SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 3, 19 1 5. THE NEWS AND OBSERVE!?. MYSTERY IB im ci'i liUiiU . - . . . . . s . 1 nnnnn uuuun tUK xtASTnn MOSTlCClTCaMsT. Jmiirl Pi sy .fMM arrajrad .; ,. la tiiMowal of Bllgree, T J-'iu the Buirter Ier parade jtuJ.UriU UK knit ( bc t.,i..i,.T Myrtle steps alnag i;.oearel prr ee her way. ; Oh. fi. owe t tbie KMW IknMl ' Wuuld I were set se gray I -- Ih'iclitfolty MlM Delay tripe v an mtix-iuf atepe moo the Inu. With flahlng r gad euarry Up. I. ik addlee socle's Brain., - - .. C"e'- UfT,ria'Siil"i4 tmll. form that saeaoritea adore: Mlie iirr aduwe the crowded stall. WimU I Trn tweet four I xt. charming noe with twlakllnf syee, w btmavaia la thla t"T Bed; . ( She glade tale Kaater paradtae - iM tm year ntai u. . glirly Mlaa TW'W ee sweet .- Her eras, tbry rlrel Beeeen's ka Mute nturfc wiik kcr daialy feet AJoog the Beesse. A gurtaad a eweat lowera, they All lady alliiners, I declare. Out gnaaln in this ram Bueler Day JTr aecB'lor kattoaa I Sere. - rfw. Keller la Jaage. - . little Mlaa Nancy Sasser and Uaatar Pttilln BaHser.' child ran of Mr. John Haeaer. of Norfolk, ara visiting their -grandfather. Mr. Frank Falaon .on Jones street,' Mrs. Wyatt McKlnnon and Miss ' AIha PearasJI, of Red Springs. wUI arrlva today to visit Mra II. H. Mo- iieachy at her home tm Halifax at raw. Mra. V. A. Rountraa and children. Virgil and Elisabeth, of Kinaton, will be the irueata of Mra. Kountreea mother. Mrs. A. W.:Tlmberlake, dur ing faster week.. Mlaa Elodie Webb, of Morehead City. . to .the guest of , Misa Mildred Holding, v Mlaa Elisabeth Knott, of Sanford. will arrive today to spend Easter with Mlaa Mildred Merle Ellington. .Mtaa Mlrtain" HoBbo-,--of WlU mlngton, will anive thla afternon to vudt ittaa Florence Bnsbee during the Kaster htr1MT- A ..'i .Mlaa Ksule Bryan and Mlaa Belle Htannld. of the ' Eastern Carolina teachers' Training School at Oreen vllle. were here yesterday on their way to apent Easter at thelrAhomea in Durham. . Mr. and Mra M. H. Jones, of Clayton, who have been In the city for aeveral daya with their son. who la III at the Mary Elisabeth Hospital, returned home yesterday. Mr. and Mra. C. U. Johnson, Mlaa Georgia Stnoey and Mr. Banks Trogtrv, of Uroensboru, are atopplng at the iiland. M Mrs. A. W. Jordan, of Durham, arrived la at night to spend Easter with her daughter, Mrs. J. Crawford Uigga. Mrs. J. W. Dowd. of Hender nn. Is alee apemng Easter with - Mra Wnm:-r--r-r, -1 - Mrs. C C. Johnson and son. Maa r William Ryater . Johnaon. of Kiehroond. Va. arrived yeaterdar af- ternoon to spend Kaatar wtin Mra. Johnson's Derenta. Col. and Mrs. J. f!. t HaJYta. . Miaa Annie fooneeft- yesterday ta visit In Hixikv Mrs. J. 8. Wrhne reiurnea yes terday from Matfgum, where she has been vWUni ' . . . ra Barrett, or bouts- hurg . wjas in the city yesterday on nor way to viau in uie m tf Ufa Fute.- ,.'. Mra. O. T. Moore .returnea yes- farday from vlaltlng in 'Durham. Mlaa Evelyn AUtoo. of FHtaboro, waa among the out-of-towg. shoppers 1 Kalelgh yesterday. . Lieutenant and Mra Lyman A. Coton . were her yesterday on their way to vlatt in-Chapel Hill. Mlaa Lily Harris, of Richmond, Va.. arrived . yesterday afternoon to visit Mrs. J. A. Arnold. Mrs. Nova Truelov left yester day for visit to Clayton. Mrs. E. K. Murchlson. ef an ford, was here yesterday on her way le vlatt in Clayton. Mia Katharine Raton left yes terday to apend Easter at bar home la Mt. Olive. Mlaa Flora Boyee left yeaterday to auend Easter at, her home In ray fttevllle. Mlaa Bottle Watson, of Peace Institute, went to Smith field yeater y to-Bpwnd- Eaatr-. Mlaa Ida McMillan, of Hender eon. who has beea visiting la the city, returned home yesterday. Mba Toung. of the faculty of Meredith College, left yesterday to apend Easter with friends in Scotland Neck. ' Mrs.' A. R Johnson. f Bmithfleld, was In Raleigh yeaterday returning home from Banford,-whera she baa leen vlaltlng frlatlda " - - Mlaa Thelma Naylor, who la St tandlag Kandolph-Macon Woman's Oollege, at Lynchburg, Vs.. arrived yactarday to apend Easter with her parents.