-- , ' '. v.. J . - . . . . - ar; . ... . - . . . ; I , , - - ' " - - '", ' ' ' , T t p Ties weather t' Best Adrertlslnj a Medium in ; Nortli Carolina 7, Fan data concerning the weather win be found today On fut KlgU. , , - ' VOU OL N0. 8. RA1XIGH, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY S, 1918. PRICE 5 CENTS - .it : -- - - - - p 2f- I'" 4 ' : 1 s, shot. ? flllS Fl HOLT" RED AS lb lUtNl ; e HIGH MUEDTEH ' ' ' Three' Cambridge Men Declare Dead Man To Be Former . . Harvard Teacher i DISAPPEARED AFTER -- WIFE WAS POISONED Muenter Was Left Alone. With Her and In The Morning She Was Found To Be Dead; He Took Body To Chicago For Burial Then Disappeared, Jail Authorities Decide He Jumped To Death On Floor "After-Climbing. Bars in Cell, - Chicago Man Knew of Alias FEAR CAC8ED KC1C1DE. iUa Core, .Mix Ty That Uxa utctda laa night ot Frank Holt, wIMt (hot l. r. Honu laM atr day afwr iwtdnt off bank In Um Capllot last FMdajr, raa caaaed by bla growlnc Utat he waa aooa U bt identMed aa Kric Munator, alWed wtte MpMmhM in it here Uxlar b IMstrtot AtUMrtM)r Vtmi J., Msltb, tha ir f IdeaUAoaUoa thai Mac mm, a boat ttKMifht It tormt to kUl bianrif be for aa waa goafWitwd wtta tdfc Una be waa Macatar.? Holt, who attetnpwd to take taa Ufa at J. P. Morgan and who committed aatcld bat nlht la tha Mlncolav Jail. : today waa Idanunad aa snca ntwntar. tha Harrmrd (natroetor who diaaa parad. aftaf batoc Indicted aa tha mardarw t hia wlfa, 1mm, ta Cdm m . i snaav. ta iivv. n iuvmiiw" Va ' Won w mada by a P. Pmlth. tat dftctlT of tha dimrtct attarnajra of flea of Mlddlaaax county. Maaa,. TJoao. - dora Uilltar. an autoraobila anaa ot Cambridff,' and A. Wrowa, av, Boa- aawapapar anaa Thv identutcaUon rairua after tha thraa man. pBmtth, HUllar and Brawa. had tn4 a earaful ezamtnatioa mt tha bod. ? Smith aatd tha sold brtdf in Holl a appar tiKht Jaw waa tha aamo aa tnat in tna mouui or jtuantar. i n MaaaaehoaHta" datactlye declared bo waa poeltiTa of hia ideotiOcatlon. - Hilller, who llrad with Mum tar and who drove him to tbo railroad atauon.'tha nlabt ha diaappaared, aquallr poaltlTa and ao waa Brown, who naa known Huantar paraonaUr. Smith, broucht with him tha Bar ttllloa meaauremanta of Mnentor aad thr ' telltad with Holt'a , maaaura- BiKnta. i . - Dtotrtot Attorney bewla J. Smith, of Naaaa4 eountjr, announced ha oaaldorad It definitely established that Muar.tar and Holt war tha perauaa. i ' Xepper Telia Hia Star. -- Jaramiaa O'Kyaa. tha keeper who waa oa foard at Holt'a call when Holt mttted valctda. had racored hu ontpQaura-toda.y euAcivntty-o- tell K ArknnjIAIed Hnp fRvaH mmM M !limd baaav employed Sheriff ett to guara tna prwonar from p. m. to I a. m. liaat Bllt at I O'Kyaa want to tna antraaea of Haifa oalL Holt eeroad to bo aalean. ' "t bad noma food today and man- Mad to retain it,-, O'Kyaa aaya Halt told him. "I fael touch better, but I tnuat set' aoma aleap. Thaaa detec tivaa hav been coming la and aaklas ma aji.mnaa ot onaatlona and hy have beea bothering me day and aight. I nwat sat Dmp. I have rot an Important wlatement to make ta- . , marrow and I muat bcabla to eon. - Ylnce people that what I aay la troa, f, - .u-Kyaa aald Holt tnrnad :' hia atda aad remained thara for about ;: an hoar. At tbo and of that tirae V Ryan heard a nolaa In tha next aor. f rldor. Ha glancad at Holt and aaw :- ha bad chaJHced hia poalUoit ao ha waa facing tna-door hot trparBtty -? waa ateepint crKyan than crapti ha Unl, w.ii.l.t .1... i,MM-rtn(lr.a rt ' 1 1 Mil- I n, V aia.v the otherx rorrvtor tna. onad th I, " - waa nothing there. .'Aa ha waa aboat I to at art back O'Ryaa aald be hoard ' -,', a holaa thai aoundad Ilka a raroltrar "t ran back to tha call and aald to mTeelf. 'He'a done it. -omobady allnbod him a gun'. I took ad Into hia reu ana aia not aee mm. . xnea thoiight that maybe ha had bean ahot from , tha.