Tl!2 UL,3 AND OUZLRVZ7. WLD.NTSDAY K ii. S. SaIuED is ELECTED MAYOO Three of the Old ldermen Will : Be on the New Board in ; v Durham, . i , , TO CONSIDER NEW-. ROADS County ; Compilssloners -Wil Make Insertion Top; ton- tracts Let for About $30,000 for Steel Bridges; Water Works Injunction Case up In Raleigft Today,:" v. "' tl I ll Se DM ex 0iii in), ' , Durham. May 4. The municipal lection u without mthaslasin. V Thar wss considerable talk at an ' Independent ticket coming out. bat tlwtsWMwt ticket. B. u. Skinner mi elected mayor of tb ri, tor the camlnr two reara. Mr. I. & Christian waa elected police and Br canailaaloer for a term at alx years. . Tha eesr aldermen elected ara N. B. Ureea and John T. Christian. : from tha fourth ward; U. T. Nawaom and W. I. Cola from tha -third ward; W. C. Bradsher and J. D. Hamlin. from tb aarond ward and J. W. Pop and L C Lawranoa from tha first ward. Tha new toard Willi Uka charge of tha city affalra on Wednesday evening following tba laat meeting of tha praaant admlalatratlon Mayer Braadaa will hand over tha ralaa of aihca to Mr. Hkinner and' Ave now mambora of tha board will taka thalr places te tha aldermaalc obambar. Three of tht new board ara mambora of tha present- board Tnay . : a ""alesara Hamlin. Newsonr ana Cola. To Vlalt Roada. Tha countv commissioners thla af- ternooo med. pleas -for-visiting i of tha roada for which petitions hava been aant In. They will visit aoma of the roada tomorrow and tha-other some day during the praaant month. The object of theee visits la to enable the commlaalonara to determine r which amrk ahall be taken up next Tha road auperlnteadent Informa 'the cbairmaji that one of hla eampa , will complete tha road' won now sndar eonstructloa by the nret of July. It la the Intention of the board to dadda oa what new road work to bsgta when tha Quaes mill road has been constructed to the county una " The board has alao let contracts imouiUm to about M. for eteel brtdgea la tha county. Thla contract will ran tha amount Invested la modern brtdgea In Durham county well oyer the I1M.MI mark, and will put tha county In pretty good shape as tar aa brtdsee are concerned. W ater Works Cava, i There have been no new develop menu la the water works situation, . full o wins the restraining- order enjoining- the old board from letting eontrarta for tha new water works. Tba public has been making aa ef fort to set at tha bottom of the In junction proceedings, but the theories are very conflicting, and no one la able to see just why tha Durham water company ehould taka a hand In proposition that ran do nothing , other than bring them Into bad favor with the people of the town. " The e"SeraHeMef la- that-iha Dur ham water company was behind the arevement and the company has mads ee denial af the suggestions that It was responsible for the Umetead re stnUnrng order. I The city attorney and other lawyera, wha will help crtil in thla case, are preparing their' arguments and get Ung together the facta In ths case to present to Judge Daniela In Ha lelgh tomorrow, la which the city will ask that tha bond be either Increased to tls.Sve or tha restraining order be vacated. Tha attorneys for the city ire confident that they will be able te enow that the demise that la likely to result from the delay In letting the contract can easily reach tba M, t mark. ' ' Should th bond be increased or the - restraining order vacated. Mr. Umatead will have accomplished his purpose