Til" KtWS AKD OBSERVED. - " i IHDEMjllG UNIVERSITY CF VIRGINIA. RECEIVES MORE GIFTS ' Deposits ' Now- Operated By - Local Companies Give Em ployment -To Many t , - - , v- V . ' pusjb.w !. . ' SIG ' NEGRO .:' I BAPTIZING v" ".V. : ; Neuse River Used; ThrecrThou- , sani Spectators; One Hun--, dred Thousand Dollars . in ; State and - County Taxes :i Collected at. New Bern 1 in Past FewWoelcs '.': . tsantil I The Dm Qsm, , , ' Nit Btni, April 1 1. Announce ment mad recently that th Stat haa decided to tail over lima ted naar New Ban and work thm- with th convict, meet with but little faror in this eectioa, and. In tact, there to treat deal of crttJcUm of tb plan. These lima beds ar now workad by local companies, and they give an plorment t large number of mas, Thoa who ar sr bKterlv opposed to tha action of th 8 tat declare that it tba ceeivicts ar , brought hr and put ta work that tha State will proa ably aall tha lima much chaaper than tba companies now working thm can and that th latter will b forced to tba wall and a number of persona will b thrown out of employment Th farmer of thia section ar be ing; told of th matter, tha mine op erator explaining to thara that If th Population of th aaetion la decreas ed, that they will bo the ones ta suffer, and many of them bar de . . clared thai, thest will purchase none - f - th Kmc mined "by the- convict. The bringing of tha convicts here and putting them to work will, It is be lieved, case mncn trouble. "rt Tnh 1 BanttrfM- - ? Three thousand colored citisena of iSew Bern and James City gathered on the banks of Neuse river off East front street Sunday afternoon, and Witnessed what was said to b th most apectacuUT" bepUxina- or color r converts ever held in thia vicinity. Forty -A v of the colored brethren and filters had professed faith in. the Lord, and Sunday was the day sat for the baptismal ceremony. The weather ould not have been more Ideal, and long before the appointed , hour th spectator began -to arrive, and when th parson and his flock stepped down Into tha water of the river, there were negro lining the breakwater for Mock In each direction. Among th crowd were several - hundred whit people, to whom these colored baptia. mgs ar always n source of Interest. The parson who bad the "affair la charged i worked ' quietly and with precision.' The entire forty-five were napused in leas than an hour. - lvO.eoa ia Taxes Collected. One hundred thousand dollar in 4tate and county taxes have been- col- lected by Bheriff Richard B. I-ane during the past few weeks and there ' now remains leas than fifty thousand dollar to be secured by collections and from -the' sale of the property of thus who have . not com across, Tb sheriff has advertised all who failed, to pay up by April first, and . there are several hundred of than, :-- amounts ranxiwg from a few dol lars op to several hundred dollars. The record mad by Sheriff Lane In collcting a hundred thousand dollar iin.--tha-.ts list Is probably th- beet ever mad in this county, and be la, naturally, well pleased with the re sults which he and hi deputies have obtained m from their efforts. Orcrtns lTn On Acreaar. Three months ago the farmers of "raven ai)d adjoining counties were emphatic m their assertions that they Intended to "rut" their cotton crop at least fifty per cent. A month ago. Hfter the price had begun to go up a little, they had reduced this contem plated decreaa to about thirty per trent, and since th rise In price dur ing th past weeks, a number of the agriculturists have been heard to say t ht they .will cat their acreage but little. Men who are thoroughly fa miliar with conditions are urging the farmers to stick t their original In tention, declaring that If another big i Top Is planted, that the farmers will lose money on it. and are urging In Htead, that th clvrrsirtoatlon of th rope planted be looked after mora. There is much cotton yot unsold in ten. and many bales of this ar being brought here each day and dis posed of on th local exchange. A committee composed of a num ber of the members of the local Are 'ompanlea, are now engaged In snap ping out a program for the State Firemen's. Tournament to be held in ; .r Bern thia summer;. ' FARMER KICKED BY MIXE.' Iredell's ' Cooperative Oeasscry In nnartHlilnaT Uottditinej. - KUIesvllte. April l. Mr. .:tl. Caudilt. a well-to-do farmer of Shttoh township, thia bounty, waa dangerous ly Injured yesterday afternoon by be ing kicked In the abdomen by a mule. The local' physician who was eum moned