:y 1915. Thii NEWS AND OBSERVED. m j LasuccEsson to lie County Commissioners Accept Resignation and Mr. Miller i Will Take Charge. MORE ABOUT HIGHWAY Commissioners Have Not De- cided Upon Revest of Audi i tnr HnWin for PJeriral A ' sistance; Auditors at Work f on Books of. County' Have i Nof Yet Made Report. - That Wake county baa tlM beat and inoet sanitary camp to k found in V tits State is tlM claim mad for I ha ciouy or Mr. W. U Wlm whnse - resignation as Road Supervisor was - accepted by the. Countr Coramiaainn- irm yesterday. Rd work, all over --- tna-- county mi 4'iwiaU at - h meeting for It waa th dar est apart a KoM Imj. No successor to-Mr. Wlirra, it Is understood will l ae- Before tho oomiui loner anpeHr ed Mr. Alexander,-Wabb, praaldant of ---the- ftsietga Chamber of Commerce. te arc the County Commissioner to 4am up with th national government ' far road work -en th. Washlngton-At , lanta Highway. Mr. D. H. Wlnatow. road engineer, haa saaphsstsad tba fact that unless th peopla of Ral etcb set boar and aniens th com- miaaionara sign th1 agreement with l ha gorerameirt In auch ahapa that It will allow th engineer authority to .go ahaad la th road work, thaaj Ral ' eigh la likely to loaa Its position oa th highway and a shorter cut will ho takan from Durham leaving th Capital City In th cold. .Th request of Auditor Holding for additional clerdal force, prntd Monday by attorney of Mr. Holding v tiaa not been considered fully by tha commissioners yet. Every, effort . la being made to hare tha affair between th commissioner and the auditor settled without any appreciable dia- order. "The auditors, who. In conae qusno of the order of the eommla-"-soar hav been auditing th book! . of tha county are still at work and ' are . making no - prorata or com pletion. - - In submitting hi resignation to the commissioners, Mr. Wig stated Jn view of the demands made upon me by my business at home, I hart decided r that . I can no longer . cow - etateatly. servo in my present capacit. I regret M be forced to sever r7 most pleasant relations both offldaiy and aodally with th Board of Com missioners aad the other countyof- Doers, b teal tha my flrst duf la at horse. . , ' " Whan I first took charg dV th : road work four years ago, w bad forty-foor mule and sixty convicts, whereas w now ,hav sevenir-eight nules and on hundred and) thirty- . three eoovicta. .Also. w. haw. added tlir-nic. new steel cars for housing ' ear convicts, two light car for ths road forces, aad aix large lanta for man and mules. I believe ns can aay that we hav th beat and most sani tary camps olb found ! th State, and 1 believe1 we ran dpead upon ' th Superintendent of HHh to bear "out this statement. Binaa- I have been - eJpervlaor ef roads, I have not had abetter set of aapervlsors under m Jban at th present tint. They art men that the county should be proid of. As to what haa boot accompllahed, I think it Is sufficient. U say that It I Sum m e r S e s s i o n . " . July 1st to August 12th 'Stronff. Staff of esnlnent Asanrican and Earopeon snastna. Inaaywc Uun In all gradns and bYavi HM(ial roarer in ImuimiaUua) ef GREUOJUAN CHANT ander Rev, Leo. P. Maaaeati. . V. Tottioa $10 to $30, Accordinf to Study 5 , ", 5 .'Praxtlce Pianos ;and Organs Available Circolaf. Mill. . - - FREDERICK R. HUBER,.Mr. -. i THIS SALE - T-' - Find Swift Raw by Cs of Unworkable ft w , Stomach, sufferers tat jl Southeast and. In fact, ail over ha oountry hav found remarkabl ind efflden result from tha ua of layf Wan dsrful Reaaedy. li Many hav taken Oils Remedy and tell - today of th benefls ' they re calved. Ita effects comaduickly tha llrat dose convince itre la what two Carolina folka ha rewritten: ' . W. R. CAVENPOKT Parker. N. C. "For