iULDAY .'.ORM.NG, MAY 11, 1 9 1 5. 1 HE NLWis AND OBSfcKVfcft. ' V. - ( Continued from Pag One) Oorotenr Jarv. : t Th vartlot of the eoryner Jury iuiktwb. . , - - "Wo And that th itntwl mel death from prolonged Immersion and exhaustion In th sea eight ml lea south f couthwwet of Old Head of Klnaele. Fn. cay. May T. 11, owing to th sinking of tho XJisttanta by torpedo fired by a flermaa submarln. - v VW find that thta appealing trtant ; wa committed contrary to Intern. ' tlonal law and tho convention! of all : .' civilised nation. "Wo alao chare tho officer of aald submarine' and tho Emperor of tho government of Germany under whoso - erdere .they acted with tho, orlmo of - Wholesale murder bofora tho tribunal of tho ctvlltxed world. , - : "Wo doslro to express alncer eon - doleno and nmiMthr with tho rein tlve of th deceased. - tho Cunard Company and tho United State, many of whoao oltisona portabad la this mur derous attack on an unarmed Unor." Coroner Horgan said that tho first . torpodo flrod by tho Oermaa subma i rlno did serious damairo to tho Mwk - tanla, hat that not aatisfled with this the Oennana had dlachartrod another torpedo. Tho second torpodo, ho said. N must hava bosa more deadly, because , - It went rUrht through tho ship, hastes) lag tha work of destruction. Caotaia Tame Prtnclpee Witness. i Captain Tomer was the principal Witness. - The coroner aakad hlrn: J r "!You wore aware threat had 1n made that th ship would bo torpo doedf - .. -Wo wor," tho Csptaia replied.'; -' , Wae oh armed T" , . :,..f;.'; r,o sir. - . ' -.v- v . . '."What nrecautlons did" you taker "Wo had all the boat swung Whoa . wo eaane within tho da nicer sons, be. tweea tho passing of fast net and tho -- time of tho accident" - v.. v ? Ashed whether he had received "any special Instructions as to tho voyage, he replied that he bad but waa not . tinary ota tell what they were, -"Old you carry them out?" asked the iwironer. . "Tea, to the' beat of my abUlty." th captain replied. .: .-. "Tell uo in your owa words what happened after passing;. Fastnet." "The weather , was clear." Capt. j - Turner aaswerea. -wo were wmug wn a speea or is anoia i wee ra ini port aide and hoard . cond Oflleof Ueflord call out: 'Here's a torpedo." ' , . Daw Waka kti Toewdo. - "I ran to tho other aid and saw the wake of a torpedo. Smoke aad steam cam up between the test two funnel. There waa a atiirnt shock. Immediately after J he Drat explosion there waa another, report, but that may possibly have beea Internal. V - "I at once tare the order to lower 'tne boats dawn to the rails, ana i . directed th women -' aad children should fet Into them." ' "I also had the bulkheads elosed, Captain Turner continued. "Between th time of caseins rastnst at about It o'clock and the torpedoing I aaw ; no stcn whatever of any aubmerlnea. ' There waa no haao alone the Irish roast, and when we were near Fastnet 1 slowed down to II knot. I waa In . wlrelee oommunlcatioa with . shore i all the way ecrene." " - Captain Turner waa asked whether he had received any meeeacea la re card to the presence of submarines off the Irish coast. He replied In tho af firmative. Questioned rerardlnj th - natiire of in messaew n repiiea: "I rospeotfuliy refer iron to the ad ' mlraity for an answer." , , . . Ordrra To (Hop Ship. "I also (eve ordero to) atop .the ship". Capt. Turner eoounne. -but w could not atop, aa the engines were eat of commission. It Waa pot saf'to 'lower-boat until the apeed waa off tha vessel. When shew aa struck aha 'listed to starboard. ' I stood en th : brides when sh sank and th tme taala - went ' down under me. She ' floated about It minute after the tor pedoi struek her. I .waa picked up from amonf the wreckaaw aad after wards was aroufnt aooara a trawler. "No- warship waa eonvoyinf . ' 1 saw no warship and none wa report ed to me as having been aeen. At th - time I was picked up I noticed bodies i floating en tn surface, but saw - Ilvlna Dersona. - "Klthteea knot wa not th normal peed of th L at taala, wa ttr .. - "At ordinary times.'' anew Capt. ' Turner. rshs could make II knot but la war times her speed wa reduced to 11 knot. My reason for - aoinc It kaota-wa that I wanted to arrive at Liverpool Bar without stop plnr and within two or three hour of hlfrh water.' ...' " "Waa a lookout kept- for sub- piarlne. having retard to previous warn my T" - , . - Had Doable txwkoaat. "teaj w had d6ubl lookouts. ' "Wer yoa going a atg-aag course at th moment, th torped - took placer '-. - t ' "No." It ' Wk" brlfrtlt walHer"aiid land -wa tarly visible.