SATURDAY A'OkNING, APRIL 3. 1915. THE NEWS 'AND ' FinEiiTieo; CARDS FOREASTEO FOR I1F0LKTRIP Twent-seven Engage Reser vations, Others Also Expect ' ed To Decide To Go FALSE REPORT Snow Fall Fails to Discoura Roseate Forecast of Weath . er Bureau iLinOTAMAIiS ! l O " VIP" .T; : I I one vic T ESTATE Trinity Is Defeated By.Score of Two To One; Only Seven V. . ' Innings.;. . ; ' irnrij tr Tt T " ' Darham. April I. In ths Ant gam of a. eerie Trinity lost to Pennsylva nU Stat, this aftsrnoos, S to-1. th contest being called la the seventh." The Kama waa played ta a, drisallng rain, out few error Vara maJa la . th play. Th visitor scored their brace of rum In tba opening round and maintained their lead through tba excellent twirling of Ltobert. who fanned .nine battara and allowed only four hits. Trinity made lte run In tba fourth and had aa opportunity 1 to maka another run la ths aixth. but tba rally fell abort. A brilliant catch by Flythe, the bat-tine- of Webber aad Roblnaon and pitching of Uebert were tha visitor' feature. Tha Balding of Thome waa Trinity's fsatura. Score : R. H. K. Pens. Mate .."..144 404 t I f Trinity Ml - 1 4 I Batteriee Uebert and Votg; Powell and Maddox. . . Summary: N . . ' . Two baea hit. Webber, i. Htoien baaea Crawford. I. Einwa runs. Trinity 1; Penn. 4. . ... Struck, out. by JUabart ; by Pow- -U g. Kku o hslla. PoweU-4v Umpire. Dr. Adklns. - RAINS INTERFERE WITH FIGHT Wilfard and Johnson Forced To Do Light Training at v '.). Havana! - Kabena, April 1. Jack 1 Johnson and Jess Wlllard trained today for Monday championship fight between heavy downpours af rain. The atom aad a high wind made tha task ua-pleaaaat- Road work waa light, Ing to tha wet and eltppery roada Kserciea at tha afternoon exhibitions waa of a harder nature. . Tha challengar worked In- a saw duet covered Hag before a large holi day crowd, each of whom paid forty eeata admission. He homed three rounds each with Hemphill. Savage aad Monaham ho wing unusually i amri.i i Tfft " In n ili u Bwra evs in. imwihiiiiu - mrmum an beat he haa ahown. Ha tried using tha crouch this aftarnooa. Ha waa fast with his left, occasionally using his light, aad slugged with .Savage aad Monahan at times. After tha hos ing ha wrestled and threw tha medi cine ball. Johnaon worked today before a moving picture machine. Ha boxed eight rounds with Mill. Bcott and BelL His final round with Boll tasted eight minutea and tha champion Joked with tha spectators as ha finished, showing ho sign of exhaustion. John son's masterly boxing skill la still a marvel to the Habana people. There la much uneasiness among members of tha fight syndicate over Johseoa'a Intention to boa Sam Me Vey six rounds Saturday, Apparently no amount of argument can change tha champion's mind. Hs says that those Of tha publio who have bat- on him are entitled to get a final Una on hi fine condition. -' The ehampion'a continued Improve ment with the litUe publio work which ha has done has given rise to a story of secret training, which Johnson da. nles with a laugh. . It is reported that ha waa seen boxing sn his roof at day hnk sitt. UVav but tha latter also denies tha report. Whan advised by his friends ta do still mora work, Johnson replied: "I am tha best Judge of my -condition and I am satlsflsd I know that I can light three hour at a stretch If necessary, -. Borne fight follower say they are not aura whether Johnaon la In such shape as ha claims. They assert they are sura he is slower than when ha fought Jeffrie la 1414. - Tha battle, they believe, will go twenty rounds at least and they express tha opinion that Wlllard' will enter the ring aa even .'money favorite. Many Of Johnson' backere apparently are not anxious Cor bets and Wlllard follow re are gaining consequence as a result. FORMER CAPITALS PITCH s. : : fny as) i Richmond. Vs.. April t. The Phll adelphla Athletics defeated the Rich mond International hero today. I The score: - . ' " - R. H. R Philadelphia.. .. ........ I t J Richmond-.. . . ..I T 4 Wyekoft. Myers and Bchaag; Mar rlsetts. Jarman and Schanlfe, ; RAIN STOPS GAME . t (e sni w tat nee as . - Oak Ridge, April t. The Weaver College aad Oak Rldgs game was rained out today at the end of the fourth Inning. Oak Ridge had scored one earned ran while the strong team from WeavervlMa had got but one man an base, so effective was May' pitching and airtight the fielding be hind him. The Oak Rid I team play the Twins at Wlnston-Halem tomor. row and Greejtenoro club at Burling ton Monday. ' , FOR PE1 Damrosch TIckoto ;::;:';'PutIlcSaai5 Tcday at Bnmtlsy's " OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS FILLED IN ORDEg RECEIVED 'y v.-' . SEASON TICKETS -?r'Arm Seata, tSMi Dresg Grde, $3 00 ad $2.50 Accordlnf to Lsscstioa -. - BsJcwtry, $2i0 andl $1.50, Locattoa ISOOTOFGIE Wake Forest Receiver injures ; Ankle During Practice? Weaken Team ' IsjiSilwtatnewiss 01 ' Wak rorast April ' 1. Another ease, af Wake Forest's hardluck oc curred yesterday when In the baa ball practice. Catcher HamUtoa) Davis. of the varsity nine, sustained a pata ful Injury to his ankle while attempt Ins; ta slide noma. Davis has ahown UP remarkably wall this season and has been catching good ball, his In Jury will weaken the team materially. In the gam tomorrow with North Georgia AcriOnltural College, It la a practical eertalnty that Davis can not do tha receiving. Tha hope now la that ha will be In ahape to work In tha Baiter' game with A. and M. Hs was' resting wall thia afternoon at tba home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Darts, of Waks Forest, although hs waa suffering considerable pain. It la nor known Just what Coaeh Crosier Js going to do In this emer gency. One hypothesis Is that First' baseman BUI Holding will go behind tha hat, that Whitley will play first and Carlyla will be placed on second. Alex HalL captain of the 1(11 basket- hall team, and firataacker on tha sec ond team, may be put on first, how- aver. , . , Ths gamavtomorrow la not axpect ed -to be roore- than a good- wthT prac tice for the WakS- Forest team.-Noth ing is known of ths Georgia team and they - may- present - a - siir prise. " One thing: Is naaded and that Is hitting practice. How tha Baptists hit to morrow will In a large measure Show what they are going to do against tha A. and m. aiabbists stonpay. . Locals Were Ahead of Liberty .V Piedmont When Rain - Stops Play - With tha soars staadbur to la favor of ths -locals raw broke np la ths fourth Inning tha first gams of ths season for tha Raleigh high school team, the same being by Raleigh hlartas aad Uberty-Pledmoat. Weath ers and Martin formed tna battery for the hlshs aad ths big southpaw's team was proving- difficult for ths visiting batters to hit. Owlss tw- the- athietig standing -of tha Raleigh highs, their basketball and football successes being well known In tha State. It baa been a hard thing for the manager of tha baseball team to schedule iimn. - Aa Kastsr trip Into tha sxtrems Eastern part of ths tttats was planned, but at ths last moments games wars can celled, . The local players considered their showing against ths Liberty-Piedmont team a very good start of ths season, as this team was only defeated by Waks Forest by a score of a to I. Ths visiting team Is one of ths strong est among ths prep, schools In ths State. Tha management of ths Raleigh high school team will announce the complete schedule of games within a few days, as sew games must be arranged. ' Capitals'.Second Baseman Jo Tip-top