-- ------ - Mr. and Mra. Louis Brown left yeaterday for Kocky MounC Mra Brown has recently returned from Oeorsia, where aha has been visiting her daughter. Mra Ed. Hoe Htamps. Miaaea Nan Htrudwlrk and U Jer wtaan, from the Library of the Unt veralty. were the .guests of Mr. and Mr. Ernest Crulkahank during the maluii nf the North Carolina - Li brary Aasar-latlon. Mr. J. P. Breedlove, librarian of Trinity College,, was entertained by lr. and Mrs. Charles Lee Smith, dur ing the session of the Library Aeeo clKtien. Mra Crlttendon. librarian of Wake 1'orest College, with Mlaa Eva Ma lone, of Trinity College, was at Mere dith College and Mt Aanle V, Petry, - librarian of the Htate Normal Col lege at Greenaboro, at the Tsrbor- (iruaarM l 1 TliC genuine has this ARRIVAL OF:. NEW TAILORED HATS ough during-the session "of -the LI- I brary Asaociation. . .. - Mr. aad Mra. Caaeoroa Here, i Mr. and Mrs. Duncan ' Cameron.' of China, are spending some time In the I city and are at 'home at Mr r. K. Baker's. .94 North Blount street. BupcBda Work Vttr Faer. Peace Institute suspended work yesterday at twelve o'clock for the taster holidays. Quite a number of the young ladles will leave for their homes today and will not return until Tuesday, as work - will not ' recom mence, at the college until Wednesday morning. . Win lave la Rozboro. Mrs. Arthur Henderson, of Monroe, Is visiting her mother, Mra John E. Kay. Mr. Henderson left, yesterday for a short business trip to Roaporo, and will return in a few days for Mrs. Hendareonr who will accompany her huaband to Rozboro, where they will make their bome in. the .future. - Mra Hende'raon. who waa " formerly Mtsr Jane Ray, has many friends in the oltywa- wHl-he ria4- to weleewie her during her, stay in Raleigh.' -.. IunciMWM For Mra. BwaeeuHdgv Mrs. Desha Breckenrldge.'who waa the honored visitor of the Suffrage League Thursday la a woman of such charming personality thst she will not soon be forgotten by Raleigh peo ple. Although no formal social event waa given In her honor, Mra Kuaeeil Langdon. the president of the Iqcal Suffrage League, invited the Intimate members' of the league and one or two cloee friends to luncheon at her home hi order thst they meet the gifted speaker socially. Ons of the prominent aufrragteta from out or town was Mrs. Archibald Henderson, president of the Mtsts organisation. ......' ,- Mretinc of 8C Lake's Ctrctex. A meeting of Bt. Luke's Circle, King's Daughters, was held y eater day afternoon at 8t Luke's Home There "are two meetlnge of thla circle each month, the first one being- a so cial one held at the Home, and the second one a business meeting, held at the home of some member of the circle.; The' program yeaterday Con sisted of recitations and solos and was mucki enjoyed by: the old ladles who are ssoeedlagiy appreciative pi an? t tent ion shown them. The officers of the circle for the new year are: President. Mra John K. Bay; First Vtee-Preoldent. Mra B, O. Horton; r Second Vice-President, Mra