WbDNESDAY MORMNG, APRIL 14, 19l5. TOfOlflTO" t e. JfJ EUfLFQRD CQLf R Harmless--No! a Dye Acts Case of Alfred S Wyllief trus tee, Against The Cone Ex port and Commission Co. .on Hair Roots Makes Gray Hair Healthy Dark. THE NLWS AND OBSERVE 30 OQOSUITUP If ur hair b gray. lrakd with tnr, prerar.turrly gray, thin or fail ing pNX tnr a" few . times. Q-ban Hair Color Keatorer os tout hair and rcolp. ,It i wjn't eoM you on .cent unless It beautifully darkens your amy hair and promotes ta froarth. Q-Bn acta the hair root making (ray hair healthy ae th gray hair la beautifully and auiakly dark ened no evenly, naturally 411a - thoroughly that no on. can tdl - It has been used. - In addition Q-Ban stop Itching scalp, dandruff and fail ing hair, ana iw.k gray hair thick. tintty, soft, lustrous, beautifully (lark I u4 abundant -Ban ia not sticky or Hi 1. j . wniitp. - MmfH nair . orn ail ela fail. Only - for a big T ox. bout at J. C. HreMleyn- Drag mon, Raleigh, h. C. mt of town people supplied by pared post. Adv. 1 ; - , , - FAIR HAS SPELLING Elic Event at Greensboro Being Largely Patronized; Firemen Reelect Old Officers; Chair man Boren, of County Com missioners, , Issues State ment . Let's Have A Change 'ti VOTE FOR D. F. CRINKLEY For Commissioner of Public C. IL ANDERSON t'tOT FOM MATOR; VT. A. COOFEH. To tha Votara of Raleigh: . I hereby announce myself a candl data for tha onV of Mayor, or Com missioners f. Pebllc Accounta and Ktnanees, of the city of Raleigh. If elected I promise the people of business-like and economical admin 1st ra linn of the affairs of tha city, and a strict observance or lb provision of tha city charter. VT. A. COOPER. XB GOMMlMhlOKKR O' riBUC SAFETY C hereby announce myaelf a candi date for Commlaaloner of Public Safety of the city of Raleigh. If fleeted I pledge myaelf to are that the Police Department enforce tho law thoroughly, and that the Sanitary and . J'lr Departmente give t the public efficient aervice In the protection of tha health and property of the cltl- J.-H.-00WT.- KUTICK. " Tj th Citizen of Raleigh: I take thla mean of announcing Biyeelf aa a candidate for the poeltlon fif Commlaaloner of Public Safety of tha city of Raleigh In the coming pri mary and election. . , s , . Keapeclfully. V. IL HfNKICtTT. 1-14-iM. i ; . GEO. T. liORVOOD 1 - For Commiggiogicr of Public Safety. :' Grentoro. April II. Superior court this morning took up tha eaee of Alfred &" Wyllle. trustee of th Trollinwood Manufacturing Company, against Tha Cone Export Commla alon Company, In which the plaintiff la aufng for mora than $10,oo claim ed by the plaintiff to he owing to the estate of the bankrupt on account of certain neltverlea of manufactured cotton goods prior to the tlmo the Trollinwood company, of Haw Klver, went Into bankruptcy two or three years ago. The ( one company was the Belling agent of the Trollinwood company and from time to time aa the Tolllnwood company manufactured cotton good they were delivered to Its selling agent, and money was advanced by the Cone company. The latter re ceived something like f KO.000 In man ufactured goods Just prior to the bankruptcy and advam-cd oWut-.lsfl.: WOO. The amount claimed is the dif ference, which It was avlle ged Wat a preference on account of bring ap plied to other accounta than those wit bin the four months. The -ease-Is being warmly-contested, Th plain tiff is r presented by Messrs. H. Union Shepard. of Raleigh; A. M. Scales and J. A Uarrtnger, of Ureensboro, and the Cone company Is represented by Messrs King Kimball and J. H. I'ou, the latter of Kalelgh. The cast- will go to the Jury tomorrow morn Ing. Charily Fair a Surma. An old-fashioned spelling bee was conducted at the Kike charity fair to night, was partlcipted In by a num bar of people and was greatly n joyed. The fair ia being largely pat' ranlaed by - people of the city. There are many attractive booths, much has been given the committee and It Is expeciea mai a nanasnme sum win be realised for the Charity fund. This afternoon a special prugram wag glv en at the Piedmont