7f J The News and Observer ek-tew. N. Cl'r" TBAIWa IKAt r BAfcH. Hn Mnrra. in k. , ... 10 a at ... Going gir 4 s.at. tlflO a.ie - U ltU .V.'nboeV arrive !" ' . Hhnoflr .rlr. J " P XW Ui- w P aOt'TBKBN BILW J-ls bat w" .xn an 2? " M J : " 1 i u rn. J J p'2' - noasot, nuiTwrim : r Brat. Arrtirr Batrleh JJ22,"V " 4.1 Pe. 1 l' -n n.n H IM ' arrive HieU.h sVaai : 7 :) . xoeja. TT...................t1l a.m. J V) ii m : p m - ---ee-eH-auadaju. All etfeerr dally. llil nely 4 -Ml a.m. !n and About the City Commissioners Meet. The regulai monthly nm-luw of the WaSke county board t commissioner will jbe held I'Xlay anil tomorrow in the court hnuw. The county boHtd of duca- Ttoo will also ImvK H regular month ly eeesion. " -j' ' Church Abont I oinpli-tccl. Wllh - the m.ptlon of .nutpiiicnl tlieJ new Lutheran liviinh mi llillaenrn etreet haa.lieen omjleid A roifSul; tee la now trying to riiis.- Hiutirlent fund. With which to fornlsh he lnl rior of the beautiful mil.- home of worship Train Hits lliinia-r. - me f the bumpers tl the riilro.il Iriiiki tifi- ' 1er the I'nfon shed waa turn from i'a foiintiatl m and several - -mastics-lo..ei.ed iMtrday when the engine of Seaboard imln -No: ' 4 . itM: r.:tO'Thc-T"'i wr the end of the- traek The (ill.il uf Hi. .'ngli.o WToJ STtfO ilift'hl htlv l1affi:il;Hl. .. ; WlH. Itulcigh-- Uuij Murray, (") MaiUlilli. HII'l IBIl ilulcuUlb. 'mlrf-i i if , 1 iuriuii -V. M. ' A lankPll'all'tt'BTii. llw.lf th tflp oil f'n.t Salurijiiv fr-iin LiiiIiiiii to thin j-l t y o wltuKiM . . A and M.-Trfnlly lanr Th .hlk-r l ft OurhaJii al 1 Vrtn. nrrtvlw hi l'aillal t'ity tt J oVUx k Tin y er ntiraly too Irr'l Ik uttiiniil tfi t.ain trio on hrir r urn. Talttmorr JWcral,-. Him: Uatelich ihav mi o..nrtun!i v of-ae- nf Knahf'x Hnjilimirt! hViliTitln In rtl'in in thN ilty. a Kumn liavlnu hern rh-1iili-d with till t-in by A. nd M The date la March 1. Hv. r 4vk Oaier. tke Tcln w ill play jthr Trraplnit In .('.lyt'llvvillr: Trrrw-Arr- ltliiu Treta. tja. u.1J . wrtlnna of I lie it hare IfKun . to Imd and wllh afvcral da Inora of tht prt'Valttt;K iJaaant wtviihr youutf Jeavitn will wnnn oIiiipit!!. Person 3 Is Mr. uniiti-r V. Braly. of Our pam, aaa in thf illy yaterday op hia'av ho.ni1 from a hUMfiiHM t ri i o w. VrK W Will Hell. irf. (irwaKTAOIN Mtvll if-tt. of itrWiiKhorit. niam ' . fr- .l-y in llMliyli yrt.iT'lay Mr. William llarria. of llanilrt. ai r-; rjtvul'.lifrc I'rtrdj!' WWi ; fw """iiaya.on nuaiiiaaa. ' Mr T. Mi-lan. of Ahvnl.ean, la lndinK arvrral davn In lha clfy. Mr. K. II Mortl of fhiiiottf. 'Int Sunday In Kalclh. Mr V. . Mradlry arrlvvil yi'Mcr 1y from Hw-ky Mount for a May of yeral da?V . Mr W. K. Pattnraon. of Sew Itrrn. : amnnic tha huaineNP vlaltora In thf Pity. Mr, Iwi llniiimi'l. .Ir., of (jnlda. rmro, la vlaltiiiK In th r'ity. .S( r":Tt;tr- Minn 1 1 1, of -K4n 1 1 ' n At aa .'n Kalti:h VMirrday. ' Mr Waller Holhalay. of Kurh'ain. apent wvrnl houra In lh' rlti .Hnll lay. l RILt t'HAIiTKK- CAMP.UGX - Italy Twu Ui-rka I pi1 ; KM-tlim jHi Manatforlnl l-'mni. iMirrutm. Kali. IX. HckImiiIiik n " w-k Hi rnmiicn fur the a lonilon ttt the ntanaverlnl form of7 livern ment. ax 'tntxHlied In the new city ' taru-r. will -tm in earnest; tt ia the Intention of tha charter rom inlMee to ttuve at Icul Iwoiily apVuk ra ai'ioar Iwfore the puMic iliiriim the tan Weeka U Marrh, when the,. efettiun will . he he1. - The Ural, ate In the narnpalifn wja rlh itii-irii'iittiui, of. the printed cop lea of the chwrt-r. Theee liave been .in the hamis i f the volori xinre the flrat "Jt the. wk A- wwwiluu vt rlilaens bave Kent in artirlea in tJh dallv pa- - iera. favurtns HtjU oi'lonuujt the li.'W hartef ' ' The