' " . , TIIFSDAY WORN Nu MAI ll, l ii. I . ; ' : ' ' " ' ' ' - TMENLWS AND OBSERVED ' .' . . . . - ,. lULbUAT a.uk.mau, , . , i j Ncvo and Observer Publiabed evry etoy ta tha tw BT ; ... Newt anJ CWvef fuLILJiinf Co. ul oimww 1U-11 W. Mania local N I .21 torts! A dvertistttf ( irculatla ..nUng t Ithsg W"" erewajji ........ 1 RmJ .....in i ULL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS On fnr .H..M...' .'.... ..;.ftj Ux atoath Kntered i th PostsAoe (4 Raleigh, Wort Carolina, ae esoood-elaee matter. Morning Tonic DRNIMO a ssrfum af lower to wafted L a jL - - ik. sutuntalaa. Tke sub la new rise ud tha dew still glistens on ma leaves . mU -a ik. k.i. imun. A rood Ilka a gray ribbon thrust taw lha quiet mauatala gorge a stone-paves roaa wnica ri iwoas aa oft aa velvet aa that ens haa almost a desir to stroke It .-:,';.., LI7T tribulation waters raft, aad dmmli ear aa I don't aVarr-at I m tha raptnla al my eoL l am th roloatri ef arm paert say gay aDasUag oml of place. doaV (red as with a Jef or area i I've Bee ataWorteae too to face, aad aalleal Ma hluoealag w Maker saT. r I wear4' for keeps l'NCOKlBED. araa .at vaanr ..aaj . H : aaa waa, aad) that aM Bardie UU seathea my feat area to ami fro. OA, I have walked tha winery atrwet D night biratas I awl aa bad I aad I have hum Itnd for iha rata, aa aa ea hsadr-d aba Ik bread, And I have aeHM with tha ewtete Vhe lha td prodigal of .' aad thla rtasUc aaulle ' at Bala apoa as coaataaanca I wore. For j believed aad aun believe that nothing IB la bar te atari the woosy waa, thai aaabaa aa srtora, loetaorro will ba laoW'eway, . Mjr aM tbM grlefa are at' aa aea, a a I raaaala a gig gling bard- t kaah aa Iraabla aa a Jakcv aad c hart 1 wha It hiU aa hard. Iia all raar aul tada of atla4 taat aaakra yoa g or aa to boy, that awtkra roar rorb a braatly grlaA or naaaa It ataaa a ruoad af Jay. Tba aslaa Wttfela ma foraraa an, aad brtaca aaa gtoutoroa ar ab tuati aoi Om cantata at aay gaO. I aaa tha major of aiy raaau : - ' : -i au.j.iil'1 Jul TJjiJi iv ' Oa nrtatatlaa. ncd td Uk ua tha atady of raady Mtar.arrtUac tMnyr may ba eoita'dra4 aa amoa tba itiaa. Vba rMaublloaa ."t oaiaa" da aot ItaJy atill krapa ap tia "T BroaV u to Uklni part la tha war la Kuropa. It to maklof i rttnltr taHMort aad ahattlaaoek tama of War and Paaca. .,; ,, , , " iJLamu ; - Thoaa plaeaa In tha Carollaa Uum a which thtra waa tauthtor aa to tha RaJatgh ball toam J uat batora 'tha aoaaoa atartad ara aow aspa rlanclDf a chanca of riawa. Tha fpltadtd flnaneUI poattloa of tha liltad Stataa waa plainly ahowa la tha a nick raaetloa of tha atock tnarkM aftar tha doellaa which fol lowed on tha haala of tha daatrucUoa af tha Laattaato. Thara war haroaa en tha Lualtaaia aa wall aa oa tba Tllanle. M thara aomaa fullar aawa of tha daatrucUoa af . tha- fraat Caaardar tha world aaara of ma alvtng way la womaa aad ehlldraa.' iAjnrleaa BBaahoad araaaata tha aaaat pleadld axampl ta tha world af tha hlahaat typa af aauraaa. . .r ... Thara la aa fotag eahlnd tha fttraa which how that thara la proa parity la tha South. Tha ftataretnt Juat lam ad by Diractor of tba Caaaua Bam. U Hefwra phowa tha anquaationad rat ara of proaprrtty ta tha South, that It la a aactloa tha. pan yacvparatlva pawara.. Hard hit ay tha war K haa (nat daprasaiaa aad kaackad H out. - Tha Uiiharaaa af KaJatrh ara ta .ba coacrat. ulatad aa lha upadUloa alUt which, taoy hav puahad forward tha building, af thatr church in thla city. II la a er4H ta tha draomlaatloa tnd whan tha Uma of Ha foratal aadlcatloa :umaa tha avBthould bo atada aaa la which mil tha paopta of thla city tan JoIa. "Tha rarrfy llh ahkh tha bulldlos work haa yrocoadad la t tribrta la thaNdevotloa of tha, avambara of that church. '-f- - : yaajaaaaaaauaaaaaaaaaaaa Tha farmara ara aapraaalag thaaaaalraa aa being greatly halped by tha rata of a f aw day ica. Now, If ihia will pro aa aid la th trowing of foodatuft thaa It WW ba all right. tut If It teada to tha arodactloa af aa groat a :..ttoa crop aa that of