.I-.-.- ... Best AdvertVin . Medium In .North Carolina Jr Vther Fun ' data concerning th VMthw will be fount today o Paf Bis.) . . VOL. O. NO. 160. BALOCIL N. C, V.TDNITDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1915. TRICE 5 CC.T: FLAIUO RAISE $5CO,C0O FOR . EfJELArJD CEBTAIH Rescued American Seamen of Steamer Torpedoed by Germans." FLORA LIcfiONALD COLLEGE CALLS FOIl 3Q0.QQQ rV .bbssbw m m sewsssrsv wv m - ,. - TrlflTITALYlVILLAID ? V:. ; Scottosh Society of America Puts This AsMlni- mum Mark For International College 5 1 ,'.-- For Women. UNIT FOR MEMORIAL TO A THFIR GREAT HEROINE 1 & : Cor Benehan Cameron, Orf J A. McDonald and Presiden' it Vardell, ComtfitteeTo Raise Fund;; Gov. Locke Craig Elected President of The So- Si" . --. W A H cietv l-or uommg Tear, H W, McAlister ard Presiden Vardell - Vice- Presidents. '", Miss McGill Re-elected Sec- retary; Magnificent Render irig: -of " Scotch ' Ballad; and ' 'Other Exercises Under DV . rection of President Vardel liC at ' Southern-' Presbyterian e , . Br E.E. wrniERsrroojr -Oae "half million dollars a mini mum tWoi tor the great Flora Mo Donald College," were--, the ringing word of tba climax that .pledged tba Scottish Society of America, to the building ef a great wternaUoaal col lege for women, to molutiotuj passed ' today In the midst or rousing ehwn from the society aad yells from two hundrefl student of Uia Southern TTesbyteriaa College, of which Flora McDonald College la to .ha ' tha climax This dora not mean the asma has already bean v changed, . but K doan man that this great body of tha clan of tba Unit fed States and Canad are definitely pledged to tba attainment of the vision outlined. c That tha securing of pledges tor tba half mfllteu aa a atartar will meat with suorwaa, haa a powerful prophecy in the appointment ef Colonel Bene han Cameron, retiring preeldeat, Dr. J. a. McDonald, ef Toronto, Canada. Drasldant Jaat year, and President Charles Q, Vardell, of tha Southern FresbyterUa College, aa the commit tee to raiaa the funda. . ' -Dr. Vardell has Just returned from Toronto. New Tor, and other, cities, and haa the assurance of prominent Bcota throughout America that they are a vnit for this memorial to their great heroine. North Carollaa'a Flora McDonald. Beside the asauranoe of then leading Scotchmen. UUm Mar garot Wllsoo. daughter of Preaidant Wilson, is among the loading women of thla country, and Canada who have pledged their ro-operation. Mvmur Crai( tlerard President. Following tha naasage of the reso luUon setting this mnrfc. Ooearaor Ixx-ke Crala waa unanimously elect eo praaident of the society for the corn In. hu.. Mr.. A. W. McAllister, of rrilwrA. and President Vardell ra thM vireDreatdenta. Mies Elolse McOltl. reelected secretary. Dr. A. D. McClurs. of Wilmington, chap lain, and Mr. P. McNeill, of Flor ance. & C. Mr. J. W. McLaughlin, Mrs. XX. P. McEachern. Mrs. May Mc Allister, aad Miss Ida McLean Black, membara of tha executive Council. The only doubtful note voiced aa la tha advisability ef pledging the so ciety to raising the half million was that It waa too smaiu ins rigorous answer was that tt waa only a begin ning. Thin -of -the University- ef North Carolina, forty years ago, with only sixty students and sis teachers: then look at tt today, with a thousand Mudenia aad nearly a hundred and ifty teacher"," declared President Cameron. "And tea may catch an idem of the Flora' McDonald College f forty yeara from now, having two hundred students and a two hundred laouaand dollar plant to start from.'' All Heart Joyfwl. Throughout the day there bad been a Wfc ef satisfaction on the feces of these leaders among the "Ood-Blesa-ed Macs" that preeasged - the an nouncement of big things. When It 1 eame the outburst resounded agaia Ad again, a paean of Joy from bearra deeply glad at tha beginning of the fruition ef their 4 reams. There la ab solutely not a douht among them but that the half million will be pledged, that a million will be secured when the authorities are ready t .use that much. - president Cameron announced that Andrew