cltln n' nuiattxn committee iiMeve tht the liiircat vrtlon of -' the "Ml'Oxltioii tn the new charter wtll inhie frimi ityTioraoct of the. real pur oie of the new Wiainiment of "aov wrfiiiieiii and ihe" eoiiNliler the edu- "-Mlon of !he4..i.ple to the real niean Inm of ilw'new rhflrter i 1 .the "lijmeat job fiefote th- fti In order to : Uo thla , apeakera will be aent Into every nok and o-rw'ti r.ihe town The. people have' been ikei to r-ri.jfc( nf. charter and i' propawd ?o aali any nuesiton ilo-x 'lerir'e w hei tbiai Hieetinit-. are held the Hpen.Vera have aleo offereS to mett tn Joint d htef any of th"a oppiefi to the charier. la I he IM-JrU-t roan of ie.?l'alt-d Maiew: lor the laHteni IHatrttt of . North CaroUna. to the matter wt M. Von Milrrm Uarvkrupt. In Bankruptcy. tiy vlrtua of the aurhorliy, In 'me veated aa trute In hankruploy- of H. Aon Mllirroin. bankrupt, and. pur vfuant to an order mad tn aald cauae. t TueKdajr, till th day of March. i trS. at 1 1 o'clock, A. 31.. I .will offer for aale at' public axiction, for cm ah. o the rmthft bidder, at No. 14 kiorth MVn mreeL- iioek )h Mount. Jm rt h Cr lina, the entire at nek In tradrof Jew el rr. Wlverware. I'lated Ware. Optt wr)d llomtiny -t the abova-nanied bankrupt. ."-3". . r-- ir JJOA' a KAMeSRT, . . n ' , Truate. Thta. tha ItthdaT ot' "elruary. ii. ... s-i. j Autofaobile Topi built and re-covered- Write for prices. john w. Evans son ,V, -Raleigh. N. C KITCHIW TALKS ; OPllGISSU! John TemDie Graves Tells About New Party Leader New York American REPLY TO SENATOR WEEKS House Democrats, Says Col onel Graves, Believe Claude Kitchin Knows As Much " About tfVe Tarfff As: Oscar Underwood "and Maybe More Hy JOHN Tr'MPIiK .lt. L. In Now tork Aiwrtcaii. V "Mit down, Ienroot! ait down!" "Pont J on know I elter than to In lerrnpt laud Kitchin when he la ta.lKliiK ou the fa riff "Don't you know thai .very tlnie rrro. tnrTTpnr ' htm y.u niak him atrimajerT" " "Don t you know that every uutoo lion nivea htm a newf nla.ee in wlil, h to hit the Kepublican Harty 7" "Hit down, Ln root, alt down:" Thenc wi re ihe wuriia of l.'ncle Joe Cannon three ypain when Cluiide Kitchtii. I 'onifreMMtimn from North 'arcdlna. Whm itpenklim' n the Turin laaue. and the "ilent lemun from Wla conajn" hud twlco interi upted to bit aorrow. ('Undo, Kllfhln in now the new lead er of tho I leiiiocratb' majority In the llouae, HucceedliiK lacar I'nderwood It? Ibu vole uf hU party ikhi.. It J .111!' 'Aililuiun. -ul, lixijuau .ljciucr.au (hat Mf.r JA.U.'bui.. ktt".tw, nnu-.tu.U mM mure, atmut Hi Tjirlff avn than Oacur I'nderwood hiruaeif - - rne-tw ir- wrnrlFttt.---a"th1rili:er.--i:nd--B rrraaler -of -met?.- -'-htni -4 iark -aay-e tif ia the finest debater tha jTIimim ha known in yeara. KIoli)ii Aiutwfrw Week. The atriklnt; and roliiprelmiiHlve aa ault. madn upon the f einocrallc party ami Ita Tariff In lunt funday'n Ameri can by Senator Weeka. f Mamatchu lettii, haa excited ao much Iniereat and oinment thai 1 felt . auM -tire New Vurk American apirlt of fair piny wrmld rten I re to five aia' to the DelAocratlc aimuer. And ao I hav oe to Dt-iiioriary V olllclal Under and ahlcxt d fender of trio l iolerwood Turlff. What Ij-aiii.r kitchin haa k'tven to the American to-day la unqiieMtlon iilily the n bleat Hnawer that, haa Ikm-d made, and tn ajl probability Ihe nbleai that leWUV-tw maHre, the. Keputllfti. aaaatitt. Mien I handed Mr. Kitcliin the atriniK Senator Weeka interview, hg reait it carefully and aaid: "Whatever tile Senator from Mua uai huaettM haa to auy about the proal lieut a foreloin polity, w 111 tin tlnull mciitirert not by opinion but by re Jultf. ' If ITtaident Wilson keepa