-SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 3. 191 J. THE NEWS' AND OBSERVED HYDE HAD BULLY It will pay yoej to wir or 'phono m:::. ilti:o:isc:i Architect end Engineer , - - IdHOJflC TMPL '. . HOLMES & DAWSON Cotton Factors, Norfolk Vu, Bcfor. Placing Your COTTQIJ FDR WEEK TI1I IT. Hi Sf TS. T t Ml . II II II 1 QQD AQVArJGEIfl PDISQIl (CO October 'Selling at 10 1-2 Cents ' or $1 4 a Bale Above Decem ; 4ber's Low ,Level; . Reduced Acreage"vand' Weather Are Factors ; m ; ; . Kew Turfc, April I. Htm. Bisbrr rV-ea wis iwiwi in cottos annag tut um week. ,witb October arlllng m mm or 14 bale bo-lec.o-( vr evel. ' Baying waa quirt (tencm! mhmi n tlw adraace of (he irki' wee, nn.l there 'aseonldrrahie r-a.tln toward to rloee er th wH. H'-ary mj Khuxli - rlearaecea 4 tviteratad reimrta of rlud acreage with tl fitting off ta the u f ferrlier, on .enable weulle-r In iw Boeth sad lailustloua f liePMilnff fl. ttr In tlw dry good trail miHUiiied the aurance, - - W illi dell eerie as March restrict ha neen mm. tua new inn wan-enaai atocg Mrn atradnr nrriNiitiBa'. uow amount log te mm than 143,0U balm. Loral bull feel that with export t the nil of Man! aasreaaUng am re taaa lOuu.Ouo bale. pn au-uoaa or .iui Dale for tit acaaor ar Ukely te ba realised, am If the aun meat Bow aaow tua expected falling off a a nan it er tBe nntiaa Oka-sane Bad report from thed ry gaud trad) bar atreagtbraed coafldeac lit donetlc eon eumptloa ef approximately e.oml.iWM bat. jnumiiDS an uauiarxetea anrniu iroai the areni crop uf about S,7'i.0uu. , 'V'- RALEIGH COTTOW MARKET. . (Reported by Parker Bros, and Co.) - Receipts yesterday, t bales. ; -'- -Good Middling . ....... (-11 Strlcs Middling .. .. ...,.,.. 1-4 Middling- ; . . . . . j. ,, . . , . .1 Low Grades .. , (tot 1-J TUtl Vt'BlNBBS BITCATION. Himi lit Trade Oats Mewly, Bat War - Bfaiii Bad reed fc apart - t aattnse Heawy. - New York, April 2. K. Q. Tuo anil Cum paoy'a ltcrica of Trada tntrraw 111 DaBHnitU trad win aloirlr. but wat ardrra and fnod aximrta rmitlane very brat J and ia all bnuuiuM ut iinjtluaxa. Tba bt adraih- In ruttuu ia a great rrltrf to ina anriaiiB ia laa amaui. -" 1 "A aotabM xpaMaiB mi Min k Mi-Ma '. la a aiannlatlra urrltia bvtb f the lia- . liMftwt IkHMl tHMI Mlalltln anil t4 lu. . OPiWallia Loimm rtt Immm 1' ha a ,.tt. .n In . raraivln all roul-l..aa nxa atiK-k, tra.l Ib atoaaa a romplvta returav to norma ujrkri -OBdltlAaa. "Hank aktatiua-a, rumux-nlat fallarp and other atatlatk-a of baliie art 1 1 rcr-al the wlda ntnt and t-ffa-t of tie dii-idoa mat waa pronutva sr tna war, bat K I . NlaalSt-ant that thaaa llidkVa of trad a. ' tlrltr are aron-lna tatter month ha moatn. It' la noti-worthj that Aiuertcaa banker , are arrnnnlna lent rredlta for Knruiena bnrera af Amerk-aa eoramMllti-a. ' ' . "KettlentrBt at tna waga a'a alt rheet . ana tin piatn woriera. ieraiitiing lnk . fiendeat plnnta to reaura. wan tile untet noteworthy dewaDnient of tha aeek In k 'Iron and atecl. -uonnerani atiTitr Ba iirariiiea ia , , tb retail drr gaoda trade aa,t renorla fruia weatera dtatrlbntlng renter Indli-at .a ateada atoaewat with an lnrreae oa ' la the primarr market, col Ion looda , naea naen arrnnger ana in lirmnr ue- . mana,.nuriu.' uvtngv aiaiiin -aa- lataira "VV boleaalrra are " dlnplarln more la. tereat In the Toot Wear aiarket and -an LilM'reaacd voinaM of bualneaa la bimhi em. peeted. "Hunk Hearing for tlw week totl 13. AiA7frilt a A.paiii at 1.V4 nt aa - iiiim Kit! the Mat weea laat rear. x "Ormnerrlal failure for the week nun ' her T-' nlnt Ml fir the mrrennanl-nt weak laat rear. Failure la t'anaua nnni- bar -47 .mparad-. wuh aft-fur thav.eore anfidlng week a rear . ago. . Far the flrt auarter af I III year buoe-j.Uuse.iu. tolted Mate were 7.Jl.,r 1." "-;IKW ' YORK rpm'lMON-V - New l'prk, April i. Hotter arm; ritweiai aivauy. - ' ET HOODS TAKBT. "' fend at lower price for clothing and .n dreaa nxxl" pnrnoaaa. Certain grade of carpet koola atarm Cotton good arm. Yarn ateady. Kraity ta wear good were la artlrn demand (or Immediate delivery to the retail trade. f - - - ' CHICAGO CATTLE, tfitmgo, April I Hog higher. Hull ui- i n.jvaBu.v?a riN .tivfj.ii pig ".