J. D. Johnson; Treasure! Mrs. H. G. Harrington; Recording Becre tary. Mm Wlllnm I'eltachl! - Corre sponding BecfVtary, Mrs. J. W. Foy. MEREDITH NOTES. Reoeptloa By Jsnloe Class Delight fnl 1nsfi Uuasttlc NciraMC Drill. The Junior class of Meredith has issued Invitations to the Hen lor class of Meredith -and to the Senior class of Wake Forest Cotlegs to a recep tion to be given tin Monday evening. A rather delightful feature of the Meredith drill in Domestic Science la the nerving of breakfast by two of the young - ladles ef - the elaae every morning. At this breakfast, there are Invited two members of the faculty, end two studenta and the two who have charge of this unique repast, di vide the work, one young lady doing the booking and the other the serving. Thus the members nf ths eookln claas have practical training In preparing and serving raeala The Easter holidays at Meredith will last until Wednesday morning. where regular work will be resumed. EASTER SERVICES SCNDAT. Excex-ters Primary Better went Edew- toa Street Sunday BVhout. The primary e: apartment of K4aa- ton Street tiuoday-echool will have their serviea,n Kaatar Sunday after noon at four o clock In the Hundayt aelKHtl room. The little children, all In white, win b grouped In the form of a living monument, arranged In tiers, each at n or tier representing one of the fundamental traits of hrlatian character. The foundation step wilt be Obedience and then will follow Prayer, Faith. Truth. Meek- seas. Love. Hope, and Joy an being surmounted by a cross, representing the CruHflxion and Resurrection, Miss Edith Norris will fasten the Raster banner on the Croea and will recite "Vharacter - Builtllng." - Then will follow chnrueea duee and solos by dtfferetit -chHdren. The -offertory A lesson of the European War Once more, among countless times, baj the great food value of chocolate and cocoa been demonstrated, both serving as a part of the rations of the troops ia ACTIVE SERVICE, BAKER'S SWEET GHOCXDLATE has always had thli guarantee "The ingredients of thii Chocolate are guaranteed to be pure cocoas of superior blend and sugar." . trademark on the package, Walter Ba!rer & Go. . ... . A ii;FLOWERS 'J Tb Mot4 Appropriate ; EASTER OFFERING " EASTER LILIES RosesViolets, Hyadnths, Clarhations, Sweet Peas, Lily - of -the '- Valley Aii Kind of Blooming; Pot Plants and " Cut FlowerJ " " i. rvi h Is IV VI SEE DISPLAY Uptown Store, est Martin Street - Phone 42 . I ' rdcr Ea - ilii U O'Qvkm : - :'iutti will be sung by Miss Isabella Brown, or Salem College. Winston-Salem. On Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock there will be tit Easter egg hunt for the children of the Sunday-school, - . ' COLCMBIA STOCK CO., OPEV . MONDAY AT ACADEMY. Soavenlr Matlnew Monday Will Inau gurate Engageaarnt of Cosapsny. . (By the Press Agent) The next offering at the Academy of Muaie wlU be the Columbia Stock Company which will make their debut with a special Eaetsr Monday matinee when each child that attends the "play will receive a souvenir Easter gift. ---The Columbia Stock" Company " are new to Academy patrons and ths show la claimed to be a first class ona Other cities in which they have ap peared have given them good recom mendation and it fat hoped that, the company will prove a real treat. The opening play will be the four set rural comedy drama. - "Brother Against Brother.1: The piece. Itself la said to be a very good bill., there be ing an abundance of comedy, love aad patbos running throughout its entlrai The gowns which will be worn by the ladles of the company are said to be very