Tt Veithef Best Advertising Medium in North Carolina Fun data" eenciWtig",n" weather will be found today PMt W. , v'V'V i . i , v -:. " ..v;. ......... i RAIXIGIL N. C, TUESDAY HORNING, 11AY1 8, I91S. PRICE 8 CLNTj VOL. CL NO. 159. . ' , : fffi D f AS IIE REVIEVS t ''She Asks Nothing For ; Has a Right Jo Ask For Humanity " 'v- ;-r;:;x::r;.-' Itself.' H' V r;-. ;v:; ."" -'. im f r? r?rrVC rr A MCD If A IC TUP . . V FORCE OF Navy and Its Efficiency and Warmest Praise of Secre- . tary Daniels "Spoken to the '. , PeoDle of the Nation; When You Touch a Moral Principle You Touch theJieart of the .'.Amencartireopie as.a unii, - - - He Declares; Continuous Ovation Throughout the Day v and Patriotic Assurances of Support Everywhere Given; Stands With Bared Head in the Mist as National Anthem Sounds an4.Four Miles of - Warships Pass in Review, " New Tork. mf lT.Prldent WU- soa today reviewed ike AtluUs Bert fa the Hud eon River and at a lunch eon tendered to him oa ah ore by the , city of Kew Tork toid a distinguished gathering what the country and tta navy stood tor. i The treat battleehtpe, that lay In thTHvr, h sJd, were "engines to promote the Interest of ,-. humanity." " "' V' '' ' ' ;r "The Inspiring thing about Amer ica,'' the President aassrted, "la that ; she asks nothing for herself except what she has a right to ask for hu- ' inanity Itself. . - W want, no nation's - -- propsrtyr-w wish to question no na- tlon's honor; wo, wish Is ataad gt 'Z (lahly la the way f the development 77 of no nation. - ft la Sot preteB . Uoa.n bus part t any that w are privileged to stand for what svsry -tioa would wish to stand for and speakiag for those things which all . humanity must desire." Fare of Moral mad pea. The spirit which, brooded over the river -today, said the President, was ""Just a solemn evidence that the force of America Is the force of moral prlnr " dpi, that there Is not anything else he loves and that there la not any , thing alas for which she wUl eoa- . .tend.",. . .J:. . The.Preeideut took occasion to pay iributi to Secretary of the Nary Daa , tela, who sat besids him. Although the day was damp 'and chilly, with oocaslonai downpours of . rain, the weather abated la bo way ' the enthusiasm with which New Terk greeted the head of the nation. In the . forenoon he reviewed land parade of !.0t Bailors and marines and from the moment ha set foot oa shore un til he returned to the Mayflower to . rertew the fleet, his progress through the streets was a continuous ovaitoa. He -was plainly touched, by the WtV come accorded htm. ; y Intens PatrloUssa Shoerav . ' ' Everywhere a spirit of patriotism .' was shown. Many men and women seised every opportunity to tell the ; President of their support la tha pres- ent International crista. Thousands stood la the ahilly drlnle while the brigade of sailors and marines merch ' ed up Fifth avenue, and. during the ' sftrvnoon, with a old, damp wind : - blowing irrnsB the Hudson, and thou sand mora later thronged vantage i polats to watch the Mayflower as she '. inaeill ap the river between tha war ships. The Preetdeat'sx remarks at - luncheon were greeted with tremen dous applause. He .was introduced - by Acting Mayor Oeorge McAsjeny. ' - The test of tha President address follows: - ' ' -Mr. Mayor. Mr. Beeretary. Admiral rietcher and OenUemen of the Fleet: Tbls Is not aa occasion upon which It seems ta ana, tt would be wise for me to maks many remarks, but T would deprive myself of a great srati- . flcaUoB If I did V not sTpreas my pleasur at being here, my gratitude for the splendid reception which has been accorded me aa tha representa tive of the Batten and my profound , Interest ta the aary-of the United ' etatea. This ta an Interest with "which I was apparently born, for ft began when I was a youngster and has ripened with my knowledge of the af fiairs and policies wf the United States. I think It is a aaturalj insU-BCtlre judgment of the people ef the Cnlted 0tatss that they may express their pever approriately la ' en '.efficient inary. and their Interest Is partly, I ' bvllve,bcaae that aavy somehow is expected to express their character, not within our owa borders, where its 'charscierr"ls"Wtdetsteodi-bat eat eide our border, where It Is hoped we r 0ccas!oniT' ethers with THE GREAT FLEET Herself Except What She MORAL PRINCIPLE noma slight rlaton of wbsit Amerloa stands for. ' : . Hick Praia For flatwatary. "But before I apeak of tha navy of tha United States, I want ta take ad' rentage ef tha first publio opportunity I hare bad to speak of tha Beeretary of tha Nary, to express my confidence and my ad ml ratios, and ta say that ha has my a squall fted support, tor I hava counselled with him ta- intimate fashion.