year I have vitered from a dlaeaae which vasal) doctor. heard of your remedy ind one bottle gave me relief. Yearfull treatment haa about cured me." I ' J. K. KRWIN. WliSton-SJem. N". C- "I am. aatleflsd trrouxh personal us of the power ol euar remedy, You have saved my MM - ' . Mayfe Wonderful Semedy give permanent reaulta for sfimach. liver and inteatinal ailments. (i aa much and whatever vou Ilka. o more dia tree attar eatlnav preaalre or f m the stomach and aroutf th heart. Get on bottle of youndniniat now and try It on an abaoute mmraatee if not , aattafled moa will be I turned. Ad r. .. I my opinion the roie of 'the county- a-enerally aneaki '-' nr hi better condition the they hav aver been before. Tru aurina . the e Diiaiilve wet waa the' thia winter, adm of our roada were' practically Impae- aabla, bat the recAt dry weather -bar made them reallr tbe beat roada wv hav; and my zrlenc la that roada built aa theaa lave been - make . aha (oat durable eiea In 'the I on a; run. I am also Droel of th rood brlda-es we have built We have built aeven large ateel brflfe. installed six larg concrete rnrerta. wdlcn win be aervloable Injieflnltely. ' t. ; conatderiex tne present loan con dition of ( roads and our splendid quipmnfor buildlna aew roads and repalrtne;them. It la my 'Judgment that we tn jpoattlon to proaecuta the woH - with even better results thaa heetofar..-1 4un glad - to say that Mr Millar I a man whom I think la- thotttrhly apabl of furtherlng th wek which ha been berun and I glady extend to htm my beet wishes as m successor. . Koad Work For ApriU Ts report of the road work - for Aprl which Mr: Wifrgs yesterday tufied over to the commissioners is asollows: i Camp No. 1 - la located on tha Xyettevine road at Williams rroaa- ig. It has finished 'th road from Jllttoa Ranka' to WllliajnaT Oriaain. Lias worked the road from Powler'a ijto Rand's Mill -by T. B. Crowder'a rplaee. and is now on tbe road leading back to Raleigh near Poplar Spring church. ' Altogether It has worked a boot four and - one-half miles of road. It has tan mules, on, road machine, on horse, and. twenty-four men. - ' - . "Gamp No. I is located ln Utile River toarnahlp Wakefield nd has nntshed tbe road from Wendell to Kebulon. It has put In flv flfteen Inch pipes and three twenty-four-inch pipes. It has graveled the road from W. H. Chamblee. Jr s. to Maca aon Creek, and the Tarboro road from Millard Chamblee' back to the Fanny High., plan on ... mil;., also. It . has built 'a sixty-foot bridge across Moca son Creek at the Jim Bunn ford. It is now working on the bridge on Lit tle River Strickland's bridge) neaur (rstasi Pebody cffi? ii (DlJili ONDm THE - SECRETARIES TO . ORGANIZE HEflE . ...'. ... Officers of Trade Bodies' Will Be Guests of Raleigh at Meeting on May 18. The Commercial Secratarlea of North Carolina, wilt meet in Raleigh on May II for tha purpose of per fectlng an organisation. Heretofore several efforts hav bean mad on th part of secretaries of Chambers of Commerce or Board of Trad la the But to organise but failure has at tended the efforts. - The jJSerretary of the Raleigh Chamberpot Commerce is bent on this organisation and haa labored cease leaaly to bring It about. Programs for ths.sesftlou to be held her on May II are being sept to sll the commercial secretaries Id the State from th of fice of the Raleigh Chamber. It reads as follow: 11:10 a. m. Keylntratlon. Chamber of Commarea Hall. ' ll-.dv m. Automobile Rid Over City. . 