thla country from war with Meilcn or with any Ktiropean power during he world i rial ua he ia aure to do and hereafter, aa u rreat l'rildent with a treHt HtHy. hikI will proclaim him. Indeed, the' I'rince of peace armreoT The- rulera nrT trontilert wnrht " "The American people will trim hin for that and v.:IUt Mm ruau to hiiHty Jndament at thla time. The ara alao wIIIIiik to wait ii reaaonn'tibc time for I be vindication of all hln ll. lea." . Ilia UefciiHr nt Farty. fie then ave hi v.iewa. in detail. aa followa: "The real blK laaue between the partlenj In the cullipalyn of 1 it 1 li will lie the approval or dlaap proval of the Wllaon .VilinliiiHira tioii and the Democratic t'onreaa.. 1 a.-.r-e fully with Henator WeekB on tlo Jeeu- t the ,Uext l'HIH pMikll. "Ilic lurlff will la- the nialp lv.ii.--t lint, ia. .. I ndcrwiMHi sliuniuua an will la- the main IMiliit of attn'lt h) I lie Itcpubli . ami ..f iHiwe by the IH-mo-crata. . The Satuitor admita, and ( aree, thai the fair and Juat a ay to JudK'- Ita workluira ia to conajder lb. operation before the breuklnn: out iif the European war, which ha iibnortnaily diatnrbd tinani'inl and liidiiHtrial ciniltticiia, not only in the I'uited rttutea, but IhrouKh oin Ihe world. "The Meitator. aa lie aaya, iivolda a 'detailed dlncuaaioh of the ruder W'X'd-Hlnim.mB act and coiilenta hlniaelf with 'general atatementa.' Tlilx i the ueiial line of argument, and dla.iu.aion of the tHiid-iit,' calninity-howlina Kepiibilcaua, In and out of t'onareaa. They deal In hroadalde i-harirea.- - . "Wlljilthey proiiHeaied would In. . the reaulta of the act they readily' i Bnaert aa tjie ictuat , remilt and facta, without ptoppinK to Inquire intu the truth or fulalty of auch aaaertton. !t ua examine aoni of thwMf "aeneral atatementa" and broadatdea and i how much, or rather, how little, truth there ia in them. ' - TatilT as Hcvenne Aid. "1. It la charaet) by rirnator, Weeka and hla Kepublican friend that the t'nderw.HXl act la a fail ure aa a reventta producer. "There la no truth-Jn thla rhante. "TIm- lut In Hint, from October S, Itll. Hit ilatw f Ita cnai-lnx-nt, to Aniitat I. 11)14, tha' hcvlnnliuf of tile l:nriiaa war. tha I nuVrwcaai act. with lu Inoortte las. and other Intcroal M-venites, rHmdOf-ed . ooOjXH atorc w ieaae than lor I'aiiH- act. with Ita iia-poralion ta and otlK-r Into i lail reveaae, ,fnr lite aamc months In Ita laal year and oct 4&.WINI IMM atorr- Uio ame nMintha f the nrrcrtllnc yi-ar andcr I be Pay no act that la. tla- next to (h laMt caf of the I'ajfnc iK-t. - ",f no Kuropean war had oc rurred. at the aam'a rate of col lection prevallllia up to Auauat 1; 11. and fhe aanta rate of tncreaar in Iniportationi aa waa the annual average in-reae diirt,nc .the four yeara. of thu Vayne act--even It the reduced tariff of the rnder wood act had not added to the in-creaae-Xor the4 flacal year endlna . Q, ... yty 1 Jected, with the I'nderwaod ait. In- "come tai. and other Internal rey- 'enue. ovee;" $.n,04H more tliaa for amy year, amtcr the Payne act. or aay year ht than nlatory ot the ho miaar nt. ' ; . "Tha autbora of 'the Underwood rct; t-a - paaaa ire J eettmated that, for1 the ftacal year ending Jon 10. 11. with the ahree momha July. Auiruarxand September, Kit; of the Payne act. It would yield, tnr euetom receipt. $I7.0.