THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 3, 1915. 1ETICQUIIE0" DAflOUET IS HELD Postmaster Gatling Meets Pos tal Employes Around Fes ' , ' tiye Board ; CONGRESSMAN POU GUEST Toils of The Educational Influ ence oWhe Rural Free De livery; Urges Faithful Public Service; Introduced By Mr '', J. W, Bailey; Postmaster ; Asks For Co-operation la order to giv ItaleiKh's new postmaster. Mr. Bart M. Qatllng. hla dark the city letter carriers nd H F. D. carriers a chance to "get ac quainted" an Informal banquet was held last night In the pdstofflce build Inc. lion, toward W. Pou. of Smith Held, congressman from the fourth district, waa the principal speaker of Ul tWNHIg. ' ha "set acquainted" part of tha banquet waa held In tha civil service room, where tha speeches took place. VI r. J. A. Qoodwlit, assistant superin tendent of malls, presided. The firs! sneaker of tha even Inn waa Mr. J. V ittailey, who after making a few re marks on tha purpose of tha noca. alon Introduced Mr. Pou with this sen. tlmant: "Long may he live, which la to say may ha ba Congressman." i HE WAS PREPARED wILSOO DEUIES ni-i i nil i ill ii hum nil i i in r .miff inn i i iiiiu run ntunuubni mum. a a un i . - .1 - '.' ;; terday Had 101 Bottles of Wet Goods Stored opportunity to serve tha public In terest ; iot because of tha salary ha receives, but Tor tha sake ol tn gooa be la accomplishing -th general bt tarmant of the condition of his fellow cltiaen. - No man has finer opportu ty to serve In tha way Indicated than the men charted. with tha duty or llveriiig our daily nulla. Ha la. ' of course, brought.. In close touch- with ?orm. ue.EhThupo,rtunT.r; Man Arrested By Police , Yes aentea to many 01 nis leuow cuisens to do aometblng to promote educa tion and the cause of- right llring In hla sphere of service. There Is man mora useful and mora justly popular and Influential than tha bibb minded faithful rural carrier. Postmaster Sneaks. Postmaster Oatling thea made, a few remarks. In which ha asked all connected with him officially to help him make hla administration tha beat in tha history of Kaleigh. Mr. T. C Council, assistant postmaster, -was then called upon for a few words. He said that Maletgh should ba proud of her postmaster, postolflee and Its rjerks, and that ha hoped the high standard already set would bo lived op to. Mr. Honeycutt, one of tha H. K D. carriers, then spoke In behalf President - Authorizes State ment That He Had Given No Interview On Current Events Elm. Glli ft young whits ana. fa I STORY SFNT Tfl THF TFMPS .III.. I. 11 ....... " WW. W ..... , bllll Kf imisats rvitwai ti;viajf ewtn weif area w hla dreams of money-making xhat- trad and his hard-aaraed oapltal re duced to naught wheat pollea officers broke up hla buslneea and seised hi I carefully guarded property. ..Today Gill la la strona call la tha city lock up, la a cell just opposite the ons la which he la confined are 11 plat bottles of rye whlefcey. The . liquor comprised Olll's little bustnaaa. Today GUI la also wondertnft who revealed tha secret of hla wine seller of the rural earrlers and thanked lrt I and depository, .or, la other word Mr. Wlison Let If Be Known That Secretaire General of Paris Paper Was Presented at White House On Wednes day By French Ambassador Merely To Pay His Respects Poo for tis preeencof After this Mr. B. J. L'tley spoke for the poatofllca clerka 11a assured Mr. Oatlin that the men In tha ottica would support him and do their heat to make this administration the- beat ever. Mr. Otho K. Hbldlna. postmaster at Wake Forest, told of how much ha enjoyed Mr. I'ou a peach, and hanked his KatetKh friends for their kind Invitstioft. Mr. Adama auperln. tendent of the malls, then made some remarks on his part of ths service. and said that ha was coin to do all In his power to Improve tha distribu tion of tha maila Messrs. Andrews, frewer and Brourbton - then made short talks. After the et acquainted" part of the prosram waa completed the meet In adjourned to the basement where dellKhtful repast had been spread. who told tha doUcs that hs had uouor burled neatly under a wooa pile aa also had aoiaa packed la an Impro-. vised hidlnc plaoa under hla dialaf I taoie. ---z- awaaadskMl Pn Parlav April l:a p. m.