- antatda -1 aald to myaalf ha might ahoot ma aa I draw my rerolTr and, wont to tbo an. atpect Ing hlnWtaiJiimp at ma. ,lt waa dark and I cbuld not aaa htm. J tripped and 'felri When I looked down 1 aaw that 4 hM fmllea oyer hia body." . . -IfilUrd Inaida aVU. ' ' " Martin W. Littleton, who had bean retained aeounael for Holt, reached Mlneola tixftXT and ezan.taed Holt'a rell oloaety,r-.: ---1' ... Mr. Littleton -fllmhed up tha iron Ivare Inatde of tba cell aa Holt appar ently bad. done before committing Buioide. ro arx If ft wera owJble for a man to "kill hlmalf In that manner. Mr. Littetoa waa eonrlnced that It t. .i ' ' -.j. 1 VTllliara Hulaa, wards ottha Kaa u county Jail, fcaaued tha foUowttg atatement today. " -molt met hia death by, plunrtng from tha barn of bla cell. He feU 1 1 foet. Hia keeper. O'Rynn. la rhanc ft him and I alwaya believed 1 at O'Ryan tnmtwoithy roan. lii firrtera -frnra me wera nerar to tke hia eyea off the ptiaoner: He Tin told that If he wanted anything i ahauld rap en the bare with a club i ii that hia lammoni woold ba an- . "red by anothir helper. - la runnitg aiona. the corridor to (Conlinued on Fata Five.) ' '.I T upprdt nniiiinc I HDUHIt I ULli "A" SPEEDY-TRIAL -.. . . - - Indiana Political Leader Says Action Is Persecution, and " .Not Prosecution ' DOESN'T KNOW OTHERS ''- aBanwwBB.MBaaaawea Seven Head Guilty and Go On Recognizance; Maytft Bell Declares This lsUnusual If They are So Guilty; Defend ants Ask For Change of - Judge IndlanapoHa, Ind.. Jnly I. "Thia whole biialnaaa la a paraecatloa and hot a proaeouUon aad I demand, ai Immediate trial." aaid THomaa Tag. gart. Democmtia national committea. la f.-ont Indiana, today, after lit of tha (Jl man ehargad with frguda Bt tha 1(14 registration, primary and elect ion. had bean arraignad aad par. en had pleaded guilty before Judge Jamaa A. Colllna, In criminal, court. I Boyar had anything to do with any ond of 'the man wha --pleaded gouty ' toaay, .oeclared .Taggart. da net know thoaa men aad It. aee odd that they ahouid be parrpMted to go on their own iwoognlaanea If they arc. ao guilty. I don't know what I have been Indicted for, although I hare made" every effort to tad out I want aa Immediate trial booaoaa thte whole thing la aa effort to ba- amlrch my name, aa well aa many of my fnende. rrooBprdlnaa ileoanal. Mayor Joaeph B. Belt who ajao waa among thoaa Indicted, lawad a state ment aaytna: ' "rho- pleading guilty af the seraa man today, la an effort to onnaect, as with men with whom we never have had any deaiinira In any way whatso ever. These men oame into court and pleaded gallty without tba Ind tot meat being read- They ware raleaeed lm madiatelv on their own recorainanaa and this one ma rather uniiaual. -t Baaldea the lit who wera arraign ad today, eight have not been arrest- ad. - Two are in prtson, one l ou of in max enx naa premisan to return, and' - th other flv are believed t havd been oatgaated In "the . Indict ment by wrong names. Three other have been gtvea additional time te study the Indictment baf ore pleading. New dadaw to Bo Cboena. After motion for a change of venue to another Judge waa Died, Jud K, Col Una fixed Friday e4he data when ab tomeya for the' "Ante and defense will select a juag to try tea csaa, th will choose from a list of tre lawyers prepared by Judgd Colllna. The mo tion for a chance of venue waa signed by Itt of the defendants. They will hare a separate trial from thoae who did not ask for a change. A aor waa causea la tha court room whoa Charlea CVIbba announced that b wtaned to piead.guiity. Hia nam bad appeared in tha Hat of thoaa whs would be defended by tba attorney for Taggart, nail.' Ferrott and others Oibb told the court that ho had sign ed ar equeet - to be represented by taees attorneys not wianea te plead guilty. a. controversy between Olbba. th lawyers and th fudge end' ad when Olbba nam waa stricken from th list and hia plea of guilty acceptee. F RETURH AT WILLJ Uncle Sam, Though, Will See They Are Not Hired To Be Soldiers 'Washington. D. C 1 July T. Al though Department of Justice officials art confidant they have nipped In th bud a plan, to ahip bxrg nnmbara of Montanegrlns