(k. It actually yielded 3 ,,, It ex ceeded erpectatfaMM by n,ava, i-.ltcct aa K.xporta, , "t. ' It L charged that our Tariff Act haa Injured our export trade,: .jTIicw b Irak Ii tlila . t-harcex. . . : ' " -Ihe tact at that, from CVtohee , Itia, to Aatjroat I. UU, th life of the 1'aderwrooal aa ap ta tha hecinninjr af the lrnorM M (whra. at once th eiamp R.,ewr export tjnada hrw ; our export trade waa larger" by over M,HaJ.. ro L V ,, wtUa oue . exoepuoa, a any year la tha hletory of aar cuuntry. It waa tlwS.OuO.tNMI lanrrr than for the aaaae naontb aniior Uk Payne) act for the year rrulimt .Aairnat I. llll, ad M.V OtMl.tMtO tarirer thaa for the auat w of the arat year of the Payne ait. "There waa. on the firat day of the first Annual under the -Aiiaoa Admlnietratlon and I'uderwood act, an exoeaa over the Arat Auuat line der tha Taft Adminlatratlon and the Payne act. of l.tH6.ttU0. "The working-balaneea In the Treaaury ohicea on Auiuat ' 1, 11, flrat year of the Taft Admln ' let ration - b4 Payna act. wera 2 651,471. while on Au'auat 1.. IK It. flrat year of the Wllaon Ad mlnlatratlon arid- I'nderwood act. they were I7I.74.51 two and a halt time aa mucli An excaae In fa mit of the Wllaon - JLdmUilatra t ion and UndoiwoK act, of44, Sva.KaO. "The aold lialancea In the Treaa. ury. lexciualva of the II .UO,I0 reaerve for , "rederripttott of the . United State notea) were: 4 On AuKiiat-rr-rrH. II la.TlT.. On Auguat 1. 111. 1 1 .70.25. fin Aunuat J; lll. 7H.41ll.lilI. "Hnt on AuKitat I. IM. MiMler tlia- Wllaon Adminiatratlon ami l'n dorwMal act. the gM . Iwlamw waa ISO.S&I.IIM. it will be0 noted that, while there waa an exceaa of the Wllaon Admlnle'ratlon and I'nderwood act over cR.-'h of the Taft Administra tion and Payne wet yeara. the- ei- m i, itu tlrau-year of Ihe.Wtl-L. ar Adminlatratlon nnd I'nder wood act over the flrat year of the Taft Adminlatratlon and Payne act waa f.-.l 129.9T1. . IH-nlca KxtratBa-aiHf. k "S It is .cliarited by Henntor Weeka and hla party that the Wll aon Adminlatratlon and the Demo cratic -t'onnreaa have been ex tmvairnnt In approiirlatlona of the publlo money urn! made larKer up proprlationa than the Taft Admln latrHtion ..... "There la no truth In tide churire. .. . , . "The lad la. Uiat, etclnalve or the ptait ofnee appropriation a-t. for whh-li- 'Kohiltor Wnr-'tieJ " fvcrv' ItiiiiiMlcan " In' T"c i-imtc- aml Hotna-- voted, we anpeojirlaind. .for Uie .Mteront-aacal i'Cttr. cndlroj ' ....... en laini iM-lna the firHt and only yenr'a iinroiriatlon under Adminlat ration. I7 -tban the lnt annual under hc Taft Ad ae. for a rn tititeTnTa the WHa4in had Meii extravaKant- auppoae w had rndeJiijxiL!cp ,.ropriatlona lllian .w-er- um-i- on-. d.-r the Taft AdmlnlMtratb n. why fhould a ltepublican .complalrl? With what face can he niuda the ('large of extrnvatikftce fn every -Appropriation committee of Houae and Renute the 'Republicans have the requisite memherHhl. Not a minority niin, nor a n tce.1 from a alncle Riinhllcan nenihcr of a single ApwofraU t iimnUttcc a made tnak dollar . Brortnn"dr Tnei Hcpuhll. ana all. 'In H-nte and linnae. votrtl for merv one of the appropriation a-ta. Tho chnrrrer now of Demirt-ratlr extrayakance Ik one of pure innoriuice or hy pocrisy. ii "And vet I -appo thu ReptlMl can atnnd-patlera and croaklnfe polttiriana. incTudlJie Senates and Members of Ihe House-- will con tinue to charge that the I nder wood act la a failure na a revenue uroducer; that it dctroys our e-. port trade; Unit il enuws deficit In-the-- TreaatiWi Uutt It .mptl-a the Treasury of Ita gold, that the mraoi-rata - Jtra. eixj.ramgWU....irL cetera. , luils Trades C'ommls-lon. 'Hetiator Weeks aiiya. "The main trouble with tmalneaa la the un certainty which -urr. iindHi It that. In his opinion, the Trades Conirols!"ii Id"- which puaaed last year after a lontr time anil much preaaure,' will accentuate this con dltl.m. and he attenipia t" mnke an Issue with the Wllaon Adminis trntlon on. this a't. fftiv, !. "We nnilcrht.aal tl &.uiitrr x dcrsKaat and the huM'ne. lnrer ots uiHlcrstood, thatt M- J lay l.m ntl-Truat Act " '' V". . t'omnUsalon t were liitoiid.