THE WZATIIER " ' .. Fun data concerning ' tha weather will b found today' Om Page-Two. erver Best Advertising Medium la North Carolina -: -r VOL en. NO. 40. - RALEIGH, N. G. MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1915. " PRICE 8 CENTS FOUR DROM WHEN BOAT U.S. AT SEAT OF MAlJiilU: T . Vifla't Busy Atrent CUSTOM GER LANSING. M'ADOQ CONFER QN MEXICO EUTQNS PRESS OF 5 IfJ HAITI ; i r r r Dr; Morris M. Caldwell, 1H. Bomemann and Chief Engineer Harwell Meet Death in ,WERE CROSSING RIVER IN SMALL MOTOR CRAFT Dr.' Caldwell Good Swimmer . and Thought To Have tost Life Trying To Save Brother. ' Tragedy Casts Gloom Over , Entire ; Community; ; Large Number of Boats Engaged . AH Oay Yesterday Dragging ' ' River in Vain For The Bodies. Both Physicians Well Known ; andPopular-:-. m Cp Twtr Htot ,idrf aaothw hat nldaUSit. bw pr. Xenrli , 1L Cl(JwH, Ma bnMhw. Mr. CtaO C&ld ' wn, t Kw Terk. who -w TlalUnc kiM, Dtl.R BerawMU, a4 CUM KnattaMT BrU, of tk O.iiim .-. Th. nnil bwUt fcaat te vMcfc. tkar aroaatar Ik lhw to Ttatt tha two lilarait Pawn 'fa mara, Uw ; Nlimria. aad tha KMralai4 ta mid atraua opposite tha foot of Or JCndnaar JUtmaaa, of tha th llfth mxmh. tbo paity.' tha only on. to ha aawaC Ha to a ood nrlmaMr, aad fach4 aoma plHng which ha dwBf to ntU Captain Hotteaeh, of tha Nlcajta, ta raapoaaa to caJla for balp, went to hto aaatstaaoa to a X AKhovch. tha riw baa boan thor oughly ran' for blocks and uchlf pu-tios hava kMC out all day. Boa. of tha hedlaa ha, fat hoa ; ' Dr.- OaloNnlr had- Hi mw had ,' Mr. CatdwaO war. oaatod In tha atars ' of th. boat. Th boat u low dowa ta th. watar and th aUfhtaat tUt woald ha, aaoaad It to taaa ta watw. ' It la thought thai on of th. nn rat : od op, eanatoa' th boat to dip. Ow t ln to th. waisht of .naiaa and amaH alia of tha eratw a llttla watw oauwd It to m to th. bottoa Inataatly. . Dr. Caldwell wu a rood iwlmmor aa all-round auueta. ana U la thoaaht that ha eauot havo loot hto " III. la an affort to aaro hto broth.r, . who could mot awtm. Dr. Bornatnaan atoo could awta, but anloaa oa. owtms with tha ca.rr.nt ta th. rlTor it to . Impoaalbla for him to maka any haad way. OoaBnualtr la Glooaa . Tha trajMKjr baa cast a aloom oror . th mttlra community. Thooaanda of .--aaoala Maod thai rtrar front all day. walchlna tha lara iitmbtr of boata ." rayaaad ta dranrtnc th rtw for th. hodiM. ' Both, phyaldana war. wall kaowa and popular. , Dr. Caldw.ll waa roaldest phyalchui of th. 8a- hoard Air Una and waa foraTryraT .. yara au pari n tend ot of th. Jam Walkr MMnortal Hoapltal. For aoma jtiwi ha haa bN anaacd la prlrat. practleo and had on. of th. boat .. .quipped odloaa la tha ttata, and hto praetlo war probably thalaxract of any phyaiciaa In Wllmlnntoa. He wai . a mam bar er tha liaaoalo Order, Th. Elka Royal Aroaaum, aad probably . -other fratarnltiaa. H. came orlai- nally from Cabarrua oounty. wher hi a ; family to promlamt. Dr. araduated at DaTldaon Collar, and , at a medical eolleara In Philadelphia, Hto wife, who waa httoa Harea, of " Peanaytwanla, and two Httlo chlldrea v ourylaav Br. Bornoaiaaa waa aaalstant to the rhlaf eurreoa of th Atlaatto Coast ' Un aad waa atoo a mam bar of city - rtrll aerrlc oomntosloa of wllmlna . ton. ' SurrtYlnr aro hia paranta, Mr. " aad Mra I. H. Boraomaaa. and aaT-.