6- THE NEWS AND OBSERVES. WtDNtbDAT MOKMiNCi, APKJL .4, iyiJ. A itiwrri CMnuiox. Triu Mlready Kit aa fa 1 havsa't That she'e apramae asy whiskers C - adopted troseerettee; Aad aM aaasl tadM-etad' - Iiibm ak aii saisa rli srrl ' ThM she bmh n Mit Mi raMUg with . , knack ef Mgnurettes. . ... Task be half beer ta 4 M. A ad aa anoa aa aha tlrwa-n H. a hnatltag hesse wit twit slef, ta acme taa pastry sew: Ceased la dlaeer, did aaM heataS. Tritaiaed a drraa that aha wee ua.li.R. . steaded aorta aid go taa teasing all ge y half-peat '. be eeeears te be aa able -Ta have rlrtuala en the (Abie asd ta tlx natal trwa feeding aa wy ge-te-aseetlfig ees , ImI aa haad with taa Ukr ' a tor llttla bmh an, m: wi - A she araa before they teH her wuaaa H , saght to bare taa rota. : Tar aa ra "iiharriid Mlraadr. aa ta lnat aa end af eaadr -.. I taraatlns talk' Mondar before ' tha led as lees to read the fashions asd taa I aeolor history class on tha nonun i DISTINCTIVE DESIGNS FOR THE WOMEN OF TASTE. dalle hosnahnld klnta ''as hrfnra aba waa mj "eqnal," ' Aad . toiml el rasas taa arosel FTe just trtae preedrr af Mtraady ever ace: W. Kee Maxwell la Jsdge. e . 4 MIm Ida Smith haa raturnad ta tha elty after a visit to Rock Mount. Mrs. Palmar Jsranaa haa aa her guests from Henderson, Mr. aad hire W. B.. Waddlll. Mr. and Mra. Jamas Brodle. Mr. aad Mra Richard Jonas, aad Miss Julia Coo par. Vitas Jeaa Harrlns arrived yeater- day from Duna to be tha guest of her slater. Miss Kats Herring. Mrs. Max wall Wolu, of Halem, Vs., is in tha city, visiting her slater. Mrs. J. at. risming. auxiliary to the Hand Hkll Board of Trade. This is the second tints since Christinas that the seniors hare heard from a former Peace girt. During the meeting of the Irfxrtelajurs Miss Mary Ward, of New Bora, mads a delight- ful talk on the subject of her year's stay In China, where she) traveled and taught after her graduation la 1111. e WAKE tX)KKT bCRPRISED. Wasn't Expecting to Hewr News of AimroaM-hlng Marriage. Wake Forest. April IS. Wake Forest was aurprlaed this morning to leara that ona of Its most popular pro fessors. Dr. John W. No well, of the rents la the local theatrical season will bo tha prassntatloa to Raleigh of this play, whlh New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Boston hays unani mously declared to be "the funniest fare In the world. The- book Is by Edward Pepla, who has contributed already such successes as Tbs Prince Chan- and "Tito Laltiest Kebel. Tho chief motive of -A Pair of Dlxea" concerns tha Ingenloul acheme of a yoiina woman who. flsuratlvelr. hows how a queen of hearts Is better than a pair of sixes. AU of which develops after two yoans; men. part ners ta bnatasss. unable to acre as to their respsetlva Importance to the firm, aeclde to separata eommerclal ly. Tha cast of "A Palrf Blxaa" la one or tno neat that has been seen In Hal elg-te this season and Includes Oscar Fix man. a aotabls comedian who hat appeared la nvany Broadway - offer Inss. - Others-la the star cast are Or lando Paly, Richard Barls, Arthur idea. Hardla Me kin. Mary Har. per. Eleanor Fairbanks. Jans Mare. dith, Adelyn Westley and Jack Ka fealL Price are I I ts to ie cants. tut of town orders should be sent to Marx 8. Nathan,' Manager Academy and must be acaompaoied by remit tance. . - Miss Ellis Larh will leave to-lehemlstry department. Is to wed Miss morrow to spend a few weeks in Rocky Mount. Miaa Mary Cordelia Hissmone re- turfceo veeterrtay - arternohn Wsk Forest, where ahe haa baen vla IUa. Mrs. J. J. Powera, of Hamlet, area mea the out-of-town shoppers la - tbs