s J X i r 1 I.I a . , htrTTra m mil i tsl tiA ib t. .aw- ' z w r,fcT - ius : xx ix ft Ii i : 1 WV.V! i A (V - 9 V. i j f . Ii it. Ok V A T i-n-vA Hanca TpocK of TaiWe for OcczjetonHlTe-aUviUo ijl Dark Silk br Vtve Coeluroe metiLfl fbTGeretaI Wear vn.sll Cli-mHle3 t i will fee Admirable tbt' Tpavehno andCorrecv . Tor Ve.rv Warm Dsvs le Lm5erieTrock toV. a Park Hal and QveMte Le 11 K 'fot'CallforTvisVsfr a uarK.n.atarauiraiLer.a rorinaii. , Consider the California Climate When Planning the Trip - The Long Train r Journey AVill Demand Relays of Fresh Blouses and Lingerie-White the Ideal Raiment for Sightseeing Not Forgetting the Dance Frock ' :i v Which No Modern Woman Travels Without - Footwear. . IGJlT?EKiS;a la IterapMtlv, bu Iv .trtti.r"tmnt'of m 'fur1." hu Ita bardahlin, nd bator . th spaa of lha daya haa run, mar ia.ra btwiM mrcnvouti and alern 4ufy which moat ba performed tt tu fa( .end of nervoua atranglh In order that there may b no recreta when the trip la viewed again in rpetWtv The woman planning for thla reara mil Exnoaltlon In California; ihould , chooe. bar wardrobe with car and . with a lw to ha gitateat fre af comfort for haraelf In eoaalderltlon of ; weather oandltlon ; ; - - . Tramptnt about looklhg at thlnsa, re)lvtnf Impreaalotia, bata Joetled by rrtiwda, trying to ttoro memory (or future delight, with the thermometer climbing In the nlnatiea will domasa very ounca of phyaksai aad nerroua forea, . Clo.tb.lnf muat be light , and cool; footwear muat be Comfortable: liata abould be ahady. There muat -aie ) eweuf h -wearabHafor frequent haaea. ri luftgago may not ezeaad a certain practical meunt. It will be barter to carry a email amount of lug Araga and be a bit larlah la laundry cxpenaea than to burden ana'a aelf rtt.n an ejeeaa of coetutnaa. . Wbita OKhea Ceoteat aad Moat i . Comfortable . ' - " , - 'i - - Under the California aun, whMe garb vill be found moat comfortable, and rilt alio Utok moat eomfortable. The experienced -tripper" who alwaya pena of laundering' will be well worth white. yh9 woman emerarinc from bar botal avaiiraiornltif, treeU; dainty aAd eool In while linen, with white hat and veil, white paraaol end atockinga. will probably enjoy her day much more than the practical minded "tripper who baa merely bruahed the duat of yaatarday rrom ber eturdy blue aerge and donned oaa of her dark, Inteneely practical ailk blouaeev For the con aciouaneaa that aha la looking fraeh and charming goea a long way to make woman feel fraeh and charming, no matter bow weary aba actually la. Footwear A Moat Important Coaaid ratloav ' ' On word of warning! Do not pro ride black ahoea for elgotaeelng houra; and above all. do not wear black etock mga. If you are unwilling ta wear . There will ba Juxurtoua wheeled riaira a-pUnty at the Expoeitlov i o womeit who n.pfrijrl tbmr who "algh taeaa(rom one of -"Uieaa da llerbtful eoulpagee need . sot worry, about tired (eat and ewotlea anklea. She may wear patent leatber pumpa, an' aha will, or high-heeled allppera; but. It .thara la . much walking to bo dona, eaay-ntUng. Haced boota of tan calf or white buck will bo the beat choice. The) Qwelloa) Of Loggmg. The trunk packed full of elothea for wear In California, will Hot be opened until ene'a destination la ranched; ' ao a rather roomy aultcaaa will have to bo carried along with wearablea (or tha Journey. If one plana la atop on route, a email et earner trunk may bo taken la addition to tha regular dreaa trunk which hold the California wardrobe: but It la always wlaeet to oonflne one's aelf to a single trunk, for delay and loan of baggage are leea likely to occur when tha alngle trunk ts earrlod along baatdo tha driver of aab or taxi and ona'a boionglnga are kept la eight. i For the train Journey provide changes of lingerie, freeh blouses and a soft ailk kimono not too conaplcuoua la color. A (raah blouse for ovary morn ing wilt ba none too generous a pro vision, (or