- . - "Waa It posatbl for a siibmarla t approach- without feeing seen?"- "Oh yea.' Vuite possible." N "Something ha been aald re card ing th impossibility of lauaohlag the boat on th port aider - "Tea" ta Captain Tumtr.owtng to tho listing of th ship." "How many boat wer lauaohed "I- eaaaot any. "Were any Uunehed safely V : "yes, and on or two oa the port sld.- - . ' ' "Wer retir order promptly carried OOtT" . '. ' : r . ' - ICILLTHEFLY SAVE THE CHILD hgmrdV Home Fly . Driver fend! Insect ExtcrTr.:natcr KILLS ALL irCCLCTS. - Net injarioo W People, TJt4 with 8pryr., , . . ... - . .list the itaadWo' of Health t riddiaf tk Uosm of th diesaet carrying fly. f sr sal at all first claaifstona. "nipnt -f r- c-v- Aivi J WiM....WU UAp wrfT '"T----- H f" - - WlL. j v, i, It. C Tata stea sad weaiea wb weald M to lacfvee taelr et-kt wit MtrU eeude eeeiioy -aiay taerer ui saesis try eel in a little KnH oitk thrtr anli for Willie and ante results. Here I s peed teet wertb tryta. I'lrat welfk yeareetf aad saeesare yeareelf. Tsea Uae Kaniet- ee tautet wits every sna) fer toe weeka Teeo welck aad ateaeere scat. It i-et B,iieetua of hew yes tank or feel or whet year rriraae asr ana thtaa. The erales as ike tap ajeaeaie will WH their ewa story. sss stoat, say this sua or eeaai ran easily add front v le elsht peestls la ttoe ret ruartee says ay roUoenn this slmpl oireruoe. aaa seat Of au, ta asw slave eat. Barcoi does set of Itself stake fat. bst atlxlaa with year reed. M teres the fata secars aad starraee ef whst yea have eatea, fate lira, ripe fat predwria Bear lakaMat fer the tleaees aad steed pre pares It la -aa saally aeataallated lum wtitra tss a loo a ess reeeliy 'repc. A till porlbsmt sew passes fima yoar eay as wseua net eemoi steps ids and doe It oalckly aad auk the fat eredavlB reateate ef lbs eery saats yea are satis new deeelep peasds sad peaaas sc seeuay neea aetereea your sail and beae. narirol Is sate, pieaeaat, aft (tent aa uexneaaive. DratiWi sell H Is tablets le pert ace ea a gaaiaai weight larreaee es stoaey back,. stea ef ', Tea.'- "' - v t'..- "Waa there any panlef ' "No, there waa no paaia at alL wa all moat ealm." - - - "How mnar peraona board r - "Thar were one thousand Ova hua- dred paasenger and about atg hun dred crew." --..at - - Jfo Appllcau aMfriroraEeb t 99 Appthuatioa IXsr kaoorv. Br th f oreaoen of tho iurr: "In the face of tho warnlnc at New Tork that tha tiaaltania would be torpedoed did yinriMiu atrplloa-tioa t thw Ad-I mlraity for aa ssoortT "No, I left that to thorn. It far ttietr bualnesa. not mins. I aimpiy had to carry out my order to go, . aad would do it again, - i Captain Turner uttered tha- la words of thla reply with great a- pnaais. y tn coroner t "I am very claal t Buryvt alio, Oaptaln." By a Jury man: "ma yoa get a wire less to steer your Vessel la a Borthora direction.-" ....-..,.. "No. , replied Captain Tamed "Was the eoarae of tha vsaaat al tared after the torpedoes struck her-' "I headed atralght for laag. but i Useless. Previous to thle th water tight bulkhkeada wer elosed. I suppose th explosloa forced them pan. I -don't know th exact extent to which th ' tsisttanta wa dam aged." - i- --.A' "Thar must nave . teea aarloa damage down, to th water , . tight buiMbeaosr- Ther -tertamly wa. without doabC" ; ' 8appiird With Life Bwta, "Where tho aaasenger BuDDiled wit a nre-ooioiT-" - "Tea," "Wer any special orders given that morning that life bait be put on? "NO." - - . "Wa any warning given yo fore you were torpedoed T" "None whatever. it wa suddenly one ana nntaae.