Carnegie had hoped to, be present aad had considered acceptance for flv weeks but that a recent at tack of grip bad weakened him ao that he could not make tba trip. Pres ident Cameron alas stated that he bad bonsd to have present to deliver aa addresa to the society. Lochief. Chief ef the Clan Cameron of Scotland, but that the lntrd soldier, a Colonel in the Cameron Highlanders, had raised two more highland battalions to add to those and had more witn them- to tha front In France- The announce ment brought a cheer. Two Frataree of Day. The two teaturee of the day from literary standpoint srere the presi dent's sddrees) by Cot Cameron and Ihc annual address by President Chaa q. vardell. The address of CoL Cam eron wsa patriotic to the core and (Jen It largely with tha history of Flora McDonald and the Scotch clansmen of ;he Cape Kear country. It will appear in fall Sunday. . Answering the critics of Flora Mc Donald. Dr. Vardell earnestly eictaJm-1 fd that be would not cars fur the iMirk heroine had she beea ether j than a tory under the clrcumtar e snth which arte was surrounded. Che was loyal to the oath her people had tarn after Cullorfea. never te raise the swerd against Kniland again.' priiejaeat Henehsn . Cameron, of Htaeaviile, scion of the CI a Cameros of the brave hichlandera. anrtmiecrd tht the prorrara would be la charge of FTeeldent am-it. flowa in hla veins. Dr. Vardell wont at tha handling or the program much la the aama way he haa gone at the work ef realising the groat Scotch vision as embodied la the great eul 'mlnatloa today.' He announced the events of the program In groups of three, aad these groups ware reeled off with a system that apeaka much for tne ciana or Carolina. . Old brotcto Melodies.' The first number of the program waa tha maarnlflcent rendition of a group of tha dear old Scotch melodise. blending Into a finale of "Antin Laurie," ' The young ladles" taking part in inia number were Misses in on "Vardell, Louise Dixon. Annn Johnson, Alison Pearsall. Kuth and Margaret Vardell: accompanist. Miss Mary Cooper, director. Miss Wright, The masterful bowing aad feeling In terpretation Of these young ladles k rarely met with in any exhibition u amateur talent. It waa mrn-M one weea sitting beneath the spell of Loch Itu- moaov lost in that magical land , o romance. Immortalised by Scott. ' a waa Scotch to the heart, the voloe 01 a people whose faith In their power never grows dim. -The response el the audience showed how deeply had' been tOuched."---jr""J-"" Following thla was the recital of the .twaaty.lblftfc psalm la Scoteb dla lect. by Mr. J. P. McNeill, a son of the Macs of Bladen county now re siding at Florence, S. C- Merer doubt kuf that he was a true Scotch i. .Hardly ta the highlands could tongue of this people be found more true. , ' " Kev. McClnre Dehvers Invocatlmn - Kev. A. D. McClurs, DJJ., of Wt. mington chaplain of the society, de livered the Invocation, asking the Creator an Preserver of the race so uphold them In their loyalty to the traditions of their people. Toueie ingly ha aaked the blessing of God upon the brave hlghlaad boya. L'pea tba far flung battle line jrf the worm aad aaked victory to crown them, blessing upon England and bar aiUs aad aa wall those who -Oppose then In the struggle. . Tenderly he askso his benediction upon Dr. John A. Mo Dopald, of Toronto, of the. Clan Me- uonaio.- and - that bia pen ee maae mighty la this momentous hour for the men of his own blood aad Sash. Tha earnest pleading of the prayes seemed to reach so straight to tha hearts of the audience that It waa If the souls of ths Macs touched with those facing death In Europe. Ballard by Miss JusuMoa. The next somber waa one of the sweetest of the Scotch balleda, rend ered baatlully . by Mian. Katharine. Campbell- Johnson, of Meredith Col lege, introduced by Dr. Vardell aa be ing - la nam .Scotch through and through. The vigorous encore tha followed waa Quieted by Dr. Vardett who bade the audience wait a few minutes until Miss. Johnson's turn should come again, t Many big mat tsrs lay ahead aad haste must neaa be made, la the afternoon her sue- culminated la a hearty rising vote of thanks by tha society. The resolution waa offered by Dr. B. O. LHill. ef Maxton. : Dixon la Ad dree of Wrlrosnc. The address of welcome was deliv ered by Rev. H. H. Dixon, a direct. 