railroad traveling Id mid aummor Is not conducive to daintiness at appearance unleaa ona Is well sup lied with changea, (Us blouses of tub silk ar aoflt fine bat late and a wall out separate skirt of mixed worsted, or poplin, will bo found a bettor equip ment (or tha railroad trip tha a a silk frock which, however dainty and eool It may look -aftbs start-wilt surety , become d raggled' ah untidy ktter ""a ' couple of daya of traveling by train. Blnco A- eoat, of aay sort will ba imposalble la the Pullman, arid onb the aklrt of a smart tailored suit would see the light of day from beginning to end of the Journey, tha wine woman will not bother with a wool tailored suit st all but will save apace by wearing a eeparate aklrt wlin coot blouaea and carrying a) good looking top-coat, or sport-coat which may be slipped on whenever there Is need. An admirable traveling costume of this type la pictured. The coat la of very light tan covert cloth and Is almple and comfortable in Una with raglan aleevee and fullneea at the bark con trolled by a broad, buttoned belt. The coyar faateoa close to the' throat- bul tha fronts of the coat may be unbut toned and turned back to form, rvr and an open neck If desired. This coat accompanies a smart tailored aklrt of serge. In flare cut, and In the abbreviated, length now fashionable. The-hat U a now high-crowned Panama wound with a plaid silk pugaree and washable white glovea complete the costume. Another picture ahowa Miss New Tork In an attractive costume of dark silk, with a email hat. eaay to pack, which - -ehe-wlll. .wearr on special 0C casions when something more Impres sive than the traveling garb Is required (or Instance on an afternoon when he takea tea aboard ona of Uncle Ham big men-of-war anchored off the Exposition grounds, o'r on som other equally festive ocraaion. This ooatuma la practical as well as attrac tive. A will be aeen. It may be packed without Injury- There are ao trim mings Which require pressing, and the chemisette and flare collar, of net can be whipped out Ina twinkling and a freeh one L Iriaerted. ' .The frock ta of taupe colored puaay willow taffeta Vhkh shakea free of creases the mlnnte It Is lifted from a trunk- The pleated skirt Is attached to a yoke at the hip, hut tha wide box-pleata fait softly without pressing with a hot Iron. The bodice Is very simple, opening over a chemisette of cream net. The graceful necktie scarf of putty colored faille, with- Ita border of taupe ostrich Is a eeparate attachment, donned as a. drrse-accessory, for on eome daya the ostrich trimmed scarf would be a bit too warm for comfort. J - Wlth thla useful taupe taffeta (rock, Mlsa New Tork wears av pretty little hat of taupe mtlan faced with taupe taffeta ilka the frock, and trimmed flatly with green leaves and two pink roses:' a tittle hat that ca W-ams-. f1ams1W1tw-forW MtlmK tray among aoft bits of- finery without fear of Injury, v-y' '. 11 nwBlue Lvnsm -gihl - Blue HsU-oKaLcK Stmptcr The Mgtitsorlng Oostume, ' 7 The Beuer. Back to considerations of practical ity gees , Miss New Tork In another picture which ahowa her dressed (or a day1 at the Exposition. She wears in thla Instance a belted coat and severely tailored aklrt of gray-blue linen, itbe coat smartened by huge cult and a .very -o44r turned down, revet of white Jinan. -White. bmJukin footwear sjid a "Uroad-btliinned' enady hat ! blue Yallle silk add the finishing touches to a most pleasing morning Wt-tile-wtUbe moyt , -Cocnforlable rot0 Califbrms " Wc.sr'Hrvd Irvi-aWh.v'te , eUkTajueuT'i'B rciHrtly Correcl. J costume. Tha eoat baa a panel dowa the front with buttons and buttonholes at both edges, and the top of this naneL faced with whits linen, turns down to make the unusual rever which Sdda ao much style. The skirt has but tons and buttonholee at eitner aiae m tbs front and la circular-gored la hapa. The bat, o( dark blue faille la made over a light frame, and U