SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 7, 1915. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. (s-'3P "0 T -' S CAROLINAHAS TRINITY WANTS TWO REGULARS GOOD PROSPECTS Says Coach "Chick" Doak After Week's Survey of ; Material "ftiipj iUll. March C ('oach "''..irk" loak hu gripped the puUe f htahttftehall mnterta. -rlth a mitfl- i ni touch to prouesy. "Carolina's !r(ifcpTtM fur a representative team tr vmhJ." h admitted from all re 'HTt;, that the club uftordf Mime bIiik-i-iiiu' unillery, "but sou never can tell i" actual hiUin: capacity of a team ml. ,thy encounter a pitcher in a rtal (fame," a-tidr-il the furmer (iuilford .llKe trainer. ' Home of the mem- era of the aggregation have a repu iation to live up to an heavy hitter. however, and the real game will apply rnrTPTriv,ae The Tiirthef romiliefitaryTpiareS on the team, but ir Th clearly f 'flitch Doak. I 1 1i nati-onir team will h the The Carolina .tniinor then biuach- i biM ininrani uf the week-and re 'ahd the fmphHrii4 that he places on lutnim oluo when he aid the hit-tin-; practice w ill have right -of-way t m.h -r forniM of preparation. tv-ry -a?temNm--hitr wfiwtft wttl drtM in i.atiHiK' out 1oik drlv.-K. Khort Hy mns and otb,rwirt furm a, unable x nu untiwOe with the willow. Thirty '.'umniH'fs lire vn '-hM Hehj now Vi'iiUIIK tliT- wmr i i-f"-l UI Ml II- '' the sijiiad thai wilt be "carried 'ihrottnh tin1 svi.sun as tui acquisition n trips and in t mining ,UHrtrr will iiurnber around twenty plater. Of 'uire. the tm-ti t.tken uii th trip will '"I reach ha n'linofi. The formal .mi ii i it iio hm. will nut t-e HdmiriiH ' d. The CMiH-'h will rl' r ui tier men in , Hi- i-im'mj mi MiiM ni ru I HIT 'h;.n by :i wIi-'N'sh!'1 dirt. Already i-ic rlas.- Icj.o.j- h;.c lnii'i fu m;ik H ihejr H',111 s iti.d men w-eiim !) (r hoj-eie-F- i U., ,i-e iKriat"i-n ili varsit " ir th rhiNM n.-ld ln k irt sunjt -, h re a v urald. u ; t her tlMr ptii'-iice r tii - w e i tng j are flot k They want i - hiirtiu ej' oul-Th- bovH art 'T i ail hi i lit a f e nuon ami I rain :;ti F( mij)ht hii!T f'-r the village (ul i-idbc u, i ha been rnuv-'-d up fi-uiu . v..vk fu K .la. Thai olntif-i ui .r.icur' 'til ithuut the " lurk huiu . fitly hixten dayn luler- iie 1 e; w ee: nuw' n iol t tie opening uIrl, with Oak l;ule fnututi v" m.i.ii ;. 'i'h corf rh 1ia bxu n t i -a; 'fin r:u;lt' -l. titiuul .tut a .ie.tiului.-xiiuiui.f-'1 , t he nirn- fur the eaiiy Heaaon :;in.- The ieain-woi esentil in Iinifi'n Karnes mukeM it- imperati c t:a' ' . hi 'ividual ineml'Vi N of the i.iii- wi k iis i'i :idvanie uf .en! . Thf u'M-r Karden may ollVr -ii .kr 'Ui fiom lh" progrhin now lit ' h'- peri iyi tin t vl ae, blt t l.e 'i h( i r iii!stp rV Hiirprine! f r - ni l h( ' n. (S f .MJ tWU Wek UK'1' . uuj.ii J-t.ure.iu e - Wood If uill lit-. -t ; I id. n Hart, id i inion--; '!' v- iii u'tifurm .Moinlav re--t- i rt bid f.-i th U) a- imbH'.Uute ii. i tirnt w;i .t regular backniop ; t - nut in i rainiriK last . . Yu d 'II hiix d rnu!ivtraied h.'ill'-'iaPd auilitv i. iiu the r - i ; j (i f he ri' lui n uel. Hi. .... - i-i-: "imiip In du lh ca'.'Il- :ir. -i-jiiuui the rei.woii w ithuut aid r iuit uf HhnrtMop if u.o- t . i'liiii,K"- from the pr'dyit nlate. ("i . i r, iHcii hanuf will hardly ina .. . . 'he rrclimbor gante ', ji I, j ii,'iv i'- HHitrlifd fu tin i .d v i.fii th' hea v epd of tilt . I,. ,i ,!- if.-..i . The .irtuiual rlat h . lu. n..Si--h-dh. the liU 1 ' iuiltord . h dturt it . .o Mhorr N'iehuh:. -t h-" I 1 1 declared iiteiiihle - i'i H'.i " t'i .Mill-lie cilii' M!'. i ii , Tt M--t , "riJil'iif trui-" at sb-Tt ... -(.mU.I. i. ti'i U'-UhmK HronTid .. ,o .-. and the avilltv Ifi eon- ; v m .. .rib. ' dt : ! .it. i f tth d y roiMi'f'Tpi ihroiiKh Priori .t- k t- : i he f.irrut r I "ton jr lie -rtther up 't hiTrimop 11 no! Ihk Mi- hatting uunlitiev ;ire ;erl.- ami h. couid ie -. t h- tin 'T ga Men. nirl ed ;id(i. Mid tnipimed on for : w hi t- h- went t" The pi. - ni ne ill cuntimu to II -Ik . -iii. : : late will substantially i! ! .. i i ucrsoilnel nt prnpttnitod iii . e i. ollli : 1 1 1 i o i i a m Hii'iert HaiPli' of akj ;p hiiv-'fTii -rii'-is romp -npjr-K post. He Ii ik not coristtttrr trtttnittK- e .,nd lus lethurvy may-1' costly in t:ie ..-u . i.s.-n '..iio's. Julius -!ohns"l. f mosi ikel candidate In lihl :..-UI. is i.oi in ttaitKnc reKiilUM. Ik' i,.... n.. ciprl-ed iti?joti and is acioiiy tml ..iMMi.oiii'- r. 'Iii'iik niav rc;-t inn .h.ini'i'.s to pla' this seuson .le tjkes .11.- .-;y ajid allih.tS-s in a liapiy- i.