attract! re and ths latest creations of well known mod late. - - The policy of the Columbia Stock Company In offering' their new plays will be af the rate of three brand new shoars each week. The change of plays will be mads on each Monday, Wedneaday and Friday during their stay and ths regular matmee days 111 be Wednesday . and Saturday, though a apecial Easter Souvenir mati nee for the children -will be given On next Monday. The prices for ths Columbia Com pany will be only ! and 2 0 cents. This will apply to any performance, either Buittnee or night. JOINT RECITAL AT PEACE INSTITUTE Mies Raenct PearsaU and May Ste ptieasnai Render Uradaattng Pro grana la Kxpreaaioa aad Votes, Thursday evening at Peace Institute Misses Rachel pearaall and May Ste phenson were heard with pleasure by a large audience of admiring friend in their oln.t graduating recital In eg. preaslon and voice, respectively. Par ticularly compelling of applause wss Mum Pearaall in her recitation of "A School for Scandal." and the fifth Bum Iter on the program, "The Frivol ous Side." Both were humorous se lections and her charming personality and good humor, which have made her so popular withe fellow studenta during her stay In college; fitted the parte to a nicety. . - Mlaa Stephenson waa most effective In the recitative and aria from 'Faint Thla number Is particularly adapted to lve egpressloa to the foil aad mellow- golden . notes of a well trained soprano voice, such as posseas ed by Mlaa Stepbeneon. Mlaa Stephen son is ths attractive daughter at Mr. and Mra. C H. Stephenson, ef Hai eigh. - The affective . presentation of this program brings laurels also te the ef. OfieBl training these young ladles and is made only by Ltd. DORaiESTCt, l.!A5i Met Deliveries Made When You Wish . . li J. L. O'Quirui and Co- Florirt Both Phoacs . - ili:u - RaMgh, If. C have received from Mra Ward, - the voice teacher, and Miss Thursa May Derrick. Instructor In the expression department. . - . - . The full program was as follows i 1. A Scene from "The School For Scandal.'" ( Kit-hard B. Sheridan) Uachal Pearaall,- . f . Recitative and Aria from Faust (Oounodr May Stephenson. I. A Little Child' Shall Lead Them, Rachel Pearaall, 4. a Elegie J. Massenet) b. Were I Oardner; e. Summer, (C'ham- Inade) May Stephenson. - . The Iivolous Side ' (Beatrice Harford) Rachel PearsaU. ' . a. Sunlight (Harriet Ware) ;b. The South Wind ( Baiter )ic Will, o' the Wiap (Sproea) May Stephenson. Weddings and Engagement tX)PPL.E.BIGOEKST.VrF - Monroe,-April -1, Me. and Mra George Biggerstaff, of Ruthrrfordton, k, Intuit I n w4t- Hnn. Ik. M.n. - ,. ,K.. M1 v. Elisabeth to Mr. James Boyd Copple at their home, April 14. Miss Bigg erstaff taught In the graded school last year and made many frienda Mr. Copple Is assistant cashier In she First National Bank here. MILITARISM DEFKATKD IV DEBATE AT ELO COLLEGE Freeh men (Jo IKtww Before . stents of Sopttoasorrs. Arga- ISpkUI w tat Nea mt OMrta.1 Eton College. April S. Militarism received a death blow as far as Eton College Is concerned last evening when the -'. Freshmen urging for an I ncrease I n our n vy went down iia defeat by the nanimmis-trertstqn"Of the judges at the hands of the Sopho mervs, who preached the gospel ..of peace and nonpreparaUon as the sur est .safeguard ef mankind. Ths judges of the occasion were . Judge McOee, head of the Law Departmen' of Carolina. Prof. W. W. Peels of Oullford College. N. C. and Mr. John R, Foster. Oreensboro, N. C. It was a splendid debate and the negative had no walk -over even though the afnrmatlve had the unpopular aide of the question. Ths debate waa Wipe ned by ' the Preehmaa class by Mr. C S. White lock, Huntington, Ind., -who urged the necessity for an Increased navy be cause war la possible and because of the Inferiority and weakneaa of our prweent navy. Ha was followed by Mr.