it 'ews sea ' Observer Tin viatih . ; Best Advertislr.r. - Medium in -. North Carolina S"uB data concerning the wtw will be Sound tana? ea paga sight. . . vol, ct: Nasi, t -ys iy:yii - .RALEIGH, N.' C, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 31, IMS.' PRicEBCcrrs T. -ilTIEHSKILLTl'IO RUSSlfRQiie STfllQEOtSSEl; ; President Vilhrun GuiIIaufl Shot To Death ;PEACipEXIGO Definite Steps To End Revolu tion To Be Taken. Upon Pres ident's Return If Former Police LleutenanTExe- cuted For Instigating Mur der of Rosenthal ARMY AND NAVY . READY HE MET- HIS FATE CALMLY ' V ill 1 I I Iv I r. , - m -a. ;M MlS-l BECKER DIES llr ; f ELECTBIG CHI IB I1050FII.-S. X1 a ',,.,! 11 11 r .. Attack -;Mades On ' American Force ;Uuidedat-Pprt-Au . - prince For Protection - - ORDER MAINTAINED IN CITY Battleship K Connecticut i With . - - 500 Marines WW Sail From " v Philadelphia To Haiti Today, y The Transport Hancock Will - Also;. Be. Sent; 'UJ'JistSe- , ' lectin President,; . v a w imsi wv . ' ,:. Washington. July wTwa AimH can blaejacketa were killed htat night la an attack by uUn 'Port Aa Prison' Haiti, KM by hif Admiral Cjejfea with , tour . hundred an from ths- cruiser Waehington. Th attacking' party m beaten oa -with- ; t bHc . pprMCtM4 ctommr tktl ' tb 'uUktr1 of. tk etty n ardar MminUlntf,la th city ttMU. No MOlor wtr waundad and th (mm of th VtUoUnf Xoro m ot.portd. Th dd: -' .Wlllicm Compara, - aMinaa. of Brook lym. . - ' Caaon t: WhflhtfrV ortltnary a man. of Norfolk. V. . Ralnfommenta ha.d " baaa ordarad to Haiti ( word of ta flfhUnf wa-norl Th ba4tlahtp Coa (iMttebt w;. aall from .Phlladolftnla tomorrow with a rastaaant of nanM . uurribarlnc maa. Tha ay traaaport Hancock, now bring , ovar ha. Iliad ac Phtladolpltla, alas- will go to Haiti. It la aald, al ihouRh It la aot known what faro aha will carry. Admiral .Caaarton'a maaaara rara faw datalla of tha fiahtlng. It ahow d. hawatrar, that ho had baan ware ad of tha IntotiUon of tha UalUaaa ta attack tha city and oarly In the ara nlna Capt. Baach. of tha Waahlnctoa, commandtna- aahoro, anovod hla maa out to .tha adva of thr elty to meat tham, .taayiaa; at rone ruarda to' BiB taln ordar tn towa. ' - V " laIV la CHy IMoarued. " Tha Haitian aoldlara and dvtllaaa . In tha city wara dlaarwiad yaatarday to -pravant anlplnr from tha hooaoa. . . Tha attack .cam a at 41 o'clock taat Hlfht. tha Bluajackot battalloa baer- . na tha mn of tha- rlhtn. From th 1ruih' ttayond V th i laat" haunas ia4?w oinad tlra-on thatrt. " Vnm Art x ratatnaa and thw attnrkora arlvan rf. but not barara , uompara and Whltcnurat nao paert' KUfl. ; ii Tba followln nmmtry t of Ad- mtral Caaarton'a " taraa glraa Out ioalfht at tha nary dapart nant: : - . v i - "Admiral Capartoa : ra porta from Port Aa Prinea. that owlnf ta a ra port that tha town would llkaly . aa attacked dnrinc tha -alfbt: that aa mada diapoattioa of bia foraaa for da fanaa at t p. in.- Attack from South about 1 p. m. Bnipinr from braah ta ouuktrta of town. Two klllad tn tha aaamao - battalion. ' noaa - woo n dad. Huooaoafully raaulaad attack. ' Main- Ulaatf aulat and order In Interior of city tnroucbottt nlsnt. , . - Aafc For Mora MaHara, In Bla Arat nuaaaga aftar hla ar- rlCTt-at -Port Aa Piinaa, whan tha marlnaa and biuajackata aaaoontarad allht raatataaea an - tending Ad mlral Capartoa. aakad. far an. additional reel ra ant - of aoarlnaa. Tha - maa wara needed, ho aaM. ta poUea the city and - aurroundlnc'" dtatrtot ade oaatary. :. Ha aaaveatad that tha ad ditional marlnaa be aant on the ernlaara North CareUaa, or Tenniam. faat ahlpa. IndioaUna that ba espeetad aoma difflcwltloa, Theaa veaaela ware not atallabl. and tha department or dered tha batUaahlp. Connecticut at the PhUadelpbia yard mada ready to aall tomorrow. The Connactleat waa taklnc an atorea tonlajht. Beoretary Paalala felt ae treat ap preheaaion about tha ettaatton. Tha extra force waa aant ' primarily, be aald. ta permit abort heure of sttard duty. . "Admiral Capartoa had adrieed aa." aid the gearttary. "that It la vary bet Tort Aar Prlnoa and that he did - pot deem It advisable