Immediately realised that Mr. Caudill was suffering from Internal Injuries and late In the afternoon he waa brought to Dr. Long's Sanatorium here. Last night an operation was performed and it waa found that his mall Intestine had been broken en tirely IntA .it vn different Blacen. The interline 5ere r-unttd by th doctors and tverything possible la be ing done for tha patient, but it is realised that his condition is very ser ious and doubtful. . Government Dairy Agent Arty re port that - Iredell's co-operative 1 'reamery established at Mooreevill , ' tome months ago is In a very flourish- ing condition. At the end or the past week the creamery waa behind with Its order to the amount of !. pounds of butter. Us product being very snuch In demand. Durtag the v month of March th creamery artanu : factured ll.Oll pound of butter. The -reamery Is How supported by IT . ream routes and haa -a total of li ream patrons. Some' of the-Iredell dairy farmers, nowever. are sun abis ping their cream to the Catawba Co . operative Creamery at Catawba. Be- fore thai establishment of Iredell' plant air the cream from the Iredell routes went te the Catawba plant, Tne farmers are finding dairying much more profitable since the eetablish ment f tbe cream route and the creameries. - TO AKSIKT VI RtVlVAU Kev. A. D. VTIcos Goes, to Edrntus. einnc Darts to Korea. -, i hi an w to The Kes Lulsburg. Aprfl- 1 1. Rev." A. " D. Wilcox, pastor . f tb Methodist church hare, has gone to fcaenton t assist ths pastor of tb Methodist church thee in a eerie of meetings' Kev. R. U Davis, of th Anti-tta-imi lsifM. will address the united c-irre(niioc a ef this city next Sun y menu he wrtil speak at Casta lia '- ftuaday mantlug. m a , Statae of Ttmnisa Vffrraoa ruvrilrd Or: AkVraita Cocnptctra laecadc of iTcei.iency. -.-, tw sm asiimiil rassl. ', CharlottsvlUs, Va.:' April 'II. Pounders day waa celebrated at the University of Virginia today by the unveiling of a bronae statue of Thomas Jefferson dona by Karl Bitter and presented to th University by Charles R. Crane, of Chicago. President Alderman announced .a gift "Of 41 , for a new laboratory, hall from John - Black well .Cobb, of New Tork . and half from s - donor whoa nam waa - withheld. Mrs. Charles H. Banff, of Now Tork has given flMvs to Improve the Uni versity grounds. :5 ' t - Fairfax Harrison, ' president of the Southern Railway waa the chief speaker of the day.' David . Huston, Secretary of Agriculture presented tbe Jefferson statute on behalf of Mr. Crane, -, . Dr. Alderman was congratulated by tbe speakers on completion of tbs A ret decade of his presidency. -; Secretary Houston paid tribute to Jefferson aa the one man of a century ago who more completely than any other, would. If h were alive, com prehend th prevent day and feel at home In It. ( "Certainly th present desperate situation of the world would seem very familiar to htm," said Mr. Hous ton, "for from the beginning of his official career untie its close, Europe waa ablaae, aa It la new, and our na tion waa laboring under handicaps. In the trying and threatening circum stances of his day he and his great chief. Washington, were determined that thia nation should not step into the 'bloody arena,' but they were equally bent on preserving the sover eignty and Independence ef the na tion, 'preferring every consequence to insult and habitual wrong.' "His plea for strict neutrality,'' said Mr. Houston, "has a singularly modem character." Ambitious Program Debating Union 1916 Continued from Taga'On.T" ampton, Halifax, Columbus. Wilson, Forsyth, Davidson, Swain, Lincoln and attok. -'--v - ....-v . - Ko MoonHght Kxcnrtson. Th Journey to Chapel Hill waa no moonlight excursion or an afternoon's pleasure trip to many of the teams that were fired with a seal to compete for the Aycock' Memorial Uup. The Almond school, of Swain county, travelled on the round trip ft! miles on rail and foot. The party of five saw an outgo of $IOvln footing th expense account. Tha Manteo school composed of four girl, Journeyed SI mile each way. Their routing was by water., rail, and automobile. Th expense budget of th party of five was flit. Th teams of Jeffer son, Ashe county, covered a distance of miles; Waynasvlll, Haywood county, IS miles; Hendersonvllle, Henderson county. It miles; Whlte vtlle, Columbus county,- I & raHea; Orrunv Robeson county, It miles; Belmont, Qaaton county, it mil; Piedmont, Cleveland county, ft miledl i IM Girts KaroMrd. ' Th total number of girls enrolled in th Kit aerie reached