THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 20,-191 J. THE NEWS AND OBSERVED TLa News zni Obserrer turn UlAtw BUBO. luMuoiuun Ootof Herts. ftsats. I'lTasa, ...,....... Sir! II 11 , ......... . V IS :ll p.m. Steady errtvs : t 4 pu t 8 keel nin ........ 4 a-aa, . pjm. .... MCTIIBX Biuwai Or.ins rut oetagirsst. 1 am ...aataaaa 4 .Stsl 1 JUk a I? -no p.m. 125 p.m. .. - MOBrOLB BOCTnEa" Ooln tm. - . : Arrive BalrtgB. 7 10 a.m.t .11 :1ft a.av. IS a.m. ' V.HI rW.i ,. Ante RaMata. rm .......... 7 :fK 4V anV w . -------- -e . , - I so s.m.f Mf nm. , ,:M D " r.Ii rept gssaay. All stesrs daUf. Kosiy ly. Inand1bouttheCity w- . v Vssv IlL Mr. K. N. Pnny continues very Ml bom on Boylaa Height Wht lm ...mnl ihira la has been only Gea. Yoaag to Camp ttlewn.--Ad n.n I.nrnr W. Young ysew day forCamp Olenn lo maks prspara- ' -r tins or tha Installation of a ga pump la tha rifl rang,t ha camp. - norm or Craig Bvernor Craig returned yesterday from Mur- freseboro ana nea "prron ol which place he made addiwasee, 11 will be In hli of lice now until (ha early part of nextweek. Mr. M Ownlrf On. The many friends of Mr. Hterllng Pric. who was operated on yesterday at Rem Hoe pltaj. will be glad to hear that tha iteration waa successful and that ha u doln nlcaJj. . , Frlanii-Deputjr Bher Iff lavld Graham of Rowan eounty ' k.hi to tha Btat Hrl- miimont for- a term of one year Wavelou h. VrHAro - - -4n Rowan oui)U. Andrew Crinkle? Hawt. Taaterday .hamuli mi tha motorcycle . racea jouli Mr. Andrew Crlnkley had hU foot painfully htirt In an accident to bia raclnc machine. He waa brought i. ttr Itoaara who dreaaed hla .". , . wounda. T'- ' ; To Attend tWebrathitL Major W. A. Oraham, Commlaaloner of Ancul ture, and Mr. W. C. Croaby. Bduoa tlonal Secretary of the Farmera ' Union left iraaterday for Charlotta, where today they will attend the Twentieth at May celebration, . ' Worfcrr CowwrU Me Tha Work era' Council of the -Tabernacle Bap tiat Sunday School will meet Thura day evening. May It. at which Urn the council will have aa Ita rueata the uperintendeata of tha aeveral Sun say achoola of Ralelerh. A luncheon will be aerved beinnlnc at :4. Bane) W to k Oortded Today. The raae agalnat Max Hane. tha local lunk dealer rhamed with larceny and reeeivlna, will be decided by Juatlce . Owena today. It havlna been decided to flnlnh the caaa today rather than yeeterday .becauee of tha abaenca of . Bana'a lawyera. TotUy U Holiday. All State ofneea. , tOKMher with the bank a, will be cloaed . today In celebration of the Mecklenburg- Declaration of Independence, licned In Charlotta one hundred and forty yeara ago. thta being- tha flrat enunciation of the purpoe of many of the American oolonlea to be free and Independent. , , . " . . ' rommanlty MenHlng. Irvatltute Dt- rector T. U. Parker, and hit aaelatant, Mr Uarren. together with Mr. Krankiln Sherman will go to Roee .' wood near Uoldaboro on Saturday where1 they will apeak on tb occa alon oa community gathering. Lee turea and lantern alldea will furnlah the program for the evening. . " - - rF6Kr;wl-lMrJputy Collector J. P. rHell and Deputy Col -keetnr J. V. IJfaey yeeterday morning at Ave o'clock