IX T Olkseirveir Tic Weather , Full data concerning the weather will be louad today wr Page Tare ii iiie new Best Advertiitaj Mediuin in North Carolina - j VOL. CL NO. 114. . -- ,; :.'.. y ;.' - ;.j ': . RALQCIi, K C, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 3, 1918. ' price 5 ccn: fr PLED GES VIGOROUS CAMPAIGN Two Hundred Dollars rTii'iNight to Secure Facts on How City ', . Affairs Administered CITIZENS BRAVEnSTORM TO ATTEND THE MEETING Every Department of The City Will Be Investigated By Ex perts, It Is Announced. - Speakers Vigorously Arraign The Present Commissioners For The Way They, Have f Managed The Government Want To - Know; Whether ' Commission Form Has So Far Been Success or Failure, t Two hundred dullare wB pledged last night by the citlsens mass met " luf U lUnay Hill to secure, every poasibhv Itara of Information About ' tha present administration of tha af fairs of tha Ity of Raleigh and tell . ' tha people just what facta are found by expert accountant. Among thoaa who called out their namea a con tributing to .thla fund ware:' N. A. Dunn, EL H. Barker, C. C. McDonald, J. N.eynne, R. C flmith. C. t. Me , ' Donald. JL I. Berts. Geo. Byrne, C B. - Deoeon. E. P. Maynard. J. M. Nor. wood. W. C. Atktnaon, D, F. Crinkley, W. Tf. Jones, Ivan Proeter. J. ' M. Broughtou. Jr., E. 8. Pearce. Wallaaa 0. Dunn,? Some of these gars r twenty Are dollars apiece, bod gave leas than - five.- At the . conclusion..; of -4Jese . pledges, which war ft van quickly and aplritedly. Chairman N. A. Puna vig orously declared -1 can take thla crowd and wipn up the earth." . Not a woree night haa been seen In Raleigh for many daya from the - - weather and. yet there were over a hundred Rajeigh. buelaeo and pro . fessioftar men? " wn -nWir Thr-Wrtd etona and came to tha meeting. A "n few- left aftui otoua air honf not something Ilka ninety war cent ' of Ihem stayed. There were speeches. ipirHed speeehee. couched In dagger- tipped words. Nobody took tha tana perature outalde or In. but thing were warm enough from tha jump. Notes Wort to Protest. ' One of tha big feature came juat before adjournment, when Mr. W. 8. Lyon, Jr.. gave out thla statement . "Late foday I found out the facta bout 'the evaded Question as fo whether the credit of tha city of Hal- Uh had been Impaired by tha pro ' ent commissioners; whether any notea : had gone to protest, A note for lie, ' ,101. dated September I. 1114. execu- ted by the Cltyof Raleigh to- H. O, Lsssiter. due In alxty daya from -date. waa proteated for' non-payment Octo ber tl. 1114, before P. P.-Haywood. Notary! Public, and Anally paid No vember. la. 1114. 'Another note, same . aa to all of tha above, for 11,691. waa proteetea ana paia mi w aame. urn. - Tha notary eertl flea that he waa in formed by the mayortanf pay to day. Can probably . arrange Mon day" . , ' Ms .Meeting. It' waa announced that another mass meeting would bo called at an early'dai and that the-two hundred dollars raised by public subscription would, be Increased t to tha amount needed te carry on the fight Vigoroua- . : Are The CtUarn Satisfied T ' , Attorney Walter Watson called the meeting to order and stated the pur pone waa to try and And out if tha business men of Raleigh, tha profes sions! tnea, tha men In every other vocation were satisfied with tha ad ministration ef the present commit atonera. "If you are satisfied, let's go homo light now; If you are Hot satisfied, then every man of yea get behind the movement for a better miiitMtiimit of affaire. aomebodV Who "will give us statiafactory management The city of Rsieijrh paid Ills.!" for water plant. 