SUNDAY MOKMNC'MAKCK 7. iSl5. THE NEWS AND ObSKRVfcf?.. 13 8JkVH thi (m xmv ! C.OT TVKK Mli:S RELIEF WORK IN BELGIUM From an Address Delivered in New York by London W. Bates, Vice-Chairman of the Commission For Relief in Belgium. It wa the third week of October. A hurricane of Arc had ewept an he role land. To the Kant a wail of 11 which none could pierce. West the molten front of cmter, which none could pane North a nea Inch none could train. 8. .nth the mouii lAine whence came the iidlegM le (ion of the victor TIiiik hemmed atx and a half millionis of embodied aouli: By the importunate nr.. I etri dent will of our Aiiirrlcim MiniHler. seconded by the ..nvuy" of Spain and Italy and by the crace of aavint: tJtHei liaae In the fonouerli.c kira of the Bates, thoae who were aui in die were enabled to send out salutations and appeal: appeal not for charity, not ta profeVslottal .hila rK liroj.y but an. appeal to the Jove of nil the world, n appeal to live.. Ixive tim't- ,ut I'ojriniie now freight the ceii eaa. The neu.ral MiniMer M undli'i: to ihrlr poet, in BrUiela---accretited Die of ih- appeal lu (lie Arr.encar, Spanish and lialun Ain .aaaador m London who i allied to their group. Ihe- Amertcnti AiolaKa (iort to r.ertnnny and I'r.n.i c. our Min tetT 'o Holland ami the if afr their natintn in the 7-.i.rr- .,t immi nent rifeut.Hier Thua it In i;an Then .. itli i.ewil, certnif qi;ii-kn.- .xim Hi. . 1 n . Untn t i. . the. nuvnl and iiiiIii r'i.. oinv iti!.i'i . M u l.-Iied. Ict .veen I h . "Hiesn trcit.-- nr. I 1m creation l." e ,;-t.. i ., n Thi in it 1 1 i . IVal.iiu. y 1i-kIIiu! Hli 4 uifc-4-;. I ' A f 14.1 in iIihI I" . a us- - 1. i n t h '. t- Tin- .- n- m T r-t! "" To "be pa i i. . r. I" ,. Ill ll. I.. O-S i .n-i i' i . -i rtu'l l' WHlM4lt (if K iv I 1- - t I.. no ri l'.'l. f ill ifel .illMI r-..f. 11. 111. I T.- i ' lull. of i- !T. I n-Mtn,! '.. h. lid i - . ! Ho- I lltl T4- lilut-l r..ri r- li.llijll t'o l I eineiils. o il . nd lllll'.lli- 'i;-r'in niiiioiiii Irnlei ..f that .tile! I lint ee f..r Ci !l. f in v. it n I Vslulie te un it a III ti - !- I ll .iTtict ii utr ll-.ilt. ll n ' ;.. i" in r.t i . -1--'.r i ! id. :. . the I l VI ..i'I; . ! ,. I ll..'it -.1 1 1 i i ii- . ...ilil .-hill -i r. .11'. r i Ik! f.. I onunl- . I -..I 111 1 I'M I I I.I. ... lid,. t.. I'.l'.l. -r-T - A It ' Tl.i- i ill ur.m -i M t- 1 ii tt -..r! .ion I II i Mil .-II -I I I - !'' i ' I IKlU I" ' il'I'S 1 1 111.- 1m .ii I. II. i oftU-i-, thr t'onimitieiun'ii placards have kwen Ktt.4t anil fotMi will b re .i,J. Th? fmd no collected goes to of itne huntlrfrt Inlaml .tit-niir' Ln-potK, whtrf tnt-Mv mJl .Mt-H are aicmM-U inti rjirloau 'i fr ti hiis(.i i i id rrteatMiurl. Thf "niniJfitn han ltn nrnjunK Henth in furt--ii unter'iiT )Tif. irtchmiiiK t'ortlantl. Mutn-. Iloxiwri. Nw York, I'hiUd-lphiii l'aUi?norv, NorOlk!' Newport N w. i "harlrnton. New Or leuiiM, Han IVtro. Nan Frjnioi, Port iMmt. On-niin; Seattle ami Tncoma. Krtini each of thf-M pnrtt nhim f the rtimmiKMoi. carry the- ltia(Mt food I ha i hai Im-'m itsHffnl'lcii. Th 1'iiiiiniKiini iiun'huwti ftod from fund nent It from all the, world, from t h Spamnh arul Italiart Com nusakiJiiw by iioiivldtmlH ami Vmmitt in th- I "riw-il Sialen, and frcnn ih Truxt-fiiiKl liinwed Uy the UI- (Tiilllf thf-ITl-V-UlB Th t 'onirniHNioo A iihti a ha. to hand . or :iitu iiK"d for. a (ota) ,,f I'HJ.iliMf (.'lis of food alre;ol intiivix.rtt d i.r (o .t urri d in 4 hut-. T'0d.i!