Shape and Anxious v. v To Start it. L McCord, star second baseman of -the- Raleigh oJub, arrived in the city yesterday morning from his borne In Harriabnrg, Pa., and later In tha day reported to Manager Mack for the ill see sort. - Ths presence of McCord among tha Capitals now fills np- tha gap In tha regular Infield and Mack now has the entire tnfleld he will use on opening day of tha season Mack. McCord. Cllrano, Newman and Perklna Tha young aecond-aacker seemed. Indeed, to bo glad to bo back In Ral rlprh and was warmly greeted by his fellow players . sod also by the nu merous friends in ths city. Ha say hs was very anxious to beain train ing and could hardly wait until April I. Hi was sngages as coach at a Northern school and could not ajult his Job until April 1. He took the first train possible and landed bar a day later. Tba Capitals tot In a good practice gams again yesterday, morning, but tba rain stopped work In tha after noon. It now looks liks they will loss another day Jy the snow storm. With the Easter Monday game only two day off tha boy a , need ' more practice. TIOX FEATURES AT BAT. (SsiKiiliiiIha) Kashrtlle. Tenn A aril 1 The Ptttahur Nationals easilv defeatad ths Nashville Southern Learue club. T ta . xna nitung oi viox natures. HEIGH HIGHS HAVE BAD LUCK '.. " asnssanasanw. iiii mil in no REPORTS TOMANAGERMACK ARE ELIMINATED Young Robeson Leads Field In Qualification Round On :"i Pinehurst Green mils S tks Maw ssd awenwl. Pinehurst, N. C. April I. -Completion of the first and second rounds of match play In ths Fifteenth annual United North andJioath Amateur Oolf Tournament here today resulted la tha elimination of the National Amateur Champion Francis Out met and former Amateur Champion Walter Travis as well as a number of other dangerous contestants. Oulmst waa defeated In tha morn Ing round by Jesse Guilford of ths Intervale (N. H.) Club. 4 up to to play. Oullford. however, was himself beaten la ths afternoon by F. K. Robeson, ths sollegsastudent. 1 np In tt holes. It was young Robeson whs led ths field in ths qualification round. Tha veteran Travis lost to Robert Hunter -of Btamrord, Conaw I np and 1 to play. J. H. Sullivan. Jr.. of An bumdale. Mass.. defeated tha United Tltleholder R. & Worthlngton. of Rhawnee. Del.) one up In tha morning round, and later In ths day won from P. V. Carter, of Nassau. Eastern Inter 8cholastio and Junior Metropolitan Champion. I up and 1 to play. Carter previously had baea regarded aa Out net's moat dane-eroua rival. Matched m the order named tomor row will be H. J. Tapping, of Greea DlChr Conn.T" JT'HT" Sullivan, of Asv- burdale..MasaiBpperj Hynter, of Biamrora, conn., ana tr, K. KoDeson, 'DOCTORS' DEFEAT CHEMISTS' FIVE Royster, BookerantTRankin Were Too Strong For Fluid Mixers Tha star ''Doctor" quint of this city cava the, "Chemist" Ave a defeat last night on the T. M. C A. court and at tha and of play tha score-board told a score of 11 to t. The game was witnessed by a small erowdV but was wall played. ' With such players as Waldron, who was a member of tha association reg ular five hut season, Mullen : and Rhoades prospect at tha beginning of tha game did not spam at all fa vorable to the physicians. How kin gave th Cbamists" a ales sur prise. Mullen was tha only member of the "Chemist" team who waa abls to find tha basket, scoring sight of his team's nine points. - Neither af the "Chemists" forwards registered a point, tha guarding of Rankin aad Lineberger preventing such. Royster and Booker led m ths scoring of ths Doctors." each being credited with two goals. Unberger registered two points. The "Chemists" wUl play tha "Bankers' and tha "Doctors" play the "Clerks" next weak. Tha line-up: "Doctoral" Post "Cheesista:" Royster Dewar R. F. Ray ........'