-J. LvCrumpton of Itoxboro, N, C. who depreciated the Increase of, the navy urging that it ia not demanded because of our unique geographical aituatlon; because of our rank as a present world power and because . of tha serious drala ea our national resources. . ' Mr. F. M. Duaaphant. Suffolk. Va. a poke for the increaae of the navy on the ground of necessity since "f i hsve so much ooast-llira to protect In ad dition to the necessity to protect our commerce on-the high seas and fur ther beuauee rlghteoueness in thla present world is never its own defease needing force te hack it np. Mr. 11. S. Smith ef MacLeanaville. N. C. was opposed ta the mlUtsristlc tendency now apparent in thla coun try, largely due to agitation on the part of our army and navy . officiate and pointed to a more excellent way to expend ths money which ure now invest In army and navy equipment, urging that we could well build hos pitals and colleges in foreign countries to show them our geetf will, rather than build navies to parade around (he world n gastronomic voyagea He further urged Mutt the. teaching 4 of Holy Writ is diametrically opposed (o mllltartam and that sooner er later Its teachings would take hold ef the nearta at natlnna as well as of the heertaof men. - ATUTTIC PI,FT SAILS . . iH TANGIER SOOND TODAY After Vessels Arrive ta Roase Wsim Srcretsry fta&rt Will Itenfer WKh ' Adamirai Met her. (Br ax In i lnil rl Waahlngton, April I. Tha Atlantis fleet will leave Ouantaname, tomor row fer Tangier Mound for Spring targa.1 practice. Secretary Daniela soon after the arrival of tae warahip In home waters, will go to Hampton Knads te arrange with "" Admiral Fletoher the detaila of tha review to be held In Kew York, wrcording- te tentative plane, early In June. -After the review the -fleet- wlf leave for the Panama Paclnc E i uo- aition via the I'anama caiiai. pruta- biy paaaing ttirougS the saWrway ea rly ta J ud. . Friends Endeavor To. -Explain Some of Things in Connection . With Prisoner in France' HIS PRISON PLACE SECRET Residents of Subtirj). of'.Viro- flay;' SayThe rMari Has Long Been 'Regarded Witfi : Suspicion; American Em bassy Has Not Received Of ficial Notice of Case St ; ' Paris. April . Although the police investigation-f ' the- career-' of Ray mond Swoboda,' charged with- being responsinia lor ths nrs aboard ths ahlp.LaTouraina, baa brought out ad ditional facta regarding him, he re mains something of a mystery. Several of his friends profess to Consider the charges against him entirely ( un founded. . ' .' j A. - M. Treacat. - a stock broker, who knew Swoboda -well, says he can see no possible mo"ve for tha act of which he la accused. After hostilities began and business was 'suspended on ths bourse, according to Treacat. Swoboda sought some other ooenpa- tion. una ot tha plans he considered was to ga to. tha United States and obtain earn plea of military -clothing. equipment and - tools, which tha ministry of war would , be likely to purchase. - Treacat asserts Swoboda finally decided upon this Ventura, He vlaltod many factories In America giving as - a reference Broker Mor rison, who Is one of tha most widely known' general merchants ia. Paris. Upon he -strength, af this referenrti he obtained' the samples he sought. grrnnllnr