- v oral brothara and atolata. . Dr. Borna ' anaaa waa a traduat. of tha UalTr aity of North Carolina aad th. Jef ferson Medical Col lore. H. was a member of th Elk a aad no widely kaowa and well liked. - Th. ehtof engineer of th Kloaria - leaves a wife and chlldrea In his aa-- ttTttaad.T Ife has been la Wlladha 1 ton a yar with th "steansr. Dr. Caldwell aad Dr. Charles T. ' Harper, asetotaat euryeoa of th. Sea boardi were to bar. beao th. anter talninc hosts next week -of the Bra board aarcwona at Wrlrhtsvills Beuh Dr. Harper had an acut attack of ' appandkcltla a few days am and had ta be operated apoaw He will not be out In tint for th mestlns. H la ' considered an anusnal coincidence that something should bar. happened to both of them.! , . j ' ADAM WINEGAND DROWNED . m masohboro sound Cot Beyond Hla Der aad Beraas la aa uon to ear. a Wilmlngtoa. Aug. t Adam T. Wlnesaad. a young maa holding a position with tha Atlantic. Coast Lin her waa drowned at ' Maeoabor tioend at aim o'clock this afteraoon. In as effort t. aav. a companion, Carl Ktrusk, who had got beyond hto depth and become exhausted. Strunck floated until h could be rearuedi Wlnegand's body reaialaed under water tar three .quarters of aa hoor befnr. It was recovered. -The ptimKor was used for two hours, but there was a spark of life laft There wer. thre. yeun men la hAihlne. the third being WlUle reehav 1 he bedr of Winr"J wtll be srnt to f firmer home at Wf;kabe.rre, Fa.. tomorrow "or burlai. The yotms maa I as been living her. about a year. tlell Caldwell, Dr. J. the Cape Fear. conn m -'-. h wssswssjsasss Japanese Statesman at Re quest of Emperor Decides To Remain Irt Office ' PERSONNEL IS ANNOUNCED The Association of Okuma's Supporters Has Sent Out Circulars Urging Support For The Premier On Ground .That Ideal Is To Make Japan ' Nation of First Rank ( bm asusm M. Tokio. Aur- I. Premier Count Okama Ttrtually has decided at tho request of tha Emperor to remain la office, aad haa arranved tha following- oabtast: Prarnler. Count Bhlrenbu Ohuma. FarlaB. Affalra, Count Bhtovabou Flnaae. Tokttoahl Takototnl. " Maria. Vice Admiral Toatosaburo Kato. War. Li su tenant General Oka. V Justice. Tuklo Osakt. Com munlcat tone, Kataundo Minou- ra, or Vlsoouat Maaakata Bsacoko. and Airtcultur. Hlron aka Koao. . Bdaeatloa, 8. Takata. Interior. Kltokur IohlU. Th. aasnaiDtl.a by Count Oku ma of ta foralrn ministry, alter Kato naa dsonned to retain that portfolio la to bo temporary, pending selection of a pai tanent auaistsr. Premier Okuma's doolstoa to i mala la office waa eontlarent upon th. enetruetlon . of a cabinet aoaeptablo hkir." Th aaaooaUoA ot jQhuma supporters, haa aent out circular! urn la aupport for the premier oa the round that hto Ideal la te make Japaa a nation of foremost rank, ca pabl. of . competlnr with taa most -CContinuod on Far. Two.) 4. ChristTs Teachings Wholly Against It, Claimed InGuin ""TdrTJollegeJdresse taltlsl lTbWee aad Otiaisl.' Onllfordpoliega Aug. (.-Today's sctlTltles of th visitor to yearly meeting' commenced with Sunday school, various classes meeting In th. reral buildings of th. college. Tho Usual claae for men only, met In Memorial Hall and took up the war question from a Christian stand point. Dr. Tomtinsea, of Philadel phia, referred to Christ's teaching and showed that la tha event of war Christiana Ilka Christ most refrain from killing voluntarily or knowing ly at all basards If to avoid doing so they lose their owa Urea. Rot. W. W. HeVUand, of Fhllads phla read from tho Bible In Matthew 1 LAKa. clear' statements utterly opposed to war aad the spirit of war aad he read, strong utterances from Vr. wm. BpervT, cngregauonalist. of Boston. Rev, Frank Craaa, a pronwnent Methodist minister, and) Prof. Shatter Matthsws of th Univer sity of Chicago, aad others not Quak ers, ahowins that Christianity haa a clearv testimony era! net all war (rom ml nest Chnetlans. , " . Rev. Robert Ktmklns. lot - from Chtn. said In ths changing from th old Chinese dynasty to tho present form . eu rsfmnueea- - government ae was surrounded by th ftory mobs of the contending sides la eminent peril, ws neutral, opposed t both armed, siad, warring elements but waa an harmed, that ha expects te return te China as a missionary with his wife right Into tho midst of