THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. SATURDAY MOKNINGAPKIL 3, f 9l5l : News arid Observer rutlUbed every day to tha tw . t -Bl -: s r.'ewt and OUerrwr PuUUlirtf Co. '..". : OSEPWCB DANIELS, , r , ProBld'ui ; '.".--j.i ', i'; J:. News nstd Oban nr BSdlna : . lU-iS W. Mania I .. .. TcxEPnown v t-I New D.pai lasts! ......... I Rhus i..::torlal Rmm ................ i RhHO A dittoing Ptptrtww .........Itl I Rtaaj tirrulatJoa Pipsi'tmuul .Ill W"' Matrtn f-partBBat Rla FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS fttHMCKirrioN rtucKi -. On) yew? ......... ........ ........ 9. fits Month ............................ I-M Entered at Um Postoffloo ftl Raleigh. North Carolina, aa seoond-claas eiat'sr. Morning Tonic Hogh Black.) - I O ba a strong ma a u tba dark, to aaotbar ia tha time of need, to ba a cup of strength to a bumu souMa a crista of weakness, la to know tha glory of Ufa. Illicit 'Vtvlt THcwofc IN Shiny town tba people cling to tbdr belief that la Ute Spring an anew should viae, and rtraa up alley, yard aad laws, till every alga of trash la gtm- which scheme la wise. Ia Shiny. town they bora old base, aad atlcka aad rag aad bonce and cat aad kindred trash) all tabor for the public weal, wlta MnNTTOWat. Sftyeevca kinds of aaat, aad aot for- caani"TMa -owa to-1 a claaa alone; there file aad gerwaa Sre quit there wr boils, aad all the MI dieweees wilt. wbra they ooaaa near. Aa tbcra are ao die eases alga, tba peoplo doat kaow how to die) drmtfet bccum joke; aad some on haa to aba them down, whew ther are tired of Hblaytowa, aad wla ta croak. The village used to have a brarM before It killed Ute mlcrob Cam, long. kag ago) bat bow, dare snicrobee oaaae aa fuse, they aaa It for a jitney baa Ire cent a throw. Tbla la too village of delight, where all the folk aro bring right, a cheerful scene; yoar burg might bo like Shin ytowa If ail you use would buckl dowa, aad aiako It rleea. ? , Soon jlhtra will coma tha day of delight for the faa. Ha'a juat oa tip-toe to hoar Hla Umpa fry out, "Play Bait" Wa are very glad that the Oormaa merchant raider, tba Print Eital Frledrleh, did not bar a name to match up with Pmntrrf. ry- 7'-.7p-J L.1I, , 1 Evangelist Ham should look out or ha will bo dubbed the Carrie Nation Bvaageitat It ha keep up the amaahing of booae-jug during tba course of hla eermone. I -'''.'. Texaa la eertalnly playing In hard luck. Tba i-iatement to sent out that recent froata and '.!( weather have, virtually destroyed th El t5rt peach crop in that State. -- -- The thoughta of tbooo who aro eoaaumed with a dealro to look nifty In tha "Easter Pa. rid a" aro turned towarda the weather bureau thla day. Tha queetion of tha hour among tbaae la. "Will It bo fair tomorrow T " The jingo may .do all tha clamoring that they wish to do, but tha vaat majority of Amer icana aro ready to attend a vote of confidence to President Wllaon for hia "watchful waiting" policy. .:. r.. . ...'."Z..., Ralelfh waau all tha improyomanta for Mch It a raiaa the money, but It Jqaa aoA want the City .Commlealoi.era to. .run the dty into debt to make theeoi and then "holler" for bonda. It.ia not tba eipandlture of money for Ira. provementa at which the peoplo of Raleigh kick, but It U the unwtae expenditure. And there to a feeling among the peoplo that there waa much money that waa unwlaely apent la putting the city waterworka In ahapo. 1- . Df oouraa no one beUoved that Preatdant Wll won had given out any ouch Interview aa that reported by tba Frenchman. . The.- rreatdeal baa a program of "watchful waiting" which knocked out the atatemeat the moment It ap peared. " r "T -. -.-.