teal yar tha aha may b yn the oiher foot, Tha farmara had better or n tt that thera ta aw great emp f cotton, for If that romea It oppaara that tha prtoa win .ka tha downward turn. 1'erhapa h Win aee ba known how tbera ua atartad yesterday tha raaior that pTartdent TMlon had boon aaaaaalnaled. thoogh It la 3 rtood that It waa flrat heard of from tlotork rxrhanyc la Chicago. It waa a aorry pieca of huinea'to art oa tta raaada ah a repa Thra waa graat anxiety la Raleigh, when tha t'ii r got a atari bar and tha greatest oy aa rsprosaed wbaa tha Inquirer ware, told that there waa aothlng to IU s. i- x ! tf . . I railed the attention of oar people . "1 xiA that not only "I can do little i cue tbaa "I thue ad e Thoaa rrtcry wont as te an opinion) atpraeeed ' ' the p-mlilna of thla country la regard ta '. 'onia. It waa CoL Reoeerelt who i t. of cnurw, cut thla country frela Utst ih time f,r the Colonel te keep quiet. m a !in. ef 'f-pvmw wl. patriotic Aster ! , t,n Jinnee t whem the peopta :r ti r' "t D'f the rvht murw, a4 .!. rg t i r-ha ' l" t i' -! " , v t - i ...t Tha Telegraaf (Amaterdam): i "It waa a prmdiutad eHma, aot outrageous, but Sendieh. Only tha Joint protest of the en tire art-Mlasd world, front, which Oecaiaay aaa aeparatad aoraalt caa ba aa aaawar." t Waaw ad JsMVaWtlaa," " .-' f Tha Matla frarUli . w ' . Tha wave of ladigaaUoa which will b prd yoked la America perhaps may lead Washing' ton ta take measures which will be an pleasant f or Oormaay." :';'- :. ' 1 , - . i..r-,J'..,:, . "Aa the Burning at tdnnl." .y j Tha Jaaraal Daa Dabata Parte) : . Tha torpedoing af tha Lualtaaia la a military exploit of tha aaiaa aaallty as the baralag at Loveaia aad tha destruction of -Hhalm oathe raf -: . i '" ;..,. r Adaalra tha Traaajail Courage.- Tha Tampa (Parla): . Lat aa admlra tha tranquil courage with which I. paaaangara, la spits af 'tha notice, cuanlng aad cyatoal af tha Oarmaa Embassy, embarked aa tha Luattanla. Let as aaluta tha aew -rtcUma af aermany." .. ;,- , 1 Beyaadl Um Pala af Kailoaa. -.. - ta. Ubarta (Patia): " . "Oermaar'a upreme aat puts tha aoantry dedaltely beyond tha pala af itaUona It la im poaalbla that thara still ara neutrals ladtlTerent P4lwha rogard these svenU aa Pontua Pl latoa. la tha I'alted atataa aow going ta take Its plana beside tha other opponents af Oar many T" '..' .,'"' , "Woraa Things Thaa Wara.".:: ; ;' ' Tha Daatrar poott It la Infinitely bettar for a nation to pariah from tha face of the earth thaa ta loa Its honor, tta. manhood aad . Ita self-reaped. Thara ara worse thing thaa wara Thara ar worse thing thaa death.1! . -. Ity." . - Blow At Hi Tha Brooklyn Daily Eagle: Tha blow at humanity aad oiviiinetioa hit iha worid. but alU Car many harder attll, Tha Vaa Tlrpita regime haa drawn up Ita ewa in dictment aad tba finger print ar la crimson," - "Tbrwa feaalWa Courses. The Dallas afornlng Newa: "Three poealbia courses suggaat ' thamaeWaai Abaadoa neatrallty for belligereue, auapand dlplomaUo relation with Oermany, or league neutral aatlona la protest against tha barbarity of Oermany.' "Beyaadl Pala af armaathm." . Tha Naw Tork Brealag Worid: What baa Oermany gained r She haa only tntaaatfled throaghoot tha worid tha Indlrnatloa aad h error which rlght-thlahlng men feat for acta of waatoa avaaaacra Oermany haa put tear aalf beyond tha pala af elvtllaatlon. It waa a deed for which a Haa would blush, a Turk ba aahamad and a Barbary pirate apologl. , Palllatloa." ... "TVia uiie.nkaa Jlantlaal: " i "It la emphatlcsJly a tiros for ear people te keep their head." . ; . r ' , w OVewaa ,alaa latanaaUoaal'Law., " Tha New Tork Evening Hall: Thla to aa offense against international law. humanity, the conscience of tha world, tha honor aad peace of thla nation. Tha flense la aat la tha slightest degree palliated by tba warning by ,the Oermaa Embassy.. It does not eseuae aa aniawf ul act to give warning af ll ; : t atted la Our Dmrailaatioa." Chicago Trlbuna . - Wa do aot propose te weigh the vain (If aay) af the defense aa compared with tha evil af tha deed. That la a function which belong ta aur official government, under tb leadership of President Wilson, and which, la a crisis aa grave as thla ana, ahould belong exclusively ta aur official government ' It la not for any god American aow te aloud it eounesui with unsought advtoe, ar ta attempt to force ita decision. W aaa only eland and watt, united Id aur determinalloa to enforce tha will of our government, whatever that may be. "r.v. i-Hlga lea Ara tha Worlds. ,.