to keep marlnaa ' ea ahore auty coonataauy. tta aaia 'ha wanted a. aafflelent (uard to aa aura adequate protection at all- tlmaa." Dlaarmament ef tha town yaatarday . wa direc'ed after a aoaferaaoa be- tween a aommlUea of aafety ara-anlaad by the cltleeae of Port Aa Prlaea, Amerlcaa nary offloera, and tha Amar Icaa Charaa d'Affairea. . Thla commit tee la the dfacto awrcrament. Any .neeotlatlono .by the Htaxa Denartmeat will ba addrmil ta tc aa there ap .peara ta ba pe other form pt ren ment at tha praoent time. It n praetteaHy aaaarad that daring 'the occupation of Port A Prlnoa. ef fort to necotiate a treaty- with Haiti for the- administration ef that aoua try'a BnaruHal . affair by tha United 8tata timllar ta that with San Do mingo, tha neighbor of Haiti. wlU ba renewed. . -. -V.-i - Thla gorernmaat . purpoaea ta In clude la aach: a treaty prevtaloei alm flar to tha Piatt amendment la tha Cabaa treaty, whereby, the United Statea haa tha right ta interrene In the latereata of peaces . Prevtoaa efforts ta obtain auch a treaty failed became tha late ProaM eat Oalllaam feared tha people would rata againat him. If ha atgnea it. v v- Admknal Capartow'a force probably will otay -ta Port Am Prinea nnUI a table government la aetabllahad and a treaty with tha United Stataa elgned. Port-Aa-Princa. Haiti, iuljr II.- Tha Haltiea chamber aad eenate eon ' veaad . today and ware declared to be ia-coMinaoua aiarion. r-The two bouse neat lastrwetlone ta all the . milMary chiefa calling apoa tham to maintain order. , . . - The. Senate offered the candidacy for tha president mada rax-ant by tha aaaaaalnaUon of Preeidant VUbrun Uulllaame, ta Outlbaad. former ' minister of Juetloe. who dtcUaad.' - O. DartiauenaT. praaident of the annate, probably will accept tha candidacy. H le stated.' . The majority of tha peeple expreos disapproval of the loading of A roar teen marlnaa. Uowarer. the -city re- Teutons' Maklng.Suprerae 5 Ef--i fort To Get: Across Tneir i r- Une of Retreat PARTIAL SUCCESS IS MADE British Mifitary Critic Refuse : '. To Believe That Grand Duke Has Not Provided For all Contingencies In Taking Carecf His Twops; Look for , German Rush To West far aawaasd Pram. Xondon. July ,M9-ttt - Bneatana ear are facing tha problem ef eTacaav tlng Warsaw aad -the earroaadm; ceuatry wUhout loatef their arndaa. while tha Aostro-Oarman " f oroae are making a on pram effort to get aorosn thetr Una of retreat. The Taatena are aald to hare met. with partial uoceas In this attempt, a Berlin official re port tonight stating that Field Mar hal Ton. Meckenaen. raenmlng tha effenstre. had reached ' tha Chalnv L.ablin railway, about midway between thorn two cities.' and that aoatheaat of thla. aa far aa tha Bug rlrer tha Tt limit B front had bean "shaken." The success of General Tea Mack onaaen la get tie aeroae thla taiiway after having bean virtually stopped by tha Russian counter attack denlee at least aaa Una of retreat to the Roo ster who might etlll ba between him and Warsaw and also place tha Oar tnaaa In a position to mora againat the Bug river front should thla ha decided upon. British military crttlca. . however, refuse ta believe that Orand Dke Nicholas,' commander la chief at the Kaasian forces, haa not provided for ail eentlngenciee or that ha waa not fairly sure af tha aafety ef hla troop before Indicating- ta tha world that ha had decided to take ap a new Una. Dispatches recwlved hero say tha country around Warsaw haa been pat to the torch, while the city Itself has been denuded ef everything that might he of-nee to the Oermane if It fails lata their hand a. It may even be aoma day before the Teuton occupy tha Polish capital for the Russians are aiU delivering heavy blown at their opponents and are gaining aoma local emiciaasa. However, military erttlea any thee tocsrt 'eurraekee - will tie af fect the Roasiarr plain ef falling pack aherte.nd etronaer freo. , A soon aa tha preeent operaMone against ftuada ar benctadod whether or not Wiey suocwsei in iwu.jih w Urga part of tha Russian army. H la expected that tha Oermaaa will tarn ta tha