similar up rtolngs. Hs said he would not kill a man for the purpose of saving his m are. - Dr. gytvester Ncwtln. of- High Point. Breached te a pecked audteaoe la the church en Tor me te live to Christ, hut o die to to gala" To as other audience equal la etas sad m all other respects. Rev. W. W. HsTiland, f Philadelphia, preached from the text, "Let ae draw near with a tree heart In fall aasurane of faith having our hearts sprinkled from aa evil conscience, and- our bed tea washed with-pure esee," In the afternee both auditoriums were pecked. Rev. Adalbert 'Wood, of New Hampshire, preach ed la on and Prof. V. aide Weedy, of Ohio, la the other. . ; . - - Great crowds were fat atteadaaoa sad good order prevailed ssi j ejhei. oa the promt aad la the eharchea People from Greensboro, High Point, Thomasvlllo, Ashebero, Winston -81-em. Bummerfleld. Jamestown, Jleida vtlto aad elsewhere ware present. HdAIX FIRS AT GRXXSTttXA u OreenvUle. Aug. I The ' boiler hoass ef the Greenville Cwwpetas Company was burned esxry this wei u Inc Ths lire department responded promptly and connned tha flames to the boiler house.. JAMES GAB ET FRIEfJDS VOICE HATRED OF WAR Paymaster: Morris of Cruiser . Washington, In Charge at Cajje HaKien RESTORING CITY RULE Business Conditions Improving Gunboat Word Alexis Arrives at Port Au Prince With 800 ' Disarmed ;Haltien Soldiers , Who Are Escorted To Homes By American Marines Wash in (ton. Aug;. (.Bear Admiral Capertoa, oommaadlng th American naval forces ta Haiti reported to night that he had taksa over tho ad ministration of ths customs ufftoa at Capo Haitian, and had placed pay. master Charles Morris of tho crulset Washington tsraporarily In charge. No maatioa was mads of the -reported sehrare of tho customs office at Fort Aa Prince. Business conditions fa Caps Haitian, tha dtepatch said, ware Improving, aad there waa aa apparent disposition among ths natives to aupport the city government being reorganised by Admiral CapeKon. Tho admiral's dispatch reported the antral of tho Haitlea gunboat Nord Alexia at Port An Prince with tit dis armed Haitian soldiers who ' assort to their home by American marines after pledging themselves te seep the peace. Foattwmo Ctootlom of President. Port An Prince,. Aug. I. Election of a president to succeed Vtlbrun Oull taume, who was shot to death hy a mob of revolutionists July If, has been postponed Indefinitely. Th. lection was to have taken plaoe to- Tho American naval forces today suppressed some disorder by brigands at Croix Des Bouquets, near port Au Prlnoa. Th. chief of the brigand band waa eantured and Disced en board th United Btatss cruiser Wash ington. Other disorders ar reported al M. Mar and Aux Cayea, but details are tacking. Vv-. '-if ... v.Th AdmlraJ De partment itdit ladedstts paetpusamsat ef tho presidential election was de cided on because th time was dssmsd Inopportune for political eaoltement. The admiral said conditions In the Island republic wore improving aa a ' (Continued en Pago Two.) V. Carry on Business 4 1-2 Minutes Out of Every Five. Dunkirk People Take To Cellars Just Before Firing Flanders (Br as inn ami rwatl, Dunkirk. Francs. July II. Cor respondence of the Assd Prees.) The bombardment f Dunkirk by the Great German gun operating from Flanders permits the oerrylng oa of business here only four and a bait minutes out of every five. Only ono gun la being used, 'the shells corns regularly every Ave rain- ate The people take a7Mtag of tho Intervals between to transact bus mess, allowing themselves about half a minute to. make for their cellar - In th general poetofftoe, for- In stance, four and a half minutes after the explosion of the, first shell, clerk aad applicants for mail disappear to gether for th. basement. . Aftar the expected shall sxplodes