- I uow bow atneereT' It has it at heart that sverythlag that tha navy does and handles should be done" and bandied "as the "people of tha United States wish them handled ' because efficiency Is something mora than orgaa halloa. . "EaTicieacy runs Into avery wall considered details of personnel and method. Elflclency runs to tha extent of lifting tha Id ear of a servtce abore erery personal Interest So that when I apeak my support at tha Secretary of the Nary, I am merely speaking my support of what t know avury true lover ef the nary to desire and te propose; for .the nary of tha United States la a body specially trusted with tha (deal of America. ' Ta Kavjr Jfot a Blaff, "I like to imagine ta my theaghts this IdesX These unlet ships, lying In tha rlvar. has no suggestioa of bluster about them no Intimation of aggression. They ars aotnrnanded by men thoughtful of tha daty of etttssna aa wall as tha duty ef esBcat acquainted with tha traditions of tha great service to which they belong. men who know by touch with the peo ple of the United States What sort of purposes they ought to entertalil and what sort of discretion they ought la exercise,- In order to use ' those engines of force as englaos as yteoiote tha interests sf humanity. ... , "For tha Interesting and inspiring thing about America hi that she asks for herself except what she has a right to ask for humanity Itself. - Wa want no nation's property, wd wish to question no nation's honor, ' wa wish to stand selfishly in tha way ef no nation; we want nothing that we cannot get by our own legitimate en terprise and by tha Inspiration of our awn example and standing for these things It hi not pretention an our part to say that we are privileged to stand for what every nation would wteh te stand for and speaking for thlnga which an humanity desire, " .- ' - " -" - Tha Symbolic) flagy "When I think of tha Sag which those ships carry, tha only touch of oolor about them, tha only thing that moves as If It had a settled spirit la It, In their solid structure, tt seems to ma that I aea alternate stripes ef parchment upon which are written tha right of liberty and Justice, and stripes of blood apllled to vindicate those rights; and then, in the corner, a prediction of tha btuu serene Into which avery nation may swim whldh stands for these great things. The rnlsston of America to tha only thing that a sailor or soldier should think about; hs has nothing to do with the formulation at her policies; he Is to support her policy whatever It to but ha to ta support bar policy In tha spirit of herself, and the strength of our policy to that we. Who for the time being administer tha ait airs of that t nation. da , not originate her. spirit, w attempt ta embody tt; wa attempt to realise tt la action; we are dominated by tt; wa do not dlqtats it. "And so with every man la arms who serves tha narioa. b stands and waits to do the things which the na tion desires. America, - sometimes seems, perhaps, to "forget her prat gram, er rather, I will say. that some times those who r present her seem to forget her program. But the peo ple never forget them. It to aa start ling as It Is touching to aee how whenever you touch a principle you touch tha hearts of tha. people of the United States. They, listen to your debates ef policy, they determine which party they will prefer to power, they choose and prefer as or dinary man; but their real . affection, their real fore, their real Irresistible momentum la for tha Ideals which men embody. . . . .. "1 never go a the streets ef a great city without feeling that somehow I do not confer elsewhere than a the etreeu with tha great spirit of the people themselves, going about their f astness, . attending ta things which concern them, andr yet carrying a treasure at their hearts all the while, ready to be stirred not only as indi rUluals. bur as members-cfa great (Continued an Pag Seven.) 