-V-N' Waahlngtoa' poet" r z" Our goveraatant ahould unite all neutral na tion aa against murder apoa the high aeaa ef uaoffendtag national aalllng under aeutral flag f peaceful countries by las machines) or foreee of any belligerent. Tha high seas are tha warld'a When either BrHJah. french, Ruatiaa, Oermaa ar Auatrallaa aommaadera mine thoaa high aeaa, when they plea engines af destruc tion beyond tha territorial, limit of three mile and cause daatruettoa of neutral . Uvea. , they commit organised raurdar. : ; ' Cnafraidl Of th Futarc.' Whatever wa da ar whatever wa refrala from doing wilt b the result -of national conscience and national conviction. Wo do aot believe tha A inert caa peopl aad tb America, system ef governmeat evr atood out mora splendidly la lha. whila light of a great criaU than thry do today, uaahakea by passion and unafraid ef tha future under the atraia of a great and grtevoua test Let a thank Heaven wa hare a captala at tha wheal ta whom wa caa trust our honor aad our Interest, and let ua wait with quiet coed dene until he gives the ward. ' A Ttaae For Oaten, Pewbereto AceJoa. Philadelphia Ledger. , V s'--"V' i - It behoove our government, therefore, ta reiterate Ita solemn warning: te Inform Berlin definitely that It must cease it grteveue at tack upon aur cltlaena, for In them there la a warrant af accepted precedent; to respect out Sag. ta reepect our citlsene. to assume toward ua toe friendliness which we have a right to expect and t oeaae straightway Ita warlike treatment of ua Pear may be had at too ter rible a prlo. We da aot want It If wa must have It dishonorably. " Our patlenoe must vin dicate Itself by urenee la our dlplematle aft aria I prevant tha recurrence of uch aagagery. Tha Lasliaaia. The Mew Yerk Tribune: "Every ah red af International law, practice and tredlllna demand thatthe Oermaa fov abouid aiaavow tea, act. niininn tna murderers and make eueh apology a can bat maae ror bum bwbsss smiimuoa. ins prusxws of murdrr aad tha policy ef aasaaataaUoa mast be renouaced. - ; Creaiest latwraattoaal Outrage." The New Tork Globe: ' 'f The govern merit ahoatd dea ounce thla great aat lateraatloaal sutraga am tha Boxer ap rlatag, call a conference ef neutrals, and for mutate demenda ta be upheld by force if aeoaa ry. . la all thla war af hldeou happenings, w havhr.tb climax la the abominable." Tha Jvaaltoate Barrar. j-";: ' Philadelphia Public Led gar. , . Aa to any morallilng aver fha depth ef bar baiism la which aiach a warfare la Involving hu manity, that may aafely ba left ta tha unofnolal preeaaUtlsa ef the Araartoaa mood and bob vtetloa. There to a questloa that the country to at ana ta thla matter, Wa ara la a position to take the most lofty etaad, aad eve te be calm, though stirred ta the very root af aur national Ufa aad deeply .aonceraed ever our preetlg aa a graat power. But aa ta tha ua equivocal resolution with which the government aad Ita military and naval chief responsible for tha disaster shall be brought to book thara aaa ba aa questloa. ."?..' Washington ptay. , ' -....'.' Tha obligation of maintaining tha national dignity aad honor rests upon tha official head of the nation 'Ita President. --.