that of keeping the. old board of aldermen from letting the contracts for the const rust I on of the municipally owned water worka Not a man la towa believes that the new. board will make any effort te do other than build the plant, and this belief makes ths position of Mr. Uraetead and those backing him all the more incomprehensible. WARSAW SHIPS STRAWBERAIKS. rnrwjti of Warsaw High School Is Ke-cspotrel. lMeajaajswrwJt Warsaw, May Strawberrtee were shipped from this town for ths first time thla season today. These sold oa tba local market, brought fifteen ceMe per eoert. -The present faeuMy of the Warsaw high -ectiout weie leelectwr Tor th comtog terra. They are Prof. B. C. Siske. of Troy- S. C superintendent end principal: Misses Ruth Moors, of Huraaw, Alloa Hatcher. Stuart. Vs.. Lena Hunter of Turkey, Menrarette Kennedy and ran n Is Beet, Warsaw, assistants. Miss Mattle Hines will have charge of the -mosie 'depart- Tbe aeedleea Infantile death rale . ewlag to neglect and Ignorance costs thla oouatry t,t, a day. . lizj ftetal .-"-. - v h TciercclDsis la She Map . mt, leeee m sW. tainiiss MHIisI 4snrale MSseeis tats Hal isiiat eeaesralag eal stem asM ai.s1.sUsa la ,tk tnatawet of paha.sary iaswialisle Ires. ..eleai tas eye) atle. eseWased aad aa sae as mmm a MHt Settssll hapvese. Sadsrga aa esasaslsa ar perils. eeae ih Satis a la the ssaa, whtsh asa sssslilaa aula aoesao ts esearltMrte e the oalhag e aad eiesla she MoeaJ Bead te bead WHh Ms eeesee ef eseaSa. the epeSess etsare as at tsssrals sssirW. whtsh geatty mamrn- Pae. aed the Ms yWd aalnssr tes k.tkRl swdb-al lasrasis s.ld ss pssiiltvlr aseat a nraMHllsJ stwat. ret this MIsMr rslacides wits that froa) siay coksaatstlm wst have sr-an4 lits iwiim tsreagt the see of Erksua e AlrrsUva. Kin.- rstrissj la csastttesst ef this rmrnf t-t Mihnoary iussr-alosls asd nil tfenst asd sns-klsl rrsrtioas. Hm Iwaiint !" mmt be attributed te tbe "" wl-b ibis sh-tiwiit Is as root- fnGH pcsrjt ur.'DER - ' ' COMMISSION FORM Towoahij CoejtiaiUosi Win Be Held ,. Jex sMssMsay. . Hlrh Point! May. 4 There la tombstone to . mark tha place where rests the alderman is fernr of govern- Burnt, which, breathed Its laat aa this new day was ushered la at 11 o'clock laat 'night, but there la a memory la the hearts ef the people as to the good work M has) dona The commission form of govenment comes this mora Ing into possession of the affairs of ths city, a commission ronneo or are men: W. P. Pickett. H. H. Terry, v. D. Smith, a. U Darls. and A. E. Ales ander. tnen who have the good of ths pi tv at heart and who "will take hold aa the renreaontativea of the Demo. cratte party, and their success or fail ure will be charged up to , mew oarty." . - . r. ' Many rnmora are current as to tne dlapoaltloa of the olty'a affairs. That there will be ehaagea there can be no OOUOt. outsail OK tnsssi will u'inni toward the betterment of the town. The fire department, ths 'organised charity work. the street, tai srhooia, all are being talked ' about Whether drastic changes are to follow enty time cam tslL For ths Hlch Point township con vention which will be held nest Sun day evening In tha auditorium, the churches of the city will probably give way In order that thalr congregations may attend. Among several interest ing features on tne progrm is an aa ess by nr. J. m. ttrougntnn. jr. Several High Point ladles are at tending the State federation of Wo men's clubs at Ooldaboro thla week, Oa Na. 44 thla