1 am Informed that nine then they have spent 117 5. ess, or thereabouts for improvement to the same plant. - Even now, a pitcher of water left overnight will ahow you how much solid matter your stomach must receive. The commissioners " have been, prolific with expenditure of your meter, a half million dol lar of it, and they have been preg- , na-it with, excesa, but you must buy your own drinking water In the sum mer time. Take your streets: A bid f It cents per square yard, waa made by Mr. Lasslter but fall, to be done . under certalar " apeciflcatlona. PI nee that Uma the contract have been changed, until some of It haa cost from $l.ti ta more than tl.7e- Are yon satiened with the police depart mntf If yon are, let's go 'home light now." The meeting Waa then permanently ' organised by the election of Mr. N. A. Dune aa chairman and Mr. W. 8. lyon. Jr.. eecretary. . Mr. Dsai ttpcaka Tgorusuily. On taking the chair, Mr. Dunn said: "t am glad t 'see so many of onr . beet dttsens hure tonight. If you did not mean it you would not have come - rn auch a nia-ht ae this. One thing Sure, thla city will be properly gov erned wheq you take s flairs' in your " hand. None ft you have the light to taroore the affairs of your city. There have been times when 1 was proud f the way Raleigh Continued on Page Three.)' Subscribed Quickly; Last 1 SET FIRE TO STORE DECLARESBEHTLEY Merchant at Statesville Gives As Reason That Creditors Were Pushing Him $1,000 INSURANCE ON $686 According To Confession He Entered Store By .Rear Door wiflkre4--Teros6n0-'Ov6r Some; Goods and Applied a Match Case Worked Up By Insurance Department snrli1 to Th m sM mmt BUtesville, April J. W. C. Bentley, a merchant here, thla afternoon eoa feaaed that he set Are to tha stock ta his store last Tuesday. He gave as the reason that ne waa being pushed by eredltors and decided to burn the stock with hopes of collecting tha In surance. " Bentley' stock and fixtures: Inves toried gtid he had II 6B0 lnsur- ance.. His confession this afternoon brought an end to tha Investigation enlcb had been In progress. Deputy Insurance ' Commissioner Jordan and Sheriff DaJton had work ed unceasingly on tha case since the are. which occurred early Tuesday morning, and linked una strong chain of evidence against bentley, but had not- placed him under arrest. This afternoon bentley went to the ofAcers snd told them that be wanted to tell the whole truth about tha fir. The omoera offered to take hie eon- tension in tha form ef aa affidavit t MeaXley-agreed -4ev 4hia and eke affidavit waa Immediately prepared and signed. Bentley waa then taken into custody by Bhertff Daltoa. According to his own confession. Bentley entered his store by the rear door shortly after Ave o'clock Tues day morning, sprinkled kerosene over some of the gooda, ajpll4 a match and left tha store. . Hmuki which cams from tha store attracted early risers and tha Are was "nipped In the bud" by the Bremen. Hsd It gained any headway an-entire business block would have bean la danger. SECRETARY DANIELS TO DEVELOP MORE AIRMEN Navy's Head Win ftrtrrt Clans of M ,- . i no urgawaea ia nnc tar unlrveat Washington. April . 1. Bacretary Daniels la mtmvtjfo select new class of tea naval and) marine corps officers and- twenty enlisted men to ba or ganised .In .June for .Instruction In naval aeronautics at the Penaaeola Naval station. The officers will spend six weeks at tha plant of soma aero plane manufacturer before instruction la flying will beain at Pansaoola. When the officers and men begin flying service they will receive It to It per cent respectively Increase of pay. and officers who qualify for an air pilot's certificate, wl'.i receive a, ift jwr cent increase in pay. There are already four aeroplanes at Penaaeola; two have been ordered and three more will bar bought noon. Bight student a via tore -of the class of ettieers formed, last year are sow at the station and one. Ensign C K. Branson, already haa qualified for aa air pilot certificate, Mr. Danlela has before him many applications for duty in the new class. HOCTHPORT GOES AHEAD. . , Expenditures for Imireovemrats and New Kntceptssea Will Asaoaas Ta flM.OOO. . tssirtal St Tas Mas sad Otievsrt. Southport. April S. More than 1.0 will be spent in making Im provements at Southport daring the cttnlng few months. The Improve ments and new enterprises include: 40. tot for - water and seweraag plant; llS.tO for Improvements at the quarantine station, which In eude building a wharf 4 wide and tov feet long; ll.efts for a shrimp factory; tie.oea for f. vlng sta tion ; improvements at Pal met te Is land Island, and a number of rest dfi.ee. - It. seems that a good sis "boom" Is