atty yeatscday. -Miss Callle Price, of Tarbord, U vtattlns; Mrs. Caroline Norrla. Ill South ftallahury street. Margaret Kdwarda, of Raleigh, on June llth. This Is Dr. Nowelra first year aa a member of the- - Wake- Forest 'faculty, He la agraduats ot Wake Koreat,and after leaving Johm Hopktna, where he took the Ph. I), degree, he taught at A. and M. College two years. On account of the eleetiow el lir. Chajt B. Brewer aa president of Jtlersdlth fur next session, it Is conceded that rr. Nowell will be the head of the Miss Hortenss Jones, of AshevtlUK j chemistry department neat year. la tha guest of friends at St. Mary' Bcaooi. . Mian Lulls Buabes. Who haa been vtatUag Mrs. Joseph Hyde Pratt la Chapel Hill, returned home yesterday. Kbe waa accompanied by Mrs. Pratt and Mrs. C. 8. Mangum, of Chapel Hill, who are now her guests Miaa Jans burton, of Portsmouth. Va, who has beea visiting friends snd relatives In tha city, returned home yesterday. Miss Rugenla Blahnp, of Wake r-orast. Who has been the gueat ol Miss Hattls Mas LassUer. returned hosae yesterday. Miaa Kuth Blankenahlp. of Char lotto, la tha guest of Miaa Kllaabeth Hill. . Mra. C. C. McAllater. of Paystte- Villa. Is visiting Mrs Hal Worth. 8hs 3a me to atend the Damronrh Concert Miaa - Beaate Lmna. sf Waka . Forest, ka ths gueat of Miss Kltxa Rid ' dick. ' 8h Is hers to attend the Dam roach Concert Miaa Hattle Parrott, of Klnston. Is visiting Mr. and Mra. Jack Hus hes. 8he rsme to attend the Dam- roach Concert Miss Mary C. Borden, of Oolds- bore, is In the elty attending the lam roach Concert and la ths guest of Mlas - MarJorte Montague. Ill New Bern avenue. - ' aa' redlta flab tn Meeie. The St. Cecilia Club will. meet this afternoon at 1 oar e'eteeh at Mt. -Mary's in prot. uwen studio. . Clrck N amber Threw. Cirri Number Three of Rdenton free Methodist church will meet with Mra J. W. Coffey In Boy Ian Heights this afternoon at four o clock. ' .West tUbHgb, arrto. Tbs West Raleigh Circle will meet with Mrs. c, Belvln, Wednesdsy at 4 Te Earrtala a Frw Fricada. lr. Nowell haa not been at Wake Forest sines Easter, being confined io tils home on account of illness. He underwent an operation at Rex Hos pital. Raleigh, this morning. Ilia physicians say that It will be about two weeks before hs can inset hla WOMEN ARE URGED TO ' ATTEND THIS MEETING Mrs. Charles M. Buabee and Mra William K. Hhlpp entertained a few friend at tea this afternoon in honor H Mra Locke Craig and her gueat. are. moo re, or Aahevtiie. . : Oh Bortety Horlablc. Thursday night at the horns of Mr. R. King, 111 North Halifax street, a society sociable will be given for he benefit of the rectory fund of the sacred Heart Catholic church. A program of good music MIW WIX8TOX OX TOMrm.Ti EdareMloa DrtMrUaoat of Woman' Clnb to t'fMaaUirr Needs of hciraoia Tnaaormw Afternoon. The education department of the Raleigh Woman's Club la leading la movement which can but prove of service to this dty. A call la Issued by the officers of that-department -urging that every Woman In tha city who la Interested In having all ths building needed for ths public schools of Raleigh at tend a meeting of ths educational department of the Woman's Club to bs held on Thursday afternoon In the Y. M. C. A. building at four o'clock. In the rail for the meeting. It la declared that ths Interest and co-operation of ths women of Rsletgh lust now will mean much to this move ment to give ample facilities for all ths school children of .Raleigh. The matter la one which Is so Important that every woman In the elty who can possibly do - should attend