went, a movement which, bow ever, will take a couple of month at least..' It Will therefore be a race between the Teutonic force and the. British and French aa te which aid will take thai offensive In Franc where the attuation remains aa K haa bean for week past, except In-Alsace, where tha French continue their attack oa th positions protecting Mueneter. . Bad weather agala la Interfering with the operations ta tha Anstre Itallaa theatre. WGUNlTPOTSTWf SPIESTO DEATH m s laiisiiil twsa). London. July .The following official statement waa made public tonight: It la officially announced that two pilaonTB who wara charged wHh eepienage were tried PT oral oeurt martial on tha lttb and IIUW-, 1B7 Ww sentenced te death and tha sentences having Been runy wnnrraw, ware carried out thla morning. w-v m. nr4..K mnMiuMt. In an of. Hclal statement Thursday dealing rf.k ik. niiaatio of eanionajre. aald that la addition to Ave persons whoa conviction already had - been an noonoed. ten other had bean appre hended and would be tried for spy ing. One or tneaa was a ueiniaa with aa alleged forged ., Ameriaaa PAPER BLACK HANDS POSTED ON WINDOWS Attorwr-y Ft and a Bk Par Thaw, Aa Archl. ' Bant Monica. CaL, July It.Rep reeentaUona of Mack hands, est from black paper aad pasted upon the win dows of the residence ef Dolphin M. Del mas, formerly a attorney for Harry K. Thaw: Robert Parquihar. aa architect, and a eoa-ln-law of the lata United Statea senator Jonee, of Ne vada, ahd. a prominent banker, whoso name Waa withheld, etartad the police hare today ta anarch for men believed engaged in a plot againat tha three. The bmck hand were found on tha windows thla morning. . Uttle atten tion waa paid to them, antll it waa learned that tha banker. friend of the other two. had received three toe ing letter. . - GERMAN REPT.Y TO TMfmfKt , MOTH EXPECTED WKXT yKEK. 1 ; ' a nrliiil Ivan). . Washington, July ! Germany's reply to the American representations on forgeries of American peeeperts U not expected before next week at the earliest. Officials here believe the Berlin forelga office will take aoma time for investigation. Ha spoctrlc treaty provtatoa cevera tha case but frgertea af easa porta are breach courtesy between governments which aeldem go unnoticed. ' " DUPUTB BCTWKEX PAPER CO. -rT - AMD EMPiXJYEa bLTTLCD. PlSSJi.- - t : Waahtnrton. July t-Federal eon. Ulatora today reported to' tha De partment af Labor that the eontro verey between the International Pa per Company and , amplovea had been settled by aa agreement and that the lockout of th pattern makers la Bridgeport Cenav had been ami oaaly adjusted. Armed Intervention Is Not Ex pected But : It Is Believed . That a Message WIS Be Sent - The Opposing Leaders Fix ing a Final Date For Them To Cease Hostilities " Wmaliriarton. Ttdy la. Deflnlt steps toward th 1' est m at Ion of pane ta Mealoa wffl h , Ukaei Immedlilely upon ; Preeiaant Wllaa tataa ta Washington neat' wash. Ta nysnine aotlaa tha Preatdent may hav de oided upea haa not swam alaolnaad. hat tt wan eatheTtUdlraly Btaaed taadght oarry oat proenptly the peogiam de termined upon. Only aa anexpectad move la Mexico itself to and the strife, It la aald. would further delay ttv action by the United eta censtllutlonal government tn tha war-torn rapubtl,' Armed mtervontlon la not regarded ae aonfemplated U the Praetdeaf s prograan. Ra porta are generally credited that a li 1 1 see ge will be sent to th oppoatag Isadora fixlag a final data for them ta eeaea hoatlliUoa. aasembea a oonfer ao t astu their dlffet enase. , Poa albUIUee af another failure ta bring thla about la being ooBmderod vy the President, tt la declared, ia formu. latlng hat plana. . Whether tn that event a genera ember on arm exportation will be Imposed or American troopa employed to assure transportation of food to the atnrvlng people at th oountry, can- not b preaiatao. 11 ia anown. now ever, that th army and navy are ready for ear eventuality. ooretary Lansing today t, i that repreeentaticavi sent, to Uen - Car ranaa. Villa and Zapata i.t night urging that route to Mexico City b opened to provtaioa traina, were force ful. that to Oarranma.