THE NEWS AND OBSERVES. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 3, 151. A. : Capitals, " Tourists - and Patriots C Are Yesterday's Winners '.' , Rain Stops 'Majority 'r;V : a;" ; Games H ti-Jll) " In the Big leagues '.'- i mm L SP.OKTS SB -- , T 1UETS SHOT OUT CURRfE PITCHES Capitals Send Six Runs Home In-Second When Visitors ' Bunch Errors. . V . U The'currieV Krror rtsorutuilng combination prowed too powerful for Fmorys cellatfte .yesterday and the Capitate aoned another victory, maklii two out' theSaerics. It was ay wSjalng and" the one run scored i the initial frame wm utte enough to get the vletoryvin the;faoe of the 'upfrk work of Mtsrphey Currle. Ciinie ebut-out th visitor and Al lowed btil five srslUrre.1 fltrtlc. H to true he wa wild. Issuing hair wn base, hut he always tightened with. runner n'the p.-n)hN ind It wr Impossible for the Iton-ct to push . single rua a'i'oea tho rov-wcd piece of rubber. The nearest ChRJott cam' f scoring wm In the fouth frame when the Hornets secured two of their hit. With Munch on second and two out Mieehsn iilngled clearly to centre. Munrh irmted for home, but waa eauKht at the plate by a per-f.-ct throw from Schuyler in center. The throw cut the plate in two on at . tlirect line ami beat the runner ny several f-t. It waa aeiy the beet liekllrx feature of the afternoon and Fob waa given nice applause- en route . to the bench. After that Innln- tne -w-.iaitrs -didn't cot a runner part eee '" i-nd Imum. In th sixth, eighth and ninth the itrst man up gov ou base by pa-wea. but after getting to aerond they eventually died for the want of y-ftttjn- error. 1 n the ninth.. Bey k In. 3rt 9b. walked. Curiie then fill ned two and made the other one foul out to Tally. - The Hornet staged another of heir erratK contests, but yesterday they hunched their mlecuea try tbt second frame at which time the Capital piled up half a docen tallies by adding three bingle at th time when the vlslsora took their ascen sion. - After the awful eeoond round the Hornet settled down with their fielding and put up a good exhibition contributing- but two more bobble to their- large list. But with these two error they convinced the fan that they have acme ability aa pla,ye Heck, in the right garden, made TIMELY HITTING l!S FOB PATRIOTS Twins Feature With Three ; Homes; Moorefield Getting . Two Over Wall. . STANDING OF THE CLUBS CAROLINA LEAGUE. Claba . W. IV IV. Aahewlllav j. ...... B " 31 Halclgn ........... ..aM lnrluua :1 - 4. (rrraeburo ....... 1 .4 Wineton J71 tClaarlotto it 40 NATIONAL LEAGUE. C-luhM rtttlarfrtptota ('liicwmt . , Hrvoalyw I1uhurar New York V pretty run and catch or Newman a little fly In the elichth Innln and an aure waa t'ltranu that the fly would fall aafe that he was doubled off third. Hchuyler and CUrann (Inured In ' the two biaaeat field Ina feature of the game. Hrhuylrf with hi perfect throw ta th plat In the fourth rob. bed the Horneta of a run. In'the eventh Moor drove a fly directly over second. The lick left hi bat with all the mark of a hit when t'ltrano leaped Into the air and (bear ed the drive ere it fell to terra flrma. tit re no aiao loomad mighty large at tho plate, the Capital shortatoj) batting perjrent lth hl four "TTiUa" In Tou r "time af oat. He had " a double In the fifth, mt fast tlalding by Boykin . caught him at second, liowever, in the eighth he laced out corking triple to left-center, th ball almoet getting by the outfield era. Local