broke up a forty gal lon eiill about two and a half mite: from Holly Spring. They did not ... eet the man but deatroyed the atlli with two hundred gallona of -beer. . , Personal s. Mr. R. D. Latta, of Qreenahoro, wa a vlallor in ths city yesterday. Mr. Mahler Kramer, of Durham ' waa a halelgh vtsHor -yesterday. i Mr- W. Watklns. of Wake Kor- st, was among the vialtor hevs ye lerday. Mr. IX K. Futon, of Monroe, If a , vialtor in the city. Mr. J. S. Turner, of Rossboro, J a Visitor in Raleigh. t - Mr. J. M. Chandler, of Durham, waa among the vialtor la Raleigh yester day. Mr. E. F. K earns, of jjigt J Vint, Is a vialtor In the city. Mr. J. 8. Holtoa. of Ayden, la among the vlallor ber. Mr. J. A. Street, of New Bera, ia (pending aome time In Raleigh. ' Mr. R. M. Taylor, of areenaboro, was a Raleigh vialtor yesterday. Mr. C. r. Undly.f Wake Forest, waa among th vialtor la tb city yeeterday. Mr. S. C Clapp. of Greet.abore, ia vldtor la Raleigh. Mr. 1. J. Bernhardt, of Coaotrd. la spending seme time here. - - Mr. M. O. Ssundera. of Wilming ton. among th vieitor la th dty. Mr. C. O. Crockett, of Durham, was a Raleigh vialtor yesterday. Mr. J. F. Ufeey. of Norllna. was a Visitor In ths city yesterday. Mr. W. T. branaoa. of Aahebor. b spending a few day here. Mr- .IS C- ot Oreensbor. -was a-Raleigh visitor yesterday. Mr. Bruce Craven, of Trinity, waa a vlaitor ia ths city yesterday. Representative A. A. F. Seawelt. or Banford. waa among th vialtor la Raleigh yesterday. COOL SPR1NU MHOUU - Two Hplrndld Utrrary Add . rest are toeiwrnnrai at liewa w iaa Ma . Cleveland. May it. Cool 8pnng Hlh rVhool closed last week wi" appropriate sserriaea. On Wednesday evening evening- th primary and In termediate grades gavs a ltlmfil concert. Thursday at 11:3 u'rlwf Superintendent T. L Sigmoa of Buruks county delivered a apleadld literary . , addreaa Ilia forcible and effusive delivery ptesaed the Immenss crosds asaembled to hear him. In ths after noon a claaa la . declamation was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Ant Mr H U Lnford, of Morganttwa delight, eri the people with an ink-rest tna sd-drr-ss and literary aeleouons. UJ 1'rurarlay evnirV a thrilling dramatic fUr. "On Th Utile Ulg Horn.? was plvrn. All evercteea were given Ma the open air from a )are . stag Hmyif and charmingly dec orated. CM1I READY FOR CLOSING Exercises Will Open With Ba& calaureate Sermon, Sunday, r May 30 ' Cha.Dl Hill. May !. Tha pro grams of tha commencement exarclaee of the one hundred ana twentietn iiom of tb Univemty or nonn Caroline; an being mailed to alumni throuahoat the Stat and elaewher. The detail of the commencement have not beer completed in every particular, but the eaaentuU feat urea of the event hare been determined on. The opening vent la the baccaJanr- at awrmon on Sunday, May itth, by Rev. J. H. McKay, of Blrmingtutm. Ala. The eermon will be preached In Gerard Hall at II o'clock, the gradu ating claaa attending In body. The anneal eermon . before the Tounar Mea'a Chiiatlan Aaaodaxion will be delivered by Rev. O. T. Row, of High Point, pastor of the Methodist church In that city. The eermon will be preached In Gerrard Hall at o'clock