-. Gabriel Alphaud. Secretary General of tha Hemps, who was Intredueede Tha hidlnsr plaoea of Olirs Uouorito rreatdent Wilson at the White occapiae the meat Important thouabt House Wednesday by tha Trench with tha police and tha dlaeevery of Ambassador la Waahlngtoa has sent tha 11 bottlea of wet Roods la eonsid. to tha Temps aa Interview which ha ared quite a lucky And by Captala says he ha4 with the President. Lloyd and Patrolmea Pierce, pop. "I am clad to sm on American Mamtum and Nickola Tha liquor waa noil." President Wllaon la quoted aa found ftrst and UIH arraatad later. bsvlnr said. TriMkmn h. Actlna upon Instruction from Chief Walters, thsaa . officers waat to Ultra homo near tha railroad crossing on Kayettevllle atreet yeatarday afternoon with search and eetaure warrants. Tha aearch waa disappointing during its early stags aad tha police were tmnk having said, "rrenehmea who coma to satisfy themselree aa to tha state oi opinion la tha United Mates. Tim will not receive an Impression, I am sura taat will give you eauee reason ably to .complain of that opinion. uennita . questions are at times CAFE CASEHDl 10 PROGRESS Cross, Horton and Eatmah To-f getherWith White and fj- c ble Testify : ' After aeveral delays for tha wanf of tha woman in tha case as ft witness, George Cross, Eraaat Horton and Joe feat man were yesterday placed en trial In tha Raleigh city court anon the cnargee or disorderly conduct, forcible entry and aasault with deadly weapon. Before the trial began a warrant was drawn against these three defendants. George White and Clerk Cauble. for aa affray with deadly weapons, fol lowing suggestions from counsel for Crosa. Eatmaa and Morton. Tha desired witness, the Mrs. Conn er, wnom the defendants Were so ass lous to And. was not present.. Judge, not "Justice" any lonrer. Harris, in formed the attorneys that a letter from jxxtolsly docs eczema; - -, . , ... . : Uoar tta of reports, cavorln t period M twenty years, Ikerallr fhoasandg ( ienttsau tall haw ruccsssfsl lbs Rrs inel treataaeat b toreCMM mnd ttmllCr sklntroablaa. The irat asa ol Rasinol Olntmeat pad ReclnolSoepasuafy stop! tha kchkar and bagnlnf, and thry aoda PREPARING FDH Mackmen Go Through Regu-1 . iation Game in practice;-;'' s McCord Expected )A Having been benefitted by a day's rest the Mackmen yesterday began their hard practice In anticipation, of the game - Easter Monday with the Athletics,' aad spent several .hours both morning 'and afternoon In two strenuous work-outa. In - the after noon the regular two teams lined up for a nine-Inning game, and the few spectators were given a good"'- 2b centn worth of league bail. The pltchere have gotten rid of their mtlff mtrmm mnA m miw H. vl n ning 10 snow aome curves, vteam has not been neglected, and the Capi tals have been up against no easy ,li tf, I n . .k.l. . 1 I jaaca has not yet decided on his 4asr Mr a v ml I rwaAf fke nilm hln the mayor of Henderson stated that acUrtreatment for rh gkfa lw Iweo-e , rTm ,n- ,,n . h T Tim 0h tha woman with a carnival company Ue pobttc can show such a raooad-a( ... i I day will watch there ana nt th. . CL. 1 w.poT: . ft- raoaaa-ai the work of his charges with a deter- roteastooal appewaal HUiREH XNGRKtiM,N K. W. POL' Who aaade the prlnrtnal addreaa last night at ft baaqaet of luslal tjn- ptvyaa, v Mr. Pou thanked Mr. Bailey for Ms kind toaet, after which be dwelt upon the R. K. H. service aa one of the most Important educational Instltu tiuns In the rnuntrv. He field a hieh tributs to Mou'Johh'"W; At water, ie predecessor In Congress, who did a reat deal to Improve the. H. P. !.' In his district. Mr. PoU thanked ths sentlemen prestnt for asking htm to the "get acquainted" -.meeting, an J stated that he would ba glad to co operate with them In any " way poa- suiie. In the course of his address Mr. Pou made the assertion that the It. V. D. service had had a pronounced ef fect In aa educational way. On this subject he said: "I say deliberately that this serv ice has dona more for education, for material advancement, for content nent In rural lifs than any reform Inaugurated by the government In my life time. As long as I live I shall fee a prlda la the extension and de velopment of rural free delivery dur ing my service In Washington. -And I hope I may be permitted to ssy this Kvery carrier should feel proud of his office. Kvery man should welcome Native Christians' in Persia Rounded Up and Massacred; General Slaughter Feared Tabrla. Persia. March 11. Via Petrograd, and London April 1, Preceding the reoecupatloa by tha Husslans of rial mac Plains, In A Ser bs! Jan Province, Northwest of Uru mieh.