, THE MEWS AND OBSERVfcK SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 7, 19lS. 1 ' . 1' 57 ! I f - DALLASMEETrKG POWER FOR GOOD Did Not Measure Up To Gieat Gathering in Charlotte, Says Dr.' Martin . Oaviiiaon. March rnsnieiii .Mar cin returned home this week from his yllt 111 Ti'tHM. hi re l,e went Irr Ink- .part ht the area! I mens Missi.iimry -iinvtniiiin tielil in llie First I'r.-el.y-trtn church' IVir.i-,. .February V'S- S5. followinK the similar nath'-nni: in Charlotte n Hi" itki dina; week. lr Martin left .'hiirlntie Th.uis.lay ntathl upon th-- ;i!.jonrrmietii of Hie Charl-itte run.iti.ii for IVxus Mon day, 111.- 'l'thl. lie hu.l ari"iMiiol t Ulllt3f to visa A'JMin 'oll'Ke Hi Stierm.-m. the sviimliial institution if that State He was cordially receive.' there l.s his felb.'V In otthe. I'rei-i.lem ('Inn, mi fa-niiiilenlir of the .isM-mbls. aiul other I in nlson men .mil frl.i"l I'r. -Martin speaks in ent li-i-uns' ire term of the inll.,s , ..nv. ntn. I its fine program In ' (i..iiii .f ii:'i'."0 . ..if cii irBp it f.ll far bin. I the -il'.-n.l-nce In l'lnn l..it. . (lie .ii.-i f l ie-.- t.iTeriM!llMII ill the J -lit 1 1 .1 " del.'liujefr Leans' pri mi tit aj. -nine 3 Jim in i ll it l.iid t liaiiare- Ill NHilkrl. The 1 1 5- T nl s.i-al.. I. v .e I lttl the slillie tll.it '.'.IJl' loll i . I t rn, hi iv : I . i:.n rhauHv. .Ni' "in'' " 'I'I'I ile". .sal. I it We i 'h,i r X ni tin. I, If! those In i ' In i .1 lot l It-M-rli V is f th Htrol. t ll. II ol II ,11 .J olhi r ,is lii-v i:,..i. 1 1 i; !.. of An-iiii Ti e . I , , l 1 , " , Uhn ll.ul lie Kll llie . I Klynn -i! Inn h'lle Plieiial Kl'nl t hi I - .1 ti it I ii l; the nonveiHIi-n w 1 11' a. Lite l. n I i f it I it features of ses l, Kev A- K fort 'Ami n n ii ...i. . t ii.. i. . ., i.'.. ., II. .Me A A in. I Mr Uilke n lit , i no ii,,,.. .... " of i.. ll;o Mr oi i Ale for ;.nl is tilt pi. . l. n v s I. I .1 ii s frlhe Men mil M 1 It . us M,.i . ii,. i llf th" I, s -J., s ,, I of w hat he MIL I III" I in the I him h hllst II" t.'hl .is. ,. la I es ' :i rn doh'it in the matter of tai.sim. S7,(oiii. tlVU for mlssi.'ii Klnl'V of l"s'fi litis. ol a rmioiis lisas. t.,1,1 wf that thrjJl'eil A. A Hide. pres.. I .huMness of 'V'lehlt ji ft onilerfnl hf III amlleiiie He l.l'KHIl life a Omlk eli'l. Ill the roiirsi- ..f vein's I-. Ihriil and in lusir he h id afipilied lat,i ioin His hoyn w . re i;oim: t.. th. had and his life was wreli hed Then eaoie the Iran of his fortune. Aviti uettltii: on Ilia feet he heiamo aiMlln hivoIvimI In himlneae I r. 'ill, li s Ills Inveat inents Trrrmed hitn." hi neeiwliiles in- 4iHel neaa aot Hhiik" Into a tutiKle ,4ml he hlmaelf wmm Ketilnv mi pleasure mil nf life In aelf ilefense and despera tion' he hi.tfari In siinU his liil.U.. mt-nl.lS- the Serin. ,11 on the Mount He Came to the eelieluHliill Unit the Wolds meant wluit they hmi.I "l.a m.l up for oursiles triasiit.'s on earth, hu Ih heaven " lie r.dloiAe.l I Ije .(II maml ami it"t lid ot ail luistness hut thlM-'l.lie eollip nil '1 list Ill.lustt V nets him lion nail a war He ivea away $S tinti ..f II ni h y ear. Mr I'u'e i f I'iiII.k- a llMpusi. told of hl five and ten rVnl si -!T-nd the fortune made in them. TestlflnK nn etewardehiti he Hiaie.l that m..w he a:tee away to reliKlous work all Hj..t he tniike The entertainment . the deh'n.itiis Itnd linn- ln-alia.tlie - of-t4ie -entTVet lion lelt n. tliii'K lo l.e il.'SII e.l. I 1 Martin staled. The alt. Iniinee i.n the tneelln-. is as fine, nol.ir.j. nt nIKht when I In. hlllhl illt. eapat-h- of seHtlni: J. .'.en, was trow: 1 led In sl.e it was more e. tu torial It- for -,ie.iklllr -purposes, hi!' J I Murtln . .ml. 1 ii.,t noi. thai the Inter 'ss'l or the .4' t fii 1 1. ,11 whs an heller than th.i n, th. .t. u umlitoi linn iti tJnvrl.ite wlo le, . i pi Mi Ihe entreine rear of itu- l.ml.lin. t.r.i,dv lould hear with'-ut ili'li.-tilt The eh.il.ot. Ill the ..t'lt.l.'ti titch wlav.i ird The .1.1, t ,!. . nplelldl.1 eat Th. .,i-, llTltiressi..ii I. I loiihil. The iiii'.u 1".: -M 1 a.eea u nature ol th.- a in t'h-irl -ti. an.l op'il mot 1. Fine- nnisii. Auatllt 1411-111. i -era. Horn- ,.f I: Mill, rastoi . t two t unnini;!..! ,.f I lo li hll esn. s is as f I u Martin up lo Ihe '.mined. in 1 'hirtnlTe Hi.' . L. h fewer, w ere it s irile and earn-ttm- hiiiI the tli. Ill Was plo- llii- . ll s out si I.I. -i.i.ilir a i lly I tlo pre. 1. 1 I, -.lire t-i th' 'A.lh-.ljl l,.e UF.IlIF M KSII l s 1 i is 1 v Wake l'irs,. 1 r. nis i. lOelimi'tuI I ras tth H'ake K.sreel. Mi. 1 1. C. pit .1 tre tieina ina.le f. 1 ih, .i-i,,, vsi,i( Ulchmolld folle.e. t.i. I.. 1.1 1. fh.' WthKale Memorial llli at. i . i.m. on Friday nlclit. April ; 'ins 11..111 triar Ihe o.ietle, ,... it,, m.i T-Vti.l for the iM'ij,s.u Tlo I; .. it. 111 s ,ir M. A. Hnnevi uit, . hi.-f. 1; V II. I. In. 1.. and J. A- W atlL-Slal the J'hi4,'tm. I he . Man levi.l C. Thomi.s eivo 1 .1 11 Tally, and 11 t: i!ie This I- ih llral ttii-e in 1 1-ir t ti,fi -f, mi-i i..U'.. (tuat tTeliat e "Ti s . taTTT- hetrtR r - Wn Sf Korrft. nl the ai..n will he one of aTea' Interest Wake Koreai "'I uphold iir jlttn niMiVe aide f the follow tnu llUestloll. "Helvel. that all Industrial disputes ahould he aeftled U -oiii. History ari.l . tratlonJ' The-ile Imiern are John I' .Mull. Kll.: of level ind , ,,uii1v ait. I A. A vera, I'M. ..f kinks Mount. JB. M. IoTCof Me. klenhliru is the .alternate. Thn-jmrea luue nut lei Wen aelcted. - f place, f !.,.. n I- : 'I K Mi.lt ..in ml r i J . . . .10. 