THE NEWS AND OBErtVEfc FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 23, 1915. -r ; HOWE'S TRAVEL f'b'l'IVAL. g pei f uiiiied by Raw. 'Wan. Verve, of I tae Methodist Episcopal church, , Naval ' JUf e WUI Be DeeActCw Wlh e - -BaJUVy-Floweva. - i. . , - Carta Vlvidi rav w f nee the Trstk mm Scat for M, Ne ntatter what fate Seals. : - - r tou urease the tr sd sight for t Ana sever lure taiw, , r tuds kla - ser ta Mam. lv tallvw tee mm that a dear te hla T tee ess of taw wertd -sad put, To Mp the week aad Ik faltertag. The weary Ml tee (erase, let keep, with a vUI asalterlae. Ilia piers wits tk Mara aas strong fs bear tka Ula tkat ara bearable, Wltk a eewrage tkat will at tire, . kVlnjr etow ta wrath, bet terrible Wssa there U jaat raaat for Ire, " Te ataad by kla cesreo7 Vara" J. Threes atomy weather ar fair; Ta apesd kla eabetssce reralljr, Waeaiver rka sees la there; " ' r fees kla rata aad bekola ta her - Wianwver aba blocks Ika raad: , la Wvm 4 MM Weeasa sad bold ta That U Ika stress ' Cwr- . Bertoa Hraley, Mis Mary Aveork left -yesterday lor Waraaw to visit her brother, Mr, William Arcock. and Un. Ayccck. Mrs. J. T. Joyuer returned yes terday afternoon Irora a nail to Orange, Mra ti. A. Coble of Oxford, la ' hr oa a visit to bar aunt, Mrs. C. B. Edward. lira. W. 8. Smethurst baa return d from Columbia, whara aba visited relatlvea Mra M. V. Moore, of Ashrvllle, who haa been tha arueet of M ra. Lock Craig, returned horn yesterday alter ' Hr. and Mra Robert Carroll to r cempaaled by their daughters, tha Mia Carroll, and Mies Dorothy - Kurroaghs. of Onk City, passed through th city yesterday en rout to Greensboro. Mr. John C. Jamea. of Wllmlng too, la rial tint Mra. K. B. Raney. ... Miss Iea Faulkner, of Houston, Vs.. who ns bee 4h guest of Mra J. F. Ferrall. has returned horn. ; " Mrs." R.-J-.-Hateman f -Troy, - AIM., who was called here by th Ue ns and death of her mother, Mrs. ." Kord, ha returned heme. " Needle Craft Club. Th Doylan Height Needle Craft Club will meet this aftemooa at four clock with Mr. W. Q. Smith on - Cutler street. Mrs. O'Vurna lavproves. Mrs. J. 1 O'Quinn. who haa been , III for some tlm at Mary Elisabeth Hospital, has .returned home, her condition baying Improved. aVii. Rerttal At leare. . A Joint recital will be given at 1'eace Instltnt this evening at by Mle Eleanor Johnson, , pianist. and Lula Thorn, soprano. Th public la cordially Invited. I ' UalM Meeting. . Agn Guild, of Christ church , wlU meet this afternoon after th church services. Mince this will b - aa Important meeting, all members ar urged to be present Th Affinity" Rehearsal. The meeting of th children who ar to take part In the . play for th Kt. Agnes Guild wii b at 4:1 thl afternoon, th grown people to meet at eight o clock for rehearsal. The meeting will b held In th Parish Houss of Christ Church. ICXTERT.UN CIRCLE ?. 4. mm PICTURESQUE MODELS FOR EARLY SUMMER Frederick Baker, Mrs. McKeon. Ben tor members Miss Louie Thomas. Th next moating will b bald on Monday night. LITERATURE SECTION OF THE WOMAN'S CLUB IN LAST MEETING OF YEAR Presided Over Lambert. Ma a tad Mrs. Hoiaans Arradell Ulv , rirasanl Aftrraoaa rwiikwm. r-sr.Miv.an4 . Mrs. Holmes Arendell en Jeruuned flrcle No. of Kdenboa Mtreel Methodist Church, on Wednea- day arteraoon, th guests going by au tomobile to tha country hon.e of CoL and Mrs. F. B. Arendell, where th reception was given. Th business meeting of tl.j Circle was held first, and then delicious ra. freehments were served th guasts. It was altogether a most pleasant and : enjoyable social function. ;, 4 4 4 ; ADMIHKIOK BtRVICr- ' (.Iris VirMlly Hortrty Takes la Twea. lyottr Neay Menbera. The Ulrla" Friendly Hociety of Ra lelarh had Its admission servloa- last ana laenty-tour