-luKy I in hion. - H l.l est.mth niiis' U as l eftnlat If hut aruoitioh s stirreo on to acticil. Johnnie HoiiiK. of uftolk. V.. will we.ii and work for the Job In hft ;.i 1.1 If it Mi !n trlmiiees for a fielder ,ml active to the n'h power. . is a :n,sft.M plnye .fe-virtue of a v f. he sport. Me has competition ami lis competitors are prone to disihelievc limi t'.'' Virginia hoy has any parl- ilar p.iilins power until the proof i on. lueive KdKerton of Fremont. iVed I'earson of (iastorv and "Kuddy" t;,i-ne of Wayne county are troubling Mo'riiK at every opportunity. ' TnO HIIMK IttNS MK VYl. I (alius. Texas. March ti. A eet-mnd Hni: team f -the Xew York. a lonala todiiy defeated' th.- Uailas. Texas leaKuc. team her. .". to 1. 'I'l. i. playing left held, for New York. Knocked two home ruro )IIK COLUSS' TIIKKK TRIPI.KS. I x6 Angeles. March ti. rMdie t"ol .mt with thnee-Jhrv hacsera and a .inale. '" chiefly reponaible tod.iy for lt rhicaao Americana' H to' Wic-, ,,vpr the. Anaei-Ti. .Ctaiit acue. team The WTUte So have won imn Score: R. It K. hlcaso 'jw'eV.' KlepVr: hKclialiu "Mayer Abels; and Hole.' iHrooks.. Homtman. ONI). . Rj th AnorifttnJ Prw-J MVshinKton. D. C- Mar. .-Brtde-L i-U Conn:, ncorinn out of a po silde "V,00. pawo Cleveland In claim Tf thernter-eluh rifle shootlnit com uHtloh this week and won the na- '""cuTmB winner waeBaniior. Maine "ti VefZu-Of M: Marlon. ti second with 74- -Haseot'ou woo tirw. puu. STATE TRUCK MEET Head of Trinity Team Working To This End; Grandstand Being Constructed tSbcclal to Tlt New snd Otasmc. i Tiinlti College, Durham, March . "FTcmr' nil' appearances, Utea Trjnlty track Mm will this season put out tin excellent team, which will. In all probability make a good showing among the other colleges of the Htate. Captain -Matton la -out on the new Athletic Held every afternoon from t to 6 o'clock with ahuut twenty-five candidates, pome of whom nn" old men. -but most of whom are new men. Captain Mutton Is putlng the men In diHtunce running in .order that theli winds might tie improved. It le not nnssitdn In tell vet hifcl thn will muk. outcome of the every-lay (ra UWiir At the present time no uftVial eched nle ha been annuricwll tty Manugfr froforth. On account of the difficulty uf Interfering with the baaehall arhed- uleH uf the vaiinux colleges, it la pret ty hard fur Muuaer Ooforth to net a perfectly itrninRed ahedule. ' H haa, however, announced hla inten tion of KeltPTx the Hluje truck, meet Kid. here thin year if poasihle. XI he cmii arrtiitgt- to havr. thin meet held on the Trinltv iHtupua. It will hrlna all ff the track teama of the colleaea tn the State here, and will lie one of ihe liiKKeet athletic eventK evr held in Ourham. ltenideK this Htate meet. ManuKt-r Cofurth is trying to arranire for Meveral other meet; with differ ent colleen. One of thai .will in all priihfthiltty lie WJth Klon r";lle(fe, hlch Ik thin year putting mil her tirKt true! tp:im Two meets vill prch he held with A and M . and ne. jroliatioto' have leen opened u with Wake Korexf-to have two meetx thiH spring, one at. Imi ham and one at ';k. Korent. Work on the new athletic TieM Ik rjipilp, and It' promiseH I. - J?e liu completeO1 one of the prettiest alulfll. fields in the KoUth. Alreud) mi excellent graft tiaseball liinninnil null u cinder track have l.een citiiipletril ami the xcatiriK structure are now nearing cimplction. A jrrand ftnnd i lietnif hullt which will have a HentiiiK apuclty of live hundred peo ple on tmth Hides of the MiindHtand ;.re Vieln huilt lo l.leachern. Of ITiese. (lie "'Tarter "wIT'Tie Tarjfe eh'otiKfi to liolj ui huiiiird persons, while the enialler will liiivr a seiitinir ra pacity of thref hundred TKAM IX)H BLACK CRKKK. fIa k (Vi'k Mar. . Hlack freek eil to hHve one of the f&Rte1 Laelial team the comlns reason'HJ ier hjol I nder the management on Mr H llornc. foriror star a Klon in TPT1 and 112 . . . HKOWN'S : BI'-inftiXT 2. : Bv Uii Ajwi-imo1-! I'll. Heaninont. Tcil.. Mar ". --th llcuiininiil Txus Uaciie team lot to : team of Si loui. American lea oe lii'rs, to Today in the first e&hilntioti Kiinie of ihe Meg. on here. I,ITKM Ol-T-- IXHl CMI in. ii A.nd4'l I'rwni 1 I'itisl iirKh. I'a . ti. Manager y. C l:irke and John H. Iailey. buci tieHM nuinaKe-, ' headed a parl y of 1 i pl ier- f the riithurx;h , National I,eMKie clwli wlilch lefjr' tonight for Itiiw.