- Ihtre liavt1 hern un oald at l;oit-rdain iT,'o tons from I "nitMl MrttfN fMirin. Th-r' Hr nix Ta rioi jh in t r;t (iMt ia I r mi: 4 4 "' tor morv Th- ( 'iiiiiini.i.siuii hits. I hr f .-t-ani-r reir-'s utinu 1' I ton now Ifii ii lo;old in Various I'-ats. It ha- i hior in tr init lo Anit-rh .t t ' in .4.;iMi dm- nf raruo ll hah H'tp ..f ; ti'di inn on fhurlt i fr -arlv li.idin. ' mm- Canadian l:rati i ia.- .ni f.'od anil otlnrn to lh' v i,.- if i t 74 ..'.(,.! in 7. hits and I -h I Til- H t J ill 1 MM I" ll shif. In Koit f dam. , Vil th fliip ko ti. nottf'rtl.iiii An f M i-d i rs discha mi h t ht-ni fh.-r Mi of. hundr'-ds ... .mm..1 Tttr"-rrrcrv c-r ThrllutT ffy.-v ir I - '.v r V- ! 1 If i l; o ril t'a'h I' li.liuni o,ii It-' .irinv laKi-h lia i kj' - id;f-i:i' J. i UwJj Ji4iii4x. aun . 'iaT - ll...4iity 'l,i i MtI l ouiik m'i k m tttr. M itri voting fMdl-j-jrt t(T'ii - shotarhip irr'iip stral Thf food hkim'J niiih i . .in full-, atljiit i1 di.-itl lliUtJoli. The livr t''. i?i I lin mi who Till ( 1 1 I I i'i t h- "M-irin' thi k i Tin, iiiof-- r- Th'- ',iniiih-iiiTi and i- r--TM- iniuiln-r i.f ih";. u In) . ii ia dini.iii-.hin daily Thfi " no I .ani.uou il.s.dittcH dtvtitnif, v In. ! food at hi . .-oi-hnt s. Tin hi- -oitn-n and i hifdr fi who at hi-, i i iiiMii ni ar xt.'trtdirHf L.dnnd ii-- ..ihr an u iiilTi- f.i (h 1 1 1 1 1 t -1 -a 1 1 1 1 would nuikt- ;( i "ft i '!'- 'JvMVt d;t- a- i" - . i 1 I h a ll M ill till M - f i .-,oi -1 i n It-ntKi In ns IVnli f v i t Iw i n (in- will ; r itith-s 'itiu uhu'h ould rach f r 'i' Vcw t rmy Ml.- .1 1 MM 1 t Ii - f . i n k .... ll V tl f i ii :, pi. ASTHMA COUGHS WHOOPING COUCH SPASMODIC CROUP ISOMCHmik CATARRH COLDS A MttrU. tMtt aW iffecttM trtttawt avatd teg druak Uud n mccrm for iS rrM.t. Ta aircamiM tha enlieeptit mmr. inhaled wtta mi brauh. auluia krutakM aatr. aoothotaaanea thraat, aad atoaa MMcoatfc, mrlnt rcathd aighta. Cnaotnw to kavakuMa ta exrthanwtta youmt chlldraa aad a naa to wlkm from Atthau. OLD V D.UMIIT1 VAPOCRUOUNECa JCrtjijlitjJIJ Ut nn .cause. Tw.iu.v-einlm Stale Federation of Clulm are MtamlinK with It 11 hax 33 Stated will orcnii i?.ed. hi eve'al Heitioln. II hiln l''d the ivay for the men. nml everywhere It has iieen helptnate and iiiMuralion In of the 3:t organized Slates the i liairiuahi in hH lv lh- prenl dcin of the l-'ederatioii of I'lnl..- or l.y Home one u horn whe has deMKnated lo represent her In four other ihe chairman wai selected l.y the i ioyi ru or In one other wife of Hie loivi rn ..r Is the honorary and hir.. lt' chose l!ie ailiiitf i In Neu Voik the wife of our liovernor i- servliiK upon the colillnitti-e in ch;ue of Al bany coitnly. She sent a oiiiuiilneiit for the New York Stale Ship "hldi -.ail ihv tirst week in Man h The tt'i. lil ill'- Section seeks tiolhin ..r It-ejf. il : sk? of tlx,!"" 