- who eonirxig the railroad from Vera, Crua pa,.,.u larly ..- - Ko answer from any of the If n generala had been received tonr. it was blrvl, bo"vr. f-t t - ' n traina ioti J bo tw,i. j t within Jkfuw daya vnuer awl f -raasa troop.- stoma reported Atmu' movement led to this belief, - Charles A. Douglas who returned to Washington- today from Vera Crux after conference with -Gen. Carranxa and Oonaaloa, brought assurance that Carre for coo would hold MokIoo City after th reoeeupetiea. . A Red Cree statement today -aald Conditions arosstd Hstmnellle. honor, war "swtting worm every day.- Tha government la taking ail wheat from farmers without asking and all floor." ' A statement signed by forty Mexi aaa residents of honor and forwarded! t the Rod Creee said there we great suffering, many families baring, enljr one scant meal a day. - . ...-, "We do net want war." aaya the "We dearrw ta work In vatioct. even if . the government does deny that hunger euata. This state ment of the a-overnrnt I falsa, aa era know that hunger- exists and we feel a re that aome eases ef actual starvation have occurred-' , trmted Hcea Ta Can. Vra Crua, July M-Joha R. KIU maa, Preaideat WHsea'a persona rep raasntatlv In Mexico, today presented to na. Venuatiaa Oazvanaa, th Bret chief of the CVmetltutiowaiiets. a atatm meat from tha United Btate govarn mont regarding the attaatiaa In Mex too City. TV state svent reu nested ro formatioa aa to whett emmunieatloa with the capital would ba raaterad aad alee asked other -pertinent, question! concerning what oeuld be expected In th aear future. . .,.. Larede, Tagu July It. Noa-oom-eataata at Torraoa. Mexioe, are suf fering severely from hack, of toed, while the Villa and Carranna armle tn that ndeity asparwatly are plenU fully eupplled. ' according to passsa gore whe arrived bora lata today from Torraon. They reported all business In Torreon at a standstill . aad th poorer claaaea flnaaotally unable to puroaaa even the meager available took of corn and other cereals. . The hospitals are filled with woanded sol diers. - . Skirmishing wontlBuea near Teamola, but other than that - caa-uerrleo are heavy an both sides. TUtti war news we obtainable for passenger or la metal auartrwln Neuvo Laredo. . . FAIL TO RECAPTURE 7 ISLAND OOF f ELAGOSA - -'r "77Yrw,'l v ' '-': Roma. July Us frl Paris) A a attempt was mads by a squadron ef Austrian cruisers and a flotilla of torpedo boat destroyer yesterday t reoaptur tha- Italian Island of Pelagosa, In the Adriatic, which was occupied by Italian. naval force ' last Monday, according' ta aa official eommunlcatlon lesaed today by Italia Ministry af Marine. . .. . - Tha attack waa repuleed. th state ment add, and soma membera af the Austrian leading party, were forced to awlm to their ship. Th. Italian oaswaltts war given) a two ; me wounded. - -.- DUTCH PROYIDE FOR ARMY INCREASE TO 550,000 Tha Nague Netherlands. July It. Via London. d:it p, m The new Dutch laadeturm bill waa adopted by tha Bret chamber today aad became a law. The measure provide for aa event sal Increase In the total trained soldiers of Holland ta approximately lit. officers and men Instead of Itl.ttf who axa mew under axauv. The Eastland .Taken Over By Federal Marshal By Order J, of Judge Landls" " REDFIELO -STILL PROBING Labor -Leaders Claim Secre tary's Inquiry Will Be.White 1 wash of Federal Inspectors. viThsy Telegraph a Protest To .President Wilson; Only One . l.!ore Body Recovered C!ilMMr, Ilia..: July I. Invaatlg ttcn t determine whether aayon waa (rimtnaXly te Mama for tha capsudsg f the anr Bast land tn the Chi cago river Saturday with th ton of About !. lhres was confined today to n fedVerel grand jury and the steam boat Inspection servto under Bocr tary at 3onrmeroo Redfield. tTad abtp. atm lying on it aid at ft wharft we taken over by a federal wurshail an rdars from Judge Land Is, of th Catted ehate dlatrtct court. Th oaanty grand jury tt waa decided by Marl.ay Hoyna. etata'a attorney, probably did pot hav sumdent juria- dlctkm t