the meeting tomorrow afternoon. BEAT 8AI,K OPEN TOD AT X)R A r.UH Of fill EM" lYklsy Night's Offering Important (By ths Press Agent) Ths raaerved seat aals for tha ex rrurlatlngly funny fare "A Pair of Blxes, which comes to ths Academy of Musk! Friday night, will open this morning at ths Tucker Building Phar macy. Prohamr on of the -most Imports nt I Weddings and Engagements li . MILIUM -BO.NMuK. Last night at tha home of Mrs. M. B. Duke, there waa solemnized a very pretty but quiet wedding when her stater, Mlas Jsnnls B. Bonner, became the bride of Mr. M. A. J. Milton. The ceremony waa performed by Dr. waiter H. Dodd of the Pullen Ms mortal church. Only relative were present. German Raider Asks Three Weeks TU All DARK WITH ETEA uj promtaed. f Mixefj wittr Sulphur It Dark ens so Naturally Nobody . . ', can Tell. The old-ttms mixture ef Baas -Tea And Hulphur for darkening -gray, streaked and faded hair Is grand, mother's treatment, and folks are again vstng tt to -keep their- hair a good, even color, which Is quite seaal- me. aa as are living In an age whan a youthful appearance to of the great- m AnangtsxM nta for Dane la aahifigtMa City. Waahlnatoa. D. C. Airll iuiaa .my Winston, of Ralelsh. waa one of :ne committee at a dance tonight Svea by Washington Camp. No. III. ma of Confederate Veterans to help lefray the indebtednsas1 of ths Con- Merate (emrisl Home. - ' Marsha It Wilson, brother of petar Wllso. the Tar Heel who dlaoenaaa the salsHea of United Itatea Senators I eat advantage. ana their clerks In the Csoltol. has I Nowadays, thourh. ws don't hin tone to Rsjelgh to vtstt hla -slater. I the troublesome task of sathertns tha arm aionia-vmery. ana juose Mont- l save ana tne mum mixine at hnm I ah a rug atores sell the ready-to-use product called "Wyeth'a 8a(e aad Hul- pnor wompouna- tor .about II rents a bottle. It la very popuar bscause.no- nooy can aiacover It haa beea analied. mmpiy motstea your comb or a soft brush with It and draw this through your hair.- taking one small strand at a time;. by morning the gray hair dis appears, but what deltghta the ladles with Wyeth'a gage aad Sulphur Is that, besides beautifully darkening the hair after a few applications it slaak nraitiir aa thaa aatri Ium members of the a lass ef 1 Peace I pearans ef abuadanos which U ao at Inetttute sjul is tlsltln her stater st I tractive: beaida. nravanta rf.-... aww naaww SWH ina I licnina BCSin IBS rSIlHte -Mlf: Keoaat North Carolina ine- eaptual include Whlteford & I Luaasaey aad A. M. stack. Monroe: ( Burton Crslg, Wlnaton-eaJsm, aad tt. La Tieraan, naiisbary. MltM GRAVES AT PEACE arwaor Bkatary Claaa Hears latssea. bag anal ImnrntSJv Talk. Mlas Nellie Urave. of Carthage, was la tha city for the Damrosch Festival Concert Mlas Oravs la a (Continued from Pag One.) the whip wit the civilian experts who surveyed hsr hs Impressed upon them ths necessity for quick action because ne must get away. tr, Joseph Ooldbereer. of Wash' in art on. mi tiis request of flurrron (Jen eral Kupert - -Blue, of the Public Health 8ervlce. msds an examination on board ship today of the Berl Bert patienta. Few opportunities bar been afforded the t'ntted mates health au- thortttes to study this disease. Dr. Qoldbergsr found about 16 cases. several having Improved considerably alnoe Sunday. Ha was aaelated In hla examination by Dr. Ward B. MaeCaf ferey. quarantine officer at Old Point Comfort. He returned to Waartngton lonigm with hla observation Warn hi na Hurhted Off raneav One French warahlD and one Brit ish cruiser were sighted today off the Virginia Canea by