-on Srins. Ky. NR.veral players xrtl -jnnr The -parry alonp fh way. Th" l"irato will to tn llot HprlngH. Ark., alter a ten day stay at Kawson Spriu.';. . The subtle difference Letweeii well-d resstd women and ther who .spend as much money "Tvith les-s eflect. j.i'ten liei in their U.te in shoes. Footwear that is beautiful in itself, harmonious with the ctfstunie.. and vibrant with the, 4Auertropbii: tan style, distinguishes the first Usually they by our SHOES 124 Fayetteville Street RALEiGftrN. Bernkrdt i Crocker FOR TRINITYTEAM Methodists Open Season April 1 5'With Trinity Park On ManrtAl tt4 N o.jArwt I Trinity College. Imrham, 'M.u. The prvapecla for an excellent ha ball team for Trinity tins year were never before hriKhter. Keccntly when t'oaxh Weat and t'aptain Maddox call ed out thoae who were Kn:n: to try out for plucea on the team, fully fifty candidates responded to the next call. Owtnir to the very larxe iiumher of try -outs Coach West found it neced aarv to pick his uad the lirst, of the 'ee in order' get into shape for the first game which coniee a week hencp. T laat year's team only two men failed to coma back. I hi yeac Ttu two men are Anderson and Spence. Amlrrson made a (traml record while In colleae . as a sh.rrt etop. while Hpence. last year's captain, was known all over the State ax a llrst ciaas nluif irar. While the Iokh of these men will he keenly fell, it Is predicted that thetr ptares WITI he (THed liV able 'play era. The same old battery contpoKet of big "Dinah" Kanipc and "Home Hun Maddux will still be In koo.1 working otder this year. Since this t the Ian year that Ihcaa-two men wJll I lm k on the teairt, they mean ti muke thin year the best in thrM1 baseliall earw Kanipe Is widely known us a very skillful Kpil-hal! artist, many hcav hlttniK baiters haviiiK sutruin'wil to hta wide-breaklrn corves M.obiux besides being an exc-ll4'iil catcher, i Trinity's leading batter The oftj) r man trying "ut for catcher ia, Kone. a scrub of last i'ur. w Ifo itt eloocinK ureal improvement. Contenting for places on I lie pltchiiia stuf are l'ow ell. Karnhardu anil IrC.r.ind. 1'owell has hail inui h experience in the pit.-h-inir line, been on the pitchiiiK staff of the Warrenton hiuh school team, and pitched In several arsity Karnes last year. H.irnhardt naji pitch ed ullt-edce hall for Trinity I'aik Schiiol and Weaverville Colleire 1--tirand has won mu h reputation in Inter-claas basetall. Ktir the- initial sa k nythc. North and Mi Kinnon are the main contest ants. Myth Is a freahinan this jear but he has already sriown that he is a ha-iehall tdavef. I'.esldes tietnic a Kood lielder he has .ImMii a remarkable rrhtUty fof hlttinis Xnrth ia a scrub of 1..M year and is rirhf in the race M Kinnon is a vood .lhver anil is making the other two i-itlM work hard Miler and Stuire are show iiih u?p Innit for places at second twih-. Siler. Well known as an All-Hlate basket bull star, played on the team last year but mas at first' moat of tkh tune. K.r sev eral reasons Coach Wret shifted him to second base, where he is -she-wins; up well Shore hae lreerr on-the squad for the past two years. The onl two men tiphtinir for third hftxe are lurhsm ami tirshaiii. Iiur hani Is an oi.i Trinity I'ur.k School star uinl plaveti third lias, on the var-. sity team !ast ei.r r-itularl; ;ra hani is a ir shmau and is nmktnt; lur ham Hiirk .-xtru hard to retain his place at this station. At short the closest firht Is taking place between Carver and lve. Car ver played second on the varsity last year but decided to shift ills p.lsitlSn to short this year He player very Kood ball hist year airit has shown considerable Improvement love en trrerl mnvgt 't the first ffme last fall and from all npp.-arances !s uolnit to run somebody a tiitht rare for refrular place at short H Tn 'Tic oulfielj are Thorns. Host, Few. McOinn. Miman, Whitenei, Har den. Cillea,' K. Harris. I -a wrence. Thompson 11. and Mayes, of these Hos. Tlmrne and Few seem most likely to win permanent places, althonch the other candidates are showing op very well. Host is a fresh tftaii this year at cuileire. Imt is a vet eran at baseball, liavinc tiinyed two years with the Trinltv Park tesin Thorne le i ne of the varum standbvs I of last year Kew Mayed s. rtl. lor a couple of yearV. and is showing up better this ear than ever before. The (schedule. M;iaicer lowne- has announced his schedule, which Is es follnwsj: .March 15- Trinity Park .-hool at Durham, March March t!in'h March lendint - . r - Vermont at Durliami. 'I7"-Tjrayette at Durtiatn Amht rst nt Oorhani April April ham. April ha tit. April April :.iui M-. al.tiurham. . .'. 1 arhatri l'akj" :it lur- Werivei ColI-e Dnr V - Wake Forest at Ourhani Itl- Durham ls-anue at l)jr- ham. April 1 ? April 13 - V. and M. at l.t.ileiun . I'niverelty of lrnn:a at Uurhum t April M Peitdina, April 17 Hake 1 cn .it Hake Forest. - April 1 Ki'iime.nd Internatpmsls at Durham. Aprn ID - I'lilverMIv Durham. Ajell 24 I' i.f f.ei.rgia at uf South Caro- Una t Durham, April r--l.niverity of Virinina at Charlottsvilte Aprll 17 V M ApHI in V M April ?- Kon. April J V. I'. May 1 V. I' 1 l at lexinKton I. at Ixluctofi ke at Salem. I ut Hiarksmirtt at lilacks'bnre MUNICIPAL POLITICr - WARMER IN GREENSBORO -w . raiiilliUH- f s- Mjiit Makes Itrntut-hk' usa-k- 4 liMncuhmi. llHmia- J, Mandi). . t;reenshom March Munitipal IMiiitics ;re In-irinniiiK In tret Waruo-r .