1 :8 d. ra. Luncheon. Tarborough, Address of Welcome 'Mr. Alexan der Webb, President Raleigh Chamber of Commerce. . . . : Reapona Mr. Roaer Derby. Presi- dent Band Hill Board of ; Trade, '.'How Can We Link 1 Rural Sections with Cities," Julian 8. Miller, O raster Charlotte Club. - UlacuaaioivJ "Tiow Can the Mann- facturers of North Carolina lnc Their Output" M. R. Heaman. Golds- boro Chamber of Commerce. Discussion "Our Port;andjWht It Msans to' North 'Carolina,'' 11 Branch.. Wilmington Chamber Commerce. . Discussion Commercial Organisa tion AdTerttaing."' J, C. roraeter. Greensboro Chamber tf Commerce. Diaouesion "Conventions, Their Cost and their VaKie," N. Buckner, Aahevllo Board of Trad. - Diacuaslon -'"Th Value of an Of ficial Organ," .. , -. . Open Discuaaton. Questional- - - - - - Moore' mill. It has ten mules, on road machine and twenty mem, Cams No. S Is In White Oak town Md near Apex, mushing p tbe road from Apex to Cary. It has worked aad graveled something like on and cne-half miles of road. It has twelve mules, one road machine and twenty nine men.. This camp had a little ex perience with a run-a-way this week. Three of' our. men made a dash for liberty while at the gravel pit; name' iy, Junius Green, Jeas Howard and Harvey Day. They did not stop upon being demanded by th guard to do so. and -were fired upon, Junius ureen being hit In the back; left arm and hip. Finally they made their escape to th ' woods. With' th ready a sail-ance-of the people in tbe nflghbor hood, the woods was surrounded and all three men captured. "Camp No. 4 la located near ths County Hospital fon the Loulaburg road, working on the Fall road. This camp has been doing some heavy gradimr. It haa worked something Ilk one-hair mil and graveled, about one fourth - of - a mil, It - has twelve mules, one road machine, and twenty nine men. This camp has had several cases of smallpox -during th last month, but I believe they are moat of them abl to go back to work now. - "Camp No. I 1 located in Little River township near Zebulon. It has rounded, up the road from Lena, Lilea i th Morpas Bridge, and naawerk ed something Ilk twenty -eight mile of road this month. - Also, It haa put In two bridges. It has six mules, on road machine, on convict aad two hired man. . "Camp No. Is located at Holly SprtnA.' This rjunp ha flnlahed the road from Nemo by Norria' Mill to near Holly Spring, and also graveled a mile or more on ah Holly Spring to Apex road. It has eight mules, on road machine and fifteen con ricta V 'Vamp No. 7 Is located In Barton's Creek township. It has flnlahed up the roada in New Light township, and Is now working ths reads in Bartons Creek towiuihin It has worked thirty-three miles of road. - It has six mules, one road machino,'- ona con vict and two hired men. . "Camp No. I Is a repair force, and t located In New Light township near Porn place. It has graveled some thing tike three mites of road. It has thirteen convicts and six tnules. Comp No. t la a machine force, and U located in Marks Creek township near Sbotwett. It has rounded - up the roads around Kntghtd&le and Bethlehem,' working something like twenty-live miles of road. It has one road machine, six mules, and three hired men. By th fumigation of blooming vea- 1 n the ui4 a Maw V Ark. I, 1m estimated that 0,0 rata(r killed MAN ... - $$ DROUGHT BACK -' fiATURAL HEALTH ' . - , liiBllisai. Si:. - & The Facts About an. Interesting Case' of Serious Female ' Trouble Benefited by the ; Use of Cardui, Walnut Cove. N. C. Mrs. B. . Rothrock, of this town, says: "About two years ago I was in very bad beajth for three or four months. ". At this flm t nad a serto femals trouble, which lasted severely for nine week. I got awruuy weak ana eeuia ecarcely go, and my doctor said -1 ought to be in oeo. , My two sisters, . who had ua Cardui. with good .resulVe and who now ua it aa a tonic recommended it highly to' me. saying it is a no md I felt If t lived i must hav aoma- thiog to help me, and aa other