-. ., , Wa-mex b fur JharTraal dm , Wltoua rtth calrq and Informed Judgment will adapt mea auraa that will enable tha peopl af tha United Btatea to ratal their aelf-reepeot tit thto emer geacy, "...t-- ,. -r .. la the4 meantime iadlvtdual opinion ahould be confined ta th Inavltabl horror and detaatatloa Of the aot and Its awful coaaequeaoea, leaving te a calmer momeat esnal deration of the quae Uon of whether Ita perpetrator may atill be re garded as rightfully belonging to th family of civilised nationa, j '. , ' atrlrt AcooaatahilUy. . Philadelphia Record. ' While the altuaUoa created by the d est ruc tion of tha Luattanla la aot a haw aaa, tha ap palling loaa at life accompanying it, the great else and value of the vessel and th promtaene ef the persona, la her paaaengar Hot heighten the tragte Interest af tba disaster and tana, la the asm degree, ta incense the popular Judg ment, la auch a contingency every . agency which has aay mlt nance In the melding of pua IM opinion haa a duty to perform, and It ahould ba performed dispassionately.. Nothing would be more embarrassing to the administration. In tha difficult posltloa la which It has been placed by thla untoward event thaa Inflammatory ap peal to unreaeon: and nothing would b more helpful to a calm " consideration qf th isauee raiaed thaa a statement of what three tseue are. TTRranDrr auto ptoitue.: T The felted Btatea la thla Uma af most aarioua Import to bleesed la having la the White House the calm, claar-thlnktag, cool-headed Wood row Wllaoa. -And "Prealienf Wlutoa W blessed laf that the people of thla great country are such a people aa they are, that at thla time they are sowing tha highest typ af self-possession, and thai. iha. word which goes from all sections to him la that tha peopl ara behind him, that they have roaftdenee la aim, that they feel that they a absolutely rely upon hi Judgmaat ha 'ha deals with the momentous qaeettoas raiaed by tha destruction of the Lust tan la. . ; Throughout th country th press, almost ta a unit is showing a ana apirtt la th way It to treating the matter ef the disaster In tha tor pedoing aad staking of tha great Brltlih liner, with an appailleg loss of Uvea . That the ea preaaibaa of these paper truly reflect th eea- tlment of the great bulk of the American pea- pie to aat to be doubted, aad It is a heartening thing ta knew that press and people have aot bare swept off thalr teeU. but that they await the result of the Investigation being made aad the word from the White Hour as to th eouree that will be pursued by thla country In the dealings with Oermany which must aoea take place. : 5 - - The people are Justified In the conBdeucq which they place tyWoadre Wlleoa. The wis dom h has shews la dealing with the great matter ef his adminUtratioa. hla high type of devoted patriotism, are uck aa te cause tha people te have the utmost reliance ta him. Be es see of the man he to tha people are Justified ta standing ahoulder to ahoulder with him, for lha one greet duty of th Americas people to day ta ta give him sll aid that .la wtthla their power. Tha Pittsburg IXupatch welt defines th duty of ail of ua at this time, as It says: "Let there be Be are buiH la hla rear to distract hi atteatioa from th altoatioa before him. Let ua prove aurarlvea worthy fellow cltiarni of tb calm, eleer-eyed stateeman In tha White House, whose slnfle aim and one praj-er la thla moment I. la th wJ f ,i re ef !. tour.trj ncrn. . rr lovixc mcmort. . N tribute which yesterday en Memorial Day waa paid te th Confederate dead, ar te those of that glorious company who are atill with us. hut was dut th mea wha W th atxtia toot up arm for th causa of tba South, aad with herolo courage offered their laVaa at th call to arma . Writ lrg Into the history ef the world la th name aad tame at the Confcderat aol dler, thaa whom aa more valiant ef the son of mea have ever lived. - - ',- . The South doe but Its duty la yearly pauaing la Ita busy Ufa. to let memory have away and da honor to Its aona who la those days of stress and storm a played the part ef mea aa to wi th admiration of tha world. That load, that ectlon, which forget it herolo dead aad Ita hcrold living is poor In.th poorest eanee. The time ahould aavur com when tha South ahould forget aad fail to do honor