5 I WOODROW CONFIDENCE AND ADMIRATION vr. ri !FOR SECRETARY OF THE NAVY iKg EXPRESSED -BY TH ' "Bo beforw I speak of the navy ef the rnlted rHaseay t want to tab advantage of the Smt public opportunity I have luul to speak of the beo retary of -the Navy, to exprrsa my confidence and amy admlraUon, and to say that he' baa my unqualified support, for-1 have Hinelled wtUa. bint In tatimate fashion.' I know how sincerely be has It at heart that every, thing that the navy dees and handles should be done and handled aa-tlt people of the United - Stale wish then handled because eOHiestey la soemthing more than orgsnlaslfam. . . . -fcJBcirncy runs Into every we U rouMderedl " detail of pernorssef and! Bsethod. bflk-irntw runs to the extmt'Of lifting Ue Ideal of a aervlc above every pevwnal Interest. . So .tha when-1 speak my support ef the awcrntary of the Asvy, 1 asa merely Sneaking my support of what I Jtmnr ei t m h)Tcv of fbe Jajr to Uc-!rs and so pruixiMtt ttHnrr Smt vt UN United b tares to body simdaily traserd wltn Urn niud of Asaertca," ' y : -r,..-i.,.-w. : .: I...',, y ;::?,. '.v;'V, -f : . j '' BRITISH PIERCE THE GERMATJ LINE Sir John French Reports , the Capture of Two Miles of ' - . Trenches. ' MANY -PRISONERS ;-Taken Russians Appear to Have Re formed lines In Galicia, But Vienna Reports Further Ad vance; Italy Awaits Conven- inc . of -'. ParliamentBefore Making Final Decision. . ?' .Ob London.' Mar IT. Field Marshal Sir John French, In a mesnage to night. Informed 1 the " British people that their troops amUn had taken the otTenaive after a-fortnight- spent. In hurling back German attacks, and had swept scroas the swept acmes and 'Captured all Ger man trenches south or Klcheoourg L'Avoue over a two-mile' fronts Thle movement, which has result ed la the rapture of numerous prison era. to still under way, and gives Indi cation of being as Important in the matter of territory wo as was ths recent French' advance. Elsewhere along tha western battlef rent a lull prevails. - - . In the asst. Vienna re porta that Sunday penned ' with v little- activity. This Is considered her as possibly In dicating. that ths Russians have reach ed a point where they are able to re eetabllah their line. The - Austrian a. however, assert that their army still advances. A homeward bound' Zeppelin, re turning from a rad oa England, was attacked today as tt reached the Bel- gain coast. , Ths big gas bag Is re ported te have been damaged, but the fate of the air-craft waa not learned. as It drifted awsy In the fog out of sight of ths attackers. The strain of waiting for definite news of Italy's Intentions with regard to the war, baa been relieved somewhat by the statement that nothing further la to be done until parliament meets next Thursday. Meantime special trains are reported to be in readiness, to take the German and Aostrtsn smbsssadors sot of the country. The tierman press Is gloomy over the situation. - JAMK8 FAIRCliOTH DIES. - Touth Si ammbs te Bullet Ink Fayettevtrie. May IT. James Falr- cloth, the- young man who was shot from amhu-h in the street of Sslem burg, Ham peon county, " Saturday nisht. died in. a hospital here his afternoon. - ' His body was sent tif Ssleimburg. Fafrcloth waa going boms from a chool commencement ' wlien hs was hot throurh the brain. Tbe Identity ef bis slayer is wkuva, v - - - WILSON, GERMAPJ PAPERS DO T LIKE NOTE Several Vented ' Their Animus Before. Government Forbade I "SC Them to Comment.", . 