(. H. -ook..'a tsndidate for reayi r. has made a . ttfoadsiiie attack on Ihe extra'vairance and inerncienc.x . as he Htfmii it. of the admintstr-ojofi in Ken-. eraJT and on Mnr Murphy, j fidure 40 do as mu h work as he thrvfT'zs1 he should in particular This will be fol K?whI ii doubt by stalemenix- ia r--pt. and the f un A iTT be on- ..-New; .en t rants as candidates are J. T. K. Khaw, for eommuwinrr f putoltCL. jfety : :l. Henry PhtDPs. or the same place: C. A. Hendrix. for commissioner of public works: W. li.' Itvrd. for jtie iyf the munlclpl-ctu Mi. t'onk i alao a new candidate. He tu uneed to run two years tut d-c lined to " " ' . ' : . "Juit"ennlou ' l l ec'imiiin -popular im tfcwUt Jkfrtca.'. ; r .-.. , ' ELEVEHVrCTORIES UNO FOURDEFEATS Splendid Record of Elon Bas-r ketball -Quint During Past Season Klon Collerc, March 6 Tile Won basketball quint for the season which closed on February 2 7 In th i;iiie with Carolina achieved a splendid record. Onljr lint mu "of lat year's varsity a tn the big the. Bradford, K. K. familiarly known In Colle(e circles aa "Shine." imd his record this year certainly shine, havlnic f points lo hia crexlit as forward and guard Uradford never (rtvea up and that quality mean much for his Hplendtd record. The other forward was Moorefielil. a new recruit, -pptnlnic to h'lon from her old rival, Ciuilford. ' h player of eagle eve mid steel nerve. The offensive of nearly every quiift that Klon grap pled with during the season was evi dently couched a him. The fastest uuards always covered him.sland yt he tossed 41 goals, securitiK i'i points. Mcs'auley. the long. lank, angular center, played all over-the court, lie was ubiquitous, at times ridiculous, and the opposing teana often thought no iloubt iniquitous Me scored 33 lield troal and 1US fouls, a total of I7u poluta The general regret is that this is his senior year. No finer athlete ever pitched the . Klon colors, to re peated victory. Miiaaey, the superb guard, a peti f roun Impertinence, to any ambitious furward w.-ll he surpaa-H-d the most sanguine hopes of the must Hjinicuine. He not only held bis opponents down, but slyly put twelve itlce mm: through the pendent piwket His future in ba-skettu.U Is destined to lie brilliant nd there was. M idlleMol lie Stf tenn tor full, the clinu.' captain, lie proved a captain of splendid sports manlike qualities. In the final game of the scliaoll and the tinal giunt uf liia .college career. Moriran actually scored a field goal. He never had an .a-inbUlon -to - pitch . but to pn- cent others from pitching them, und in this he was remarkably successful The suhetltute m-n were Hr')f"rd. J. M. who scored 12 points: Holland, 'JI points; Hutchins who promiws much .as a college tiasketball star in the guard etasn. and Harwood. a i en ter of bright -Mitlonk Fil'leen games In all were plavxd with colleges in which Klon scored :14T "ptdnta ar.d her opinuients "4!i The tabulal d results are s follo: January 11. Carolina 1j. Klon 9 Jatnuvry 15, Trinvty Is. Klon IS. January ti, Carson anil Newma'n 7. Klon 67. January 30. A. and M --. Klon 2 Si l-elirnary S, (ullford fs. Klon il February ,A. and M. 11 Klon ;'l February I, V. 1'. 1. I'i, Klon 17. February . V. '. I. 17. Klon 13 February 19. Ouilford 5. Klon J'-'. February 11, 8. M. A !. Klon IS February lTi. Wake Kurest 12. Klon 35. February ill. Ouilford ii. Tlon 32. February 20, Trinity 16, Klon liv February 24, Wake Forest 30, Klon 2 5 February 17, Carolina ir.. Klon 111 T.tal all other colleges 24t. Klon 347. Klon played two practice games with Y. M C. A. quints, winning from Durham by 40 to 11 and losing tu ireensboro by score of 24 to 1 n the try out gam of tha aeason. In which en-ery member of JM equsvit it No vember 28 was given a chance. An -analysts of thane facta reveula that taking Into ax-count all college raine played the quint won ten out of fifteen. From the Htate colleges of North Carolina. Klon won seven of ten games, playing rive of the' leading colleges aa follows: Carorlmt. Hake Forest. TrinKy. li-iilford and A. and M HuJiiea were, acheduled with la vidsnn! but cancelled by that ilull.t. Klon is the only bunch that played a.11 the major teams) 1n the Htate. 