accomplish anything .and eased it laautry for t ecretary RedAeld't exienlnaUoS of steamboat Inspector continued today hat dewawped a new facts. ' Befor Mr. Redfield resumed , bU hearing, labor leeder Issued state- nteete that tha department af Mm merse lncueet would ba a whitewash for f'1eral Inspector Theaa labor leader telegraphed a protest ta Preel- dent Wilson, but received n reply. After yesterday's testimony before 8-r. ry Kedneld. Mayor Thompson r i r -er said that the examination of v. nenwea eeeroed .unsetlsfaotory. whi e Au-tant State' Attorney But Uvea tnouTht th suesttona put - Toy Seoretitry lvd field Were to leading. The (mentioning of Witnoeae today was tarned over to A. L. Thurman. solicitor for th department of com merce, althoough anyone In tha room waa :'-! to put quest tone. Seo retarv I .j.s .eld aald the datennlnatlo of . It any. lay with th federal I"' l j ry and the federal trial court e;;. t e Investigation, was, only so i -f rclre whether steamboat , In . ra 1 I '.".- i accord tag U legal , -'-vi... . ..... v (..; .. ,..,'..'-' i ! .heeofg bef'ira Bcrtary Ytad. f ;1 a..i !iiti!vt, f the eteamboait iiopeotion wrvice will continue tomor row, aa sal tha takinr of testimony by th federal grand Jury- ., v- ? .' ; Peter M. Horlman, coroner, whae Jury charged six persona with probev bla hlama for th catastrophe today arrange-a eonferenc with' Mayor Thompson to plan aoma msaae of ob taining more stringent regulation of steamers, "If .the federal taaulry avail nothing. : . .--j a . v- Little apparent headway waa enad with th righUng of th ' Bast land. Only -one body waa moves ad, making toe-total known-dead lit. - The miss ing list kept by th Western Electric Company whae employe arranged th . en-curston, that was stopped by tha upaatttlnr of tha steamer receded to 111 tonight. Indicating that th total numbr of 'deed would: probably be under 1.IM. aa th dead aad miss ing sow total only 111. -Cornish. K. H- Jul 'President Wilson today, received from friend of persona drowned In the Eastland disaster, pretest against having per eon connected wfth tha steamboat In speotion ssrvics make aa invest igatloa af tha disaster for th federal govern ment. Tha President waa told that It would ba fairer ta hav anon not In th federal eervtce conduct th Inquiry. Several of the protests were from or ganisations te which- victim of th disaster belonged. Th President ha Intrusted the federal Investigation to secretary Red field, and has urged that tt be mad aa thorough aa possible. Th protests probably will ba re ferred to Mr. Red fields ENGLISH PRESS CONCERNED ABOUT COTTON PROBLEM .'-.'--. or n . London. Jaty Whatever aedion th British government takes with regard -ta cotton whether It merely be kept out of Germany or declared contraband th Spectator, la an edi torial arttala , today., espresso . the opinion that th " out hern cotton gioweia of th United Stataa should he recompensed. "Th pressure." .- this newspaper gee to aay, "which tha enormous eetton industry of the Democrat! South can bring to sear oa a Demo cratic preaideat la Indeed th crux of the situation, tt may ha tha British government will find that a scheme which tt la said to be oonsldertng of compensating American eetton grow' or by buying a proportion of thsdi crop over and above the British nor mal purchase, la - feasible. If thtt were thought possible and right It would, we aeed hardly say, . be aa enormous satisfaction to Encllahmea to fool that the ecruplea ef . th Amerlcaa government for a prece dent an toe grievance or the aoutn- era cotton planter Baa been AUSTRIANS L0SE12e000 IN ATTACK ON ITALIANS . ( he soil mill Pies. . . Oeneva. Bwlta., Jury Id. Via ParU A telegraphic dlenateh ta th Trtbun from f "jhi i '. a, aay: "Th AustrU -ie attarksd the Ital laae at Ooriaa w'th liHi men, in cluding l. ) '.r:.nw, on the night of July I with d i "t rav e' resul tv Th Austrian losses f urul. i 1 l,M.'., "On tha folic a aerce Aus trian attack aa cr.reu, i lueau repulsed. - ' '"The IUHaa hf kit the position they have capt t4 is t!.e last flftssa days except thr ajtva'tf-d trench a- Oortala wicaj r-av 1.'' :y, ' ' - r V ' 'It- .. I..'' -'.... I ' , , ii - V : ; j . . , .... " .........'