theatre and half of the proceeds went for the bene fit of the. Elks fund. Mrmn Rerfcwt Offkwe, At an enthusiastic meeting held Inst night the Ureenslxtro firemen reelect ed the old officers, aa follows: K. N. Taylor, chief: K. B. Bala, assistant chief; H. C. li. Guthrie, secretary, and K. I Clarke, treasurer. The (Jreens- boro department haa only A faw paid men. but those who are volunteers are very enibuslaatlc and are very regular and faithful in the performance of their duties. " ' .Tells of Court House Plans. I Chairman W. C. " Rirny of "lha I county hoard of commissioners, haa laaued a formal statement In whlrh he outlinas What thrcrmmlsetonera pre pose tu do If the IZSfi.OtW court house bonds are voted by the cltlsens of the county. The purpose la to erect on the present court house site a building that will be large euough for the needs of the county for decades to come. and which will also have considerable apace to rent, and which will yield to the county an Income aufTloleiit to pay a part of the rout of the building and compensate the county for the valuable property occupied by the court house. This new court house will probably he ten atoiiea or more high, though Mr. Horen says frankly that the commissioners have not de cided fully Tipon tst the chjLrajctr of the building, except that It will he a combined court houae and business building, aeveral stories In height and of a creditable arrhltecurKl design. ARCHITECTURAL BOARO CHOOSES ITS OFFICERS bee 1 .. 1 m u : . v p 1 1 WBMm THE AL1ERICAIJ NATIOIIAL BANK VVlLMIN.TtJILJNt O. Per CrM Chargwd act 4 Par .. - ... . j. ' J W. 8 Cooper. CbtJrasaa uie board, . Tho. K Cooper, President. eo. 0. Oaylord. VictPraaidrU Cbaa. S. Bet bee. Cashier. vy. C beany. Asst. Casals. i W, re Bancs. AaaL Caabter. HOXDK rXjR auVUb. HM.tsM 5 Per Crwt. Wakr CrNmly, , Sertt) Caeallna tutda Puests. pealed proposals will b reoeired and opened by the Board of Commht aitniera of the County of Wake, North Carolina, at their eil.ee In Ralelsn. N. Ct II o'clock, M, oa the 3rd ay f slay. Isle, (or the purchase of see hundred five per cent Stt-yenr Coupon. Bords, Interest payable send-artttualty the arat days ui May and. Kovm ben la the denomination of One Tbutt tand Polmrs tl.k each. .. Each bid mutt be aocotntMunled by a certified check for .& and addreaaad la the. undsralrned chair, man of Ihm Board of County Connr.ia sifuier. The right to rieot any and all bids ia hereby reserved. JOHN A. HIUA Oulinnan. Koard of CommasKr.erg tor 'Wake Coajity. N. C: Raleigh. K. C. U, C. b-rkwtt j. County Arty. 14. I. XS. S. t. ! GILBERT C. WHITE 1 ccxratisi Frzzii . C4tarwlew X. C. Dwrbauau K. C Wat-n-warks, Uj:hv ad lre. Funcrd Howcrs 'i-Uo. bettsr arrangwl. a till tajre i u.o. Vihen yon want Surxthln ficpbope :i L!:;DLEY CO, Florists. It C. UaUik-unv f Durham. Irel dcat and C. h- Hartge. of Italclgli. hecrrtary of rw Organlaatbna. Architect .appointed to form the North Carolina Hoard of Architectur al Regtatration - and Examination under an act passed by the last Lenta lalure met Monday In thla city for organisation, those present being J. P. Leltner. of Wilmington; li. C. Unthl rum. of Durham. It ft . Kmlth. of AsheTiile; , p. Wheeler, of Charlotte and C. K. Ha'rtge, of Raleigh. ' JfBcera re elected aa follows: H. C. Ur.thkuiii. prvsldent: R. 8. Smith, vice-prvaidert: C K. lUrtge. secre tary: O. U. Wherler. traasurerr. . Announcement was made "tfcat notn-e wtli be given through the pa pers" when the board -will be ready to receive applications tor reglstra Uou and examination, (iDEAT IUCVIVi.I-Xr-XKOIR Rev. 'it F. IteaL Pastor of Iutlirran CliwrcH Trndeen ttewlrwatiosi. iaKUI Is Tsc Ness a uassmt. : Lenoir. April 13. .The revival aer Ticrs wnick began at tha First Methn M church a week ago are creating an Interest unparalleled in the re ligious history of the town.' At the service oa Sunday morning. It Is eatl anated that at least ono hundred and fifty persons gathered at various times aroood tho aitar and fat the aisles In sponaa to th rati for penitents and soar. on hundred and twenty-five mads g profession of faith. - ". Rev. W. M. Riles of Newton la Va sts? ing th pestor. Rev. Z. K- I'ra bardt In th meeting and he has been doing th preaching. Rev. J. P. Deal. Vho Tins- been pastor of St. 8tehrTa I-uthem church her for th last three rears, ha tendered his mm; nation to Ask effect oa the let of May. Rev. Mr.