ullota who bronchi ships Into port. The French warship had four funnela and waa believed to be tha Conde. She was lying about (Ire mile out when sighted this morn ing. Later In ths day a British, cruia. er believed to be the converted Caro nia waa sighted. ' Tha pilots brought wun mem a report which they re reived from merchantment that the British knew the Krdh prlnii Wll helm .had steamed north from the equator several weeks ago and that ah 'was believed to be In American waters. Because of this. It was de clared, shipping from Bermuda waa held up last Friday and Saturday wnue soms or ins warships which had been off the capes were search Ing south of this latltuds for the msr chavnt raider. The pilots also declared fiat vtgiiancs outside the capes seem ed to be greater -for -out soing -ship men Tor incoming; ona or them said that an Italian 'vassal which he allot' ed from thla port recently was board ed by officers and men from one of ths British warships aa she pasaed out of tho three mil limit. The ItaUan ship, he eald. bore a resemblance to the Rltel Fried rich and was boarded for that reason. Hearrhlng For Another Raider. Le-te tonight It wss remirtsd that while two American warship are guarding the Virginia Capes, - four or five others are apeedlng out In tha Atlantic In aearch of another German era. arider. Thla served to revive In terest In the Herman cruiser Karls ruhe which overtook and converted the Wllhelm at sea last August and haa since been several ttmee reported deetrnyed. 'Officers and members of the Wllhelm's crew asserted today that they did not believe the Ksrleruhs had been sunk or beached. One de clared that the Karlsruhe had been heard from nine shs was last reported destroyed. He also stated that the Karlaruhe laat summer destroyed a British nsval base at Bridgetown. Barbades Inland, and that detail of tha exploit never were revealed. Request Has Not Rcwhcd Daniels Washington. April II.-The reouest of Captain Thlerfelder, commanding tho Uermaa cruiser Kron Prim Wll helm for examination nf hla vessel by a naval board to determine repaira necessary had not reached navy offU elala tonight, although presented . to iacAa rieg a. a. wiatni bilu. Met OAST. Rsletgh, N. C. April 11. 1115. . For North Carolina: Fair Wednes day and Thursday; wanner Thurs day; moderate east wlnda Sunrise .1:41 am. Sunset .1:11 p.m. t a. ra. . II I p. m. II Highest temperature It Lowest temperature 41 Mean temperature ........a. II Deficiency for the day . , 1 Average dairy deficiency since January let .............. ,.l ICLAIfal THEY KILLED lOFlLA'SfO "Millions of Women will welcome this New Baking Powder" Says Miss Princine GRANDMOTHER wid: "Well, I guess they never will discover:hovvto make perfect baking powder." "But they havel"&zyi "lVfiaa Prindne,'just- as thejr have learned o sail under the sea, fly through the air and telegraph without wires I" - .Prieciiie PURE PHOSPHATE Baking IWder it not only new but ii the final solution of the problem of leavening. It it the baking powder of sure results. It invariably better your biking. And it is the baking powder with health in ft it purity and excellence being attested to by luch men si Prtf. Lnvit B. Jllr of Wcstfield, Mm, and Alfni W. AftCnm, purt food expert ol Ntw York. Princine Pure Phosphate Baking; Powder learei no residue to impair the flavor of your baking or derange the digestion. Princine it the dryeit baking powder in the world which meant that hi remarkable leavening strength tttpt. We invite you to try Princine Pure Phosphate Baking Powder and prove our claims in your own