........,.. 'Rhoades 1 F. Booker Mullen Center Rankin .... i. ........ Waldron ( R. O. Lineberger Hart u. t. - Summary: Field roe Is Royster t. Booker S. Lineberger 1, Mullen 4. Foul goals Rankin 1, Waldron I. Kef area Watson. WALKOVER AT NORFOLK IP- Norfolk. Va- April . The Phila delphia Nationals won , tha second game ofy tha erhlbltlon aeries with Norfolk today by a score of 7 to 1. Score: . . R.R. FX Norfolk ;r"..ViT.. . 1 :: 4 - S Philadelphia T 14 t Waller. Cochrane aad Maes, Stew art; Rixey, Oeschger aad Adams, O'Connor. EN ROUTE TO DURHAM (rasas Toronto; " April I. President Mo- Caffery, of the Toronto International League Club, and several players will leave for WasHttigtoa tomorrow where tha team will gather Sunday. The next day tha men will proceed to Durham. N. C for their three weeks' training preparatory to opening tha season at Richmond. Va April ST. Most of tha team a veterans have bean discharged for younger and mora speedy man. - 1 ciAim its Hocfirow 1. x. Houston, Texas. April I. The New Tork Nationals defeated Houston, oi the Texas League, today. It to 1. CIXCI.NXATI LOSES. iSVBMAa 1 rw Chattanooga, Tenn- Apr. ; 1. The Chattantora Southern Association club defeated the Cincinnati Nation als beer today 1 to . Wlngo'a muff of a fly la the nintn with the bases rull permitting the only run of tha gams. STATE COLLEGE GAMES A. and M. at Xrtify. Guilford at South Carolina. Elon at Greensboro, League, liorner at Davtdsoa. j Yesterday Resnlts. Trinity 1; Penn. State t. Prlncetoa I; Virginia 1. V. P. I. I; Jlampden-Sldney . MercerX: Georgia 4. Washinsion League 11: Tale 4. x Mlaa College T: U. of Miss. I. - Maryland Aggies 1; Cornell 1 111 Innings). Tha isdlcaOona are excellent for a large attendaaea of Raelgh Rotar ians for Monday night's trip to Nor folk where tha Rotartans from this city aad those frdm Richmond will bo ths guests of ths Rotary Club of Norfolk. , Ths committee sf arrangements for tha . trip consists of Messrs. R. Busbse. W. H. Bsc ley aad J. U Mog- ford. Is rounding up Its work and Is pleasude with tha prospect for a suc cessful consummation of the plana. . Twenty-seven Rotarlaas have al ready aignlfled their Intention ta ga on tha trip and aeveral others are trying to get their affairs - la such shape that they can leave them long enough for tha Norfolk outing. - Ths special Rotary Pullmans have been engaged. The ' Rotarlaas will travel over tha Norfolk Southeral The return - will be mads over ths sum road. . using a second section of the Bight express. Special program hav been arranged for ths going aad the returning tripe and traveling aa well while In Norfolk will find the Rotarlaas thoroughly enjoying them selves as wall as gaining additional familiarity with Rotary alms a methods. Ths Norfolk Rotartans will exert themselves to provide entertainment In nature aad variety to Impress ths visitors from both Raleigh aad uco mond. CARPENTERS AND TINNERS JOIN IN PAINTERS' STRIKE Refuse) to Work aad Pi ail ad Mwiej Woea Kow-l aioa Meat Ars Jfckts- niovnd. AshevUle, April 11. Cnion carpen ters and tinner, employed Is the con structton ef several houses on Broad way which are being erected by J, T. Bledsoe 'and Company, today marched from their places or work to ths of Bos of ths firm and demanded their money whan tha places of striking union painters were .filled by non union mea. - ' ' When anion painters of this city yesterday morning refused ts return to their work by reason sr ths refusal af tha builders and contracting paint' era ts grant their demand for increas ed wages, their places were filled by non-union man. Tha various fore man reported to their employer that there are a sufficient number of paint ers here who ars not affiliated with