-Peal haa rendered faithful and eiBoient aecie to the church here -and not only will the membership the" en tire citisenshlp of th town wJt re gret le e him take hia departure. He has wt yet decided where hs will go nftet leaving th work -here. Th Hlowing Rock IJn'e, a rorpers Uoa engaged In the carrying of paa sencera between ijenoir and Blowilig Rock. wht"h waa aoid eomo time age to A. W. Dnia br TSU Ilohbtns and C. K. llobbiB. has again rh.mrei Uands. haviag recently bwt -takon wr by Meesra W; U Ernest. A.. ;. Winkler and t'.U-Mo.,- Jr.. the preaeni owners of the Lenoir Livery Company. Tlie new "concerei will have it. use during the suanmer ae.' s-' Ju.t approaching nine good auto mobiles. . - w. I T6da.y Is Sweetheart D Pan, i in.. ..1 uli .swsesenaaaanesswsvs i. c . ' ' ' 4 YR opportunity to test at our expense the best toilet soap made. Don't let it pass this is an unusual offer on an unusual soap. Below you'll find your coupon; It's good for a full size cake of . V v . uu TO I LET OAP the perfect toilet soap. Absolute purity dainty perfume generous sizehandy .shape. Sweetheart Soap is a quality soap at an ordinary price. Money cannot buy better. Don't fail to try it. It costs you nothing. We pay the dealer for the free cake. Clip the vcoii- pon now and present it toyour grocer Cou pons are good iwhereverthis paper cir culates; I 1 s"V " - ll v -a. I I sk V la.'SV MM- efVT ' 1 1 c4f " '. I: r ki ml i in - Ie:- a tr - Present this Conpon to your grocer before Arril 2 4 m ctvd one fuU-5i2cake oWEETHEARTToilet Soap absolutely Free, This offer u limited to one coupon to a family and tKe correct name and addreu of th. party reccarin this aoap must b signed in foil to the following: I hereby certify that I Kave received on eaka of SWEJELTHEART SOAP Free of all coat Man' Address ' ' T te Dumhn Tear off the top end of the carton (th part whh the S" in the diamond.) ! Thaj coupon (wHft-bwt- top attached) ia rcdeemaNe at hill retail price, providin( all of above conditions have been fully complied with, either through your jobherordirect Aar vksaUoe of tbe sbevs con , sjuces reader tkls esapoa VOID. lite iUkigu DaUy cwa and Olairrvey y 1 it TO SAME KOff-PARTIA- TICKET Storm .Whir pasnnl Over Mt. Airy vmi naco fmmagc. Mt " Airy, April It. Your corre spondent ia tu error aa to the ticket to be nominated Thursday night, the lain. It la a meeting of the ciusen that haa been called to meet who are talking up rhancea f R. T. Joyce and ti. f.'oretiail for mayor. They are deeiriotie of putting out a non-partisan ticket instead of a Republican tk'ket Kvery one can rest easy. Mt Airy is aura to get good men no mat ter who ia nominated. The storm that passed over this city Sunday at noon. waa territle and much property was destroyed. Mr. C. ran kiln waa 'the greatest suf fered In this section. The wind de stroyed - his- barn, etlo.- etc-, the 4oee being over 1 608. Two bos cars stand ing ir. a long string of cars at the deport 'war unroofed and a number of barns, out-building, etc., la town were blown down. So far It la not known as to the extant of da mas to th tobacco plants, aa grea quan tities of hall fell during the storm. At on tlm It looked aa if a great cyclone had struck - the city, but : it lasted only ten minutes. The rule Is that If you are to enjoy the performance you must pay for th prtvilea of observing it. pile aNDERBILT oid sum twauu An Ideal Hotel witK an Ideal Situation WALTON H. MARSHALL, Ma t-hii" ; ewtyavbent onenysician trained along n-odern ine fur cac tve.vvv in (S'jiuul Ilotei FLANDERS 47k Street Just off Broadway, N.'Y. dry. The right kind of a hotel In the rifch locality.' In the cart of the theatre dis trict and adjacent! to the shopping