back to their nativa outltryto JoittrOialorw Uoa of marautlng- th departure of Montenegrins who already have bean Induced to start for home. Efforts of the government, it aaidvar to be directed chiefly toward tna conviction oa char roe at rlelatlaa tna neutrality laws c th three or tour representative of the Montano erin government' who ar charged with Inducing their countrymen to mist aad to return boms. Th activity of tha department lead ing to these arrest la part of a gen eral effort to prevent enlistment in the United Cttalea for th armtea of belligerent European' nations. Om- fiala railed attention today to the fact that th "criminal cod plainly pro hibit enlistment la - this country of "any person'' te bear arm against a friendly people. v Ward received -here today aald In dictments Were expected la San Fran dace against flv men charged with scaring recruit la the United States for th British, army. -.,.,.. It became known that B. Marti nov- Ich, en of the Montegrtn arrested tn Bishee,.Arla, spent aoma v time In Washington about a month ago aad talked, with Sir Cecil Spring-Rice, the British Ajnbasaador. about th Bliss a i anc of Amertcaa neutrality to a- dcavorlng to have Montfenegrina return to.- military service. MarUnovtch wa told . of law covering aurb matter, and 'aJcm was- Informed -that during previoua foreign war reservists had left the United State In large num bers. T ....-' I Offldala of th British Embassy de clared no consular agent or diplomatic officer Of th Itritish governiiet had enaxved in securing. nlistneota la hi m una cout.try. PRESIDEFJTWILL DECIDEflN REPLY Whether Further Views "Novv Go To Berlin Is Hs For ' Cofisidetation REITERATION If ANYTHING Some of President's Advisers Known To Be Unwilling That Any Concessions Be Made .from Principles Previously Stated; No , Decision Before Tomorrow tar a isirtma wsi. Washington, D. C. July 1. Presi dent Wilson personally will decide what -reply. If any., shall be sent to. Ambassador Gerard' message out. lining th tentaUv draft of a not obaiitud, to htm Informally km a pro- answer to the American com. aaalcatloB ooaoarnlng submarine warfare, X HecTetary Lansing and othara bar transmitted to th President at Cor nish, N. H their vlewa n th policy they bellev ought to be pursued, it wa taled offlclany today, however. that no word had been received aa to th Prealdent' position. ' It was Intl mated that Mr. Wilson might not be ready to act until Friday, as d si teats question Involved require . ear and deliberation. During the day' Count Von Bern- storff. th (term an Ambassador, back from hi summer horn at .Cedar hurst, asked Mr. Lansing mfprmally concerning the 1st set phases of the negotiations la Berlin. The Secretary outlined In a general way what had been transmitted bv Ambassador Oer- asd hat gave no tattmatlea aa to the oourse th United 8 tales would fol low. .Coant Voa Beraetorff aaid he had a advtoM ot hid own ooncernlng th situation. - - -. ... . " Prrsent Form thisirilshii, -' It was said that Count Voa Bern. storff learned that Ambassador Ger ard ' imisaaaa was not of a character which tweeasarlly woald reoulr an newer. Thar la tittle doubt la ofBa cyai i"alier tbat in Oermni pre peeals'm their present form would b Itnaeeanuble t th UnlUd 8tat Th altuatlnn la um Wxmg efflcial bar praa they ar rcluetaat to gag la an. Informal -disc nasi nn f question they hold-war Mated alearty in hiir-i-rf-tTi nit - it wad -aald that Ambassador Gar ard'a massage did not mako clear whether Germany had aaked him to obtain tn view or tn unite state oa th tentative draft ervWhether In abowlng him a oopy th Implication wa that the Amerloaa government could comment oa It before the note completed. After hi conference. however, the Ambassador aaked If tha State ' Department . had any instruc tion for him. No ODSuacsakang ' FaaorcxL Som of th . President1 adviser seem to think advantage should taken of the chance to reiterate that tha United States, having stated Its posltloa, can mak ao cone si on