to those of ita sons whs foaaht and blod aad died. On thee recurring memorial days the South honors Itself aa t pay tribute la apeech and song and flower ta the Southern soldier of th aixtlea. , They ara days well apent, for they ar daya In which pat riot tm to taught ."W ell waa tt declared by John Dimitry of th tattered and torn Confederal flag: - 'V, - .v "Not long unfurled wa t known,. , . .. V For fate waa against me; ... But 1 flaahed ever a pure causa,' And aa land and sea So red the hearts of mea ante heroism . . That the world honor me. Within my fold the dead who died under thara Lie nobly ahrouded; -,',. -.. And my tattered eolora. 4 Crowded with a thouaahd shifting vlctorlea, Have become for the people who loved me A glorified memory. " ' - v - ' Aanounoementa of -not being la tha rare for the Deoaoc ratio jftomleatio far O over nor of North Carolina having made Inroad Into th list of possible candidates and the Hat of pros pective eandldatea for Attornry-Oeneral hvtn taken a Hung forward, the people are now un the lookout M to the emrle into the list of ran dk.u for uemM.-unnta ior Utr oiSvea' I, i IC3 yiiIaiiCii- -VUi-HIW- faUwtmtua f a a 0WV , ; j - ' . - ; : J.JZmmmmmm' I ' ' " . '' ' ' .' ' c - ' "k rcsseditateel Crtma.'' ' Tlaa Tw tap Pcada.- . ' , . l. '.. . ... .1 - ; . ' : . ' . CUt cr - . V f our- Z?lTjiZT ;" yV" it-'"- "... ; sWK;V-irW rr - I I aIIEATU IH I aX rJtnV I l a ' . a , . , . .. ' V . , . ' . I I fl amPl 1 toe-ee- w w , I a I AT - ' ' - 7 r "t - w.w.VattL'D I dCI- . . - . J- , . -I . i iv n i i ii lit i - :' -.' , ; . -, ' Jl . Ia tha FWpar Way." , . Charlotte Observer. ' ' -"."r On thing ta certain, Tna wnite nouse a aot going to b swayed by pubhe clamor, or stampeded by the excitement of the hour. The facta will be faced, and If, out of th Incident eeoasioa develops for the vindication of Amer icas right and American honor, then thla country will proceed la the proper way to secure this vindication. . - But The Observer would agaia repeat Ita belief that the Halted State la not going to be called am to eater the war. If there may he any way of honorably ui-iiie iha nrnhlam. sra feel that the adminis tration at Washington will Sod It ret at the writing tt to by na mesne certain tnat our gov erumaat face aay auch problem. ' , . . A. -- : n 'V . ' 'r : 'fiaysV. Bawaida)' ' : , WOT SPEAKER RANDALL WAS NOT ::".. NOMINATr-lV v;" WHEN the Democratic Presidential con? veaMon at Chicago la 111 wa orgaa ising I met Samuel Jf. Raadall. of Pennsylvania, wha had been Speaker af the Howe of Repre sentatives at Waahlngtoa and who wa thaa a member af the House. ; Mr. Randall waa aware that a eoaaldereble number of delegate warmly favored him for th Presidency, but he had no inuelona about tha possibility of hla nomination. . , Wbaa I met him be waa renting la a retired place at the rear of the reading room of fna of the large hsteU of Chleago. Ua greeted me cordially, aad seemed disposed to apeak with eom freedom respeatlng tha action of tha con vention. . V - '.' -.-' - He aatd: "Of course, It to gratifying ta have frtenda who think ae well af you that they would ba glad It you war nominated for Presi dent . The reasoaa. however, ara many why my nomination la impossible. . I .have already discovered that some exceedingly shrewd po litical work baa been 4ne for the purpose of securing the nomination of O rover Cleveland, ef New Tork. and t suppose the fact that he waa elected Governor of New Tork by a woa derful majority adda greatly to hla availability. There la ae chance of carrying Pennsylvania for a Demoerslio candidate for President but I presume there la a very good chanc that New . Tork, State would alv' a majority or-at least a plurality to tha XMmocraUo candidate," Mr. Raadall did not aeam ta be very strong. Hla wonderfully bright and targe dark eyes re vealed mental vigor, hut pe aeemed somewhat weary physically, Aa I looked at hire. I re called something that hla warm friend. Judge William