fans saw two of the Capitals In action for th first time. Buck Jloberts. recent new m.mlrr, played In right held and It' na use to aay how he worked. Kvcrybody in fan don known this young man's ability km a lis 1 1 player. Ileliln t bang out any binglea yesterday, but It must be taken in consideration that h has not been playing lately. Ms came &her) from ChirU mi. whr he had trouble with bis throat. The liter Capital who ess in hi flrat game here .waa Murphey Currie. of Karfcrtl. ' - Currte was en the mound and he appeared very large to the Horneta. J-'lvs bingle he allowed them, but when they looked threatening, he alwaya eerved them a asaorttnent of offering that were almpiy-t un hit table. He wa wild, giving six Hor net free transportation to first, but : that Utile nisuer of fact didn't get Jhlro Into much trouble. Currl serv ed a combination of fast ones and Quick breaking curve, keeping them .n the corners. - Rut Raleigh funs saw on thing more real than anything ebie. It was the umpire Sir peter Uoyle, ex Twin and now a member of Presi dent Arthur I.ion umpiring staff, - - Aad Mr. Hi 15 le gave sutiafactnry work ion -wrbit retor He- -hew -hail little . pcrrien r ...In. arliltratlng before, while' a player; bvV wtane n(' real ; avart aa an n mnTre y eat ei Uayv-j- Raleigh'a fb-s ully im In the flrat Inning When Dysert walked. . went to second while Mack walked and adored when the pitcher threw bad to Orel after Koberia ' bunted. etack trted to score . t ht same ptay. but wa caught at horn. Mx runs were added In the second . fra,m and It wa th laei time the Iwato ai-ored. Tally, first up, wa nafa on Munrh'a error. CM ratio beet oot an Infield tap. McCord aarrlfic ed and waa aafe on fielder's choice, -both runner' advancing. Newmaa we thrown out at first by Hlieehan. Tally crossed the rubber, Cur - rte waa passed. Dysert singled- ta right, acortng ntrane and M"Ctrl. V hen lysert waa caught between first and second Carrie went hem - atnd waa safe when Have oar drop ped Rnsry'i .throw. Mark hit a - High bounder to Munch and. beat the fielder to first. Roberta hit to fthee ban. who fumbled and allowed Hob. erta Hfa on flrat and then threw the - ball to jightBeld. . Dysert scored and Roberta reached ,Asond. Whil Mchuyler was drawing a pasa Rob erts' stole third. Hchuyler walked. Ta the double steal, Roberta acored and Schuyler took aecond. Tally RADNOR r -- 1 TH P. N'RW Arrow GOLLARi tasMal sn Wlnwton-Kalem. May . 4. 'Teas truly day of lucky hluing of thelftuMum Twins, afltbottgh the luck happened It lawlajUHtl ta m. bad. At any rate Oreensboro I - lamia got in hlta more timely and defeated the Twins. I lo i. Winston players secured 11 safeties for a total of 14 Mooretfleld .secured two homer dur Ing the aflemofin of pjay and his circuit trive netted . exactly three run.. Htaiart also gut a noiner. In the first Oreensboro secured a brace of runa on a wild throw by (tHteen when ranner were on base. Hewell single and steal and Van Horn's stiigle netted one run In the 1 Mfth. In the sixth Welch hit over itu train the right wall. In the seventh twal 1otila error gas'e one run. in tne eignin Mi'Dnnlrljalnglnd. Hohart bunted and McUanlel - wa caught at aecond Urout her . walked. Hewell beat out a slow rolbr to third. Van Horn hit to flrnt and Mnhart waa caught at the plale ionel doubled to right. jseiKling three runner hum", h 1 Winston's runa came flrat when MUu-kle walked and scored on Snjiart'a" double, then