1 y .were eniiMj-ie ii'ii-t. il.-iiii a.n.llii : stroll: spells' r ssln. v.tr oil tile I'll II - i lotte ,r........i I .' I' ll" of i ioi -1- a.lelphn si i- :t...'.-.l fr- ni roomie; t j-Uiel !! hi Ho I tit - . oliia o...o .i.-.nl in T 'I U i.n. .AJ. . Ijj ..llli...-.! l.uti ut. t-U.tfeJ, nnrl f:ev I"- II I-'. -S iiltiiio.. .f ,sh ; Mile lft,W ; , (tilt 1lV-"- WT' (til' (fifirft't'lll . I eiH t.i 1 : Tk . . r pl'it I Mil' 'I. 2 l ..- n t i ji j VI i i.. 1 1 y: Whit-- 'i nr ni-.i tirni'H t f : W i; ..iL-.nr v . .-f NVu York wlm , i . Milk '.i: Mi. i.'i'l tin fill m t . i 1 .1-1 y. iJr"-' - ( 1 "il ij t ) . i f i in n I n...i i - f. -.(mi, :ev on Lit . 1 tin Ur unw unlit ake K. r. -i a m' nd a team to llTi hii..' hd (or .1 ilehjte itnthn aame .pieation. ami th.-re f esara. farey Hiititr-. J M Frii. hard ind Xf Carletrn will defend the nnn U aide. . ) l.LT. lmaralraatHa Aaanrait. Hisxanlhsv. of thtkwiiHi uf Kult. twassiaal te nm rm erHlsWMi.i t-.nirTtairt atirrh VXTh. hVi . fMrt baaar of aldermen viiadea con tract with J. H. Mrt'rin' I'a, uf At ta'nta. thla afternoorL J-a complete water and aramur plant, ihe coat n.t lo eed' fiH-t -three thiniaand JdTarm. It u urornlaed that ehe Work a-tli he completed before JJie ejid of th yer. full la pendlmt in retrard to "ha rnatter In'Huprema Court, but th . amending of lha charter" hy Cha pre nt leH Ator make bi poaalhre to 10 ahead with the work regard lea of th putcom of Lb present aula- . Ml-TIll!!K5t'!rXTKaT Senate Grinds Out Measures H.'onltnued from 1'age Oar.) Meinhen. of tli iw.icieal Brd John Sprunt Hill, of Durham, to sue i ent V. H. Wllllainwin, f Wake ronntv: HiiKh Mri:f, of New Han hut. and K. K. tltfWett, of Itum-omhe suhi.ol for KeeWe-Mitided: W. C .Wttlmiit. fahlwrH ci.uiuy: V. F. Sew ton. lATioir. W A. Thniniim.n. Beu fort J. It itatuett. Harneit: Murk M-n lle Tv rrell. to bu erd A C. 1 viK, .1 l. Tuuiihali. Wake nunty. TrtlBloeH o( A Ulid M folleKe. Ha leinh. -lht year: M. H- Ktifhluy l-,.l...r.. T T llnllinaer. Folk inilll iv li I. ("lark. Itl-ailin W H. W liainmiti Vkt- ii'tinty. to HUi-ieed N it l;r..ou hiim 'ilpiniiMl, ami 1' f HomI. IreileVI to Huei erd l A Tump kltlf. ilei e ..,). Mti.m Ni.rnial 1'i.ll.t'"-. ;renHl.i.rn (!eo W llirislaw. WsiiKtoii'-Salem T. It in.il. v M., ksille T. M. MullIn, Klrnt I in.' r I- I t tli n. liiHioli of thin, the Hen i.hk..i ;i resi.liitlon rei i u -t l ii K that ., :i ,1.1, ..ml, Hi nts uf lh KliverBur if Mli, rim iu In the future lv made nut lt, r than l-vhruai . "mh rhia wan . .ii.in.ri in Ni'imiur Mi Mh'hael. the .nirodiieer. ua mil inten.leil for u fla hi the iov.rnor. hut aimiily In order thai tln-M- .i....lniniimts may he .in,, I i,i the Senate hefore the lat .in of (he M'fHiun whi'ti the rush inii-tties- limits ,'i.iiKlder.itlon liniiiuiirallon l Iihim-I HIM. The .Si liale 'llkeW'lliL' l"Ued the r. K.ilniioti w n! oyer l.y the House yen i .i .in f..r the npp..lniineni of a mm mittee to attend the tnutiif'iral ex I rj lues iittrllihtnl tllMill I he ottu 11 In .IU.-II. 1 1 Jl in , linn. lYiti t he i.ttl. e of I 'res K . K lint I'nlversttv of North 1'itm Sfiiali- lnf-dlnK. Senate was l ulled to esterilav niornilik' h.v The i ;m order at r-Klilelil I'loiKhtil.tfci H. .1 M.len i f fere, I the pr:i"T The r,. ,WIIM I lulls wete m- tlO.hl.e.l ie-t,Jla S I: IT'-.T ILUiilnt sii I'l" . ela in,, t.k. I h .nali:. uf viCom-tUL -Irt lunk'llHJ l.. the Wat.' S,li.iiil.,l-l I'lintf. s It l Tin. Suow of KVaV.e: F or the reh. f' i,l I inline T i happell, widow uf the liiu- U T .fhapliell t H. 1:.. 1S3j. Tltoiiii.Jiii. rf ,.,lred..t.: I'll, I't ' f..r a healiXd pilmao 1 h . .1.11 1 .unit-. . If l:" ixllli. Ilarilluit of I'lll, To . it, lisp an inferior . ..urt for . ,,inl S II I K III M. Ia-.nl of Kohfanli: 1. ..1.1 a Joint sesMon ..f the Senate th House at two .. . lock "for the . I'll! T. an. ....s.-.,f .-If-etllll. Illenifiers to Ih.- hoid-d ..I Hiist. es of Ih. State I mversin 1 , 1 1 1 :o a I ii-lei- s 1: I v II. M. Mi. hiu l .if,lt kini: ham: T... 1e.4ue.sl the (oeverm.r 1. N'ortlt 'ari'Jma that all .jfpl"liitnient 1., h, iii.id,' with ami hv the consent of the Si tiate. he filrrlishelf the 11. ,1 Int. 1 I hah I'eliruary '.'"th Senul of eaeh lettislai iv s ear . S H l-l.' Mavmore of Hirry lie litise t.i . 1 Hani township trustee 11 Sutrs ... unt. s It in 4:1. M. -Mil haef of Itoekinii nam- 'For 1 ,, relief of i-miiliiycB of t In- :. IK I-:. I As-i.-uihly S 11 IM4. Iiiaoh of l.iaalon llela tise P. .Ir.iin.ice in i;.-t,sti,u inmtv. Third ItcadliiK. The lollnwlni! hill" parsed lhlr.1 reH.tlnu y w.io,lnl It lT?l H H HiJn T., a mem th. chillier of the cits .,f Cary II 1: 1, ;.. S I! Hi 7 1 To provl.li f..l n . .1 r. ols In Mai:n.ha township in Impltn omits II II 174;,, S I!. Ho.3 Relative tn 11 h.ind iKsue election in tlaaton coun ty II I! 17"I, S "Tt HSJ: Trr t-reale special Hchnol illairlcl for Hiiiioitnl H II. Hid. S It lJ: Te- eatend the 101 poiatc llniilM ol .lameBvlllc II ll 17HI f II 1 Kn 1 For the r.er llef of A T Cram, clerk of court of 1 e., I.. ...iiieli- II II I7a. f V.. I'?' To annetl . ri 11 1 11 a. h,.,. illstrP is in liimcimhe i-ounls ll I,'. 17 1:1. S II lil To amend Ihe charier .f Illicit Mountain In Huncotul.e cniinty. II II 15 41, S I: I. '.5 7. To create the I'roaa "reek Cemetery Aaa.iclatlon II I'. 1 7 .'(). H II t,ML': To amend roads district In Ihe law relative Heaafort . 