'hat I hey foi us influence and energy in their on n du alities In c n l ill.m uitti Ih Slate i 'oiittiiittee's i-ftorls Tin lo.'nleil trains have K ith' led to many wharves, and the Mere.' Ships have sailed from nianv ports I n- l.ll.ele.l .111.1 unclaimed i f our Women tlley'liiive s.ed to Idea's llllil rescili iii i hi' fr horizon w b re tin- sei a.iiii Uie heavens ure one m lh ilreaiu- fleet of ictober. transmuted Into p- ,iljty by ihe helium: work of lie wo men of tlie states, inspire.l :l- i.e ion luu' l.ei ii l.y our V oiiian-' S. .'t ion We who .ire .. Ho- i 'oiu n usi n. ri,.!!!..' that We Wol k feellhly l.ef.ire M-n -t4tel'KtM Wsll-of iva.- -i'h. 4.k-.ek Mireain l-ears upon Ms wrinkled fronl. nnnihltanon for the ' l.itile Siier of th.- World ' Mnv we b ftr..i.e ti save. She stands at A r . .n .mil I . a 1 1 1 for I be l.ord ' llapliM I llloll of t bib V. Iial il. .'-.III. I and I lie Pf da. s "Id I I lleits.K With I " I V. l' ii- ll I'. .Mill'- . e- . .; i. fin t -, , a b(i:r ,, :h. . . .i ji.i i.. I . half . :i .. ii - ... - t ii. 1 1 .... i " . - "i t'.. . ..ii- i. liff: armies - lie p it.iii-.n of .h... ..ninilHrtM t o - - ilie siioiii,-.! i l "h li. 'I . f : c 1 M ' i r- Tlo ' 1 1 1 ;.' . v, a- 1 ' o.'l i be n ..i . -l -f r a le;.i:.i. a-r..- : in ...II . titei l'."l. tl'.'M '.mil. and '.asi.ries of -.'!. v.-- .i.- in- i '-.. (' I. -; -.'0',- I- ... .." . ,.1- ,i nl e..-. !" - ' 'i 'It' ' - 1' rf. i . I i-.od a tie.ol .. - U"! -' . rt ' "I lb. i .il i..:i a. I h i 11' . on - .i, . n V. w .a t ' 'll y -.i '. ' -hi). I'.'ilHl : f 1-.. .11 .- il.-'..ii. in-. I "v r foi-iv - ihi I '.'.i --l", ..a- Mo problein ..l.i. !. i edr. ., .. 1 1. 1 'ie en dii - au-. t be i '. in . i... r'o. , I.. -..I..-' It h i- ;r'.wi: lui.i l.o. h n.-el ..f S!t l ie. i 1 o v. f. m .n ! lo w ..rid " It H- . V I1,'" t''lon'l'! .. .'l ' i. e .. i.i i. ii le' t i"t y . .. i-'. i : -.iLu thi-.iiiiii'. uf .uai . I- re. o il :i I I ' i itiii:, ti - V.'.l I I :', ti.inoi Salt I .like City . lutt It t iM . , lo- det it ni. re.tin at " I imi.iooi a , day . m al ly $:!. .i no .lit 1 1. or at I h rat, ol oil! a e.u Tills c,ls lit, out ial niu .1 .iipr..pi'iations for im.t '".ii al . un-a nut l. -ti. When month.- .ill the l:eb;iihs ,ue Ii s 1 1 ial..- $ IJ.uiju.iniii a ooi ... '.! r. I. .in J, n i.-s uliture foi ill,' Tamil i. mi lo all that is do , lir.irin, i; nmi nun fill i: .1 i Hit. I'.ii-... ' mil- a ill-A) if", et ivi Sin 1 1 l hu ll . I! -ee ll I- ,11 In irv. on p.i: ...ll of the ill I , I til, You SIV e lb-it Lo t .ISSIoll HIS sp: 1 . of Safe i and tbr.. .1. di, mli t i H" t. i t III ' it' Ii MnT.?a lurni-lu d i h in s f-.r liiiloadMit :.( rt'.iio- -unlit-'1 Mi-, h. .m! rr ti ..t Ji ' An-.. d itv I. -a - - .it ia ,.U io U..ii. i.i..;,. Tn eriuii in ,!.! h..-ilit; i-i i ; -rmnt : br fnciliti-v. t-ut . in a rnt-rem v toan-d i tie n thUKH'li 1oO- 'f f..f f.,r lioll-d -" '"in- "iUniniion h,i--iii"ii rn lrrtifM: (if. : i ni of r i Att''.; m -nit.". India liui mat; t(l roio a.-iln a" Hfli :t 1 1. ,nc nr irilult T ilil-?1 tu irnias-e"l l. water rtr 1,1 fn ' o"l Stat-. ti ore n.ya'".ii r-Hf-,,-i ih rnalli Nmlii U "-r r ih.-r ( uuF'vl i. t .win t th" i- ili-id,.i cijiir,M f th4' i'.v'rnm'--t a o' ti1 iinlica'! t means . h"h !iv n bo rlvin tt mnkf ih -"ia"--i ni' t ion ina nimi,aji , ,Mf iul . -''k.N ratr ..l Mm! i ItHt - 'l.l'.