-;-" Reporta aro that 'Senator Hoko Smith haa atated that thla year for the llrat time a half century Georgia will raiao mora food atuffa than the' State oeneumea. That'a Una for, Georgia. Khali wa not make It ao that North Carolina will be In the name claaa aa Ooorgla in thla respectT . ,, 'I ' I iJji-.. Caah buelaeee. That aounda good. Along that lino the Yanceyvllle gratia el hat thla to r: "Beeeral buaiaeea hayo remarked that thla la a nno year for doing caah buatneea. The people aro not aaktag for credit promla rueuely-either from a aeaae of righteeue eeoaomy or the fear of being turned dowti.' Thla la a good aim a hopeful alga." ' "" Tha Paaama, Canal la doing boataaea right along,.';0urlng tha month of February there pawed through tha canal ntnetr-two, veaeela earning 4I4.IM tone of fratght. aad. the tolla coUteted amounted to f 4a.Sl. bringing tba total of canal duea collected up to date to ll.m.lll. The, eoaateia .... earjra..!r amounted to forty -one per cent' of the total traffic alnce the canal waa opened for bueiaeaa Now juat ouppooe there bad been free telle? , Tha Ralelgk and the Durham variety of "blind t ra" aeem to think that aaderground biding f booae la the aafe way, but the aRlelala have rt'jxht onto that game aa wall aa te the" apo- .1 under-the-table apectal eompartmeat. ' The r,-,rt "T Bfteea daya win giro the offlcere a ' ' -ser rhaaee te get at theee who would Violate new prehthHien lw of J ert Carolina. t'. nf for efliaera ia every county to do hi t fcaiy rg wr ee the aw) la abroad thrr ia an abundance af the eeatrebaad '-n awap, " BCSIJfE88 MOVKS FORWARD. . It la not a matter at Ulk that buelneee 1a thla country Biovee forward in Increaaing atridaa, but the reporta from all aeetiona of the country testify 1U actual facta to tha bettor condition which have coma to aa, ';'t": Hatrtag the actual reporta to aueUia hla atata manta Secretary of Commerce Red Said at yea terday'a Cabinet mooting la Waahlagtoa atated that bualneaa eonditlona throughout the country ahowod a ateady Uaprcycmcat aad praeeated as traeU from varioua reporta which reflected theaa better eonditlona la many laaav - The Indieatlona are that thie country haa the worst from the effect of the war la,Europe and that we are aew -to go forward la a etaady Imprevaoaent af cur b unloose Ufa .The atrength of, America haa boon ahowa by the way la which It baa mot eonditlona lmpoood upon It by a war which haa bad, which la having, aa la' flueheo upon : the entire world, The very atrength that haa seen, ahowa by tbla country In theee daya of the war haa given confidence te our bualaaae Intereeta, and we arc now aaeing aa Improvement which" to car-tain aad marked becauee of thla, -:- . The war la Kurope haa preeentad new eondl tlona te the varloua buelneee enterprleeo of thla eountry, and theee new eonditlona are being met moat admirably.. That la the toe! concluaton of the matter we will be put la a better coadl Uon ia the future becauee of the war to a, mat ter which la aot to be doubted. New mark ate are being opened up to ua, aad we are. finding meane at home to produce thing for which we have heretofore gone ta foreign mark eta. Theee thlnga are auch aa to premlae not alone a revival of buaineaa, but a yaat Increaee upon the buat neae af the pact SeoreUry Red (laid would not etate that ther la a ateady Improvement la buaineaa nnleea he had the facta to bear out thle statement. Thla la a country of reoourcee ao vaat that It la not aurpriaing that It ha ee Boon found It bearing In thla criata of war. And aiding In every effort Jv.t.ih! atrueUVe leglalatlon of the Democracy, which made It poeaible that la the ahock Of the -war our 'financlar'an'aJn could ' abt b Thla country' 'may wen feel' gratified thai' there to a man In the White Houae wboao courao hal been auch aa to make It poeaible for buaineaa to bo making ateady Improvement TEN "WORTH WHIXKS" FOR FARMERS. Advice, aa haa been often aaJd, to cheap, but If ther la not advice given by thoee wbo have experience, by thoee who know, how aro the uninformed over to be Informed, unleaa