on Btusrts drUve eer the wall. In the sixth, wifn -one ojw - Moorefield drove his flraf tvonw. Hi Jaat one cam la the eighth Inning. W... It, Pet. lit ' 4 ,IM II , .41 7 M t ... I ! , .AO 1 ! .411 it MM :- It 4M 1 FEDERAL LEAGUE .1he fThwgo -. , . PIUMbMTg . , Newark . . . Brooklyn Kaneaa City Italfisnore) ,, W, U ret. Claha ' I .NT Naebvlllo . IS ' M . New Orteaaai I, n . T CluUUnooga 10 MM Htrnsiiwrhaaa , -fcoa MecnplUa . . . IS .464) AUaata ..... it f Mobile ...... IS J7S LetUe Bock , VIRGINU LEAGUE. Oat Norfolk Rocky SaBoU W. PS. .T .44) J44 AMERICAN LEAGUE. nabs. - New York . Uetrotg . , ChbwgA , , Wsstainatoai tier eta nd -. , inuiaddphta Ht. . rt . ' ' ee-" W. L. Pc. It 4 -TI4 14 . .Tag) H , J7 T Mt . m i .444 4 II J41 14 . .S4S V SOUTHERN LEAGUE. w. n Pet. .T4S .411 47S .SAS YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. - GUILDERS Keeping the Senators in the Pennant Race. OVERCOME LEAD Rocky Mount Use's Again; Eisel Hits Over Fence; . Goobers Also lose, . Ei CAROLINA LEAGUE. At Ralctgh Tr Charlotte . At Wlneum-Nalcnt Ureeneboro SV. At Aalievllle 4; Irltam S. NATIONAL LEAGUE. IVeensboro r Rrcxithera, cf. . HewtltrJb.-.-.-; Van Horn. Ib. QosraaJl. If. ... Klrkc. rf. Welch.'h. .... Howard, as. McDaniel. c. . . Mohart. K ... Ab. R. II. Fo. A. E ft I I 1 4 4 ..a, -a. 1 IS 2 Total II I IS Z? II Winston! v Ab, R. H. Po. A. E. Mackle, 2b. 4 II S S S 4 Harlwr, cf.V--'- 1 S 0 Htuart. as, (1 2 2 10 Moorefk-ld, rf. .. 4 2 S t 0 4 Klsher. 'If. ..... . 4 0 . I S 0 4 Gates. tb4-,..... 2 4 1111 Kohlcr. c, 4 4 a 1 1 Willlama. Jb. ,.H 4 0 0 T 1 4 (Xteen. p. ....... . "10 e 4 1 Maador. P I 0 1 4,1 4 Hunter 1 4 4 1 4 4 Total ..... IS I 11 27 I I At pTilUdelpbla-Nrw York, rata. At HruuiUya.lVasUia. rain. At hWmgo-ClnciiinslJ, wet ground. At Ilttsburg 4; hi. Loaaa S. AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Now York-Philadelphia, cold weather. At Cleveland-Chicago, raid westhcr. At Boatoai Si Washington 4. At tit. txiari I; DetroR S. VIRGINIA LEAGUE. At Norfolk S: Hnffolk S. At Newport New 4: Rocky Mount S. At INirtarboutii S; Peters barg a. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION.' At Indianapnlla S; Colusnbu S. At lulsvillo 4; tlevcUnd a. FEDERAL LEAGUE At flaAalo-kanas CHy. At Kewark-PtUsbarg. rain. At Rtwokljrxt-tM. Ixmia. rala' . At BeJUaaore St C1ilra s SOUTHERN LEAGUE. At Atlanta 4; Blmdnerham I. At UtUe Hock 1; Mewsplu 4. At Mobil St New Urieaaa t, (nine Inningn, darkness). At Chattanooga S; KashvUJe f. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE At Richmoatd IS: Montreal S. ; At ' Jersey . -Clty-loroato, groand tasssar w Iks Xs as Okssnwl Newport Nawa- Va.. May 4 New- port News overcome a lead of three runa and defeated Rocky Mount by count of 4 to S today. Mumfnrd waa almoet Invincible after th first round whll ADDlegal for the North Carolinian had two bad period. Th Tar Heels scored all of their ran In the first on two single, a wild pitch and a bom run. Blttl singled but waa forced at aecond by Doyla. Doyta went to second on a wild pitch and scored on Gray' sin gle. After Snyder had fanned Riael thea drove the ball over the right Held fence for the longest .home ran In several eaaona Th Hhlp Builder scored In tha fourth on Crtat'e double and Smith' Ingle. - la th fifth Carnaa and Has- aingtea In succession and both advanced a baa on Mumford's sacri fice, Berger then cleaned up with a triple to th club house. Berger acor eeV when Uaubert fumbled Bunting' grounder. , ' - Fielding features were contributed by Bunting. Walters and Daubert. the latter making Mveral sensational eoMiatopa od throw. Rooky lit. AB. R. It, PO. A. E. Bittl, If .. . 