0 ascendant of tha first Presbytertaa minister to corns to America. "Ladles and Man and Scotchman, I bid yon welcome," he said. Mr. Dixon spoke of ths purity of the Scotch as a race and said they must surely be the de scendants of the ten lost tribe of Israel, as they were morn like the Jews than any other people la holding, their individuality, they are very- whore and can't be destroyed. Ms called on the Scotch of America -to stand Arm, for the nation has prob lems te face that will make or mar It. predicted Immigration of the highest type of European w peoples by he millions to this country aad declared they would wrest from us our treas urers we are mastsrs. That Scotchmen are masters, bs said, was shown by England pushing tha high- landers to ths front to stem th nood of Germans in Belgium. "Tha chief- est Scotch characteristic la that they hold what they have and take every. thing In sight." Mr. J. P. McNeill briefly responded. -My Ala Onwutree.-- Thls Waa followed bv tba slnrlns of "My Ala Countree" by a quartette composed of Mrs. E. H. Williamson. Fsyettsviiie; Miss Palmer. New York City; Misses Lucy Carrie .aad Kate McArthur.. Fayetevtlla. The arrange ment of the munis was by Mrs. Unda L. VardolL and dedicated te ths so. clety. It 'was one of the most beau tiful features of tha program. The song, "ilia to the Highlander.- said to have beea written by Flora' Mc Donald, waa sung beautifully by Mrs. K. H. Williamson, of Fayettevill. HEALTH WORK W - V: . SOUTH DISCUSSED jfa'peesriitatlvea Front Fleven Roerth- tra states labeaseua At Aflaata, tar a muni ressi. a Atlanta. Oa.. May II. Representa tives af the health departments of eleven Southern States met hers today with members of the" International Health Commission, to discuss gen eral health subjects and especially the work being doos by State departments and the commlseon In conjunction. States represented at ths conference which will rlooe tomorrow are Vtr rf ma. North Carolina. South Carolina, Tennessee, Ueorgia. Alabama. Miasw p;t. Louisiana, Kentucky. Arkansas, and Texas. Addresses were delivered by T)r. Wk-klifr Kosa. director gsneral of ths commission, and Dr. John A. Parrel I. istnnt director general. Moth speakers conflned their remarks to a description of the work accomplished n the South by the commission. which la ths department of th Itockefrller foundation devoted te public health. A general discussion of various topics directly connected with tha heHh of the South followed. Sub jects considered Were! Conservation of work slready accomplished in tha eradication of the hookworm: treat ment of hookworm in Its relation to improved methods, and ths scope ctf community work. A bitiouet was tendered those at fldis the confsraitf-a toaishi. Convinced That Manhood of . England Still Available Will - ' - Loyally Respond , ;-. LOOKS FOR WAR TO BE LONG : ' m, f A ( -? enawsanaoBssBBswea i . . . Expresses. Confidencfl That In Near" Future The Country Would Be In Satisfactory Po sition In Regard To Ammunl Jion; Reports Successes and T Praises Conduct of Soldiers 'I..' tar a s. London. May II. Lord KiUhensr told the House of Lords today wanted t,000 more recruit. h . He sxprsssed eonfldenee that la the vary near future the country would be la a satisfactory position with regard to the supply of ammunition, - "The new from-the ealUpeU penin sula, la other words the Dardanelles, was, thoroughly satiatactorr.. .Karl Kitchener declared. ' ;' - BveXerriag te-- tke oflsneive msnta now In progress la LaBasses aad 'the Arras region tarl Kitchsner . We have all followed with admira tion Use forward movements of our brave allies In aa offensive operation which haa been marked with Dials sue ess, aad which la still pro- oeodtnc wUh svery promise aad In- dicaUon of being wholly aatisfactory. The attacks