medi cines had failed to relieve me, ; I thought I would try Cardui. tha wem- an'a tonic. At this time I was almost skin aad bones. I smd to Improve after the ua of th second bottle of Cardui. The trouble toDPd. I suffered leas pain. and began to get back my strength aad health. -1 took flv more bottles and got back my natural state of health, also my flesh, and could'do my work easily. ... , . ,. v This spring I Was run down In health: had over-worked myself. I took nearly three bottles of Cvdut, aa a tonic ana it brought me back to my natural stats of health. Last week I put' up Tl Jars of fruit, which I eould not hav dons before taking Cardui, I am glad I heard ef it, ana I hope other women will too." Your esse may not be as bad as tbe above, but even If only a mild oa, w suggeet the you begin today to try utraui, me woman a tonic, Adv. THREE COUNTIES III Commissioners Appropriate runds to Carry onjyphoid Immunizing Work. It begins to look tike a record breaking year la anti-typhoid work n North Caroline. Word haa . just reached ths ufTloe. ofrhe Stats Board of Health that In one day no less than three counties hav decided to - hold anU-tyhold tmmuhfsetloa campaigns inia summer and hav made appro priation for the work. Wake county, exclusive.. of Raleigh. 'head .the list With an apropriatlon of ISO or aa much thereof as may be necessary to conduct suoh a- campaign for. six weeks in' co-operation with the State board. This action, was taken at the suggestion of Dr. J. U McCullers, county physician. Dr. McCullers expects Id locate free dispensary Joints at. about six nlacea about over the county and administer the antityphoid treatment . free of charge at one of the points each day of each week. Thia will enable him to return a week inter with a corps of physieianV to administer, th seoond does, three doses in all being requir ed to. produce immunity 4 -typhoid. -Word Also comes that ths county eommlsstonsr at Northampton coun ty nas taken the asm step, and ap propriated lOt with which to start a six weeks campaign. " Edgecombe has also made partial provision for such free treatment of hr people and it Is expected that ad ditional funds will be forthcoming from various source in that county shortly. . y ,'...' In these campaigns ths counties will provide for the local expenses of the dispensaries which will probably not exceed three Me four hundred dollars for a six weeks' campaign Ths Stat Board of Health will furnish th anti typhoid vaccine, th literature and dlcnet and aaslsf at th various dls psnsarias. During such a campaign from to !. people in each county will In all probability avail themselves af the treatment which wttl bring the cost per person treated for the county dowa to from flv to Dsn cents apiece. . The efficiency, of tha treatment may be judged when It la remembered that la the army the typhoid rate was re duced to about one two-hundredth of. what It was before vaccination waa employed. Furthermore it la asfe. almost painless, causes no open sor and very little discomfort. -t. i t ' Th amount of gold takan from th ground in July last In Rhodesia went ahead ef all previous record a. HEALTH CAMPAIGN For Mother. Father AU tHe Children O TO CHARGE JURIES :; Oil CHILD LABOR Comntissioner of Labor Send "Letter to Judges of North'. . ' , Carolina. Judge Frank Daniels, who Is hold, ins; court la Wakd county, haa receiv ed from th Department of Labor Hid Printing, a letter. with ooples of the child labor laws, requesting him to call attention to those laws In charges tov Juries, aad- likewise to turn ever co pie of them t solicitors. '. t Th tetter further expressed , the opinio that few of the child labor lawa are ever enforced, but add the hop that If th Judges of the State will call attention to the laws , and th need of enforcing them in thia Stat then prosecutions under them wlU b looked for. - w It waa intimated In th letter that every judge oar th bench la -North Carolina has received oa of these let tar aad that likewise every factory haa received copies Of th lawa. Indi cating that so tar as the haw allows tbe authority, the Department ef La bor is doing everything ia it power to secure the enforcement ef the labor laws.. " - r- ..