oven. Carranza Forcesi Occupying-' Matartwos, Make Sortie on : 4 -. Besiegers ' f " town is then "bombarded; During; , Engagement Shells - Passed Over City But None Fell. On American. Side; Re- port Capture of Train Load : 7 off Viila'sf Food Supplies, i 1 ' a . . . i rt . rms ana rnsoners . - -r. iv..., . . . ' . (. "i - M 'I J' '' V : (Br Sm a nnum reaal. ;. . -Brewnavllle. Te ADrtl lt.In ik sortie today, the - Carransa garrison dsfsadlng Matamoroa Inflicted a heavy blow npon. tho Villa armjr beeelglog the town. Oeaeral faiula Kavarra. second ; la ' eommand ' of the Villa, troops, waa brought to Brownsville today danaeroualv wounded, and the Carransa consulate hero clafmed tho VUla dead numbered I0. Tha aortlo drew from tha Villa ' forossi their long-promised shelling ef Met. ' moros, but the ahelllng atopped when the Carransa garrison returned to tha trenehes. aad tonight Bring had eeaeV sd with tha positions ot the armies praoucaliy unchanged. During tha bombardment etrht ' ahella passed completely ever 'Kate moros, and four others dropped In the city, hut did little damage. . Nona of tns sneus reii on the American aide of the Rio Grande. Both factions to night claimed to have won tha fight. -but neither would permit anyone tev-. cross the border to obtain direct In- ' formation. Villa officers declare that while -the eetsoaU ei 4he beeelrins ' army first were-driven, back the Caro ransa troops retreated when ths Villa r cavalry brought up Its main -4orcea. t OsneraT Kafarrata, Carransa'' mander, gave hla losses as seventeen killed and sixty wounded. Ths dead on ths Carransa aide Include Lieut.. CoL Miguel iiarrera Ouerra. The Carransa consulate Issued ths) following statement received froan . . aenerai Nafarrate's headquarters: "The Villlataa lost 100 men kUled," that number so far gathered by our ' forces, and there are still snms on' ths Held. Our forces captured thirty prisoners who are now In the Mate- mo roe Jail, about 200 horses, a large - amount of ammunition for cannon, ., rapid-fire guns aud carbines, Wa sjao - " captured all tha Villlataa supplies of ' ' food this side of Lea Ruclaa. Otir '" men derailed a Villa train loaded with ; ' food supplies, ready evidently for'. dash into Matamoroa. The 'train la now being guarded by our men." Each of the 1.180 Carraasa soldiers who took part In ths. sortie wore a red band on hla hat sA they could not ' be mistaken for Villa soldiers. The ' red bands proved Very valuable be cause much of tha fighting waa hand-" to-hand, the men splitting into small ' groups which fought other small .. groups In and around clumps , and . ' aharp-thorned bushes. - tnaaa cornea In AandUd cupe tb, 15c.; 1 lb. 90c, raited Profit enariag Ceapeet ia every cup. If voo caa't get Frincine at your grocer's, srad hit same and rercire a 2 es. sample or nad IS cents lor H lb. cue. Mist rriacjac't Biscuit Recipe frea apea retjiMat. 4 "" Li fr lit Primeimt Sitlf ml Ytur Grtr4. " The Southern IVluiufactiiiiiig Co., RkJirrroad, Vn. Deaths and Funerals runeral of Mr. Ktawke Tnda v. '. Tha remains of Mr; Jamea B. aVtarka.- - - who died In New Orleans Monday. I will reach Raleigh today and funeral ' servlees wtH be conducted by Dr. W.'- . MeC. White at the residence of Mraa' M. H. Nswsome, 117 West Hargstt i. street, at I p. m. The Interment will y b in Oakwood cemetery. Sassssssssae" . 