-d to n move. bimI wmtl.l remiwa. tha .rtalnty with w' l h Hf Taft aad lt.a-ecit dnlnUtrab.r.s wrro,...dc.l J lHi-.Tm.se. The a.1a made .i rtaln and clear the ,mT anil ficl.ls of lcHhmte-, haalncaat aitl'llU-s. lag and little. Hut how can the Senator or b s party make an Issue with the W II ion Administration and, the cralli-party on the Tnrt rnm mraslon Act when It rewvrd he r,"te of everT Rennhlh-ati In the House, acd only KepuMlcan xotra In the Senate were recorded hi. rarflearaf. (,Sentf .?-? X'"r, "for'The . Clayton Anti-Trus, Act. the chief oWLvtlon to It. in the Houaeon the part cf the mihlb-ane. waa that It did not a-ie far Louah. and, dlfl aV ,, rlk ,he big intrreat. and big J"'"'"'" hard enough- that It waa too gentle with Y", Juat to prove that hlr manual J.. .,'.. .v.. r.tteal anrt. the ain'iia is oi ..." i . b.,v. In the NVsquehnmlrg (Pa-V-pub ile athoola have erected a Unmeauc actence building. Fimeral Howeis A little, better arranged. lltle more artistic. When- -you want aomethlng ,ce. telephone . VAN LINDLEY CO., Florists. -f t.rcenahiiro,. JS.d, KTItKET . WPROVKMETHTS AND KKWF.H.UiK. , Kins ton. X. C ' -i 1...1 ,Aiui1 will he received by the ftty Council ; of the City of Klnaton. -. at ine i uj; n... o. .-i .... v: i - until .& a. m. March 2rd l'l"&' for Wrect - Improvement and Sewerage. The work will consist of about: . . AA ... Am n. mora, of It r It' k Aaphall. withartthlc,-or .-ethwe- pave ment. ,. - ' --r JO.anff tlnearfeet or concrete t-urn r""-' la.oo equare yards of aidewalK. mllea vd M" ' ch pipe aewera. Zj)?r!iioi!iiimiatl -U'ro" poeal for Street , Improvement. oT "Propoan for. Sewerage." Al) bida must be upon Wank forma provided in the PmpoaaJL, and Con tract and SpeclncaMona. , v.i.-i M.,.h Mi-eomnanled hv a certltied ekeck for llfftao ;jjn evldenca t)I: gooa lanra. fflana and specification will he. oa .i.1 .m r-iL-' .Ofllee tn Kiiwton and at tire olflee af h Engineer In 2oh.(MMI leva ailproprlatton nitiilM ration. t' ftut nuiiik aaRe. we Charlotte; and cepiea or tne aici noationa, form of roptiewU etc.. will ha mailed uWa application to the Engineer at Charlotte, X. C. when ac companied by ichecl frr ttjn dollars to Inaure their return within SO daya after the letting. """-it i ' . Tha right ta Beeenred totrtject any or aU blda.. - - .'. :.Z J. -. - ' . FRED I. SUTTON. Engineer: - . - Maj or. GILBERT C THiTft, . Charlotte, N. C r . 1-1,-t, It. . , . . J ('"' ""' ' " ' " jC THE NEWS AND OBSERVER WANT ADVERTISING RATES Cents X O Ccnts r .. PER LINE SlX-Vbrdg to the LINE cash With order . Tsenty-: cents . minimum charge. " A discouflf-ten per cent is allowed on all ads inserted for one week (seven times) oh consecutive days. Want column not guarane teed after. 8:30 p. m. WANTKII IHISITIOX BY YtMN'tj man. Two . ) i a r" experience in ooulde entry biv k-keeping.- Willing to begin on lea.-ooabie anlary. Ad- drcsa "Kncrgy," caxe Newn and tib aerve. :-2-2t. TI UMI KS NOHIII t.AROMXA AL- manac Is never t.. late S"nd 10 cents, '-coin or iiampa. for a lull cojKy. Turner Almanac. Hox 2, Halelgh. S-Ka-lt - - '- i- VTH .i .Mlll WRfrt WUM VN for working hme.-ke-u-r. Hox 634, HlacK TrToiinTSIn; -?f . f - S-2-&t. . - wt WAN'TKIIk POSITION WITH A rellnble .mer. nVnt Ten year exper ience, A- ygood K.ileKinan and ca pable mant-ger I ' o. llox 26. Itay lu.ro, N. C . j-2H-Jt. ' h M4 ASIII t . NOW KMPlXtVMI. denlrea channi- ai'" take atia'k. Kight yeara experience. Kxi-ellent reference... Addrese Viianker. care New' and' oi.jterrer I-ia-St. HOICK Kt.s PICtM HIU.IXT lloae I'nmli Klu.il" Island Iteds. ll.24; St), :i- U..M. lieavari Apex. FN. C. '-tl. -i. 