new members were taken Into th es-gaaiaation. Tha foimwtng young women pledged themselves to help this society stand for loyal, faithful and purs womanhood: Misses Louisa Wilson. Hsills Klmpklns. Kathleen Johnson. JSthel Johnsoa, Rosa Klrkland. Marion I-e Eula Cromartia. Elaa Hiiker. flu si Davis, Mary Robinson. Ruth Rob. ertsos. Dora Rush. Ethel Brewer, florsao Dement. Nancy Dixon. Ger trude Woolard. Bdna flhaw. Iaulln . Brldgera, Paullns Brown. Kell Oay. Associates: Mrs. Henry London, Mrs. by Mrs. M. Atfiby Departaaent Hears Three am kawopeaa Travel. Mrs. M. Ashby Lambert, chairman of th Literature Department of the Woman a .Club, conducted yesterday afternoon, the last meeting which th department will hay thl year. Before the regular program of th fternoon .was taken up. there was n election of th officer who will it Mrs. Lambert's assistants r.ext year In er work. These officers were elect ed s follow: VJce-c, trmsn. Mrs. Walter Watson re-elected 1 and rotary, -Mrs:- Lyntr WHder. Thew cam th regular program, the first speaker being Mrs. J. A. Hcott, who gave her hearers some entire jy new ana unnackneyea information about Scotland. She spoke on th manner and Customs of the Hrotch nd their peculiarities She referred to the chilly climate of Scotlknd, her Ore are needed all summer, and where It la Impossible to raise many summer vegetables. Taking th city, Edenburgh, as hsr special tub Ject. Mrs. 8cott mentioned th attrac tlveoess of th (hopping district on Princess street, where, on one side ar shops bright with th gar tartan and Hootch Jewelry, and, on the other aid th Princess Street gardens' Oddi ties of travel. Ilk being allowed to rid on th top of street Car for on cant, were amusing, whil It was pathetic to bear howthe poor children run after the touring buaae and hang around wedding parties begging to pennlea The early morning call of tn dustman, of th milk-maid (who carries, on a hoop about her waist. ner pitchers or mtlkl of th taker. with his hot roll for breakfast, were well told. Th school llf of the chil dren and ih mphasls placed upon neatness, and order In these schools made another interesting topic. Th . character of the building, the way inn wonins is aons uy ODen nrea the absence of screens (because there ar no- flies) -the scarcity of tea boxes and . refrigerators (because they sel dom Seed lc war other ttema of in ures. Many other peculiarities were noted by Mra, Hcott, whose talk was thoroughly enjoyed and apprevtated oj ta i acne present. folio wd by Miss Ellis Pool who talked In her interesting bright way on Bwltsarland and its besutlea-4 on Alpine climbing, on Geneva, horn of Jean Jacques - Rousseau. Voltaire and Madam da Btael: and many other piace. mat were visited by Miss Pool during ner stay in this country. auss iiuan Tkempeon. whoa let tsr. written, rrom abroad, were so much enjoyed when they aoDeared In th newepapers and magasines, fol lowed with a lecture on Franc. Th poetry, the romance, the sad hlatnrv In fact. Franc with all ita glamour naa eviaentiy tnrown Its spell over Miss Thompson, during her alsv In the Country, and she did full Justice o ins reelings and emotlohc excited by thla fair country." With rich, ro mantic diction, her descriptions were both beautiful and vivid, and her mif. drees, especially in th description of uouen ana its association with the memory or Joan or Aro became no longer prose, but poetry. Mlaa i nompson closed with a tribute to -li loyalty: bravsry and patriotism which the great war in Europe has brought vui in ine rrencn cnaracter. Thla being the but meeting of tl. year, the department adjourned until next nu. CASTORIA FltfMtXlriBlilm Bears th lit llki Yoa Bin Ahrsjs Bsssht '"T" Spring Showing Select Styles Liniinery