHVl PhWT tki;n l our iiflnrtMl In I'oiir Us on ( ri k In HavwiMhl. ... . ' "r" 1 -M.-vilJ-. 'unr . n-v.' t.'-ii f hi 1 a ai 1 1 , It-,,! u I 111 tl K ' t n f tH H tl vwW . ::i.,.. r '..M tho I' an 1 tmnef! 'IKIill-!-? ii- t ti.i i . . . i nt v i.tta-; h-t - .ih '. to- ..-t'ufi ..f K 4 tl -f .if ! T J.!..i .'t L':il!i'ii.- nf hiw viiio . Tlv it Hiii v.,. f .nt lid f . tl til 1111 h - . W M. .' U .', l.'-S- v i!'o tn tin ht nlal4 i nf Intia'riafi . rtk. mi w h"H- hunks four i if h1 hliv- t'v't-n f.uiul wittyM many wit-ks Th- i-l.nit !;.( .-i.a-tt shtfl ihf i-'ifri- fl a r.- -ulK rxnK :tl(linut;h th r.pt rat- r- rn-in iv- ! 'n inaKf th'i . t 1 1 . I 1 t 1 1 1 In- ,1 1 ' 1 .1 1 if I in I" ..!! Iriitt- Itic u 111 VI UHIII II I I fun Inlantii iih Hint Our Muiflor i a-r oil f'ttnllial Iim krl. . .... I 'I : . V y III- rt. T ' VV hn. Hi.- .Ian L' i A ofn- s . , W i.V'i? nf th''ttial '?f ii aiiu rU4 nial 1 a .i:-".: . 1 1 jyJ 1'l.J ::,'t . I 'nil I I 1 " at J .t-xl t,. I. I.alat at Ihm.'i Vt h Ju.tk,' I I ' V,h( ti; . . ii'i-nhm: Th- t.-riM wastn t . ..(.. m.-.i .--I.t la v . lii( .lu.lL'f V.ti.".l ri.- ha. I l" I"' f irn t" I'nt i'i.mmIV fmiii IViiiIpi iTa! - ( n Sai't t a.-r t'nwrt lli. re v''"i' i'!;iv tnot ritiw. , Ti.. i niniibil do. k.-i wiil prohahly 1 'ti-iitii' Mi t nt 11 v k, ilo i" ht-; nt ifi t a n' a I.I'". ta-ff. (li- tlMlt'il'T ('.- att'l iw.i . 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 n f iTti f.-V'trial t 1 1"- 1 - im ' 'i 1 1 In nil,! it iu t,. Mi:- I - v 1 W'hil.' an ,u'"'i 'r.uli" man W 'in I.-l.i.- Ifi Smith V h(t- ill' t 1 ' W Tl -,li:l' i.i !-" t rie.il t'.-r ho IS" ta.lH- 1 tal . 1 n m ! r lu.'i' r rn !.- . 1 1 i a Is. f." I - -ivl al th;. t.TIM. S..1 ! It - T t f' iftl I I . I . "M "HI Jirtr-X- l-.CAi. Of net U. S. WEATHER BUREAU. tORtCAST. Ifah I'-b. X C .Ian I'll. 1 : I l or NotCi Cat. lina I'nsettled Wetl- d Ihat's.iav, probably ram moth rate ii"t tht ast to east t s a -it sirnsct . 5 .14 p in ttafc PATURt. 37 st ten i p. I a t u re . . . t leti'i . t ut ure.U . M . i n I'M p- r.i tile . . i I i. h. - n. y to.- i h, il.lv Ay '''till .-XC.'S.s sitiCf .lllll - -fi4.c-tii-iTATRi--THe f4tr.Hitixn- Al! I T. mil for. J4 hours enditjj'; s a I l.r 1 1.,, month t. f"j the month . ss s-j n, ,. , , u im r v da It- . . "I . . : ' i fSIATItias Alt WEATHER AT 9 P H. TEimetRAlllRE. A '.1 I. ne - .-- ' ,.... ilile .. . tl., Ida .". 1 I k.l.st .o 1 i. I ! IL- . ri'.i.'io.i . ''" 1 ' 1 1 iia ' . 1 . 1 ol,t - . 4. iia ; i mi i.t; 2. sr. -s.i .jn - -iti. - V 3'! e"- .ail it, . 4 "al It, 'It. . .1 n - r ik ji .nil .4 . ;4 ., tin '." - nt r.: tj no .' ' i..i; is .11 :fr-e- v 4s' . ux ua J'" . . 'Z- 215 . ,'.e tol ii T X ll .111 .I'll : -4 '.4 ."( ' aia - - "J 4 ' s .,jt, Js 3 4 - nil '. ' ." In 33. .en ii I - S4 32 an "4 . - 4.7 3" 't"l - jts ' f : 41) x nit ti 3. .im no ' 3 ii ;' .to) . ;.. ;y . si,,,, .J .ir i.r ny l : K' yi lb. . M ;i jl-. (. ,.; . .0. i , s.w ..fl.i ri X- ll '1 "1 ', i:,.irt ,-h I'it.orid i st.ura U 1 -t'lutoii vVilm.! t.!"