-,y ; L,..:,.:,G, i w 5,. r;i3. " - -. . Tut; M-Ub a.nu ooslkvlk. : . . '., - .- , -. , - ? "m"''l. " " ' " ' "1 ' '' '' -' ' ' " . '" ' U-! iJ I :' : J r? A t . l Zi L 3 ..' t t - VI" 3 7 XII m J 7.' Marafed "Or i Single t - '-- to Sot Into The at1 mm m m ' . n . Mormeg, May 6, 9 A Mo THIS SALE UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF. JAS. D'. RAY & COMPANY, OF RALEIGH, N C. GASOLITJE TA?JK V- Oil BOAT ArLi E Twenty-two Persons, Halt Be j J Ing , Young Ladies, Have - r Narrow Escape. . i " V CRAFT BEACHED AND SUNK - : -u - i - 8ig Lumbef Plant at New Bern Running on Full Timer Post- t , master Daniels Will Run the . I Office No Action on Stock 'jMw Br.Mjr 4. Whll Wnrouti tit: tb nUf rout from Vaneabor a point acversi mllaaudtsUat wher h Ath try ml t be Nsld. twnty-tw pMaona,"inclidlnK arrD younc ImIIm: had narrow eacap but Di(iU from , olln tank on board of thr boat b- ' oltna tank oa board of. thair boat t cam Isnitad and they wera foroad to twach the craft and aiok It. The ea. eel. "The Bp ray," waa owned by OroT- ' er Lancaster and Jeaa MeLawhorn and waa valued at aeveral hundred dollar. Whan the lire broke out aereral of the male membera of the party Jumped overboard, the ladles however remained, oti board uatl) shore was reached. There ' waa no war of get ting hottiesttiat night no the party re mained In the swamp until this morn ing when thejr were picked up by an other boat Sent out to search for them. i Businees U not dull out at the local plant of the iJohn L. Roper Lumber Company, In tract tf has picked up ta such a degrie during the past tw weeks that the mill la row working full blast path day and night and fho&senda of feet of dressed lumber are being turned out every twenty fohr hoars. . The mill was closed down for Ave or six weeks a few months ago due to the fact that a number of repairs bad to be made but aa soon aa these were completed, operations were resumed and the plant haa been operated on full Unto since tha. In oonnectlon with the lumbering Indus try in this section. It might be of in incest to the public to know that a large force of men yesterday began clearing away the old Vim Clfy Mill on South Front stret yesterday morn ing and on this site Charles H. Hall, well known lumberman, will erect an up-to-date planing and saw mllL Will Raw the Otter.. Bo . far no appointment has been made to All the vacanoajln the local postoffloe caused a few days ago by the bouncing of Substitute Clerk James C Smith who was charged with misrepresenting Powtmaster I O. Daniels to the Postofflce Depart ment and also with Insubordination. Postmaster Daniels la determined that while he hah charge of the office he Is going to run it to suit himself and he will not tolerate any "monkey busi ness on the part of subordinates. Ha haa told ths employes that he will treat them with the greatest consider ation and will do anything within his power for them but that they must perform their work In a thorough mannerahd nMuTrtHey imiexomply with all rules' of the department.' Smith Is the flrst white man Bred since II r. Daniels took chsrge of tha office In 1114. - Contrary to expectations the Crav en county Board of Commissioners, In session here yesterday, did not take up the matter of hearing petitions asking that an election be called whereby the cltSsena living on the south side of Neuse river could vote oo the stock law question. . Thla matter. In which there la great Interest, had been set for yesterday and a .large delegation of local cltl sena. who are la favor of the law were oa hand aa were delegations from all parts of the affected district and who were opposed to It J. B. Bladea, rep sentlng the local delegation, stated to Chairman C. D. Brad ham that they had practically enough hemes to their petition to ask for tha election but that, ha desired to give each, and ev- CASTOR IA rwttttr Tbi KJcd Yea BaTi Ahrajs Eoiht v . rev mora thaa forty -ooe years the choice bf the American smoker. Solon SbincU , Tar tied Uf Indian rrrLs Eliu ; ' and ' ; . C. He B. .w? A smqke for every taste C. H. brenAaun & CO. , t 'est Iexlagtop tw . BstabUshed ItTI. . , Baftlmore, lid. - V Beautify Your Yard A jreat variety of roses and blooming shrubs. , All kinds of beddinr and box! plants. ' Geraniums, Petuneas, Colus, etc. ' rmes for the Veranda. ;; . - He STE1NMETZ. Florist RaJcIth.N.C ! ; , Painting arid Papering . : . . g, . PRICES SANE 7 Materials Uaawpaje4 .'