on. '.. The Civic Club haa planned a "clean up" week and Included In the slot n Is: "Clean; up and paint up." An ef fi rt will be made to (ret the town la annla pie order for tha summer vis itors. - According to the reports sent out H. Ih. PjiitM fVnni ri.n,rtMMt at Washington Brunswick produced IT1!! bklee more cotton in 1114 than a It II. Brunswick la not a great cot ton growing coubty, although) there are. hundreds of acres that will make a bale to the acre. Only. 141 bales t re ginned this year. Dr. K. D. Owen, of the" United State Department of Agriculture will be ill Brunswick county April and to assist Farm Demonstrator R. T. Melvin In Inoculating hogs for the hog cholera. The farmers of the ctunty aie giving tha farm demon stration work cordial support. A Texaa Oil company tug cams In pert yeMerdsy. She had in tow two hergea. but some time after mid. Ight i... hawser of one broke ana the barge loaded wtth oil ia some where out on the ocean. The Coast Ouard cut t r." Seminole" went looking for her todtty.and the tug boat also 1 on a hunt for the stray barge. . us Guo'ger's Man Recommended : By SenatOvvOverman For Of y fice at Murphy WOMAN -SUFFRAGE WORK The Washington Headquarters Claim Gains Are Being Made fry Tar Heel State and North Carolina Figures in Press Matter; Surgeon - General Blue Says Typhoid Is On Run a .' i ;- (By W. It TELTERTOJf.) Washington, D. C. April 2. Sena tor Overman today recommeaded Robert T. Crooks to be postmaster at Murphy. Crooks' name had already been recommended by former Repre sentative Gudger prior to March . but la order for him to be appointed aftet March 4, it was necessary for Senator Overman to recommend him also. Charlie -C . McClurd- has, beea aa pointed... . postmaster .at ..Athlaao. a fowrtll elaaa offloa, . --ii-.:. : - . - T. t. Finch, of Randolph county. who la addition to belag a farmer. Is rotarestsd la a chair factory la Ran dolph sounty, says there is no depres sion ta tha chair manufacturing busi ness as far as tha Davidson factory is concerned. ' He says the Industry Is having a profitable see sea. State flgarea ia swjsTWmjsv la spits of the fact that Use North Carolina Legislature sat oa woman's suffrage, suffrage headquarters In Washington still claims tha suffrage movement ia -gaining strength, la North Carolina. Too Tar Hoel State la frequently: sienUoned in the pre matter seat out . from the Washing ton headquarters, and In aa Interview press sgented by Miss Alios Pant head of the Congressional Uuloa, tha follow' ing reference la made to tha move ment la the South with North Caroli na heading the list; "It ia very significant that a grow ing sentiment for woman suffrage. especial the Federal amendment, ex ists in such Southern States as North Carolina, Tennessee, Uoulaiana and Taa. These ara atat'. right tte but they are becoming keenly interest e in our work. The -old Sanaa H. Aai ttaa man san-neat friends la the South, . ' Typhoid sat Tfas Ram. . Wa have typhoid fever on tha rua.' says Burgeon General Rupert Blue, of the unites States Publio Healtn Ber- vtoe. In speaking of the work of gov emment scientists in flchtins prevent able disease. He predicts the final eradication of typhoid through the en foroement of sanitary regulations and tho aTadual sducatlon of the people In the avoidance of communicable d la- see. Malaria haa been greatly de creased in recant years by sanitation and drainage, and there la no reason why typhoid cannot bo eliminates by proper precautions. vaccina urcatess I leitiutaavo, Ths perfection ef vaccina capable o! rendering Immunity to typhoid haa been the greatest preventive of ty phoid, but advance in sanitation will maJta vaccina tin almost unnecessary If precaution in traveling ia observed. Common ca i"Tt " a va beea forced te provide individual drinking cups, and many communities nave aaoptea tne idea and havo extended it to individual towels and other safeguards against infection. Many of the labors of ths public health service bays been performed In North Carolina, notably mosquito- eradication and rural sanitation cam. paigna. New Hanover's record ta san itation haa been aubllshed widely and other count lee are following ths lead. Typhoid, malaria, pellagra and other diseases of less consequence can -gen. e rally be traced easily to eeoapeola. surface privies sad other insanitary conditions, - .. TO VOTE 0!t .SCHOOL TAX. Catawba Cosmty Grower Ships Oar Load Potatoes To KewUsrky. -(Sptdal Tat Pes SM Otssisrt. Hickory, April l.