i.. . by Tlx lysdleatet Th IstaraatlaBal iHcw Ships WHlBcIifted ! ThroaghtlieCaiialBy 1 " tHe Aid ol Elec- ' tricity. Mi m.. la flniahad- Tha imlMt sglneering project or history to accomplished fact Ths predictions st the pessimist h. trlallB4 and tha kOMI J ef th optimist ar about to b realised la tha success of oaa of ths gratt comnmUl tim and money ssvsrs of modern times. Th eltmat and pbya leal dlnVoHJ war overcome through tka easrgy, devotion aad skill of tha ' engineers. Tha gigaatie machinery used was la keeping with tha bugo- n ess. of tha talk and although a casual observer might marvel at tbe appar aat aaaa with which this machinery warkad and at tha trameadoua reeulta tt aooompllshod. yet a pnpr spprs eteil af Ita usefulness eould only Vbo had by knowing something about tka maekaalam of ths-greet tools and tmplsmenta. and tha. obstacles which lay hidden la tha pathway or tnair - work. ' But tha day of tha machine la at over, aa It will play an essenttsl part la tha aparatlon of tha waterway aad tba mechanics of t be Canal la an ' Interesting aubjoct even to thoae who may not kaow or appreciate the sci entific principles underlying their ap pMestloB. ... i: Gigantic render Chain. Ma veaaal will be allowed to enter or pass through tha locks under lis ' owa steam. When a ship arrlvaa at either the Oatun or Mlrafloree looks, lt "b taken In charge by tba Canal "authorities who at once-send two. rep resentatives on board to remain, one aa tba bridge, and tha other In the engine room, until the ship baa passed out of the locks. The first safety da rlee la the hugs chains which stretch serosa the loose. They are planed there for the purpose of preventing a vessel which might enter the locks too rapidly from Jamming the gate. The chain weighs tt.OOs pound and la cap able of stopping a 19.000 Ion ship wnue It la moving at me rate w ww miles per hour. The chain Is operated ny nyarauno raaentnery in me wa.i. and piaya out aiow ly by automatic re- I Z1 I. brought to a lease until the vessel stop. When a ship U ready to ontw ths locks and hse cVma to a atop, the chain la dropped Into lis groove In ' tbe bottom of the Canal In caae the ship should by some means break ths ' chain, tha first rate mleht he Jammed, but this would not affect the lock aa ths first gate Is merely a safety device. ... "Ktectrte Maine." '" When all Is ready for passage, the ' electrte towing locomotives, known as ; "electric mules," are attached to the ship: two In front, ons on each wall - lo pull 'the vessel, and two astern to keep It in a central position and to 1 bring It to rest la the leek chamber. Tha powerful machines are equipped with a allp drum towing windlass aad hawser which permits the towing line to be paid out or taken In without I ceerrigtn. wi. k jut tfyJyvfe (o ?wC)ffsn CcrW(WWiAe V ' . imn n " " 1 ' - Cf?rt(l.L Jt1ttw by Tb litmiilnMl Kyndliti. With Its Oriental Most Interesting or HEM the disaster of 10 swept ever the Crty of the Ooiden Gat tt wiped out Chinatown ao completely that many people declared this bit of the Orient was gon forsver. These proph ets wer from the Kaal. tor the aativ f aa rraacieco will never acknowl edge himself beatea no matter how great the calamity. Kor waa ha beat ea la this Instance, for Chinatown waa rote lit e tha same snot and a a wMMk grandee scale, yet without loslag eey ef fha eaotle coloring for which th M rows waa ao noted. Always mywtortou. wtMi lis weird eounds earn 1 from behind closed door, it wo. a charm for tbe tourist not te b found lawher In this country. There is aa iaexphcebl fasrsnatton aswut this odd corner ef tha California avetroaoll where several 1 house, ad China hv Jon as they did ia far away Caafasa or Shaaghal. Baaha, Tasiyhoaa ExcBauage aad ' They have tselr own banks which hav aoaneeejoaa wHh th banks In China, ahd th reports ef theee lastl- rattraa show them t b In excelleot conditio. . Their telephone eotehaag at oa ef th wtoet artistic r butidiaga ta Baa FYaaclac It I typl esvUy Caatoaea both In structure aad work lags for the switchboards ar p erated excluaTvety by Chine glrla who speak Kaalish aa fluently aa they d 1hlr own bulging About tea ssyj:' 7.7 MJuk 'is... i "'ill-' ' snic- it " ' - " .' : -i .:.