. , The government of Haytl haa blown up again with th result that tha pree Mnt haa besa lynched aftar aa ex preaideat had been killed aa his order. President Quillaume, Just befor hi nemie beoams all powerful, ordered 111 prisoner klllad. Among tham was Oreats Semor, the former president. Relatives of th prisoners, and Par ol Samor took poseeeslon of STEALS A SKULL A'Wvtvt AsheynlerNegfoTold .The : Po lice He Was Making a Col- lection of Such Things Is the ness sad BHiissl. Abeville, July 10. Charged with grave robbing la connection with the stealing of a human skull from ths Catholic. Kill cemetery. Tom Johnson, oolored. haa .been arrested by mem bera of th plain clothee aquad of th local polio department. According to tha offloera, Johnson olaima that h wanted It merely for a souvenir, ae"ha Is making a little collection ef such -things. Ths alleged ghoulish ope rations occurred aometlm ago and whether it waa-dae tonhlTfaot that h could not Bleep peacefully with' th object In the same room or that he learned that tha polio wet after him, it la stated -by tha polio that the robber returned .the ahull a few nights after digging It up. -The polio hav buried it eo when Gabriel blows fed trumpet th owner will aot h embarrassed by having hla head and body in two different places. Ac cording to the . police, a search of Johnson's -houss did -not reveal any graveyard ; memento or , cemetery souvenirs. G0MPERS AGAIN CHARGES FOREIGN WORK IN STRIKES (Br n amnsili Praa). Washington, July It. Praaident Samuel . Oomper,., of J th. American Federation of Labor, today reiterated hla charge that foreign Influence had been working to cause strike, la th United Stat and called -upon , the working men to discountenance any such attempt Mr. Oompere mada pubtio hi correspondsnce with the Central Federated Unloa of New Torn, which had Inquired aa to a statement attributed tf Mr. Oomper that "offi cer of International union had re ceived money to -pull 'off strikes .in Bridgeport and sis what a la ammuni tion -factories.'" -r-17 i - "I never mentioned International anions," wroto Mr. Oomprs, "nor did I refer to ammunition factories. What I did say waa that authantlo Informa tion hadVeomo to mo that effort had been, made to corrupt men. fori the purpose of having strikes inaugurated among seamen and longshoremen en gaged in handling American products ad manning ahlpa for Europeaa ports; that tha corrupting influence waa being Conducted by agents of a foreign govern meat and that I had. aa doubt the seme agv-ncies and influ ence ware at work elsewhere , with the earns purpose in view. "We should all enter a sympathetic protest aad frown down apoa any for elgn interference no matter by what motive actuated. . partioularly when that motive is alterior-and to th det riment ef the good name. growth end permanence ef our greet oaus-"- : . j ONE SHIP SUNK JBY MINE," ANOTHER BY SUBMARINE Londorv July II. -Ths Norwegian steamship Trondhjsmaf Jord waa tor pedoed aad sunk today by' a Oermaa uhmatina, - - " , .-Tha Belgian steamer Prinea Albert was sunk by striking a mine. . - Th erw t both - vassal . wara atvad. .. -; ,,-:-;;y:-j ? t-r , Th Tiortdhjemsfjord left Nsw Tori July . II. bound for Bergen. Chrie tlana. and other Scsusdinavlna, porta, 8b was a vessel ef I.T1 tons nec The Beigiaa steamer Prince Albert waa of 1,11 tons gross-burdsn. built let INi ,. . - Port aa Prlnoa, drove the president to th French Legation homo aad then entered that over th protest of the French minister. Oulllaume' body waa riddled with bullet and than dragged through tha streets. Admiral William B. Capartoa, aa the United States cruiser Washington, which had bee on the north coast of Haytl, hurried to th ecena to protect American Ufa and property. Hendersonvillo Can't Solve The : Pufcle of Wednesday Night's, . ,Gun Play tliilil W Tat Hess eat Otisia). HandereoBvilla. July II. The Mllls- Thompson -Carter shooting affair I yet shrouded In mystery estb