- tSt.fu. Cattl ateady. KaMre tera .OfiRTSr - mwa and heifer J.t7.T5 : calve t.uoti am. O'.a.. a m . i-i-nKa . if en-a '''Mrta raaa wnwirr New Tork. April Mercantile pa iter - aterllng exchange ateady: alxty day bllla 4 77.25; for cable 4.70.93; for da i mind 4.TUI. Hr allear 4S. lik-an dollar W - -' . 15 YEARS IN STATE'S ' PRISOITFOR NEGRO rKTBIMBl'BtO rKANVT MAatBlTf. ' (Bepnrted hy Kodgora, Plammcr and Co. ln-. . - SPANmn ' - Kanaara atock, Mrket aaeM, Me par tMIMhel. i .- VIROINUS , Vu rmera atnek, market ateady. rncy Jamba, e per lb, . , " ' Fancy hand tricked, 8V-jc. patln. " V.ntra nrlma !Hc per lb, '"."". T.BheiHng work 22e per lb. mOKrOI.K COTTOW MAMKBT. -(Keported by Holiaea aad Irawana.l Oood Bilddlliig Witt-; etrtct mltlilltng Oood mtddllng oi4cr"ittrlctJ ' ml.l.lllug Hlc; middling IV; atrirt low nlldilli( . He low middling 8c i market ateady. Civil . Court IWIim at Wllmlnat . Tarday--iamp Ground May He SulO. laaaalat a Tha Ka aad Obanaat.1, Wilmington. April t Judge M. H Justice ei cared tha criminal docket la Superior court In two days and ' hajf and left yaaterday afternoon for hla home at llutherrordton. where ha wrlil remain nntil Monday, when he wilt re turn to open on Tueaday a two weekr ternr fur the trial of civil matter. The grand jury haa not yet completed lta work, ao court merely took A rereaa and will- be allowed to expire by limi tation. The criminal docket waa tea- lured thin term with atorehremklna' and houaebreaklng cna and In nearly every Inatance the defendanU were convicted and aentenced. to the roada or farm. There waa only oa homi cide um at thl term. Comeliua Mc Neill, colored, tendered . a pleav of guilty t of aecond degree murder for atabbinK to death Hobert Keavra, alao rmlored, one night two weeka ago. He waa aentenced to It year In, the mace r penitentiary. There were I number of other cane a of .varying in tereat and Unportance. Judge Justice make thing move In hia court; but doee It In a very quiet way. ' Property . at -ureaent held 'by the city, located on Wrlghtavllle itound. will very probably lie gold and the proceed uned far Improvement' of Ureenneld Fark In the aouthern part of the city. The aound property waa once the camping ground for the North Carolina militia. furwhich pur- poae it waa originally daedeKl. It provided that if the Mtate aneuld ever abandon the property Me a camp aite 1. I . ... ,k. l. u U'i I It huuiu i , ii v . ...I mlngtan Zht .iropcrty iuu been flrM by the city for aevernl years, Kr C. Sldbury, Kao., haa entered-the . property.-, but . tha.. city haa aarved. notic) thai it will content the caae. Hhen he muiref' waa broiiht up In Toum-11 yeetrrday It waa practically decided to aak for Mda for the property, A revolution Introduced in City Council yeaterday by Councilman Wood , to aubmit to a vote , of the people at tha regular municipal elec tion In May the queatton of whether or not the people want, the public water aupply obtained from deep well waa defeated by a vote of tour te two. Membera voting agatnet tha resolu tion cone-- - "atciv all the pie of Wilmington want the water aupply obtain, j ...,m deep well pro trided It ia available and took the po4. tion that thia being ao It would , be uaeleaa -to aubmit the question to vote of the people, and, bealdea there waa danger of ronfuaion resulting; from the election being held at tha ame time of the election for candi date for mayor and councHmen. Tha only thing that ia holding the city back from uainit .neeu.,weU aa .the publio water aupply la the State of Board of Health. Within ten day the work -of