WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 91 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER It COnOIJGQESTO HIGHEntEVEL After -arly - Decline Marktf Closes Five. To Nine Points NetAdvance . ; . UTEiFLtYJNJUVERPOOL firmness New". Orieans, and " : (Mihued" Activity of Stock : Marlcet-' Probably Promoted 'v Buyirtg On Rally? Easier Ten oencyl irt Market For Marine r Risks Mew Trk,'Apra M.-A4 earvr decline "' waa'atore tbaa recovered la cotton -today wltk the cleee steady at A lot advaaea of tot point. .,-..... Tkrre was a it nasal ef realising and ecattered eeUlag which eVattoped yeetrr- day, -aad after epeelng at a darttn f I ta 4 potsta, ectlee avwtha eci-t I w I potaU udrr yesterday's rkMria;. Kuljr wHkwai in Liverpool sad lap art of good weather Booth probably proaaotnl IM early aelllag BBoreatrat. but at lb Jr. Hoe 10.4 for tjrteber, ar aboat S3 potato der Uoariay's bigb record a, enVi.Dte taper ed ef aed tka aarket boob tarorl ateed r. A ,late tally la Liverpool, Braiuott la New tH-leana aad rontlaaeri' artlrit.-r and t resets of the (took aiarkrt probably 'preaaoted baying a IM rally. Near montba were reiatltely arm oa IM eura.-e ra hart covering while thrrt were rumors tnat-eoatnrra epot dealers were in atone nmrluf Marrh roatraof a ewKa ta auDrearaaion tbat tbrlr coro.i wmlH aot pesa roatrart requlreaarata. Perliles noma af the larger epot iBtersftle were credited with Knilr pmchun of "Mober aad Jieocwber, aed the market mII alx ta -twerre point art blsbre la law traulaa Kruarta of aa eaalrr Mdw; la tar mar ket tor marine riaka, combined ail1! I ae ronOaurd fall port ret-Hpta lad to ra'a.r stoat Ofrtlnrlrttr pradtrtlana aa n rlrar aar for-tlia rraialrwlra M Ut iitaatiii - Patnraa rtoatd ataaity : riaaat. Bten.lxt'r. (.r. May Jo tt.TTi .m a. Ti a. km lo.m M.40 lo.xi M.04 lo. ia w.ra iu.44 a L J a Jan.' .. 10 M W.TS w.n jo. to v.T KI.XS 1U.7U M.MS mldilllaaj aplaada Hjjot ruUa( iWt; 8alca'3S Wra.- SKW OKLKAKa COTTOX. Kaar twlraaa, Uk. April U Wliila rot- turn ant Ivarar la tba rarly tradlac today tt qab-kly tm iiaarad aad oorkc! up to a art aaraatoa. rlua wKhla v point of la ton, at a art HaV, tti U ilnta. It wu a qnb-t anudoa alia fr roatrai u for air. A aaadvrat oVauM arl In main tain trim i Tba anarkat at arat laflurural by anfanrabla aablra froaa "'l- bat the laarrat prWva wvra only fvar t- alx iiolata undrr yaatmlay'a' rloaa, llr roaili tktaa rarr rnaalilarad faal)lt aliboncb tba bulla rlalmrd tba tl aoal-d rain, and urn of tba arlllnc ara dM tn thla raW. Idtrrt' boarcrrr, tba frar thnt h (rat Horaramrae' ywr- rai m ry- ta raaaua. ta ba Iraord tomorrow, nla'it contain tin faaarabla -rafrraaoa to Ja-ka r;nrra uf tbr araanii, araa a olfrunUD-ta; taUuraia. Jtalilab arntlutrnt wt 'otrr by lrKi1a from -Nr JCaylaaa) alli. abaariaa' moat ' nnmptrama luiaipaaa n Ji' lmln( af potav J Fnturalar4-.May lalj .M: Oct 10. i ff.-ia.4H ian. J1 Ji. - - Knot rottoa ateady, I : Mlllla Kalra aa ttu apat t4MT bal?; H arr Tt 3. ; : UTKBPOOL rOTTOlT. iJyarpWt. iirir l-iVaror-BawT auad ailddllat a.Ol; aalddluut 6 6: low mlddlrae- ST. . Halra) MMl; fur acllloo aad txport AIM. Krratpta a-'Uaai. Vataraa : May-Jnar 5 4 S: Juor- .Tttlr 5.711: jHlr-Auir. 3 TVL,: Vi it. -Not. VM; Jaa. krh. f.o: Marrb-Aprtl tl.uiS, COTTON aKED OlIU Srm Tork. April 1.1. 