-The people L sf Wast Hickory are going to vote oa an Inereass in the school tax at tha reg ular election for mayor and aldermen May 4. should the new tax scaeaule carry the taxation wil be Increased from II rent on tha llll.M valua tion and cents oa the poll ta II cents on tho I IM.It valuation and II cents on tho polL N. W. Propst, ens of this county's largest potato raisers recently snip ped a solid car-ioaa or tne tubers to La olsville, Ky. The potatoes this year are of good quality and are com Branding a fair price. - The Gospel Mission Baptist cnurca la West Hickory haa beea complete and the first service will be held In Sunday afternoon at I ' o'clock. trenching by Kev. D. W .Poole. Eliphet Crouch, Confederate Soldier and one of Hickory's oldest citizens, died Tuesday night at the horns of his son. J. K. Crouch. The funeral was held Wednesday. The dt-eeased served, wtth distinction ir the civil war. - He was a member of Company B, 11th N. C Retfment. He was detained la prison at Poln Lookout until three months afW tat - ' eJoeed, Mr. Crouch la survived by three daughters and four sons, Mrs. t C. Brooks, of Hickory; lira, A. D. Tilley. of Morgan ton; Mrs. H. Q. B Ian ton Newton: Will t.rouon. of Hornrtt n; K and M. G. Crouch, of Hickory, and Stanley 3. Crouch, of Boydton, Va BBSSBSSSBBSUSSaBBBSaSBBBBBSBSBBBBSSSiaBBBBBaaSaa. MR& CARMAJf BE TRIED AGALX. Pbyskiana Wife Charred With M se ller m jara. vamum nauey. . . . I Br sat I.KiliI ma Mlnsola. N. T., Apr. .Mr. Flor- Conklin Carman, , wife - of Dr. Edwin Carman, of KreeporC will ao on trial again charged with the mur der of Mrs. Louise Bailey. District Attorney Smith, of Naasau countr. announced today that the case' would called. May IttB, At a previous trial the Jury disagreed. "- RUSSIANS CLAIM TD BE PRESSING Whole Front From Baltic Sea -To Rumanian Border and in Caucasus On Offensive - TURKS ENTIRELY DRIVEN OUT OF TRANS-CAUCASIA Forces of The Czar Said To Have Captured Strong Forti fied Ridge in the Carpathians Overcoming Almost. Insur mountable Obstacles, Such As Scaling Steep . Ice-Cov ered Hills and Penetrating Cleverly Arranged Barbed Wire and Timber Obstruc tions; Austria Claims To Beskid Range of Mountains London. April I. The Russians are oa ths offensive along their whole front from t!o BaKie- Sea to ths Rumanian border and In the Caucasus aad according to ths Stoeholm dis patch they havs concentrated enormous number of soldiers oa ths Finnish ooast to - prevent tho Ger mans landing there. . . Ths Russian advances according to Potrograd are proceeding . with at caaa, Tho official report claims that ths Germans in North. Poland are, be ing pushed back to the Bast Pros- siaa border and that la tha Carpa thians between ths Lupksw aad Us- sofc psssss'ths Russians havo cap tured still another strongly fortified ridge, overcoming almost Insurmount- sbls dlfflcultlea, such as ths sealing of st sep ice covered hills and pons tratlng cleverly arranged barbed wire and Umber obstructions. ; - Ths Russians also are attacking the Csewtaa le the eogioa-of Keel sa waa. near ths Vssok pass. There a large number - pt pr uo neraJ. lctti o iwTt wwa i aiim eu, - Against thee reports of Russian oceasea. tha Americans claim they havs repulsed all Russtaa attacks la ths BeekM range of mountains, far ther East. The Husaiao declare thsy have countered an Austrian raid, into lie- aarabia, near Cnotln. Turks Drivaa Oat It Is declared that ths Turks now have been entirely cleared out of Trans-Caucasia and that the Russians hold tha Turkish black sea coast as tar aa Ark have. On tho western front the battles of a scattered nature. Beyond artillery enaragementa the only flam ing that ba taken place la the forest of L Protra, where ths French are trying to reach tha roads leading from 8U Mlhtel to Met, and to the smith of Peronne, where