build ing a clay-gravel road to Carolina and Wilmington bear he will be com menced by' the contractor, air. C. Humphreya, The work la to bepald for jointly by tha county ana tha companlee owning the beached evelop ments. There are t 1-1 mllee of road to be tnrtrt amt l hl-epected the eon- tract ' will be completed In th late fair 'f . Dr. Abram Simon, of i Waahington, D. C.) a prominent rabid, delivered a public addreaa at the Temple of larael here tonight, being heard by a large audience. He alao made an addreaa at a meeting of the Cape Fear Chap ter Koao Croix, KiM.tttah Rite Maaona. RfcV. O. T. RO V.K TO PK HACH COMMENCEMENT, lalOKMOX Ir. J. V. atnyner WIU DcllveT Addreaa At Mt. Airy f.ranite , fopwlar Ait Hullllng MatrrUI. (aparlal ta The a 4 Ohawewt. Mount Airy, April rRe. O. T. Rowe. of High l'otnt. will preach the annual sermon before .the graded achoole In May. Dr. J. T. Joyner will deliver the eemmencement addreaa. Mra.-B. C mMh and ilttre- eon left on Wedneaday for New york. Male. They go to Join Mr. Bmlth. Whi : In the dairy bualneaa there. . Krom the Indlcatlorm a lot of men In thia city want o trice juet any kind of an office. Mr. J. M. Fulton has begun work re hi hig garage which la to be buM of MC Airy granite. The large-it rnvn Ite building-In Mt. Airy la the Ban ner warehouae. (Iranite ta becomin more and more popular as a building material here. The Fir BaptiaC rTienda and Preebyterlaa churchea are constructed of granite. ' ri4ni ll.nrp tnanacrtAr Ctoneemt Af the Oerroan fleet, la the tnly brothet of Emperor William. NOB FOLK rBANCT MABBBT. Faacy No. 1 Si Ktriirt prime ...... -- a1 VHine ... .... nhelHng. ,'-' ,. -..,vW v 8paik ... .... ............ 6u "ltWasThe;Most Worthwhile Sixteen Months of My n Life," He Sayst ; Atlanta, Ga., April I.-Frederick A. Hyde, formerly a millionaire clubman and bualneaa leader of Oakland. Cali fornia has been released from the Federal penitentiary here after serv ing 1 f months in connection with land frauds and will leave for hla home tomorrow. , Prison official announced today that Hyde left the prison late yesterday. . i'rcsiUeut Wllsorl recently remitted the flaes and coat aaetaaed azalnat Hyde, the total of which never had been definitely determined and which had resulted in hia staying volutarlly In prison' four months after his sen tence had expired. Hyde originally waa aentenced to two year lmprisonemnt but thia waa commuted to a year and a day before he began his term. " Ia taking action In the rase. President Wilson directed that Hyde be released at ones, - .' News of Hyde'a release did not be come public until' late today. In an nouncing hla Intention to leave lo- mororw for Calirornla nyae aaia; ' had a bully Urns In prison. ' It was the most worth-while atzteea months of my life.' -. In lt4 Preeident . Roosevelt order ad an investigation of. alleged land frauds which resulted: in tne in'iicr ment of Hyde and several others on charges of conspiracy to defraud the government out of thousands of acre of land on tha Pacinr coast. Jiyae waa tried and connoted In log. The case attracted attention throughout the country and waa taken before Ute I'filted Htatea Supreme court three time. After a notable legal light Hyde negan Servina; hla" sentence In I-kAkmKA 111 " Application TorTryde'a'parffon "had been nreaented to preaiaent wiimrti, bo when hla sentence expired abo'it. four month ago he rerruunett in VT't nn, dlarlngjbe wauled to be-rxOsaaed through a pardon rather than to b dlfccharged.. Duriug hut Urm Hyd gave money liberally to aMlt in pro viding aporta and recreation for the prisoners. . WOMAN MAIL CARRIER QUITS POSITION TO WED Mlaa KkrtioJaon. of Iredell Marrir faraMV of Iraplla too at y. ' (Hpiml ta Ow M aad Ola ! Btatesville. April S. Miss Akla Nicholson of rHaieevUle, who had the distinction of being one of the very few woman mall carriers