- th Boy or Pirl? - Great Question! Thla fc1ri)ta to many mlnda an old and tried family remedy an external r pltcatloo known aa -Mother a Friend. tlunn( tha period of exoeetam-y It la applied to tha abdominal muer-lea and la tealrned ta aooth the Intricate network of htvolTed. In Ihia manner H haa auch a aplendld Influence aa to Jutlfy tta oaa tn all canes of com Ire mother hood: It baa been geiieially reeonH mended for year and y.rara ajid thoaw who have need M iMk i hUchtst prawa of tha Immenee relief .1. afford. Parue- ukarty do three knowing mot ber. apeak jf f"he abaenee of mornlria: aickaeea. tbaenee of atralA on the UcamenU and freedom from thoe many her dls - trcaeea whkh are uauafly looked forward -la wtth aa aiuca- concern.' Tbsre t Be question but what "Mothar'a Friend" baa a marked tendency ta relieve the mind and tola of Itaelf In . addition to the phyatcal relief baa lvea It a Tory wide popularity among Women. It la abooliitely awfe to w, renders . the aktn rhhh. ta p-tiet ratine In Ita nature a ad is tompjed of tboee mbro cationa beat aulted to thorouhl lubrl rata.the nerrea; snitaciea. teadona and Uawmcnta UivoHed. . " Too can obtain Matber- rrietd" at Wlmert any dr. store M-'.t-. .ntierp ;illd Cltie.- - Th.' . -..mmission b.i- .Jiploilirflie re lations,., it h seven Kovertiments. These add" to i titer courtesies that of waiv ing: ceiiM.rshtp oyer Its ct.rrespurul -ence. Its traiisjn tioivs and iliploiuacv. lis accounts and doilies are open to the entire aorbi. In. America it is yi-Kaiiized by slates - Mimt of its coni- muteee have been apiminted by the ('.iyertior and In wivernt. the liov t rnor Ik Artin(r -halrroan. r.'at h stale in autonomous, collef.tiiur and clothes, and money to buy food, the rniiney beta moHtly exiiende.l y. ll In n the cimmunitle i oiMrihutuln Mm wwao.ed only lr .Rradn-ld Px-fw-otneM." It haa tcwia) twanti -oi JTuV 4u. ir buii- AUala, tea. I Oonal ortaHiaktlorui a nuiflher . 'before ti tha wu'rida hlatory li r.l on which ial ,.f- "rations re- li..t m.i of 1. 1. ink This i s.t i iliullons. llde lo KIlP ll . iti-iil iilb. oil an uha!- 'a in. s. . ..r.l- show ! In r 1 1 Ida llk ci n jil.luc of ..11 Ib'lel.l risel'li'S an.i b.'ll pill--iiiall i- o,m mai-:in ..f' . Help Ita Mo I lrl. a! t 0.-L4 the apjo'al (.a u h. lid meet the 1 ll . I .. -1 11 r the H.t- ti fai t li.' l-iv-t 4M.Wi.-i, 1 r Mrs I. ! ht l'ointnt.iitn Ka'h ii I :i la i ii miii dr i f da it n li il wa jm -;,!.. to T: ii- . - - H la f-d t ti ll Ir--'.. Af'-Mim1, and hrm from 'ii" i. in v lit .it u hii h "a.- . tit n.. .-d i'i th. rl.air mill- nf :1 I ii ltd it n it . I In t 'itiinisii a t hi iii-, rl 4,'km! (miii t an?, "f !. d mil.. T!ut hav' Iho ii d I j Im.ui Jun.tiiM, inor Th ;ir nd lh' hill' i hihln " I. l ur t h ri iiinritlm I nit t ' . "i-s, toi hs. thin f'lir w.'ik.' Th" bwwU .f nil tit-mv-AwnamV -V-:."'-m '..niriu.Moii ;iv- ihoii otir.- n r frrt Tut nit i i r--. v .i' . h.iiifO a ' dM"k :in- alo ilmuiifd of h-rid f- i i..iniTial rt ntal I in- srvn'i-n fc shipping :iietiii and ihartrid ; i Miintani an- In a aiK' ari dyiai'd A m-rn .1 n railroad. h;ut- t ranMporti-d mut h f ihv fo44 M ha,i (hHr atd nmn hrm have rontrlhud to t he ofth' rouinnient. 