ths fYench also are oa the offensive. During the laat 14 hours news has been received In London of the sink Ing of tho British stea liter Eaton, for merly tas eouta foint, the Nor wegian bark Nor and three British trawlers by German eubmartnea and of ths Dutch steamer Schieiand. pre sumably oy a mine, several sailors of ths Schieiand are mlaslng. Ths sinking of the trawlers. It Is alleged here, is a violation ef The Hague convention of 1M7, which ex. pressly exempta fishing vessels from molestation. . Interest In Subrnarine Peskiotk, In connection with the submarine warfare the German -protester- made tnrouxa tno united statea against the refusal ef Great Britain to recognise submarines enraged In attacke on merchant ahlpa aa prisoners of war. an ths Britlah foreign secretary's re ply thereto, are creating a lot of In terest in London. The British reply declared that while more than a thousand sailors helot) Xing to want hi pa aestreyea by tinttsn men of war had rescued by ths victors, not a slnxls British sailor had been nicked up ny tne uermana wnea they ware Hill. FRENCH SHOOT D0V.N ANOTHER GERMAN AIRMAN Third Aviator to Be Brought In 84 Hoars Hying; Squadron Drops Bosnfaa, Paris. Apr. I. Ths official war of fice communication tonights aid: "On the whole of the front there Is nothing of importance to report. At I o'clock this morning east of Soiasons, a German aviator waa shot down Inside our lines. This is the third aviator to bo brought down, la 14 hours. "Our flying suusdma dropped tl bombs on , the barracks, aeroplane hangars snd railway statin at Vig aeullea, In Woevre. A great number of the projectiles fell sm their targets, The aviators were subjected to a heavy Are at close range. Three re turned with large holes In the wings f their machine, and the eanvaa of other machines was pierced by shrap- l bullet. "None of the aviators were hit. All tho machines returned to our Unas." RUSSIANS TAKE POSITION AT POINT OF BAYONET Porrea of Czar Claim ta Hire Aha IH-tven r-aaa , Back lank-ting Heavy Luhsc. tutt. hml ' petrorrad, April f. via London. The .folio win Russian official state ment regarding tno fixating la tb (Continued oa Page' Three.) GERMANS BACK fWOIIIlSiS AT WILI.HH6T0FJ Simultaheous Revival Which Closed last Night a Great : Success VIOLATAIONSDF FISHLAW Hne Net Seines Being Used Is Charged By Prominent Fisn erman; Fertilizer Factories of Wilmington Running On Full Time To Catch Up With . Influx of Orders Wilmington, April t. With splen did services tonight ths simultaneous revival eoa d Acted for the past two weeks by sight Wilmington churches cam ta aa end. Tho meetings have beea successful In every way. There havo beea several huadrod conversions snd there havo been additions to all churches, tho First Baptist receiving it t atmbtn as a ttsult t ths meetings- WHh- os exception ths past, tors "- were aaalsted by ' visiting ml nlsters. ;.. . . . . . -. -X- a. leator ot tne masting was a noonday service which was held each day at ths Orand Theatre, la ths heart of tho business section. It u known as ths anion noonday service because It waa participated in by all ths churches of ths city and different ministers had charge of ths service each day. Tho Episcopal and Uitheraa churches, which did. not take part In ths revival series, did take a prominent, part la ths noon day service at ths Grand Theatre. This ta the first time that Wilmington churches ever attempted A simul taneous revival and they are well pleassd with tho result. " Fish Law Viol a Hosts. Mr. Jerry Hewlett, of Mason boro Sound, who Is ens of ths most prom' mens, nsnermen in tns county, gave out n statement todsy In which he says thst ths Stats fish law. passed at the last session of tho Legislature, ta being dally violated by the fishermen of this county. He says that ths fish- rnoa -are-eing - sslnea -the atas of which are prohibited, by. law and that 'hag i a sa sautting- - very small '-flaftr Som of tho nets, be said, are so small ono would aotEat hia flngsr through ths openings, . Hs express is the hope that as soon as tha Fish Commission. provided for In ths bill. Is appointed by tha Governor, that some steps