'ara. WAXTKI)--1 JtoitltoW IIHKK.V hundred dollars hi otiee First .Mort- fragw on good fat in. d.dreaa: Pox 45, Fountain. N. C '2-27. S-I. Rl'UrWH KT IHIN, IWAM KM K - nmkena ,1 'rum pi dellvtry. Meat qualrljjV (lit catalogue. fwlndell, Ualrlgh. 1-21,-e.oTd. to 2-4. WAKTKI-I TO SII.I. OK IKAIIi: fr- htnd la iiesl.. 4eet -eitulpfd bar. 'ir shop atol billiard roiim in State, in faat . growing town, fotir larv button mills. .No competiiiou, goo.. Investment for j'ourg-man wanving to learn trade. Address "Bargain", care JSewm and tilieerver. I-I4-7L - FOR 8AI.K PRINTIX; PINT IN the city of tireeneta.ro. N. C: .on account of oiher intereala. I offer my en I Ire printing plant, with good will and corporate name of J. C Pierce Printing Co., for sale. Pre. - ent location on Sooth Kim, ithe jt .Main street i one aqnare Howth of r. O., next 1 1 IteirBo w Arcade, In cen ter of prnu-ilMll buailleM. aeiiiotl, Miiik ri i for operating, together with front 'uHtcfi. gpace srod ehow Window, will he aubiet jn a j eai letUH- for 1:5 0(1 per month. Itofh kH-al and -mall order bupinew. - allowing- w .Heady- growth ltvee ta M ih me ii r 12 years ago. K.irj terms. Addreaa J. C. Pierce. Oreehsboro, K. C. l--ltt. HI IX A hi N HAY'S MPJsSAGK. Al'. . thorUed. We w Ul pay y ou (124 un to distribute In your neighb.jrhood (II days' work. Ores! opportunity for tnun or woman. Spare tluie may be uaed. Particulars nni sample free. 1'niversal Hlbb House, Philadelpliia. 3-Sg-St MKN OI'R ItXlKlHAIrU CAT . li gue erplains how we teacK tip barber trade In few weeka." mallei rree.. .Writo, Moler College. Atlanta, tla. 2-27 :! rtllt'HALK CORN. CORN. CORK: any way desired, also all ' varietiei cow peas, soja be .ins. ieauuts. tur keys, chickens, ea-ga. Supply unlun Iteil, use your telephone. J, P Walters, I .a Grange. N. C. 3 20-1 at. XB MUe-THK EiVTIKK sltH k of dry aooil pot.ons. ihoea,' hats cape, clothing, etc.. of linker a Kd- warda, benkmpta. Krlday, Mar. Sth. IIIS. at 12 m.. at the at ore of Bsket A Ed war. p ln.Trhoro. N. C. Thi stock ia.Sractlcally new. haying been bouaht -it bin the last twelve months and wili Invent, r, about ' .0OO.U. W. O. Howard, Trustee t-2-n. .,- . ' WASTt.l V KXPtaUFM I.D H IT. nlture mad to eanvaaa and collect Must haTe beat of reference. Krans Kurn. Co., Kavettevllle, N. C. 2-27 Jtl. (I IXH Nlll S MVYV POR-AKX1 to handle Tankli. the new fuel for Automobiles and, Bits. Perma nent demand, and profitable sales. J. F. KosteTT gyransbiirn. N. C: -2-2t i SURS CtNf"NP" r.lARtS teed to cure coughs, colde... toiist ..Ktla. bronchitis,, wore throat 'and diplheria, Sent postaid for fl.ue -The IT. R. a Uistrlbutlng Co., P. O. Hog 144 Durham. .N. C. " . .ii i , . GASOLINE EXUIXEJt FOR SALE -Jxa;p.:JnternaUowal. 1 h; p. Whit-. 12 h.-p. a.: Must be moved "Good corrdilTfmv Bargains, tireens boro "upply Co., tlreenswiro. N. C. t-2s-7t. - ' - - . FOR KALE I0M BCHELS NICE Virginia hunch eeed peanuts. Qual ity guaranteed. .Apply J.-L. Lick ena. ,-Whitakera. N. C l-2-14L - T -i - - FOR KAI.E Ifo At'RKh OF TIM. her land, heavily 'timbered Id" pine, . Accesaibly located. For Airther in - formation addreo W- li Long. Roanoke Rapids. N. C . !-2S 2t - , , : ' - ' . . NICE HEALIIIT ElBt WILL BE fgtven for adoption to any responsi ble person who can furnish refer ence Wrtt.