11m- Only Milium. Th 'oinniii-Mon is atdutf ly the oni ini diurn ihruh wh4-l)fnud can to into litlkriuni. Vn orKan;iuit ion thinUmtf "f uorKim: i ndendenl ly Iri ft .rni'-d hy t h- ' Ir mi. y mi1 1 -tarv hiii hortth's that thi "o minis, on wns ah. n' (iirmitt.d for the uiiost-3-nrt thrr ttrrr wrnTM TTTTiroA-oT jifirif- ntf t n1 -nt i r wiimiif n n hy . t lo 'rrirtM A rm of all sior1- hro'iulM .; h nlhr Tin- i MTonisMioii w.-rk i- u nhr a t.-il audit . f rt i-.nt. .'itid xpi-r,- lltlTl Hon i t llft -tiv ni.fii h full.'. . ll .. 'ant lf . n Ml.- l ; . .. t ill th. i.n.l 1 ti :iO. . MUM lus ..!.' n t i I'I"' t'h- . 1 1 -it t nioi U) ! ICo, ;i II si 1 1 1 I'd h Th year ti int aiu wav. of tin- no m Ii. x h t Si- oral f ni-ui la i : Im--M I pla f 1 1 1 m;i r I plat t s a v di-st i ini i MirniK 1 1 1 trfVtl oar Sunday f-M.aldl 1 IS li nth rin vt-n t ion of ih- Hap of rhih- m i. hi-M it. T -t h c hun hi l i n-.n -thrlr pastor- and dt-h tatt s ha lr-n oil?- nf th Hinl (iitll ult tn our ln-to ;r' it (li t n s.-i.n h i - pt "ouhtry hut i Mpi't ia'II nr i ' aia- M t Ua l I'd and adlMT- nt h.i.' n-iiioi - - ..I In r m um Iv'. .tiid mi io it.- of Kospi-l t'ai h iar hi- Iriid t -M hol wnrk and lu of i h ' hnr In - I: 41;tld.-dtd ,T th. . hurt h- piOllU' 1 UliiolM., Wn 1 M'ps' Slll ll'l In I hi h ban air . t t'si. and wi' . r f.M iiru hop. d l; th r h M rr In" 'I'll' past" wtnt'-r thf oni;'Ht pfihap th- 'rauintry The t-ii. r.HH fr.nt Ma of .-pii'inhri'. hut ln -lK1.: la tdi. ha ht-ni on. I M tiny hitor d rainy n-awon i. lo ahiiut i Hr I vi h this, - ti iYtv it la -i d u ht 1 1 I In- I tii h if hfi' I:.:i m f:ll -in wviHal ..Ihru tn in ikm(Ih iu 11 H w hrrt It never rana .1 h' -i e. Ihiiv niakinij travdtii f li tt i i J t . 's I" la 1 1 In-ti o:n' ha ,i l ( r. uti l-i idK-'d ri rr. X.d w ithwlajidlim all t In ., t an aid- to r port 1 1 1 1 1 ,- tilth, 11 a l - i V-t and thip iain fit lh 1 1 r i n l 1 1 1 L iii io I .IIH4. "Illiniis HI f of nativ.-s t.r i In ituxsiona r a moii tJi. u.s v it I) r.ti i , i'ii r ill Ho lh. i .lulu nli w rn tin-in. Lai kill and mi rl - ohh nis pla d t ism- t - -i. liiriii h Hil I- Hi an I lh hi: i-i ht-f.. If tht'ia- in anv t-ihii loantry that nt-ott tin- KohI of tri' salvation -il it I ! in A in crii a and i hn-f n iuoiik I loin I'hih It ir- inoKi ihtfU-u It to ri'n vt- n i-orrt-t't tHitrrjnat of thr (totdiiions UTithi whirh wr hl'.'i. tin ( rtM.-dj ftwinV h t h' w ar lia.s rausi j in i s. tic-- -of all k l niii- to ad vn m r i-r v niia h tn pri '. anjl it Is dittti nli ni.ikt i i.'N nn'i't n thi' w hnh- nltlook in tl ( OUT te-'lll?. hi-lp-d uk tru-t s in a- ! T spiritual spin-? MlllliTIo the I. anl f..r th- futur- o. 1 1 1 in . In p it" r fa ih' , ip. .r.l Ma. ImiN ALIi is -IlK .-Hi In It. -Iium Itii-mhtT. ami f-w York K- 1 n d'Mi-'ihuu-It t-i,rnpriMi i-y.-i 'ttfh t-s it' i.' rda in . I '.ru- her , i .. Ikiiaii Blood Remedy Sustains World Myriad Have Learned of Iu Re markable Curative Value. 1mm ib- very f.-t that H (. ff.. th famojp bit ita) purifier la a natural m.-dl rim. It ta nppniMi by ihoae who in tint five up mrrrury , atjd ntlirr flanj'Ttiiii dmjr-. Mablt U a Bimmti .tntr. kl flirtfi! pf'opli une mtTi-tiry lth a blind f.irrt of ha ft It. N,t martvd by tbe rhi matlam they twe all arund ttiirnw un mindful of the Ifefrtmnh.r a: alia, piiraly- ula and other dradi raulta nf tDlncral poison Inc. thy line "lo th"" fant diuip ivfarlne trpatmm ik fuirrly and potMr''- J ly h-Hnir r'placd by 8. 