- i '. 5 - f ; : . 1 ;v I 7i't: ia.-( .ter'.'ririir? "tirrr- - . . ;..,( . ' I i" v V"? '.Im, ' IIU-hJ- -4 ' u j iii . I ffxit I I ' ' , - - WF- , ; ,r: ,.;.fiv .i-:'-, : ,1 mm --L,iJiX. II - at - ! ssjsaaaaaaTaasTsa-w s 71 a - a a ' - - 11 - actual motion of the locomotive on the track. The Vmales" when towing operate ever center cogs and climb from lock to lock ob rack rails.. When tha gates awing open the vessel Is towed lato the lock and the gate closet behind It. The' water la then let In 1 lifting the vessel to tbe level of the j lock abore. ' v- , ; GalJ Machinery. I Tha machine used for opening and closing the gates la a simple and pow erful mhlne. It Is the Invention of one af the mechanical engineers In tha employ of the comnitsston. wTo ds i scribes It in the following- manner: "It consists essentially of a crank fur to which Is fastened one end of a strut or connecting rod. the other end of which is fastened to a lock gate. The wheel moves through an aro of -. : I3T degreea. closea or opens the gatel,.,. as tba opening and shutting of leaf, according to tha direction lnja ry gmt, or door. ttaaraket i war A mlnllfgasm. The aTTaink aTCU' ! , combination of gear and crank. I conruct.d 0r cast steel. Is 1 feet. I ,nchM diameter, and welgha ap ' 00 nounda It is ZZ22m ! a' horiVtaraltlo. on ,OCB lurn. OB a center ...Hel.i sa dhsa w4a Is fjm IDIl mm BUrTiwitav w e aveaa places by rollers. The center pin Is keyed Into a heavy casting anchored securely to the concrete. The crank gear Has gear teeth on It" rim and Is driven through a train of gears and pinions by aa electric motor In a con tiguous room. The motor la remotely controlled by an operator who la sta tioned at. a center control house near the Tower end of the upper locks. . A simple pull of a email switch Is suf Afjnft ta either eloaa or ooein -a 910 Ion gate, the operation being perfectly automatic' A etrut anchor connects this with the lock gate at tha top. The great gates weighing from 100 to T10 tons are opened and closed with as much Architecture and Coloring It Forms the Section of the City of pages of the Ben Francisco telephone book Is given over t th Chinatown Exchange, th names and addressee being printed In Chinese characters. . four Chinees newapapera are print ed la th town, and they put out bul letins several times a day queer strip of yellow paper covered with Caineae leWere, resembling a huge laundry tic ket. Street Jecsae InUreellng, It at net the business ef Chinatown, however, which atfracta th vieltor It la the Chinos themselves. The writer has aat for hours" st lhsnim"4salton their ankle. Th men. daw ef n t the quaint tea house f th town apd watched the endless throng of celeattala with a never ending- delight.- The women and children are, aa usual, th moot Interesting. Few -of them hav adopted Amerieaa clothe . aad with . their : loos black pantaloen showing below the eMny.erlee. antique' lantern, lacquer war, black gown, th .effect to rathor start- carved ivories. sandal wo4 (ana, ling at drat but on soon Become used Ichina ware ef the moot exqulsit work- t th gar.- The Chines matron ta , uaually a roly-poly sort at person who wear hrr shiny black hair brvahed hack ever th top ef her ears aad (rtly rolked up la a knot at th back of bar bead and fastened with a rold pi or Jad araament-' The childraa, many nf .whom look a If they belong to th colored picture books ef th days of Aladdin, play la th streets just like little Americana and learn alang and "bad words' with tna sub alacrity aa da our tor fiLl' . .,- II w ' :' - l I : , . i - -h,t.t' 'f-"-v-' wJi J I Another safety device Is what la iknown aa an emergency dam. It ! looks like a big cantilever bridge and j la ao placed that It can be swung mcro ,M loc entrance in a row min- '- . " " b ' across the lock entrance In a few mln- ,4-c " T ""SLI gic. ivin aaaaw will bs seen that "safety first" has not been neglected slong ths CanaL Hydro Klertrto Station. All the worklnge of the locka will be manipulated by electricity, the cur rent for