delivered by our forces at first were net attended with ths same Immediate auoosss owing to the elaborate arrangements mad by th Qermana to defend their Uses after their experience at Near C ha pells, but on the Bight of May It, by a re newed effort, the British forces drove back the enemy on a front of ap- aroximatalv 1M miles for a consider able distance, aad captured from 400 ta 0v prisoners. This action also is proceeding and we hope that la eon formlty With the French operations it Will achieve important resulta. ' Ijosscs nave Bern iieary. . Ta these recent offensive opera' tlona, our losses aad those of ths French have beea heavy, but the task our armies have accomplished baa necessitated great aaorlnbs and - the spirit aad morals of our troops has never been, higher than at the present moment." , The war secretary had thla te say sonceroing ths poaltlea of- tha Rue; aianst. - I'M Russlana new hold a strong line from the Eastern Carpathians to Praemyal, which forma a- pivot of their lines' and then along the San to Vistula. la Bukowlna, the Rus sians have made a oounter-offsnslve and driven the Austrian back from the Dniester to the Pruth. The Oer man losses In killed and wounded in these operations have been . enormous and many thousands an wounded pris oner have fallen Into -the panda of the Mussiana.". . Turning te the Dardanelles. Earl Kitchener said that the progress of ths glues waa necessarily slow, since the eountry waa most difficult. ' Driving- Turks Back. "But the Turke are gradually be ing forced to retire from positions of great strength," he continued, "and. though the enemy la being constantly reinforced, the news from thla front te thoroughly satisfactory." Earl .Kitchener then referred to the South African campaign and the- oc cupation by Union of South Africa forces of Windhoek, capital ef Ger man Doutnwest jtirica. - Indian soldiers were nitavhr rrsst. Ing Uw Turks in Mesopotamia ths Secretary asserted knd were gradual ly clearing the whole eountry of hos tile forces. - - After referring la eukxlstlo terms to the men In the now army. Earl Kitchener concluded! I said 1 would let ths eountrr know when more men were wanted for war. The time haa come, and 1 now call rnr 101,000 maa to form new armies. Those who are engaged In the production ef war material of any kind should not I ears their work. - It Is te men who are not performing this duty that I appeal, aad I am convinced the manhood of England still avail able will loyally respond. War Te Re Long Owe. "In my first speech ta your Lord ship's House. I pointed out that this war would bs a long one and would a emend great aaerinoea. Those saorl flees have been cheerfully made by in poopie or mis eountry, who not only responded la vast numbers to ths summons to create the new armies acquired, but have at nee continuously euMpuv s coanan steam of re erulta which haa enabled as to main taui in forces in the fleld and ta training at their full strength and with effective men. "Tour Lordship have watched the growth ef the new armies and havs notea oouotisas in difficulties Which confronted ue la providing them with a the material of war they re- "I cannot speak toe highly ef t s men and ths devotion to duty tbey have displayed, or of their cheerful acceptance of hardships li e! dental to inclement weather which have pro voked the admiration of expert offi cers wno report e te me as te ths wonoerrui rapia progress mads In their training to become effldeat sol. diera. , . "I am certain that la the aetlvHie In the-fleld. which immediately await them, these men will worthily sus tain the reputation tbey already have attained at borne." - . . t MISTRIAL AS Tf FUCK I ALLLXiLD KKlGlir ROBBERY C. t. Heath, Oec af I be FIve Indicted - I AdinHlr. II n1 k Tat Xm as 1i mi Wilmington. Mar II. Aftee ktirin. been out for 14 hour Federal onurt Jury In ths rase against C. H. Wil liamson, W. B. Wilson, F. U McDuf. fle, C J. Heath and R, C. Dorey. for mer employes of the Seaboard at Hamlet charged with larceny of Inter state freight while In transit, tonight reported