8. K.. whrfTfr ) Ihe light atrikon In. 8. M. H la fat b j com i Bar thr world'a panada for all blrHd irniiMi Waiwe It la wlom to a weak tooracb. la taken aaturally Into tbe Mool. ta a ware of purify lac tnflin-tK kanarn h Ita r-markarhle eufarttt "rHn)lta, and la the at a mi by if a hmt of ptfilf. It roa lntn thr blMkd and ri'tnalna a xtrnna: Biedielnal Infturore to tbr roil and thla withmit aaynthrr rffi-rt. thao that of a put-fly rlirsoidng; pifiprrty.' It la t he mont un I Teraa 1 1 y reeim mrTnVd blood rrmdy known, and haa natal nrd Ua rrpu i a Htm for tiatf -a era- liir.ltfNridienta are IVritUh M. 1'. Tt.lnkN lluat UihUJ MitaJi lUaiUT. Luimhm for. New York Ttm Fhtlip tSnuwdtii. M. I'., w nUtiK r the luily Chronicle on hi vinit to Amritu. and th tiplnlot. of Anirri can on th war, mh: r " writ- of American ninii!iH-nit Opiniuti. Ametiran opinion uti th war in divided Into two Lujnpt An , overwhelming number of Am-ricanf ' are enthualaatlcailly on tht aide of tfi Allltw. Pro-Oerman i mpathizt r ! ure cniitined to penon of Oermart Idrth and dement and to i. ry amall THottion of Iriah revohitUinHn: hut th Americana who ait on the Hide .if the Alli-a are not pro- Hi itiuh. Thy do not 8mpathize with (frat Hnta.ii. tu thiti war heiaua of any uffirtion ftir ;reat Hiitaln. hut hoaui t ht ueltevt that in thia war tiieat i;ri tatn hnd her alliea art in the riht and are tlarhllng fur tho? pnnripli-h of dertHK-ratlc liherty for whirh Atnrrjca haa in th aiatratt Mich pro found admiration 'The ViiHtltution of America h Mpnl.ition prclule-i the ptvnbilit v of that country ever -ni-rinK into foi -viiih it'ta-UiiJi aa r' ot "'umi' tn ta bard to ithr natior. It would ! iinpoMhini for the t in i t i . Statfi- to tak .da. through it. j-o t-rnnn-nt. w ith .ui Knropcu n nai : n mvol 1 1 a opposition fi, other Kiiroptr.,11 nation., without t-rtiinlnr upon ihir own t oun(r a 4liantiT km.iJ- r than th ir Civil U ti. That Ih tin. loson to t drawn from thf prc-tiu tati' of Ati.tti'an puldlc (Ppinioi, . x, th- wr ' Though in larK im a.-at.-. particu Inrlv in rriartl tn pco( ;f Hnth di-M .-iit ir. tin- I'niti d St.ttt-s. rh i" pln- of A mrri. a riLn,. iiiMuiLrraui . lint l't ll MUCCt'Ksf 11 1, I I l,.t- Ih.I 1m -to I i 1 1 1 P ! i 1 1 I y tut Two Litli- rat es tin- I nit-. I Stat-. Mil) ii tain th. :i nationalism Ths.- ;ir- tlo-'ii-ti mid' the tterina.1!- Irish ln..-i-1 1 1 1 1 v io K mm land laru. lis.i ppi-ai . d t hrmiL'h the passirifv: of the home run to I? . t h u iir ha. u nil - -d tht- 'Tin i io 4' mi A iiifi'ii'ii a nd I.i hi- hi itVt proin ineurt a rioas prohp-ui f. r nu riran pohti'!" Wood's Trade Mark Glover and . Grass Seeds are best qualities obtainable, of high tested germination and purity. WOOD'S DESCRIPTIVE CATALOG for 1915 gives the fullest in formation about Grasses and Clovers best methods of preparation, seeding, etc., to secure good stands and good crops. Mailed on request Write for Catalog, and prices of any Grass arid Clover Seed. Seed Grain or Seed Potatoes required. T.W.WOOD & SONS. SEEDSMEN, - Richmond. Vi. UUKHAM & SOUTHERN RY. Schedule in Effect Mar. 1812 ata.tCT fO CHANbt WITHOUT HOtlM Thu limo 1 i,la mawi Ui ubj mt wbitn raa noktr I i(i'...J in ivrra.