people d tecum the vaiioua mystifying angle f th attnatloa and tha officer and lawyer attempt to ferret out facta t abed light oa tha case. Th affloar took th deposition af Ed. Mills, of Atlanta, while tt w thought h bad bo chance 6f reoovery but tha document ta aald to add noth lag naw.ef -Importance In th case Mills' father arrived from Atlanta to day. -' Albert Thornpeon'a brothar, Looee: Thorn neon, of Bpartanbrg, la ham witl hla attorney, Greg Oelbreth. Local counsel have been ; retained by the other defendants. . Chief of Polio L, B. Perry of Ah vtlle, was hsr today. He la aald to be working -oa th case, especially la regard to th mar bins in which th defendants came from AshevUle and returned and the chauffeur, who I un known. Whether tne automomie wi left oa the Main street or taken te a garage during the ahootlng and how Akin MltoheU and Crtas Wood fin reached It after Hie ahootlng are ip- torestlnsT ausetiona. Ksparts-lend .to show .that. tw pis tol wsre fired befor Carter fired from his asoohd Boor window at Thompson. Ths ratter Is aald te have concealed hla weapon la hla handker chief and fired at Mills at doss rang after calling for Carter. Carter, after visiting the JaiL -could not identify ither Mitchell. Woodfla or Leonard, who. area -aid to have accompanied Thompson- to Carter- home. REACHES U. S. TO BUY V "-"COTTON FOR RUSSIA rsr Be. . New York. July M. Among . th passengers arriving today was Sam uel Olushanoko. of Wtndau. KueaJ. He Is ths official representative of the Moscow-Wladau . Railway and the ootton manufacturers of tnst d 1st riot. ' Mr. Olushanok will confer with membera of Hi eottoa exchange and leading cotton exportara regarding a possible meandf of shipping large quantities of .eofthn direct te Riinsl without reference to either Oermany or Great Britain. He will tour , the Souths with cotton jaalera, 8 KILLED AND 12 -INJURED IN MINE " Oh Ike Pittsburg, Paw July I. Eight me were killed and twelve Injured at th Patterson mine or the t nlte Coal Company near l Elisabeth, ps fifteen miles from hero,-this afternoon who a cable hauling twelve ear up a steep Incline, broke.' Among th killed waa Bantu! M. DeugbtAiy. the aoai com pear guperintendent. ' OuTBOPATHH CIVK RIGHT ' t ' ' TO Aii.'dlNloTbJt ORUGfl. - Washington, July 18, Federal reg ulations under the Haniaoa anti-drug law were changed today . te permit registry ef osteopaths eo they may administer drugs la those States where they are registered by law aa practv- tto SHOQTIFJG AFFAIR - ev. ..-'- '. - ''"'-.. -v-J--, 'i - j -J " m as ssi am iri-r, m w . .. , ' Photograph of His Wife Pinned On His Shirt Over His Heart. . .Gives Out DyingjStatement in Which He Declares His In- ' nocence of Crime; Story of ' Rosenthal Killing : . V (Br tM ennui t Praal. . ' l.; ."i Sing Sing Prison. Osalnlrg K.-12: July II. Charles Becker ' paid Ut death pealfy by electrocution here arly today for having fpsUgated th murder of Herman Rnaenthal. gamh- : ler, three year ago., WHh wonderful composure and maintaining hla Inno cence to the laat. the former New Tork polloe lieutenant led th way to the execution chamber. A photo graph of his wife waa pinned on hi shirt over his heart... Three shock were given before the prise physician pronounced life extinct pt 1:11 o'clock. With two priest at his aid chant; Ing a litsny. Becker Joining In aad re peating "Have mercy ea ua." tha eon1 demned rhea Walked steadily te the death chair. He had aat ap ail Bight en the edge of hi eot. talking to DepA uty Warden Charirs H. Vohnori. J "I have got to f ac tt and I am -going te meet It quietly and without trouble to anyone." , The deputy warden reft Becker about an hour befor th tifnd for the execution. When Father Caahln. . Rrison priest, and Father Carry. f w Tork, came, they found Becker with hi face resting on hi hand gas- -Ing at ths prison floor. They re mained with him' to the end. To Father Curry he gars hla mat mee- sage, which was: "I am aot guilty by deed, or eon piracy, or la any other way of thrf. death of Rosenthal. 