- . "If there had beea a patrol boat about might It have boon of an ret" , - - . "It might, but It la on of th thins on never know." With regard to threat agalnat hi hip. Captain Turner amid he aaw nothing except what appeared la th New York paper th day before- th Iiaitanla sailed. He never had board the aapehgrr talking about th tbreata,-h amid. , -' r x rwaa h warnink klvea. to tha jowtr decks aner the . ship had struck" ','All th paaetngw mint have heard th explosion," Captala Turner repiMd. ' Uaptain Turner la answer to an other question said be receive a report from tho lookout bef or th torpedo strack th Lsjaltania, After physician had tasUfled that th victim had met death through prolonged Immersion and xbauatloo th ooroaer Bummed up th caa aad th Jury gave it verdicts. wMAa etPtag K, t. WIATMt ; MBBXAIt, ' Raleigh. N. C. Mar 1. lll. for North Carolina Fair Tuesday: Wednesday fair, warmer: moderate northeast aad east wlnda Sunrla .1:11 a-m. Sunset ,t:d p.m. TaarxaaTsaa. I a. m. I p.' m. I Hlgheat'-temperatui-' .... Lowest tempera tur j -l Mean temperature Deficiency for the day ; . c . . . 1 Average dally exoes inc Jaa uary ' 1st V . . . .. .I ratairiTatie ia laeaaai. Amount for 14 hour ending I Total for the month to date , , Excess for the month Deficiency since January 1 , . , . J. II wsti aa wtaTwi ti i e. a , . TiarasaTwad. " ii 2l 11 Abilene .. .. TI 1 T t .It Asbevlll .. ... -ft T4 4 . Atlanta . . . . . tl 1 It 4 . Charleston .."19 O It 4 .44 CheHott ,. ... 4 t4 t Chlcaco ...... -4-14 I 44 .44 Galveston .. ... ? -4 Tt tt 4 Jacksonville .. . TI ' O II II .11 Knoxvill ., ... T4 4 If 41 .44 Wemphl 4."i-;-tJ 4 T4 C4 .44 Montcomery . ., T4 1 14 .44 ! New Orleans ... . It 4 14 44 .44 New York .. .. 44 Z 4 4g .44 Norfolk: w .. .. If II! 44 tl .44 Raleigh II . Richmond ..... II T4 tt .14 Vlckshurg'.. v. II tl .44 Washlncton .. . 4 It 44 .14 VVilmlnctea I. . 14 14 42 .1 ..WythevUl .. .. Ill Tl II II . tints IN BAD HEALTH. rt&ndred of girl go to work day after day, afflicted with some ailment peculiar to. their sex, dragging a foot wearily after th other, working always with one eye on the clock aad wishing for closing time to eeme. Every auch girl should rely onvLydia I-1nkham'a Vegetabl Compound le restore her to a normal healthy condition, then work will be a pleas ure. For forty year this famous -- ena nT mmicin naa aeen pre- -eminently auccesaful tn - mntroillac itha die"-, of aon-irn. W hy don t I ou try it I PARJITOJI jklEATS FAIRJdONT. ' Park ton. May II. Parktoa defeat' ed Fairmont here today tp a fast gam Dy a acor or to . rarktoa won two of tho game ta a aerie of three. Feature of the ramo waa the Ditch lng by Vaaa. aatchlng by MeMlllaa. aad batting by Daa McatUlan. Comer Stone Placed for Cotv fecniti Woman's Home .'- i" saamseBajs " J (Coatlaaod from Pag Oa.) rayerteville"; an copy poem "Mas onry," by Hon, Francis p. Winston, past Ornd Master; copy uMros Hon, rraada D. Winston ; copy Fayettevtlle Dally Observer May I, till;' list of name of director and advisory board of lady manager Confederate Home for Women;, newspaper containing picture and sketch of "Our First Chairman" Koa. Aahlay Horaat lnvi tatlon to th unveiling of th memorial to tho North Carolina Women of the Confederacy, presented .ta th But y lot.' Asniey Morn a. Wbo4o Btae ''Among th prominent visitor pres ent Were Mr, ft. E. Little, president ox tn piorta (Carolina uivtsioa u. o. C; Mrs. Marshall Wiinama, f Fatso n. s-preiaat of C. v. C. . and Mr. WltUaana; . LsMt-Ooveraor- Daucht ridge, of Rocky Mount; Colonel Bryaa, of Now. Bern, chairman of th board of director of the Heme; J. Turner, of Ltfubtburg: Capt. W. H. Whits, -of Oxford, member of - th board; R. F. Rmallwood, -of New Bern, architect of the Horn; Dr, and Mrs. McCallers. of Claytoa. Mr Mo Cutler I daughter of the late Colonel Aaniey Mont, who waa a deeply ln leretea ta ta tiotna. sirs, utt k preetdent of the Bmlthneld Chapter V. IX C: Mr. aad Mrs. Joha TOIlntoo. of Smttbfletd; Mm Win stead, president of Hooky Mount Chapter V.- D. C.;-Mrsv Ingrdm, -ef Wadeabora. eorreeoood In secretary of tho North Carolina Division U. D. C; Mrs. Faiso Hicks, of Dunn; Mra Thad T. lie rash, of Tarboro, record' Ing seeretary ef th North Carolina divMoa and former president; Mr. WilUam Creasv. wilminrton. N. C. aad Colonel Beaahaa . Cameron,' of Htagruie. ' - tea. Wtnatoa' Adgrnm. "When I waa a boy 1 read an Inter- eating story, taken from the ehroat ele of tho Siamese people. It waa to the effect that some three hundred years after th death of Buddha, It waa decided to open hi tomb and move hi body to another burial olaca "When the bolt waa drawn and th door of tho leak thrown open, to the great surprise of those present, the lamps mat custom naa ugnts tnree centuries gone, were found brightly burning and filled with oil; and car lands