on Sunday night. Joint Hoctety Baoanct. Monday, May II at, la senior claaa day. The customary event around which cluster the activities of the graduating class will occupy ths can ter of the atage. The claaa number approximately eighty. ) The oratlona in - competition for the Mangum medal will com , la the morning. The annual Joint banquet of the Phil anthropic and Dialectic- - Literary Societies will b held Monday night. Tha chief speaker of the banquet haa not beenMeflnltsly determined. Senator P. MT.SImmona was- extend ed ths Invitation to deliver the prin cipal epeech at -tb banquet but ha declined for reason of ths strain which haa taxed hla energies in a busy year In Congrem. He stated that be had declined to assume the obligations of any definite future speaking engeae- menta, but aign tried his intention of attending the banquet. Alamni Day. Jane 1st. The- alumni day comes oat Tuesday. June 1st. R. D. W.-Connor. secretary or tn Norm Carolina Historical com mission, will deliver the address of the day. Mr. Connor Is a graduate or in claaa or lift, and la a mem ber of the executive committee of the board of trust ea Tha following ciaaaas will bold reunions on that day: 1Kb, ll. ltta, t, lilt, and 1(14. Tb alumni luncheon, annual meeting of the board of trustees, and ths annual debate between th Dia lectic and Philanthropic Literary ge- detiea are other events taking; a prominent postion, on ths program of that day. Ths commencement - day Drooer la Wednesday, June Id. Judge A. Mitchell Palmer, of Btroudsbura. Penn.. long prominent In the councils of national affair at- Washington, will deliver the commencement address. ; OET riUSH MADE WHISKET Uat Rlorkaders Had Carried Oft The SUII. SalUbury, May 1. Over In Davtd- ann county, within yard of th National Highway and on the edg of th Old Haden place now owned by Sheriff Shaw of Davidson, officer yes terday evening raptured a thousand gallona of beer, forty gallona of fresh mad whlakey and cut up a furnace and utenalla that had been used In making whlakey. Ths atlli had beea carried off. Deputy Collector Walter Kir-Can lea led th ofllcsra. Today ths nicer returned to ths neighborhood nd got up a chase after three men. Sheriff Shaw cam up to his farm to day and --offered any aaatstano b could render In bringing to justice the blockadera. . RESORTS. ATtASTie eirv. a. V 0TtL-ANAT0r?IUM deal in its appointgtratl LTnrii(rtsj4lcwrracr- wiUslwpfcA3iiiWelihI m vm KasTvai tui m m !. lalnili eaWaa m4 (arms. ror i '. hw. nk. m axt fwasaawd I mm US (aaMMM IMS! a. j. Poao. ae- Funeral Fionas A little better arraaged. a Utl aaora artiatle. When ytm want aonisthlag nice, telephone VAN LINDLEY CO.. norists. GILBERT C. WHITE - CCCdTCS BSTQX Ctiarlorta, M. C Darnaaa, N. C. Waterworka. Light aaoT rVwev SAIiK OF VALrARLK RF.ALi ES. . . TATE IN CARV. KORTU , CAROLINA.' Vnder and hy Virtu of aa order of the Superior Court of Wake county, mad during the -April term Kit. In th can entitled Odel! Hardware s al vs. Harrison Wag-on Company t al. being No. A-lll on th Civil Issue Docket of said court, ths undersigned commissioners wilt, on Moaday, Jams Tlh. at It O'rtorn, kt, at the court