!: With 1 tile Ihe tst. i ri .flt urt.a ro-e Is .IrLXtas. jl yy as mre-rr- ix.WlsioSWr-hiri:TTit.e aril in Ka m rn Texas. Warmer si-uth of 1'iilo.li S,v . c,d,l attain u-ay' v'p North; 24 below em at Winnipeg nud x illistori Vantis. ttalay at w mnipes J4 tx-lnw aero. v . I T v e- O F A PI f . ' . President's Report Shows Regt i st rat ion Now of 1002, Gain r of 114 Over Last Year. MEMORIAL TO STRANGE " !iaut;uratioivof Presitjent Gra. ham on April 21 Promises to be a Most Notable Event. Trustees Wit! . AsL Legisla ture for $125,000 for Main tenance. rternarkahle KToM-th In all detiart merils and an excellent internal; con dition and spirit at the 1'nlveraity of Nurth Carolirm xvaa ahown in the re port subniitfe.I to the hoard nf trus tees of the institution at their meet ing yesterday In the ifOvemor'H office by I'rtxilent Kdwnnl K. (Jruham. The rcKtsfratlon ta 102. n Kaiii of 114 over last yenrj All aeciiuna and all classes in me State are reprennted in the enrollment. The rephri called attention uf the fact thai the irrowth U evenly iliHtrihiited over the varlnu'a departments and classes, except the freshman class, which has been kept al about the same flcrure. It polntK out the advisahility of hoMlnRTT. al this fiKitre hy increased entrance standards, and In this piinneetlnri nut hnes ihe pressing prohlem of meetlnf. ihe tit in-ttid for r-ontinued f.rowth and t fl'ictt m y. (mist nil t lte I list 1 1 u t loll. The report defines the unique work and piaee of the I adversity as a con sirui'iive State institution. Its relation in (iietl y rl.'.pnictit of the State, and iinl.iizes im success I a. exti'ndinff. Its resoiitces more witU'iy. reviews the iieiivi'ies ef the siiitrht.s and specifies in d.ti.il us ite'eds for maintenance and iiuctrial eifiiiptiteiit. I'h" i 'resident transmitted to .the board also the reports of the dean or' me- .-jail. t.e . ;f Llhersil Arts, ami af i'lb .1 s.-ieTiee. tfie graduate school and the various professional school, tt'tiiiti witfi those of th rei;istra IhV - ti eas, irt i . and the business man-aiver- A lull and Initiut.' strttement is niiple of ttie ii me ami (lishurae- mtt'is and of the inatiaKeriienl of the piil l feryce plants, and a diagram mveii of .the plan of I'rilverslty or tiiniziition. The report is supple mented l y .1 ri't.t rt id1 th1 visitum cmrilriittee. Kivlni. an iircuiinl .of ait iny i'st ie.it i.-n made of the I'tiiversitv tdar.J and its ndrryrnist r i tlon, uno 'containinus iriter. spn.K ..comparisona ot the ( a.st " of-Its maiiitenaiice with th. ...st, of othct I'niyersities 111 lh South. The yyhole report rrutkvs a partirfi.; let of one hundred and seven pausis iind ciit-s m taieful tlefiiil the fact, of l-'uiversity. ntam4rement- as -w-rlt us ili.si'!i(.s.-uoii oCtlie proliicms arising cml of tliem. The -hoard Will n ipiesl the Legisla ture to make-mi annual appropria tion of $!-.. mm tor maintenance, in stead of 5 iCi.iuiii. the present amount ll will present Its needs, fr perma nent improvements without asking ..r any specific anitnint. lira ha 111 Inuuuiira ttm. The InaiiKiiration of President tJra hani on April 2 1 Is expected to he one of the most notable occasions in th Stales history, tlu- committee on in a ucu 1 al Imi rt purlin the acceptance of ttniTutiotis by- a number of thu most prominent educators of th. oHiiirv I'reslilent Lowell, of liar yard; - 'lushh-nt Alderman, of the l"ni vtrsity of 'itKin;a: I'resident ilniiii". noyi. of Johns ilopkuis. and ITesident John II I'inby. of the I niversity of tli. Stat.