ths union ts carry oa all pending aad proposed contracts and it will not be neeessary for ths employers to call en tha palntesr of other cities to break the strike sf ths union painter which wad declared a few days ago following ths failure of tha eoo tract ors to raise tha scale sf wages fram $1.14 to 11.14 par day sf sight hours TOMORROW IS CARJt ATIOW , fcUNDAY AT TABtRJf ACLE Easter will be made Carnation Sun day at tha Sunday school of tha Tab ernaeln Baptist church. Each mem ber of ths school haa been asked to bring a carnation at ths Sunday school hour. Ths flower will be attached ta a flgura of a cross, sad a cross of whits oarsatlos wiltthae b formsdw After the sen lues ths flowers will be rilstiibuted to the sick and ths shut In of ths congregation. There will be ad elaborate program of muste, in cluding selections by ths Tabernacle orchestra. Aa effort will be made to have an Esstsr attendance of shs thousand. Visitors will be made welcome. PRKJMTJEXT WIIiSON TO SPKAK AT AJUIXGTOM Address At Decors doa Day's Fsrciacs Washington. April fc President Wilson today accepted an Invitation to attend decoration day exerdeee at Arlington National Cemetery on May 14. Ha probably will speak at ths In vttatloa sf the Grand Army of the Republic. Mass Meeting of Citizens -r Pledges Vigorous Cam--7 paign (Continued from Page One.) was governed,', aad there "have been times when I waa ashamed of the way shs was governed. I am ashamed tonight, miserably ashamed. (Ap plause.) When I left Raleigh la 1411 I left a eleaa town: when 1 returned I found blind tigers by tha score. East Raleigh wide open and mismanaga ment running riot. see. I was con strained to paraphrase that old fa miliar arkey song, aad t said in my soul. "Who's baea here since I've been gonef Johnny Hinsdale aad Bucky Jones.'. There, Is a certain faction in this city that la going to stand for whiskey, gambling, lewd women -aad their other kindred vices. Ton knew who they are. Ars yon going to let them control? Tn Sterns of Bead law. '-J "la Mr. Johnson tha ma for mayor T Haa be' been able to success fullv pilot ths financial anairs or me oity through ths storm of bonds tc which they taw been subjected. Op December 11th be entered Into a con tract with owe "By George,? repre sentative for Sidney Spttser aad Com pany, of Toledo, Ohio, for the sals of a hundred thousand dollars worth of bonds at a aavcriflce. Ds you tnlak that was good financiering Do yoc think tha market lot amis transection waa. good finaacierlngr placing the market house where It la being abandoned Ilka rats leaving a sinking ship. Why, It is said that even th rats ars leaving 1L There waa some good financiering dons, but somebody else did It. "How sbont ths Commissioner of Public Works? How about that bond sals of 414.444? It haa been said Dfc-h Seawall was absent when ths trans-1 action was pulled off. If he was absent, where was hs aad haa be ever protested? TWO HORKE TTTIEVFH CACCHT BIT GlVt: CAPTORs bLIF ..j i hi Thleveia ApprvlsBsided As They Were rnwnst To Kids M Barm. II '! w a nw Ashevtlle. April I. Two young horse thieves were captured by c Cathery.. a short distance from this dry yesterday, as they prepared to ride his horses from tha bare. The men were held sntil tha aheriff bad beea communicated with and ths of fleer set out for tha Cathery home The raptor started to meet the sheriff with' his coarry but la a thickly wooded section the heirs th levee made a successful dash for liberty anf eluded officers whs wars warned te be on the lookout for them in section of 'tha county. Ths were recovered . . . . y It having come to my notiee'that cer tain parties are circulating a report that I had made the statement that if elected to the office of Commissioner