morning, left Mrs. II. A. Whits, retiring president of the local club. Mrs. J. J. Fames, preei dent-elect, and Mrs. W. T. Saunders. deleaate from the High Point or- ganiaaUoa. rMa. white Is a member of the dletrtot reciprocity, publicity. and health committees, aad Is on this weak'e Droarram for an address oa education, health, and home econo mics aa related to High Point ex pen enoe during the past year. A Baraoa class wtilclv Is a BAraca class has recently come Into existence at the Methodist Protestant church. Prom something ilka is or s it naa grown te near the 404 membership mark. Ait sntnustseoe epim naa e veloped wonders, and this extraordi narily large class Is now arranging for s. fcajuiuet -Thursday svstWos. Por a long whlls no place could be found sellable to seat nearly hair a tnou sand people, but at hut attractive and spacious quarters have been found on Washington street, ttev. n. m. An drews, pastor of the Methodist Pro testant church in Qreensooro, ttev. R. C. Stubbina. of Mechanlcsvllle. A. O. Dixon, of Hlsrh Point. Rev. P. R. Williams. Mrs. A. O. Dixon, Miss Elisa beth Bunch, and Miss Blanche Bur gees are soma of the speakera Dt3iEUATIUIf HXTllWe. North Carolinians ttoUfttited Willi Re- osntlosi at CTtallanoogn. North Carolina' delegation to the Conference for. Bducatlon and In dustry at Chattanooga headed by Dr. T. jorner naa returnea, wnn es- preealons of entbusiaetlo apprecia tion for tbe splendid meeting, held In Tennessse. Those who attended the meeting" declare that Chattanooga for the number of north Carolinians they aaw. appeared to be city of this State. There Ware, la fact- mors North Carolinians la attandance upon the conference tha there were dal egatea from any - other single stats except that of Tennessee. Those who attended, rrom north Carolina were: Dr. J. T. Joyner. Superintendent W. SltUle, Henderson; Superintendent E. M. Rollins, Vance; Superintendent Prlvett. Beaufort: t Superintendent Matthews, Bampaoni Miss ICalth, Roya ter, of Raleigh: Miss Maude Bar nard. McDowell; Miss Mary O. Shot well. Oraavlllei Mlae Mary U. Oraham, Charlotte; . Miss Mary Arlington. Rocky Mount; Mlas Kate Perguson, Neuee; Dr. George W. Lay pf . at. Mary's School; Dr. George W. Ram- y. of Peace Institute; Mr. U J. Sears. Apsx; Prof. Z. V. Judd. Dr. N. W. Walker, and Prof. U A. Wil li ama of Chapel Hill; - Pres. . E. C Wright of East ' Carolina Teachers' Training School; Dr. Clarence Poe, Raleigh; Mr. P. a ArendelU Raleigh; Mr. D. P. Ollee. McDowell; Mies Kllsabeta Colton. Raleigh; Mr. N. C, Newbold, Raleigh. -.: - In KDITOR LINCKB M.DK MAYOR OP NASIfVILLE. pyagrrxslva Board of City Alder sew WIN t'phoM His Hands. , ISsmsm t Tb h i est Usxwi. Nashville. May - 4. In ratification of the action of the recent town con ventloa, the voters of Nashville today elected Editor M. W. L4urke, of The Graphic, mayor of Nashville, for the ensuing term' beginning this evening, to eucceed Mr. S. O. Orlflln, who has held that ofDos for the past two years. The new board of aldermen elected are Messrs. Geo. N. Rtssstt. lscm T. Vaughant B. O. Alford, and Dr. J. T. Strickland. With theee gentlemen at the head of the town- government, the cltisens of Nash trills look forward to aa ad ministration of the town's affairs as has characterised the Individual prog reaalveneas of the above-named 'gen tlemen During their term of: office. astmrnrTnove forward at even a more rapid rata. aad many improvements made with- the town that have for ths naat ear or two aeemed a forlorn -hope. There is little doubt now that Nash- trills will soon be lighted by electrtcitv. and one object of the new. administra tion will be to bring about this Changs for the better at the earliest possible moment. In the matter of needed per. the new administration will set a new high record jf achievements, and la their efforts. Mayoe,ljlncke and his associates will receive the co-opera tion ot all Nashvllls ritlsena. 