or consider any temporary arrangement until there la a clear' understanding Germany's attitude towacd , ths principle compelling visit and search before destroying unreal aung While th optimism which ha pre vailed In official- quarter aa a result of Ambassador Gerard a early mes sages ha to bom extent been diaat pated by th unsatisfactory cbaraotar of proposal In th tentative draft, the sftuat'on still waa regarded as sus ceptible of a friendly awttlament. Km. pnaai was iaia on ins raci mat tn German foreign officers apparently seamen anxious is icarn tna minimum of the American demand aad tha belief waa expressed that further eon. ferenee with other department of th government and even with Em peror William himself might b planned In tha event that the pro coeed not aa ahowa to Ambassador Gerard waa not viewed favorably by tba united state. Secretary Lansing aald no Intima tion had cent a to th eats when th German reply web Id he formally delivered to Amb amador Qerard, ' ... TOHrpDTESTUFF lay be ii mi l rnafi Washington, Xx C, July .7. Furth er oompUcatfona In tha . ffort , of Amsricaa textile maanfacturer to in duce Oermaay to permit ahlpoUnta of eoai tar ayes to tn united Ktste were reported to th Department of Commerce today by Commercial At tach Thompson, asstgued to Brllnr4 but aow-at Tbe'Hajrue. Barring ef Amertoaa ootton from Oermaay by the British order tn coun cil wa the primary obstacle la th way of gaining German assent to ship ments and new to that baa been ad- dad report of the exporting of Amer loaa dyastuffs to Great Britain. Until the ban hi removed from cotton, ot itis is are convinced, Ost many will not permit exporting et soaj tar product toadea oy American mans tact urera. Department of Commerce official who began an mvastlgatioB after re ceipt of th latest advtcea. from Mr. Thompson, determined that ooal- tar products were not Involved In th re ported shipments to Great Britain b caua tney ooasisted oaly of vegetable dyes mad la the United State. .Ger many will be Informed of this In con tinued effort to. obtain the coal tar product. ' fr- 'fci - ." ... Department of Commerce ofnclah) have been aetlv aino U outbreak of war f a lt-urop in attemating te solvs problems arising from shortag of coal tar dyea, A committee of ex pert of the Department-1 odnfening with the Federal Trade Commission to arrange to aesur th stability ef ths growing domestic - dye industry when on th restoration of peace American manufacturer have to face Grmaa omeuuon. ERICH MUENTER AS ; jt-vNtfcr a. fttTvb k. KBICM Mt BNTKI.V rana JoT"aWW' ' Many Lives Lost In States of Middle West;. Cloudburst Accompanies Chicago, ' Ills,. July 1. Tornadoes and cloudburst sweeping eastward from tha Missouri River valley, today eauissd heavy damage and lose of life. Missouri, lhinola, Indiana. Ohio and Kentucky- wr In th. track of th storm. Three person war reported dead at Dardenne, Mov. and Wentsvill and Ullmore, Mo., each, reported ona kill ad. Five or merer person also war believed late tonight to bar been killed at St. Charles. Me. Cincinnati waa cut off from wTr communication for several . hours to day. When communication finally waa established it waa renorted thi meager ad vices indicated much prop arty damage there and In Kentucky cities across the Ohio river, whh pos sible loss or iif Tornadoes swept, districts of St. Louts, blowing part of a Wabash rail road train from tbo track and- devaa- lanna tn. maris, mo. i ns wma at St. Chart blaw. 19 mils an hour. Similar storms were reported to have struck Sh Peter. Mo-, aad Law- rsnosriUo, IU., th latter-place being fw miles west or vuicennrs, ind. First reports aald two persons wer killed at Lawiwnoovui. Exceptionally heavy rain were re ported from all sections of th affect- ad,, territory, . especially at. Rock Is land. I1L, and Cincinnati. At tna tor- mar, towa .msrehandia -stocks -were damaged when water poured Into oa msnts ana- ran -m some- iitsianc tor floor w the" rtreet. .lavsla .... Tht rain a extended, over, a