4. MOST: OF -THEM SILENT Lokal Anzefger Says Germany Has a Clear Conscience on Her Method of Warfare and ThatThey Will Refuse to : Change; . England . Accused as ChietOffenderTt - BcrHit, vta Loedou May 1T--. The Ajnerlcsn note, to Geruaany : . has not been glvea out offlcially. - The afternoon papers, lw water, print the vrv-Son of tbe duc-ament as tdegraphed by the Havas . '. Agency.' Moat of thent refrala - front rneiianrwl. Tbe Lokal An, artger sayst - - ' "The Q riimn government cer. -talnly wlft not deiay kmg-wHb the answer requested and proba. ' ' biy wiH. reply that ht oorwpylng MsHI with - Its sarved duties' H to not to be dint orbed frona any "That the- Asaericnn ' aseat should consider . tbe Lasi. . tania as m hnr-nJrss packet host, .without taking notice of tbe fact tbat tt was really aa aaxlllarp ts'alsur and an " aiuauaiilticn " steamer of the Brittsh navy, ap pears to' u scarcely believable Bat the Ci i man answer to Waah , Ington wilt make It eomp.f horns, bin to Mr. vVilHon In language as polite as tt wtii be clear, that w ' must mnduct tbe war as we era ' eondurtlna; It aad can road act It - wrtn a Hear cmevre." BSQLAXD AOAin AOCUSEC8. The TagUaoha Randschasj. rasa- . asenUng on reports UuM tbe Ixas taula I ik 4iient has canard a "glow . rntr In-irtu" In - Amerfcw. aaysi 1 Hih laWght probaMy will lead to the discovery tlmt Kngiaad . really to the guilty party be nana It took asBBBunitton am board a ' passtnger steamer tq enmrwven , Uoa of tbe ABsertraa lbwa" After -quoting Uie sfslste which H. srgues rovers this point, the . - Tarliache Kundscrhsu jroadwesi t "According t the Asserlcaa law tbe ca plain of the Lanttama ''ought to go to prtxnn." A eonlWIeeulal note to tbe eM . tnrs of the newspapers, which reached then oo late, eaya Uist nothing regarding tle Ariterias note may be printed tor tbe Uma - being. ... . - BITTER FIGHT 111 G Argument of Government to - Dismiss Proceedings ' Is v -.How Being Heard, f ; NtJMBEH F . BRIEFS " FILED Plaintiff's Counsel Charges ...That Politics Have Been In jected and -Charges Compt roller Williams With. Violat ing the Law j Jvtd More Days ot Argument, tar as PesaK Waahlngton, D. C, May la. Argu ment on ; motions by govertunent counsel to dismiss for hck of juris diction, tha Injuncten suit brought by tha Rlggn , National , Bank against Treasury officials, began today In tha District of Columbus Supreme Courts Aa Indication of tha bittern ess with which tb itUgaton wlU be fought de- reloped soen after the cVa waa call- ad. The opposing lawyers engased in S neatecr wrangle over pubikty uma- da, employed In tha proceedings, oa which Justice McCoy, presiding, ceil ed a halt with the aansanoement that "this court a not going ta be used aa laboratory ta Hoot .r":.:- Louis Brandela, Samuel Untetnrer, and .associate counsel for Secretary McAdoo. Comptroller Williams. and Treasurer John. Burke, charged With conspiring to wreck tha Rigga Bank, filed briefs in support of then mo tions to dismiss the proceeding. They maintan that "the suit Involves ths property of tbe United (Rates, la a suit against ths United States,-and that tha government eaanot be made a party to a suit without tta consent. The orBcer In their dealing with the bank, tt uma declared, acted la their official ce.De.citT within tha law, Ths rls-ht of the bank te sua la nultuy also was challenged aa . ths ground that It had an adequaut rem eaay at law. - - Ctetats Porttice Ujnrted, s Frank i. Hogaa, for the bang, charged In bis argument that a po litical aspect had been Injected Into tha esse and that most of the am davits fllad by Secretary McAdoo bad nothing to do with the proceeding. He cited authorities to show that of Bclais ef ths government be made amenable to the enurt whear they at tempt te usurp authority aad aa- serted that Mr. McAdoo usurped an tnonty ay.wiuinaiding 5.BU inursst oa bonds due the Riggs bank. Referring to Comptroller Williams. Mr. Hogan aaldi -Wa bale to ths bar aa Individual who has abandoned be ing a taw administrator and become a law violator." The attorney dwelt at length on de mands for Information made on the bank by Mr. Williams. He aald the directors of the bank tost summer asked tha comptroller just what be desired the bank to do, but that no aovtc or auggeetion were received, In demanding a penalty of It.tOt from the bank for failure