- ; .. SEVEH APPEALS ; : BEFORE COURT Seventeenth District Cases Are Argued f Decisions in Others'. Handed Do wn Todayi Seven appeal were argued In the Suprem r Court i yesterday -from - th Seventeenth Judirlal pimct. Opin ions on a number of eases argued hut week before th court will be banded dow' today."'X:';;'"':-;":'.'- . r- Th eases argued yesterday were aa follows: - .r-.i--.,..--, H. L. Hallmaa v. Southern Railway Co.. from Catawba, argued by A. A. Whltanar. Jr.. for th plaintiff, aad B. J. Ervin. Jr for the defendant. - Lawrence et al v. B. F. Eller et at, submitted under rule twelve by T. A. Lor and J. W. Raglaad for the plain tiff and L D.Uov for tho defendant. Blue Ridr Intern rban Railway Company v. lntarurban Co.. of Hen derson, argued by Smith and Shlpman, Tlllett Guthrl for th plaintiff and Blaton Rent or. Charle French Michael Srhenck and J. W. Keerans for the defense. -,', i W. U Mace. Administrator v. Caro line Mineral Company and Sebe Mit chell, from Mitchell. Argued by CWhy uss inort highly perfumed talcum or powdered soap atone that makaa your face look like glass, when you an get AMMEHTS TOILKT POWDKR that ta benencial to the kin and makes you look natural? A MM EN'S POWDER IS tha beet for the skia and prevents Irritation .of the sweat glands. , s rents at II ret class drug stores. STRAWi:'HATS Our showing is certainly a beautiful one. We've just the hat for the natty dressers among you fellows, and we ha vn't overlooked the more conservative ' dressers. It's high time you were wearing a Straw. You might as well wear a correct style. It wjl) be little if it comes from our assortment ; the prices are jjust as reasonable. , . $2.00--$2O $3.0O-$350 $4.00upto$80. ' v& CROSS & IJNilAN COMPANY - h -. "ie Y011 Mans Shop and TH) Straw Hat Gleaner 1 Oc Per Package 'No need to buy i.new straw. bat Buy t box of Elkay's Straw Hat Cleaner hd get out your ld last summer's straw. Tou can make a new one of itas far as looks joA ' . '. '. KBJG - CROWELL DRUG CO. Ths Rexall Stor. Charles G. Green, John C McBe and J.- W. Pleso for- the-plaintiff and Black Wilson. W. C New land and a J. Krvtn for the defesas, A. ij, Bhuford v. C. D. Brady, ef Ca tawba. Council and Tount for th plaintiff submitted under rule 1J. CaJvin Carver v. Carolina Clinch Bald and Ohio Ry., of Rutherford, McBrayer dt McBrayer and A. Uallant 1 ' 11 . 1,1 1 1 . 1 11 . 1 ". : KsiTca Bail Aliaji iQSfBSSe : SaiBn Kcak liibi printed full 'sue post card or on thin paper, 3x5,' 6 cents. Mail us your films and 6 cents each, prints will be-returned the next day. Get. our . prices on enlarjinr and' Kodak' Finishing;. Paris Green 10c Package JAISY FLY KILLERS, 10 Cents Each FLY SWATTERS, 5 and 10 CnU EacIi SCREEN DOORS, $1.25 to $2.00 Each WINDOW SCREENS, 40 to 60 Cents Each - TH0I.1AS tt BRIGGS & SONS Th Bif Hardwaiw Men ' " - " V ' RALEIGH, N. C M 3 A for the plainUff. and Plesa Jb Wilson; J. -J. McLaughlin and F.. D. Hamrick. J. A. Rousseau v. Clareno Call of WUkoa, argued by Frank X.- Hackett for the plaintiff aad W. D. Uarberwor the defense. - . Petroleum: has been installed aa fuel In Chile's great ' nitrate -works, at a -saving of Toor than 10 per cent t ' th eost.ot ooaL , , . ..,'' Hitnnnniinn'Biwff'niHfflfflnBiff'nnnp'wnwi" 'a J j