-.1M W. ClarSt. Richmond, Va. t--14U - APPLBK, PKjH PACKED YORK . Imperial Apple. Common atorage. - Nice aound atix'k. Shipped any where in Iota of . two barrel or -inoee, hill, of lading- attached at II. Ii f o. b. Staunton. Va. Packed one day and shipped the next. ' Try few barrela W. K. Browei, Staunton, Va. - . I-2 1U- - - . TYPKM'RITUtH, NKW, KKBCILT. second-hand. W hoy; sell, ex change and repair all' makea ma chine. . II. 8. Blorr Co. t-14-t t rt)H WALK KV1.1, KTO K KINGL and Koae Conib Drown leghoma. And alngle comb Ulack Minorroe rtiiawnera. Price 11.6V each. - Apply to C 8. rrtrrro ulloc I'uuliiy I'ann, halelgh, N..C. TLKo 1-I-1C POK RENT MODKRX- COTTAGE . six rooms with hath, electric lights anJ gaa. 324 West Jones Street Apply, 121 West Jones. t-2 tX . . . : . CAKH AVKlAr lIKILLING t OMPA-W Goldabnro, N. t'.. b-adlng artesian well drillers. Wells drilled any where, write, for our low prices. I-1, mon. wed. fri 91511. FOR,'- AI.E -TWO HlilXSWH'K, Italke Cullender. P.a.l Tables. Har den JHros.. Kurlingtnn, N. C. f-2.-l'. 2. . 4. 6. , 7. 14. 11. 2i. XH hAI.H Klght) Thouvaod Ihiltara Hretrto Light llonila of the Towu of Wil son, North-. Carolina. Mayor's t f -Hi-.-. Wllaon. North Carolina, Keb- rnary 14 If I5 - Healed bids will be received by the own of Wllsiuts- Xorth Carolilja. until Tuesday, March . Il Saf 7:Sli p. m.. for eighty thousand dollars (IkO.OOO), tlve' per i-ent .'t-5 per cent) coupon bonda. Theae-iionda will lie buujed under 'Utborliy of rin-'acl of the (general Assembly of N'orVU;, C-aroittai seaxlon I ill a. and rati lied i a th r.'tll day of 1'rrruari .of. ihe. aaid. year. -....TUe bonds, wlll .li.e In deaomlnntlona of utie'thouMxnd dollars 111 UVV) each and lBtresTirTi1 be"" pBjTrM. seml iunuallj,. April let and QOlgber ,lt,, each year, with principal and in terest payable af the "ofTlce Of the treasurer of, the town of Wllaon. or at aome bank in New York at the option of' th. purchaaer. Trm bonds will be dated April I, I1S. and payable -as follows. Thirty h..Hen,I d..irs tfsoowtt) gn Atiril 1. ll'l'l, and 11-e thousand dollars I -',uu'07 -ch year up to and Includ ing 1931 time, sixteen yeara 1) from dae thereof. The bonda will Ire e manned and certrtied aa to genulneniss by some bank aKreeable to the purcriaser. and their validity will be passed upon by Messrs. Caldwell, MaHaiich, and R-ed of New York City The town of Wilson has. at no timet iteniTred in the payment of intereet or principal on It bonded debt or other' WIS". ' - A certified check for two per cent l! kt cenl of the face value of the bond iiidfor. payable tu R. R inip -on. treasurer of the ' town of Wilson, must accompany each hid. and to he held by him" an a guaran tee of good faith, and forfeitad . 'o.Jtha aald town by the aucceasfui bidder in the event of hia failure to comply with bid wlihln time to be agreed upon oft dAte of the bonds arc 'pur chased. The town reMervea the right to reject any and ail blda.' Vor further informwtUtn anl Mnan ciiil statements. addregK THKO. Aj H INN A NT. Clerk Hoard of Comnilaaloner,, 2t-Keb. . Mar. 1. The Engagemeht Ring: It comet but ones ia a life-time. It meant samara. It should be per- feet, flawless chaste: Thenr'i mock uncjrrtiiBt shout dismoods exifthth. expert. Tbry should be rhotra at ator ta which you have implicit -conn, defter. Vt strive earnestly to merit such confidence. Ditnoadt are like gold whea . wisely bought. Tnrr ire worth their cost anywhere oa earth and art coowmotly h-g-rraaiog ta value. Oar gen nag their price arwhere aay tiat. aad we gaar antr dwta aoaitmly. Esamiee oar riags not only solitaires but all styles (or all Bard, ' My& Wynne Jeweir? Co. 