la the many-time aad field of experience. Thoee wbo have bean along the rouu. thoee who have given etudy to eauee and effect are In poet tibn to offer advice that la worth heeding. Ipatltutloa of learning along pacific Unci are ao organised aa to give the beet kind of advice la the matter which they prceent The college which teacher agriculture must aeeda have Informed men la order to give proper In ttructlon, or it Will fall In Ita mission. Aa In stitution of thla kind which la doing a service tor bettor fanning I the Cltmaon Agricultural College, of South Carolina, aad It ha recently toaued a bulletin which Beta forth the correct idea that Ja good , economy .. to, av at many place and good economy to epeoa at omera. , While that bulletin to toaued for the benefit of farmer It live "Boonomy Plana" full of advice of value to other baaldea farm era. Theee tea "Worth While aa to economy each one of them worthy of commendation give advice aa follow: if, I. To cat out all luxuriee, eapoeially li quor, tobacco, aow buggioe and autome " bile. -' I. To cut out om unneceaaartea, uch a tea gad coffee and meat three time dally. I. To aava oa food for ouraalva by mean of an all-the-year garden, certain eeaily poaeibia aubatttutlona and a ration r more carefully balanced tft preeerv health aad atrength. 'f . 4. Te aava ba food for our animal by meane of balanced ration aa worked out ""by experiment "taUona, aUbatltutlona'"of cheaper feed aad permanent Bermuda graae-bur clover paaturea. I. To aava on food for our planta by ' mean of,' winter legume, cummer legume and winter grain and legume. tTo aveon dreae by dreealng a Uttle -lea faahlonably, a little more aimpla. T. To spend money oa the houae and the , wife for a water eupply. . : : ITe epend on the orchard for pruning - and apraying. . ? ' '. J . . To eatabllah And . malntala a logical and practical system of fanning la accord ance with Dr. 8. A. Knapp'a "Ten Com maaimenta of Agriculture.' -- It. To co-operato with your nelghbore In organisation, In breeding better livestock. In buying food gupptlea, fertlllaers and live- atock, la owning and using farm Imple ments, la beginning cream aad egg routes, la celling farm aad gardea produce, la boosting your community and living up to your talk about It, and la Quiet cheerful ness that approaehe all taak with a faith undtmmed and a courage uudlamayed. IERVICK AND bttatlT. When there to advancement la life made by men beeeuee of aervtce rendered, there te always gratification among thoee who knew them, aad there is always a pride of State whan ther aaa come auch recognition te on of Its eona, A promotion of this kind haa juat come to Mr Ooodwts I D, Ellaworth, bOTnaDuplln county. North Carolina, a maa who haa a very targe acquaintance throughout 'the SMkta, who for twenty year haa been ta the eervtce of the United State government, a maa wh haa made advancement becauee he la efflelent aad capable. Mr. Ellsworth formerly taught school at He- deraoa and leaving hi school room to enter the service of rho government be rendered auch aervtee la the Poctofllee Department aa to call attention to hr merits aad Bdellty, this result ing la hla promotion ta the eervtce, Thla week he waa promoted from tha pesltlen of head of the Dlvurton of Poetmaatare. which paid fl.ttt a year, to the poaltloa of Buportateadent of tba Division of Salafiee aad Aceouata at a salary of t. year. : .... . :' , .'