'BCTTOJf MAYOR OP KINSTON. k Desnotwatln TVkea rJerted Vrekcrday Wltbowt OpfxsSUtm. lasstsl w m Itose aM Osisisl. Klnston, May 4. Today Klnston formally elected the Democratic city ticket nominated at tne April primary, without opposition.' rred I. Sutton. The yUthfut mayor, and Emeet V. webb. it. K. Kouee. and H. P.' Port. members of council, are returned. I- P. Tapp. M. M. Happeiwfknd W. B. Douglaas are new menWr of the council. T. Chris Wooten becomes ths first recorder of the new municipal court. The administration will as sume office for two years on May tin. Lt. range alao elected officers today aa follows:. Mayor. Dr. J. W. P. Smith wick; com miss loners. C. C At drldge. P. 8. Isler. J. W. Stanton, R. Hsdlcy. J. W. Oraham. and P. R. Klasey, all Demnrrata I "-" s"a Mhsr IttMimu mm s be str SMimlistod hf tbe sws refla an-1 h a.w mat tmut tbe sUHnech. I'''u', Altr!lr rasislsc H srfsss. ""'rt r bb frsiiB Srars. s It I -' te irt. itinnr drncclx Is tmt 4 ' S sn ts stW. er "hj1 lrcf t-Mt I sbiistsey. rbllsseiybbs, ' . I AHOSUK KLJM-TION HELD, Ofhrials aad School Tmalrts Oty Wiaa m Tba ttmrnm mt Ot.s'llll - Ahoakle. May '4 At the regular electina for town aad graded school district officers held here yesterday, the following were elected. Mayor. T. O Tmyloe, commiesloa era. Paul H. Mitchell, J. N.' Venn.Vnd J. P. lloyett, Treasure. H. W. Htnkea. Police, J. R. Cartsr. vVhool trustee. Dr. O, O. Powell. U T. Humn-r, M. D. Uatling. aad- U. K. Copland. ; ' ,f t..1)ltrf ,.,... , , ,iimiMiMiMillliMi.ii-i--f r n i i i ,, i... ..m. .,.in mt ,,.,M.M i , , m m.imi i r. ................. a r i i to c. It's H We l-WWeMmBSiM ii .-!.b-'t-A'."','.-' :j;v'"-' a uc uia uiv viAiy ijuficriuriucs . stsf. SM mea a hsehv saaaBaeW a a a e at , "' - . . . .WMt If Art Li am this car which h crMtsd such furors THIS SIX IS THE RIPEST result of Rw wnrlnoarlnr exDeri f-rrr: " rnotoriny drclss. " : rtc.-- Th varr fact that wr mskfYnt offer it, to you is ) EVER SINCE THE BlC "aD sppearod .nnouncinr thsUso Tfr. -vidsnco that ths i'Si!! Jds hM no4 pswed th. reslni of lins for 1915. w havs bssn beeiefrvd br nthusiasU who. ' wantsd to sws,.o study and to rids in this latest Rso1 creation.. . ' , - . . - FOR EXPERIENCED buyers have learned to look for the new Reo models from year to year, as an index to what the most progressiire makers will do. ' REO SETS THE PACE the standard in quality, In deeifn t and in valuer always. . ; THIS YEAR more than erer, Reo hiU a stride others will find It difficult if Indeed possible to follow. THIS SIX IS SENSATIONAL not because lt is a six but because It is a Reo Six. . Y . ' ' FOR REO WAS NOT one of the first to embrace the "Sis' , Idea. Reo was one of the last. . ; REO WILL NEVER BE one of the. first to adopt any innova tionany new any unproven idea. For Keo policy has ever been, not to sell ideas innovationsbut auto- , - uncertainty. AND FURTHER." let us assure you thai, avarv one of the sise e . xa a . i4 a- . - -sixty points 01 superiority-: neve Dot tried proven . m fact, helped make the fame of Reo b Fifth the Four that has for several years set the pace and is today settln . v i faster than ever. . - , , v OUR "SIX" DEMONSTRATOR has just artAd-or will have 1 , by the time you read this. : , We've been notified it is on the ' siding and it will be at our show rooms (In the morning) . (this afternoon) ' :;;.