'utility II H f..rh,, ml ' 11 li piUHle null, i.ii II fi porate I II II It li To provide id." cl I h for Ihirham 1?4n' Tn rnror of Selma cotton nintv ll '.'S To tneor s county iSL'l To nnthor- i ; it. ft n the i 1 1 ;a ac lohnston c I 1 7 1-.. S H ure In 1 lat, 1 :.iii. s it le N'. rlhwe"! In unship to Issue l.omls Itrunawlrk H II I 4 Is I . S Washintl 1 hi ti 11 r. i!.'4 the counts of It 1 '. i: To aiithorlie su.' t,,,n,ls S C I '..",0 To alio ',fnee t.. hold a 1. 0 till Issue I'lect'Oll II It I;l7, S II ri.L'3 To amend the charier . f Viml..r nv I'ertle. 11 I'. ITS' ,rp. ral. , s 1! ir.;s- To extend limits of lauiitx lew S It. IK;".' To provide Hills Farm Life School S H ISM To amend f Chap. I Hill. S ll 1,17 To a ilhor- Ihe II I! 1434 for Ihe Sand 11. 1!. ' I till' 1 hat tee 1. H l IL74 :.,n,f. l.e lei ilon for cn.ipet 1I1TI II II l.'..'.i). S It. ir,ai To author re I try wells township In Nash r.nin is .. I.oiiow nion..y II II -in:!- S II li:T, To provide f.u- hon.l issue fur Kdenlon li it 1 am;, s It ll To allow K 1 1 1 1 1 1 I.. s,,te I, on, Is for school im- 1. 1 . , , e n , , 1 1 li. II it il . S 1! ltiS7 T" amend ihe 1 '.,,1 lass if liurltani county 11 11 its:' S h 1454. T., repeal th,- pt,s, nt iliarier and Incurporale The t-iiv of Th.HTiiaevllle. S ll "l H-lrttlte to municipal v ,i,, rii.t t.-ns fur railroads ii I;i4s Tn proalde noval rnadii f 1 Mi. I. lie i 'reek In Wake county S ll ll'tpi To levy ta fir ,,tden Senior.! liisltul In 'rut Counts II It 1:41 s it I '.air To amend ih. . h.irter ,.f Sanford II It .ITS; S H ' H'.aii To mithorlte ITir- t TninTv rrf Hriiti.atili to taaue l.ollds sis;, ml ami Tfiiril lu-aatinars. TTJX1: .f ui.',jWLiiK.hh1'Js pasaiul aerond anH third retiihllKS fa -e- II II ai,ii s II I7ii T.t appoint a cmmhtee to aliend lip iauarura 11011 ..f i: K.-iiraham as preaidenT of the North Carolina male l"ni ersiiv ll l: 73.,;r. li 1 7i.i,To prosl.le for the rontdriKliirh of,"he'rXs"hevllli. Murph) mi-Mt. liinhaay. S I: 1 : To .r.vide for a Joint s. ssioiiv. sayLj he Semite and the Huufie f.-r the eii'V-'tl-.n , f trsistees f.,- the Stale I'nlv. rstty H II. I T njl . - for tiie rrli lie reliefof FarTlie Of the1M"e W. T t hapvell wld fhapin-ll II H. ;IT5. H. H lall': To provide for the.,, payment of expense of aub-y.iniiittei-Lstiint the' site for the Iti. cation of the State Institution for the lten at Sallsl.tiry. H. U .iUll. S It 1SS4:' To provide for iht-vSjisjjjent ofeJHenea of com mittee viMi'iiu M(KknKlBi to inve. t'natv aite for location of the Stale S hisd. for the Hlind . II. M. K. H. it.t: To rsa? . penaea .f the auh-cumrnttte raettinf the Appalachian Tralnihlt School. II. It 11S, X. ii. 171: To pay the cTprnac. of the , committee vlalTin' rvrni-m. 'V uir , i"in 10- . muna Hae-eehool- for The F"etde-MIded at Klnston, x H. B. 17. 8. tt. 1jS: Ttr-pay th expeneea of the eommltta Jtlsltinx the State farm, u 1 . (t. h. ll: To paythe eipenae of th committee vlritln tht; Stat Nor mal at Oreeiwhoro. : 8. B. 12; X pay Ua expenee of . ' - ' -si's . . ' , - the committee visiting tha Morcanton HorpltaX il B. ilia. H. B. 12: To pay the eipenaea of the committer vlaltlns the State School for th Lie at Moriran ton. H. B- 8- H- 1S0D: To pay the rxpenaea. of the committee atlendintc the funeral of th late Speaker of the House of Keprewntatlvea, K. K. WiaXcn. H. It 1S. H B. &t: To prohibit the shipment of apirituou Ihiuora Into Cleveland county. II It. 1 2H. S. li. 191: To place the officer of Harnett county on a aalary hasla. II H. 17a. S. It. 1T5: To amend the law relative to th protection of trout in Watauita S. It. 176 To validate certain acta of lleortre Turner, notary puhlli; of Lenoir. II It 14. H. II 174: Halalivr to hrldnea in HaywoiHl., .11,11. 1 k2. 14. it 1 71: Id la live to drimeatic fowls In Johnaton coantv I ( H. H41. H. B. I7J3: To amend the law incorporating the Coinnier cial Hank of Hill herfordton ti. II I7il: Relative to drainage dla-trt.-la an Ireiiell. I H It. 1162, S. II 17.r.7: To prohibit . ihe aale of aoft drinka on Sur, ,.iy, In I'amllco. II 11 I SIT.. S 15. 1 3 f. S : To establish community homes fur Ihe care of th poor. II II 1S2U S 11 M2X I'o eradl caie the ratlle lick In th county o Beaufort. 11 H si s. M. I (41: Itelallv to the Marehvlile graded criooia. II K 140! S B I7I To create rtrnriirr'n court of laU-r&nK and Mosely Hall t.iwnahlpa 11 l( 144H, S II 1 723: To Incorpo rate Ihe Advent Chrlatlan t'hurrh Con ference for eaatern North Carolina. 11 14 1727. S B 17411. To allow Old Fort to chan- Ita source :.f water supply S B. 1 7..3 T" pence for Bu k i-ou.lity H It i3;. s f.r the keeping , appoint juatlce of the Swamp In Wayne B llkt: To provide .f croaa indei record" of or.t.erly sold for laxea. li. .-l3i- To- uruClde.tur a..le40ll.- test primary for Iredell chxKily. S B lsJ: To eaiiildleh Rtcinrerior court for Flit county. II IM11 To hold a joint aeaalon ,,f jhe Sniu,Ie ami the House for th election of trustee of the slate I m rsltv S' II dMl To requesl Ihe atovernor make thoae appoinlinenta lo which Die, i ..nen of the Senate la necesanry 01, 1. lie .. the Senate not litter than February r It 14T Uelatlve to township trusle.s of Surry county. S B IH43 Relative to employes ,f 1 hi- i.eneral Aaae.mldy. At on.- o'clock the Senate took a re e until 1! o'clock land after proceed- 1111: t. Ine Mouse t.ir llie jomi seaei..., assembled and adjourned until 3:3" look." ftcnnsii ia-s.liin.' The follow lllk billa pasaed secoll 1 it ihii.l readinats at the afternoon session of Ihe Senate yesleruay. II B IS.'