. Sefric PronUy Reti4erd .. Workaaanship UncxccDec Do fiot Ask Us to Figure On" Your Painting Or Papering 4 Unless You Want the Best to Be Obtained V , . : R. L GREETI & SONS If-VvVjUrgett r , RALEIGH, N. C err one a sauare deal and that hi or der that the affected districts might be fully represented at the meeting. he would suggest that the matter be deferred until the next meeting or the board and this waa done. A delegation of dttsene from Vanoe- boro was on hand to ask that they be included In the election ir It Is calleC The people over In that section are In favor of the law and are anxious to eea It carried. There's no . doubt about the tact that there's going to be a hot time when the matter comes up before the board. The antla were on hand In full forces yesterday and they were primed to the muasle with all sorts of arguments. It la the general impression, how. ever, that tha board will call ths elec tion at their next meeting and that If such la done and ths matter voted upon It will doubtless be carried. STRANGE NEGRO TRICKS MERCHANT Plaom Hi Order For Food Supplies Aad The Disappears a PoUucks- . villa. -' New Bern. May 4. One of ths strangest stories heard here in some time, rams yesterday from Pollocks villa. Jones county, and ths cltisens there who took part In the affair are still-wondering if they did not dream the entire occurrence , According to the story 'brought here, a colored man arrived In the town early on last Saturday morning and stated that he waa the steward on beard of a government survey boat which had some up from Florida and waa anchored in a stream a few miles away. The man went to one of the lead ing merchants In the town and placed an order for food supplies amounting t fifty er sixty dollars and in which waa Included fifty pounde of beef. The merchants did not have the beef bat told the negro that he would get it for him and thla he did. In the meantime the negro walked about town. - went to the' postoffloe, called for mall for a number of men . who were eupposed to be on the boat and was Informed that there was nothing there for. them. . He then asked for any old newspapers that might hap pen to be lying around and was gives a supply of theee. All during this time the colored man- continued te tell of the trip of the survey boat as It came up from the wave kissed shores, of Florida to the North Caro lina. coast and. even went so far aa to Invite a number of the cltisens of ths town to pay the ship a visit orv Sun day, declaring that he would be glad to call for them on Ounday In a launch. " - , ' In some way tha feUdW oDUterated hfmoelf from the town a short time later without anyone seeing him- and while the merchant who had arrang ed te furnish the supplies for the boat wss awaiting the return of the black man he was probably putting apace between him and that town. Now the strange part of the affair Ilea la the fact that no such boat had ever been In that part of the country. Just where the negro came from or where he went is another mystery but the Worat part about It to the merchant at least. Is the fact that he haa fifty pounds of beef stsak on hand which he cannot dispose ef. "LEAKS VP DOCKET QCCKLY. - Preparing for North Carolina Bankers. Amkm istliws. ' Wilmington, My 4 Judge K. W Whednee, ef Oreenville, who presided over the term - of Superior Court, which began yesterday morning and adjourned today, having finished all the work on the docket, made a re cord for brevity . In this county In charging ths grmad Jury. He spoke enlv a few minutes and mentioned only tww matter specifically- Having had tbe matter ceiled to his atten tion, probably as ths result of street rumors that there hsd been viola tions of the law In thw recent cam paign. Judge Whedbee Instructed the grand Jury as to the law relative to vote buying and influencing of voters The only other matter mentioned in hie charge waa tlut It waa the duty of the grand Jury to mveetisate every officer hi the county, from the highest to tha lowest, and if any ons is found vuilty of malfeasance to present him. There was no raaee oa the docket of special Importance at this team. Capt. Edgar L II In ton waa foreman of ths grand Jury. Tha board of commissioners of navi gation and pilotage. which met la regular monthly steel ml yesterday morning, considered - the complaints relative te the locatian ef the Interned Oerman steamer Kiel, at Boot h port, which is said to be In the way of pairing ehtpa. but no action -wa taken. The matter will come up again at a later meetiar- The Wllmlnirloa clearing house soctktion, Mr. II. C McQueen acting ' J, " ' N ' '' ' chairman, and Mr. Thomas E.jCooper secretary, have. begun arrangements for the .entertainment of the North Carolina Bankers' ...Association, when it meets in annual session at the Sea shore Hotel. Wrightsville Beach, June 17th, 18th. and 1Mb. Committees have been appointed to have rharge of the vmrtoua features. . The regular spring term of JnJted States court, which bra-Inn here next Tuesday morning, will be featured -by the trial of six white men charged with robbing Interstate freight trains at Fayettevllle and Hamlet. C. H. Williams. W. B. Wilson. K. U Me Duffy, IV J. Heath. It. C. Doraey are tbe defendants In the Hamlet rase, and John U Smith in the Fayettevllle case. 