MISSES REESE & COMPANY BRINGING UP FATHER Th pomp and panoply of naval llf have been Cold a various time by brilliant creation la pen aaa pencil, by Zogheuim, Reuterdahl. Reyea deaker, Lsina and others. They have bean admirably expressed In song and story by Kipling, but It has remained for Lymaa H. Howe te depict naval llf ! the most vivid of all agencies the motion picture, and Howe Is in debted to secretary of the Navy Das. lets, for the authority and facilities that made poasibls such a reproduc tion as will be seem at the Academy for twe nights, starting next Friday. wita specta! Saturday matinee. The nation-wide prestige and popu larity of Mr. Howe's exhibition, aad its mighty influence. Induced Secretary uanlels to confer thla signal honor upon Mr. How. On several oocev slons high government officiate, recog. nlslng tha educational value of this aeb hi bit Ion, have granted Special permits to Mr. Howe te film events of national Interest. - But In order to Insure the most Cam City. April I!. Invitations a I roiiows have been issued: , "Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bailey Invite you to be present t at the marriage of tbetr daughter i i .Mario Braawell ' te ' . ' Mr. Sultan Orsvee IHoweTS Wednesday evening, the twelfth of I - . . , . May w :;, r at nine o'elockr Methodist Episcopal hurch Elm City. North Carolina 'At home after tha twenty-fifth of I ay, Bebulon, M. C 4 BRCWlOl-PHILUra. iom Bavdneas Man of wake Forest I - Weds at Newton. tasiiiiHetaeHeaaeaS unais l ' Kewton. Aoril II. Mr. Samuel Waid Brewer, of Wake Forest, and I Mlaa Nannie BeU Phillips, ef thU I place, were nuletly wadded last night I at tae noma of th bride' parents. Mr. and Mrs. U H. Phillips, on Pine -i - s the digest Bakirig wder in the World" Says Miss Princtoe notable reproduction of naval life everltreet, V7. M. Biles, pastor of the photographed, the Secretary of the I Navy haa for two years, through' the I commanders and officers of the fleet, I extended Mr. How th moat hearty I co-operation and ha been unsparing I in granting special raciuuea First Methodhat church. offleiaUng. Following the ceremony, which was at I t o'clock, the ooudIs left 'on No. 1 I for Washington and other Northern I eiUea, and will be at bom te Wakel Forest after May let. ' Th Phillip home was very beauti fully decorated for the wedding, a pink I nd whit color scheme being carried I out. Pink carnation aad ferns, ro-l gether with many ether flowers, mad I th scene la all the rooms on of hrvo. I rPlrTCITU-WCCI IM Uneea. Ullll I I I irnbbblll I lfuas f-..HI WW f at.eeerlt1 WEDDING YESTERDAY Weddings and Engagements Lovely Nashville Utrl tVcosnes Bride of Popular Atlanta Man, at Present of HatetaTb. One of th prettiest marriage of tn spring season was solemnised yes terday afternoon, at a quarter till five, at the home of Mr. and Mra. J. N. Keeffh. Sr., Ill New Bern Avenue, when they save In marriage Ihelr charming daughter. Margie BetrKeel In, to Mr. William Butt Griffith. Amid a scene of lovely .decoration In pink and whit. Rev. t'has. K. Maddry in simple and solemn manner spoke, the rite that completed the union, the ring ceremony being used. An altar canned with palms, smiiax and lilies. decorated in pinks and sweet peas had been erected in the bay window of the spacious drawing room. The mantels were banked In ferns and swset peas, while the beautiful ami- lax, caught up with butterfly bows of white and pink, com Dieted th color scheme of whit and pink. juat neror the entry or the bridal party, Mr. Needham Broughton very effectively sang "At Dswning." Then to the strain of Mendelssohn's wedd ing march, rendered with precision and feeling by Falte's string orches tra, came first the little flower girls, Dorothy