'tak ing two each from Trinity and A. and M.. and breaking even with Carolina, Cuilford and H'ak Forest. In view or these facts It la hardly to be ex pected that any other quint will seri ously ente-itain any questton of her light p be recognized as collegiate State ehanTi.lori' It would not be right to close this story without a word for Coach Iioak "Iroli." as he Is technically dutitsd In his four years as coach at Klon Doak. has seen hta team grow frum laughing Ktis'ks among their competi tors to powers to ree reckoners' with and lp does It by his superior gifts aa a leader and moiiUler of men. He Is the living ombiMUment of the sports man's and Klonlan to the core, sir 11 fellow has anything In him. Doak will surely discover am' '"' no essctor of persona, gulet. peaceful, ever unconteiitbius. he inoublft his nien Into mai bines of precision and power Klon .s proud f Doak. He muM atid a word loo fur Jack Johnson, his able 'and affable assist ant. Kim performed the difficult task of referecfn the Klon-Carollna gsnie here- at rsdi rut mggvetion- ami-to her entires satisfaction Jacg is lair to the cejij;r and everybody known It." Klon is proud of him . h . .. X IS BFAT H4.X AXTOMO. San- Antonio. Texas, March - -Cleveland, of the American lea,iie. scored enough runs tn the third Inning today to win. 7 to 4. over the Han An tonio. Texas league, team. HiKMivt.ToN boys sail. Two Mop i I iitliHi eneanwr I talis 11 Ship Awaltx Tura. .lec., i., Ttf ve sii.l ih- . 1 Wlltningtoii'." Marrh t. The steaii rr City of Savannah, a handsome freight anil, passenger boat of the cean Steamh!p Company, formerly . lying regi lari les-tween New 1 ork and Savannah, baa sailed from Wil mington fol tlie second time this sua . son under 1 harter with cargti Of rots ton f Ar ltotterdum. This trip she car ries in. Son baits, valued at ttS&O.ono. -hich is near! S0tnore than Kf carried on the lirst trip. Several Wit miiiKtou boys are aboard, among these iM-lmrTh' D Metren, Jr.. who nailed as purser, ami Mr. John Harper Tta carvo was shipped by I If. L.ippett . The Italian steamer Alcana has arrived fro;n Oenoa, ' reporting to Alex. Sprutit i- Son. hut it hax nut yet len decided whether or not she will he loaded with i-otton t this time. trilecs are iM-iug awaited ami these are depcrder .' upon developments in the Knropean situation. TIH I'M V, Ol'SBY PASSKS. ' -v 1 Native sT Itnli-Urh IMea at lfoaie In 1'i-tiT-sburg. , siiwhm ii' TV Nrs. ullitHM.r l I'ei-rsb'irK. Va.. March s. Thomas TTctv, nati' e of K.ileigli s-nd for thirtv-s-cf n' ears resident of NortM Carolina- died riif pneumonia at his residence tn this city last evening, aged 6 srs. Mr. Ctusby nm many year chief of . police of Hen derson N. and for twelve Jrearrf or Fmore woa k,i the employ of the Vir- aita ACawi alio ruii k uii-Mii..iii 1'eTeraburg The- deceased ia n trvlved by bis -wkl.ow. one daughter, Mrs, Dr. FdV-Vaien. of WhaJevllle. "V a,. snd one Hon. John Ousby. ef Alaska. The laudy will be taken Jo Halifax, f.'tJ;5 ljfliurrwwJ"r' interinejiL YOUNG RALEIGH IN III LIMELIGHT Lorentz White Responsible For Washington and Lee Schedule lAVlimion Vm Vf L.V It a.i..iii. eJ fr a ltaleiKh. vuuih to diuit th bent rrh-Mtul4 Uiat tht Watihliifrton and Lr bunhull tMm ha. ver hul Kurenli T U'hitu, ;,Hf.tM.nt n.anuc'r -f bateuall. sou uf Mr vV' MrV Whit-, wan the man who n nine t!. 11" nch-dule." whi'h lurhnlPH 1 1iit- with th niuHt i f iriintRti v nltu-fi in the K;ulrti uiiclmih AtlfuUl.- l vtslon. X North 'aruhnt rull'jsen will b mt )y VNuMhlnton and Ive this Fea sor., t'lilvernity of .North 'nrulina am! tho Cumlina Ahk1h. Anion th tenrnp to lit t'iHointprf1 ure: Army. I nl verMlv of Michigan. !'nn Statf. "ur-nf-ll I'nlVitHlty. IjiKriTftto u1U-k. I nivpi'sity uf Vext V ii wlnhi. i'orKt tsU'n iiriil V. I. I.. HcfflilcH t 1 HMMMunl mannicr ff haiaetiHll. I-irfiitz Whit" U on uf th learifrH in r.licjff. lit w.-m roently flertetl prplifciit tf lh Intel fr-tt rtnty li:' 1 1 lit- ut th rHprt'Hntativ uf thn Junior rluj on th Kxr'i'utlvf .'uiiimit-t4- ih- pjitruttvt orKiihi.f.tiu of th ! ii ir a nwrrit-r uf the Hhl K.iipa I VI rmtvrnity. th hite Friar K.hhi'U. SiK-iKt. ami th "TUir ton t'hilt AlthuiiKh h' nui taHk .'in aftiw puaitltin on tV i'iieral l ;iit hull team. White tt iiite nthh-t l ;i t ly tn rHiieJ " TTe H rokI ' Ihe TTaffV" T.4T HoaL Or'w in th- 1 : 1 4 i:k m anl !m )lytnt r' nt r on t hf J anhr hiik t - tmli tfHttl. House Gives Vets Larger Pen sions ' 'Continued from I'.-lg'' One i from the- bar association will certify Ihe result of the examination io he Hupreme Court and lieeiiNc will l-e in nued on this cer tificnie, Mr. Seuw ell's lull l, lowing Die coln-iiiiH-doio-rs of the H.-Mral countiek to provide rules unit regulations for building bridges, width i.T rmuK width of wh.k;oii tiles arid ottii-r rtg u lat Ions concerning lo-ldgi-s -uid touils met with jcorisbit-rslile (,(l,,siiioii und the btll was tinull pa -si d to apply to I a'e count alone Tiie follmvinK .