- umI 'Apftrt fmm iauiM aiMI. Iiiltl T'. rtlllUMrl lLi oltM U-ftJU. Wl Ui U tfaaipafturc, avrrit aJ car totat;iata, at Hm uaM Lii, M U-H MklkiaUjUtMl. aoutHaouMD Leeati tirti, ' i -i n.ifiiu . OlMu . .. ., ' 1 .. .. .. i IfptAtf? .. ,, ' IVntiix-a inlii Aurs. . tl illff bprliic . Wlltti V trnm . . a.'il.r . . lUri.lftJftttrtlla) . . CtdU .. . " iuClbjtii . . "tJhp ... - .. amv luu aoaTHaouaa. 0uj latMirff anNitar. ajaa-r. a). 41. tn r I 3 pa. : n m . . t i n tm r t iu .. r i r t r : M ltM a I m " 'fir! tm ' " e- l 4 11 pa kUM I j a cm i mm .. i-M et f u, .. a I II pm i $ It pm a 10 aw M - J 3" pui f I'm w .. a 5 4f ( f p. a I 41 pm t la it m ps r i- jTi .. 4 il um r 11 -rt jb am ii am mm !- 44, mm .1 m T ' t 9 mt mm t il c :: ::: r.i. - tr.lMill ' .m .. .. v-h. . .. - ait. - llulll sprUip frrlw Apr. . . . . IM- " tliur-a .. t',rpiir.. . 1.-M an .. io ii .. II J .. . II II mm .. I II 11 mm .. I II in .. I II V m . . . : itfutim .. .T-iv f tt T. am " Kim ISirtiua ...... list" t 41..- IKirti.B. II It pts . Iiot... ri!.r .m luama. atfaar Kiadnna Ma. px s. amt.m. ess.. AerM. 34 : J 4 es 4 J r : "p. r rn, urn Norfolk Southern Railroad aillTR OF THR -MCHT l.trKI..." Tmrel via Kiilelirh ll'nlon titatlnul and N, K.ailliein Rallr'sd to and from ail isdnl. In Kastera Nrtti Caru lina. Herlrlr I.l.htert Sleeping ars Memeea Maileijih and Norr.da. .ii i:ir.-t tiei. 4. uni t N:'- B. I lie f'.lli... ItiK s-l)edul flf urs. j are u-.t K ue ru fi 1 eed . Imh ICelelahl B .VI I, tn I .-.III' "Mailt CirrfM " l'n. ! st.i'.ritf ,sr f,,r ..rf..ili, 6t in Ih.IIv I t at'ljuia. Wu.ldnzt n -. , ami N rf il. Itretlir tmri-.r car .eril.-e lii'twi'T'ti . ..biH-oH iultv ai.H , a rt. The- tranaportation fnrr errardei. irs-"JIF ere r.uir.s i0-n Wi'in K..- .n .....,ii....H ,. . te aniiflne ir rraii mat rreate our verte.1 into fo.wl. The great ahiploads ' l that havie sailed In Ihe namea uf many slates have leen detailed In the press Ihey HreTre. chronicled here. Hut all i hit . merle1 has donated 75. WHO tons. leic.udini; 'eelo- " KonndHtlon" Kift?. ..ould not haveTfeil tlve Jlelni.iiia i. be siiiKte, month. . . - -- The- Vi Oman's SextiiC, The Hirnun"i i'tlonjjy. created uix'n request of the ArrfTTuMadiira, and collective t'cmnii inti . It planned to henliat the Rrrrat orranizutiuna'nf .wo men, l-ietween ovemtr ltrth and DecembeT lutb it had secured theVo o tie ration of nrextdente pt or Iran I nu ll una. lnterntiivKai, National and Plate, 4WTrainttn s; over aix millions of It haa tosla)- taent. -one N'a- never rallied et a tsitllf toda of aa drncalat. R.fne all anlmtinitea. Write tbe aiedlral department. The Hwlft fipenlflc I'o. U Hwlft Rld.. Atlanta, lla. fnr free adriee tm blond trooblea, and bow to owomf tbesa. . Tbla departtpeat le nae of the flaeat belpa ta tnea to be found anrwbere, aaJtt.J eatlreljt fjea, Sl a. in I lullT. el.ept Kiiudsr. fr Nra hern .la f "Inlti. 2:l.-. ",. I'alli. ve.t Him. lay. for 1 "iijr. i t.-. 1 1 J. ;..vii.. in. i.iiiv. ii'ti.t sluiIbi. f t Vb-IiIi.ui..ii. 7:40 a., m lllv f-r Varlna. UlllnsteB I ami r'syelief n i,-, d SSl i m. I'iiirj f,.r Varlnn. Duncan. Ntar. and Ml. i.tled.l rrle Kalelgbl . Krem Kliralietb tltjr. V.,l,li.)t I ton. Wlliou and lire, nviile: ; .