of Public Safety that I would force, if pos sible, all parties doing a market busi ness to rent stalls in the city market, I hereby deny emphatically that I have ever made any such statement, and I wish to further say that I am in favor of a man doing business in any section of the city that he sees fit I am for let ting every-man build up his btisiness and do not favor anything that would tend to tear it down. Yours for Bigger, Better and Mere Business, F. H. HUNNICUTT Candidate for Commissioner of Public V Safety., Russians Claim To Be Pressing . Germans Back t (Continued from Page One.) Eastern theatre of war waa given out bars tonight: - "On the Nlcmen front out troops, after stubborn flshtlng yesterday con tinned their offensivs. We drove back i si unutln. hurt lnssss. and approached ths German position to ths issst oi tna un rnpi.i-i.-rlampol-KaJwarya-Buwalkl -August o- v -In ths Carpathians on March II, and during' ths night of April 1. our offensive waa pursued with success. It was concentrated chiefly on tba Volla-Mlsboal -front in tba direction of Uasok Pass. EsKaladlng under a violent Austrian firs eecarpmsnts cov- m.11 W Im mi. tmnnl sftsr a Ions struggle carried with the bayonet aa Important range of neignia inn al most ail ths summits of ths Polonlns t,. hiMtk a the lllssea Vestlll na, Beregehl aad Gorayia. Hera our reglmanU took oy sswaun. aa snemy front well organised snd sur rounded by two hedge of barbed wire and timber obstacles. - -A number of Austrian counter at tacks la ths region west of ths rail- oently concentrated here hav been I 1-epUISeU. rurm j wvu.m . ... . In the regien-of Ksaiouwksr we Mew up aa enemy sap below on of his own imukai After drlvins out tha enemy ws occupied tha trench. ' Tha total -aumoer i prisoners taken In tha Carpathian yesterday . .W 11. . mm miA hnnl SOU MM We also captured ihrs msehlna guna -OB tn otner st otions m im iron there Is no change. ik. la I mmrt InfArtnallon it would appear that w wars opposed k. . LH I1.ll. aeax v noin on sawn ri v. ths 41nd. Honved ltvision. Wa cap tured over 14 officers and 1,444 men." t-urtinn Tt vr-i JnfttTPH i SURPRISINGLY WELL, Bnncary Xot Ts WIUtnM roodstsg saa Assin. nays unus aasa... Venlcef via London. April t. Count m. . ei... . UunMriu Premier. peaking today of his trip to Vienna wnsre ne naa p muwiiw pernr Francis Joseph, said tha Kra- -n. .....rM MimririlirlT Vftll Th t aged ruler showed the- liveliest in terest In all- Of anairs oi inw niata. aid the Premier. ' - t, im. m, lim.Hl S M. m wtm nrnnw " " - - - qusritlonlng all grain and Boar In the country. i;ount iisaa ivuar nwnts-. that Hungary Intended to wlthbolL m . .. M Anuria m v A S IspeJ igTOMuw - that any surplus wouldVbe sent to her. mmcrHEAvrtosroN FRENCH, SAYS BERLIN r i'imm Tn -Tr-TT Tbsy Drove Enemy Back lato OM Poshiow- Berlin. April 1. Via London. Ths war office made tba following an nouncement today: Western theatre of war: -Between the Mouse and tha Mow-lie heavy artillery fighting has taken i r ff.ktln wmmv snd In tha forest of Le Pretre continued the whole night, west oi tna iotwji oi Le Pretre French Infantry attack nfOll aOWS BIIU.V wwi m V , vw. nounter-at tacks ws Inflicted a heavy toss upon me nrmr u arv- unn back Into his old position. Ths French re now In possession of only two Mock bouses In ths forest near our met advances positions. ik. risen theatre of fit ths situation is one ha need." CO.tSTXAK ASSIaTANTS. Tans Th-giaiawi AnrMMntew By Preel. ( am i in rl Washlnirtoa. April ft. President Witon toetev appointed Hamilton C Claibofas of Richmond. Vs.. and Du val Brown, of Harrinirton. Vs., to be consular assistants. Under tha new law they do not require sonflnnauoa by the senate, , - 1 WO EVIDENCE TO COWVICT YOINO MAN