-ountles were on motion alteiwHrd iucIiicleTl in the bill I'.owan. McDowell, Durham. Davidsor. Ilnmbwick. (luilforil, Ca barrus. Yancey. ' Hertford. Johnston, Macon, Chowsn. I'rankhn. Nurtlmniu ton. Anson, IUud., TfrcU. .'vlii mance. Cumlierland. Cherokee, lira hani. i'aipiotaiik. I'ltt. Hoke. Mora gnmery. Ireibdl Itlclincnd. Washing ton. Menufort. Iuplln. Hertie Colum bus, MadiHoi'i. and Camden JJolllI hssision Held. The Senate iitol llou.'e for a third time held a joint session for the pur pose of electing members of the hard of trustees of the I'nlversity of North Carollnn to. till vacaudes The Joint session was presided over by'iiteiiunt-i iovernor 1 laugh'-ridge and Speaker Howie Con-Niderablw difficulty wu encountered In gelling il quorum of the Henate, hut nfter a search by Kenator Washington enough Senators were finally rounded up to complete a quorum. On mu'tion of Henator McJeod, the following gentlemen wer elected to aerve until November 80. 119: !ra ham Woodward, of Wilson, to take the place of Fred A. Woodwurd. rcslgn ed. and Islle Weil, of floldshoni to take the place of Kminett It. Wooten. deceased. IIOtSK. The House met at lu'oclock. called toVrder by Spiiik-r Howie and prayer was ofTe.rei' lr' W.. Mc' Wbil.'. piistor of ilic First l'resb'terian church. K.ilelgh .A lalat.d petition from ltobesoti. asking for land segregation u ilh re ceived, and citizens of Harnett also petitioned for . the .location of the State HVhool for the llllnd. offering as an Inducement, ode. hundred acres of land "n -vhlcti to locate the tlistmi tiun. Joint ltfoliiiih. Mr Kittrcll in trod need a joint r in' lution, prov liiiiig for th" ttppointment Of R tpjrtslnttve crtmmltfee -t-o otleitd Jhe tiiuiiic'iruiioii of President Kiiwani "K. ' ir:, of the i niversity of North Caroiln i. on April l!4ih. The -Yesolu- ton wits tdsceii on its initiiidiite pass age. Mr. Hrow-ii oiTere.l a resolution pni' vidtng f.-r the appointment of a com mission to invi si iKat c and report oil tlie' removal of the State School for the lilind. to the next tleneral As sembly bill Ihe 'te-ollltlon flllb'd to pa-s1-. the vote ,-iandimc: ayes. '"! . noes :i'i. Hills llldodili-od. Tn. f.dlouiiig bull, wen- int I ml in-toF II H I 'nil'. Mo plicrd: To Increase pay of laborers ill Senate and House. H It IMS. Thomas: For relief of estate il S. ii Martlji. fornicr -alicriC of An-on H H lltsl ernon - Amend act CotisoTirt.'iTrnf;- r-hH-rrr urlirurtriTi. H- II l 'liiTi. Vet mm: Amend art reb.tive to holding elcciioiiK in town of r.iirlini;; on. II. it lli'ii:. Mayo, amend ad i ' latir.g to treasirer of lie-iutori Hill lo ledllce the nillllbei tif colli- nu.sioiier of iroin five to three whs tabled Tlie bill ph i in the sheriff of Caoarrns on a salary and alMillshiiig t hf oftlce of treasurer was tabled but later on motion "of Mr Hutchinson w ss laketi front the table and i,. the committee on counties, cities and towns. Bill passed third reading paj .nf expenses of legislative vislttnc com mittee to the 'uibw-hce Normal ami Industrial IrMft'ile sntsul ItcatHng Hill-. Fills passed second reading iricor pfiiating 4 he town jX Honlla : anhor lie Wilkes to levy speiinl tax to pav iriib-lned noss , authorize As'heule to isslie to i P. Cl S - I birtl lit-ading Hills.. Itrn passed" t bird i'-hiWok. amend rout law Smfihtield t.nuship. John sto coi;r.t . :iit:i'f:d hi l rtbt-tive to fir.tnis C. i tk, I'li-ainage district ; Im prove public "roads f Wake, author ize WcHvervllle to issue Honda: pro vide for w-orklng riit'lH of Watauga: authorize Howhii to iev .pecial taj.: author! ne' Klixalsstli ' "lt. tc issue Oondf : a'.uho-ize New lianover .ttt ij. sue bonds: extend llnifts o' West Hlaoeiiboro . aut itorir.o.. Ire.l.-ll to is sue bcbidi-; In, prove roa.Is of Wilkea: prtA-ide oeiier roads for Terrell: for relief of esfiite of C. ;. 1'etty. lali shariff of Ice: amciol net establish iilg record-V oijrt for Stanly: repe' act e-stahli.-rfiug inedicHl dipensar' of Fnio'i; coi f.-r 'isdiie wDwers on sherifTs . Mild depaty sheiiftg of Heti uersnn: compensate juroiS anu wii- -ne.cs on Kuwait. ' e- - - tll-l.r Charter Amended. " The -fallowing bills were intrtHjuccc; 'a nd plt-ced m their imwiediste pils sage: II. Jl. 'jul'l. Kililuu of Calawoa. amend charter Hickory: H. H. 2'i;2. Dunliin. amend road law of Ciooce jSejk jl"'ns()lp, Martin county: 11 H '2jX. tCent. appoint;' ft" . WolrfT 'a justice" of peace for -CaJdwell. The-HTtnse r.riM.(Httled lo the .job.: sideration of I hn. primary blHNtnd al i:1 aojoorueii ujiaievv aruu m o'UuCJb , .