1 am sacrificed to my frlenda Boa thla meeeage te the world and my frlenda A men." i He hesitated a moment aa h en tered the execution room. He looked quickly at the double row ef witnesses, glanced at the floor, then suddenly walked over th ' rubber met aad aated himself In ths electric chair. -Three ohock were given before th condemned mas) waa pronounced dead. He was put t death by the Itate executioner .whose name "rr know to th public. He ' tl In bis opinion Becker had i'.4'H i flnatly t th first contact. i ... ' ' Dying Ir1amtln. , ' . . ' At 4 :Ss o'cliri he had glvrn kv, th following typewritten - stst aa hi dying dsclamtloa, slgnod In his own bold handwriting: " "My Dying Declaration: ' "Cientlemea: . I stand befor yon In my full senses, knowing that n power on earth can save ma from th grave that la to receive me. In th face of that, la tha teeth of thoaa who coa draaed m aad la th presence of my God and your Ood. I proclaim my ab- . solute Innocence . of the foul crime for which I maat die. Toa are now about to witness my destruction by, th State whloh la organised ta pro. . teet the lives ef the innocent- May Almighty Ood pardon every on who haa contributed la aay degree t my untimely -death. . Aad now, am th . brtnlt. of jny jrav I declare to the world that T am"proueHtohve "beeri the husband of th purest, noblest women that aver lived Helen Becker. Thla announcement is th only legacy I oaa lea we her. . I bid yea all good bye. Fathsr, L am ready ta go. Ames. Rostaxthal RlUnd July la. -ISIS. Herman Rossnthal, th gambler for whom murder Charles Becker ' waa sentenced to die In the electric chair, was shot to death by hired guemen in the early morning of July II. ll. tn front of th Hotel Metro pole on Forty-third street, a few atsme front Broadway. Tha mardur waa the swift culmination of aenaaflonal ehargia mad a few days before by Rosenthal againat Becker In wbleh Roeenthal assrtsd that Backer, then head of the Strong Arm Bound bf detectives.' freely sold polio protection and had accumulated thonaaads ef dollar of graft money.' - Hnsnthol.wnt- further tha that- He swore that Becker waa hie aHent partner In a gambling enterprise that failed and that Becker, angered by loeeee where he had expected lanre pre fits, raided tha Rosenthal astab uahnwnt and drove Roeenthal hut of I bustnsa by tationlng nnrformed. pollcemea on hi premise day and. Bight. ' y'- . ' - V , These charges were published and , District Attorney Whitman began an ' Investigation of-them. He aummoned ' -Roeenthal t' the Criminals Courts ' V building and llsteaod to his story. An . appointment waa made with Rosen. , thai; -for the next day. . Before- the time cam; Rossnthal waa murdered. When tha sea sains had done their work, they re across the tret.rr Jumped Into a grey automobile which waa waiting at tha curb and whirled away uptown. A.. bystander caught the license number of the ear. i-- Di strict Attorney Whitman, notified by telephone of the murder, reached th police statioa where Roeeethal's body lay before dawn. Ha aroused his detective from their aleep and spread a dragnet aver th city for . ' th murder ear. It waa found before night It driver, Louis Shapiro, and Louis Libbey. part owner.- were ar rested and Mr. Whitman asserted . epenly In aa emphatle statemrst that tha police had abetted tha murder. - Hew Tork City, already interested In the charge or police corruption, responded to th news of the murder as If to a call t arms. Becker, who had been the chief target of Rosen thal's accusations, was epenly sus pected. He was relieved of hie com mand of tha Strong Arm Squad and transferred to th Bronx. Jack Roei, hi graft collect er. walked Into th Crtmiaal Courts building th day after, th murder and surrendered to the District Attoanay, declaring he he 1 Bothinjr to fear.- Harry Vallon ant Brldgle Webber, gamblers aad friends of Roes aad Becker, were arrested as witness. Th grand Jury began Its iBveetlrstio. Knee, ia frwnsu twrrasra Rose lav la Brteoa twelve day. with out word from Becker, aad. bertevlng " .tCaUud a. Peg BU4 rr- ' i e.

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