.l. S B. 17i.'.: To incur ,rali the Southern Normal Culli-'Ke ig Madtaon county II It lin. S ll 1731,: 10 appoint lusllces of the Peace of Northampton unls S 11 14i8: I laViaV to the Vork Si hool LliMrict in I tuon I'liumj H B I4.'n. S B I J 1 2 : To teaiu- lale ihe f.cs of the t ourt Bteiiopniphcr ,f liurke cntintv. II. B . S ll l7: 'lie UUiv to he installation of Ihe olti. era of Ihe llv'iif SaHlabury v H It. I7V3. 8. It I71i: To tlx the lime Jar klll'uiK aaiulrrele In . Hertford sounfy. II. It 154. Si B.- 1 777: To prevent hoaa from rumflna: at (j;ge In certain pnrts of, I hire county ' II B. 1413. S. It 1.11.. 10 amen, 1 Hie law relative to the recorders ourt of Johnston county H. 14.. ISf.. ST It. 1 7-' : To create recorder . a inuri . filr Kiiiston. ft.itl. 1421. S B l.5-.- To abolish the office of aiidll and finance of u lumhija county "aid appolnl an audi or 11. H 157', K' B 170; To' pre vent hoaa. eheep und goats from rule nunc at larae on Una Island II 11 l;.a. S 11. 17f7: To chane the bouiolary of certain townships II It tall'. S B. 1 743: Tonmetid the law relative lo school dlstrlcl lines of Morrla Chapel IL 1 t4. S B tT!vr-Tn allow the hoard of coinid1tOTrer of-Henderson to renulate the kllllnx of trarne in certain case H It I4ii. S B 1 444: Relative to asiiuoiank criminal court II ll 171". S. B 1 747: To prohlh llli. sale of elder and svinea In the Waaeloii I Ira. led Schiail Dlnlrlct j f Wake coiinls II. II 17t'. S B 174s: To einpow ihe Tl.lenatei I'ower Company and the commissioners of New Han over to bulhl a cauaeway. H B. 17HT.. S B IHsii: To create Ihe office of ronatahle for certain unships tn Hare county. II B 171... S B. Hi.'.: To amend thi law relative to Washington mist rrtpaii H 11 i;:i. . B. 1SJ: To amend tJie law r.latrrfT.T reaorder'a courts III B Its". S li. ItVS: Itelntite to fit' cl..'sl season for htintmic name id 'arlerel li. 11 m;:,. S I! iCkS. To protect at.-tnie In Iredell . II B ms7, S II. l7 IJ.elatlve killlnc'aaine In Vance. S It 1 4i 7 To reaulub' riahinK in hnstoii comity. if B' Hiss, S II. lil: To prevent the sale oi Kinaei and other Intoxi- attnir ilnitas In Wahinaton. II. B !;;. s It. 17)13: To protect game in Fender count) H. H. 14. S B 17:4: To ami nrt Hje law relative to pih.tinat In Beau fort harl..r il II lvl. S ll iTfiii: To chaniie ihe boundary of the Sprluir a hool dis trict to Alamance county H It; 415. S B Hlilsi. To 'prohibit Ihe manufai ture anil ai.le of Inioxlcat ina liquor In Tran lvania county. II B. 17Ii. S I: 170: To .author ize the tojan tff Marlon to prohibit Ihe exhibition if carnival In the town. IL It.' 171!. S B 'iiTl: To abolish 44jftlceJ.ofatStTrtnTit keer for th ciuintv of Hyde. S B. 17iT: . Helat.lv t tn' tmard i.f CHiuniy comiiiiaainher of Buncoxyhe coimty. II B 174. S. B. 1707 To author, la Jackeon to make nws of " certain funds H It. IT. H p. I7is: to amend he charter of Qxford. - - ll' B. I7: S B. t73: To amend .f lasa- .relative to the compensation ii-4atce of Ihe peace - of Vance -o.inty. S B.' TTTl: Ts c.rret Slate irranl lflTl in Macon county. H. B T-?T X B. 174:' To allow the tiwn of i ld Fort ti(chn t'.he aou'ree of It watek- supply. . lfc H l Ti'-iTntTiror'To rellev tne ort.ser of W'lsa.n county. H B. 14!. S H l: To create a hteway commiwion for Wayne county. , H H . 17. B , 1 37 : T pmxld for essevict labor on the connty farm. B 1S!?S B. lk-fl: To author, it Cfiion countv to pay for certain rork nil l tmilt , ti.. H i.'B. k. 114: .T loceeaee the pay of the eurveyor of McDowell cowplv- " , H H E4. 8. R tU To amend the law reUUv lo.lhit aaleat of wine and cider -j-, j - ,. 11. W H4I. 8. a 1TI: to prevent the'klUlnar of certain ram la Om brlaa4 coanty. ... . . " . ' ' P Italian Averages Sixty-seven, One-Half Miles; Wilcox Is Second B) Qtr AaueUlel t'r.- I Ban Kranclaco, Cal.. March 1.. - I) KeatH.. clrivinar car No H. In which he won last Saturday the ?ratid pria, ca ture, I today the Jnii mil.' Vanderhllt cup race over the course of the I'ana ma Pacific KXpositlon in what is said lo have been one of the most thrUlinx . nnleati ever run in this classic. Ilia time waa four hours 2 minutes and X. sen, mis. lfe maintained an aver an of ,7 J.j miles Howard Wil. No 51. waa second, In four hours, 34 nioiites, and 14 aeconds: lOddie 'u len third, four hours. mlnutca. 37 ... , r-,; an(1 Hlph ,),. I I mil. No ii fourth, time four hours, 3!" minutes, seconds. other cara flniehed as fullows: l-lrth. Mlllam I'mlson ,xth. f. H New ho uae. aeventl. Itatney iildfield eighth. Iaila Dial. row, nniih. HuKhle iiuarnea. tenth. A. II Klein I he onlv serious accident wn In the vertiirnlnK of I:,, Pert Hiirman' car at the nabt awl,'' turn near the palace of machinery luirinan and his mechanician. Joe Cleary, wer thrown out. Hoih men were union si'ioua hcn picked up and wen rusneai 10 me noeplta,). littrjiiiin waa oniv allnhtly Injured, hut fit-ary ha a broken thigh and he luav be injured internally. neaia. riimun up front Hie run was aecond at ihe rlnUh of the tenth lap beliia: led by a trifle more than 11 mm lite Uy Alley-! Vo. 1 In Ihe twentieth lap. Hesia went into the lead, which tie Teld tu the end The car of Buck M-vlt. Nr who was- rtmnfmr Tfgo.id aajc third and henia ,1 aseured of thai place, mel with a mishap in the 72u.il lap. puaninx Wilcox inin wcnnil place I'lillen, A'ho -made a uaute riatttt for aecofid placer Waa nos.