4 4 11 4 4 Doyl. b ..ij..., 4 Snyder, lb t 4 Oray, -r 4 EiaeJ. cf S Parma le, b .... 4 DaabarUaa . . Ryan, e S Applegate, p S MMksMspsa-MiiiiBiuiisMr 4i w 4 imMmmm0mmmmmmm m vy-: i--,.-.. k-vb.- , r-vjfcv--. -t- - v . - --.aM-sa X -rrv-' "jf ;: ...... i i t.i . . . it 5 ..-.,.. , v..; J! If ' v ,w 11 IB Clark Griffith. Total St At Newark-Baffakx rain. At Providence T Roc heater I. SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE. At Albany ; Aagweta . " At Macon S) Ravaansth II. At Coioanbwe St CoiaaaMa S. At Jackaonville 4; Charlektoa IS. Score Oreenaboro Winston 1 IS ( 11 27 I I f by innings r. - Diamond Dust. ro ........, 440 211 1141 . 140 101 414-rl -- HCMMARY: Two-muw hlta Htuart. Mackle, llarber. tlnsnell. Home runs Welch, Stuart. flrli (I). date. Moore- Poor Hornet. Curiie la certainly another My era Watch that boy pitch when ha haa to exert himaelf. Itaae on ball Oaleen 2; Meador I: Mohart 1. Struck put Oeteen I: Meador I; Mohart I. Hit by riatoMlt. Stolen bane Hewell, Van Horn, Welch. McUanlel. Double ilay Van Horn to How ard. Hewell to Welch to Van Horn. Left on base Oreensboro' 14: Wlnnton T. Hlta off Osteezi, 4 In 4 Innings: off Meador. 4 In I Inninga Time 2 hours. II mlnutea. I'mplre Mr. Hlackburn. Attendance 494. Dv riahbv. Oab Informed the sport writer iast night that be waats to sea better attendance today, RucV Roberta looks' mtghty good In Jt will be done wltlf Archie Farmer Jam Thorp mad an error In hi first game after Joining hi team. Ha failed to get. a hit IB two times at bat. That throw by Schuyler yeaterday waa a plppen and waa only a dupli cate of a similar one h mad Mon day. Monday's throw held a runner on third. came to bat for the second time that Inning and flew out to Chriatanbury in trn. Charlotte Chrlatenbury, Kmery, 2b. . Uoak. lb. .. MUIK&. lb . I toy kin, xf. . Heck. rf. Hheehaa, aa Havener, c , Moore, p. . . -Total . . . . I If.. Ab. R. H. Po. A 1414 1 1 4 "S 1 4 MrMenu. former . Purham pitch er, was driven from the mound in tha opening frame of Monday's game, the Albany team lilt tin his delivery hard. The best will loae. aome time. Blackburn I an old Virginia Leagu player. He wa a member of the Nor folk team at the same time when. Mr. W. A. Wynne, of this city, waa a star player. 3 4 5 34 II T Raleigh Ab. R. H. Po. A. K. Dysert. If I 2 1 1 4 4 Mack. lb. ...... 2 4 1 4 KolH-rt. rf. I 14 2 1 4 Srhayter. cf. ..... I 4 t I 14 Tally, c..... 4 I 1 Mtrarm ae r-rr 4 1 - I a M'orclb 1 t 1 4 Newman. Jb. . . .- , 4 - I Cirrrte,----pT-vv..;vi t : - "- -1-4 President Lytin says that he hnpea Pullry will be an equal if not au pa rlor to Hlackburn. Well, there ona thing certain. II will have to go some to beat that fellow Blackburn In the umpiring business. Tally deserve a lot of era! for the way ha haa bandied himself behind tha bat. The young man ram her argn outfielder, but when Mack ask ed him la.catch. he rradlly donned th mitt and mask and haa been kolillng down tha' Job In neat style aver alnoe; Total 27 T 27 t 4 1 Score by Innings " It Oharlotte tfl 4g 4 Raleigh r r4 S44 44 7 SLMMAtir; Threr-laise lilts Oil re no. HacrlAce Robert. Mct'ord. Kaae nn balls Moore 4: Currl 4. Struck mil Moor t: t'urrt 7. Stolen bases Kmery', Roberta 121.1 Schuyler. Cttrano. I loubl playa Munch to Moore ta I uoak. nee 10 ima. Robert to Mark. t'ltrano to Mack. . Passed ball Tally. lWt on base Charlotte I: Ra. leigh 4. First bae na errors Ka Irish 4 Time V hoiifL 4fi mlnutea. I mplre Mr. Rnyle, Attendance Ifi a. 1 ' McCONNELL'S WILDNESS C0ST6Y TO CHICAGO OLD HATS . WADE LIKE NEW PaUMuna, Straw, Fsh and all kinds of hats for men .and women. 