'DR. LOUIS N. WEST ; WIU Succeed Dni. Whltaker and West ITactk-e ' Wxaited to Eye, Ear. " Nose, and JThroat Omce-'i)ver Waka rtrug Store iKEirfYtttTarf fharlott,-N. C paihsai. N. C WaterworVa. light aad- Posrer. ' Street,' ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. - Having qualified a Administratrix of Ahijjrsta.e of Jhn WTurner der ceased. late of W'ake County. N'.irth tamltna. this la to notify ,all prraons having claim against the -estate of raid deceased to present, them to th iT.denagned on or before the 8th oar o,' February. Ill tr fiofice- -etli be pleaded In bar ri ihelr rworm All persons Indebted tn raid estate will pieaee mix Immediate, payment- . This the th day I vbruary. Ils. gRS. U'U 8. TI NNKR, Admlniatratris of John W.' Turner. ,. .Oarnef. N. C( R. T. IX . 1 law. flwka. - ' . ' .c.. . . ,''-"' 'rr-' $ $ $ $ ' $ ' $ : $ $ Sffo -ji -- -r---11'. . ' r. f.'l' LADDER MADE OF older ftonubed by JHE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANIC C?irttf ci1ir 1rt!tr -ir Itc knllitft3fTit our Savings Department, . r . - A J JAt IUI IUU ItAtfULI, 4KMSaV w' T WWII v w w-a INTEREST paid on same will unite these dollars" suf-r ficiently stronf-that when yotj rest-thereon COM- ' criDT.ixin i k : r-. rr t) rr a ' r cr K' tr ...Ml vm.re ryjm iimu inuLr-iituLvij wnt x.- jvi "TH snvvf Iir.i uTrmharl the present depression are its reach. Bfin that LADDER week aad month. It's not what you'save, you regret. THE COMMERCIAL Cor. WHmuiftoii $ . $ $ $ $ $ IF yoa one. a We give Student! poastble. . rtf Aa, K. JOHNo71rre. S . ... 9. M. MlOOn. Cashier W. N. MINKS. Ylea-rres. . B. TlwBKKLAaE, Aaet, Cwaalse. THE RALEIGH BAKIQNG AI1D TRUST. CO. , Started in 1865, and still doing business at the same location. ' . " , . -. , . . - . .:..' Has paid in profits to its stockholders nearly - T W 0 Mf t S tfi Has never lost a Dollar fo71 I T j Stockholder. . 7 1 WE SOLICIT BUSINESS FROM ALL, WHETHER l I LARGE OR SMALL. II Cha's. K. Jotiason dj1" W'L'"" W N. Jonei . , w- A J'1"'?",.,. . I Trff" DIRECTOH. .&bet1"'" IT i -MnrliiaT K Nirri , M' l:tt K. Iturfey . JohiulJarden j U Zax' II yoa want a busmeai exlucatKXv you wni goon ' I'M I i;iirtw j ' mand. Students cornplctins our full coarse in trie com i rnercial ariortKand and lyta-wiking tlepartiiicaria. ara)p rtiaranteed poskiorai at a aalary ol $50 jter month, op) . Writ for catalogue and our eiz apeoial o65era. The Wake Drug Store Will Fill AU City Prescriptions . For the Month of March PHONES I -Tilas, T1ai1 FiisAlAnr IAAlrai I ilic weal rucirao vuuiavoi ' Roasts, Bakes; Stews, Boils, Aluminum Lined, Water Seal Top, Beautifully finished. No . otnerr Firetess Cook Stove like it. The very aeaaon for them Is now at hand saves three-fourths of your fuel billnever burns the food,, and cooks the Moat DeCctotie meals you ever tasted. ALDERTtlAN TOY & CHINA CO. 132 Fayette We have several desirable stores and dwellings for renT " The stores are convenient 'locations for fancy and heavy : Groceries. - : v . ' Th dwellinfs are modern, and situated in good neigh-" borhopds. ' - ' . " ' ' ' The Parker-Hunter Realty Co. Fresh Strawberry IcfCream , ' ---axsaaaxexaBBaBBt---aasaBsa--asw . ' .- - , ,. . I .. ' . T-- "The first of the season. from pure Cream and fresh ripe Strawberries, : Xorne in and tryit today.and you will come back. , ltjS 80 good. . . J. C BRAimEY': : Druggist .. . Masonic Temple. U MONDAVMORNING, MARCH i; 1911 SILVER DOLLARS will be used in constructing. -.-. A, rr 11 DATNI t sVT fV 'Silver IdderSef?rfi now-resting well out of one and xM to it tamcli but what you waste, that NATIONAL BANK and Martin. bunneai exJurAtwri. you want a go4 yvu the moot complete preparation) trora our acKool are always m je 228 ville Street a. Made fresh every day Terr . .' Phones 15, or 14." s. $ $ $ $ . ; ' a.-- 11 WW w MIW TW Hew BJkw.wawl, WIIIUsVIC VI CMM mMJw 1 I -m m v. I

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