they were unable to agree except aa te Heet.'v who waa acquitted and a mistrial waa ordered. The de fendant are eut ea bond. 1 1 2i stun ii ' These seamea ef the American steamer Gulfllght were saved by British tugs and patrol boats after the vessel was torpedoed off tfollty Islands May I. . Three ot th crew loot their lives aaa result of the attack. The testlmoav ef the survivors waa to ths effect that the German submarine gave ao warn ttnr whatever, bet shot the torpedo In to a Vessel flying ths A mart can flag In plain view. - This has been the cause of the representation made to the Ger man govern meqt ta the note of Presldeut Wilson; wus,-ritoty?'!'":rZ'T'i' " '" '" " DURIll mill TO- BE HELD SEP. 21-24 Farmers and Manufacturers of City Much Interested in Comr , r- '' Ing Event . . ' WOUNDED MAN STILL LIVES Work Begin On Construction of New Car Line To Baseball Pafkr Board of Aldermen De cide To Sell The Full $500. 000 Worth of Bonds FoV Waterworks : - ;'l-K- '..t t s Bss as 0 isi.J Durham, May 1 1. The directors of tha Durham oouaty fair held a meet ing thla morning and officially set September XTJ4 as the date for hold ing the fair.' Lakewood park alas been selected aa the place for the fair, since it baa beea found Im possible to get a fair grounds for the event this year. , - Tha most Important work of ths on was turned ever to a special Committee, that is of securing a sec retary who will look after the fa . t i .mm. .... . . - uus yesr. j no luea is to. employ soms maa who can devote a part of his time te the worb thia year, aad then eat year get a permanent manager for- the - fair: The - committee -was given power to act and they will In terview some gentlemen at once la ordtjr to get the falar work started. . Kven though the fair will have to be held In the cramped Quarters ef the park again thla year every Indica tion la that the fair will be a better one-than was put on the first year. The farmers and manufacturer of the city are very much interested and have already started asking questions gbout premium lists for the fair. - tmarnius-r wtiu mea, George C. Hod en h tsar, the printer who -waa short by his wife's brother on Sunday night, atill Uvea, and ths doctors think that he may havs a chance to recover despite the number of holes In his abdomen. Rodenhtser bad a pretty good Bight Monday and haa .been resting well to day. Ha la still holding his own and Is able to recognise people when they come Into his room. Relatives of both Rodsnhissr aad Iaaae Bear, the maa who . did -h shooting, bare employed -attorneys aad say they intend te fight the case to the bitter end. The members of the Rodenhixer family are especially' bitter toward Bear. They declare that he has been carrying a gun for the special purpose of killing Rodea hlssr -for several months past- Bear la the sob of a widow- lady, but bs has mads arrangements for Mr. Victor a. Bryaat te defend him. Work oa Car Uaex Work has been started on the con struction of ths new ear line from Five Points Jk Main street oat Hallo way street to the baseball park. A large force of workmen have begun grading soms of ths streets In ths eastern part of the city making ready for laying the car line. j All of the material for tbe new car line haa been purchased and la being shipped-tinto the city faster than ths construction force can get It laid. The company hopes to havs the track com pleted snd the car running by the middle ef July: ' " To Sell 9.MMJ.9M Bow!. The board of aldermen haa decided to sell the full halt a million dollars' worth of bonds for waterworks, rather than Just a portion of the issue. Ths aldermen ceme to this cenclaslon after a long dlsrussion of tbe Bret order to sell IliO.OOO. Ths finance committee and the city attorney have beea mak ing some Investigation of the bond market during the past week, and they And that there Is now a good chance te dispose ef the whole issue aCa premium. ; g Tbey are afrakl that If they sell only a part of tbe Issue now and then try to sell ths remainder two years frora now or on year from now when they will