D. Kelley. of. Pennsylvania, who .waa also a member of the House, and who, althoagh differing in politics with Mr. Randall, was aot only a strong personal friend, but also a very great admirer of him. said te me at the time Joha O. Cirllsle, of .Kentucky, defeated Mr, Randall fo the nomination for the Speakership. Judge Kelley aaid: There la ao maa In tha Democratic party better qualified by experience and by ability for the Presidency thaa la my friend. Bam RandalL ' He haa been familiar with almost all the legtalatto which haa beea enacted laac the Civil War. I think that h haa a better understanding of the fundamantal principles' of the Ueroocratic parly than-aay member ef that party la eithsr branch of Con gress. Moreover, he Is a true Democrat la the social aad personal aenae a welt aa In the par tisan meaning of that term. ' "I suppose Raadall to not worth more" thaa foar or Ave thousand dollar, lie haa lived upon hla salary, lie haa bad abundant oppor tunity ta accumulate a fortune, but he dis dained every -chance. I know that he lost his Speakership at the time Mr. Kerr, of Indiana, waa nominated berause he would aot agree to asms a certain man whom powerful capital wanted appointed to the chairmanship of a cer tain eemmitteet. I know that be woeld not ac cept a penny from aay of the protection leaarues of the trailed States for the purpose of aiding hi campaign for election la Congress, slthourh he waa aad la a protectionist In tha arose that h favor a revenue tariff wtth incidental pro tection. He la a maa of minted honesty." 1 had heard at Chiracs that If Mr. Randall would conaent to make a certain bargain there would have been broueht to hi support for the Presidential nomination a considerable number of the delegates, but he perefmptorily refused to bargain tor the aomlnauoa. TCaCa cJ trVt Sl , Blow Stock Dahlia. ' Watauga Democrat Mr. W. W. tHrlngfellow of Blowing Rock waa la Boone Monday and had with aim quite a lot of dahlia bulba for distribution. Two years ago ha bought one bulb In France and thee rasne from It He aaya they are very One and grow ta an enormous atae. . Bard oa Calf Bsyer. Jefferson Recorder. Time are pretty hard oa calf buy era la this community they are of fering from t to IIS a head and can't buy very many for these prices. Wa ..suppose. Aha- farmara prefer gras- Ina them so. as to be able ta fat amae-J Mini nee I , wurm. te , . ' " - .. ...Melasvara Worth. While. .w.V.' Monro Journal. " --- - The neighbors' who are neighbor are these who do something when tt is needed to ba done. Theas are the kind of neighbors that Mr Wlllla Mel ton of tha Zoar community haa. Mra Melton haa long been sick and thla of course keeps Mr. Melton from hla work. Last fall hla neigbbora gathered his crop at the right -time. Last Fri day 1 of them gathered at hla farm with. It plows, prepared the land and planted hla cotton aeed- - ' Th CYosntie TraiBc -!- i Aahebora Courier. 1 - At all stations from Climax le Kam auer crosstiee were worth IT - cant during the past winter, subject te payment on inspection, and - they brought (t cents casn off th wagon all winter and s early 4 cents for culls. The price wss paid at Staley, Liberty. Slier City and along tha old line of the C. F. A T. V, Railway. The price for lumber haa not been quite ao good but It la looking up and prices are beginning ta rise. .SlTuit, OK 13eV 2(ajt3tj TOUQH LVCK. Mr.' Rabbit: I hear Mr. Kelt ate year aatharla law...,.