buttonholed at tha edge and on the crown with whits worsted. There ! a white worsted pompon at the back , a very smart hat thla, and. one do llghtfully light and comfortable. in her stunning tallleur of wblts taffeta. Miss Now York looks both cool and dainty, and ready (or a apodal occasion lunch at a smart restaurant perhaps. Such a -tallleur aa thla la. onto- (o special wear, but It will clean ,7ha6ntHy :wsa arises.. And H eool as s oreeew - rrit dav. Its frssh smartness 1a augmsntad by tha whits hat faced with black, white glovea wun dim ing. black and white parasol and blaok boots with whKs hid gsltsr topa Miss Kew York vV'UI Provkk For fas ..oietlAaTalra .AIw.-'-::r.rrririZ" It Is not to ba aupposed thst Mtsf New Tork will Journsy to tha Exposi tion and back without paying a. (ew vbnU sn routs, and she wUI very likely have friends In California who will de mand a week-end or ao of her time Bo aomethlng besides tailored oos. tumea must ba carried along for then special occasion No modern woraas travels snywbsrs without a dance frock, all ready to slip Into If oppoiv tunKy Brises. (or. no ons ever knowi when there may bo a chance to do the new steps. Tbs dsncs-frock which Mlsa New fork will take to California with ber la euttable (or a big evening affair, or bocaus of Ita style and Its sleeves -for an afternoon dance. It Is made of -very pale pink faille with pipings and facings of white satin aad frogs t sllvsr cord. The tucker and puffed aleevea of Victorian type, are of white tulla over pink tulle. Thla charming "frock will be carried la a special pasteboard box which will .fit la the trunk-tray and which will hold, also tha pink dancing slippers and flat abepherdesa hat of pink silk. Mlaa New Tork plana to wear thla frocks at tha Exposition on very warm afternoons. . Though so dainty In ma- 1 teriaj the frock of broderle Anglais and white .handkerchief ,lnn formal enough., for ...out-of-door wear and formality le --added by ths dar k hat " and ths sash of bltck and rich' blus" ribbon. ' x?e Jh&&Jn-Xs'2f "ss JZsri in Time z&z?gar , ITING the finger nalle Is a per nicious habit which has Its svtl effect not only upon the physical beauty of Its unfortunate post- but aiae upon her character. as any other habit has: that ts beyond ths mental control. Ones well eelab- shoes of white buckskin, have tan calf 'luhtid In adult years this habit Is 1 ones. Both sojti JtB-bd-wra-1Ire5m- fortable yet good lopking modela with the prevailing long lines and heels broad enough , to support the Weight. your footwear purchases (or ths- Ex- position; boots that are by so means clumsy or ugly, but which are slightly mannish .in suggestion, with sensible solos that will keep your foot from weariness, and a trimming of stitching and perforated leather, that makes for prettinesa. Jt will be best to wear laced boots hi) at come above ths ankle. Experienced sightseers know that nmmna or low ahoea. no matter how travels In dark blue aerge with blouaea comfortable when first denned, offer of plaid alley that wfif not tieed laand- ho support! to the eJiklee and" after ring, holds-up her nan da, rrhaat, at several hours ons feels much snore ha (dea of planning for a sightseeing tired than would be ths rass were the tour with a trunk fuU of white wear- sakles supported sad kept (rem swell- able But It raa.ee erase, ana me ex- i leg oy iace ooota moat Impossible to break, aad only be broken by a aupremo and per sistant power of the will and as tha nerves of women too often control tne Ask (or sport boots when you make fwllf.' and as biting tha nails Is tially a nervoua habit, few of ths un fortunates concerned ever succeed la Entirely eradicating tha weakness Bvery mother should watch care fully for-ths very beginning of ths finger-nail nibbling tendency. Usually ths little daughter la tea .or twelve years old before serious consideration la given to the (art that aha bites bar a alia Ths habit