they cam. oat again, and business goes oa ah usual until It la Urns to run agaia to safety. WISE AND SPERRY FOR . NAVY ADVISORY BOARD New Tork, Aug. I Th Amerlcaa ootety of Aeranautlo . Engineers to eight aaaouhead tho appointment of uenry A. wise wood, ita oresidsat. aad Elmer A, Sperry, Ita vtoe-pesst- asat, as members or the navy advisory board of Inventors. A speaial eommrttee subdivided Into three groups was appointed by the Secretary of State to cooperate with Mr. Wood aad Mr. 8 perry. The group aad members are: Theory aad ooa structlon of aeroplanes aad asronaatt- eal motors. Oreille Wrurht. Olenn H. Curtlaa, W. Starling Bnrgaaa, aad Chs. H. Manly; applieatioa of air craft for warfare: Peter Cooper Hew- nt, joaa tiays tiammona, jr aad Joseph A Btelnmets; dlrlslble bai lootis aad parachutes. Thomas . H. Baldwla. A. lo 0tevena Ralnh H. t'peoa sad Raymond B. Price. nr. wood aad Mr. B perry have re- oelved several medals B reoornltloa of their work as eHeatlna en si near TWO STEALERS AND TRAWLER SUBMARINED Ijondoa. Aug, i. tJorde announsea that ths British steamer Olenravel, the Swedish steamer llalmland. and th trawler Ocean Qseea have been sunk. Ths Brew ail were saved. Ths ' Olenravel, tnna was owned ta Belfast and tho MaloUaad, 1.T7S tons, in uowenourg. . RUSSIA WELL FED . . ' Teutons Made Colossal Prep arations For.Supplying Sol V, diers With Food, THREE WARM MEALS A DAY Great Herds of Cattle Are Driven Behind The Advanc- . ing Troops;-pailroads Were Speedily Reopened, Solving The Problenyof Forwarding Soldiers j Ow Oa Berlin. Aug. .-By wireless I to BayvlUe.) A deeerlptloa of th con ditions sudor which the Teutons are advancing through devastated Poland was given out today by the Oversee Agency. Th cofloesai .ace! on which ar rangements wsrs made to supply the srmte caused a feneatlon In the towns evacuated hi ths Ruaslaas says the statement, "hundreds of thousands of troops between tho Vis tula and ths Bug, ar being fed as watt aa If they were at home. Th men reostvo three warm meals daily. Great herds of cattle are driven be hind the advancing treop Millions of bottles of mineral water are dis tributed. "The railroads were reopened speedily, solving th problem of re storing fact litis fer farwardlag troop. Th furnishing of supplies to ths mea has been aeeompllshsd not withstanding that ths Russians re moved all aueh supplies aad set fir to villages before ths retreated. Ths only repreaeirtstlves of neu tral eouatrtos remaining at - their poets at Warsaw ar those of the United States and Norway. Attempts have besa made to organise bands of marauder from ths lower rlasen Prince Leopold of Bavaria re ceived a tremendous ovatloa when hs sntered Warsaw. Cltlasas of neutral countries parttoularly Amerioaa neve- paper correspondent participated InJ the celebration- Crowds rreeted th Germans aa liberators. The people disregarded orders to leave the town before Its evacuation. Peasants -driv en lnte Warsaw byths Russiaaa have been sent, back to their home ii '"Thara-Wana'Bhnl'.r luu a i futar rejoicing whea the. Cermsaa ac tum ed ivtmgored aad Iublln - where larg stores of. flour and other ma terials fell Into the hands of ths eon quorers. Ths Germans promised that ths nsw reglms would be mild, pro vided the people obeyed police regu- MEXICAN BANDITS AND TEXAS RANGERS BATTLE . (sr SM in am raa). Brownsvtlla, Tex.. Aug. I. Mexican sutlaws enraged la tw battles with Texas Rasrere aad oounty officers to aight near Nortaa, .Tsxsa. I mi lee north of Brownsville, according to re ports received here. - The telegraph operator at Norias has sent oat a call tor help. ' Reeulta of ths fighting ars not known here. A special train which laft here for Norias earlier In the day with ranger aad oounty officers returned tonight aad Immediately was