'They are Charged with robbing the Interstate' freight care of ll.r or more worth of goods, ' Another rase of some Interest in. the one In which H. U Powers, a young white man. Is charged with violating the white slave act. Hs haa been la Jail here for several months. The case cornea from Robeson county. Powers was a traveling man. . . The Crimean war. or the War of tltt. the Austro-Prusnisn war of lt. tha Franco Prussian war of lilt and tha Rusao-Turklah war Of 1IITJS7. coat t(,JMO0.eOi. . , . l.KTTVCE OUT LOO at BKTTKR. Strawberries' frfom Chadbourn DIs--trrtn Wilmington Market. - ISmrtal te TW Nm m tueirnl. Wilmington. May 4. The proe pects for the lettuce season, which has not been so promising lately, are now much Improved since the refreshing rains yesterday, and cutlmg is now going oa at a lively pace all over this section, with ths result thst severs) refrigerator cars and several hundred hank eta went forward today, filers are considerably higher on the North ern markets, raviglng from fl.SS to 1 a basket, according to quality, which is generally good now. Htrawberriea made their appear snce on ths local market yesterday from the Chadbourn belt and were sold by the crate at IV cents a quart They are celling on tha Northern mar kets at from 1 5 to 16 cents a quart. Is a few days local growers will begin to arfip garden peas, which are bring ing good prlcea now. . Three white boys, all under twelve years of sge, were arrested yeeterdsy on cnarges oi oreaaing into mt sinre of Thomas F. Wood, Inc., and carry ing off s. lot of grocrles. in spits , of theiryeuth. the boys have been in trouble ea several previous occasions, and what to do with them, furnishes a perplexing problem to thevourts, as there la no reformatory to which to send them. . Ths contract for the erection of a new vaudeville house which will he built by Howard tt Wells, owners of a moving picture house, haa been awarded to Rhodes A Underwood, well-known local contractors, and work will begin on the building this week. The cost exclusive of all fur nishings wilt be 111,000. The build ing will be located on one of the moat prominent el tea in the city, re cently purchased for Mil, 600, and ths total cost will be In the neighborhood of 7t,ooa. TO INHTRTCT ON DK-MNAtiK Knalnrrr P. R. Baker Will tilve . DreatfMMtratloae In .Caldwell. (SsKtal Tat Kim aaS 01 ml. Lenoir, May 4. Drainage Engineer F. R. Baker, of the North Carolina J'ralnage Commission Is scheduled to visit this section and spend the latter part of the week showing ths far mers and others Interested In drain age how to do this sort of work properly. Hs will also give a drain age tils demonstration, which wheal properly .done means much to the farmers when they have a pietw of good land that is too wet for culti vation. ... , , On Thursday he will be at Mr. W. C. Harlow's place, I miles out from town on the Taylorville road. Friday he will be at Mr. C. A. Anderson's farm a few miles west of town on ths Woreanton road. Haturday he will be at Mr. Kdmund Jones, Jr., farm a mile south of I-enotr on the Hickory road. County Demonelrator Gofortb will accompany Mr. Batter to each of these places and assist him with his work. '....-.;" Haleaa School Closing. v ' ; (Ssarial t The Dm m4 OtawMtl.. , Whltskers. Mar 4. Ths closins ex ercises of rlalem school will be held Msy 11-1. Chlldrer.s' exercises will lie given on Tuesday night, followed by a plonk) Wsdneeday. Oa Wednes day night "Dot, the Miner's Daugh ter" will be presented by the boys and girls of ths community for the benefit of the school. ... A New Jereey Inventor la the pat entee of a salt shaker equipped with a valve that remains closed .to ex elude dampness aa long as It is stand ing erect. . . LT fl wke Mea t S eaalee at M raaea, dWlVXl SB-. BMW is todav. ami etwava aaa ' kaaa, a saaa WMt aaaakad Ma m . - 4 "I f libatallr ia Mhoral tt anhnl,. - "i nn close to the ground every time you see a man drawing real joy out of a iimmy pipe, for it's better than a five-to-bne shot he's . .king Prince Albert, the tobacco high spot . v.LiiT:;lil You; like a whole lot of men, never will know what a barrel of fun can be dug from a pipe or a makin's cigarette until Prince Albert passes your piazza I ,. : For it cAri'r bite your tongue, and it can't1 parch your throat That's why men the nation over know their business when they demand the national joy smoke You should know this brand is made-r by a patented process that removes bite and parch. And Jet it drift in that you can fire-up P. A. until the icows come home and it just won't make your tongue tingle I So, you men with a sad pipe past, come around somemore and sort of get acquainted with Prince Albert Let the light of jimmy- pipejoy break into your soul You 11 wonder why you didn't wake up earlier and hear the robins sing in the old cherry tree. Get-started on the tidy red tin, then youli graduate to the crystal-glass pound humidor with the sponge-moistener top that keeps . your P. A. fine like silk; A lot of men do that thing. t; . -I-, yaa tt SMahuly- Mr. Plow ajMMfiaa tmt S Kraara Albert "aM-ume hmrrHfidrt" H haa taareVnal a lull-nadaad wa awiM Saa t i ki aUM i. hi Hi i a 4a'. V Bmy J". A. Im assy aec mf fas ssiiili, 5 repey J0 fWy reef taas; sswifuws aa W anaaf Xaa- assssiaWs awsf fs rfsssy ssesaf trjsfal gliaw yreafeagef R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO WUtoiilenfc N. C LI i.,