-4 - 7-H . nr. f rirrrr r 1t :S"r ii in. dully, r celt Hmid : 1" p. 111. dslljr. f'rm Mt. Cil.n.l ! .. p. la. dalu. I Oum Kaetteile ;lj p. m lially ri- .'.(. I el ni-.lil v Kroin Kn.ette.tlle W:'J0 a. ai. daflw efeiit Bjndsr and 7i p. m. Hundnj only. h leaie lo.'ld.bsrei tti:-J.1ti m. I 1 1 v -' Miaht Ki,re- poll u an sieei.lna nr for Norfolk from New IW'Cii. ' B iOa in. dally-l .-r Beanfrft and Nor folk l'ail..r car betseeu Nw ttera and Norf.'IVl :0 p. in. f'd.t for New Hern. Oriental, ., and lieauf .rt -I'artor rsr sr rrte For further Infonuajlou and Pullnisa reservation, ari lj t 'WIT'-Ticket Office. iiienit iiorei. iinieivn, J. F. MimiKI'.l... . Titv. PasM. itT N. C. B. s- Tfot )JO!, W.jr'T;;t1 ,J1 akJ. ' . Ill ,l UU .wnw tft.ia. A CO.. rani attaeaere - aaa r ktrsat. t. c RalelKti. N. '. K. n kyi.. n. ft. f.n.tftn. Traffic Mur, , lien. Pas. Art - itfi-rMt: y - CARROLL ADVERTISING & LETTER WRITING -CO. T E. H. iarrrdl. Mauar I, Citucna Bank. Rleich, lS. .C" . Bvsabiaa Broker g : ', Long Distance Always Gets Quick Attention 'I always answer Long Distance Telephone calls promptly. Usually it means profitable busi ness or an opportunity to settle- a problem quickly and satisfactorily. "When 1 talk to a man over the Long Distance Telephone it is like being face to face with him. I can inject my personality into the matter and win his confidence without loss of time. "The telephone, both Local and Long Distance, plays an important part in our business. We have a Bell Telephone- on every desk and the .time and traveling expenses we save make the cost of our service one of the most profitable investments." Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station: SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. .fSl Directory of North Carol ina Automobile Dealers KR1T CHALuTERS and FRANKLIN Raleigh Motor Car and Machine Co. L McA. Goodwin, Mgr., Raleigh, N. C FORD The Universal Car THE FORI) SALES CO, C L. Uussey, Mgr., Raleigh, N. C. CADILLAC Standard of the World Nuf Ced CAROLINA CADILLAC CO., Winston-Salem, Raleigh, Charlotte. HAYNES DODGE and HUPMOBELE ' THE CAR OF THE AMERICAN FAMILY Wake Motor Co., Raleigh, N. C. FREE FREE FREE 1 VW i ill j;ic- .ih. ,lut.l U:c to ."vr-r;, cut,iiiur i. ill I). 1 1 1 s.tnu" tr.inK',!, .in il p.iintiny. .'upic'v .it infi ll. il p.iintiii". -i ul'ii-s in Cil,.'I U.'fi) .ill -t.lMJ.irJ Wi- arc, il'iins; thi- l. :iji'r tisi: mir I r.iiiiiin: licpart int'nl ELLINGTON'S Art Store ' - .' . r" ' Raleigh, N. C. Coal For All Purposes 1 1 1 1 : Is n.'t uU'f W.iuh ;.our pile and when mure is neeJeJ. let us i1,!' it ill 1 r uu. Our (.uilitje- tor Jeliverinkj dial i equal to ,in ocJ'asion. ..TRY I S gJohnson & J Phoned 150 ? Ralcigh.N.G Office Third Floor Commercial Bank Building i Vi URINARY DISCHARGES RELIEVED IS 24 HOURS K-rfc C.p- -S. tnc uim a- U'i A LL I'kl ,0M' GALVANIZED PIPE - BLACK PIPE Complete dock carried up Id 6 inches tn diametetv AUo big tck-Galvanized and Black Fitting.... Write tor price. DILLON SUPPLY CO. Raleigh, N. C No. 121 W. Martin St. Phona 753 KaaMieaaHna " V e-

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