Ball Kaolin, of Atlanta and Lille May Scruggs, nieces of th bride, dressed in dainty white and bearing baskets of nlnk sweet neaa The maid of honor. Mlaa Mary Butt Griffith, of Atlanta, sister of the groom, wore pink chiffon trimmed In crystal and carried a showsr of pink sweet peas and valley llllea The bride entered on the arm of her father. Mr. J. N. Keelin. Mr., who save ner away, an was dream of lovell clad In tulle over whits am. brnldered lace aad carried bride's rose and valley llllea Th bride was met at th altar by th groom, who entered on the arm of his best man. Mr. J. N. Keelin. Jr.. brother of the bride. Master William Scruggs gal. lantly bore the ring Imbedded In the art or a larg whit ralla lily. Dur ing the ceremony the orchestra auuiy .played .Traumerei. rne bride's mother, Mrs. J. N. heelln. Hr.. was gowned ra bl charmeuae yelled in tulle. Hsr sister. Mr. W. R. Scruggs, wore green taf feta. Mra. Mary Butt Orifflth, motner or tns groom, was becoming' ly gowned In black lace over brocad d satin, trimmed In rose point lace, with a corsage boquet of pink and White carnations. In the back parlor a handsome dis play of valuable presents, sent from many points In ths South and as far west as Los Angeles, attested tj tha esteem In which th coudIs are held. Shortly after the ceremony the brid na groom left for a honeymoon tour Bast: They wiH - arrive in Atlanta next week In time to stteitd ths etropniitsa Grand Opera during, at hlch time they will be the sueat af tne groom motner. at 411 Peachtnea street. The brides golng-awsjr arown was vi gray, witn gray nat trimmed ta ue. Mrs. Griffith la a daughter of Tea. neeseee. Nashville being her former nome. Her parents. Mr. and Mra J. Keelin. Sr.. ar for the nresent raw aiding In Raleigh. Mr. Orifflth la a son or Mra. Mary Butt Griffith and the late B. H. Orifflth. of Atlanta, a nephew of the late Judss Butt, of Atlanta, and cousin of Archibald Hutt. who went down on tfca.tjl. Both bride and groom are very an. eompliahed musicians, the groom be. mg connected with th music house of Darnell and Thomaa of this cltv. After their honeymoon they will re turn here te make their home. 4- 1 ' Hceme Wending. Rosemary. Aoril It. Vfr. x r Butts, of Garysburg. N. C, and Mra Mamie V. French were auletlv mar. tied at th horn of Mra J. M. -Oris. sard, on Hamilton street. Wednesday anemoon. tne (jet, tn who gave her away. - She was attired In a -blue traveling suit.. Only the! family and other relatives and friends' I were present. . The groom la a young business man I tn Wake Forest, and several years! ago lived in Newton while holding position with a wholesale bus! net here.- He made numerous friend In I Newton and la widely acquainted else. I where - ha the . aUatThe brtda la a I charming young lady, gifted and gra cious, and will be missed a very great deal, particularly from ths Methodist I cnurcn enoir. in ehtrh ana was a aoa I lolst of pleasing talent. l 'TO you know what this meant? It -- meant better baking and more economy in baking. Moisture in bak . ing powder destroy, ita leaveijingpow ; er. That it the reason whyordinarybak ing ppwder goer ttale on the grocer'a TT. shelf.- Thenoisture is extracted from PURE PHOSPHATE wder In addition to the infallible leavening power thus v mured, there the economy of paying only for the . powder and not for the addeJ ' weight of moitture.' '' .' ' .' .; " . ' Princine Pure Phosphate Baking Powder meet all the Kandarda of every pure food law and, what u more to the point, of tuch men u Lewis . B. Alljm of Westfield, Mass., and Alfred W. McCann, pure food expert of New York, who endorse ft with the words " Excellent I " and " Pure I It betters your baking results what- tTHMiee easatleaaesM cere-W la- IS.; I