- s - '.. .i-. . YOU ARE INVITED to come in and see it look it over care- . fully, critically, and when you are convinced that it isn't possible to buy a better car or to fat a bet taf reputation ' with it why'then place your order and insure V definite and an early delivery date. ' ; A , , . , DEMAND IS TREMENDOUS. In all the years Reohas been tion any new any unproven idea. For ever been, not to sell ideas inne mobiles. Dependable automobiles. AND YOU WILL ALWAYS find Reo "trailing-' to Just that extent. Reo will never be one of those to "take a chance" with the customers' money. . NOT UNTIL EVERY uncertain or, unknown quantity has become a certainty will any new type of car or motor or axle or part be offered with the Reo name-plate. in business the company has never, even with It match less manufacturing facilities, been able to makeenougb cars to supply all who wan tad Reps., : . , THIS SEASON the demand is .greater than ever tfcpree- k edented even in Reo history , - SEEMS AS IF the more careful folk become in the selettion of their automobiles, the more do they select Reo. The ' . longer they have motored, the more do they appreciate ' Reo sUbility. .Seems like. ' And that's the reward eo "'V', has been working for all these years. i . t SO YOU CAN ALWAYS BE SUREasyou have irvthe pastvQ COME SEESELECT your Reo. Don't deUy for many , - ' ' - - t - ! a i III . t? f.. I c . v uhii ui vuhi uua jtni an iareiun in in txjniunsnii . wiu auraiy uv uiaeiJpvinvcfU. ijecurw juuiir WELFARE AUTOMOBILE COMPANY DISTRIBUTORS WILSON. NORTH CAROLINAv ' s -'.' v us v m.. -.. - m - si a -v- iS si nEO.'W' $1050 f. o. b. Fcctoiy. REO RUriADOPT $1000 f. o. b. Factory. REO TRUCK with Driver Ccb, $i650 f. Fcctory. $1800. f. o b. Factory r,ith Stc!(c or Express Bcdy - These cars are on exhibit in RALEIGH at Foid Sales Company, cornerbf WflminitonTUtd lorran Streets. Call Mr. Murchison ' r V',' J a a seaast . a a 9 at pnone oot ior aemonsiraiionv , v ;i ? ; ' , ? " y , The "REO Is represented In thie'followin&r territory and demonstrations i may be had upon application : AUTO SALES COMPANY r -n.. - w- a v ntnif t --- -sa m . .m. . . . . r , v KA-jJCiiuii,iinrnoneooi, corner, mnnington and fllorfart Streets. W. F. BOUNT, FsyetteviHe, N. C f' , BERTIE MACHINE & MOTOR WORKS, Windsor, N. C DR. H. M. S. CASON, FJenton, N. C. WATSON GAIUGEs MitrfNedHiro. Ni C W. A. CANNON. Borgaw. ft C .tl " 7. ' J. W. BROWN. Gatesvaie.'' N. Cs r . ... W. H. GKIrTIN, JR, Spring Hope, N. C. . AUTO SALES COMPANY, Benson, N. C" . ' , - " v .'". ' " ' -. . " 1 - . . . - 9 . . ; - ;j. . TEitTOhV. TS SOME SECTIONSTILL OPEN."' WRITE US "AT ONCE IF INTERESTED. . iU- t .i . ..i s a WELFARE AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, Wilson, N; C. r'- I ill i II II HI 1 1 i.i 1 1 III I li i I nil i i II i ij 111111111111111 i it' 1: ,l" U'Mtatillia ittrttirtafTtt't MiiiMimi')iiNittmMimniUHnwnit'iiiFiriimMfHwninmitMH",tHn'fi 11 3 ' f -3 Ii 1 1 ii I i $ 3 I i I i II i r f 1 ., I I I! a- - a- - I I. .3 . .. I 1 i I 3 f i f i i I i it

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