house door la Raletgh, North Carolina, offer for sat to th highest bidder, for rash, ths following property r That eertaln parcel of land tn the town- of Carr. Waks county. North Carolina, being the property of th Harrison Wagon Company, and bound ed on the north by ths property of ths Seaboard Air Lin Railway and Oscar Stavene; en ths sua by th. property of Osrar Steven and th property of the town of Cary; on the south by ChAtneia etreol; aa-1 oa t west by Harrison atreec All notes, accounts, chases la ae tlon. snd othea evidences of IndeMsd ness belonging ts th Hanisoa Wagoa Company. The real estate win be offered ia separate lota and also aa a whole. This, ths ilk dsy of M 1. , i ,; J. C. L.ITT1.K. R. N. SIMMS. . , Commisatonora. - S--law-4w c: 1M i SPECIAL TODAY CVmreti'g Drasgtd ;r 9Se tdptJ 48c . Good VgJyc. . - t ' i - . - t . ... " ' r- WASH SKIRTS 98c "'"- Coat Suite One lot beautiful Coat Suits in the very latest patterns. Regular 15.00 and 20.00 values will be sold for $6.98 One tot regular 25.00 and 130,00 Coat Suits while they last only ...... ....$11.98 CROCKER-WHEELER Motors and Generator. Masonic Temple,' Raleigh. Flowers ; For AH Occasions Wo crow tneaa. Roan. VsJKea, V loins and Carwattons a spodaJty. Weddlna- and Fan ml ranged in taw Istsst artlstao stytea. Fa lata and aaaay otianr ate nianta for the hauaa. Writs for Spring; Price Hat of Ross k ash fa, Shrab- bertrs, Hedga rlaaaa, aixigins and bhads Treea, OCTt BC8IXESS IS GROWfUCL MaS, Tx ami spa and Tvarpksas orders ssoasptly atecaeed by j. L. 0'Quinn& Co. RALEIGH. H. d. 41. Clnrwk las. some nrmuTR facts ABOCT TOTJR FHIKJfD THE Detroit-Vapor Stove DETROIT-VAPOR STOVES 'have brought th convenience pf .city gas stoves to thousands of homes without gas -anaaao tlona. They have eliminated entirely the dlocom forts and in convsiuane of' th old-fashioned gasonn and oil atov. THB DETROIT-VAPOR STOVE Will nook and bako anywhsre needs no piping, pressure tanks, or special equipment of any kind. Common gasoline or kerosene funflehea ths fuel for DB TROIT-VAPOR STOVES. Ws srs demoost rating this STOVE svery day and Invite you to call and examine ths DfcTROIT-VAHOn wTOTB HiRT-WARD' Hardware Co. Xaw lift Kant Martta Street . RALJuIbH. . C . ST. TiIARY!S SCHOOL . nxuaan. n. c -. Fowadod tn 1S4S by Hew. AJIarrtlaatdra, DD. , Ttn Srsaton Brains SEPTEMBER la, lt PLACES ASSIGXEO n ORDER OP APPL1CATIOK For Catalo-ws and niawratud ' Fsadm. AdJrtas ' REV. GEO. V. LAY . RKCTO niaiHtiiiiinniiimriiiBiHBttia kaHe Can, Jl a Ctrk & Crchtcn Attofingyg at Law RaUssrVfeC j fVcfa.. S:. uri:. :. idvertisi:;g RATES 31 10c Per Line SIX WORDS TO THE LINE II CASH WITH ORDER 11 II Twenty cents minimum charge. A rlicrniinr nf fn ner Cent is allowed on all ads inserted for one week (seven times), on consecutive days. Want col umn not guaranteed after 8:30 p. m. . ,...v..'