X)V BIGAMY Gag feUlespis Freed By Coetrt at Aaba. . vlllej Bays TVrt trsr baa Iraa- Asheville, April 1. Guy B. Gtlles- pis. charged with having more wive man ins law allows, has his face set to ths netting sun and is preparing to begin life anew In the West. The young man' case was called before J satire B. Lr Lyd yesterday Wehii at torneys for Mrs. Gillespie, of Aahe vllle. said that they had been unable to secure any evidence upon which to bold tha defendant for the Superior Court. The ease was dismissed and eoon thereafter, Ullleapla bought transportation to Ban Francisco. At torneys for Mr. Otlleapls, It la under stood, will Institute, divorce proceed ings at ones. Ths latter has maintain ed that she mnrrtedGllleeple In hast to repent at lelaars when he found that she waa tba second living wife of the defendant. However, aha was unahla ta substantiate bar slainuv - COMING HOME FROM EUROPE. Rkrgaa. Jr, WUl Probably of Thrilling AdYCatarea. ord somas from J. M. Rlggan. r., who ha been In tha -European war soas, that hs has smiled for home. This Is Mr. Rlggan' second attempt to. get across, hi ship springing a leak, on tha first effort, and being com pelled to put in at Queenatown, Ire land. It Is reported that the ship on which Mr. Rlggan sailed had to run the gauntlet of the German subma rines snd that when he gets to Kalelgh he will have sums thrilling adven tures to relet. " Swedish chemists have developed a method for removing carbon, from coal tar, leaving a clear, transparent, golden brown liquid. W'sA lb a. PiAtuag eystav. Raleigh. N. C April S, lilt. rSBgeAtT. For North Carolina. Rain followed by clearing Saturday. Sunday fair: fresh north to uorthssat gales. Sunrise i:4T am. fiinset 1:17 p.i TiaetasTuat I a-m. ) it p.m. . . 4 Highest temperature 41 Low set It Mean temperature 44 Deficiency for the day It Average daily deficiency since January 1st l.i eatotriTATiea on lacscs. Amount for St hours ending I 4 p. m. ,17 Total for them onth to data .... . IT ICxceae for the month .11 Deficiency since JanuryJli-i-1 ! TSTieae as wcstmcb ar . a. tisetsarwM.. i Ik if- Mr. fSML ... Tell Abilene .. .... 411 14 II II . Ashevilla 4l 4 40 14 .41 Atlanta .. .. .. 411 41 18 .14 Charleston .. .. 40111 44 4 .t( Charlotts .. .:. 14 12 44 t .14 Chicago ... .... 1411 tl 14 .4 Galveston .. ... t4 It t4 44j .40 Jackaosvills .. . 44h 14 64 14 .41 Knoxrllle 44 4 4 14 .44 Memphis .. ... 4I 1 44 l .44 Montgomery . j 44 I (4 41 .It New Orleans.. . 44 14 tl 44 .44 New York ,.411 '41 14 .44 Norfolk, ........ 41 O 41 t i41 Ralelfi 14 101 47 II .IT Richmond .. .. 44 110 II .44 Vlcksburg ..... 411 I 44 41 30 Washington... 44)4- I 41 14 .40 Wilmington .. . 44 I 41 11 .74 WythevUls .. .. l -44 14 With snow, falling at a lively rats aad a prospect that there would be a depth af several Inches by morning. tha weather man aervily predicted fair weather for Easter. "Tha chances ef Its being warm ars slim,' hs said. "out th storm will clear up fiaturday morning and afternoon and a brisht sun on Easter Sunday may-be a sur prising lot In tn way of reducing th old." Raleigh was yesterday In the a-rio of one of tha worst rainstorms that it encountered even during tha real winter months. Tba Weather Bureau Indeed characterised ths storm aa ths worst ef tha winter. Ths storm orislnatsd near Cuba. where It had been unusually hot for the 'ae two days. , It developed with startling rapidity. It was noticed In Kalelgh Thursday night that there were unusual upper cloud and a brick rea sunset Was observed which Is the eharacteristie of disturbances that form In ths tropica Tha storm last ntcht was central east of Charleston where the pressure waa is. ana tna wind Bad reached light gala force. Ths pressure was falling at Hat t eras