. :, - ;;. IV ta with graUfioatloa that Nerth.Carollnlaas tee preihetloa. eome to eon of the State, aad all who kaow Iff, Ellaworth will aengratulate htm, fee they recognise that' the advancement has coma becauee M waa deserved. ' The record of Mr. Ellawertb la the pact I a guarantee bet- tar thaa a bond that ha will flu hla aew post tioa with suttsfactloa to the govern meat aad with credit to himself. ' ' r '. i ; ' THE MENACE Of THE A ITOMOBUJC . Three times . tbla week, aad early la It, thla paper aaa glvaa acoeoata of automobile acddeaU ia North Carolina, la two eaaea death resulting aad . la the ' third aertoas iajurtea. There to a son this country aa automobile men ace ta tfc which deserve the rioeeat attention In the way of cocking preventive esaaaura for the protection af life aad limb. Manifestly there to reckleaa, careless aad in efficient driving of automobiles ia thla State a there' to ever the country generally, aad there si manifest from this that there ahould aot alone be la are more drastic everywhere ta control thla. but that there should be greater dills nee ta the enforcement of the laws. We are Inviting danger ao long a there are not 'greater reetrto- tloaa placed upon the driving of automobiles. -Example of tha need of a stricter enforce ment of present law may be found ca the street of any city every day ia aome cltlee these examples being mora emphatic thaa I other.: Instance of the narrowest eeeapa from lajury, perhaps death, are aa numerous a caa be. The devil of speed Aeem ta spring Into being with tba possession of aa automobile, aad with pome people at the driving gear the devil seem more Insistently at work. ' Self protoctloa seems oa of the forgottea things to many who ride la automobiles, for It ta aa oft-told tale of Injury aad death to those la the machine aa wn aa to those wha are crushed and mangled beneath tbaae twentieth century Juggernauts, - Those whom the people have put la authority are negligent at their duties if they da not ao punish dangerous auto mobile driving la such a degree as to lease. U, negligent also If they do not maht regulations te control the menace and see to It that there la e strict enforcement of aU such regulations mad to eontrot - reckless or careleaei ot teem ctent driver of automobilee. ' - gibhon pictv'rb' rKArtftitST"' Commencing' with tomorrow the New and Observer to going to give for ten successive week some special picture features which are certain to prove attractive, for they are draw ings by Charles Dana Gibson, -aad1 It Is only accessary to etate that they are Glbaon picture la giving testimony that they will be attractive. These tea pictures are under , copyright by Life publishing Company, aad they will be printed under that copyright. Those are such aa to merit framing or paaaepartoutlng, each la alas a half page of thla paper. The first of theee Gibson drawings win appear ' tomorrow, the other ta the series of tea to appear oa suc ceeding Sundays, ths complete list being: 1 -Berlou Buaineaa. I The Announcement of Her Engagement. t "lavdiee and Gentlemen." 4 Ths Reason Dinner Was late. (The Same Old Story. - I Juat Before It' Too Lata. 1 Advice to tha Mentally Feeble. I Among ths Foreign News. I All Sorts of Pupa. .. . . , . , iarour-tjaaf Clover Titid Oood XmsUrs 5(aUt oj tk fun "Real News Wanted. Reldavllle Review. "Real new" to wanted la the office of the Joaeebere Now, which any: "The frienda of thla paper will please head ue ia news Items when they are fresh. We prefer not to publlah a birth after the child le weaned, a mar rtege after the honeymoon le over, or the death of a man after his widow Is married again." A hint to the wis to sufficient. . . Grateful Every Day. Cbarity and Children. It make oa exceedingly weary to hoar peo ple who never ameiied gunpowder talk about the puafnanlmoua policy of the government in It attitude toward Mexico, aa wall as Germany and Great Britain. Theee wbo want to join CoL Rooeevelt'e regiment caa do so, but the millions of America have more sense, and are grateful every day for a anna la the White House whose heed to level. J Another Leonard BIB. Lexington Diapatch. It ha just leaked out that Representative C H. B. Leonard Introduced In the Legislature and tame very near securing the paaage of a bill authorising