to submit a report of the loana of the Instltu- uoa for eighteen years. Mr. Hosaa declared tbat Comptroller Wllllama maae out erroneous ealeulatioa to stipulate that amount, which was due in interest to ths bank and nntiAMi ths bank that It would bs subject to . runner ana continuing penalty. - ww thought be meant what he said,- continued the attorney. "It now appear f ram Williams' affidavit that hs merely waa attempting to bully officials of the bank. Re sow ssys ne naa no Intention of exacting further penalty aad he makes as at. tempt to calculate ths amount that naa neon incurred." Touching upon the statement In Mr. McAdoe'a affidavit that tha Secre tary knew but two officers of the Na tional.. City Bank Of Nsw Tork and that he had no dealings with that In stitution to -arous hostility, Mr. Hogan aald tha National Citv Bank waa In no way connected with this case and did not own a dollar's worth of stock In ths eRIggs Bank. It was believed tonight that prob ably two more days wsuld be occu. pled by argumente oa legal phases ef too sproceedlngs. If the court should ntrrnle tbe motions to dismiss, tha defendant officials then would have to shnw why they abould not be per manently enjoined from continuing . ; uniawtui tha bank- interference with JUDGE BONO PLEASES. Lee C y Bar Adopts CcenDlimen- ury nesnoaimns. Saaford. May 17. The people ef Lee county were very much pleased with the maaaer In which Judge Bond conducted court for this count jr. Ths Lea county bar adopted ths fol lowing resolution: -Bs It resolved by the Bar Asso ciation ef Lee county that the thanks of ths bar be extended to His Honor, W. M. bond. Judge, for the able ana Impartial meaner la which hs has presided over the terms of Lee Supe rior Court held by him,-' and for his uniform courtesy toward, members of ths bar, witnesses and litigants; and that-we extend to him our hearty good will la the hops that he may re turn at an early date aad preside ovet our court agsia.- COLD WATS OVER NATION. Only the Calf States Free of Abaor. nutl Weather. Washington. D. C. Msy 17. Abnor mally rnll weather pre ailed ton eM throughout ths entire country except la the gulf State. Reports 'to ths weather bureau told ef two disturb ance, one In ths Northwest ths ether In the East, both moving eastward. Frost warnings were Issued tonight for many ot the North era and Cen tral states. , Muds Saow la West Virginia. , Grafton, W. Va May 1 T. North ern West Virginia today experienoed the ooldeet My day is seventeen years; M uch snow Is reported to hare fallen in ths mountains and Ice fi ed an many small runs aad creek, ES BAflKSUIT TOREI VOTES FOB 111BI; JEDfilEST Mrs. Benedict Urges Federal ; Commission to Press Cause . With President.. . "WILSON - CAN - DO: -IF Clarence Dafrow Says the Poor -Man Handicapped In Secur Ing Justice; Rich Men Hire Good Lawyers to Read, and Good . Lawyers Make the Laws. ... ." , Washmrton. IX C, May IT. Votes for women was urged aa the remedy for Industrial unrest nefora the Com mlsslon on Industrial relations here today by Mm Chryatal Fastmsa Ben edict, ef New Tork, representing the Congressional Union for woman suf frage. ; - Mrs. Benedict declared the eommls sloa should immediately report - to lluaidsiit - Wilson advooatlng . a - Fed eral constitutional amsndmsnl for nation-wide woman sun rag. Commissioner Lennen suggested that the ouiiiiiitsntott' eeuld anly rspert te Congress aad tbat Congress would not be Ire simian until Deosmbsr. " . "Vrsas Can Do" "Pi - 1 bad thought, ef that, too, aald Mr. Benedict, "make the report te Wilson. Wilson eaa do tt. If you would make him understand that ths future ef te Democratic party de pend upon tbto laeus we would get euflrag. . Ton -would let him know about t without making a formal report.