316 MRS. ESSIE 8IGMAJT. ; tha State Department today by the Oerman embassy. It probably will bs a an versa tomorrow when omoers will be designated to make tha examine tlon. Boorstary Daniels already haa di rected Admiral Fletcher in command of the naval forces at Hampton Roads to follow ths precedents established In the Kltel ease In dealing with the wii helm. fapt. Tblerfeld'a reouest probably will be referred to Admiral Fletcher who will name tho examin ing board. Mms. Curls, the famous woman scientist, has Installed at hsr awa ex pense a radiographic apparatus for he wounded at the Fantla Hospital. near Paris By means of this appa ratus bullets and shell splinters and frarturea can Instantly bs located, a powerful aid to taa aavtag of lifa... THE QUICKEST WAY TO END CATARRH J eat Ose Sara Wsy Is Ma aUd el Thla Allans. ratarrh la s germ dl gnee joe aiast get i ne air ia ran dlaeaae, Te atop em te Ita real - It far The Cracker with a Preference Whoot-to-Blsouit 1 Zz'rizi Stlzct Styles MISSES REESE & COMPANY .- easciriTarise tig taentai. ' Amount for 14 hours ending I p. m. .01 Total for the month to -data ... I. II Esrees for ths month ........ t .IT bettctency since January 1.... .14 statteaa sea wiatMia at a e. a. Tiaet aaruat. sranowa i! 8 Abilene . . . . , Aehevtlle , . ., Atlanta . . .. , Chariestoa . . Charlotte .. , Chicago .. , Galveston Jackaonvllla . Knoxvtlle , . . Memphie . . ', , Wtv -Orleans - New Norfolk Haleigh .. , Richmond . Vlrkaburg . Washington Wilmtnstofi WjrihevUle 4 II M -i li 41 II 0 l rl 4 4 I I Orleans . . a Tork .. . .' lof 41 1 . II ; 14 . 70 . 41 . I III I II t -a-l I 14 40 144 40 II 44 J 41 14 II ai .10 . .ii . .01 .10 .00 .00 .00 -SI .00 .00 .00 .00 .04 .00 af catarrhal earsae eoaaaed and saeeaed eat by oae sr asd breath ed ta ay aantner aad wees the eysteai rlls te throw eg theae guraia taey lad inraia sest todgeaseat la (be Bsenaa asewbraaea year Bese. tferast aaa head aad hraad ky ailllloaa. ., The gerata ef catarrh eaa he eeetreyed aad the IndaaMd tlaaa aenaeseetly heal ed hy Inhaling the air ef the sere aaell-' rated ell of Hfoeael (pmaeasead Rlgh-e-aM. Vea breathe Ita air. lata year aeee, lliniet and lungs by by mu of a eat ill hard rnbher lahaler that reliable drsgaists la Kaletrh and rtrlntty famleh with eeiHl huwe eoaislete treat avrat. This BMaitrated. aauaruttc air la eertala death te the genae nt ratarrh aad drleea theai eatlrely eat af year ayateat amt whea the geraaa are de atreyeii the eatarrh ati h Ha ehaesleaa arait.aa will etun. J sat two nr tare at la a tea aae will give yea blessed rrtw while Ita aae twe er three tiaiea a day far a few weeks will dries ratarr e4 every ayatptnai of ratarrh rnaai:r and entirely frets year system Ne eatarrh ea. Orrer eaa afford te go sanlb-r day h eat trying thla weaderfvl treatawul as re lleble drassiata ererrwhere at II It ca a positive guarantee of entire aattafSctloa er seerruiiy rWaadrd. 000 HE OR SPECIAL WAR VORK Willing To . Serve England in Factories, Shops and Agn . cultural Field London.- April II. Thirty-three thousand women had registered them selves for apeclal wUr service ap to the- wad of Marchr Walter Raaclman, president of the Board' of Trade to night told a deputation, representing various uiaana women s aoetetiea. 8ls thouaand of the women. Mr. Rnnctman aatld, had declared them selves arilliyag to work ta arrnameat rartonea, 4.000 la clothing faetorlea, I.T00 In dairy work. 100 aa gardeaers. t.000 la various branches of agricul tural work.