sir7 tfahM tyesi laaeia Ceeeeae is awe? ear. U yea caa'l f SikKeM at veet awnai' al. seaw aa. r.nlea a 13. erKa.ea. Miei Peiacie'. Bietsil SacieeHet area neaaa. EIGHT STORES AN OFFICESROBBED Out of It All Zebulon Folks Miss I , Less Than $20 and Two Quarts of 'Whiskey tk fir tkt froviss Sktlftt Tear Grttr'i The Sontaem ManufacturinsT Co. Irhsa.aa. Vs. faSveryCen Km wee eaoelwe In V .l.l.h vaa. terdar of a airing of burglaries atrttl nd they mean to show In their Zebulon ' sometime Wednesday night, d" that, aa daughters of a great In which th post office.. Norfolk I People, they are possessed of all th Southern ticket office, uoress offloa. I Qualities such women should have. four stores, and a barber shop were I then men execute pantomimic scenes entered. The burglar were evidently lot the hunt and go through all the loosing ror notning but money, though I motions of the kill; they spear th lc ceremony they got but little of thla poetofflce thirty cents From th missed; bear, slay the walrus and seal and. Anally, with extraordinary contor 8 was secured from the railway I tlona, vanquish the mighty whale. ticket office and two quart . of whis ejr rrom ths express company. Thompson's barber shop and th fol lowing stores were entered: Hale and Fuller. Hardware; W. .O. Cons, gen oral merchaat; N. B. Finch, gen era! merchant, and The Eebulon Sup ply Company. The lock on Mr. Cone's af Was brhken and ft ssrurea. Cfforta were mad early yesterday morning .. to aecu re blood hounds, but up u a iaie near tarn aigm ma roo ber or robbers had not been appro bended. A band of strange negroes Wednesday afternoon going In the direction of Zebulon ar suapect- ea. nil la th second wholesale burglary to . occur ' at Zebulon re cently. E8K.IMU8 B ELECT W1TKS AT THK WIULE DAXCE. Daare. Male and FesnaJe, taw Moat Havag of EvolsUoeia. A very primitive custom of th na tives of the Bering and Arcltio coasts of Siberia, a cuatom that 'has com down from generations of savage an. castor. I th annual celebration of the whale dance, when the Eskimos select their wives When tb sun moves Southward at the end of the short summer season aad the Ice comes up the northern . w w i m vviii. uuwn .ivn i - .... . . water. M Then. In celebration .of the , " ins. census retuma oi " season s' catch, says th Youth's Com- ta vl.i,Bl ,h. mpiU! ,f "'."i1 During th last days of th feast, when ths tlm arrives for the selec tion of husbands and wives, th man perform his mats danos before th woman he has picked out. In panto mime he premises to provide her ien roualy with th fruit of the hunt, both food and fur. It she la pleased with him. she walks out and dances her acceptance and shows how she will look after the Igloo. When they nave danced nrore sacn other. they are married after th custom of the trios and he leads ner off to his mal- rua-hlde lodge. During the danos they feast on whale. Tle akin of the baleen whale la about an Inch thick and looks Ilk rubber. - The solid robber between It and ht true flesh I usually about fourteen Inches thick. The black skin and the blubber, the latter cut to the thickness of the former, la called moktuk aad 1 considered a great aeiieacy. it is eaten raw. and, al though It sounds repulstvs to the civilised ear. Is like that of chestnuts. OFFICE HOLDERS IS THE UNITED STATES The number of federal empolyea In ltOS was I7S.0II. If the last rate of Increase has continued la subsequent yearn, their total I at present than (SS.OSS. which Is doubtl. true. panlon, the ice-dwellers embl for and their minor .divisions of civil tha whala dance, whirs, leata twant.. swvwrnmen. now auso aggregate more Java I ,n SSS.SSS. Consequently, the sum one daya Ths great, dance circle la prepared. and in the renter the