4'atto ward oil m.a rtraily on arattrrrd Uqal'UttM on tLr ilrrlla. in Mrd. . Cloaad 8 to U pnlata art Vrtrrr. Tor .krft cl.rjrl araak. A ld: An il rl.ouiBd.ffl: Ml -1 a .03: Jan .7r.TV; inly i.l.!w7.W: Hrt-. T.14i7.W: ta-t T.I2 S7.M: Nov. .Mr.aB. Total aalra H.uuO. OatT OOODM MABKCT. si York. Ai.rU I.T. 4ttoa irooala war mnc ttxlaj. Vara arm. I'rcaa aooda aad lum'i-Krvarrltt Uckt tlrraaad. Mika qaart ind rrlrat .'rlhboaa a-tlrr. Jortbrra rr parfad a IMity trade fit tlUa pr ritxl af brlr araaOBM' .' ' ' 1 . . JtW TOKK MOKKT. tar York, AprtT 13. )livanlllr papay "it. mrrilnar ayrkaaaa ataadlrr: alxty day ilia 4 : for ranira rur o--aaad 4.T4.M. Bar atlrvr 4aV . ' . Mrxb-aa dllar !. '. tjorrmaurnt boada ataadv.. -. .Railroad bonda arady. V?- Tltua loana xtmaavr; alx' v II i V'Mt: 1 ilartr 4a j Sal 5V, ; atf WHtStM wa'. t i.ail Bmory anal ntitaa rata W EaTEBM LIT LIVE aTM K. 1 weak: bulk ! Cliiraro. III.. April 1.1 M.afa 7.riiT.4u: llabt T : r. t. . t ": 1. 40: heavy a.ui4T.10: roatb d.uo7.0il: pirn ri.ftMfT.Hfc- Cattle, atmtly: aatlye "berf M.r t 1 a.TM: waarere eteera b.duw7.4i)- row a. and brtfrra s.MPMa.uu; rarraa a.on f. I Plieat, wrak: abrrp T.bKC :- 'asaba a.t)4,i.nn. ) !IW VOBK PBOVIamN 'I New Vrk. Aorll I IX- Hair at r rtr:n: 7: rtiiird .alrlfnaal 4.04: V' ateady. Hntler ld riwaj eteadr. put r- ttr aoletl Bio So. tot Xo. 4. MV. 1. ran- XATAL PTOBKa, baraaaab. Ma. April 19 Tarjaat't b.ia J: aalra 134; rareipta US; nblpaaeal" 3M: atarka .JtC KoaiBi Jtrm: aalee Vt.V: rlHa 7l; ahlpaaeaita H.A47: aloi-fca W.TSi. onote: A. B. .!H; C, I) K .: ri.M: a J..T7S: . I. K J.Jn m i.i.,: S J. la; Wtl .. WW i.dS. DAILT COTTOM TAatLaW kMi ia i Kew OHearw; Ml.l.lMra .T7; ravel pta 11,- Mtlea y.ta: antra n.v.t. ia7.; nnwui r.Mr aalra Ha atork 407a7. Hnaiir: Miooiiaa . i . - . i .w , lporta B.M: aalra 7S at k SXVJK Haraaah: Mlddllna U; randpta ,14d; tlea l.tCW: aUak li.rua. ' Cbarleataa: MMdllaa astfbt,; pardliAa UTl: aalr. MM: t-w-k alTa. Wilmlnatan: iMMdilat reratpta SIS: nark, Norfolk: elWdllna J.U: raerlta 1131: 'lea 1.4al: ata-k rut. , ' . Hi.ltlo.ora: Ml.lilllna : atorl tJITi. 7 Itaofaa:- Mllllait' I0M; ravatpta bol: rximria S047: atork lSJiax Phlladrtpba: Mlddtlad t.0: rrrat pta .- , Srw'TorV:. atUdllna; 10.15: rarclpta at: ailaa A; atork 17-ana. ' - noor rwrta: Berrlpto 4.71 : ax porta Un: atork MM. Total today : tteratpta 403i; export, BU; ato.k L41M-7. j - - i--t- t ' BatdbfatdBf aVWaJatBaL. Iloaatoa: Mlddliaa 73: rerolpta aalra 154.'.; aior Itl.tW. MraaphU: Mlddttaa P1X; rar4pta -ta; tklpaarnta ,a47: au-a Kaa); aur-k 17T..4W jtiiaoatat Miauiina a rrrr,pt kit - alilpainita lit:: Mia-a 1.444: atork tJiTTS. at. Uoiala: MUMIIaa W: racadpta 4,Va; abli meara 1.TS1 : atork .da. . . t'ln.-lna.U: BerHpta ablpmaata JC"; at'ulr l..l. .'-- ' Little ,t l Vl.ldTrn .0Prrr4pla : - gMi.nWata ill: at-k - T'.tal Id.) : K-rlpta WUS; aaUpaaraU nili Muck K5,;a. BETHLEHEM STEEL STOCK FEATURE Gains One Point 'After Wild ; Range'of 32 Points; : Some Leading Issued Which Fol- ; , lowed Lead Close at Net Losses . . , ' - Kaw Tark. April ML WUd aad artltrt prralatiou la aafaiitlaa aa raaaaMd to day aadar lead of HaCbMma Htrrl. arhlrk aa aad frll arttaia a ranaa of 8 point, aad rtoaad arltk a art arala of our i ron, Ita hlarb prW of 1.15, raronlrdrald way of tka afternoon arnica, It radially ylrlded tea poluta but towarda tba aad Ita fall aaaaaaad wider proportioae, derllalim ba ta aad aaUUaa; at 1ft. All bn.ti.-baa of the atok la arklcb bad aaid forward with Bt1-. brat Kt.-I aarllrr la tba day want atom t late ap aat by tba aeeere break, ani.