- ..f New York, will he among the speakers Mciiiorhit to Hlshop .wrantce. . In conitectioii with the aniiounce ni. nt of Hie dt-sire of classmates of I'.ishoii Hubert stranxoto f.lac a me morial tablet in .Metro'. rial Hall it wa-you-tl Unit th.- I niv ersliy should place the memorial, of llishop StranKe In the hall. 1. , . A l.if ,,f U, Hle Sol. Weil of tl.OOU. th' inter! st to he devoted to a me morial, ami the Kift of a death mask of ( barbs Ji M.'triT by Sculptor lluekstuhl. were reported. i xis inixc ( ommltleciucu. . The I.dloWiliti were elected rilemhrs of the Kxeiutixe Committee fur the next tlii.t- e;irsi Claudius poi-kery.. JohiCAV. hnihiiiti .1. tlryun dirimrs. 1. V. .Inyntr. Wallt'r Murphy. With th.- exception ot" Mr. Murphy thejie were all re-elections Mr. Murphy was elected lo fake the place of Mil). K "1 .1 Hale, who. is mil of the-- ei.untry i scrvim: as minister t-o Costa 'liii-a. . Thi1 fill Iow-hik wt re 'present yestifr .Iny 4! liovernir Craii;. i-hairmivn; Lr. Kd ward K. j tlrahurit'. rii-esvi(U'nt of lilo 1 I'nlversily; K. l . i"fV. Connor, secre tary; Coi. J. luryai (i rimes, f" . W. Worth. Thus. II. liuttle. Col iicnehaii Catneruii. Win. lie id lialton, J. E. Swain. IV 4- ton It. 7.. b V. Walser. .1. Kenyun Wilson. W. N. Fverett. Waller Mirriihy. I rof K. K . Ilobk-nod. M. J. Hawkins. Jas. A. Cray, Jr. lames 1). 1'roctor. It. A I c UK hi 011. f'red .1. Coxc. Charles C. liuKhlin. Mayyvood I'arker. .fUtlne J. S. .Man- . nini:. 1 'r. Charles I.ee Smith. James M. 'arson. Holurt S ll uiehisun Charles Wiled hoc. lr. l.!u -hard 11 I-wis. John A. I'ark.r. 'Col A H. Andrews Dr. J. V-. -xlovut-r. John lairnb. John Sprunt Hill. Mil). W. A f'inUirie. Mai. H A. h.ojlileri. Jildise A W . tir'lham, K. T. Tf-trtsell. (-:. A. Ahernethy. JuilCcW J:. iiynune and Victor Hrvant llyhhlin-i; foiiniJiitiH for horses are us.al iti Tampa. Kla. A HAPPY BALD HEADED" MAN Well-known l"IUI Ian .Nearly Itald ' Ntoy lias New (.new th of 11;., r . I ell- Mow lli. llld IL ' V. A SVest. rn Mlitciaa jkvU knowt. on ill cuv.lit TiTs. haldnessl alKJ r(.ady wiTTT'so-prlsi.d his friinds l.v appear li a nith'rfY.iw trowth of hair Many ol his old friends o-r.1" riot k nt w hinii uml i'tUi:!-- thoui.ht he hid a wife. On Im-kik ar-lied how he 'yrr, II. h,. intid, the folloxvuie stiHtenieni : "I attribute the remarkahle arowth of my hair to the useof the follow im; simp!,, re. ip w hu h any ludv or-ee-itleman 'n mil at ht'tS': To a half pir.i ,,( watt: add 1 o of bay ruin, a smart box ol Jc.irbo C.impoui .l Trid 4 t,j. uj Ky,, Cine Apply tn the sxal, t,, r Jhre Tillies .Xwjjteek W aJfaAlle -fllier tW 1. not .onfy, prriflwxt, a, -S .. utTTo tij. 1 t. i- i" 'f-l mT''hwt. iram.y-' - a faiUmt dirt It' .-cki!ij atreak'v. ""'v oe,,, , m:1Ke me hair oft and glossy These Ingredlentr. . cad be purchased at am dn ..1..- at very UtUw coal iuul uuuuuni. i '.W'' .'I .n. " ' UjfC'"'-7-..- ' - - ... V; x '-"-'.--'. - - J . I ".'. ";;? '' ': "

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