-hondeeda of native Christiana were rounded up by the Turks In the village of Haftdawaa and massacred. I front the hitrtma nf ertanrllv linttam. . medans who tried to hide them. The Husslans on entering the village found m bodies, mostly naked and mutw lated. Itecovery of bodies from a-elts, pods ' snd ditches and -their bnrlal kept lOtt mea busy for three oaya The walling of women Intensified the horror of tha scene. Widows able to Identify tha bodlea of their hus bands Insisted on digging graves and burying them. - Some of the victims had been shot, others had bean faaand to ladders and their hoed protruding through, hacked oft. Byes- were gouged, put and llmhe chopped off. A general mannacr "Of : tha-itvMa or 1M00 Christians remaining In I'runilah Is espeuted, unless H should be averted by orders from Constant!- nf pie, verbal mesne. gee from I'ru miah confirm earlier reports ' that rnTofruhopeThs.neV tSt e5S2 ,b,7hf f dirt waa seen under ft pile of wood la a iT!? Jll " V 2?' that th" the backyard. Tha wood waa remove mr """"" ' fftvora soma ed. dirt cleared away aad ft large box "m,." 1nd. " "mea tha others was lifted from tha hole and placed J nhat"ta. Ths two groups upon ths ground. A count or Ma eon-1 .. """ T"? """""" nrairaui o ms tenU revealed pint bottlea of Uq a,u,ua, ot American government uor. Olll's wife, who waa at tha home I m ually vigorous terms. Each time at the time, waa arrested' and later re-1 of thaaa cases artsee Is It not proof leased uoon tha arrest of her husband. I nat in government of the United Wnauera -mad another Inspsotloa f l81' conscientiously observing tha tha home after the arrests and -laat i"laa..aC: naulrallty t-: ": night found bottles packed In spa-1 The Hermans or ths allies may cial built enclosurw under t ho dining j at times Ond that wo -are exacting table. Two bottlea War found In tha I that the American aovernment stir k a cupboard. I too closely to thee rales. The war The raid yesterday was tha first by I will not last forever. When It is tha local police department after the I finished, each or such a nation will new State prohibition law ' wont Into I perhaps ba glad that we have main effect dill had received hla liquor I talned tha rules against which aha probably aeveral days before, but waa I protests today, prepared to supply Raleigh customers I , Baraks of Ixttrr. ' during tha drought. Police aay he I "fnee will avoid the error of be haa been working very hard of late I "ring what Individuals of the peo- snd it is thought he has bean la vest-1 pies in me con met often think that ing his wages la liquor. I am Aa liquor la said to ba retailed by blind tigers lit Raleigh at per pint. Olira little business would have brought him fllf.Is, Money, liquor and all la lost now to QUI and tha. pollea say be Is now facing a heavy sentence. p.,nemimmnnmitmnmmnmtflMmnmRt!! .UMlUiUUmUUUUlUUUUMUMuUIIUUltllUll IX PAYS TRADE AT OT'S Tayl Come Early Today sum Haw, Dresses la ylor : 1 UWUlii IllCOa 219 C ZZX JtZZlt rl r 3 i t CDUFJTRY OIJ EVE PROSPERITY ERA Good Times Are Already Here Declare tCongresimanPqu f, v ; In Interview vj I have .tha utmost faith that tha more than i0 persons already have I country Is on the eve of an era of been killed. In that neighborhood and that more than 1.000 have died ol disease. These m esse gee also eon- Mi ra the reports of the maltreatment of the Rev.. Dr. E. T. Allen, aa American missionary at urumlah. OIVEX HEAVY FIXE. For Ed Potter Pays Sio and Costs Disorderly fjondart. Ed Potter waa fined t and costs and IxjuIs Foray the IS and Costs yes terday In the Raleigh city court upon conviction for disorderly conduct In the armory Tuesday nisht durlna In. spectlon nf tha Raleigh company of great prosperity," said Con gressman BL W. Pou last night In dia- cussing tha buslaeea outlook. - I recently saw aeveral of the offldala of one of tha largest banks In News York and they all agreed that pi parity is here and that times are go ing to get steadily better. bo tar aa congress is conceraea. said tha Congressman, "pretty much lal the Important legislation that tha people waat with two Important aa- oeptlons waa enacted by the Con tries which baa just adjourned. The excep tions are first, government aid to rural highways In co-operation with the States: second, a national rural who la not actively iKt them la against them. As to my own sentiments regarding France, I' ad dressed a letter to the President of the French republic that expresses them clearly. Be sure that I do not tmna anything leas than what thmi letter saya.