- . - Tb testimony ef tha suffragist seokeswomaa Interrupted that of Clarenoa sV Darrew, eeuBsel for unions ta several notable trials, who argued that tb peer man bad not equal opportunity before the taw with the rich man. Ha waa preceded by Walter Drew, counsel for apea shop employer who - took as op pea lie elsw. - . Mr. Drew said bs was unable te recommend any specific remedy for Industrial enree. "We are making headway all ths tims la the education of ear peo ple' said be. "Kvery agitstioe baa a certain educative effect- But ther Is ao general pessrea for Industrial eon diUons. ... Law lean te the Rich, Mr. Harrow whsa asked whether he thought the rich and poor were ac corded -eon! treatment beforw ths taw said: "I do not believe that tbe poor receive equal treatment with tbe rich. The law is made by lawyer, aad god tawjraiuv IV tbat I meant lawyers who get gnd fees and whoss clients are, therefor, rich. They have no knowledge of questions that confront tbs poor aad their whols feeUng aad life to on tb other ewe," . - l'ersonal Injury cases. Mr. Darrew said, bad further aroused feeling among laooring men against courts. Hs added tbat tb eoenmoa law doctrines ot "assumed risk ef em- pioyment" and "fellow servant re sponsibility wsr antiquated and out ot toucn witn modern conditions. Dwarf Against blaata. . The court d not consider a quel Uoa at point and administer Justice, b continued. "They look up tbe law In books,- If they were to taks question up without the Intervention of lawyer they might accomplish something. But - when a rich cor poration goes to law It hires the bast legal talent, lltted against It to a poor man - whoa lawyer Is probably trying his nrst case. If It was a prlss nni ano you pitted a swarr against a man lika Ja?k Johnson tha world would not stand for It. But that bap pen every e n the courts" . "The constitutional guarantee as t iree speecn ana rre pre,- said h "amount te not h ins. Tb annatitn. tlon guarantees every elUssa tbs right te bear arms, but every orsmnlnsd town eaa pass aa ordinance prevent ing the ettlsens from carrying a pistol- Fre speech and tha free press bar been legislated against rspeefed ly in Federal, State aad municipal JEEOG- KILLED BY AUTO Run Down Near; His Home In - New Bern by Car Driven ' . by 14-Year-OldBoy, 1 Nw Bern. May IT. Aa accident which east a shadow ef gloom ever two of the most prominent families of New Bern occurred tonight at T:4I o'clock when Earl King, the six -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Taylor, was run ever and killed by a ser en- passenger suto mobile, driven by James mewart. rooneen year of as, aad a sob of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stewart. The accident occurred wrtbla a few yards of tit victim's home, and was witnessed by aevsrel people. Tb lit tle boy waa at one carried te his home, where medical aid was ren dered, but to ao effect, for hs died of eoneoseion of tb brain wlthla aa hour without rgalBiag eoascieneeBesa. A supper wss glvea at ulenbumle Park to tb delegate wb are In the city attending tb council ef ths dloeess of East Carolina yesterday aft ernoon by Buhos Darst. Ths Stew- srt boy was returning from ths park wtta several leaie. n. was ruing up Cast Front street at a moderate speed and as b turned down Pollock the little child run In front ef the ear. and before tb driver could atop the Dtg maenitts ese er ta rroat wheels bsd pinl ever tb child's bsdy. O. N. Rnnett wss near by and saw ths trsgBdy. Bs at oaea rushed t the scene, took tb child p and earned It te bis home - just across, tbs street. ' Both families ars wealthy. Mr. Taylor own the Crown I Bottling wnrke and Is a member of the Arm of Lsvick aad Taylor, owners of tb Atnews -rweatrar m r. Ste wa rr Tea well know banker and ewne a eon- stderable amount of real estate. EAI IfiG BAPTISTS STUB . FOBPpii:! Convention Pledges Support to Anti-SalooTrleagUrl Before ; Adjournment FOR PURE DEMOCRACY Against Centralized Power and ; "Efforts of Roman Catholic Hierachy to Galn'Control of r Our Government"; Educa tional Commission. Created; :s Baracas Passed Over. - . ' . (By tss -Boiiaton, Texaa, May llJ-fOf outhera Bapttot Convsntlon at tha SnaJ sessioa of Its seventieth annsul meeting Iter today, created aa adu eaBonal commission, pledged co-operation to tha Anti-Saloon League of America, and similar organlxatlotui aad adopted resolutions deploring tbg prsssn f a papal legate at Wash, ingtoa and sUeged "efforts of tha Ro man Catholio hierarchy to gain con trol of our government," Tha educational commission wilt b PdfjtaepraeanuUyeni The eoavsntlen took aa action with" regard te the Baraoa and Philathee, movement. eppoalUoa t which wag exprsesed la a oommlttee rspert. Dis cussion ef tha report wa Interrupted Saturday by a special order at bust, ass and It waa not again taken up. Before giving Its endorsement t the Anti-Saloon League the conven tion voiced its objection to the "con trail sed form ef government, reeenU ly adopted by tha leaagua, by tbe In. sertioa of a clans la th report of the committee oa tompsrano aad spetat ser .lis Insisting that th laagua "be kept in harmony with our dome. lis institutions." Each of the oSu thern Baptist churches ta eel f -governing and It was urged that tbe league be ao constituted tbat each state orga nization be self-controlling. Tbs convention will meet next year la AshsvUta, N. C Ths report of th committee on temperance and social service was submitted by Chairman A, J. Barton,', of Dallas, superintendent for Texas ot th Antl Saloon Laagu of Ameri ca. It devoted the greater part of Hs space te optimistic discussion of the prohibition movement and ta urging upon Southern Baptists further edurts to stamp out the liquor traffic, la conclusioib-TtT)ortdeclarsdth - "beverage liqu-tr tranice la not tns only evil and "iu abolition not ths only needed reform. Urging ether reforms, ths report stated: Many Reform Urged, ' "So king as there Is social Inequality, Industrial injustice er political crime, yon and I have s m image and a mis sion.' . - - - v - Under the tatter head war grouped child rss's work ta factories, long hours In sweat shape, temptations te young girls working for meager sal aries la department stores, orowded tenements, tenantry sondlttons on far ma and Impure politic. ' -As heralds of th kingdom, of Ood sn earth. th report stated, w sre sot to be ward-heeler and pot-poll-tioiana, but messengers of better things. beath Knelt of Kant Sosmded. Tbe report recounted tbe recent vie tories for State-wide prohibition In several States; tb fact that th bill introduced In the last session of Con gress to submit - a eonstltutional -amendment for national prohibition received a majority but net the neces sary two-thirds yet In - the lower House of Congress, and tb prohibition steps taken by the great Kuropeeja sat ions sine th beginning ot tb Eu ro peaa war. -The death knell ot rum la Amerloa baa been sounded," th , report declared. - In conclusion tb convention wa asked t endorse "every movement looking t tbe abolition ot the hover ' ag liquor trafSe" aad to promise co operation and snpport te -the Aatta -Baloon League of America, tb Wom an's Christian Tamperaao Union and the Hobeoce resolution, er "any other similar resolution - which shall . be agreed upon by th legislative Com mittee of th Ana-Saloon League of America." - Tha oonventloa adopted s resolution stating tbe need ef aa daeei!ea beard and authorising the appointment ef a committee to report on this matter at tbe next eoavenoon. , Vote ef Thnsika to Preen, In resolutions thanking "ail those who aided In making th oonven- tlon a auccsss tbe convention stated. "Ws especially thank th Associated press, aad tbs newspapere. Fraternal delegates then were ap pointed te attend the Northsrn Bap tist Convention in Lofl Angel this week. ' British Save Lives When They Destroy Germany's Commeite Admiralty Secretary Points to This in Contrast to Ghastly Record of Teuts -- -JL t r ssasMel rves. London, May IT. Thomas J. Me- Namara, Parliamentary Secretary ot the Admiralty, ' announced " ta : ths House ef Commons today . tbat fit tons at. British shipping, other than wsrshfpa, had been sunk or cp tared by th 0rtnaa navy sinoa ths war began. Mr. McNarama added: ' "The number ef persons of all na- ttoaaBtisa killed In connection with tbes staking to approximately l.ESt. Tbe ton nag of German shipping, st warships, surik or captured by tbs British aavy to May II, la 114,- dts, So tar as known, aot nna 0r. man or aeutral subject has beea kl'.!- iB connsctia tbrii-a."