- ::.. Fadtcry 5gFH3D SERVICE STATION THEHOOSIER POET University Extension Lecture -Carries Message of Love From Riley Hy TIIDHNWFI.I. ll Ms High Point. "March ( Tlie third uf. the eerios- of Fniversity te-ct'urot. was given In the high school auditorium last evening to an apprerwthe au dience by Dr Tester Al.ui... Williams, professor of school ailminisi ral ion The Doctor was lecturer ut the Mrook l n Inst H lite-of Arts and Sciences' m 113 and only came to our State I'nl versity year before last le lectured last evening on Js.mee w'lllln.mli l(lle ' "let inr be. ' he begun, "a mirror, holding before o ir .lllcnlal UBItiiill tlie figure, life, the fct llng of Mi. l;ile ' The entertain ing ieaker then skeiched briefly the life ,,f Hi. poet, telling of his blrih' placc In the little town of tlreenflebl. Indiana, twenty miles east of Indiana pulls, In th- viir lni',J He spoke of the hooMler poet s father as s promi nent lawyer. we known and well con nected, and gave James a good, com-iiioti-schooi education, though the youngster had no use for mat hematics ami cirfisidereir histon an awful bore. "When the . yet undiscovered poet left school, because of a natural spti tude for drawing he was apprenticed to a sign painter." said the Doctor "This, however, could not last long, a.s the ln.y had a Htroiig tendency to theatrical and was soon found with a travelling troupe for whom he de segnetl advertisements, re-wrote piays. touched up scenery, and even filled In us nn utuler-stlidy. ' one time dur ing tills wanttering period he was led. thrimg-h his loe of the ridiculous and tils' fondness for a hoax, to pose as a Mind sign painter. "Follow log ttiis." continued t lie piertoi. "unm his Introduction to Journalism, and the use of letters in a much different form uf sign paint Ing ' Jdfe On a Newspaiwr. The. story told by the Doctor of UlleCs clever Imitation of Kdgar l len I'oewss vei y Interesting It seems Mr Hlley was tlrsl engsged on the staff of a pupi.r in Anderson, where among his various dutiea wan that of turning the advertisements into catchy doggorsl. " lie also gratified hH more lofty umbltlans by sending dia lect etorle to magazines w hich alw aya proniptly TeTUrned them. "i in the rival paper In Anderson." explained the Doctor, "was a man who made great fun of Hile and -called him h Poetaster. Mr Ittley detfTtntneit in vindicate his claims to grestness Thus came about the clever imitation of Fuigar Alb'n Foe in the ui of "IMinuitie." which win published paper of a neart.v town u a ii'o'stliu tnous work of Foe. ' The press of the country took up tin- mutter and tie nouiiced Itlley for his attempt to de ceive the public and gain notorb-tv. Tihd Mr lliley." continued the Doc tor, "hits never ceased regretting this t bought less act." As a result of this h' los' his position hi Anderson and his friends gave him a Wide berth Ijit.-r Judge Martingale befriend.! him ami gave hint a pnstion on tl.. Indianapolis Journal wbeie he w is given a free hand anil told to iro in und win - w -Tlie Did Msinimin Hide," Viioing tttlier efforts here he mtro-ilit'-eil a series of poems precetlej. iy editorial comment and proclaimed a." the product of lienjnmln F Johnson, an old furnier of limine couii'v The) proved so poi'isrr that Mr Itiby wa moved to get 111. Ill together II. a li'tle voluni" and have them published uo der the title of "Tho uid Swinmiiu' Hole, and ..'Levcn other I'oems To show somewhat the heart of tlie Hoosler I'oet," ih' speaker related the following tnt'bi-o.t. "The oh! home hltd Keen void to satisfy the i-redlloisi ( tliv elder Kill V during the time our J had been seeking public favor So one summer aft-r the po.-t hsd re-u ned fume, he l.'undles off Ihe" old folks n- ' nlM. slid while thev are fori" lie pur chases the old place, repairs, aii'lic-furritsh'-H H Six weeks Inter the old juit!;i r lIlW cr and his w If.- come back lo the ,,bl h.uiie, mid as they ffMind the clear old .spot ready lo receive them, and K. p litem In comfort the resi ot .heir di. y-. lh- "id yuakci father jiiil Iii" hand on th- shoubb-r of til's. eon-r and vitth the lears tream. Ing d sw n his -crinkled fin e he merely mid. 'J -iin. thou srt n most n-iiintl.-able son." IKisu Into sunset Valley. Ami erv pai helically the speaker udd.-d "The good old man and hi wife ate gone. et they fever forgot ami we can never forget the love, the thought fulness, the tenderness, the real downright flllal devotion of the Ho imi. r loo t " Th ltu?t..r thtn ex plained the poet ndw makes his home with his i-uter in Induinapoils, "snd there is the soft light of the plains be dreams snd write", of 'things ex they wi.i. " His strength is failing hinu however. -Jr.ce the summer of 10 IP. and we soon shall thln hiin STORAGE Recharged R. WILLIAMS ON (b). an expeiieruvd tatttfn man) RALEIGH MOTOR CARS ftlACRCIE CO. .J., McA. Gooii in.' Vtr, ReprcsaitatiTO aunofi. x. a "Ma Senice- as fulfilling h'.s own words: ' And 1 priy ;o Him still for tha.. trer.gth when I die. To