lft. Only II qualified to participate In the final at Chapel Hill. Thia fact lends ad ditional distinction to the crowning achievemente of Miss Leila Rookh Fleming and Ethel Gardner, the win ners of the trophy. The display of art In debating by these two youth ful girl l and 17 year old, Trv'HrtlyBBr?jdj4rdjV" 4hs4sT- Individual credit and to the training inculcated by C L. Coon, superinten dent of city schools, and C. C. Hay- 1 worth, principal of the Wilson-school. The girls carried back with them on their exultant Journey home tha Ay- 3 cock Memorial Cup. The Carthage school is deserving of special mention as a worthy contest ant or Wilson in ths second round of preliminaries for final honors. Th team was composed of H. W. William son and Neill McKay. The latter holds ths distinction of having Been an active member of the Debating Union for three year. Ha has rep resented the Carthage school each year in the contest. Lumberton. Holly Springs and StOneville are the only three schools rn-the- State that have qualitied to compete In the Chapel Hill prelimi naries for three (consecutive years. Lumberton made the second preli minary, on the negative aide of the query la the contest Friday morning. A PICTURE STORY WITH JUST ONE WORD wwr j ' 1 : I f '.r $40.00 f wSS.00 $65.00 IliJ JF --h SYm Amount r. -' - v tit" '7 fr f v- 0 : li . ?stw SL ' JF'ti ' If 5rc?-r - Cc :Vr 111 . :.l . ...T l- A ' - I I t- :J -r-J1- J r fi-V i' -P S', a.: V.: 4 --- p 7"'r$80.00 : IIS0.00. :. r ' : $210.00 -i- i$260l-.- I mmwmwwWWWm'wemwiwHMWHWwimw "" " "W""" "miiims we wuii i isMMiiMiitfiMewwnwwF SMuLyiuUllul ...i.:...iU,iiii,lillUiiilU,1.1.i U.Mlllll.Mi.lilliliaulllMiiiiMilllMIMMIIlllMIUIIIWSIIMMIIMIIIIMMIIISIIIMMIIMIS.IMSIS .III... 111.11 alllliailliaiMIISylllllMMIIIIIIIIMIMIUlllllllllllllillHuuMMa o Q.: INVESTED BY MERCHANTS IN THE FOLLOWING TOWNS DURING . - : : THE MONTH OF MARCH FOR ' National Gash Registers ' REPRESENTING FIFTEEN IJ Then naradtants, not U IwdcaW'wkli def IT,- Montry Piid Out Twice, , DiapaUd Accounts, ForYottat CWn SeJes, MWUlt in ClMtnf, Cuk Won't tULucw, and tkr Bnins wiD l tr I or Um tmportnnt Uunra, INCREASING BUSINESS, TRAINING CLERKS, ADVERTISING, HOLDING CUSTOM- ERS WELFARE OF FAMILY. James Melias J.' A. Dickens. . ....'. , . .'.Greensboro . ..Shoe Shine .....,.. . , Weldon ...... Restaurant John Haritos. , .Wilmington Roy Levy. . . . .... .Durham. . . Interstate Stores Co. . . ..Greenville. W. S. Colcough , .Durham. ... . .Swansboro. . .Wilmington . . Kinston. Sam Adler S. W. Reid........ .. J. H. Uvin Burlington Drug Co. . . Grotto Theatre. . . .Burlington. . . uufiington. nton. F. Nassef 4 Co....... . Raleigh The Crystal Co v. . . . Durham United Cigars Stores Co , . . Wilmington J. D. & L B. Wh'itted Burlington , Morrow & Bsreon. Burlington. . A. JNejam. . . . . . . ... . . . . .Edenton : N. H. McLeod. .... .' . ,-. Qothing. . . J, A, i'torthani J.e .... Wilmington . D Stadiem & Co. TTt r.-. . .Creensborp : Freeman Drug Co . i V . Burlington . . G. L-Raiff. . . i .--.. ...Belhaven. . J. R. Ferrall at Co . . i . . . . . Raleigh . . . . T. B. Crowder & Son .... . Raleigh Patterson Drue Co Wilson. . . Half S Ross, Inc.. , Wilmington . Willis Book & Stationery Co Greensboro . F. W. Woolworth & Co .. Wilmington . Odell Hardware Co. ..... . Greensboro . What good for th Urgest stor, am) good for your store. If yoa ar nternated an tnnlurif mor Vsti(at now wh& ti utMne i Worn J.L OTCZEL, Sales Agent M I .,rr : n : 1 .' t, av j jlv, mtrm i ".. :, v 'au. n n aVnsQk. ,. -3 a . . x, a I :''."affWIllwe' ... I - I HI 1 1 I 1 li ii ' li ill 'Si" & 40.00 40.00 55.00 65.00 80.00 100.00 110.00 150.00 160.00 2 10.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 260.00 260.00 440.00 450.00 510.00 565.0O . Restaurant . ...... . .Newspapers . S and 10 cent. ..... .Grocery .. .Gen. Mdse . Grocer . . . Billards. . . . Drurs . . . .'. .Theatre . Dry Goods Theatre . . . Ggars . . , . . . Dry Goods Dry Goods .Dry Goods . .Raleigh . . ." .Books andSutionery- -7 Clothing-r r-.-rr . rrr .Drugs . ........... Dry Goods .v. . . 575.00 580.00 615.00 61 5.00 655,00 . Groceries . Groceries .pjrujrs .Groceries . Books and Stationery . .5 and 10 Cent . Hardware . 655.00 825.00 900.00 2,300.00 I.12.05S.OO for tha atmlleat atom 1m be inoocj out of your yom. Y. Ma SL, Rzleill C r n ii ... a SI. c ' ..... . :. .i .' . i I t - , - ; . . . -f ! ' ' ' " -n'- It $825X0, ..s':J:. c 3 ' "TT 1450.00 -r '-T-- ; ! i 3 I . 4 f I ' 1 ' - pv inu , A .. . .. . ' - ' - - . 't " "T--Zrt' V-i'