greater territory than th windstorm Valen tin. Neb., reporting a fall of more than four Inches: Turn Hautei Ind.. S.T Inch and Chicago. i. ft inches. Official forecast for - th storm went territory promised a cessation of th disturbances by tomorrow. RATIONAL VOTE ASKKD. Atlantic City. V. J.. July . Th national board of director of th An- t-alooa League of America, at i executive session today, adopted res olutions urging uonrrres to submit to tbo State a national pronibtuoa amendment. Another resolution pase ed urge leglalaiioA that will prevent ef mail for advertising - Intoxi cating nqnor In 'dry territory. ' The board - commended President Wlhron for refusing - to-. renounce, ' despite strong pressure, a letter h la aaid to have written while Oovernor of New. Jersey to a dtlsen of Texas, declar ing State prohibition I preper where public sentiment I rip for It ; -,v A MXLUOIf FOB MISSIONS pChlcaro. ni.. July 7. "Get a m li on new members and fl.tOO.ttt for M ieetona," Is th slogs ot th fifth warld's and twenty-MVnth Interna- ttonal Christian tendpravor convention. which opened here today. " IMlegates were urged to nroil a million new church members, a mil lion signer to a peace petition and a million pledges to make the United State a aaloon-lea nation by Kit. At tha .meeting of the board of trust ere of the society. Karl Lett man. Field Secretary, reported that 1260. tt of tbs $uJ 00 needed for a hesd- quarters buildit-g la EostoA bad, been raised."."--.. fc. . , HE APPEARED UNDER , - HIS RIGHT NAME AND UNDER HIS FALSE NAME YriV r' T ER Austrians and' Germans Are Getting Worst of Big Fight . Before Warsaw SLAVS HAVE ADVANTAGE Grand Duke Has Good Rail ways and Large , Resources at His Back; Germiti Artil lery. Fires City of Arras. Allies Have Only Six Miles - To-Go at Dardanelles-- : Br the inlilil rna) ' ' London;, July T. By th mploy mant . of strong rsinforcmnta, 1 th Russlana tsmporarlly at least, hav checked th Ausiro -German advance toward. th Lublin railway, which k anocassful would Imperil Warsaw. Ths - Ruaaiana yesterday claimed a serious defeat for the. Austro-Oermaa army in th region of Kraanik. south of that railway, while the Austrian tonight stats that "the battle waa In vigorated by the part lot patlon af strong Ruaalaa reserve.'' Bo fa a Coaununleatlon are ona- eemed,' the' Russians now hav th advantage of poattloa. aa they hare a splendid system of railway behind them bywhlch they can quickly mov troop anq .guna. to th larssteaad arras. This hat tie . Austro-Oermane - commenced rtr tttrmirh "fftlTIcl haa.luat.aom meneed, but acoordlng to dispatches received in Geneva from Austrian sources th Russian thus far hav had th best of It and sines Monday hav inflicted heavy In sea on the in vader. Thus - dlspatchss stats that thousands tnr wounded v are arriving in jjamoerg, rraemyai ana jaroalan. (ifrau Attack Scattered. Th much heralded - German , ' an laught la the West baa been eon Snsd to the Woovr restoa. vdkr th army vi in uermaa crown prince ta trying' to regain ground lost la April whoa tbo French attempted to fores the withdrawal of what I, known aa th St Mihlel wedge, The Germans bar won som tranche at th tin ef tne-weag out aa atttor point, th French claim, they . wer repulsed witn a envy man. , - Artiuery combats eontlnu from Am to th a and It la stated to night that as a result of German bombardment Am M In flams aad it cathedral destroyed. The German alas claim to hav retaken trenches lost to the Britten north of Tore yes terday. , However, the fighting her appear - to be desultory despite re port of tha arrival of large'Oermaa reinforcement lor anoiner try at Calata ' . On the- Galllpoll pen! nsa la Sunday ths Turk mad tbelr tfttrt attempt within a weea to regain ground which allies took hi their last attack. This offensive. Ilk- other, resulted, according to British and French re ports.. In th eompleto dlnoomntur of the Turka wbosauw aaid to hav Buffered severely, . ----.'' Th allies ar only six mile from their Boa