-m leading ta aara lindkaa; atnra tbaa INair um aa.I rtoataa wttb Bet loae. I e'.i jt'W" aa a ola war dlattactly farorabHt ta tb roeMtrarrlra aide. inrluUlna- prara ru aaora froaa Waablaatoa aud laaa ofrlcUU ajuartrra, aad anotber la rite eayaarniewt of sold la tba utieat for traaaialnaloa Tha bond aaarkat mored eontrarlly tli raaatar part af.tae aeaaioa, Ita Irrra-nlar-Ity belna doe to weakBea in an me of tba aperulaUaa laaaea, - Total aalra, par value, aCKrtfatid f3. laited Btatea Boada nnohaaaed oa roll, XBW TOM STOCK LIMT. Kalea tir Uaudrrda. Hivb. Low. Cloar. Anal. Copper ,7W TO M .Hl 4S a 71 lri 1iS ! rti i nj 7dt vw a-Hta Am. Aarl. , . . Aaa. Caa Aai. r. aad K. , . Ant. CUwa nfd. . . Am. Cat. Oil . . . Ana. Kmrlt. . . . Am. (taaff Abl anaar Ana. Tel. aad Tel, Am. Tobacco . , AU-blaoa At. Caaat L. . , HaltL and Obi" . t 'aoadlaa I'arlfle . Ceatral Lawther . jti .li . &' '. 21 .ir . i . 'J . 3 . 3K 1 .107 . 41 . TO s.i'i 94 it Alt. 4n M 1IC1'. m ni ltM KVi 112 17S V t'hea. aad oblo Stl 4.1. 4T, .. MU. and Pf, r. . 74 - -Ha Rrle , . 170 -.tlTi noneral Tier. . Jt. Nor. pfd. . . IlllBola Central , . Inter -Mr, ptd. w K. ttty. Hon. ,--. , . r. T51U - . 43 K0 . S ltiu -ISkj To . lu rW 1H m lit", J'ja) lieiU KM 2.-i LeblKb Valley 141 Loula. aad Naab... S UlS llH 11 Llavett and Myera a ri4 Lorlllard Co. M , Kan. and Tex. Mia. 1-a. lOc . . Max. I'at. . . . N. T. Central . . N.T-N.II. aad H. Nor. and Wwl. . Nor. I'aolflr . . I'eotiaylvanla . . , Krailluy .. It. I. and Utrel . . . IS .1X1 .ll . v. . n .-OS . St4 .3A4 1.1 i. In v, S3 T7 tiiS 01 1 ltd Ifwv van, va w I 1 T I6i; 1M4 H4 1WU lia4 1-it :' 1 14M to It 24, M'i V I i.iy 4tH !l WIVi, W ( ten 111 1 1WS K. I. and rlteel pfd.. Mora tula nil Co. T H. L Cn. nfd .... 2T K L and M.r'JM pfd. 1 Deaboard A. L. K A. U urn. . H. It, a. and I run Hontbera Tar. . Hoa. By. . . . Ha. Rr. pfd. . . S 41 , 4ni Ibl 1MH ih'4 w tin 1KI - mat OK 4 .T7 X 1 3 n'6 . 70 Traoeaaee Cop. . Tetaa Co. . . . Tax. and Tar. . 1 14 . 14 .(11 .104.1 . 11 ,tm . w . w ..4U HIV l abm Partae . V. P. Wee! . . . 1'. P. Ptael pfd. . I 'tab Copper . Vlr Car. Cbaaa. Wretrrn Tnloa . Beth. Ittael . . . ivTr M to IDA in4 IS 1!4 Am. I tret Parar Ml 47 ToUl aalra for tha day l,loa.nflO abarea. NOBrOLK MtANrT MABEXT. .' Faary -Kor A -,, Htrh-t prima prima , ."..".. ",.i9 ! Phelltoa .. .. apaalab .v . . . rETKBABrBO PEANCT MAEEET. (Reported by Bodfera, Plammar aad Co. I nr.) SPA-vmn raraiera atotk. aiarkel ateady. SSr tier btraheL VIRtHNl AB Parawra atork, market ateady. Nfaary Jambo Sc per lb. Fanry baad-ptrked 4Va per lb. r.ttra prime ar per id. btUU atork i4 par lb. akM b h manw laeA ,MAiil,t(Afi, In Holland for tha promotion of bulb culture. v Wood's Trade Mark Clover and 1 Grass Seeds are best qualities obtainable, of high tested germination and iHirity' .'j '. WOOD'S DESCRlTflVE CATALOG for 1915 gives the fullest in formation about. Grasses and Clovers, best methods of preparation, seeding, etc. to ecure good stands and good crops. Mailed on request. . Writ for CattJoc, Bad -price of any Grass and Clover Seed. Seed Grain or Seed ' Potatoes required. T.W.WOOD O SONS SEEDSXEf, - tlchmoadaVa. aNTiiaiaa!MtttaiitiapiiaiifftatttfiiKiiiia,itpttiaai ( junuiimiMliiiiinii lliaialliliuuaiMlituialuaitMitg II 4 - Loans Based i l! Jl til nil coticfoAfAFtf f "3 tirxA hfllflnrp will hA I J - 3 airyf vtf f Via li Rrst National 1 . " r x M , Oanli - a 3 - 1 i i . a T- t i tr. 1 1 ox Aicnmona, vs. 1 1 1 f I 1 Capita and Surplus II $3,000,000.00 ' f 1 l J--- I J " ' rraaoje to 't'"t i Bail ? 