actually need the money that tbey will be unable to get a pre mium, fur th Indications are that tbe (CeatJassd from Pare BlxJ i ' ' i T f ' ? v , '-'. . J ' : ivv, ." ; - I A-. t - -m ; .' f ii m ism iin i.iliJ til ii ihsMIii ,T"i is ii si i i j' i iiasnrT'tem iMvls.it'tfnruiw Order-Restored in Lisbon aJ Chagas' Condition Is ' : ;y Improved - Lisbon. May IL fvla Parle) Joao Chagaa la recovering from a wound In ths head. It is said ths bullets did not nanetrats the . bone. Chagaa atill hopes to assume tbe pre miership. In which for the time being. be has been repaceti by Joao Cas tro. , . - . A new Portuguese clnct waa dafi nitely formed today. It is composed as follows: Minister of Interior and President of the Council during the Illness of Joao Chagae Joss Castro. Finance Harros Quetros. Justice Paulo Falco. ... Karalga -.. Affairs Tetxslra . Jul- rOS. ... ., fi . Colon lea Jinge Psrelra. Public Works Manuel Monteira, " Marine Fernandas Costa. . ' Public Instm- v -Maaalhaa Llmd . - . . . IjulaWlJ . enroer ib-sdUsttea. Madrid, May 11. (via parte) Dispatch from Unbon, filed late bust night says order haa been re-estab-linhed and that Senor Chagas al though seriously wounded, has lm proved somewhat and was-abls to talk with political associates. : The Spanish cruisers Rio De La Plat and Kxtremadura aad the Spea lab gunboat Recalds have, arrived at Lisbon. Tbs Portuguese Govern m Issued a manifesto explaining ' tt their presence waa merely for the protection of Spanish subjects. U.S. HE GIVEN It Is Said That It Will Be Sev- ;' eraFDays Before Answer rrrrf$:-Madft.-v,- Berlin. May It. via London The o facial text ef the American note to Germany , was published here today. It was said at the foreign office it would do soms aay neairs the answer ef the Imperial Government waa ready, as tbe note raises many points, and consultation between sev eral departments of the government would be necessary In preparing a reply. ' lresa Takes Aatagoacetlo View. Amsterdam, via London. May II. The cologne Gaxette makes ths fol lowing comment on, the American note to Germany: "it abalL we are sure, receive tbe answer from our -government that It deserves. . Its -contents and lanauaas aeem te Indicate that It mast be con sidered te be the consequence of tbe antl-neutral attitude the American government haa assumed, against Ger many In an Increasing measure. ' . "Kor this reason. It te comprehsnaf. bh that th note haa found tha live liest approval among . Oermanv'a enemies. That also will be II onrv Bcesa. . It cannot be sud Dosed that the German admtnlstratiou of . de feases will depart an Inch from the patchtab mtham EtSail btmag gtfg pain wiurn me uerman government after mature conalderatien, haa con sidered necessary snd entered upon." - - fob new tax iawi.''--;" Govcrwc. lutSeM fvida Mrwsxgm To Meet Virginia Lrwtsletaro. ' ' Charieatoa. W. Vt, May it. Gov eraer Henry H. Hatfield today sent a special message to the second extra legislative session, convened this year, urging prom i action In- the enact ment of tax laws that will relieve the Aval situation Into the Slate has fallen because af tbe failure ef the governor a tax prnmm la the resular session and tbe first a pedal session. ' j ii. aowwswr Mvocaies a reciaamnca ttn of property for purposes of taxa tion. 0 - - The Legislature today amended the rule to do away with all committees and substitute one committee on whom sll bills are to be referred. Thla tbe govemor'e friend declared - in sured favorahl consideration of any system ef taxation which ha Indorse. NEW PORTUGUESE CABINET F0R1D OUT IN BE L 11 li ; i V mm V SEESIIO EVIDENCE Justice . McCoy, Presiding, ; Makes Commenrin Riggs' " Bank Case HOGAN ARGUES FOR BANK He Asserted That Case Was Proper One For Court , Equity and that an Injunction ; Was Proper, Means of Relie For Plaintiff;- Brandeis Com- bats -Argument; i'.: Waahtngto. s D C May 1L Arga ment of counsel for Secretary . Me- Adon, Comptroller of the Currency Williams and United States Treasurer Hurke to dismiss ths temporary In junction against ths Treasury officiate