- ,v . - Alphaud says ha asked President Wilson If the content Dlatea Increase in ins American army and nary had any precise ooject. ana that the Preal dsnt replied T - ."No, augmentation has been retard so rather than hurried by current evenu. we aeatre to avoid false In (srpretauona.' Asksd If aa early and of ths Mevi can trouble could be hoped for Preal' asm wiiaon is reported to have said: "It la Indsed difficult to renlv. favorable avmntom snnsers hnM In tha bant Indications received hr They show better dlepoattlon oa the Ban ot i pa principal Mexican to un derstand Why thev have to resneet the nvee ana interests ot Torelgnsrs. Nqth Ing shall be neglected by the Amerl can government to accentuate these tendencies." The letter referred to bv M. A In. baud. H la understood, waa delivered tnreo weens ago to President Poin care oy vol Kdward M. House, who Is la Europe observing condltlona The letter. It Is said was read to the French Cabinet upon the members of wmca it made aa agreeable imnraa. Siva. there waa not tha ena wanted In eon ncctlon with tha cafe case. Character testimony waa tha flrat Introduced yesterday and Mr. Oeorgs wnite ana hla eafa ware given good characters by (Kate Treasurer B. R. tcy. Fab. H. Briggs, W. M. Wiggins, t. r. oyra ana Frank Jolly. M Myrd. Wtggina. and Tom Boat also said Caubls's character waa good. Mr. Boat said that he had known Mr. Cauble nearly all the young man's tire wnua in Raustrary. Meesra, Lacy, Brigga and Jolly also testified to tha gooo cnaracter of Ernest and Jim Horton, ths latter being a witness. ' At the conclusion of tha character testimony ths question aa to araumsnl arose and attorneys on each side mads a number of remarks upon this ques tion, ooiicitor LMxon spoke against ths affray matter, saying that he did not know such a charge was going to be made. "It la my opinion that this affray buslaeea was brought suddenly to puc me court in a hole." he said. Cross was flrat to take the stand and told -of the visit to the cafe the night eMsySaaaegfaML Tw IrM-Wat, usi to tsn.mi.gisi i. CROWDS WATCH WILLARD TRAIN Alternate Referee and Time- Keepers Selected; Willard Tells His Future Plans IWawAaierleMreaB.! Havana. April 1. With only a few days left for training, rain tndav In teetered With tka arnrlr rxf T...W 1.1... of the Itletorbeinee and said in sub-1 son and Jess Willard. whn r,n Unnil., stance that he, Horton, Eatman and next will battle for th heavyweight Pftwldiut Makes Denial. Washlnatoa. D. C Anril 1 PmI asm wttoon toaight authorised the statement that be had given no Inter view aad had given no expression of opinion about current affairs to Oa- mi at ertlllerv coma. Jim. Jnill.. " "r mm aipnuii v auw to IU nrll . ,.u....- 1., "' .icreait system packed by government I lamps what purported ta be an In aid. ir tneaa two laws are added to I tei-view wit a the president on Euro- the law already pasasa during thai pean ana Mexican affairs. was discharged. Testimony against the young jnen waa given by Captain W. I. Mam'', Adjutant General U W. Young. Captain A. Grieg, Jr.. and members f ths company, all of qthnro said that Potter waa very unruly, call ed Captain. Marrow an -unprintable name ana raised a rough-bouse in tna armory. THE LONELIEST MAN MUCH REMEMBERED Private A, C. whlta of First Rifle Hrlgatkv KngMsh Fpediaonary cinrcv Ainoo tiappy, i - lBaaa4alarnal"-?. Londan, March . ome 0 remembranoes form but part of the reward that lYlvate A. C. Whlta of tne 1st nine Brigade la getting for being -the loneliest man In the Brltlah extedltlonary force." i ne imuoie started through a pathetic letter written by a patient In a military hospital near tha firing line ana puoiisnea, in ft Mnoi newspaper. leeua; ... "Of tha many unfortunate aoldieea I have met out here this young ladl "m tieerve me unes oi tne lonely man- Hs had not received letter or a parcel since ha eame out here, becauaa he has no frienda No one cares enough for him to send him tne slightest word of encouragement. - -i