will be taken to enforce tho law. Mr, Hewlett Is heartily In favor ef the new law as are all tho loading fisher men of this section and they want to see it enforced. Track Not Badly Dsmagvd. It is not believed thst truck was badly hurt by the snow that fell Wed' nesday and ths heavy frost of yester day morning. The continued cold weather of tha last few weeks has ac climated ths strawberry, lettuce and gardea peas snd they withstood the effect of the frost much better than they otherwise would havo done. Of course the continual cold will serve to make the crop still later. It Is not likoly that strawberries will be shipped te the northern markets be fore Msy 1st and lettuce will hardly be shipped before.' tho llta or 10th of this month. FrrtlllBnr Trade) Raaned. Although delayed for two months ths fertiliser season la how on In earnest and tha sis factories In Wil mington are running onr full time In strong effort to catch up with the heavy Influx of recent orders. It Is expected that the shipments from Wilmington for ths season will be almost 1t per cent nui mat.' Which la considerably mors than was at one time hoped for. The local factories said to ba well stocked with material Imported from Germany. but there will be a scarcity nsxt year U the war continue that long. - - No Opposition to Mayor Moors, Although the primary ia on April 10th and announcements must all be In by the ISta tha candidates for Mayor-andCounctlmn havo -been slew In announcing themselves. It now appears , that Mayor Parker Quince Moore, who haa been mayor for two yea re, will not have any op position. There wss talk some weeka ago that Former Mayor . Wm. IC. Springer would be a candidate. Before the end of tno week all ths candidates for Council are expected to announce themselves. '. All members of ths present Council will be Candida tea GARRISON HAS NO PLANS TO MAKE U. S. ARMY "DRY Secretary Says at Prewewt It "Would Bo Like Taking a Bottle From a Bby." tstSM tiltiiiraasvi Washington, April S. When Secre tary Garrison's views were sought to day on tha subject of prohibition in the army, he said ha waa ao busy planning a reorganisation of the Coun try's military defender that h hsd not even considered what ha would -prohibit" when he had brought the army ap to what he thought Ita pro per sua. To Introduce a dry order Into the army regulations at present Mr. Garrison said, "would ba like taking a bottle from a baby." - OCEAX FREIGHT RATF OJT COTTON OX HIGHER LEVEL Prios SLes Pro Hsndrrdl to Liverpool . aao st. so so narva, , Galveston. Tex.. April f. Recent gradual advances In ocean freight rates on cotton culminated today In quotations of ! per hundred lbs to Liverpool and ll.it to Havre, A few weeks ago the rate was aa low a 11.11. Tonnage offeringa are nor abundant. Rates to Oenoa remain at tl.II and-to Barcelona at from 11.4a to ll.il, wtth only a few vessels of ferings. . PIUNZEI1E APPEARS READY 10CEAN DASH Whether German Raider Will Brave Danger of 11 : : ELKS PREPARING FOR CHARITY FAIR Committee Promises That Pro gram of Greensboro Event , Will Be Full of Good Things : - PIERCE EXALTED RULER County Commissioners Expect ed.Tq Jake Up Court House Stock For. New Hotel; Y. M. C. A. Membership Campaign Come? To Close . - Greensboro. April I. The Greens boro Lodgs of Klks hsld one of ths moat snthusisatlo meetings it has had In a long time tins even big, when new officers were Installed and plana dis cussed for ths Charity Fair soon to be held were discussed. - Three can dldatea were Initiated. The new officers are: J. C. Pierce, exalted ruler; Thomas J. ' Murphy, esteemed leading knight; W. B. Mer rimon, esteemed loyal knight; C. M. Vanstory, esteemed lecturing knight; B. P Ross, secretary; F. N. Taylor, treasurer. 