of flower which loving subjects placed on the casket of gold, were aa beautiful, fresh and fragrant a when loyal hand plucked them from royal gardena. and th seeat of thalr delloata. perfume seemed even men xqourit than of growing plant, "On each memorial day thla bean ttful story eomed fresh to my memory. Today w open the tomb of oar heart and memories, where H burled our noly loves: th dead Confederacy and tt heroes: Ita glories aad It ahadowa Paaatng time will never dim the luster of their fame, nor wither th laurels that bespeak their glories, nor dry one tear w anoui sacredly shad la loving memory or their aorrowa Faana of (e federate Roldtrr. "Eternity will And the fame of tha Confederals soldier aa glorious and se cure aa n waa on that fateful day of aa surrenoer oa th enmaoaed aad of tne ei aemtntoa. Lad leai I deeoly nriae the alrnal honor yoa have done me In linking my name with th vents - of this memorial aay. wnai w fro ana say lit thla keair-wiU a4 hev thenar, tnia recurring resuvax Miy ltth will mean much mora to those who eom alter us becaua ef tho erection oa this spot of this maamlnoent msmoriaL They will ss here love, raven re and gratitaa in action; tn living form. In realty w have reached tha aractlcal tags In dealing with th Confederacy, a nsrsea aaa it women. "Let aa talk less of th natrintlam principles, and performance of th crippled Confederate and Increase -hi pension; and rear more home for hi widow, and for tho whoa want give aim sorrow. - No KxnertesMW la Battle. 'I bring you no pr1nc from th nn or battle or front th tented Held. heard the dull roar of cannon In angry contest, but distance mellowed Ita thunder to my youthful sere. saw soldier, who It waa whea peace had spread her wings and waa hover ing aver oar sorrowing and desolated nomas. I saw them baeslnc. tha snl dlers'of th victorious Union, tramp ing by with playing band 'nesth float, tag flags, la compact raaks, to horn and loved one where gladness, pleaty and joy awaited them; the soldier ef th closed Confederacy, of Pender and of Pettlgrww. painfully plodding In struggling band to sad and silent hearthstones, where want waited, but where love and faith and honor war giant strong. Th Coafederacy. to me. I a Baa ing picture, pot a reality. . I knew It In cypres, not In laurel. In defeat not in victory. I knew tt weeping wo man, it new mad graves. It sightless eyea. it Mnpty coal sleeves. I aaw at aimrairs Bonnes, then North Carolina's summer resort, hua dreds of our brave, and beautiful wo- . all tn dsea naoarntna-: not tn special grief tor los : ef husband brother, father, or friend, but la silent sorrow for tho whole Southland, death bed of the bravest sad truest. It ha sa Lay Dead. I recall my sainted mother waiting at sunset yor the sally mall, with soe rowing heart, and trembling handa. opening letter and paper, and the tear net wet her meek told me that an other brave kinsman or friend lay stark la death near the cannon's mouth on ooen battle field t Vir ginia. "I saw Flair division of Sherman' army. Id. I men, encamp In my fath er1 grave la Franklin county, and build their whit ctty in th glory of the setting sua aad light Ha streets with their camp fires. I walked preu ry among them with- Infantile pooaeta stuffed with confederate bill ef large aenominaoona ana rerusea with dis dain a lea cent shin plaster one of the soldier -offered me for holding his tent rope I would render him a neighborly act, but I would not' re ceive th pay. I aaw thea the drat evidence of a reunion of those who were foe the week before; n.y father. aa offlner of th Confederacy and Gen eral Francta F. Blair., aa officer of the T'ntoa army, seated around my father table recalling with boyish glee the eolleg day whea they were fellow -students at th University of North Care Una. I waa then bat a child ef elcht years, yet I aaw In that meeting th germ of a reunited coun try. Kiew Marat of KnkUer. "While I knew but little ef the Confederacy and of Its war, I have nowa mack of Ita soldiers and Bee- pie In th time of peace. I have seea th Confederate soldier conqucrtrc for himeelf aad hie comrade the good opinio of th world, t have heard him called a traitor. a.rbeL misguided and mletakea, and Anally remgnised aa a patriot. I have heard the fundamental. baste, principles ef tho