oon i mina as a rule," ha con fined to me with a break In his vnlee, whlcn belied his word a 'but when I see the other chaps wlttf their letters ana parcels run of things to eat, I i eei ' . "He did not tell me what he felt. but I knew. He la here with nerves and weakness, and they are doing their beat to cure him with pills. What he needs Is not pills, but ft little hu man sympathy. . , , . This letter waa Bubllahed soma aays ago. Now comes another letter rrom the hospital which aays: "About & people wrote to White at once, aa ha got IJt letters and post. cams at one tlma and 10 packets. newspapers ana - parcels followed. Next mall brough ; letters and postcards and about I0 packets, pena ana perceia His companion, whom ha rmn. snvled, are now helping htm read his mail ana also to eat up the detloaclee with which he la swamped. But the sifts hsve had the intended effect. They have done far more tan ptlis to improve s condition, , The President let it be known that Aiphaud. who waa presented at the White House yesterday by the French Ambassador canto merely to pay ...his respects aad that although he was eecretalre general or the Parts Temps, It waa distinctly understood there waa to aa bo interview. The statement also waa authorised at the White Houa. w. . . .a aZZ. '. . 'k. " ..T. I that President Wllaon had sent no 1st. of postal employes held last Bight In lIS.w a.tS' LH,??.wU th Federal building. "I have always tlHi Jd' b"'.,nt th III. ..... 1 I ' - ... .vtOTVUVV wn BWUf waa sent aeveral months ago, by Mr. Wilson administration I believe" the country will with on accord agree that President Wilson has accom plished more than any President in the last fifty years aad will realise what many people already hi that he la one of .the nation' half doaea greatest Presidents.' Mr. Pou waa in Raleigh by Invita- felt ft deep Interest In tha rural free delivery eervtoe," be said. "lot knight note," added a friend who heard tha conversation between the newspaper man and Mr. Pou that since Mr: Pou haa been. In Congress tha number of rural free delivery jroutea la the Fourth District has grown from four to lit. Mr. Pou haa always been active in tha Increasing ot tha R. F. O, facilities of tha district." Congressman Pou la a gusot at th Yarborough. H plana to return to Smlthfiold this morntng.-- r- Wilson, aa a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, la reply to one from President Poinoare ot the French Academy. brought to thia country in person by Emlle Brieux, th trench playwright The letter was mad public at th time. White rtouse omciaia recalled and contained aaiy leucitauen or a general charter. T EC C MASS MEETIPJG TO RECALLED TODAY BE HELD TONIGH T Good Friday Widely Observed. Number of Raleigh Churches To Display Emblems Conditions Relating To MunR cipal Election To Be Consider ered at Raney Hall . Alcxandrr Haa the Money, W are going to bar a big crowd at th Raaey Library hall tonight for tna mass meeting to - consider city mattM mm mI.ImI . .ft.. ... . ..III, V, A, T n, aW . I.l llllllll .hM'lllf IM . I ! Ml I I I 1 . of the Saviour on Calvary aa an aton-1 eeverai of the gentleman who emliad .... ur -uon oi man- tne meoUng nxed for tonlahL ama win Dm kept toaay. uood Frl-l Th.e- .xii a. . T .k. i , r, . I " v-e era sawaa BIIVI 1 J A number of Raleigh churches win 2Tch- ?, ,h ." . hold solemn .VVT .wvrsew out ana especial and moumln. amhl.m. ariil K. -il""" w?" l meet played la the Chancels, the altars la -w. w iiTl. . i. most case being Vested la black. . length, N oa will be wearied by la sums parts of th country th 'nth.of ih? epeeches,- on of Obeervanc of Good Friday Is more . Prc",0lr" f the mass meeting general than It to In others, th ob-lmJi or ,n Pvecaes wui be good eenrano being elaborate and extra. I n7 wut ae snort. We sirs in some of the larger title. ex-cn,ul,nt have a large cnangea closing ana other notice be- i "'"stv, , . Ing taken of the holy day. la this I I'ader the call tor the meeting R is Mate tne pangs or Wilmington close! tnax ao eandidat will be en nui tnia is not true or any other Knrth I aorssa or named for oflloa. I Carolina ctry.