-.i uui after, he, seventieth lap hy Wilcox I'ullen waa a favorite with the crowd his tlare devil ilrlslnit hrtnaflnK Toh salvos yf applause inrouarli the enure race. II B 134!. H H the law relative to 1 MH To amend th. boundary S.Uva In Jat-kson counts H. B HUH, H 1.1 1 so;' To nib. police patrol waft."' f Ihirham lor the . II. B I7u. s;H iso 3 llef ftf John l'rHWfwo, il 11. II. 1 775, 4s. ft a; , To correct "Minder Mr- certain Slate Brants-to A I line II II. 1885. S. It. 1 s 3fi To tlx the salary of the counts u , lllllendenf f the ai-hoola of I'amlt.-o II H m:,i. S. It Isi'i To appoint Jusiicea of the peace of Ansun county H 11. I9, H. II. s:;i To amend Ihe road law uf Madison --,iii!s. 11 11 1914. S It lL'l To pro vide for n cottcm m ailn-r and icrader for Hobeson counts II il IHRII. 8. It 1 HIT,- Toi'reirnlale Ihe liuntlnK in Jllaili Shoals of Ruth erford county, II. H. 1115. S II !7:'4 Tu establish township and appom! a Jusllc Ihe peace In I'll Is.' ountt'. II. II IMS. S II Isjii TooenlarK" the Jurisdiction of ihe nsrnrder rours of Hunn H. B. 1141 S. B 1h2: To allow Coorr'i lownehip to elei t read: com iiiiHeioniTai II. II. IH4J, i4H 1729: To provide for the election of ihe Justicea of Ihe peace of ani-e cimly by a vote of Ihe people. H. B ls..:l S I! Is3a Relative 1. the d Hill's f the Look Creek Drain aire t"ommlsloriers. II. "B. I H ' T . S It. 17 0 1: To amend Ihe .charter of Clyde In Has wood county. II 11. 1771. S 11. 1 736: To amend Ihe Paw relative to the cilv of Waah InKt'.h. -Jl. II. 171ii: S H. IS4: Tn authorize the county of Hcaufort to establish a ointv workhouse. II B. li'.;.. S. II. Kill: Uelatlve l towttahlp 'oiisiai.la of WashinKton C-041t-V IF II Jh.14 S II 1 s Hi: To fix the time for h dillim Ihe Superior coiifT f I ireene i ..uiit v. II It IHh.1. s' II 117: Tu amend ihe ( hartel of Wadesboro. II II. is.", S ll 1 774 To re, pure the dead loiiles of animals tu he buried II II 1 4 73. S It I3T Ti: Tu ri'Kulale art- r.-t oshina: In Cedur Island coutu y II II. 1.81,4. S II i(i4: To 1 1 Kulate uf I lllsll.W. Ihe charier nt fishing in the waters S ll IS', 7. T,i amend f I tu- Can Iln.i ( 'enlral Railway. VI five ,.' lock the Senate iidioiirni 'c1.ii k In the rreruiir. until eicht I'rillla luh h'.nlcrtaliHal. S'prt-:. i. T',. V-s alirt Olseier , KenlsV M.f.'la . TlHinwiay after. ti Mrs 1' - . Turllns'ton enter- tain.d ui lor attractive home mi Main strei-r t tie I'rlecllla Cluii from three to live ., 'cluck. The nui-ata were recclaed ai the door by the hostess ami directed i.. the coy.y livlhK ' room by .Mrs Herb, ii C,riit7jrd The Kiiesis siitthed ' away hil" oiiveisalioii ri.iweil like waters af- ler Hiimniei shoVH'ei-K. li TTIlracI .s ealad l ollatloll fol lowed by a ..-lli;hlful sweet course w as Hs-r.l I s tihe 'hostess. iislstid ly Ml- llti..r.l. Tile afturiii-.-'ii 'waj otie of ureal pliulsiire and tnis lieilKhtflll enter- tiiinmeiit. wtli lona be remembered The Ileal 11, e, 1 1 H4i llf HlC I'lllh Will be at the h,,m. '-f Mrs L. ' Wo.dir.l on Moaevili- n lleichta. The' in., mi, .-is present sser.'' yirs, T..111 llainea. Mrs. .1. I '. iBowman, Mrs A J. Iliuiiabl.'p. Mrs .ls.rMs l-Mater-lon. Mrs it. rt-ert !rtz7.anl Mes. JVitTTi H:ah W a Iter' Hooks Mrs J ll Kirus Mrs U F Kirk mi i rick. Mrs " Jim Sauls Mra X'ajict Snipe's. V rs. J ' i.;ii.a and ill i Lt'j . Wiitajd..- "' aji "-- "- KH I'll'I U AT PL MUITH. . . iiiilcr. of l-'Jtxahcth Cily lo Ihlii Weekly. ;Sw. is. T.,r Htsn AK,1 IMtOM 1 F.lijleth Citv. March V. i ," Sa.un.lers. ain r and etlithf tif the'ln ! ... pdeni a w.-t kly newspaper pnb llahe.l ,in Fliraepth City, ha estab- j ii-. .d the Ills 111. .utrv Independent, an eipht-paxe countrv meekly. The first lw will mak.- Ita appearnn ss Fri da'v. Mar.li. li'ih. f. 1. Trtp'ett. an experienced newspaper- man of Weat Virginia, will have rharve of the I'lvinoiith cfti.-e Mr. Saundrr? will edll tioih' of his paper. aiH- i.lIn a part of hi !i.o... in HI ir a beta City and a part e ' n los-sotith. w- HISmI TKNiH-:RKf l. - Xorth t aroHiiiaia Uatai Tlai-e Jalio tK-t 41aanma. I AssiiiH I'lew ) - ?. - WaaihlniTton.rta, C. Man h t TrtiTTif' fera of . I'nitest Slate "ronahla atv-noanrTrMla-y T5f t Ktil lpt- fent tncliirtedt - XV. H. Robertson. Richmond, Va.. from Manch!Cr-En-land. to Hueno Alref Oeore C. Pole. Watpiu.-WV..V:frora Pairaon, Re. to rwrir Rupert. Chaa. stsatham. ,Orena11l. N. from Pni Arena.- Chile, to Bantoa. I)r- ESTAWIIERO VANOERBILT RACE ELOfJ SCHEDULES ES Will Open ' Baseball Season March 20 With Carolina at Chapel Hill asjHs'ial u. The N'sw. md Irtstss L.lon College, March 6. -When Hob Doak and Jack Johnson. Klon'a two coiK-Jiea. laid aside their "atynm" toira and donned the more spa. lotia appart of the diamond, thus kIvIiik the call for volunleera for the pleasure repi .seutlni; the Maroon und old i. old in eighteen contesta this season Juat forty men hied them down Kat i ouoitf hi reel lo the a,-ene of many an eeitiiiK atmi-'Klc and arlorious vie toJ' Just forty that waa all. Truly many anawered, hut few shall he ch if.cn. w hen iueailoned as to the prospect Monk Kave a knowliiK amile. but auid nothing for aome tune Then he add ''"' : ''V'ait. li'l May. and If w havrrt mail., a record." The fellow have been put throunh a unllinic pro cess: of traiuttiK and elimination the past few daysM. ami by March 20. shen i a r. .iln.i is i,, t,e met. I,ik expiata to nave h real veteran atifr..