tri Trasraf ' The palica credit the statement of M. Treacat. lor when they aearched ths office. In the Avenue Da L'Opera, where flvs trunks belonglnaT to Swoboda wars stored, they found that two of-them had been opened and the oontenta displayed in an adjoining -room. The dlsplsy consisted of -cloth, woolen gloves, socks leather, metal flasks. canned goods. boots,' - entrenching tools and even a .complete French uniform. ' . t .:. Try Ta Explain . Photograph, Friends ef Swoboda - explain the photograph In which ' he appears In the uniform of a Uennaa officer by stating that hs spent two years at Heidelberg to' perfect himself In Oerman,; and ' the' picture probably was taken while he' was wearing his student's uniform. .- Plans formed In Swoboda's offlee. which the police regarded as auspi cious his frienda say probably were left there by an uncle who Is an arehltect r at- -Vancouvn'Wtd"lrho t recently vutted him In Parts. - M. Mommeia. of the . Boulevard Hauasman. a- banker who', employed Swoboda la Kit, declared to report ers that Swoboda represented himself a Canadian and said be did not know a word of German -but soma tims latsr he overheard Swoboda .talk ing Oerman . fluently . over tha tele phone. 'When the banker called: the attention of his employee to the con flicting statements hsf had made. Swoboda explained that . be had studied at Heidelberg. MomroeJa be came suspicious., however, , and dis charged Swoboda In lll. . Three days ago M. Mommenia heard that his former employee, had beea seen In a Paris cafe in company With very suspicious persona He at once reported tha matter te (the local police. ; . j. ' barked Vp With Sasplrton. Resident of the suburb of Vlroflay, Where Swoboda lived at one time, as) ths man has kmc been regarded with suspicion.' He was very Intlmats .in the Austrian-Oerman colony, an spent much of hie time with an Aus trian, named Padouk.. A few day. after the war ..began Bwoboda wa (Uscovsrsd late one night war whw. some .important defense work was bcinjt carried ' out. - Vpoa being- at rested he explained ha wag an Amerl can produced satisfactory papers, an waa allowed to go.' ' ' ' Ths Incident, however, according tr ths people of Vlrofla-, mad a atrenf. impression on Swoboda's neUfnbori snd they decided to watfh him. Ow mgnt ne was seen to go to tns nous of a man named Prussw- Shortly afte the two men emerged 'and mad; their way cauttoualy In the direction of th local defense work looking aroun mean while, to see if they were being observed. It waa known that Pruest was aa Austrian. U - . ,. . ' Sometime -latsr Swoboda, disguised as a. mason, waa geen coming from the ' defenses. .- The police were in formed of this, but for. some reason they took ih act lea. : -Weeks ieeawd and flnslly on January 1 1 they ar rested Pruest and gent him to e con centration camp. .By this - time Swoboda had lest Vlroflay and waa an his way ta America.. r Swoboda a place of confinement is an-efflciat secret. -buf he probably la in a military prison, his aids or the hna not yet become available as under the criminal procedure his examination by the magistrate ta secfX aad he opportunity is gives reporters to question him or to bar his reply to the Judge s queetlona ' The American Embassy still had not had its attention drawn te the case ofnctally, either by the State De partment or Swoboda. . although ana of Swoboda's frtende called todays at the Rmbaasy and said he believed a mistake bad. beea made la . arresting Swoboda. . V . "TT A spring, controlled handle - has been, invented .... to., take, the .place of the usual holes tor giving a Played a grip on a' bolwtnf ball. . ACADET. Y X)LCMBJA STOCK CO. Monday and Tuesday Nights (Special Easter Sonven Otatl-, nee Monday) - V AGAEOT. : -DROTIIEIl A Klg Itaral Onesedg ; DeaBsa. A fur That WlU hurety Pwase. -' Changes ef -Plays Every lion " dsy, Wedneaday and Friday. -; Matiaeca Kvery WednrMday and Salaeilmr Prices Onts .l and 19 Cents. EASTER PLANTS - Take homo a . lily, for Cartor I IiOVERS FOR EASTER Lflies, Roses, Violets, Carnations," JLi Iily-of-the-Vallej and other choice , -Cut Flowers. Blooming Pot Plants 4 . The Largest and Best Stock of ' v Easter : : We Ever Had, Azalias, Hyacinths and many other beautiful , t blooming pot plants. ' ' Z : ' -.Give your order early, for any kind of flow er for Easter, They will be delivered any time any. where you wish- H. STEINMETZ WILSOW WAMRS ADVISORT. ' ' ixmmittkb: on akiunactics Arxuy and Navy. Mew and talveralty rrorrasora An Appounca. . (law itjimin rnm.) . Washington, April S. President Wilson today appointed tha advisory committee on aeronautica authorised by 'Congress for scientifle study. He named the following -twelve men: Brigadier General. Oeorge . P. Scriven and Lieut-Colonel Samuel Reher. of the army: "Capt. Marx u Bristol and Nasal Conatructor Holdea C. Richard eon, . of. the navy; Ur. Charles D. Walcott, eecretary of the Smlthsenlaa InaUtutlonj Dr. Chaa F. f ; U nXWYOfiaLCTt-T . ' An Ideal Hotel with an Ideal Situation ', WALTON H. MARSHALL, Marie Antoinette Broadway, 66th & 67th Sis. - Naw Tori Clt. fct lv;jU : Rooms with Private Bath, from $2.30 Per Day. r Large and Small Suites at Special Weekly IUtes. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. ! r . . KE8TACRANT OT CNT;8UAL EXCGLLENCBL - -- - '- 4 : ar5TANLEY GREEN, Manasit, Diractor. Z Hotel FLANDERS 47th Street' Just oil BroadSvay, N. Y. Cty. ' addition just comptetcd, containing library, jn and billiard halL - ' : . . .0 . v - v 350; ah with $ 1 ; Roocbs Private Path Per Day Up ' - reaai ISesad Ceaaral aainea. ears aaiiB Umiwar' wlthiet araet Swi Paawajrleaaaa IkslM. 1th As. aaea wttkeat traawaw. a. MtaU, rrea, " SaalilK a - . Spring Shov.1ng Selsct Styles LMiiery MISSES REESE & COMPANY 1 Damrocch TlcSscto OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS FILLED IN ORDER RECEIVED REASON "TICKETS T7 Arena Seat, $1.00; Dresa Circle, $3-00 sad $2.50 . ' T.' According to Locatioa j.. f - Calcooy, $2.00 mad $1.50, Accor&ag to Location -. . Lilies Marvin, chief ot the Weather Bureau: , Dr. 8. W. Stratton. chief of , the ' Bureau of Standards; Assistant Sec retary Newton, of the Treasury. De- partment; Prof. W. F. Duraad, Le- -lad Stanford' ' Unlvsrslty; . Prof. ' , Michsvel L Hupln. Columbia Cnivarat ty; PtL Joha F. Hayford. North western University-aad Prof. Joseph 8. Ames, Johns Hopkins University. Ths members serve without pay, ' but an appropriation of $1,00 a year waa made for their work. , ,, . . , , r-as I' ' Russia wishes that American bouses desiring to Increase business In that empire wot' prioea in rublaa inatead of dollars. ."-.i" SouthenMrs WiH Find This Hel tha IdeaJ PUct? ' to SUy. :: . ; QITUATED In the most acces- luicy lucptuvi, SUM, Btes of the kding DEPART MEJTT BTOBES, 8H0P8 and THEATBE8. Conreniest to, . .' - . i , a rfN tral Depots. r , The right" kind of a hotel tn the right locality. In the heart of the theatre dis trict and adjacent to the shopping centres. Positively fireproof. Excellent cuisine and an exceptional orchestra. ; A large

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