- i - n Th Raleigh srhooli yaeterday took I Ksmrd Wreck fountain Scout, According to tho bank there le about $TI,0 in Alexander I tank oa time certificates drawing four per cent. This would more than take up thr flret 150.194 of Alexander road bonds an pay th buyers five per cent interest. , We would bolad to e our own cltlsena bay thea bonds and keep the money the coun ty par In. interest at borne in mr own . baiAa. , , . notice of th holiday by cloaina nntil Tuesaay. i uevernor Craig yesterday named Hole nut service will be haM ail I. T. (Irev of Ivar. .n... w report j Christ church today where th three Commissioner for the Third 'District i wu I . . v wuiiimnsiun Ot ttm Karl ours agony' on the cross will be ousL-rved ilervtne will bo held also In th Church of th Uood Shepherd. Church of th Sacred Heart. 6t Mary's, at Nasareth Orohanaa-a. mm at many colored churches. . Crwtral McUsodiaa Cbildita. Th children of th Central Meth odist chorcb ftneiday Rchool are ask ed to meet Friday afternoon at 4 octock at the church. ft companion named Fuller went titer to eat supper, got ! cents worth and war called down by Clerk Cauble and than by Mr. Whit for . "talking too loud" in tha presence of a- woman who had come in the eafe whll they were eating. He then told of being ordered from the placa by Mr. White and said that upon leaving ha called Mr. White an unprintable name, then Invited him out into the street where ne ti-roaa) would - administer ft beat ing. It was then, according to Cross, that Cauble struck him on one aids ef tha face and threw ft salt stand against ths other aid. A general tusuaa ot salt and pepper stands fol lowed, he said, until he and Caubla were , separated by Eatmaa and Hor ton. Croaa also told of going to Justice of the Peace Plummer homo after th fight and submitting. Hs was em phatic la hla denial of being either arung or under th Influence of li quor, or that any of hla party was drunk or had been drinking. Eatmsn and Horton followed Crosa ana corroborated practically, every thing Cross said. Caubl and Whit then told their side of the trouble and each In sub stance stated that the four men were under the Influence of Uquor and were disorderly In the preeance of the woman wh was in the oaf a during tneir run. Thar testified In regard t th fight and placed the blame oa Crosa and others, saying. that Cress followed Caubl In the back part of tne care when the young clerk en deavored to end th trouble. Mr. Wblt said that they were ordered from the cat and then cam back. According to their testimony all the trouble waa started by Crosa and his party. At ths conclusion of this evidence the court adjourned for the day and the trial will be reeumed today. It la expected that It will continue all through ' today and Saturday. Tha cam draw a larr crowd Into tha court room. HILL PROPERTY FOR CLUB ROUS E Woman's Club Appropriates Sum For Purchase; New Of- ficers Elected - The Raleigh Woman's Club will at aa early data be holding their meet ing tn ft handsome new club house. This was deflnltey decided ppoa at one of tha argeet and most Important meetings in the history of the club neia In the auditorium of th TV M. Championship of th world. Willard carried out hla sxhibltloa program before a crowd of enthusiasts who paid to ee him. In th rain he boxed nine rounds with hla sparring partners. Bavage, . Monahan and Hemphill, and did excellent work. He cut loose against Savage and lifted the to pounder clear off hla feet witn an easy right swing. M nnisned by letting Tea ORourke. th wrestler, throw a heavy medicine pail with all hla strength twelve tlmaa against nis stomach, at tho conclusion of which O'Rourke, who weighs It pounas. was tried out and Willard laughing. Winding up hla other routine work of the morning. Willard walked and ran nva miles In a heavy sweater and came nome dripping. People apparently never tire of watching tbta young giant train. Th attendance at hla quarters has been large and enough money has been taken la daily Jo par ail ramp ex penses. Johnson took a short run In the morning to a private bath In ths har bor, where he swam for th greater pan or an nour. - When the rain began' to fall be de cided to cut out his exhibition in th open stadium. Instead he went to the race. - Time Keewra. - Mr- J.