. BUSnTESfl OPPORTUNITY IsTVE man with mercanUla experience can buy at bargain pries Block In a cor poration conducting a hlgh-claan dry good a, ladies' furnishing and men's clothing and furnishing store In a live town oi ,. kk marrhynnlnn new . and high grads. ' - investment 'of ,0t to llt.ttt. Full parUcular to parties with rf- erenoea Address. "Merchant" car Nwa and Observer. -llt WANTEDt POsmOW AS TRAVEL inm vasra aaoorisnca: can produce results; reference from D resent employer. Address, sales man." car Nawa and Observer. !. SI. St. rat -TO VIRGINIA BEACH AND 4 mi at Tha tire-r Arcn v,oiv open Jan first, fin bathing, rate reasonable. For reservation ad dress Mrs. Matty L, Wlnalow Hert ford, N. C, aftr Jun 1st Virginia Reach. -!, 14. ST. baker, cylinder, seven. paen ger at aacriOo. J. K. noms. S-St-Tt. WANTED! MOORE OR RICHMOND County land near raiiroaa. nams price. Address Box No. lit, San- ford. N. C - 1U. WILL SELL OR EXCHANGE PAIR 7 year old l.vv id. muiea in. per fect condlUon. Cost : year ago. "N" Bo ill, rayettevill. N. C S-S0-1L POR RENT FURNISHED HOC8E OUnng in lummnr Olenwood on car Hn. Phon -f. t-it-tt. WANTED O.VE MERCHANT IN each town to handle our Farmers "Quaker - Oray" Cedar Bmngies, also laths. Best, cheapest. Write at one and secure privilege your town. J. E. Coggln Co., Kaieign, N. C. S-SO od t POR SALE MIXED COW PEAS IN 1 bushel lota at II per pusnsi. Black and WhlDDorwill in It buahel lota at 11.11 per bushel. Sola Beans la It bushel lot at per bushel. Bur Clover In -It bushel lots at 11.11 par buahel. ir yo want mors than this quantity writ' for better pries. I have th peaa and th prices, you ao tna rest. j. C. Klllebrew, Penelo, ti. v. S-Xt-lt FOR SALdS SPLENDID MOVING picture outfit with leas of ouiia Ing tn heart of th dty. Terms to suit purchaser. Opportunity for tight party. Koonoe Bros, ill K. Hargtt St.. Kaieign, v. S-lt-IL POR - SALE SPLENDID . MOVING Dtctur outfit with leas or Duua Ing In heart of th city. Terms to ault cure baser. Opportunity for right party. Kooncs Bros, 111 B. Harsett St.. Ralslch. N. C. 'ttt-St.'-1 " " - TOCNG LADY DESIRES OFFICE work, on year a experience. a , News and Observer. ... t-lt-lt. DRCG BUSINESS tXR SALE IN tows of two thousand inhabitants: four thousand people within radius of fir miles; only on otner a rug bustnsss In town: an exceptional , ' opportunity. ' Full Information and reason lor ssis given sown stryiias tlon. Address C D. C, car. Newa and Observer. l-tt-Tt- POUR WOOD TOP, METAL LEGS, Soda Tables and rlv t-naira to match, for sals at a bargain. All good aa new. Qotdaboro Drug Co. Ooldaboro, N. C l-ll-lt. WANTHD TWO FIRST CLASS colored barbra,' ' raise Mroer Shop, Rocky Mount. N. C. S-l-tL EXPERT PANAMA AND STRAW hat renovators, ladle and ger.t bat cleaned, blocked and relrtm med. Write for prices. Bchlost Hatter. IIS Bt Broad St., Rich mond. V. . 1 . . . , S-lt-tL - . ' V WANTED BARBERS TO KNOW ws carry complete lino barber supplies, wnt for ostaiog and prices. Matthews dt Lively Co., Atlanta, Ua. S-lt-ltt. ... - , . POR RENT JILY PIRST TWOi atory brick" building practically new. t feet wide by feet deep, located between the Kennon Hotel and Opera Hnusa. Ooldaboro. well located and eultalile lor garage or moving; picture ahow or any other business. Apply B. H. ariflln, Ra leigh. K. C. t-lt-lt. - WANTED TO EXCHANGE FOR roro car. mca nay comoination nar. buggy and hamesa. Mare perfectly genu and lady broke. Beg II Ella both town, N. C , ll-t. SIX NICE ROOMS ALL MODERN convenience or- I . rooms f t.:i. S Excellent location. J. M. Hmuahtoa. !