Confederacy condemned, apologised for, admitted to be technically correct, and Anally conceded to be both legally and Bior- I!y sound. But yeeterday la childhood. I saw Quickly IUIleTej - v ' - V .Without Distress 'v. ..... . ' Th congestion of wast .and refuas from th stomach, fermsnt lng la th bowels, generate poison, oua gaae that occadoa dlstrea aad Invite asrloua Illness. Health aad comfort dwnaad that this cengso Uoa be. speedily relieved and th foul mas expelled, v . -' Th wU-louaded objeotloa moat peopl have to th violence of ca thartlo and purgatlv agent 1 overcome by using th oosobinatloa ef atrnpi laxatlv herb with pep Ma that la aold la drug stores under th nam of Dr. Caldwsll's By rap Pepsin. A do at night bring re lief next morning. Without discom fort or Inconvenience. A free trial bottle can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 411 Wash ington Bu, Monticailo, Ula. ..- th thin gray Un of Coafederacy fad away in glory a Appomattoa- to. re appear la blu under the stare aad stripes ef our united country, Aghtlng for Cubaa Independene, lead by Flu Hugh Dee and Joe wneeier. uonrea erate Brigadier then become general of th nation and leading former foe to a glorious Independence, such as they contended for. but lost, in th slxtls. "But. ladies, th duty you hav aaalgnad me earries with It tributs to bo nald to tho woman of the Can federacy. Of thorn n aufflciant me morial oah bo erected for there limitation area to th greatest artistic kill, as there era theme beyond the reach or the loftiest night of genius. "Among thea theme are tho Con federate soldier, and th women ef the Confederacy. '' . . ' . VJDeo4Ma ef Woman. -' "Oenlua hath not conceived, nor skill executed monument, mausoleum, orypt, shrine, tempi or canvaa. how aver grand la eonoeption, or wonder ful tn exeoutloa that can At ly typify th devotion and sacrtnee of aouthsm women In that broken hearted hour. - "To erect each e struetur aa will ymbelia her atruggle aad sorrow, bar daring and devotion, her consid eration and courage, there must b summoned to the task, one who soul is anatrt with celestial fir. Its walla must be lifted far toward th heaven that stoops t snfeld them, that their towering summits pierce the beading canopy of cloud and catch the eternal radiance' of the fixed aad fadeless star. A monu ment tn honor ef Southern woman hood that mea curse la glory and grandeur with that lofty thm la he- bond th wild sat sweep of tho poet's fancy, aad the aublimeet eonoeption of artistic genius, tor neither sculptor's chisel, nor poet' pen, nor painters bruah, can clearly interpret Bouthera woman's glory ta ta mina r man. 1 ' rDatormas Baffled. , "Itlatorlans hav eft essayed to set forth the story ef her servto and her sacrtncea, but . bar turned named from th task. "Poets hav rhymed In loftiest num ber th achievement of warrior and of statrameri, bat hava found their sublimes vet tow feeble to trans- las Southern woman' r.eord Into ng. "Minstrel with hgrn attuned to strains well, nigh divine have befor that theme stood hesitant and Abaah- with nerve lees finger over silent strings. While th South hold of her aa .. viaibl ..not worthy gymbol or mnnumeat. yet sh Wee ta th hearts or irtousanaa er veteran ana tne blslng breathed "boo a her earn by dying heroes hav been wafted, heav enward with their soul en the wine of her prayer; and her1 pain and her prayers; her trials aad her tear, bar ministration aad her memories are recorded la God's book of Infinite love and of eternal memory. " ' ' "In grateful memory of her th Stat of North Carolina will sreot her a splendid structure. Th people' rep resentatives nave so aeciaea ana thy hav appropriated out of th people's purs for thla purpose. Th building will be noble In design and beautiful In Its surroundings, it will contain very comfort and convenience. Th building will represent Just one ideal. It will pot be simply, a magnlAceot hem where deserving women, of right, may d wll in Base and comfort It will not be a mere struetur stand Ing four square to ovary wind that blow. But aa much al any building waa vr representative ef an Ideal. thla on will stand for th Ideal ef devotion. Men will net barter ell wlthgn Its walla,. The money changer will not profane Its sacred precinct. Can't Do Without MeaL "Other macnldoeot