- Hmkefe -Cleveland,., today was Selected alternate referee for the light. Bob Vernon, of New York appointed official, tlms keeper of the club; 8am Leonard, of Toronto, is tlms keeper for Johnson. Willard named Otto Floto, of Denver, as his time keeper. Tom Jones, Willard's manager, will act aa his chief second. Tom Flannagan and Bob Armstrong will second Johnson. Willard and his followers are so confident that they have planned a triumphant entry Into the United States of ths "New Champion" a few days after the battle. They expect to make a tour of the principal cities of Cuba on. April and T, If Willard's condition permits, and , then go to new i org ny way or nay west, stop- Ping at various places en routs. Wil lard expects to be the principal fig ure at a great reception la Madison Square Oarden. Later, he says, he will -make a trip around the worla. He has no particular. Dlans it - h should loos. . ,: . Willard says ho will enter th ring calm and determined to win because he needa the money, and knowa he can win It in the prise ring. . fonnaoa Bark to FTanrr. After his bout with Willard John- eon expects to take hla earnings, re turn to France and aettl down there for good. If he wins b probably wil visit South America- for exhtbitlor bouts before going to Europs but If he lose ha will go to Franc '. at one. ' Johnson and Willard have met on two occasions since they cam to Havana, but they exchanged only a few worda-Previously they ha" minatlon of putting the best ha has against Connie's big leaguers. - Mc Cord will arrive in th city early this morning and will be out in uniform for both practice today. ,Wlth this Capital on the Job, Mack wlll have ii" smuin iimeiu mm tauer pan ox uun aeaaon. With Mack oa flrat, McCord at second, CItrano playing short. Near man on third, and Perkins doing the catching. Raleigh fane will probably mmm tha InH.lit that mHII ,.r.- aM .w. - -... - ..... . . r .M , ., opening game against Durham. The outfield . and , pitchers ar re ceiving the biggest attention from Mack Just . now. However, h has plenty of material from which to se lect good outfielders and pitchers. It fa not sntna tn hat an Mm inh fn. Mm to pick the right men. With Farmer. Kearnan. Schuyler. -Tally, Dysert, Helns. Poll, and Malone working like Trojans toland one .of the Job hi the Aiilee mmrAmnm If avlll Ha nntk. em o eoine. Osaha, Olttlngs, Parnham. Ton. Magalls. and Mcl'hcrson romuosw the - - 4.W.11 icia. ... .vi . wus iiuiiiir. Muriivisns mmm nt anew a very mucn. ar a.r .iit.ii.m., i,i.iip. ..... great expectation ul a phenon... 1. Mack will have to select a second string catcher, and ho has' Hamaete. likely looking chap: - Poole and ajaa..a ii.iuiu.; v. 1 l.O IHMn. - , nnlTlMi niu nrrinr i unnion rn i ui rivC. i , r: -HUGE ESTABLISHMENT; BRITISH PAT FFICB .. .. .. Ten Time as Many Provtio Emploved ma weM Kerfiaileeal Ulaa laianiw Was on IV. -e. nasta. - .tdr lbs Asaauus rem).. ' ' London, April t. The Day depart ment of the British Army now cm- Kiuja imrij i.v vmcvra ana aoout T SOS el.vlr. t-v,i. i. .u i ... times as many people aa were re- A.ilul .... X- t At...- . m" " v. .n". wv. m in uaaiva Oft feoww. Th housing of (fth constantly grow. ' I n W staff nf the navmaalae'a nma w. . on of the first difficulties, and the London main oflic has moved twice. sine in war began. Lately It has taken to adding private house to Its office area. ? Much of the time since the first of August, the wholo army pay organlsaUoa bag worked day and night.-.. - . 1 :, - r-. Th soldier receive his nay: If be wishes it. not only at h front, but even In th trenches.'.. Th cash- in Freaeh treasury Bote, is issued by hia- eempsny-imoar inJth fteed. as la accounted for on tha so-called fmxx . quittance rolia" Every soldier ear l-lee ma pay book right through ths war. As far aa possible., ho la paid kly. Men In " tha advanced trenches draw their pay almoat aa it they ware tn the barracks at home.,. v"Too Mach to 'Expect,1 i. Wadssboro Anaonlan. In our farmers' column this week tne nrsi line snouia reaa -repare now to save some clover seed." in- j tead "sow" clover seed. . Th fact is uvu is per cent or our clover seed cornea from Oermany and Mr. Cam eron la of th opinion that tha Oer- mans cannot flaht and rata elnvar seed for us. too. It Is too much to expect them to raise their own seed and mora it haa half of what wa use also. . - ' C A, yaeterday afternoon at four's I never met. Johnson o'clock. It waa voted t apply li,. a of -the fund received from - the State for th former property of the ciu oa sausDury street to buy th. niu property on Hills boro, and let the contract for tho new