11 caned and made to Jnok Ilk few meg IO J9C . Send your hat by Parcel Post am 'Rircsoc s ill fayewerllle Rairtgh, N. C. Newport Nawa AB. R. H Borger, If 4 Bunting. Ib S Crist, a ......... S Smith, rf .4 ..... . 4 Walk.r. cf . J,... 4 Walter. Sb ...... . 4 Carnaa, lb 4 H assort, c . S Mumford, p ..... 2 Totals .....a.. 81 Score by Innlnaa: Rocky Mount . . Newport New , 1 4 4 2 4 1 4 II T 4 I I 1 4.4 4 14 14 ..-. 4..J..4 .. 1 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 2 4 5 4 24 14 1 S. R. H. PO. A. E. 1114 4 4 1 1 14 114 14 4 114 4 4 14 4 4 4 14 2 4 1 1 14 1 4 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 I- 4 4 S 27 10 4 Here Is Clark Griffith, manager or the - Washington Senators . of . th American ie7ue,-who is keeping- hi club right tip In th first division, with hopea of winning. tha pennant ami the wortd' -championship later, r'or several season Griffith, with tha hlp of the great Wake Johnson, th strongest pitcher In baseball when he Is going light, haa kept th club up high, but has been noeea out by th Athletic of Philadelphia and tha Red boB-of Boston Tola yewr the Red Soa- have shown signs of falling off, and connt Mack' Athletics have been (H-HnlderaWy weakened by the loss of. 1 Kddie Cellln and Frank Baker. I Therefor. v Orifflth figures h will I have an eaaier time, and will win th pennant -In hi league. ... -------- i- mm . .244 404 040 S 000 120 OOg 4 Where They Play CAROLINA LEAGUE Chariot let af Raleigh. Jreenhuo at Wnwakon. Dnrham at Ashe-rltie. Ha T very-good in getting under foul rile. And . what do you think of Pete Boy I. Just' stops playing baseball and Joins the rank of th nmplrea. Boyle mad a good start yesterday and It la hoped that he will hav smooth aaillng while In th Capital of North Carolina. - SUMMARY: Horn run Eisel. Three-base hit Parmale Mer ger. Two-base hit Crist. Sacrifice Mumford. Stolen bases Bunting til. Smith. Walter. Eisel. - Base on ball off Mumfnrd tr off Applegate t. Struck" out by Mnmfnm-' "l nppirsaw m. -Wtld pltchMa Mttiwiford. r-aased baU Ryan. lft on bases New Dort K Rocky Mount I. Time Ih. 41m. TJmplra McOowan.'- SAVES DEFEAT Bulls Hit Munoz Hard, But Asheville Hit More Oppor tune and Wins. Pool has been released by Manager Mack . and baa cast his signature to a contract with the manager of the Fredericksburg. Maryland, club. Mo Govern and Ward, two pitchers who ineo out acre, are also mem bars of that team. . v . cab l really surDi-taed. There 1 one ran In Raleigh who thinka Mc t'ord la little alow In hi fielding arouna aecond. What do van think of that, fan? Guess that certain fel low meant that Mct'ord had to ease up a bit to stay la th class of other econd-eackers. William Wynn eaved Tom West 1 yesterday. Roth were In Ih right Held bleacher when Hehnvlar hit - snarp roui drtv tewarda them. Tom ducked, hoping that th ball would escape mm. The ball waa going ii ik in ior lorn need when hi friend Mopped th ball with his bar nana. r IN UM tmtMUt TI. Baltimor. . May 4. McOonneM s I wlldnee Inthe opening Inning w aumdent to give Baltimore two runs. I just enough to take the first of the! seriea from Chicago today S to t Quins pitched good ball throughout r tison a homey featured. Score: R. It. K. I Chicago . . . . 