-itton It was learned from unofficial soiirjcn that the varsity line-up will erne ruin the followinar men: For second bane,- Maasey and Bradford. J M . , Tor . bhctrtatoi-. Sleiiiienaon and Huii,,,n. for . catcher. Mo.,rlteld anil KIiik: for left Held, Ft.ythress and Cll.non. for riiiht Meld, Clapp and hick: for slab artist. Halley, I'oy Ihreaa. Rhyne. Parks. t'o. Sorrells and I ooper. I if these pit, hers only one la a southpaw, dalles,. ,tl the ol h era Kathirins- their lasarts . f wind from Ihe north polar ipiarters of ttm unl- .ve.ra rovt-ojaAtiM. w-.v- feltf-oniy. aaaoea last year, that over WofTor.l All ihe oihern are problematic Th Klon pitchlTic BK-foa-ntlnn auffered i-yclonir depletion laat year, when Atkinson Joined Ihe Chlcaironna and' F.vana hop peel -tn Tire .traniT Jl" 'Afklns'dn la Junior, this year and will be sorely nila-ed Hnice. loo who was such capital short -at op and had been ho ere. I with the captaincy, has hied orf toCarolina. where he will no donbi do well New man and Jack Johns, e-radiintciL Inule Joined the Charlotte lenuer The only revulnr varsity men of last season on thla year lift are I- inch. Masaev Harwood . '. tbress I'arks. and Cooper, "and three of these were an ha. last time Noverthclcas thinira look lirluht and may Ret bright- when the atlffncsa and ruat pet rubbed out nnd off. The schedule is as follow. March la I'.ndlnir March TH 'arolina al Chapel Hill March TT- A and M. at Rnleixh. March T4- -liuilforil nl C.uilford. .Man h 2.'. - I'.elmonl at Helmont March Ti Havldson al Havldson March T7 - W'i fford at Pparianhurir pi lis 3 ireelisboro - l.eaitiie al rrenshoro. A pi II iV titilln.rd at C,roensborn. April l! A'ermniit Ht Kloti April 10- Wake Forest at Hurllnir- ton. April 12 Wlnaton Leairue nt AVih- HtOll April 13- Itoahke Collei;.. al Salem April 14--V. IV I at Hlacksburi! April 15 V 1 I. at Ittaokshui " April Ik kmury and Henry at i-.m- ory. April ?7 Wofford at Rlon: ' April 29- Oullfurd at Klon. May I Wake Forest at Wake For est. FRIDAY'S STORM GAVE ASHEVILLE TROUBLE Fur a Time 1l Wa Tut Off tYnm Otifjkitilc Uorlil Sati In a Single UI ration. friafH-ij t.i Th- N aurl OiTfr Atfhtvillf, March For a nhort imre of tun. ypf'terday inurnink Alh'vlllr- wan rut tiff from all puints r.xorpt thiij-s1 dirxTity wtft of thU tl. n fl4t ami ratn storm whlrh bruk ilnrtnjw the early hourN of thf ephftiie a ml tnlfKraph linpft eH-t. iiiirlli uiid.HOiith of thin citv. Th VfwTti rnt.n.' xhf I'ostal the Anh- vlllt" T' lephmip n n! Tl-itrii uh 'fHi- my iithI th Smithem Kailwnv mpftny m-nt ,,! lare rr-m of line- nien earlv in tt' drtv una at an earlv ur t his murninn;, it was annnunf.ed hnt r.nirimn!r.ituih h:ti n re-e- itt'tlHh'-rt in eeral l're. thm Th linenien. however. will enKasfPtJ dim ral nnys in repalrinn I h- llnejt. it th city f A-hevt!le proppr Init little 1 mi in (re wim rtniie. the storm he- ii k felt wt.h more weverlty at various tntH aronrul thin ritv. WILL HOLD RALLY FOR ' CORN AND BEEF CATTLE lWm4NmiU''-t Iinntrfitltn Vjirnt I'laiiH fur Imprtanl Mcolliiff Wtil iMtlay mi llttnphlll Hi'ImmiI H 0114. I Hat-U.a Tll4f 4-4 1H1 Otawrwt Aihville. Mar. V HeMf-f,niw that thrttUK h l he pril u t hH of more rorti niul H4ltlilioi1 beef rattle the far in ri uf LaU.tvt'Httie foiihty an enioy an rrit uf i-rosju-ruy mhli-h tun not he tirt!.M ai'out in anv other a, peiiutistrHtor K Wenver hax ar- afKeil to hrt ;i ml!) at the Hemp- hi'M t hoiil tu 1 1 li ua Wen nest la y. at which K S MillHapfi. of Statenvtlle. in R. trice of the iimonfttru-t.on mork V ettern Nrttith t 'amUna. . and I. lKcler. of Went RalelKh. if -the State Kxnerm.eTit atalltii. will 1.4 the H'Hktr Mr M11Ihr.h win tell of th mm. methods of rorn production ami Mr Ikelr will tlincusn pln for In- rfaaititc the n;iiil-r of InW cattle aiHt.fi in thin rount. It !? prohL.Ie that the met U fig itemT'hitt irttt, F fnthnred ty i-imflar tratherlr.Kft in all av tlona uf the coun ty. It o.-lnif the determit.atlon nf th f4 m alemtinstrator ; to. induce th irmiT" of t he county to devote a Krat rtpn -r-f 4heir land t' the cul ttvalim of rum and to arrnntte to rt-xlm more tef cattle' for the mar ket UXTl KFa HI HINfi I.KNTi IturliiMtl'Ki i:iiJoinat Series, hj Kr. John Hs-niM rs l.lhfiie. iSfsul I.. Th. NVs. ar. I lasWrsw. t HuMfllKlon. Marin a. Htiriinicton .ore are niil. h Intereated In a aefie of atre.itlron lertyre on th life of ihrlsl lielnic Riven rturlnic lnl at ihe f'hurrh of the H.rty Comforter br Ihe rector. Kev John itennera nibble. Th tlrst .pe waa ariven lunlaT ninht an.l reieateti Monday night- They will be continued each Momlar niKht for five oonaeciillTe weeks. The lecture's ar characterized by I In we who have attended them a mijat inaplrational and upliftlnar . " -rJK' Th first leeiur. wa on th Jjativft'y. Intrcductnc the country with yarlou map. tnchi'dinK th Rornan moire and the most important place in Bible ftistnTr:' wiHrtiVafir vtew of ih itnTyt EIGHTEEN Gi Land, both then am1 row, Ervpt.' fa mlliar picture, copJ from botJh. tjt nl and inadern Master of th "An s.iriclntlon st th Hleeeed Vlnrtn. th "Mafl.." lb 'Phetlrda, "''Pea on Karth." th ."Vltt-ht Into -Earpt." the ruler and rmmerou of th ceiebrated rMadonnaa." - . - . . . ' . ! STEAMER STANDS BYfiURNINGUNER LAte Wireless Sas Rotterdam - Will Tow La Tourain , Safety To Port ' H IJ Aatji-li,: ttj Vrrw 1 Ioiidon. March 7. .1:03 a iiu. Touraine) A further lut-ssat: frroru the riLeami-hip, lajt Tuu in received at (Jtieenstow i, s th tl thr steamer. Hottc ruj nt. .Mi;iiidiii. Tepared to render -v r a.iii..ii' in ludir.K the tran-fe! .f p:t.--.