go out Pi the clover and tell K . good-bye; And lovingly nestle my face la lt blooms. White n y soul slips away on a breath of pert;; II, e." "This lloosier pst is nothing if net Cheerllll. Srtld the repeated i he Pni-s. "It aii'.'i in. ns. Doctor, and than to grumble and Mipiain If. jest as cheap iunJ eay to re Jolce. tl.,,i, t t.i.l ...n. ..... thu u-BtKee e.A aeiols ruin. Wy rain's my clioice."' . , i ne i itH-u.r i loseu nis iciaunt u y - saying: I cannot leave Mr. Riley without pointing out what skim tu me rne tnree great lessons ox nis me and w tirks First, he has never f or-- gotten i be a boy: he lias kept youns Keen tot. he loo never been iKher thaw himself, he has always been natural. Third, he has found his place In ltf and rilled that place to the beat of hta : ti i'i ot y . The rendition of "The Sermon of th- Hose" was especially snd touch- IIIK t . 1 U.I t'l f.OIIH0. J. 11IWI. M .-..- wants all ihiee of these speakers hack imiin I'rofessors H ran son and Mc- Kle and Dr Wllllsma UltAT lUUCALS AT DAXIDMOS. Ijargc vuhiiiit oi i ouitg osasxi . . s-IMNlal .uls. , s;- l. te T .- V.. Oiscnrr i Diivitls.ui. March H The Davidson Junior "rsti rli als began yesterday anu will end o.night with a concert 111 Sfii-iii-er hall The number .. ladles, moet of them the steclal guests of one of more of the fraternities, who ara to - be here is tpnts large. Amort them are these Kappa Al pha Misses Louise Wyhe-. Lsncsflsr: Ixuise "hj.ti Margaret Coles, Mary" Stuart. Abigail. Kliaaheth and May Bexerly Alexander, Annie Dewey I'hmol.ers. Kuenla I'.Jseell. MlldrvMl l.nlsyson. llsrrlet Drr. Charlotte: tjenevieve Iloltleii. Huck) Mount: Mat- -tie Packard. Hullunore; Marlon Yount, S!.t s ille . Nan llugheimer. Charlea- , ton . Kapps r.igii.a .-uiass-s .-eii wjmw Villi-. Helen I'eyton. Hapldan, Va, Kvelyn liUi'k. Susie Coles and Kath rliie McDoimld. t.'harlotte: Vlrsdnla -Wiggins I:. nil i ritz. Serena Ilalton, M.itmrrt Fletcher. W)nston-8aleirtT; Merlaru Sadler. Ctdumbta; Mary Rod. ilt v ' t... 1. IUll, I'.ene Lindsay. Cam den. .ii I nd.- Johnson. Hickory: l.ynr Uirliai .ison. t .rcensboro. Sus1 Blaca-. man. '..luiiit-us. t Ja. : Carrie t'art- li.-ht. Vorkviile StgTita Alpbs Kpsilon: Misses Mar gjrei Seller. Virgil Sellers. Kasia 11a goo.l. Sarah Smith. Kasley: Lroulers (i Farrell. Kings Mountain: Krtveetina Huttall. H'siinabam, Donald a liagan. New- v,,rk. I'. inline ITentlsa. Oreeo V1lle. W x'; NnchoUerrn. Italia- liurv I nil A Itelk Monrts-: Maymla Liiraa. J'loien.-e. S C , Annabelle Wil liams It'll Springs Mary Wilkea. l-tur.-ns. 1. 1. nl. McKinunon. bruna-wu-k til liei.t Tli.'tn Ii Mrs Ada Kngle. Mikses Corlnne "lit. I. on. I'athetine Steele Mmguiei 1 1 1 1 Mildred and Al pine Cults. Charlotte Daisy Wllklna, iaffne. KUen She.ers. Winston- Salem. Sis Duffy. Sumter; tiladye Iney. Monroe. Sitrah Wooten. David son, ekoiie Lipscomb, (iaffney; Teres M.-i 'ubldns. -MNhsbur) : Lu lie Green Chattanooga T. nn . Marv Parks lrey, ii,orf.., - - l-'4.utM..A. uill-.Llik.... inotol. V a i'i Kappa ' I i :.lis..s Anna M Fan- - .'p- 'torlo. ;to,i i 'ordie Parker. Con id u- Kurd and 'lines. Wine i.u, - f-H i. io itov.. Hawkins, Beaale lea , ,1'lo.v. tu t Itotinb- ir.' Charlotte; M.rte H l'nvi.l- I't Ksi..t Col, a Misses lluth Chat. Ibid t e, -..,i,v. c..nii.. Mary Wat- kllls. Alitor S. C. ; Jessie Wtlliforxl. i!. ''hub. ite Harrell: Cheraw. Annie l.t irie Wicker. Klon: l'ls An. derfsin. Al..ieroli. S t t. ti. it ri.Kis M:rr, Mr. J. - I'lcnx- I. the New Kxahss Kaic-r. i-. . r . . ,.d oatrtv V i ,, ,no,..,. yar h The Oreens--n ,ro i.o'ige -f Klks last night elected lite ..l!nitr; officers for the ensuing; -year Ktci.'1 rub r. J. ' llerce; ea tee.oe.1 b-atttng fce4gh4r. Mayor ThoHvaa1 .1 Murphy. est,.eio..i b.yal knight. W. Ii M.nlmt.ii- estc-med lecturing Viiig'lif f m: VsiisT-.f swretaryr E;-': I' :.s; ire.isurei !' N Taylor; tiler, W it. Itiftler. board" governors. Jo-' liiiu I'rit". K. C Weil I. J Hrandt. J W 'one It X. Int. il. -v and J. Frank I'a'mer T-.t-e ' three vesrs, W.- . It ViiTjvhf- Mr S. tiradshaw. re-' tlrinv . x-ilte.: ruler w as elected "aa ' representative o. she next eeaeion of th . i o ml l-.iit. i ' le heldv In San l-'r.niriss-o !-asi . Kxa'ted llulwU. W. Siev, Frt was eb.-s.'n -xlternaie Woman Turn- The 1icu Sabstrirv Marc). A r"lther novoi case .-oini' g up from tjold Hilt bn.'ig! t i n ir. .e r-on. that section snd 't t-i-il large crowds to tho court .. i-e w4nian who wmm t hsrge. wu b i-epir.v a . 1 tsorderry houi-e- w-i" o-tiuMte.l and she Imme uutlelv its.! th" .r .secuting. wltnosji ane-tf it irirl tm-ird to the eatiafactlota -,. tt,.. . that he was the father ot n busc v ' Va; which she exhibited la court ' BATTERIES and Rebuilt : RALEIGH, ; C