I. the narrow of th ' Dar danelles, but la country la strongly fortified and a gain of a few hundred yards la ail that- eaa be expected at one time. There IB talk of HE1SG0VY6EAR TURNS ON PURSU combined, land and sea attack. j. - rsAMK siai.. maw laatrueiaf I Desperate Early-Morning At tack On Galiipoli Ends in De feat For Ottomans ' at a London. July 7. Th Turkish forces complstaly failed in th big attack which thy began on Jury 4th. asalnat th Anglo-French force on th Dardanelles, acoordlng to a state ment today by the- British official press bureau, which added that ta Turk lost heavily. Th text of th statement follows "General sir Ian Hamilton reports that lh night'of July 1-4,' waa quiet la the northern section, but at d a. m. the. snsmy started a heavy bambard- it cf th tranche. All th gu ussd prevloBsty against us 'and some now one war la action, but th bombard mant died , away about a- m. without doing much damage. " "In th Boutham section th Turk kept up a heavy musketry tire along in wnei una ounng tn mgnt and did not leave their trenches. At 4 tn. their batteries started ths moat violent bombardment that a experienced. At least S.ttt rounds of artillery ammunition war expended oy.them.' Meanwhile thi shelling of our line oa th peninsula proved the pre liminary to a general attack on our front witn aseoial slforts at certain I points. The principal effort mad, gt-jth Junction of :,lh-. royal aivtsion - section , witn tnat oftna rftrif n. -Thr." at T:1t L rl. ' th Turks drove back our advanced troops and assaulted a portion of the line held by ths Royal naval division. . fifty Turka gained a footing la our trench where, nevertheless men of th Royal naval division held oa to our supports aad the men who had retired . countsr-attackad tmme- dlatoty and hurled the Turk out ef th tret-ch again. . , " "Another attack on th right of th twenty-ninth division ctlea was practically wiped ant by nn aad ma. chin gun fire. On our left the Turks attempted sverel attacks Noa of these wer able O get home, -owing to the steadiness of our troops and oar effeettv artillery support Th bom bard mart dlsd dowa toward 11 . m tbongti It was resumed at ia- torvala, , - . - - ' - "Nat only w.i th result a com. nlot failure -but . while our loaasi wer asgUgible and ho Impression wa road on our tin, the enemy added a li-rc number to his heavy ossualtle. It seems plain from the disjointed nature of hia attack that be I finding It difficult to drive hi Infantry forward to race our Bra.' WELDOW MTLLS MAKING UXDERWKAK FOB BELGIA2T3. WBIal te Tbaraws fad Slisia-l Weidon, - July r 7 Th two mills hsr which maaufacrur underwear for ansa an running night and day to All a eontrart for a large consignment of such good to b ussd hy th Bel siaa army. Th mill will be taxed jo their full cm parity to fill th eon- iract ey tn reuuirea ome. sir, w. T. Shaw. Jr- 1111 graduate ef the and M. Col lews, after ererking for at year in. n textile mill In Danville. Va- baa returned to Weidon aad is BRITISH GIVE THE TURKS A BEATING In charge on ef the mlUa, F ?JTHS PAST Death From'TlungerNearer ; and Neam.To Thousands ; ; of Mexicans . . - - ONLY TRUCE CAN PREVENT Red Cross Agent Says -Conditions Have Been Under-' stated; Conflicting Tales of Carranza and Villa Victories Come In, In Their. Regular Order ' . - - w s WaaWng-ton. r. C, July T.-Nw of th ruU of Carranaa Utaat at- -tonapt to drtr th Zapata garrison oat , of Msxioo City was swaltad with anxiety hr tonight No word from th righting ha om alno ft waa announced from Vara Crua tws day go that Gsneral OonarJae reinforced Carranaa army haut iauwd ft at-, tack with tbt sxpectaltoa of a easy - UtotoryV ---- !rr-f-r; Apnrshenaioa' "had been aomswbat relieved during th day, hawarar. by receipt of a dispatch at tha State De- . partmat from Vara Cms aiatlng that th investing Carraoaa force tntsad d ta taciUtaU attempts of foreigner , to quH . tha capital and to transmit thlr messages to th o'Utstds world. Tha repartaBanf a advices added tbat th Carranaa