started back to Norias. It will stop at Hcrllngen to take on a detachment ef United Btatss soldier. It was announced at Fort Brown, near here, that four companies of United States Infantry were being rushed to Norias from Fort Mcintosh. an army post near lareao. Owtlan, aad Baachmsa Fight Corpus Christie, Tx Aug. I. Ac cording to meager reports' her th. fighting at Norias, which continues late tonight to being waged between thirty Mexican outlaws and fourteen ranchmen. Six Mexicans already have oeen aiuea, according to these re Ports and three of the Americans wounded. It la said that the bandit earlv to day raided a ranch taking horse, provisions and several rifle Later they returned, aad a pitched . battle waa begun, the fourteen Americana Darncaaing themselves in ths ranch hoses. They telephoned . Eierltn. Krovnevllle and Klnesvlll for helo. fchorUy afterward the Mexicans out tho wKea. .,. 'A special train waa started from naxtta, carrying aid to the raachaM Troon A. Third TT. S. Cnvnlrv ma ordered tohirht to leave at 4 e'nlock for the nolthera part of Cameron county. It m reported th Mexlcaas attacking Kotlas ranch. - aumbered ruiiy its. . ; 4. . Bhertff A. F. Baksr. of Hidelra. tonight waa quoted as saying s9 Mexicans had croa wd ths Rio Omnde from Mexico, flfty-flv miles West of urownsvtlls and were travail nr aver ciua.go county ana were traveling la parties oi tares ana lour, apparently making their way to aoma concentrat ing point. - . - y :- - FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD KILLED BY ROAD MACHINE Palmer HalL of Btrardaghaaa, Meets ttotrat DenUi oa th Moauat Airy aad rjobeosi Highway, t . tajaSat s lh haas wd Obajnarl. ' ' Mount Airy. Aug. A Ihtal aoet- dsat oocorred oa tha Mount VAJry aad Dobsoa highway yesterday trncrsing whs Palmer Halt of Birmln'tham, a 14-year-old boy. fsU off the seatof a scraper, became .entangled Vn the machinery ana was run ever, h skull bslng eruabed. lis was a heepitrJ ta this City, but exDiiW. eoon after srrtvaL Ths body was sent te Blrmlnrham, wher th boy' wi.m.d moiner uvea, . i t No Financial Hans - For Sup porting a Mexican Govern ment Considered SILENT AS TO FEATURES Secretary Said Principal Pur . pose of Visit Was Concern ing Financial Arrangements For Pan-American Financia Congress To Be Held at Buenos Aires Washington. D. C. Aug. I. Ths Paa-Amsriran conference Initiated here tost week to devise g plan tor re stating government in Mexico, prob ably will be resumed In Nsw Terk next Wednesday. Secretary Lansing mads this Sn- aouncement tonight on hi return from New Tork where he conferred with Secretary McAdoo oa Mexican affairs and ths co-operation of ths United States and Latin republics -to nd the factional strtf. -"Wi talked of tha Mexican situa tion,- mid Secretary Lansing, "but w did hot con aider any financial plan for supporting a Mexican gov ernment- The principal purpose of my visit waa to talk with Mr. McAdoo concerning financial arrangements cor the Pan-American financial con gress to be held at Buenos Ayrea la September. 'There to considerable preliminary work to be done la eon sect ton with that." Asked whea ths conference n Mexioo. which recessed her. Friday night, would be resumed. Mr. Lansing mid: "It will be resumed early this week.