secured by ths Riggs National Bank continue today in tbe district So. prems Court Frank ' J. Hogan concluded lengthy . addresa . against the mntlnn on behalf ot tbe bank, and Louis D. tsrandela briefly, outlined the govern, msnt's connection wl " 111 ment'e contention that the Injunction should The dismissed. Samuel L'nter myer will conclude the argument for me motion tomorrow and will ne followed by former Senator Bailey for ue nana. While Mr. Hogan was speaking. Justice "McCoy, presiding, remarked that he had seen In the case a "re sented no evidence of a conspiracy ueiween me necretary an1 ins iu.ur trailer against tha bank. Th attorney replied that the record showed that tha two officials "worked together all down the line." but suggested that ths point was not material to ths present question at Issue. Mr. Hogan argued at length la sup port ef the claim that the case pre sented was onwbroper for the con sideration of a court of equity and as sarted that aa Injunction was the proper means of relief for ths plain tiff In-tvpiy- Mr.- Hrwadeis -eoa-tended that on at least two points the petition tor Injunctive relief bed ne ending in a court of equity. He de clared the court could not properly enjoin the treasury officials . from withholding as a penalty provided by law Interest dus the bank on bond deposited for circulation security, end that the Secretary of ths Treasury could - not be restrained In the . uee ef his discretion under the law In pro posing to disapprove applications of banks te have the Rlgga Bank dealf nsted a reserve depository, ' "The 11.000 of Interest withheld aa penalties, "said Mr. Brandies. "Is the property of ths United States and Is fn tbe possession of th United States. Her we hsve a defect of Ju risdiction In ths bill presented to this court. The United Stntes Is ao party to this proceeding. - It claim that money. How can this court tiki away from the United states la sa equity proceeding, where the United State haa ao opportunity to" present its claim, the property which It holds." Kuuity.' Mr. Brandeis mid, could not step la where the plaintiff had means of adequats relief la law and he Insisted that the claim for ths II,- 0000 sould be adequately adjudicated la th court ef claims. ' ' Affidavits supplemental to one Sled by Comptroller Williams as te alleged short as; es la tha reserves of tbe Riggs Bank were filed today. They were mad by statlerlcfan and accountants la ths Treasury Department and dealt largely with bookkeeping difference between the accr-unta of ths depart ment and those of the bank. LXGLAXD START MOVFMK?TT FOR RUJ1T OF BELGIANS Amhasasdnr Pagw aad Prsidl WD- - son Ooane lii For Praise. . lb a. in inl rsa. London. May It A national-move ment -tor tbe 'relief of Belgium w launched at a meeting today aader --e.il "- of the Lord Mayor ef London. Lord lansdowne, ths Arch- i I . AtP'srburv and Viscnant Pruce spoke. Ths assistance extended to Belgium by America brought forth warm praise. Lord Lansdowne referred to eel stance rendered to ths neutral commission by Ambassador Page anal bv the resident of the United State upon whoa word th entire civilised world to hanging today. OFCOISPIC Expects Her Renunciation cf Triple Alliance and Entrance 'in War at Any Hour ' UNITY, IN ALL" , PARTIES Government To Make Changes For Purpose 6? Carrying War ' To Successful Issue; Con flicting Reports As To War in West; Russians Delivering Vigorous Counter-Attacks London, May if. The-next few days, if not hours, tt is believed, will find Italy renouncing her old allies of th triple lltence and Joining the triple entente powers aa a belligerent. At th earns time some chsngs I expected la tbe government ef Great ' Britain. . The German Imperial Chancellor, In th Reichstag today, outlined offer made to Italy as to ths price of her continued neutrality,- and which h mid he had not entirely given up hope that peace would be maintained among the powers ef the triple al liance, ha left no impression en the mind of his hearers that ths' end of the alliance, so, fay as Italy la con cerned te far