all being generated at tha hydro electric station at Uataa Spill way. The gats control house at tha spillway, the four substations of tha transmission system at Oatun. Hlra. floras. Cristobal and Balboa and the three-lock control houses comprise tbe principal buildings connected with the actual operation of the canaL The big station st Uatun Spillway shelters the turbines which will generate the power J for the operation or the machinery at the locks, machine shops, dry docks. the Golden Gate. urchin. Many of hem are gorgeous llttls creature with their yeilew silk Jacket fastsned across th breast with silk loops and their lavanda peitta looaa tightly bound around the ankles. Sometimes oa sees several of thess Mlttle ahnond-yd creature toddling taiong ansr tnir mother a perfect picture of unconscious contentment. The little girl, too. with their funny broad, flat no sea aad narrow eye run about the streets and talk la queer hMi piping tone. They are dressed like their mothers except their clothes are of gsy color and they wear silver too, lend a pc.turequ-tottla to the ern so uncommon to the -average American. They are garbed accord ing to the nature of their Business v ... Big Baesara. The big basaare have marvelous dls- lOiare or ortc-a-orao. . eiia. emoroMi- manshlD. eamnhor wood chest. Clnl- onne, fklaint, , Canton . war. kl monaa aad Mandarin coats whlrh send the female shoppers into ecstsrlpa. Th drug store ar sure to attract atteatloa for they dlnplay aueh ar-.these place t he visitor Is sur t a-th-les as sharks' eggs, - dried toads, i counter th sidewalk she cobbler Who sliced deer hma and other uncanny sits on a Utile bench oa th' sidewalk remedies for disease and th casting; and mends shoes' while you wait. The out of evil spirits more, perhaps, for i Chinese letter writer, too. alias hat th benefit of the tourist than for medicinal purposes, for Chinatown ha som really excellent medical men who pumping planu and coat handling sta tions. In addition It will furnish light for the Canal and tha Zone Towns aad If desirable the power tor tha electri fication of the rename railroad.' Tha building on the Id side has four prin cipal elevations, a pit for the three 1600 X. V. A. turbines, a .main Boor mnA Ml1Ha Ttia turlttne nit ta about si feet below the level of tha'tklrd feet wide. Standing In front main floor and is reached by an Iron stairway. Everything around the ma- ehtnary must be kept clean, ao enamel - ad bricks are used and tha least dirt . . ... . IS soon saown ana win ve rwinovra. The main noor is aevotea 10 ins eiec- - -'"" m i wir r or trloal eeulpment. The hydro electrio Just aa he may deetre. He known the station receives Its energy from th.ect poaltion of tbe ship a. it cllmbe water taken from Oatun Lake and dis charged Into the lower spillway chan nel and has a power of 1000 kilowatts. The aubetatlona are almost aa Interest ing as ths parent station with their mysterious looking buttons and levers. Her again we And the safety first as there la a steam plant at tha Ml ra florea Station which can be used in the event of a failure of the hydro: -"''.-.. S . I U II .1 f.-f.-'T. i . ' s III '; r a .T- I . - -X l. ' 1 . 1 III use-the same remsdle a lh Amer-J wherever Ohlnese rasid. lean physiciaa .even If, they d d)M ' Across the street to a. fat Chinaman play the Chinee panacea for all Uutry1ng to aell aaother Celestial a string At one shop pills ar advertised toj of dried hrlmtMnd th two em to cur the opium habit rJ i b hasgling over tbprlc.