ta semsdmos In herited but it seldom makes Ha ap pearance before ths sixth year and la not noticed (or eome time. Oft-times It li Ignored aa , a passing , phase of childhood; -"6r Its presence may aot give the mother a great deal of con lng personal vanity ths yonng girt will "stop biting- her nails" oa behalf of pretty haada.. But alas, by ths Urns pe rsonalf-va n It y s wakens tbs shape of tha nails aad ths finger-tips may hsvs nostrils. This baby grew up with s perfect nose, which undoubtedly owes Its Greek outlines to tbs gentle mas sage In Infancy. There sre mothers who would be horrified If the little bosh hopelessly ; spcdledf4ikr avaaughter pricked out her lashes and ssr-wtheT "member Of the little body, tha sails anay bo mads or marred la tha plastie stage, - A pertain soothsr who has hersslf thick, clumsy fingers, and whoa moth er before her had squally unbeautlful fingers, received that ber owa daugh ter should have tapering finger-tips. She commeacod wbea her baby girl was less thaa a year old to press and manipulate ths tiny fin ger-tlpa, curv ing the aoft little nails Iota arched daintiness Instead of allowing them to grow oat Mat aad spat a late; and ths dellcata, tapatiac finger-tips ef this maiden are a delight to behold. : As other another who saw signs la her baby ef aa ugly flat aooe which had bees a disfigurement la her husband's family for generations, dally massaged the tiny aoss of her Infant, drawing thumb and (ore-finger dowa each aids sf lbs hridgs sad lightly pressing ths apoiled her eyea. or acquired the thUmb-BUOking habit and pushed out ths front teeth In a disfiguring slant, but who glvs ao thought at all to ths equally disastrous habit of biting the nnger-oaila The hand la .aa potent a feature of 'charm as :'th"ysrer the mouth, and Is ons of ths unfailing revelations of character.' Lucky ths woman whoss mother took great cars In thbss first Important years of child hood, of ths futurs beauty of ths tiny hands entrusted to' ber earel . Before tbs age of twelve or thirteen years. It la of tittle avail to appeal to the vanity of a child. Future lo-rH- Is a1 distant asdt nebulous good worth severs self-sacrifice how. gome little girls esa be bribed out of nall-nlbbling. Ths promiss of a gold watch at ths end of a year; sr of a ring If ths aaila are kept la perfect condition for. aay two montha, may serve to curs a little maid who adores gee-gaws an who haa con siderable will-power at the tender age of ten or eleven, . A mere . nervous child may hsve the best Intentions In . ths world "to be' good and not nibble but the habit will' get the Wt of t good Intentions..;.. 8hst must be cured! by mors stringent means, ;BHter aloes ; painted on the flngar'-tlps will serve as ' a potent reminder -and gloves should 1 be worn during sleep, and also when i ths little girl ts occupied with an ab- i aorblag book which causes her to for- get herself and her well-meaning watch over tha habit to be conquered - Pride la the bands should be en' eoursged to the utmost, and eome re- ward offered, tor their constant good. chdWfoll.rTsof ttttl ; flhl-hae her owtt daknfy wionOgrammcd towels. her own scented soap In a pretty sosp-'t dish, her own nail-bru.h and kit of manicure Implements. Bhr should be taught how to ksep ber hsnds white, soft aad smooth with lemon Juice and cold cream, and how ts shape and polish her Balls, aad push -bark Jhe cuticle to ahow ths pretty half-mson at the bass. ths bsd habit, and by and by personal pride and feminine vanity will rally themselves also to the battle. which la scarcely Important enough tot , She ehould sever be scolded or. nag-L ged at because of' the bad habit, but gently reminded, with, ths effort to stimulate her own desire io oonquer It. The bsbtt of conquering or trying to conquer will be established to fight St.. :' ' . r v r'W f r?" v bittt-T Aloe SlxmSd Prov Aa KBcUm ga e believes that with a grow- '-. - .'' ' - '