444 144 4142 rialtlmnre . . , , 204 144 S4 I t II .,.... ... --lapKar. wnixm- wuina ana uwsn. llfmZOd SI SPrtDKD. v l let aiK.n4 rwasl. Mew Tork. Mar 4 PreaMaBl Tener announced today he had aus- penqeo Manager Hersoar of the Cia- clnnattl National for five daya for his altercation with I mplre Meier at St. u?ura aataraay. BASEBALL TODAY Raloich Charlotto 4:09 P.M. LEAGUE PARK Those Charlotte nlavere are umni. hacked to death rather tti a. 1.. I fertor club. Kmery haa several good players, but tha boyg are so aaxiourl to win a nn. tnat everv time tkn in -a.- el plaoe -Utay.-loaa -.their nerrea.-- If they ever - win- ana.- ape. wm sew a cnang ror tha bet TRIPLES DEFEAT ifRi Tro inuimnn llilLILIliJUHlaJUIg Foster Supported at Critical Moments; Detroit Beats ' Browns by Error. TARS PRESENT NKWj noriolk. va.. May. 4. Norfolk presented a revised Unarm m Tlgnor, a Richmond - aemi-prn. ap lerlng behind tha bat. and I'aum- garoner, rormerly of Newport New?, on tha mound. The latter held Suf folk to el scattered hlta whi',4 Nor folk hit freely and defeated Hu.Tola tr the acor of I lo t Barsclno waa released after ho had .dellberaialv struck out three tmea. ; . -t Score:. R. H. B. Suffolk .. .... 241 404 444 I 4 4 Norfolk . . ... S01 424 14 S 11 t BatUrios: Uraham. Jamison and Welcher; BAumgardner and Tlgnor. WHTTTKirs HIT GIVES) WINNING f RUN. Portsmouth, Va May 4-jrour baas on ball by Rlc and a hit bat ter by Hirsrb who rellaved him In th ninth Inning today gav Ports mouth a f to I victory over Pete burg. Whitted Texas Leaguer orougnt in tna winning ran with no body out. Three double, playa were the features. "cote: , " R. II. E. Fctersburg , . . 441 424 244 I 111 Portsmouth .. 440 414 201 I 11 I rtatteiiee: -Rice. -Hfraeh-and -Te McKeyhan and Milliman. - PIRATES BEAT CARDINELS- - IN DRIZZLING RAIN. lapnisl w Tk. Ness aad Onswl. Asheville. May 4. Brilliant fielding by Fenton and Wascm saved Munoa, tha Cuban twirler. a defeat thla after noon, when th Bulls pounded hta de livery for ten safeties. Aaherllle, 1 however, . hit more opportunely and ulbsyiuorybV -a. acor-of 4-to- JV Muny of tha visitors' hit war wastns, and when runners were on the paths and bingle sorely needed, M iinos alwaya tightened. Forbes pitched a good game, but he failed to tighten at the right time. Durham got its flrat nut in the first Inning, when Duggan lifted a fly over the fence, the ball clearing th palings In left-center. In the aecond Dayton walked and scored, counting on Angler's sharp single to left Asheville aent Its first two across on a single by Jlmines. Bumb walk ed. Fenton sacrificed him to second. Hickman walked. Bumb waa forced at third when Perritt hit to "Forbes. Hickmnn and Perritt then pulled off a double steal. J! mines singled to left, coring Hickman and Perritt. Ia tha fourth Wasem singled, went to aecond on Humb'a bant, and scored on Fenton' doubl to right. The last ran cam In the sixth.' Waeem open;-' d with a single to left, Bumb sent him to second with a bunt H went to third on sn Inneld out, and scared when Morpeth dropped Dnggan' 1 a row 10 nrst Tor tho last out. Durham- Angler, cf. Duggan, 2 b. Morpeth, lb. ., Kelly. J., rf. .. Kelly. W , ss. . . Hitler, lb. . ... IJtchfleid. If. . , Kuykendall. If. Dayton, c. , . . . Forbes, p Total ....... Asheville Rradshaw; an. . Corbett, '8b. . . Wasem. If. Bumb, lb. .... Fenton, cf. ; . . Hickman, rf. . Perritt, Sb. ... Jlmlnet, c. , . . . M4MWS,- p. . . . . AD.