dancers, both mals aad female, not form the most savags or evolutions ana motions to I nrethdentiai the accompaniment of rhythmlee I t.TT. k total of public employe of all kinds In thl country I already more than t.SSS.SSS, or approximately one for each fifteen rote east In ths last election, the result of decided ' by a plurality -of Denting or tn tomtoms ana weird Isniv t m sit. c ban ting. The dance songs tall of th I if th ownership of railroads and of the hunters aad of th lather nublia utilities should be c history of the tribe, Th movements at th women are surprisingly grace. rfT" lave your reputation WX baraaament by using AHMSVI ANT18KFTIC TOIUST POWDBIt for dor from prssplratlim. It Ing, soothing aad purifying. Sulred by oar various characters of Sovemment, an addition ta more than .SOS.O0S would be made te th pres ent total of nubile employee, and one would exist for each four of our present voting population. What an opportunity would consequently he afforded for th unjust perpetua. at th live drug store. lion of political power and repree. II eentsleloa ef the will of the peopl not In I government employ need, not be el aborated, for It la obvious that under such conditions even the refendum would afford a powerful means os as sistance to machine polltiolans In ths attainment of their unworthy, and dangerous enda Bo, If public ownership were uni versally adopted. In this country, bringing with It the Inevitable politi cal situation just outllnsd. there would never be a departure; from It, no matter . how unfortunate ita re. suits were to the true Interests of th country and it dUena William J. Clark, In th Electric Railway Jour- HER FALbE TEETH FROZE. That's How Cold It Was ha Wins and. Where Trees brow In Iccaeeda. Wlnatead .(Conn.) Dispatch to the New World. - A nunher-of sununsr . cottages at Highland Lake hay taken on life this week, th early arrivals having ex pressed a desire to se nature unfold herself. On city woman (nam omitted by request), on rising this morning found ner raise teetn were fronea. - Before retiring last night she deposited them ,la a glaa sof water Which ah placed ua the. window Bill of her room. The mercury touched fifteen degrees above sera and also her teeth. Pointing to hemlock trees standing erect tn th middle of ice-bound Sec ond Bay, a city gtri remarked: "Mother. Isn't It strange how trees will grow through th leer The curious girl was Informed that th tree had been planted in the Ice Held by fishermen to protect them from the elements when the fish were not biting. Then ah wanted to know If there were any suckers In tha take. " " J '. The queerest automobile raeJna track In the world Is at Said ura, Utah, where heutra-aal beds rsealah. the- roaaway. rne , beds are oa tha Una of the Wests ra Pacific Rai irons aad are sixty-Ore miles Ions; and sigh! miles wlda mm Doii't Collier linl. with Dreu Shields Km OA fe as W yai Bsa! aW sVsn Just two applicatioeu week wul keen' ; th snnphs aezurally dry and dainty, gad roar clothing free from etaia tad ilinanieaa. Dmttkulds Un bm umntetamrj. ODO-1tfNOalae karpe daaip parepuisg fTrh at fill inaaint sbrr aad sstarmur dry ssd aweeatssil einnilMa sdaa fisuy sadM es sat leans the eftaet. " - Jrr . .. Cetyawbatutef ODO-1UNO today. Sea be seioWr k awkea ansa Itssid snnrinanr for yes aad doat sway with an ear. - spirataMtresbta. SSc SOcaad SI. Six tinua aa auea for tl aa torlSe. -" TilSnmH ' ina viaueWlV0 bUk MSS I a ew asa sa. eaf aw THE TOILET. WATER. FOR EXCESSIVE PERSPIRATION Vrvrvw mmm By GEORGE McMANUS OOTe.lT'lMka. (J.iOTTHe i Pip i waw. To Fy 'CUTM AJSD ftrVf. 1 CUOCIT NOWONt AreXXJTHO TOIOftttjOW ' I i If A 1 1 ry- T - - J TrUrtK Ht CAaXrfT NE Hrrd TO Me wnote: ( OPC OPtNSoUR NOUTH AM yiV 'aM'Vrt ON- T . - 1 y