In the I'tilted States, will carry the mall no mora. 8hs has decided as housekeep for a LHiplin county farmer.. : Mlaa Nk-holMtn and Mr. W. V. Ferrel of the vicinity of Waraaw were married Wednesday noon. The ceremony waa performed -BCthe lidme" of the bride' fnther. Itr. W. H. Nicholson. Key. C. U McCain officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Ferfell left Wedneaday afternoon for irham. where they will spend a few days with' Mr. Ferrell's sister, Mr. J. U-KusselL before going on to Warsaw. Miss Nicholson had been carrier on rural mall route No. 1 from Ktatesvllle ever- sine the astabllah ment of the route a doxen yeaxa.ago. Etrhient and regular In her work, ahe gave tha best of aatiefactioa. eutdl no rural mall carrier was more popular with the patrons of a route and held In higher esteem than was Mlaa Nicholson. John Hoke, a well known mechanic of the town, fell from a scaffold while at work on a house In East, Slates nils and received very painful In juries. His face, which caught the force of the fall, waa badly bruised and lacerated and It is feared that his noee la broken. Mr. W. ii. Shepherd, former super intendent of the Bradford Knitting Mill of Statesville. left yesterday for New Caatle, Pa, where ha has secured the position as manager of a new hiiaiery mill which' la Just beginning operations. His family will continue to remain In BUteavUle until the close t.f the present term of Stalesvtll Female College, of which his daugh ter ta a member of the graduating class. . SUBMARINE'S ENGINES - AND BOILERS RELIABLE The, urge and Increasing; cotton shipments to' this firm is 'evidence that best results are beinj obtaine4 for shippers. ; - ' Send bv parcel Post actual samptes and vill submit best of fers by-wire or "phone, fivinr quick service. ' Liberal advances on Hills Lading; Private telegraph codes ;sent on request. ; : Servetary Pansris ) Malcmrnt AtU t-Xsifi n iwy With Kaval Coa. strsctor aad Admiral Oriflin. jB Ua iaarlalMI raaa ) Washington, April lv Rear Ad miral Moore. In charge of operations to raise the long submerged K-4. at Hrmotulu cabled Mr the Navy Depart ment today that he was proceeding with the work, pending the arrival at a pedal . diving apparatus and expert divers from New Tork. Tt apparatus waa forwarded - to San Francisco late today to be ahipped to Honolulu on vhe cruiser Maryland, Rear Admiral Moore's dispatch said h 'would not be abls to report any progress for several days" but that he was "maklhg preparations to lift- . ' . The' diving apparatus la due to reach Ran FrancbMO lata Monday Bight and the Ave divers were under orders to proceed Immediately 'to em bark on the Maryland. - That the divers were entirely con fident of their ability to work on the ocean' bed fed feet" or more below the surface, waa Indicated tonight In a statement by Secretary Daniels, al though he said there waa "consider able risk" In diving operations (at such depth. - Secretary Daniel, after a confer ence with Naval Constructor Taylor and Rear Admiral Qrtffln. chief of the bureau of steam engineering. Issued another statement replying to what he considered unwarranted criticisms as to the condition of the submarine's engines and boilers. "Cause assigned for the loss of the F-4" he said, "are that her engines were pY poor design and that her bat tery required overhauling. The enitin were In' every way reliable and were In Rood working condition. Recent report from the K-4 ahow that both engine were In excellent condition during a 44-hour run. As to the battery a report of January 11& etalee that an overhaul had been completed and thatthe..butterjt..waa..in gCoS condition.1' ' To IW Diving The Today. Honolulu, April 1. Kepeajed teste were Jrnade "today of Tlhe''dlyiniLiuBe con)tru'tedTy" englneenTTor the pur puae of. facilitating the work of rail ing the submarine F-4. It Is understood