- A cloeer Tea Hover Drllgtitfai, 1 j examination of th stor shews strings ThV tei houses, however, ar aa-jof mttld brewa and whit sausages. llghtfuT in "heir wealth of carved teak- glased Yeast duck, cake of beaa raeee wood and their edw ef Incenea. Thar end BMH pr-pwi In- ways Uncom- one rai elM a,..r real tea. lie rake. : preeerved kumquata. ginger.' cendled. taaiea ar oa saie aa we.u iwi n.aa cocmnnt .trt, iichi nuts snd all sorts men to especially fond ef cucumber of Chtseee ewseta Coming wut of !tida n th aMewalk sad wrttee lee-i tors of all kinds for a. mere song. He its a Chin- Institution and exlstsj electrio station. V Lock Cowtrol Board. :"w,tch w1" eut oW thPwr nMr, Thee, great .Uctrlo house, contain . n- the passing ofj jihlp the very latest and beat electrical m.lth.CanaUt will be necessary to lower atrumenl. so far dsvtoed by man and j" -,' ,ender, '"dJ are controlled by expert electrician " f r At each of the locks a man has before " n- TT,Bt'',h1lt,0rk him ob a table a control bocrd about ! must bo opened and closed, an sixtv-four feet Ion. and fl. and OM. aggregate weight of more than M.000 I of thla board, the man throws th switches, and In response to his action ' It has been eo arranged that he sees I fender rhaina rise end fall upon Itt k In. H - . - - " l-lll n ft. -.Ur wmm aa Vail the stairway In Ita trip from the At lantic to the Pacific A system of Interlocked levers will prevent him from doing th wrong thing In handling Ills levers. This Is arranged In such a way that certain levers will not work except In connec tion with others and they must be pulled in rotation. This makes It next to Impossible to err. but In raee some- mon is annnia. mi ' - vv- aad while radtshee. and the seem I j wno mmm ride horeeback. and he usu predomlssit at the green grocer". comes in astride a broomstick. "ticks or green sugar case ar aoia to the children Just a- stlcst. of lieories root used to,- be .a favorite -rhew- for the Amerieaa achool ehll- Area. . Beat Tim To Sew Town. w" to visit th ' Night to th beet tlm i thing should go wrong a near by to""- Ons man In a building on the top of the, center wall of the locks directs and controls the operation In the pass age of a ship except the movements of the towing locomotives. He eats . ., i v... .I.hl..ln mn. " 11 .. ---. ,- ,, ,,- twice durlna- tha I Jo G!t"n.' yIT - comnf.telv , !T'L..T-!.d ".?t I has the system been, worked out and each movement Is so perfectly dove tailed Into th other that aa accident seems well-nigh Impossible. Lighting. ' Tha lighting . of the Canal Is aa Important Hem and thla like every thing else is on a glgantie scale. Rlertriclty from the Oatun Spillway llydro-electrlo Station lights up every rr-- 417 y inaXo - y Ifie few CAir&torri (town, for then th streets are unusually j crowded and the lights from the laa I terns hung from the balconies add a ! I welrdneea to th Oriental scene.' There i Is ths squeaking of the .Chines violin tand th sound of th high pitched i vole of children singing, and ons has an Irreslatlbl desire to fallow the round and find out, what Is bshlnd ' these doors., Th guids who take partlea through the town at night ar sure tIoj gratify lh desire for they always take ths visitor-down a pair of steep steps into a basement where I Chinatown's most ' famous' musiciaa gives concerts nightly. The old China ; iman plays a number of queer instru ' j meats aad his mueits I delightful. - The Jos house, too,' bj at Ha beet st night. The houses of worship hav n external beauty, but one; Inside, tin rvel lu rgeoue carving, brass bowls, splendid . embroidered , altar cloths and paraphernalia which. makes It a ptac of wonder- . y ' 't : ; . Theatre) Unique. Ths theatre to unique as all th characters are taken by men and their T.V f! Hi m ill t't 0 ' I st tempt te impersonat women to a ; tur la their queer shaped reofa. bsJas perfect burleeque although they con-1 trade ' and lantern v lined baloonles. elder It serious work.- .There Is e The nndercroand iiisssrri aad ths scenery. A table will serrs for a mountain and. a piece of wood for a forest. All nlay have on character rroeentlr one of the east la beheaded ;fi.r which he ret us And soiewniv oft th, stage, The play some- Um continue for .days and even, ! weeks. The muelo which continues t, '"r"" .h b7m""'.lf " f thof far away Chin transplanted upoa shoer U a clatter of brass and clang-1 Amerieaa soil. -7 ' . . tyRrst:IsSiOTm In tie: locking System " . ,.., . - ' part or tha Caaal wheraelactrldty ejus be used but in towers aad beaeoas In laaecaaatbla places eompreaaed acety lene, dissolved, In " acetone, Jl' seed. White lights are used throughemt aad in order that there, msj Vaj-ajo on fusion af lights with eae aaether and wltk-tha llghta on shore, the baexons. buoys and range llghta will bave ladU vidua! charactertstlcs by crtaU ktnda of combinations ofdasheaj with ;dark intervale. , ; . , ' , ' , Tha range lights vary aooareJlB ,te tha length, of tha range from Hkout t to 10 candle power, the awest powerful being those marking ta asa channels at tha AttaatJcand Pmeifle sntraaeea, which rs vtslble at least twelve miles.