-. WHITE AJCD CTHXiRKD ' DETKC- tivea. Day aad night service. Oilt edg reference furnished. Every thing absolutely confidential. Cor reepondenc .'solicited. Southera Detective Asenev. Raleia-h. N. C S-lt-Tt. , POR S.LE USED B1LLARD AND rocket Table with good outfits Its and upwards Address Bruna-trtckbalke-Coliender Company, De partment B. 11-11 North Liberty at. BalUgaara, Ml - . - - a-iA fat I TOCNG MAN GOOD - HABITS IN I - rrom seaool Jun lttb wants m. ploymant- for vacation, nominal saiary. -wormy- . cars jvew i l-lt-tf. WANTEIV FTRJtT GRADE WORK by aaprtnod college graduate. boi iJ. Aoerdeen. N. c . S-l-lt. OOTTOlt SEED MEAL AND HULLS ' for sal. Ia prim condition for reeding. Fremont OU Mill Co., Fr- wont, N.C. . -! Tt TTPEWRrTERA, NEW. REBUILT, :- ssoond-hand. W buy. aaU. a - changa. and repair all make ma- - cninaa h. B. storr Co. , -i-t s, WANTED TO EMPLOT A LIVE . energstie lot salesman to sell lot in . an Ocean Resort - development '- which haa th bHghtsst future of - any resort on th Atlantic Coast ' . Accaasbl by steamer, auto bark . way. and soon to b acceaslbla by ' trolly. Bacellent bathing and flsh- -. ing. largs commodious pavtiuon, . water, sewerage and electric lights. , Liberal contract to salesman. Ap ply New HuovaivTranait company, Wilmington. N. C S-U itl WE SELL PEAS AND SOJA BEANS. . Hall d Moor,.QreenvlU. N. a - i-ll lia ' ' -' POR SALE. AT GREAT BARGAINS Unredeemed and manufacturer sampls trunks, suitcases and hand bag. Capital Loan Co. SOT a Wll mington St. Raleigh.' S-ll Itl POR SALE IS YEAR OLD BAY Mar. Fin saddle and driving horss la A-l condition. Oontl and no vicloua habit. Address, C. T. Tourtellot. Hop Mills. N. C " S-1S Tti " WANTED POSITION IN BANK BY young stngls man with experience. No bad habits. Can ua typewriter. A-l reference. - Address, "Banksr" ear Nawa and Ohserver. I-ll ttl.' DO YOU NEED MONEY LET US ell your property at auction. Ws can get you good results. Raleigh Real Estate dt Trust Co. 1-14 Ttl. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn steady Income corresponding for new papers. Experience unnec essary. Address Pre Correspond ano Barsan. . Washington, Pj ii. ii; a a, i. iv. ii. POR RENT SEASHORE COTTAGE at Wllloughby Beach. Va., nine miles by trolley from Norfolk. A choto cottage at a cholo resort. Five nice bedroom and set-vast's room, .bath with hot aad cold wa ter, electric lights, completely furn ished. Fronts directly oa th Beach, only TS yard from trolley ' station. Apply to wm. u. Ropr, xarmoutn mreet. Korroia. va S-lg. II. I. POR SALE HALF INTEREST IN xclueiv genta furnlahlng (tore. giv re fare 'tee tn first letter, and aon't Misw unless you mean busl nssa Address Store, car New and Observer, 1-1. II, 1. - TEACHERS ENROLL NOW. Call coming dally Thro agendo. ; ono enrollment, guaranteed service. manual rre. snaridan Teachsrs Agency. Charlotte I-ll, II. It, ti GOVERNMENT POSITIONS - ARE easy to gat. My free booklet. T-Ill tell how. Writ teda Now. Earl riopkina. wasnington. v. c. I-I. I. I. IS. II. II. II, II, It. Sd. I-I. I. I, II. II. II. II, IT. II WANTED A NICE