the tube proved satisfactory end It la. expected that the divers will use It tomorrow at the spot where tha F-4 Is believed to have been located,.. . A movement was begun in Honolulu today to raise a relief fund .for families of tha crew entombed la th submarine, - EAST SPENCER IS TO HAVE ELECTRICXIGHTS Rowan A. M. Alumni Assoctathin f'muinl i Mto Coaides Apply tor Marriage Lsvcnaca, tsaartal Is Ta tteai aad Ohaanarl. Haliabury, April 1. Tha town of East Spencer la to have electric lights. A contract for lfr years has been sign ed with the North Carolina Public Ser vice Co., arid a plant will be Installed at onco. . . . The Rowan county A. A M. alumni association haa been organised with John K. Ramsey, president; 8. U Foard, vice prea,Jnt, and J. H. Rob ertson, secretary. Mr.' jamoa H. McKenaie, who was for a number of years sheriff of How- an county, has been appointed a dep uty marahall under Marshall Webb. One result of the large gathering at the county commencement here yes terday was the - application of five couples for .marrlaga licenses, It -wae4- the nrst time slues Register Degton haa been In office that applicants had to Una up and await their turn. ,-Mra, Charles Coulter-of - Vancouver, -wore a pedometer for one month, at the end of which time ahe found that she had walked more than 4Q0 miles In doing her household duties, lLiskvTa.-' . DONT DELAY START NOW Money - deposited:, today! will draw interest from 'A'. II a -a lii.jj.ii. i- a. , rt-pnt xsc una u ouuea to nrst r of PAch rnnnth mpnns fnm.7 . fort and pleasure and inde pendence in old age. Savings Department TIIF COMMEItCIAL , NATIONAL BANK Capital $300,000.00 ' CBAS. F- JOHNSON. W. . ONia, Vlce-rraa. 7 F. M. BBIOO. OaahUe I. B. (JJaWBaVLAsVaV THE RAIBGU BAIiKDi'G AliD TRUST CO. Started in 1865, and still doing business at the same location. Hasjoaidjnjpr nearly. . .. .... I .TWO MILLION DOLLARS . Has never lost a Dollar for a Depositor or a Stockholder. . WESOUOT BUSINESS FROM ALL, WHETHER; v i LARGE OR SMALL. v ffcaa B. Vabaaea , . Jone Jam A. H riff a T. B. Crowe . F. Ol Marina Cary E. Durfey DIKICTOkB Alfred Wlltlama W. A. Uaehsa J. R. Chambariais C. W. Home R. Norrla Jeka W. Uardea. STILL HI THE LEAD m jo anui un rssuma cospakt keapa Its leading poet flow ' 1) Removing restrlcUona from policy contracts as to Military and naval Service; (1) Offering aa attractive Total Disability Clause In policies. If - desired; - - (I) Reducing Its already low paj-tlcrpatlng remrum-rales" byaeT average of nearly Ten PER CENT (1 per cent) tt has the Lowest Net Cost Record The Wide World Over." " For the BEST la J4f Insuranc. you must get It b THE UNION CENTRAL, Writ to - Carey J. Hunter & Brother, State Agent, r iitc Ilz-ZIZZ-RALEIGH. W. C. : -r-r- - m mm t!-"as BBsmBB aaaaaiBBBBaaam . .anaamBamBBSSB eMmmsasajsamB . aaa T O - D A il . t . Is the last day of "grace" irr this interest quarter. Any ,. deposit, We are open today from 9 to 2 and from 5 to o. ' ;. Don't let this chance slip by. ' - . , . ' " 4co Compounded Quarterly 4, The Raleigh Savings Bank & Trust Co. inniuiuiiiuiiiiiuniinumuiuinnwnun i L - 1 , ri aiiinninuunnniBiiuiuiiiuHiiiiiniiinuiniu SEMI . PASTE - PAINT .One gallon makes two. Alanuf actured by TANNER PAINT & OIL COMPANY, P. 0. Box 498 Richmond. Va, " BRINGING UP FATHER By GEORGE McMANUS The. Rrn c .vt-u HAVE YOOR CHOICE OF EITVtrpj -rur flriE PIUOWO? VHAT H FOOL VJZ NOT " -rl " 1 aajaaaaasMaasaaassmaaBaas-maasssBa ,. , - . . .iii.ii, , , . , ,. , -, , , i ' i a if .l.i ii if t i ! I'M Cn-TOC- I 1 U- LOOK TOO A- ' T i '"C. IW, rvr,N,vCnC t A v- wr . - r . : t I arr Jt ----- i i vst i . r wuPN.Ue .vr- I r n i i i - e-c a r-5 v - v I I ' I ' I , II -"6 I I I I i F, m--.l h ' 7 ft - - -Is U 1 mi 1 intVAbE! J V, ' I "T II StE THE -.'.IkU-- ' ? :U " sa. V - i- IJ , . II Ik . ill ill s

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