'General "Chairman- C" V Yanstory, for ths committee, reported thst -ths Charity Fair gave promise of being a most Interesting event. Among ths article that havs been given to the lodge for ths fair Is an Overland au tomobile, valued at nearly a thousand dollars. Several hundred dollars worth of other merchandise has been donated by various roerchanta. Chair, man Roland H.. HllU of in entertain saent oommtttee. says that tha pro. aram-wllt bo fall of good things, in' eluding v orchestra' music throughout ths week, with two grand concert. Court nouns Matter. . The. oeuntyosmmissioners - will be In session Monday and the court house matter will probably be up again for discussion. Nobody Is willing to say what tha commissioners are going to do. They have authorised the state ment that a combined business build ing snd court house, several stories In height, will be erected on the present court square, but there are those who believe that such will not be the case. It Is not altogether improbable that tha commissioners will yet sell the property now occupied by the court house and buy snd build on a lot that can bs purchased for less money. Ihs present location can bs sold for almost enough to buy a sits and build a court housa suited to the needs of tho county for msny years to oome. Bow saes Troalcs Wedding. -Miss Blanche Troxier waa married to Mr. W. F. Bowman, of Liberty, at the homo of the bride's parents, six miles east of ths city, yesterday eve ning. Ths horns waa attractively dec orated for the event Mrs. Leslie Troxier -wss st ths piano, aad Just be fore the ceremony Miss Lela Long and Mr. K. N. Barbae aang "Look Down, Dear Eyes." Rev. E. C. Murray, pas tor Alamance Presbyterian church, was tho officiating minister. A re ception followed ths ceremony. Ths bride is a most attractive young woman .and well known in tne city, The bridegroom is a son pt Rev. and Mrs. J. M, Bowman, of Liberty. Stork For New Hotel. A movement has been eommsnoed to obtain subscription to ths amount of 1 1 US. t to stock -4a new hotel for Greensboro, 'aad If ths amount is subscribed pertain outside capitalists propose to furnish soother 1 1 . to erect a modern hotel building on ths sits of ons of ths present hotels. Some measure of success Is being met with by those behind- the proposi tion. V. M. C. A. Campaign doer. The membership campaign ot the T. M. C. A. closed this evening wtth something like III taew members snd renewals for the association. This brings tho total membership of the association up to about 10 a, and Is about ths largest the membership haa ever been. Tne campaign Began Wednesday and covered four days. After hearing' the evidence against Thorns Burns, held as a suspect in connection with the postomc rob beries st West Durham. Hillsbore and Eton College, United States Com missioner D. 1L Collins has ordered his .release. Burne waa suspected by reason " of the fact that he waa in each of the three places about the time ths robberies took place. He follows the trade of 'umbrella fixer la the towns he visits. Mr. Collins thought that he just happened to be la the places when the dynamiting was done and waa not connected with the work. TENNESSEE ACTS TO ABOLISH WHISKEY LOCKERS Boose Also Passes Stringent BUI Reg ulating Sale of Liquor by . Irug Store. (tratl nitii IITsmlI Nashville. Tenn.. April . In both Houses of the Tennessee Legislature today bills designed to prevent social and fraternal clubs from storing and dispensing liquor were' passed. Hi nee ths "nuisance law-Vf the last legisla ture became effective,,., many clubs have' operated "lockers." The House continued the prohibi tion program by passing a stringent bill regulating ths sale of liquor by drug stores, It provide that sale can be made only on bona,, fide pre srripinns given- persons ' actuall) alelt. . ;'.. , Mystery ' : RAIN AND DARK CLOUDS WAKE TIME PROPITIOUS Vessel Is Well-Prepared; Her Bunkers Are Filled With Coal, :, Her Storehouses Re plenished, Her Machinery Repaired and Keyed Up To " Maximum Strength; Her Of . ficers anci Crew Resigned To . Any Fate and Waiting For, The Word ....stBs iimptao.r - Newport News.: Va,TAprti t-JTho-' German merchant raider Prtns Eltel Wedrich tonight Is ready to go back' to sea aad to bravs the danger of attack from a fleet ef warships of the allies off ths Virginia capea Whether she will bo ssat into ths fateful hreaoh or her government submit to Internment by tho United States re mained a mystery, however, as the last load of supplies sufficient for a voyage to Bromea waa stowed away In