structure will rise In this anolent aad historic lty. designed to meet th eommerclal and social need of Ma snterp rising clttsen- ship. Beautiful aa they may be, th busy world can do without them; but th world cannot d without th Ideal for which thla horn will stand. "Amid the clash ef sabre and th shriek of the dying wafted to u from the blood-red battle fields. - beyond th seas, and from tha sickening, aad sorrowing carnage, tnsre rises i tb not of love and cympathyiz for uftertn gr and th - brotberbexxt and sisterhood of th world finds expres sion la the hundreds nf acta ef kind- nees don that danger- eennot deter. One sweet note sounds clearer to th world today, -and louder th... bugle blast, er roll of drum, or belching caa son. and that is th not of duty to stheraj that every man and woman owes something ta ovary ether man and ta every ether woman. This building win stand for aces teachins silently th gratitude of tha Mtata for those who were tra ta the lev of horn and family; devotion to th highest Ideal ef a hobl Ufa. Honored Naaao of Honae. I am glad It Is to bear the honor-1 ea same or no me. la ne otner land doe that homely lunn word meaa so much ss here In North Carolina, ."The beginning of ctvtllaatlon was whea some savage woman ander th divine BuldlnsT of gentle Insttncta. aad yearning for something purer and vwoiey, i iiasss se wanejer wiia la fot-eat giadea. and made somewhere I hollow tree, or beneth th ledg of hanging rook, the rod beataning of human horn. And human civilisa tion will endure strong aad splendid, la aver widening power, until women, recreant t her great duty Buffers ts he polluted aad destroyed-that great fountain of human happiness, human Virtue andt human power th home, "Th Orand Lodge ef North Car. FOB WEBVOIS BTSrBFBIA. Pnfferer freai sdd stenerh. aeaars er . k keedarbe will Bad wetcesM relief froai his toe if Beverage, . .... PROPTMtiai FOR Trl; I!GFT10 FIXTI'KFJI OF Trf K W W VIAILK rot'STf COI RT HOlK. The contract for the fixtures com plete. Installed, (or lighting the new Wake County Court House will be let Tuesdsy. June I, llli. at t o'clock, p. m. The Commlasioners reserve Lh right to reJect'any or al bMe. j ' ' Jl'HM A. miljh. t halrman. B. C teckwtth. County Atty. Una Is honored by having .this an clent ceremonial committed - to It pert ormauee. - v - "la every crucial hour ef our Ame rican life Masonry ha had an hoy She Beat a Maaoa. " Wha Massachusetts desired t end a sure aad swift meeenger ea a call to arms to battle for Independ ene and to repel the Invading British, he selected Paal Revere, a Maaoa. When the me ef Virginia chose one to lead them, and later to lead th great nation. Into a new aad broader lira, they earned Washinstoa. a Mason, Aad whea the men of the' Cape Fear wished a chieftain te lead the minute men to war they chose Cornelius Harnett, a ' Maaoa. "Thla, histori city, of Cross Creek,- bring to th mind ye a sweeping tide of memories of the past and on th sreet of that lid w see Masonry ever ataadlag for liberty aad th advancement of mankind. And It was ever so la th Confederacy, lis general and It privates. It pa triot and ita leader wer avsmbara of our aaeieat Institution. - "I am quit sure that your Invita tion did not bring with It any sugges tion that I should diaoua Masonry, tt antiquity or its origin. i Msssiiry Near To Ufa. ' "But Masonry to so near th llf ef tn age la which w 11 v it la Impos sible not te mention It fundamental principle whea good eitieenehlp Is discussed. Masonry I very doe kla ta th Ideal which control in the erection of thta homo.- It toe ha Its bast la lev and ervto. It call to Its aid la It practical working th loving sympathy of woman. In It work C humanity womaa plays aa Important part. "Your historic city I wrapped la th darkness of midnight. I am stroll ing your street. I hear th plaintive aob ef a child. I take him by the hand ask him where he Uvea and h tell m he ha no bom. -1 ask lbs name of hi father and am told that a died when the lad was an infant. I ask hi mother's nam, and h tolls m that aha, too. Bleeps out yonder In your city ef th dead. I take the boy and carry him to Oxford where Masonry and a generous peopl give him the highest training and gently lead, him up th slop t nobis man hood. When It enters that Institution a noble woman