-- i K. -" vv " As veeeels niay paaw throusrH ths ! lacks In the wight a; peeuUsr klad of lllumiBestioa has te be used aboa ta lock. " Tha glaring brilliant nnstisdsd light would . blind tha vial on the pilot and be almost aa bad as ao light ing at all. ' After many ieate ef lamps , large TnngsUa bulbs (IM Watt) were selected. These are pUeed IimMo a concrete tiood which serves bath aa a shade aad reflector. CluaXered ths concrete hood tha lamps ara)gtav pended from brackete ; which v are placed aear the tope of heavy eea-: erete eolumaa. twelve aided aad ts aiing from three and one-naif fast at the base to oaa foot at tha top. Thlt total height being aaoat nils tr-doar feet-Including;, tha two foot, eoaoreU ball at tha top. They aro sf arraajged that en moonlight nights theer-wia burn with only half their power, s -, , Clecurk) Drive) Toosj. ' AH the machinery lat the bte; ma chine shops will be operated by, aleo tricity and the oil pumpa-wtU have thla same motive power. Itaay C taa' levers used la the repair shoe will be drive by Individual amstows. ; . conceivable kind of work U betaa: do , In these shop ranglsg from Use bawd ling of a most dslioaA watch ' apewig , to the overhauliBg of a. looomqttf, : Two powerful floatlnc eraoea "msds la Germany" ars to b aasd (of Caaal reaulremsnts and genera! purposes. They each aavs a i of it ton. ; . ii- .. :. , Barges. lighters - aad karbwr tag will alwaya be on hand whea aeaned. A tender for passengers and maU. la also contemplated. , Big dry docks ar 1b th course of eoastraotioB. th mala one being large ' enough 1 aoc omms- , data any vosssl : wtilch ' eaa paaa. through tha locka. - TTharves aad sOore- houses with aH tnBsneary sajoip- ment for handling frctgfet ar already In working order. - BverytMng' haa been don on a larg eal and Ship) caa b bandied wltho loss of ttate. Nowhere else doss one find auch gl gaatlo machinery yet so perfaetly Ar ranged that aerideata .ar praettealw Impossible., "aafety-. Is wrttUa' all over tha mechanic . f tha Caa at. Ing anvtia, aocompanlad by a squsln violin. i.-'- , . - . . Aaoesioa Wovana lat wr sstlnf- i No write-up of . Chinatown. . aitkr the old r th new. would be eOmplei 'without ths mention f Mr. Woag Sqa ; Vu Clemens, the Amerieaa woman. ho marrl i a China maa wever at years go while she was doing missionary work la the old Chtnaiowa. The writer met .this . tody a few. day" after, th earthquake and fir of 1M, tt ws a fair haired, well educated wemaa ef refined tastes and a sistor of Kihr1 Clemen who waa at on Urn ths wif f Howard Oeuld. She did excallaat work -during Ihoee dark days, for had It not bees for. her good ofocss many of th Chines would ,havtr4 ta death.' They have a remarkable col lection of rellca of th Sa rra lso fir. Ths collectida, many f therm fraaks of th fir, forms aa intsrwsUs study of tk eff ct t t riau gree' of heat en dUtorant obdacta On of them Is a milk. bottle iAe- oee delivered at I he door n th-morlg ef the flra It sat en. th drstp filled with milk and became. -prey ito th Barnes. ' Somehow ths milk; aaa raU0 gnmt hand aad lt,Cam eut of tn Art a perfect apl men of Tiffany glass. ' . ' . , Th new CMnetewn. . built at tk cost of million af dollars.; to practteally complete. :Th structures while eraeiAd ea modem Americas piano stja pre- serve all the feature of Chtseee arc. hi opium dena sf tha eld tows ossat t hav vanished. Of eeura. gambllnf goes en te a eertala extenu' but th stifling subterranean dena ,f the eld Iowa have not bean rebuilt. Th whit lav traffic which -used te ftouriah there nas been weeded cut. It to a rtener.. better Chinatown and to th most fascinating section- of oosmopoU- tan Sas rnnoiM ear tt ta libs a bit gL-r;r. aim Him :ti.Allt .. I s 41