and . ths wind blowing II in I lee aa hour. Raleisrt being In ths cold quadrant of thn storm got snow, and on tha street x last night IC looked as If sns mlrcht In ths midst of a bllsnard. Ths aretv of rain was relatively small, extend ing as far treat aa AaheVille.. aa far north as Norfolk and aa far south as New Orleans. Rain waa heavy off Florida, and bo now waa reported In any part of this section at I o'clock. Up In Montana, the real horns of the bllxrard. It was Tl yesterday afternoon sstd some ex pressed the wish that they could be transported tip there Just for Uxt n Iff h t tn vh.l real warm VHth.r felt Ilka.-. MRS. JI INCr rlTILKH DIES FROM BCHNS Catawba Conmy Now Hss Mum Than Boys aad Ulrts and la Poultry Club. Newton, April I. Mr. Nancy Stiles, wife of J. A. Utiles, of Cataw ba township. 11 mile east of Newton, died Tuesday afternoon of burns sus tained during ths early hours of Mon day morning. Mr. Htiles was 10 years of age and had suffered from asthma for eight ysar. . . Owing to this ailment, shs could not sleep in bed, but had to sit up, and It was while sitting before ait open II replace about 1 a. m. Monday that her clothing was Ignited. She waa alons In tha room, and' her screams awakened her husband In an adjoining" room, who hurried to her, hut not In time to prevent fatal burns. Mrs. Stiles beeldes being otherwise afflicted had cancer of the face. She lived until Tuesday afternoon. - Tha funeral service were conduct ed from Hopewell Methodist church yesterday afternoon at I o'clock, by her pastor, Hev. A. O. Loft In. Mrs. Stile waa tha stepmother of Mrs. Frank Banders of this place. She leavea a husband who la about 10 year of age, but no children. Mr. Charlie Abernethy of Catawba, -arts suss- vrmrm Ttsniexr or amwn vllle, were married a few days ago. They will reside at Catawba. After a bridal trip south they will be at home with Mr. Abernethy'e parents, Mr. aad Mrs. a H. Abemethy. County Agent H. K. Foster says he now ha mora than 14 boy and girls enrolled In his poultry club snd ex pects to have not less than Tl active member before he la through. It let ths Intention to have a big poultry how her In the fall which will be unuaually Interesting because it will reveal the work of boy and girls amateurs only: and In that will be a departure from the show usually held by expert fanciers. Mr. Foster ays the com club work Is moving along also. Interest In the girls' to mato club work Is Increasing and th year promise much that is encourag ing in this.., ( . Saturday in the courthouse here speaker for county commend ment will be selected by a committee com posed of Supt. C. M. Htaley. oil Hick. orv HuplA.P. Whlaenhumvof New ton. and Hupt. K. 1 waiaer, or t. James. The young gentlemen and ladle delivering the best declama tions and recitation will be given a place on the commencement program to compete for prises. Additional Items on the pmcram for commence ment Include athletic sport on th athletic field of Catawba College. Th town authorities will rope off thn square and allow no vehicles to go upon it, o as to safeguard tba hun dreds of small children commence ment day, ..J.,, ," . Clothes For Ova Easter "Prom" On ' tha way to , church In church ort the way home strolling in the afternoon you s-ill be subjected to the tcm-f tiny of many who know What's what", in style. Then Is when you want to look your best when you want to feel that your personal attire b above criticism. We can set you right on the perplexities of dress, because we've studied spring , style and have stocked those that are going to make the right impression. Just come In and look at yourself in one of them al S10, SIS, $20. - ' 209 Fayettevffle St.

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