1 1 eeitv rtfat it I v aaa v tl eftt I 'tt ttrtt r -- jh rtmt r 44Utar44A(f U'HtiNteMiu totat 4 aM'M,M( aa(tad IS Signs That'- Pointed To Oe- crease rln.. Demand .Put , Wheat On Lo wer Level; Oliv er Leading . Staples Show ' Net Decline' ,v 1 Cblcaia. IIU April IS rlta-aa loat iolut ad to inx-rraaa la denaaad mupr ;baa wlpad aot aa tarry adyaara w what:. Cloard weak S to a. aadar laat ularbt. tKbar lratll ataiilra atiowed a art 'W rllae, rora W to oat a "i to 'fc aa l protbdoBa to TV to M rent a. Oram aad prorlaiona t-loaad: - . WHEAT '" kl.jr jrott: Jaly Mar Tt; Jaly 11. DAT Hay 9t; Jaly M'. PtlRK , May 17 Jnly 17. LAR1 ' ' May W.1S; Jaly 37. EIHaCr .. May 10.07: July N.I7 Caab crala: WHKAT No. 8 red 15T. 1 No. t bard 1S7HUK CBJI No. 3 yellow 734074. MAKTI.V UUSIEKT MILL AND OT11KR VALU.UJLK PROPtltTV a FOK H.M.K. t'ndar and by vlrtoa ff an Ordar'of tna auperltir Ctiurt of Wake county, mad a In 'tha npecUi procotdinr n tltlad, "Erneat M. Martin at al. v. Mra. Valarla Martin at ai,M tha tmma bains Ko. Z0S7 upon tha apeclal pro oeedlnif docket of aald court, the un deralrned comtnlaalonrr will on Thura day. the 16th day of April, 1116. at 12:00 o'clock, m at tha rourt houat door tn Kalelgh, N. C. ofTef for aale to tha hlgheat bldJera for caah thoa certain lota or parcela of land In tha city of RalaiRh, N. V... mora partlcu- larly deacribrd aa followa: Firat Parcal: Beginning at John L.' Btona'a corner, on tha aoutn alda - uf Johnaton atraet; runa with laid atreet weat about 7 feat to tha cornar of W. W. .Vaa lot: thane aouthwnrdly with Vaaa' line about ISO fact to J. T. Tlmberlake'a line; thence eaatta.rdly with Timbtrlaka'a lino about iO feet to John U rltone'a Una; thence with Stone'a Jlna about 11? (eat, to Johturton atrwat. the point of bralnnina. r)ee Book 71, pap-e It I, in tha office of the Hat-later of Doeda of Wk0 County. Beooud Parcel: Beginning at a point In the. north alda p( Johnaton at root ( BaJntalny'a aouthweat cornar): runa thanca 70 feet weat along Johnaton atreet; thence porth tn a line per pendicular to . Johnaton atreet 111 feat I tnchea; thence eaat parallel with Johnaton atreet 7 feet: thenoe aouth parallel with aecnnd line 111 feet 1 iachea to'tho IkeEthnlnr; twInE part of lot No. Ill In tha flan (Hhaf far'aMap) of tba City of Kaleit-h, antl bblng lot No. I of the W nr. Y ear by land. Bee Rook 101. pace 111, aald Kegteter'a offlce. Third Parcel: BeglnnlnK at a. point In the weat em line of Halnt alnar'a lot (111 feet I tnchea north of Johnaton atreet ) the aaid point ba in tha northeaat corner of lot No. I (now owned by J. B. Martini ot tha Wm. Tearby landa: nana thence, weat alonar tha northern Una of aald lot No. S. and parallel with Johnaton atreet, TO feet; thanca north In a Una perpendicular to Johnaton atreet 70 feet; thence eaat parallel With tha flrat line 7 feet; thene aouth parallel with the areond line TO feeet to tha bennnlnr: being part of lot No. Ill In tha l'lan 8ha(Tere Map) of aald city and lot No. I of the Wm. Tearby landa. nee Hook loo, para ixa. aaia Heirlater'i ofllca- Fourth Parcel: Beginniny at a point (the northeaat oorner of lot No. I of the Wm. Tearby landa 1: runa thence weetwardly along tha north line of aaid lot No, I. 70 feat; thence north In . Una perpendicular to Johnaton atreet 14 fret i Inchee; thence eaat paraMel with flrat Una 70 feet; thence aouth parallel wtin .aao ond Una 14 feet I Inchee to tha begin ning: helnr Dart of lot No. Ill In ttat plan ftthaffer'a Map) of tha city of