- (ijtr- r if necessary Wirelesf mr-rwK' hi ht-en diit out to the camT. Ai iou ( 'ornishinan. iwanmoif- and StJit. foru. r-a.yinK thH-t their aKl-.tame i rmt iifw rpnjuii d. Mejinttmt. lnfVT, a S. iS. h; heen picked up hy u liritmh rruNer ptttroi ftur in thr Atomic. ttr had proce. d at top xpe-d T.i 'tlo4 a- ist i nc" - f I -i Tou r.i i ii . H r aid. in 1 1 T considered tleee.sMAlA . a.- th ca-p'.t:n of the ll4iiterdet.m has tromi- u btatid hy I .a Tournte until nhc' if aitfely navtal') to port. When the KoQPrdam reaeh Idt TourHiiie, Hie rrew of the hitt r ves nel were furhtlnt, the fir-- with ever mean at 'this dlfiosal. The Hn Wan H-nr. Kondon. March ti - Th- amhtp I-a Touraine ih afire at Iatitinl 4 u ti Nnrth and ttmirttnrte L'tt - went, ne- uordlitK t a w irt'lens received h-re l-'ive Hteamer havr tone t.( per Hit-lance, the meM- ;f Kriul. T h t wire lew wa h rec 1 v ed 1 v I-loys from the ntatioTi .it a ler.Tia, eland. The Mfaho-r Kottenlain, wji rnnnre. ornifhma n. An hi a i.il lher were tneiitioiiett its liaxin: goti to aid ffi" Tatf TouriCi.je.. A inesajfie from yiif-ftii-tuy n .-ay-i that the lire on I.u ToiiraTi.- I- 'tlerr-e." I f herwisf' this ni'-ai- i a rep'lttlon of the one received bv alenria. The London nrf.ee .f the . 'oiiii.i ir- pie ,e ur rale I riinc- Atlai.t lyue w tn h w ns La Touraine. in without special in formal ton in TninK t he ves.d Ha- Had rAciitfiil arrr. Iit ToiiraifiH. n steamer of S 3.'i t on, under a p'a n 'a u-oiu . )f oii f the oliler tranx-Ailanftc lin. rs". hav m heen l-uilt in .ho tias plaved an intt rt-.stiHK rde in ocean travel She arrived in New York on irt..titr r.H. 1913. with forty-two per mnt whi h she rescued from the l"ra- nlum liner oltiirno which hurried at aeu with the h-s of lives. ( aptam f'aircndn was fiiie of tlie first conuiiarul era of rescue stc;'.mer to 'et a tioat -ver in the hrivy s,a to aid m the enc lie Work. Tto ca pi ain and crew w fin .tecorat l wi'h nieirtK f-r their bravery or that ;ih.n. It wh.s the eaptiiln tf Iji To.iraiiie tthn w arned the ill -fa Te Tit attic - of the presence of icebergs in her course (.nc before .: T-ourine . ai Ihreat- enel by lire l-'hinox wen d i er- l in the -state mm: while mIc lay at er dock In Havre, January 1' 1 . lfoij The -damajie was not srr: is She wan withdrawn from "rvii r a t inie In ISO" her a u e of i tom IflriK pe to her nmchtn ry The du ovir w u niade Just hefore sh w a due to sail from Nt w York i n an other orcasion a member of her crew waa killed by the hurstini; of a ste;nt pfp. IJ When the Kuropejitt war kttan, the ent ire carr mu apa-it I - t T'-ur- I ii'1 w as iv s r ed for American. hi riiKitl inn for uai-hat-re home from France Shi- nrrtved i t Nt w Viirk. December 1 1 ! 1 I t hirt hourn rrtiue because t.f hurro ans nhe en untered HiKh f as swept h-T w lnb- t he pa-sencerH w er" ln t ten-d d"W n be I o w . The steamer i .".J" feet h.nt: wiib n am of 'iti feet :fnd a iepth f 34. Deaths and Funerals 11. I'. ILitiiusetir. I Jnctdnton. March Mr, II. K iU it.iuur. une uf the uideat &nd most prominent men of the commomtv died here at nine o'clock Thwrdn nlKht. Mr Itamseur had bciri con fined to his home for the past several eeks in derlinim health due p o l aKe. ,ir. l(a!nj-!npes ranuly na hfHi prominent In yf-incolu county for a unii period v years. The deceased wa about yejtrs old. and in mirvlved by fur sons. nmoiiK whtmi ate Mewrn Mont K.mi- NRitr, Fred l.amsaor. John Katnt.iur H i.f this citv. nnd Iick Ur. m-;. ur. I-eimir Ht waa a "member of the 'ierman Tieformed 'hurch. Interment a. yenterilay afternoon at 4:3" o'clock Kev W. R. Mlnter r.nductel th fu- nernl Herlce. Llttln I:1ImImiIi llomlen. .Mount llvo. March - r-:!:r..-i-' the three-vear-'dd child, ef Mr a Mrn. Lee Hnwden. died at their h'"n,. here yesterday. About a im'niM ao ne aiTPaiM'U was severely niirivi Jilnl liH-r had umlerctine citnsi lerade in- ene nufTermK, hut W as hmi n h! to art l;ut on t h road to re- .- .-r , when mime thrett or ftur da. aiai-t -hr contracted n hewvy ctdl- aiul rapii' Itreu worwe uill f I the end MP In-, terment wa mad- in the .t t iim ter this afternoon. c. m. mhu. A-iyiHr.' Ma't-ch. c prominet't' real s't at eTi m 1 1 dleil ai his home here lowamc an extenoed 11 in-, past se era I years the it. t .-4i . ft. I the ha. I d VV l'..r si. 1 been ;iStM'i.4tod with h.. real tt.itf intfini'M hir- n t w tivt in many t;ivlt: mov -'lierjis at ville He wa a im-ini f -f Sf fence's Catholic Chundi The w U le ndu "Ud MnmLtv m an-l interment w tW f-db-w yt Hi cenieter . 1 1 , V-n.'-I.isl'.1 p-f: rr .I.,: rsnle TAKI-: t'KXSI s IVTHt.l l.l Ks.. k I list on t liiin-tHs. H ill xt-iira- lala To.luv. .siss'lal u. T- s.. s. a. '. ti . - Kinaton. March H -The nri.u: Chumhes of the ,jl sail! i-.s-..jh nile 111 Ihe taking ..f a reli-i .us oisi;s of kinaton li.nmrrvw ,ift. rn...n. The t-lly has l-een .Livi.i.-.l iiii,, 3: w tiiis, and to eio-h soa:ti,,n .-i L.-r..'ii. ,.f sr ork ers h:a been :ssl.ss..l. . J.li. s anH VW It eaery house in re ,iisi ri.'i" i;i.i 'as certain the relikiuii- pref.-re'i.-e ..f ih. resident The. "s. n.-.s lur, will (live to tlx- ii7r-thea of i he . :i very valuable -Inforniatinn. '"Tli.- en tire, city lll be cover.