centres, positively fireproof. Excellent cubine and an exceptional orchr a m rr adJition just completed, confaininr library. rri'.L and billiard hall " - ;. ' , 15Q All With 1.50 ' ' " Rboma Private Bati Par D Up . Press Oessd fVlrl ntsltea. ssis sssrked "nissg.. . -- . b. . r mm I i MsaLM. lib l - . mnmwmm - ' ' nam IHSIM, H a. lAtt. Prt x ' - ' awikt- BIG INCREASE IfJ MEfJGEME COM NTS Estimated That Over 100,000 Children Will Have ParticK pated at The En4 Whesj ail th reports ar tamed In to the Stat Department of Rducation between sixty and seventy counties of theJtate will aavw held .County com mencements thla year. 'Thig la the estimate of Mr. V. C Brogden., State : Agent for Rural Schools, who has beea attending county comnaef reent OH- er the State.. Last year county oommencemenU were held la forty-one counties cf tS" State, and practleaity 7s,o achool children' participated la parade, con tests, school sxhibils and exercise Already county after county haa lined up this year for at county commence-' ment for the nrs time, and wi thou' an exce-ptlon they have ,beeB held or v will bo held In those roupUe-. whieh last year anw the good e(Ir of th educsttonal demonstration. Keconthr Mr. Hrogdea haa attemln" county commence ment la four o-Mt:iT tie. Orwnvllle, - r orw in, Pun.-, tu, McDowell and In three counl;Ja h gave wertlflcatee of graduatiin or A. plomas to aa aggrwrMe of two hte- dred and ninety children. ' Oa ridar. kve will be at Swan Quarter In Hrde county where he will make aa address at the c.tertv e-ru- . mencenaent - -- JUDGE J, V. THOMPSON - fiM Hl WHY Tfl Ril tUVi time at hia home, He will reach Hal eigh about April I a. Ueorg Newell, a natlv of Header son who has been In the government service for many years. Will Visit the canal sobs In August on government business. Mr. - Newell Is a - division Chief In the ofTIca -of the auditor of the War Department. . An auditor from the War Department and an au ditor from the Treasury Department will hereafter giVto the canal con. twice a year. The selection of Mr. Newell for this mission is considered an honor as well as a desirable trip. ORKATKR ra-HCIENCY MUSED. Ik sw i mil Fnul. iU Memphis, Tnn.. April 11. ireater cBlclency In the operation bf mills. closer relations between tha different . -interests Involved, and the upbuilding or the coal tar dye industry in tho Untied States were urged at th an- , nna I meeting. here today of th-Amri. can Cotton Manufacturers Association , as fentlal to the success sf ths eottoq . goods Industry la thla country. Josiah T. itose, of Atlanta, fold the . textile manufacturers that "'many cherished Wens of the only way to., succeed"' ahnirbj b glrvn up in the Interest of efllclency. H. advocated th employment .of efficiency exports by all of th mills. ' ' t' f. I. Hickman, of Augusta. Gai president of the organisation, and & C. Klipsteln, of New Vork, wer the " other-speakers today. - Keporta will b read and officer.,' elected tomorrow. , ' ' CASTORIAw-cjiMf Til Iti Yea Kan Aiiajs 83'jgbt Bears the ' Slgnatare fit. 6eeire SewelL Etl of Ifewtb-rMJC. to VMt Canal Knew tw AsseM. fBV W. i YfcXVfcHTtf.) .-s Wasbitngtea. tX. C April li Judre'Joha W. Tnantpaon. of the Ct imI i!tT, ia In New letk a IWf t i;altih abr on v. til prMi sobM Hotel- Rf Aa.tA:MAUM Southerner. Will Find Thi Mane Antoinette rtotel ldetl PUce , , Broadway, 66th li 6?th Sts., . . v c. , -N.wr.rtat, toauy. V?" SITUATED in the moat cce." J1 !l 1 --" J - . ' tuwn. . eVTTii . -.Si frSt-A. . fV! i S'i -""tJiS-i , "we loniKuj u r K'Jbitnllfe! "..'Modern. In every detafl. ' r?r !!J; Ui""'i4 btdy fireproof. witWii V ii ilSIfE sl.S:!!" atea of the leading siinCHti r rtc-iiiitJ abbo i ten mia- MENT STORES,--enOPS and Convenient . ta and -JG rand Cen tral Depots. Kooms with Private Batli, from $2 Per pay. Largeaftd Small Suites at Special Weekly Rates. ' C "TIT" AW anvv-a ar ar ' w a pffltr an .' - RKSTACHAXt Or UNt'SCAL EiCELLEXCnk H. bTANLEY GREEN, Man ski Director. USP9TiHkei'l TDEATREH. wt

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