Italelgh, and being rot mo. oi ma Wm. Yearby landa Bee Book 111, pace 111, aal4 Keg later" a Office. Fifth Parcel: Brgtnnln- at a point (that northeaat Corner of lot No. 4 of the Wm. Ifeerby landa i; runa thence weat along the north Una of aald lot No. 4, 71 feet; thane north perpen dicular to Johnaten a feet 71 feet 14 Inchea: theno eaat parallel with flrat' line ' 71 feet; thence aouth parallel with aecond Una ft feet 14 Inchea to the beginni; peine part of lot Mo. 114 in tha plan (BhafCer'i Map) of the rlty of Maleierr. aad lietnaj lot No. S of the Wm.. Taarbjr landa.. Hoa Book 101. paira 124. The property will be auMlrlded an 1 offered In aurh aubdlvtaiona, and) alao aa. a r.-hole. Map thereof m y bo Been at aald commlaadoner'a'offtc. Alt of the machinery, fixture, ap. paratua and equipment uted In con nection with the mill building known aa tha Martin Hoaiery Mllla, and which hi attached to tha mill build ing, wilt alao be offered for aaOe by the aald oohnmuBrionea at tha aame time and place and upon the aame terma, but the aame will be offered separately,-and) the mill bulldirnr and lot WIH alao -be offered aeparately from the aald machinery, and then tha aaid mill building and lot will be of fered . Uiaet her , with amid machinery and apparatua The aala will ba aubject to confirm ation by the court. --J Thla 14th day of March, Hit. , , B, N. SIMM. Cotnnualaoner. 141-141' Tucker Building, Raleigh, N. C . I I II, la, Jf; t. S. 1UU" . . i Tl- 'i jii' CICHECTpL3Pll,lr3 rufe i. a4 aa4 ti-i4 aWS7 Wm. a-M -raa ko J faaa a. eiBaa. r at yae w ...! aiavaa aaasa riL4a,a aa. CROCKER-WHEELER 4 3Iotor and Generalors N. L-WALKER, Repr. Masonic.Temple, Raleigh. ST. IIARY'S "SCHOOL y : 1 BanaBmoaaBamx" aBBB W . lIanVQE8 ASaUOJI V XM OKSn OS . AITTOOaVTIO cn.cio.u.uY do bonders myour HOME HERE is no other varnish to compare with Valspar, because it is really waterproof. And it dries overnight : Guaranteed to last longer than any other indoor or outdoor var nish. Ideal for furniture, bathroom, kitchen, etc. BART-WAHD HARDWARE CO. Raleigh, N. C Bt Flowers For All Occasions a Wo grow threa. Roana, Valllra, Vaolrta and Carnatlona a aperlahy. Wedding and Funeral Ftowera ar ranged Ta the tatcat artkatic atylr. Hiooenlng Po4 Plantai Ftarna, Palana and aaany tether aloe planU for the bower. WrUe for Hprlng Frtoa ttat of Roa bualtra, Khrwb. bertte. Heabre naata, ainmn.aa and tOaade Treea. -WR RCSIJfESS IS 45ROW1NO. Mall. Triecraph and THeptton . ordera protnptly executed by J. L O'Quiiin &Co. RAtiQan, x. c. rtyaaai More 4S, trnarubotaaea 141. NOTICE OF 8 ALU The undaralgned will la accordance with the authority conferred In him by a deed of truatfrom M. T. I each to the under al an ed aa trustee to ae cure the indrbtednraa now unpaid and paat due, aaid dead of truat ba inar reglatered In Hook 141. at page 40. In ttie offlce f the Keglater .... of Deede for Wake county, offer for pub lic aal to tha higheat bidder for caah, at tha court houee door, in the city of Raleigh, at 11 o'olnck noon, oa Mon day, tha Ird of May, If 11. tha fol lowing property, lyina and being In the city of Raleigh, and further do acrlbed aa followa: All that kit of land with the atnre house No. Ill a Wilmington atreet, between Eaat Harnett and. Eaat Mar tin atreeta In Halelgh, N. C, being a pert of the lot No. lll, In U plan (cthaffer'a Map) of aaid city, adjoining- tha landa formerly belonging to B. F. Moore. Daniel O. Fowle and other, and bounded by a tin aa fol lowa: . Beginning bt a point on Wilming ton atreet, at the north wee earner vt the atore formerly belonging to J. ft. Bunting aald point brlt.g at the middle of the northern wall running east and weat of aaid Boating atore houee, runa thane north to the eaat line of aald Wilmington atreet XI feet, tbenoe eaat In a line perpendicular' to the aald Wilmington atreet, ill feet with the Moore and Fowle line, thence aouth It feet (the Uat lire feet along the line of Unchurch 4t Dodd atote: to the corner of the Bunting lot: thenoe with the Bunting lot, aa the earn waa before the aala of tha lot now described. Ill feet to the be ginning, and bains the earn lot de acribrd In the deed from Bart M. (jelling. W. J. Perla and Krnoat Hay wood, xrommiealonere, to M. T. Leaoh. regiatared In the nfUc of the Hegia ter of Ieeda for Wake county. N. C. Thla the let day of April. IIU. WM. K. PACE. - - 'Tmeto- . 4-I-J0t. -" ; : fraiixk. Ti:o:.iso:r Architect snd Engineer j MASONIC. TKMFUk: I Ratetch, n. C NQTiC.B TO CREPITORa.s ' Having qualified aa executor r.f the estate uf Annie Maria Maclean, de ceased, late of Wake rounty. North Carolina, this la to notify all persona haying elaima against the estate of aaid deceaaed to exhibit them to the anderalgned or hia attorneye at Ral eigh. N.-C on or tNMore the I4th day of March. 1414, or trite notle win be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to the estate will pleaes make Immediate payment. Thla the 14th day of March. 1)15. CORN ELI LB MAULB.NN, Executor of Annie Maria bfaglenn CI4ARK aV BROVOtlTON. ; --l V- ; , Attcraaya. I-S4-I awvw. NoKrev- fiale of Male and nrwwea, .. Road MaK-biaara, nafnaa, Xe. "'' Cm Monday, the llth day of April. 1I1S. at the court hone door ta Jack, eon. North Carolina, beginning-at 11 o'clock a. nu. w will sell for caah by public auction to the highest bidder the following property: - : . ' Ftfteea'nead of mules, three aornee. four road tnachlnea. oa roller, Br wagon a, flra road draaa, three dirt acoopa. oae dirt wheeler, one road plow, seventeen sets of harness, one dynamite battery, a large quantity of ehovela and axes, Ave etovea, one kitchen on wheels, one house on wheel a. four or litre tenta, a lot of bridge lumber) one cart, a lot of eul verta foy bridgea, three campa er the houaea and at u hies need for ramie, one block and fall, one eroaa out aaw, several gravel pita and rights, and all other property belonging to the Board of County Road Commtsatanere of Northampton county aa such. Thia aale ia to include all property of the aald Hoed Commlaalonera held by them aa auch aad ia being made for the purpose of making divlaloa or the p roc rede of the sale among the town ahlpa as provided by-he act of the Oeneral Assembly for tha year till. Thia la an important aale and much valuable property will be sold. Thin the 6th day of April. 1115. J. O. FLTTHJC, R. F, BARNKH, U L. TATLOR, Koad Commlaalonera of Northampton County. 4-tf-4t. . CIT OF RALEIOH PRIMART ELECTION CANDIDATES I. W. H. Sawyer. City Clark of the City of Ralelah. purauant to and ac cording to the requirements, of Article Mil. Bectlon If or the city charter of the city of Raleigh, do hereby certify that the following nam ed candidate for office In the primary election to be held on April llth. 1411. fur city offices have filed with ma due notice of their candidacy aa required In aald aection 1; and that their name will appear on the pri mary ballot to be uaed In aald pri mary alphabetically aa