-i' and it is plan ned lo. do all ..f it ii. iw.i hours. Th . result will b'e"fnrhished to the pas tor at eve.iJjiK and ill .r..l iil ls u. announced from the imiptts. . . t-.uiioa . nriu s-,Tr.r. I..r s;.i.,. day wliiiiil work uf lh S.n-hr., Is.rrr tlt vi,iierrrrui7'"ns Te'iP i'.'uv '' in' plannin. f,,r the iv.jisms. whicfi wil, be. .the . mort complete c,f its kin.; i-ver undertaken. Jiasre -T The"ccTisiie-takee number aeaieral hundre,! ftilhilv.i.11 lay -wor Vena. ,' " " ' : .".r- ;--j.i. California ... I einerfmentlrs ftrh tobacco seed trvm Turkey. - , MAYOR CALDWELL WINS IM PRIMARY Statesville Has Spirited and Close Municipal Fight: Alder men Named .-Hen ji tu. Th N4"trt, d IHrmr i tate.sviilts. Mar, ii. "In Ftateavillft'fc Uenotcraiiu i uuicipal primury thl afrernuu. I- V. Caldwtdl wa ri-noml- .ted for muor. winniriK oVr II. A. Yniii 1 by a majority 'of ttKhtei! x nit-- Th prnnarv l-tion wan the most spirited thHt has tie en held in Stdir-AVhl" fr year, th ronteM be iv.t f-i tm two candidate (for mnyot huiii i-rti WHued Jince lar frtll Th-F. w much inter!t In the' primary is xirtuiilly the election In ahlteM rot t !-ti 434 votes and Yo.int 4 i xldermen were nominat ed as f. Howl-: Kirt ward. T. N, Mc r,i c a r d N I T.'mltn; Second ward W J Mat !o sson ai d .1 F, arit(rir Third ard 11 ' Stdi and Y A Kv.t-.s; Fourth ward J. (I. Shelton am. T M , u.-.le Tt mint w.iti uvitr IIi-.m.s f in firm wi.l'by a inaiirily of only thirteen . ...- ami in the secmtl ward Math e.sttit rei eiv'd eiK h t -1 hr-e- vtite Carlton ninety-flw nfi . E. .Sloan forty-two. " Ther w no rnntest in the other ward.-., thou.'! there were to trot- neat ttrin-a; vtt.es. ('nrltcin. Steele ant Kvatis will be nttt men jn the board M at host ui was rb-rt et son onth- at.w !' 'nie tiMl . i ttoper. d'' d ard I ard i oit i Ii m as nametl hjci i-KH.e ? Ablerman II Hrawlev when th inner was rt pp. -luted poMn-Mitfr re i.ntU h A Shtrrill and .1. it. Hill wt-r. re-nom.rmtPd for niemttern of ih 4'l,.a.l -U-ejrd. Th - l-i-mot'rri(Hv pri ma rv l vibtunlly t he elect in iri Stnf eftvtll-. hk the Ke publicans nevri tm iti i M.if" a rriunlcipa 1 t b'ket. . u m " " Dardanelles Bombardment In creases in Fury and Effect as Allied Fleet Is Enlarged " Continued "From Cjne One a nee sjsary incblent in the rati lis ITt-iH h Marine Kcmi1. r.tn. Man h ti . 7 : 5 , p. rn - An of nc:it communication from the min- -t i ,.f ma riiiv says r "Ai t h I ardantUet-i rturin-c the da f March ti three crui mt- t a tloned in the ; iH f of S n5 btmlard-d lv indi i tire acro-s. the ( iullipolt penir. sui t, th.- Turkish fori: at Kib-d Hahr w hir h Ku trj the Ktiroperin cast of ih- narrow strait between thi point' .iioi chauak- " The Hr wan dir d ed and ren fls,) ,y fo.ir vesjieis slat toned at tht en t r.t nee to t he I arda r.e I les The re- u it s ..f t h bonionnl nient w re er satisfactory The powder iiiaULaziue nf one ' ui tht; ftiris expltd''d Ntne tif the veV is w re tiamaired. -'liirii the iUv ..f March R thr-e-es.s. - ,,f the allied nee- bombard -t t" r i ' t i i Kreat di.sta m the f. ,r a s-.j kale at the t . rame tt tht tiulf of Srn rmr. which iv svcrei damaKed n1 wait unable to make r ply ' Tnrkfe-li 4tuttr i laim. t "'nBt.tntiti'tplf March t. t 'ia l,on doi, i, i;u., p m i Tht- followim; "f rtria! ftHtem nt waa liisued here tlii e veiling ' " ei ertia e rnin c t be rnemy -Met. untler a strong tire, jtteiupted ! la rtd 1 1 oopa, t attune point s on t h chants, near St ddibl talir. and Kum k.df, tmt ,if ranuf t.f ..m artillery.. A firs we let t he rn rn prt ed hu Liter, we replied to his tire. 'Sixty t-nemy sobli-rs who disem lrkeil near, Sediiil Hahr tied to theii flopt and ret ren time 'eavinc behind twMity tlead and w unded. Four hundred entniy iHldi-nt who earn, ashore near Kum Kale wpre driven aift'aiV, Ui,i fcy bad - wounded We lost six dead and .'. wounded in both lltrhts. -.X fTeT- yesTrd.irs rattur TTie- -p em" fleet divided, into several pan and hfimhardtd the .p-n ao1 unde fente.i port; t-f lekili. Armn-k, an-i v:. ilik, on th Aeeeurt ura. "Twii airmen ho fje acron th t; ,ilf of San-a f tl into the -e-n Th .iPnuUhHe '1l?appearei! -n the witei "In trwxf malri'b r c-f the Hr thea ter nothlna ii"npirtant ha occurred. " fi lliHl to Hii-h TnMi Paris. M art h 7 - i i ;, -A m ) --The mini!! of war announ -d tna't on a -'Mmt of the st i:.' Ion in r he Iar d :i rt n tV anl in order mTt ever? t er.t u i lit . th"' K'-vrnnunt has de- -eided in com rnir.ite m N-.rth Africa an p -.Htlnnar? for. which will be cadi:. .o..ia.ULIv V a at, the first eiKU that 7f hVd. i anl T e dlrecWl to point where 'it pr.-ence is fmilred .. LOCAL Oflltl li. . WE1THE aunt AC t aatcaaf. l'..i. utl. N'.lth .V M .r.-l. t. 111. I 'air Suitda, 1- I-. i?i.Ki. rale wesi I ami M. ....! . Wll-tls... ' Sunn. nnsM 6,14 p.m. TlapiPATuat 2 1 1 1 Hia.-irrs:i l vs . l I-', r.. I, : A rr. c. . il.'irv 5 4 n i 4 I. inl . f . -.i..(i th. ,!av i .ccs- since Jar. rsicieiTatnsa ua ichii. Ani'.i;tit. I ii, T.m .1 C.i I i. flC'. li. K.'ess f..r 14 h..ur erniini; S .3 ii ,'.7 4 h. f.. ir. mli '!. '.late ' h . ih nil-1 l'-inurtr- .4" tTarioat aao aursia at Ttaaetaaiua I 5 " is 31 Ab'lenr J . . ' . If, 14 4J, 11 . i: .ji! .e '. " ij s: ji .on :,i. j,. 44; .o" t -US. " 14' . : -j. it - j. .tit :' --- i"S4". .".a 12 s: it .Oil 4. J-. 51! ' 3 ; 4ti. 4 ii 4. 44- . .. Abbeville". . . . A.r in h:m . . ' .'. , tbrl vi,-n . . , 'fi.irlutt- i'"l.l. JP. . , . Ualv-H'.!' . . I; ns ill.- . 1 KjvstMj. : . . Meni.Ili New . rk . .' 7. 6( ti, .7 4i: 4i .72 3'j 4: 44' N.rf..ik it Oeich . - - . 2: , r,. iti Hi' hiii, n.,,. Viksbiira! .- : ' , IVashineton . Wlojirrton . v i 14' .. If .4' -4t- 44 a, SST J4s O ; 4. . tl'r h 1 1 . 1 tp.lheili. U -ri 421 Xl .4W