-. . Mr. Wratt: Tea ha heard me aay aha waa . a "piece ef cheese," and he llhee ah! MOTTB AC TOK. . Mr. Pup: I hear yea ara pas tag for the mea toe. Mr. Hoggi I waa but la tha raatanrant econooi I made auch hog of myself! they tola ase X! I - it VII ir " '- V v c 4 - HORSE SENSE. Mr. Pupp: Wife ever let yon ga to a burieeque saowT . Mr. Horse: Not without aay bHad- ara ea.. .. tCopyrightl ltlt. by K. J. Edwards All rights Tiimoms Pr. I.dwani'in u 11 of 'Promot ! rj' I1rt feux-?ful I Mis Hare: Mr. Jack Rabbit feels terribly atae yen started courting rae. Tea should hear hia sigba, . Mr. Hippo: Teebut you caa se my aUS .t ... s In my travels ever the State I n ad . abundant algaa ef proaperity.oa every s hand,1' aaid Dr. W- A. Hrpr, ,brssl-' dent of Elon College, while on a Wait , to Raleigh. Ha had Just coma from Walnut Cove la Stoke aount. and waa on hi way to Linden, fa Cumber-. ; land county and Jooeebore la , Lea County. T '',.; "t have be traveling all vr th ' ' State, and have been steadily at thto, for aver a moatb," ha went ea ta aay, "aad la my travels' t hav had an " opportunity-to 'berv' eohdjilon' t"tf'r Arm. hand. On averr head X Jlna abua- dent algaa af prosperity. , Indeed, t mar aay that prosperity la the key word of th hour, the building- trad "j' are booming, th merehanta ar hop-- ,. ful and the calamity wait' la " daily;: r growing lea ominous. The outlook 1 of th most opumtatl kind and all ' that to needed to show this la ta mora about aver tha country. The sign af '- thto ara a abanoajjOhatao on caa fall to see them.".,, I,. j . " "Tax olleetiona. im, Doplia a hia : year have been abau.t th poorest tv have known," mid Sheriff O, 0. .Beaf. l, ef that county, who cams to RaUlgh yesterday ta settle in part wtthi tha State treasury.. "I collected aad set- ' f f tied with the county and ty school ' -r teacher have been paid, but t; aannqt aay when the State win gaf tta full share. It la not beauavther I -no ; money In the county, but eomrhow It ' all gof ho -tie and has been having a hard time getting the kink out. . ' 'Lst Monday I cried for aula on tha court house steps at Kenanaville eight thousand dollars worth of land " '" advertised to be sold for taxes. From " tan until two o'clock I eftersd but ne maa bid, ao the county, had to take . It aver. " Thla, of course, will even- -tuaily be reclaimed by the owners up- on payment or the twenty per cent penalty. Thing ara already begin aing to look better for the farmer and If ao unforeseen happening Inter- .. venestbls fail will bring , back the " Superintendent Frank Earner la en ' thusiaatlc about the compulsory edu- j cation effecu among the negroea of the city. "Education af tha right sort ahould not teach tha negro toT despise manual labor, as the average maa tm aginea tt dose. Her In Raleigh wa have a manual labor department In conjunction with our regular school -work. We are learning them to bot- . tom c iali and to carpenter. Among " the groeo you wil) flnd that h ; lasiest ar among most Ignorant while lha more . Intelligent -. realise their limitation and know their place." : Continuing he eak the negro, must . be arst educated before he ceo- tw. come aware of hla needs and become smbiitoua enough to- try te improVa his lot A Governor Ayoock once aid. 'Wa must rift the- aegro or he -will drag us down' is very iru for we , have him with ua and It is not pee ' sibls to escape the effects of his eon- ' added IDs educator. . f - . , Tv giA one en Treasrer' Lacy." said Mr. D. H. WlnsloW. I'ntted' HUtee rovemment engineer' la charge of road work oa national highway In' this section yerday. . "W ware down In Saaodra Chun-. 1." aaid Mr. Winalevv "I wa the first speaker at a rally there end my aub leot waa "000 Road.' At flrst I thought I waa to address aa audience f grown ups, but soon found that . shout half ef them were children. One little , fellow oi the front row went .to' aleep. and he alept aoundly during my whole apeech. . "When Mr. Lacy came along, fha little fellow woke up and Mr. Lacv then good naturedly twitted me with hnvtng bored the peopl to death. After the exerdees Mr. 1.AV-V came to ' me and asked if I were offended at what ha said. . "Not a bit of .It. anwred. To ft If you remember your Bible fiia tiy you will recall that Pt Paul put a man to aleep once when he ws preaching and the man even Ml out ..f the window. And It loK to me thet tf Kt l-anl let a man so to with all his orito'-v, I fw,r.t rot to blamed f-r t a 1 . t:u.p t .fp oa (ooil t-- Wsf

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