ofootala wer conftdent ojf Uklng Mtxloo City la a abort time." Meaaure for relief af non-combatants wer continued today. Consul -General Hann at Monterey reported to the Red Cress that he waa feeding tt persena Trora AmeHcah relief, supplies. - Chinese legation efflcUH bar arranged with the Stat Deparf mnt and th Red Cross for ths ear of desUtut Chin In Msxlco. , . - Bhsm Arrcndondo, Carraaaa's agnt tn Washington, reltsrated in a atate meat tonight that In the parts ot Msxlc rsr which Carraass. has con- -trol. there la no famine danger and" "no ahortag of foodstuff sup plies se erious aa ta tbieaena bsngar evaa t rho pssrest ot ur population hi the - I utur. immediat or distant." . . Th contention between th Red ' Cress and ofBclala of Villa's agency her over tha attitude et Villa'! of ficer toward relief measure resulted In a Btstemsnt tonight from th agency that Villa forces had offered . aid to alleviate guffaring la war dis turbed dlatricta , 4 Both Fell to) Relievo. Mlia Mabel Board man. of th Red Croaa. assarted there had been 'lack of co-operation by both Villa aad Carranaa officers. Dtapatehe to th Stat Department , from Maxioo aald - that Ouantajuato had been occupied by VIII troop and . that Villa forces also had recovered ' the towns of Csdral and Matohnala. - - Othsr dispatch aald that a battle had been la pragr for about six -day to th vicinity of Paradea, Th Carranaa agency announced, the receipt of a dispatch declaring th Villa army had been "completely rontsd" by th Carranaa foroe at Villa Oarcta between Moatorey aad -Paredon. Villa forces war aald to hav wffrod a kvaa of t ktllsd and wounded Tha agency added that a Mcond fight nearer Paredon also bad . resulted in a CarrammBuocsssi. -Faanino Stalka Oar Lsvad . .. Thousands of Mxicaa non-oora-bataau bar ata nothing but nadv fruita for months; where famine to not ravaging It Is Impending aad only a hanger true between the warring factions can aav th lives of a ami-, titode, according to a report to the American Rad Croaa dee ted from its field agent July It feliswBS -After six daya Journey of about Itt mllsa through Northern Mexico, fmcludlng targe portion statea Nusvo . Leon, Tamauupaa, l sun oonpeiiea io tat that famin condition xistlnc bav beea understated rather than, M.,Mriwl Whsra famlnjo la sot FRUIT DIJLi ravaging, it to impending: whore land T to not already famlao stneasn. Biar- MMM-araei sr Wsarir. "Mpfogwr""" nrn croo In tight will hot feed, half the people ana great amount, m wilt b -or-as besnr taa by ininury antboritis whoBs udg- are) -enry sllshUv las pressing than those, of civilian population. " - "A hunger trues Between tna iae Him mlsht save th hand rods of thousands of Uvea now menAced. If. hunger true cannot a arranged : d will hav to b brought from . outstd. - Perfect agrooment amonf all Mexicans thto section and hoping that a.pjnertcan authorities will find means to top criminal exploitation ot food stuffs from- this famine land while , the country was akin nod of bulk its , products months ago. Bom . pro vuaoaa are atill trickling over th bordar tntolaad of plenty." , . . CASE AGAINST HUERTA MAY BE ABANDONED; The Aged Orocrai, It ta BflicvrA. Wilt Agra to von A way ana gave m , Oris tmdmd Vrss) Waahlnstoa. D. C July 7 - beUsved bar tonight that th agalnat Gen. Huerts, , charged with conspiracy to violate American' neu trality by Inciting a new Mexlcaa rev olution, might be abandoned. - Husrta Is due to appear sen week before a United Statea Commlaarionen for a hearing. Although oifioisJ are reticent, persistent reports are cur rent that there will be no prosecution and that Huerta will agree to leave the Mexican border and take, up his residence somewhere In ths northern ,' part ef the United States to Interfere ' ao more la Mexlcaa politics. It waa pointed out tonight In of ficial quartern that tuch a settlement srould accomplish the chief end d.e sired by the govemment.previlin of Huerta'B return to .-Mexico, conv pUcatiDC tht pgituaUoa titers. r r v., -j -