takes him by th hand and fold him to her heart Without womaa Masonry could not do thla "My brethren ef your local lodge have borne a brother Mason to his Anal sleep. In th deaolat horn If his weeping widow, She fat taken to Greensboro and Placed In ease and comfort la Just such a home aa you will erect her. When -eh enters there her fired head will be pillowed en th breast of a waiting aiater. "Hand la hand womaa and Mason ry do this good deed. The) Mason ' Perotioa. "A giant nc1n with It train passes over your railroad, Ita cars loaded with hundreda ef passenger . it ruahe late th optfa switch and the fateful wrack ensues with It fearful penalty ef lost Uvea aad dying and wounded. A Maaoa walka dawn th lis of th victim and hear a maa uttorlng sounds 'and words that few can tmrepret and seaa him giving lylgn and signal which few can com- pre hand, . Though he never saw th t ran car, h lift him up and takes mm to bis own horn and Place' him en hi hod.. H seek to bring him to Mf and to health. ' Th beat ef skill in medicine ta la attendance Around hie bedside with aoiaetea tread in whit garments, mar had with a red ross tenderly ministers an angel of mercy, without womaa their Mason ry could not exemplify that saying of th Msatert "I waa a stranger and y took me in." Masonry speaks no word that woman mav not hear; dnaa nn sot that woman may not share; think n thought that womaa may not ap prove, IX highest hop Is What this Duirainr-wiii stana tor. lor ana ser vice, notning more, nothing lees. it some waif la pot raised to . a highar lit;. If om widow I set rea aaa eomrorted: if sum stranger U not blessed. In sonsequence of thla structure, it ware batter that thla ton should crumble and dis solve late the eternal elements that cam out of th Maator who mad it. IJESIuOL DEGI.'IS TO HEAL SICK SKIII'AT Oi'i'CE Tea don't hav tawONDER If Rs- Inol Ointment la doing yea good. To KNOW It le, beea us th drat applica tion step the itching aad year tor tured akin feels oool and comfortable at Mat. Why dont TOO try thla easy Rednot way to heal ecsem or similar kin eruption T Reslrfbl clear away pimples, too, and Is a valuable house held remedy for cut, , ores, buras. chaAngB, to."rt ha been, preecrrbed by doctor for II year and contains nothing that could Irritate or Injur th tanderest skin. Bold by alt drug. gists. , , - . A GOOD WAY TO SHAMPOO. Shampoo with Rest not Boao. mb- bing Its lalhsx. thoroughly into tb eoaip. ae as te work tn the soothing, healing Reeinol medication. This al most always stop dandruff and scalp itching, and keep the hair live, thick and luatroua, r , Owinto jur mechanical cQciency. courteous treatment and prompt, attention, In matters vital to automobile owners, we have just received theJTUDEBAKER SERVICE STATION appointment for this territory. We will, in tne future, look after and care for Studebaker interests in this vicinitj. We can beof service to you. -.' . - , .. . 1 . . . -L Raleigh Motor Car and Macfc 111-13 S. Salisbury St, and 120.6 "-tMoiaivSt;.iV;i;J L McA. GOODWIN, BIGIL, ' , RALEIGH, N. C , TRIOLA SWEETS, SamlHJFtX Crab! 5bwWry la Crvmm, ClKcoUtoa-4 ' PRICE. 33c KDtG - CR0T7ELL DRUG CO. TImIUzbII Stor. : - Hlgtly Drpcndsnt Age. "W are living In a highly depend ant aaa. There ta ae such thing a n Independent ship en th ocean -of life. When a maa embarks upon it he should set th wireless Instrument of his heart to catch th heart mee- sags from the other man; and the man who has not attuned hi sympa thies te the welfare of his feUowmaa will go down in a worse wreck thea that Int which the Titanic dashed. This has given to Masonry Ita. univer sality; this heart union of men; th mysterious going out of something that emanate from one spirit ana loins, it to another spirit. "The-stranger i. who ps e thla building will be Impressed with It ar chitectural beauty, and will admire ft grandeur, but he will b more deep ly impressed with th story written in It conception, and completion when be hear that It Waa recto: by a Sratefut stats to commemorate th evotlon and heroism ef It nehle wo men tn home, in camp, In hospital, by deathbed, in the darkest bowr- of n history.