her hold under supervision sf the American navy. But If her orders are to break for tho open sea the Eltel Fried rich Is well prepared. Her bunkers sre filled with coal; hoc otoreo- hare been replenished; her machinery ha been ' repaired aad keyed up. to th maximum strength; her officers aad crew are resigned to any fata and waiting for the word. "When I corns back I will ba glad to go p your homo and dine," said Captain Max Thlertchssns. command er of tho Eltel lata today addressing a fellow countryman! who had called to his respects, j -And - when X come, let's not have any banquet an. I aooflg:""JUt"y,on'anil ""fand some noodle soup." ' ' ' - Party Calls on CosaaMnocr. The. German commander was ad dresslng Henry Kirn, of Norfolk county, Virginia, who had called with Senator T. & Martin, of Virginia. Captain W. R. Mayo, Mayor of Nor folk, and a party of Virginians as guests of Customs Collector Norman H. Hamilton. Mr. Kirn waa born In Germany and left there II years ago. Captain Thlerichena was delighted to see him and chatted with Mm In native tongus for half aa hour. When the Eltel had finished taking on sup plies that originally had been sche duled for delivery Sunday, two U. S. tug stood, guard at her1 stern, one representing the navy from tha Nor folk Navy Yard and tho other rep resenting the army . from Fortress Monroe. : Coast artillerymen patrolled asr pier-and tho element were pro- pitlous for a dash throuxh rain and - darkness In an attempt to eludx British and French battleships which lay In watt off ths Virginia coast. ' "' ' . Situation Tense. : Lat In ths day ths situation In tha vicinity of tha Prins Eltel wss tense. Rrery officer and sailor waa on board. Some were permitted to receivn friends on ths pier. That many of them believed they were going to sea, was strident from their directions to their vuu tors. Just when they would bs ordered to go, they claimed not to know, but all asserted that there, was little time left for ths vessel t remain in American waters unlei shs should submit to internment. Another circumstance Indicating th uncertainty of the situation was ths presence. on board the Eltel lata in the day of two Oermaa youths who are seeking to enlist m tho German navy. They were (Quarts Beyer and Hans-Roth,-who cams to Newport News from Germany a few month ago. They applied for enlistment a week ago and Captain 1 Thlertchen ordered them to report today. When asked about them Capt. Thlerichena said hs had not decided what to do because ha wss not certain what would be dona about hia shin. The hoyav however, were oa hand ready t risk their Uvea for ths fatherland should. Commander Thiertcheng say the word. , , , ",. , , . ..... ' Dorltno To Diet-was Statu. Government sfficiaia who conferred with the German commander late to day absolutely declined to discuss the statu of tho ship. Collector Hamil ton said ho had talked to the com mander on official business. Colonel Ira .P. Haynes. commander at For tress Monroe who also' was aboard tho vessel would not discuss his mission at all, Ths Colonel presented to Commander Thlertchenea Jacob M. Dickinson, former secretary of war. Kansas lineal oa Watc-h. Amertcan submarines were report ed te be keeping watch at the en trance te the capea tonight and the battleship Alabama still was an an chor in Hampton Roads. Search lights of ths ship were seen to fi&nii Intermittently .throughout tho nit; tit. the first real- dark night within a week. At ten" o'clock the Alabama's launch steamed Into the James ftivr and to the, Prins Eltel's pier. An of ficer from the launch was seen t.. board the Eltel. It was lmposalli for any one without authority to ap proach the pier after dark, either from the land or the river. Approai l from the river was guarded by thu Lnaval tng Patuxuent. nepone iiiiitivo tint ten warnipa had Jplned ths fleet which had b--t on guard off the coast for Severn I weeks could not ho ascertained hr I Jits in the afternoon, however. British warship waa seen from n in coming merchant ship. The ver ves then lying sobut Ave stiles t ... airectly south .at ths ship laus.

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