HEALTHY baby about two month old will be given for adoption lo responsible person who can rurnlah references. Writ 111 W. Clay SC. Richmond, Va. - I-1S-14L WANTED EXPERIENCED PRIN clpal and Lady Assistant fo- Whlta kars high school. Nln months term. Apply at ono with full par-- ueuiara J. u. iiearne, Boc y, whit akers. N. C S-ll Tt FURNISHED ROOMS Ill NORTH Wilmington St t-ll-Tt . fiLd PEAS FOR SALIC WHOLE- sal pricoa. Worthlngton Corey, Ayden. N. Carolina. S-ll TO. FIVE VARIETI E8 PEAS. cleaned, wall sacked. Tw to-two-thirty a bush si. j: K. Coulter. Con nolly Springs, N. C. Ml, Tt , WANTED MEN AT ONCE. 10 par osnc pront. weeaaa in every home, office and factory. Bur re peater. - For particulars address J. A. Jsnss Ga. Mavavtlla. N. C! i-ii at AUCTION KALES THIS IB THE suickeet and boat way of turning your property In cash. W can do It-,- Ralslgh Baal Kstate A Trust Co. 1-14 Ta TtjJ.B.LIctoyCcipny MVN1CIPAI. BMUIMKBJM Waterweehe b Ursa Berry W. Levies. Besseeeatatlv. CaAALOTTB. N. O. m'KsTiioMsori Architect z?.i Engineer - ' MASONIC TEMPLE ' r . - Raletan. N. C, 1 Lag Us Show Yoj Osr Nw HdsJOt sjmI Aecxldnt Pot, ciwi. Tkd Beat Yoti Caa Bary OTaZETsS . . '..-' ,- ' - ' C H. ANDREWS, Pres. F. K. ELLlNGTON V-Pres. L G. RICHARDSON, Secretary and Treasurer - Office in Raleigh Savings Bank and Trust Co. ' I Tho. Human Fly I Drink SAfAN-ET to steady my nerves. Sci(fit"i!I Fciin tnins lend in Bottles I will climb the Ccm.nercit.l fiatiend Bank B!dg. TOHORROW-FniDAY At 6:15 O'clock P. M Don't fell to see tjiis thrilling exhibition Dcn't forget! "SATAW-ET" the drink ivitli a nink -WAKE DRUG Small Kodak Flbns "printed full sl pot card or on thin paper, iyixiyi, 6 cents. Mail us your films and 6 cents each, prints will be returned the next day. Get our prices on enlarjinj and Kodak Finishing. , ts'Y-' 3tit4 . lcLj'j-j eHeatllle, pr-iatpt. an r aiplete, sa i '; MS;, fi. a Bint sal aa equitable prat-tire. Ita -'Xrf4. Ist.ieM earslBBa. aad !! ef low set eeeta. tt ts aeld stea - . tins Bea whir rmrrtj Mataal Tb sixtf-lrth Ageats Wanted ilalai. will be -: n"BL' .IIUl.iTHllEYv State-Mat . OtOsst le. aaB 1 1 Bulis Mkh - uOIMMao, X. fx ' ; SEMI-PASTE. PAINT s ' .One gallon makes two. Manufactured bj TANNER PAINT & OIL COMPANY ; P. O. Box 495rnichmond. VC , Going To Esposition ? If so provide for the lonf journey with a comfortable traveling suit Our $15 Mohair Suits are ideal traveling companions. Cool, dressy, and comfortable-!. All sizes up to 50. " You can also add an extra spring suit because your outlay will be nominal because they are reduced at from S2.50 to $8.50. We have to clear our main floor by July to let the alterations be madewhence these early reductions. Tha OtMrJ'nca OotW Am i1 4 t v -a . Lft J j, r. I i-'V J -e . l-s 7 - i e- . . .. i 1 i a- i A; V,' ,. t i 3 . 2jZ; STORE "'If aa-il-i;-,'iia" The Rational Life aa eaeseelled asset aad tseuraaes eompealtlos. Ma aerrie ts !- solder la aaeu baolately epos ty, aisa . aad evesaaar ef suufsat Isenee Its users! saUrtea aad tm-tirm Mseni s a gsaranteed aaieemaaakls sropofd. they raa readily aad mrsrsly sssssl report. aVeseaatratiaa eat ts aayoaa asoa rjeatsC D01IO. 'J .1 - I4