required in aaid aection aa Tollowe: Candidate for nomination " for mayor, commissioner of public safety, rommlealoner of public worka and Judge of the city court-of Raleigh: - For Mayor C- H. Andereo W. A. Cooper. Jas. I. Johneon. For Coanmbaaoatrr of Habile Kafety. D. F. Crinkler, J. H. Ooeney, F. H. Hunnlcutt, O. a. King, John M. Monle Jr.. (Jeo T. Norwood. - - For ( 'onimiiowr of Public Worka Richard H: Meawell. Oeo. F. Hymo. For Judge of the City town of Hal rlghr W. C. Harria. In Testimony whereof t have here unto aet my hand and affixed tha seal of said city of Raleigh thla 14th day of April, lllli W. H. 8AWTER. City Clerk of Raleigh 4-11-lt. SALE OF VALUABLES REAL EHTATE. ::.By authority of a deed of trust from M. T. Leach to J. D. Turner, Truatee, recorded in Book 24a page II, records of th Regtater of Ieede offlce for Wake county, I will aril to tha higheat bidder for caah on Thure day. tha Sth day of May. Ill It. at twelve o'clock M. at the court house door of Wake oountyV Raleigh, N. C, a certain parrel of land with Im provements thereon attuated In th City of Raleigh, N. C. and beginning atan Iran etaka at the aoutheast Oor ner of Blount and Fallen atreeta, and runa thence south along the eaat aiiie of Blount atreet 74 feet to an Iron atake: thence Beat ltl a line arriel with Fullen atreet 14G feet to a atake; thence North in a line parallel with Blount street 70 feet to an Iron atake on Fullen atreet; thence Weat along the aouth aide of Fallen street 141 feet to the beginning, being lota num bered 1V 11. 11. II. 1 and 16 aa ahown nn plot of New Market house alte of the city of Raleigh, S. C, reg latered In Book at Maps 1111, page 41. record a of the Register of tNreda office for Wake county. J. U. TURNER. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY TBB rBOOBgoaita, BAAXaTAE OF TBB , Nk , BOGta. Tralas taata Bakuga as follows Ms a. 1U7 A. M. Tbrauga Paiunaaa fat Rk'baioad. Waabtagtoa aad Maw Vera. Mo. IIMA Mr-Tareagk Faluaaaa for BlchaioB. - Me. a, 4 40 A. Mr-TbrotElj Pailaaaat frsia Rlcbawad ta Haaalet, Pertaaaoutb ta Cbarlotte. parking ap Plrauagbaai aad btrmptla ateenara at Ha a, let. Ma. 1. t A. S(r-Tkrou Pallnuiaa for Oluaibla. aavaaaab. Jarkaaartlla, aad Tampa; Florida, nirailaabaai and Manphla Bletptra for Ptnalagbaai aad Mcaapbia baniiled from Baailet aa Mo. - 51 lk .M-Tbroaga trala ta Charlotte aad Bntberferdtoa, M. C Mo! IS, lit! A. H. Tbroagh trala for NorfaTk. Portaanoatb; alae tbroagh parlor .t,,.a Was. Mo. 4. :U P. M. Thro ax b fvllaiaaa for Elrhatead. waabiagtoa. New Tork aad MoT U. 439 P. bt Tbranyb trala for A 1 1 d ta. iUrm U( kaaa, Beatb aad Boata- Mo. M. 4.4a P M rroat atttrfordto. Caarlutta aad HaailaC Mo. . 0 P7 M. Loral for Wjldoa and latrraeClate points dally esorpt aaday. Mo. I 40 1- IL Pollmaaa for Jaekooe. Vtiie aad AtUatt making eoBBeetloa for Fiorina polntas Taaipa and Cuba. Atlanta sleeper btBdlef tm No. 11 fna, Baailat. Taroasb tratra carry all eterl electrical ly righted eqrlpaaeat. wltk ateal dlaaare, aaeale a kt eaat. . . Per tlrheta pwllmaa reaerrarloaa aad ta onaarioa. call at Me. 4 Weat Martla atreet, h Baateta. V - tt. P. a ta.lHri W O. ENGRAVED Wedding Invitation and Vhritlng Cards almost aa CHXAP aa Frlat- 4fHV Wrt4 U-W4i U li U Um tad! Book & SUbofbery OoepoBfo. 