ths women of Lexington ail Thomaevllle ta vote on ail municipal questions. Thla caa be done without constitutional amend' ment. It la learned, and probably will be done la many of the progressive towns of ths Stat wtthia the next few years.' It waa only recently that It waa discovered that tha Legislature haa this power under the Constitution. Mr. Leon ard's bill passed tha House and peuned two readings In the Senate but waa killed on the third reading. The bill was discussed at a re cent meeting of the Clvlo League aad every woman present, except one,, waa highly In favol of It. - - , IBy" TWalt Moa la Jadgevr ' THE maa behind the rifle ta cutting lota of bar: for-wage which to a trifle, he arables forth to clay. Ia atmoephere of danger, among the poole of gore, he ahoota some festive straa ger be aever saw before. - Thea be receives a medal from kaiser, caar or king; .with feet on louder pedal, the bard hi preieee sing. . But contemplate the farmer, who hla broad acres rulea. who hag Bo Use for armor. ouT puU hla coin In mules. He hitches Buck and Charley te seeder or to drill, and goes to eow hla barley oa yonder fertile hllL The winter le a goner, the farmer busy now, ao let u atralghtway honer the maa behind the plow. . The bum behind tba saber throws an his time1 away: he alleee up hia neighbor for moat un seemly pay. Tba man who goes a-ktlllag his un kneam fellow-men should draw more than a shilling, a kroner or a yen; If all the wealth of Croesus oa him klagu should bestow, for hack ing geata ta pieces, bis wage would be too low. The ageats of destruction, we see him forward jaunt to kick ep row and ruction, when peace to what mea want. To eara bis paltry gild era, a country he's defaced, destroyed the dreama of bulldera aad laid the cities waste. But think about the granger, with hay-eeed In hla halr Remote from war and dearer, ba drives his Sorrel mare, We see him blithely bum up Ike atalka of la at year's sera, and he will plaat ihe turiilp.upea a balmy rrnrn and treat the farm-house garret he'll bring hie Keck of seeds the aeees vt beet and earfee. , f EASTER MORNING AT NEUVE CHAPELLE ; : r i . I II' "wT I ..i i- .c-r 'tr-. , I, f j X U ft? prune aad jlmaoa weeds. While foolish mea are carving with saber and with aword. ha will equip the starving with good, rich table beard. While silly dubs ars shooting, amid aa awful din, ha'll go a-callyhootlng, to bring his harvest In. , He feeda the soldier' wldder, he eoothea the orphan now; oh, pause, than, sad consider the maa behind the plow) The maa behind the scepter, who's stained hia country red and ruined her and kept her a storage place tor dead! Some history he'a mak ing., hy turning wardoga loose, end keeping na- Itooe eeaiHS-w'in. inunorn wain me nee i The farmer has no scepter; the farmer has no crown, He 'drives his mare; he's kspt her te labor buckled down. He planta hla canned to matoes, hla autmegs and hla beans; he sow hi sweet potatoes, his cabbage and hi greens. And whoa .ths day la ended, he goes home to hla frao. Ah. he Is fine and splendid the man be hind the plow! - 1 mru.4. . HOW .TWO PRESIDENTS WIDOWS WERE PROVIDED FOR. . IN a hatwhlch I had with Cyrus W. Field oa ths day after hla return from a visit to Europe, la 1ITT. he spoke reminlscently of sotns of .those who wore associated with him In tha venture, which-reeulted-ln -laying 4he nret At lantic cable between Newfoundland and Ireland. Mr. Field seemed to be especially tender Of the memory of Marshal O. Roberta. There ware times, he said, when It seemed as though the project must fail. Men of ocieaee were opposed te It: corns of the great sngtneere pronounced II Impracticable, A great deal of the capital had already been expended, and there came a time wbea the queetloe bad to be decided oae way or the other. "Shall we go on with this work Marshall O. Roberts