- no nobler ana mere fitting monument can be reared te mark th NEW EXPOSITION BOOKLET. snUeMfVfMw 4wBPn) eMaM Bssnntonre"Bnnlv sHnMs' areae rem ea raneeraaa mmm aaree wb exserta te visit CanferBl aad the Ki poet iKa a this yesr ahoeld get the sew booklet tsaaed by the Missouri facile BaUwsv. -It Is sdsilrably wrMtea, aeperbly Ulna. tra led aad will be feesd ef the geaasret prsetlrei veloe kt foratlag year plaas. It eaalaias naeh eeefal Itifonsstlen abeejt feats aad rate, masg trips sad side tripe. Betel arrow niodaUeas ass prteea ae that rea eaa prepare ea ttlaererr te salt year teste, Msm ssd pern. The ass ef each a eesjolete atde will suke a ninn ef year holldsy ssd Insar yea the greatest aaieaai er eaoyaaeai. . The Sceaic Usilted H the new all-steel train recently put la dally service by the Mleaearl Psrllr Railroad. It la the eely tkreuch trala beta sea et. Lnli ssd Hea Ptaarlsr SB I the seessisiadatlea af forded travelers ad th perfertlea ef ita I appelntsaesU aad servtre It Is aaearpassed lift, any trala to the PertsV Coast. fvVlhe Peeair LlmHed real ever the meet 'varied aad ptetaresqse rente h tha West. lis sreenuie is srrsacee ev teat au pemta ef beauty l tatsieet are see 4y jsay- lurht. . . j . Write, pkea er cmb la fer this beaa tlfnl booklet. Ceaealt with aa ea aay Dlaa have la wis. Oar seiihe are at your disposal glsdly-sad freely, Vt u stab yoar esei jiaaii ssrty. - w. - a, Aua Jaaw Bldg, Chat- Jeaalaca. n. P. taaeega. Tea a. A REPORT OF TUB COXDITIOX OF THJC , Bank of Wake at Wake Forest In th Rut of North Carolina, at th dose of bualn' ' .-; Mayt. llli.. . .-, " 7' . ; rkbocrccs Loans and discounts ..,....! I.SIt.TI Overdraft secured, 1141.11; unsecured. $411.11.. ...m... l.lll II Ranking House. Furniture and Fixture . M . M ,. I.I 11.11 Du from Ban ka and , , . . i i 1 1 . l i i i ,17,441.11 Cash 1 tema ... ... ,.....,..... mmmmmv mm wmin' . 1,114.11, Oold -Coin . i . . .x .. .... T 4II.I '. Silver coin. Including ail miner coin currency MMM.MeM - 4I4.TI -h National bank note and other U. 8. note .... .v-.. 1.1 14.14 , Total 4) V Capital Mock paid la Burplua fund e)e4 Undivided pro fits, lees carreat vxpenaa Rill payabl Tim certl Ilea tee of Dopoait ueposita auDject to rosea . . .-u. ...... Cashier' Check outstanding Total ..... ..... . rye.LM.11MIt.l' STATB OF NORTH CAROUNACOCNTT OF- WAKST: l. t. K. Holding, t ashler ef the that the above statement I tru te th , -.. . s. . r- : ' 1 I- Subscribed and sworil to befor met this 1 day of May, 1111. M. H. JONES. Notary Fubllr. My Commisaion Expire May Ilth, Hid. Si if .'if- -c t X -v ' .'. . .t -t J. id .and v--- I:.-?: , heroism aad devotion of the Coafed- rat soldier, than thla building a a , home for hi heroic and devoted wife, : And to thla aoble pure, T now dedicate th beautiful spot la thl sacred uv . rounding, of glorloa htatorav post.- . and of bright and Inviting futara i . - . fftVaeaceaf Jnvtuvu Go to il Soorcar mod thn 1 . comptuhed.'.: .1:;. '. ' eeaMew Only those wh have weed BBS., for the blood know that catarrh I sim ply bleed trouble. :;. Meet people, unlnstrueted i thl mem- "; branenu disease; treat their nee and' threat as If catarrh waa a meal trea M. 11 I act ae. Te treat catarrh Jt la nee-. , eeaary te go late the Hsaatk, th liver,' the luaga, the kidneys end all the vttat I' ergaae ef the body. Aad tt la & B. that at ears eater lb ewttr bleed ctr-' ewlatlea. aU the ergaaa ef the body, all the ataoea eerfaee and bssamea a . , dominant factor fer renewed health. It ' la a Bimpt method when yea ftenre It eat Catarrh la plainly aa Innacama. , tlea ef the maceua-membrane. , And there Is la B. B B eertala ins-re- " d lasts which cause these mucea sot' -,t faeea te eaaasBr er eeavert their sacra, tiona let a aubetaace fer easy slim. ,. v laaUen. A apodal beek oa this subject -will be mailed te an wb write te The '"" Bwlft BpeciA Cex. 11 Swift Bldgu. U laata. Oa. . Catarrh la very eftea tha result f , sent ethsr blood TroubTe," Bern- genw that gete late the bleed aad multiplies ' beyond the eentrel ef aatare, -.-' -v ttlk the remdy. Do act aaeapt' a eebstitute fer this aaatrhlees remedy. Read the circular wiappsd arouad the bettl. It I lapertaat. , - el 4 ... ...e.tUMtll ............ I I.IH.M aad taxa paid HH.14 tI.I4.ll tl.ll.1l .11,111.11 ...... .'.r... .. MI.II above - named bank, do solemnly i beat ef my knowledge, and beltag. T. K. HOU3INO. Cashier. Correet - Attest: ' - - R. - M. SQUIRM - J. Tt OORREIJ. Wi W, HOtAjlNq- Dl rector. -,