-1.100 aa ahop aaatatanta, loo as leather work era aad a.000 la clerical work. Six hundred women had beea given employment at tho tfoara or Trade, Mr. Raaetmaa aa. aoaneed. The governmeat. the speaker coa tinned. Instated that women employed on government eontraot work be paid ins same pteea rates -as anon. . The government had arranged to give naea qualified te undertake dairy or agricultural work a fortnight s train ing - In agricultural eo I leges, paying them meanwhile a living allow a a cm. ayivia rajkauret the sntutarat suf- frajcetta, urged that the govern anew, should take, measures to secure for women la whatever capacity they are employed the same pay a calve. -. - - - ' T. ML C A. Asxfliary. There will be a meeting of the ex ecutive board of the Woman's Aux iliary to th T. M. C A. at the buUd Ing Wednesday afteraoon at three o'clock. The meeting will be brief. but Is important aad the aae sahars are te meet promptly. vvTPl 3DKG' Ws ape. 1 BtaUee- asd prhis earseleea sa the prahiptaeae with aarre ear sassy caatseaem eu erer las We are snm-taJista sad fnrslh the tat- 1MU i which we rouatry. We are sne-taJista sad f nral-h est atylee that asrtety deauada. The IMi asd aaaaasrr atylea are dlatlactlva ssd .dlgerest froaa say yet tat red area. w- e-a- ar .a ,f .taat tThrt. prleea ea tea rayed Isrltatleaa. Aaaeeaee- ' aaeats. farda. etc With earh ereer vre aaaie Irw RIIPsOMI AKI-etaZ I KIT KB frees enppar plate they antsagraved froi ew. while yea thlak af n, ssad far ear ISU viaciTtta OTartosgaf ctv. ru-i. a a laaUag aad Stag isaesslr. aatptss. Mesa a, asthaiial. Ttrgtaaa. IX A. R.1 TO M E ET. hcsafcna of Ixsral Organlaatioai to Be Hatd This Moraing. There will be a meeting of tha Daughters f the Ametioea Kevolu tlon on Wednesday morning at slevea o'clock la the Btata building. All of ths Daughters aad thoae who have seat la their applications are request ed to be present at tha meeting. S-KB8 KO CONSPIRACY. Jadge WasUhaa Dransrrer of Mrrrttl aad Chapanaa Drrrtck aatd Wreck iog Ccawpajiy. . tar aw j 1 1 stina rwsfc New Tork. April II. Federal Judge Neterer austalned today the de murrer tiled by the Merritt and Chap man Derrick aad Wrecking Company, Isaac Chapman and William K. Chap man to an Indictment returned la the government's Bhermsn law action chargiag them and ether defendants with conspiring to monopolise the beainesa of salvaging and towing wrecked veaeela la waters along the Atlantic coast. No statamsnts were made In the In dictment said the Judge which cearly charged a censplrsey. A torpedo Invented by a United states naval officer carries a rkn that dischargee aa agplosire shell Inside vassal after the torpedo haa punetnr sa its bum neiow tne water una. Newton. April II. Mrs. Essie Big man disd at her home In Con over FrW day night of pneumonia aad - waa buried Sunday at Bethlehem Metho dist Church. Rev, John C .Peeler, of ths Reformed Church, conducting the servioes. Mrs. Slgman waa IT years of age, tha daughter of Mr. Bob CI ine. Shs waa married first to Plnkney DeaJ and four children aurvlve of that mar flag and several years ago to "Johfl " Sigman. Three children were bora to them. Call them white lies If you want ta. . but sooner or later they will coma ' home to roost. ' . (IGtjJQMS CASTO R IA ,, or laiaata and CHHdrea In Um ForOver 30 Years ACADEMY Friday, April 16 The Theatrical Event of w the Season ... assaaa -y yjaie s. i ansa, a An J Real Uroidway Cast , a -Pocct Sl to SCcnta " Seats on sale now at Tucker Building Pharmacy. . bpnng e - IViillinery , INDIVIDUAL DESIGNS . Clrs. Rank Redford Ralei.h, N. G'r ' The Place Where Quality Counts." -v FREE FREE FREE 4 -wa, - We -will jive, absolutely -free to every customer that will have same framed, an oil painting , copies of origW nal paintings, six subjects to select' frortr-a-atl .standard. We are doinjNIiU to adver- tise our Framing Depart-- ilrtrStcre IlaleJiJylC C