7 ItkduatoaMt, Tar" NOTICE: 8.ALK OF BOSDi. Sealed bids will be received by the County Commissioner of Pasquotank County. N. C-, at their office In the Court House of aald County, until 11 clock M.. Monday. May Ird. ltle, r.,r the Burchaae of I4.0O4.44 Jail Improvement bonds, aaid bonds being, In deniminauon or aaca, bearlna tnterwst at 6 per cent per an num, interest payable aeml-annually, said bonds being due and payable re apectlvel. on July let. 1114. July 1st. 1417, July ta. mi, ut jui i, 1414. The bauaace of aald ImmhU being authnriaerf by the neueral Assembly of North Carolina during regular ses sion 1S. "- The -Commissioners "reserve .the right to reject any and U bida 'Any bid below par win aot i conaraerea. J. O. FKARINt. - I Chitrrmgn-Hoord CrContmuaxiotrera-i Jvllxaoath Clt w. . PROFIT AND SECURITY Urge interest is seldom' associated with absolute security of principaL When the line of positive safety has been cross ed, investment is displaced by speculation. L,; ;"" 5 To those prudent people of Raleirji and vicinity who ap preciate the value of safety and the safety of conserva "tisiri -we suggest the desirability of a Sayings Account as a safe, remunerative and satisfactory investment of surplus fundi " " v This institution pays, 4 per cent interest, compounded quar terly, on Savings and guarantees unquestionable security. T The ummerdal National Bami O? ' x - " Capital and Surplus $400,000'.00." . i f WE REALIZE Fully that a bank can prosper only by the prosperity of its customers. We therefore use every legitimate means to aid our deDosi- ' tors. Our officers are always glad to have our -friends and customers come to them when confronted with business problems, that re . quire co-operation or advice. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK CBAB. B- roBKOOK. Ptta. W. M. JOMka, Vlae-Praa. THE RALEK2I BAIIKEIG AIQO TRUST CO. Started in 1865,' and tame Has paid in profits to its stocttoWersnearly TWO MILLION DOLLARS tlnrl Msnraftl- tef A Stockholder. we soucrr business from all, wiiether LARGE OR SMALL. Ckaa' B. Jabaaea W N. Jenee Jaaiee A. Mrtgga T. H. Crawsar jr. O. MertBg Cary K. Imrfty tiEBcroa BASE BALL Reach Baseball Goods Our Spoclal Dasoball Shoos ALL KINDS' OUR SPECIAL MAKE TENNIS GOODS SEE OUR $1.00 RACQUETS THOS. H. BRIGGS & SONS Tk Bit Hardwar Men STILL IN THE LEAD m caici corTXAL un ussima ccspast ; ; keepa Ita leadlns poalttoa by (1) Removing reatrlcUuna rom poUcy eontracta as to MlUtary aad naval Service; ' - . (1) Offering aa attractive Total Dlaablilty Clause ta poUclea If dealrad; ft) Reducing Ita already low participating premium rata by a average of nearly Tan PEK CENT (14 per cant) tt haa the ' Lowest Net Coat Record The Wide World Ovwr Per th BEHT In Life 1 nsuranra. you must gat tt la THE UNION CENTRAL, - Writ to Carey J. Hunter & Brother, State Agent. ' RALUUH. K. a so - NNOUNCIVlENTt rK hare aadd oar Rental BaalncaM. ciccptloa: The Kaartgn Aport- ntents and HnaC and MoMerai rropertace ao aaeawew. mrmrmxw and Rantrr Healty Company, to take Hire April Brat. e thank eaar pairuaa for thctr fatwa to w and hrajiaJ tliey will aerp tbeir aorana with the new nraaawctinn. r aorabkerper. Mr. BV It W iaaatoa Witt keep the aotxxrala a before, aad Mr. . H Iktartcli will enprrvfcet tba caanrrtlotka for teraa at tww yeara. ' . i . ( 0 H. Dortch & Brother j- . k - W. M. BBfOot, Cashier 4. B. liailkLAAX, aaaa, Cwehiee, still dolnff business at the location. Tla-lleiw b a TtVtClf Aw att Alfred WIIHaaM A. Uaekaa . R. Cbanbtrlaja W. Mora. f: a B Norrts , Jtka W. Hardee. ni 4" GUIDES 1915 RAleitb,N. C t tsVliWeV i -li ia. i'..t - .. . -.i

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