and Peter Cooper, with Mr. Field, held that the cable ahould be laid no matter what, the cost and the company ahould bo maintained bo matter What tb dis Mrv. Roberts waa as noble a man aa I ever met." aald Mr. Field. "Ha became very wealthy, but there waa sever aa Intimation that be ob tained -a dollar by ear unfair method. . I aup- poee no one will every know how much he gave la private benefacttoaa. I . know that he con tributed to the aupport of a maa who had been violent partisan and a member of the party to which Mr. Roberts did aot belong. He gave thla maa a life lease of a comfortable houae la New York City, aad -in additloa waa oae of thoee who provided a sufficient income for him. "I happen to know of one gift which ba mad which waa very timely. Mr. Robert was one of the merchant of New Tork la whom Presi dent Lincoln placed great confidence, often counseling with him, . Ths relations established bet ween the Jftrealdent. and M r, . Roberts wert . very cordial. Almost Immediately after the death of the President. Mr. Roberta, who sur mised, I think, that Lincoln had Saved very little, caused a considerable sum of money be esntaprtvatety to Mrs. Lincoln, doing that be cause he waa certain that ther must be Imme diate demands upon her pure. He was grati fied to learn that this gift did put an end to eertabt Immediate financial embarrassments." At that time, I rouia not nave area mea tnai CyTW 7WT-"Ftel would, witblswafow - years, lead a movement to provide the widow pi another President with a sum the Income from which would be sufficient to give her comfort able support. Yet such waa a fact. Within a short time after -h death of, President Gar field. Mr. Field made Inquiries which Just I (led htm ta undertaking a benefaction of which tha nation approved. Ha knew that when Garfield became President he waa possessed of ealy . a small property, and hk did not serve long enough la ths 1'issldeacy to have accumulate any thing to apeak of. , Mr. Field therefore called upon a few frienda, wb gladly responded to hia appeal to provide a fund aufllrlrnt to yield comfortable Inceme for Mra. Garfield. Bo It heppeaed that two mea wbo were In latlraatr eauociatloa in the building of the Atlantic cabl e's contributed to the flnanctMl relief of tw wo mea who had been Widowed becauee ever eta had murdered their huabanda who We President" " - A Wis Strtv Wadeaboro Anaonlan. - Mr. B. C. Griggs has completed a large warehouse for storing ootton and other farm products. Thla to a wise step, as many people la the South allow much, of their prod ucta to waste. - Mr. Griggs needs this warehouse very much, for It contains now 10 bales of cotton that will stay! light there until the price advances. -----j ;'.' . ... Ho lbV:::. Oxford Ledger. . a A man owns a small piece of land oa the National Highway a fsw mile north of Oxford, had offered It for tl.10 and It want begging at that Rrtre. Nobody wanted If. - Since the atlonal Highway comae along by the place the owner has many pros pective buyers in sight and -ths price is now II. too. Evan good roads prospects pay. . . 4. ) . "Stack of Fodder" There. ". - Ruakla- Corerspondeace in Blades Journal. A Mr. Cowaa invited Mr. J. O. Elite to White Oak one day last week, Oa arriving at Mrt Cowaa'a he waa Bah. eel to go -with- hrm-wvr--tn a 'field where a Miss Suggs cam from be hind a stack of fodder and shs and Mr. Cowan ware united In marriage. ! r I; .r .." back and . got ... your change," said tha maa at the stamp window. . ... - L . A customer of 'the Postoffice Da. partment had bought soma stamp and walked off without fatting the change that wa duo aim. ' '. -C- -: "Lots of people do that very thing.; ' , Mid ths stamp dark." 1 dont knew why It to, just absent-minded ness 1 , reckoa." J- ---; "I caa ae a etaady Improvement la business," said Mr. O. I Paddlaea. of , Burgaw, who baa been traveling la various portions of the Bute. "Yes, a good deal of eotten to be- : mg sold but I think' that the main reason for better buaineaa condition ' la tha feeling or confidence that eaiata. Nearly everybody that I have talked 1 with Is In a mors hopeful frame of mind than they were a few month ago. Thla feeling ef confidence, pre vailing so widely as It does, meaaa mora business, for people are dispos ed to do business when they are la a cheerful frame of mind. e e e- . "One ef the best reasons I know : Why children should ba. told- stories In correct Engilah." says Mrs. Edna Lyman Cotton, wh spoke Thursday evening to the State Library Associa- Y uon at Meredith College, "Is that they may get a better -supply of adjectives. ' It is plttful how much work one poor little clang word now has to do. Recently .1 listened to a -sreus -ef students on a university campus find thsy mads uss of the word pech' In at least twenty-five different caps- cities, applytrt nit the way from n OF COURSE. . emotion to a pretty dress. - -v I "You Deanla nf the Mnntti " ,k. Daughter sands jld. "have a better opportunity of you a thousand siting pure and beautiful English kisses and wants than do the people of the North, a hundred la re- where the tide of Immigration pour - turn. A hundred ktosssT - - Doat b ah urd, Jha. A hundred del tors, of eeurss, THAT US PROACHFUU LOOK. What a pathet ic face that yeung fellow hagt Hla eye proachful. - Ye. Ha pull tn more Up thaa the ether wait. er combined. 1 (Ce htTWU, E. . Fdoxmista; - reaerved.) Ail tb:.:z I Iff WALL) .STREET. Thar are tw ways ef buying Stocks, Oas I te buy eutrtrht. -- Yeej the ether ta to buy la wrong. ta from all quarter of the globe and r being assimilated Into the Ameri can body politic. In the South you are one people; in the North we are" if many peoples, of many wondsrfully jranda of English speech." ", . .That word .rpeach'.' is probably of -more uss to the - baseball faa than anyone else. Ths first strike to al ways a "peach." If tha batter lama It to the far: corner it to a "peach," and he may make a "peach" of a slide Into second and get ahead of a "peach" of a throw from deep center. Finally, If the game waa not "rotten.'' i It. too, waa a "peach". Great to the "poach" crop. . . ... . . e. e e';.'. "TTTieorth"c4roUna Tax Com mis sion ta plaassd with tbs quality . of ths men who have consented to servo as county tax aesoaauru. - Soma of the' best men In their counties have been appointed to this- responsible duty. "It really afford a a eplendld oppor tunity," aald a gentleman who waa BER INOEIfTJe liscuaslng the eubjeet, "for a man to ' ITY !e of service to his county and to his .i .. . tate. Theee county assessors caa If Mis 1 Lark rt - powerful influence toward made- ae - replri-uuaUry ta tavea i. eomethlng . that. Iwboa pott pro- . loot people who have given the mat-. -r lagutpi oeiieve to oe soreqr neea. d In this and other States, - These ien will have a chance to work a eal reform. . "I think the' county ameasor plan' vill suck this time," eaid the seme uthoiity. "Four year ago the plan .a adopted and two year later it aaa abandoned. Something waa ' learned front the experience and the plan will bo applied tbla time with the benefit of the experieae obtained -previouety. "Thw principal objection to the plan seems to be that the counties feel tha&tbe Stat is trying to en-, crouch upon affairs that aro strictly local. Rut the fart of the matter is that the State ia vitally Interested In ths counties and ths counties- inter, . eeted in the Slats and ther ought not to be aay reaentement on the. part ef the county authorities at the appointment ef the county tax as, ' rrra Y the Hate. 1 don't tblaJt there will be UOa Usu, , . te her, aa what grouada la aba suing you tor breach ef proav. tott She claims that her atleacc Ft 11 I