off. i It la antlcipatsd that expected changes la th, government ot Great Britain are aimed at a closer consoli dation of all the parties for ths pur pose of carrying th war to a succeaa tul teeus. Whether th leader of th Unionist. Irish and Labor parties will be taken into ths cabinet or admitted Into the committee of Imperial defense has not beea made known. Whatever ths change to be made, however, they havs not Interfered with the opera, tlona In which the British forces are engaged, . . Sscrlaore Great. In giving aa outline of these opcr 'ne In th House of Lord today. Lord Kitchener, the War Minister, while expressing the greatest confi dence In their ultimata outcome, again warned th publl that great sacrilic already had been made and that greater one would be exacted. Ho made all appeal for ttO.OU'O more re cruits. Lord Kitchener, however, seemed tj attach tha greatest importance ta the use by ths German of tutphyxlat. Ing gases and opened hla speech with a reference te Ahis matter. "Our troops," said Lord Kitchener, "must be adequately protected by tha em ployment of similar methods." , Meanwhile tbe British first armv, north of La Basses, and ths French forces south cf this town Contlnu' their offensive against ths German Hne and according to their reepectiv commanders, etm are making pro- -grass. Ths Oerman official statement however, declares that all the offen sive movements sgalnst ths German have been repulsed. InroaatxUmcy of Reports. . The same Inconsistency appears fa the reports af the fighting along th Tser. although ths Germans admit a retirement snd the French assert that they have lafllcted heavy losses oa the Invaders, Proiri all accounts, howsvsr, it would rppear that the el ite again have Incited tbe Germans te counter attack both on the Taer aad In the Am region, and that te the north of La Basse the lint- 11 are doing the attacking. The Germane In conjunction with the Austriana, continue their big forts In th eKast. Heavy fighting is In progress along tha river San In Gal tela, where the Russian are at tempting to make a stand after their retirement from western Galicls, and the Carpathian. Accordng to th Austrian account of ths flghtlna th Germanic allies have forced a passage u tna San at sevral points. North of this war vone, la southern Poland, the Russians are delivering rigorous counter-attacks. They also are pursuing their offensive la Buko wlna. where It is assarted they have driven' the Austrian- and German -back from the-Dniester tethe Pruth '' and are trying to clear thara out of Hukowina. - s At ths other snd of the long line in tbe east, up la tbe Baltic province and along the east Prussian frontier, heavy fighting also te In progress. In both thess sectors each of th belliger ents claim an advaatago. ' i is ' Soldiers Want To Play Baseball ; Between Battle I'n So American Leaders of Game Will Send Supply For . . Canadians-'in France Chicago. tlL. May II. Canadian soldiers la France who want to enend the Intermissions between- tattle In playing baseball will be supplied by America a leadess ef tbe game with the paraphernalia which tkey can not obtain readily abroad. It ' waa learned today. Ths soldiers com plained to their friende snd relatives la Canada that baseballs, bats and glove were scarce la France, and otfi-- cial attention waa called with the re volt that President B. B. Johnson ot the Amerioaa League and others were appealed to. president Johnson has promised to contribute sevsral boxes ef new baseballa THAW JURY TRIAL JTXE T i . ' New York. May II. Harry K Thaw will not be given a Jury trial until June f. Supreme Court Justice Uendrick today postponed he cans until that date ao thegppelat division' may have time te render a decision oa tbe new attempt by tbe Stat to prevent such a trtsj. - Justice Hendrtcg signed aa order today transferring Thaw from th Tom ha to Ludlow Street Jail. . This was done In response to a re quest from ThawN counsel who had ccmvlalned that Thaw was suffiH-iri from rheumatism and throat troul i. and did not receive sufficient sxm la th Tombs,