-H. H. Po. A. K. S S. S . ST 14 24 li t Ab. R. H. Pto..Af R 1: . 4 t- 4 It 1 t s -44- Total is 4 f 27 14 S Score by- Innings-- ' " ' R Durham 114 404 S Aahevillo -.,-, 424 141 44 4 -1.1 SUM MART: Two-base hits J. Kelly, Fenton. Bradahaw. Home runs Duggan. Hacriflce Bumb 4 2). Fenton.' Haa on balls Forbes I: Munos.4. 1 Struck out Forbes I; Munos 4. Stolen bases Anaier (II. W. Kelly." Dayton, Hickman IS). Perritt"-. Uouble plays W. Kelly lo Duccaa to Morpeth. Ieft on bases-kDurham 12: Ashe ville 4. -, First base- on errors Durham 12: Asheville 1. Time 1 hour.' IS minute. I'mplre Mr. Brandon.' ' . - - -Attendance! 124. ' 1 ' lb si I Sim rrsail. ' PMtbut Bay 4. In a drinllna ' rain Pittsburg defeated gt Louis to day 4 to S. Th contest was stonced twice by' th rain and waa called In th but half of the eighth. Both Harmon and Perdu were hit hard. I long hlta being numerous. i Score! - .. J Z -.. R. H. K St Louis ...... 02 I t PttUborg ..... 124 414 44 4 4 Perdu and Snyder; Harmon and Schang. , WILL ORGANIZE LEAGUEy I I - vvT'K. : .- 1 v Eddie Collins Drinks Beaton. Mass, May 4. Foster, sup Parted at critical momenta, on (pitch ed Walter Johnson today and Boston won from auhbirtna 1 1.1 Su-b. er' triple scored Hooper, who had been paaeed T nhe first, sn twis I trtpi snd HohHtaelf nlngl roanted again tor tho Red Sox In the seventh. Scot: R. H. B. wasnington ... 444 44S 44 4 4 I boston .. 14 444 14 S 4 I J on neon and Alnsmlth. Williams; Foster and Thomas. ERROR (ilVES TWO RfNS. St. Lsula. May 4 Vttt a ad Cobb acored In tho Bret Inning of the Da irtMl-m. IouM gmms today oh 8hot ten's fumble of Vesrhy's fly. A home ran by McKoe In the sixth completed the scoring for Detroit, which won S to 1.5 - Score: ; R. H. 15. Detroit ...... 24 441 444 S 4 4 St toula.. 144 444 1 I f Botand and McKeo; Hamiltoa. Canvas, Horh and A gnaw. 1 ss . .. .... it' As far aa known at present. Ih glralts ka th only animal aktch is en tirely dumb. (serial w Tat Mess as OWnsi: Statssvilla. May 4. Up to yester day afternoon the committee solicit ing subscriptions to th stock of th I Btatesviltw AthleUe Association had secured subscriptions to th amount! of-174 or-more. JnJ amounts of It I eegrh. It la the purpose to Incorporate I th association with a capital or II.-1 504. and th promoters expect to. be I ready to send ror their charter and effect permanent organisation within a short time. The association will I promote baseball and other athletic I In St at earl lie snd may ' ultimately i ertahlleh an athletic building. The! wwrk of grading th ball park Ig In I .f PICatERIStt TO INTS, ' ray as tsaimi ivi. ' . '- ' NW Tork. May 4. Catcher Pick ering of the New York - Americana I was released today to the Richmond I International club under an optional I agreemem. - linen has proved available for the covering of aeroplane wing. The fabric la coated ertlh ' ossein, whfc h strengthen the onatenal and anahee it MntO a i fit' considers it trie premier, sfl-round wrle40fn4) -thirst-quencher for athletes. This comes yeB'-. from one of whom Coniskey said, after raying; f ?0.OO0 for him I secured him for the White Scu fans because I beUeve he will prove that he is tne greatest exponent of quick thinking and the brsmteVpUyerin- . . 1 gaine. -tiwi EsMnaivltheaenusiaaral avoid diaappoui tsieait . The Coca-Cola rn ' i ATLANTA CA - ill- '',,,. w