building. Im mediately. Tha following officers for th en suing year were elected: President Mrs. Clarence . Johnson: first vice- preskient. Mra, James Biigr; asoond vioe-preaiaent. Mrs. W. W. Vi Kec gee., Mrs. J. N, Holding! Cor. flea., Mrs. Rafus Hunter; treasurer. Mlaa Bertha Rosenthal: auditor. Mra Wf W. Kitchln: chairman: art, Mrs. Ernest Crulksbank: Civics. Mra -Bryan Grim; education, Mra J. D. tiouanall; music. Miss Sadie Duncan: social eervroe, Mrs. Geo. W. Lay: homo economic. Miss Katharine Parkers Uterature, Mrs. Ashley Lam. oert; house commlttc. Mra. Ehas carr; way and means, Mra. W. N. Hutt. - i Owing u. th splendid financial record mad a L- th club It waa found that they were entitled to an addl- tlonal delegat to th Stat Federa tion meeting at Ooldstforo. May . be sides tne live prevloualv chosen. - Mra Ashley Lambert, already an alternate, waa chosen aad Meedames Charles McKe and Bryan Grimes selected aa additional alternate. In point of attendance. Interest shown and buslnes transacted, the meeting yesterday set ft new oac for in is euay orgaaissiton. MENTION OF MR. ALF A. THOMPSON FOR MAYOR ln! after years lore's youl.r dreair. occasioDaiiy aeveiopa nignxmarea. Kruawels In 11 J sent tlT.!14 worth ef artiarial silk to to Laiud State. Talk aa tho Ktr-a That He Wow Id siase Aft Aamomoie uinctaj FYar the my. There waa talk oa tha atreet yes terday of Mr. Alf. A.Thompon as a man wa wouia max an admirable mayor and commissioner of flnanc of th city. Ia talk about blm there waa frequent expression that when he waa mayor of Haletgh. he made a record worth while, la looking after the finan cial affairs of Raleigh . The talk waa that if former Mayor Thompson could he induced to become a candidate, the city would be in great good luck if he were elected sd put ia chaige of s finances. encountered Willard unexpectedly - last night Johnson seamed stldlously to a vol' paying -the slightest attention ta hi? antagonist, talking loudly to frienda Willard however, carefully watcher Johneon'a every mova Outwardly Johnson 1a all confldenc but In ths privacy of his training quarter n news the fight seriously This is something now, and It cause many ef hla follower to bailev h appreciate tho enormooe physlcla proportions and powers of endurane I which Willard poaaeewea. - General Mario C. MenocaL Presl dent of Cuba, ha accepted a specie' ring aide box of eighteen eats, fror which he will watch th light wit' his friends and cabinet officers. Ksx to the Preeldenfa bos one has beet est aside for the American miniate and adjoining boxes will be occuple by th governor of Havana , province the mayor of Havana and the com. standing general of the army. The Cuban congress will not con van Monday aa that would Interfer with th deaire of th members wltneaa th battle. Twenty of the leading store will close at 1 o'rloc Monday morning to snabla proprietor and empoyes to see the contest. The ticket sals for ths fight hs been large among th' natives, an- the promoters refused to sell a bloc! of . three dollar seats today to t local ticket agency. Hundreds of n gross, ths boat sports on the Islam are anxious to attend the fight, bo cannot afford the admission chargee uaxwyx ruvn coxcvrts OCT FOR WAH REASONS (" Tee aawrtswd rvawl. London. April 1. The aaual sum mar band Concerts In th Darka w1 oa dispensed with this summer as i 1 matter ef war ex-onnmv Thee en" eerta cost about Ml. which th London County Council has plant , er snore nreewtng aeeda Th suin dwroted to the treatment of ty. threat and dental cam anrrnc the school children In- th '! strive, haa been -encreasei' by 1,0. .:'.- With an area emial to that of Texas tero-thirds of it tillable, Morocco, bar leM ll. ah 19 per rent of its soil under eva tii rudest culuvatioa. iiuunuriiuittiwiiuiniirouiHmuumiimuiuimiuiuiii : x ' '. v Back Comes OurJuyer Vith llfil SUITS- v for Laies: With a. stock, near! clear ed out, and a flying trip to .he style centers by our c-ay-eir, we can point whh pride to our new, fresh models for this week. ' . , ' ' - A BIG RUN ON MILLINERY. w r . .v ,. The past week our open- Inr was jjreeted by a great many visitors. .The same in terest and energy is express ed In this department. h comclete BWtVIt 1 g Our Men's Pepartment is with attire for If ?! K3 I 16 E. llargett St. lag

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