- probably Wednesday, - to -New Tork," No So ftansTaln. iAdmlalstraUon officials who have predicted aa early peeve parley be tween Mexican factions were not so sanguine today. Reports from Mex ico City that General carransa had ordered Dr. Juaa J. Ortega, tha Gua temalan minister, to leave tho coun try wtthla twenty-four hours were responsible for this change la mind. Guatemala to repreeeatsd .In the Latin-Americaa conference, and Car ransa s drastio action to ' regarded here hs Indicating a disposition of Snmsnannesw toward the ooneerewna. rt era's forced departure -front Ms lc together with the departure ef M, corn naa.' the urasinaa minlstsr, will leave In the Mexican capital as diplomatic repreeentntlves of ths seven nations participating la th. (Continued on Pago Two.) Noah, Not Adam And Eve Blamed For Fall of Man. So Says Writing On Tablet According To Transla tion of Dr. Stephen Langdon (t e in nl in rnal. Philadelphia. Pa.. Aug. I Nosh, not Adam and Ere, brought about th. fall of man. according to a trans lation of a tablet now In tha Univer sity of Pennsylvania Museum. Aa announcement to that effect, mads today by ' museum off! dais aaid ths tablet, written before the days of Abraham and translated by Mr. Steven Langdoa, professor of Assyrlology in Oxford University, England, recorded that Noah was ordered not to oat of ths cassia tree In th Oardea of Par ed las and whea hs disobeyed the curs fen upon him. Tha euro waa that h should have 111 health and an early death teatead of living to be fifty thousand years old Ilks hto .as oastors. . According to th announcement to day. Mr. Langdoa believes the tablet Is at toast a thousand years cider than ins dook or usnosi GERMANY UADE PEACE - PROPOSAL TO RUSSIA ta aw A ii lai i s yvaal. London, Aug. t. A Reuters' Petro- grad dispatch says: Tho Bourse Oasstt learns from aa unimpeachable souroe that the Oer maa Emperor made aa offer of peace to Russia last Weak, through the King ef Denmark. - The answer sent to the King stated that th uestloa of peace negotiation eould sot be raised at th present time. DtwwasM la PetroarradL Patroarad. via London. Aug. tb report last Germany had mads. peace propneaie te Russia was cir culated in official circles here several dags ago aad was discussed freely In the lobbies of the duraa. ear the vernernee vremvs, - ' -We learn on s-ood authoritv " adds th newspaper. "that Germany through Denmark proposed t Russia a separats peace, Russia to receive uaiacia wail Germany would retain lbs western district of Poland. A representative of th ferstga ffles categorically denied that there eras th remotest possibility of any peace negotiation. In the lobbies of the Duma the proposal was dismissed as unwertny or seiinus consideration. , ' 1 - - Steel Craaa) to Rigts) TsmcL, . - Km vto Ai III Plant. T" ".' Chicago. - A us-. I. A hur steel erase, towed her from Cleveland, ar rived alongside the atsamer Kestiand today and prepared to aid la righting the vernal which capslssd . la tbs Chicago river two weeks ago with ths loss f nearly , Uvea, Sri ' . Mlgwol Diss Leasbsrdo. Mlsusl Diss Lorn bard a. tninietef of fereiru affairs la tho cabinet ef Gen eral Pancho - Villa, I ona of ths busiest diploiaats Washlrigtoa has ever kaowa. Tha conference ef rlecretary ef Stste Levnslng with th six ministers of Sosih asd- entrmi Altifrtoaji Bas tions ta onaectioa with the peace piaa In Mexico has oxcltad bis Inter act. He Is watching the aetrotlaiions and will endeavor to protect vtna's in terests It wss said he had a plan for peace which he would suggest ts President Wilson and Mr. Lansing. 12-YEAR-OLD ROY Charles William Durham Meets Death When Bicycle and Car Collide tsswtel a Tea Beae e4 Oleum Ashsvtlle. Aug. 8. Charles WU tism Durham, ths twelve year old son of Dr. and Mr B. J. Durham, met Instant death on the street In front of his home at Woolney this morning. whsn the bicycle on which he wss rid- In collided with an automoblls drtv- sa by Roy Smith. The machine wt- tbe prooerty of Chamber and weav er Company, being used as a public service oar. Ths driver was taxing Locks Brwin, of Concord, a prominent cotton mill man of that city to a natorlum. The child was riding Into the street from the driveway which leads from his father's home, and retainlna- wall la front of ths property te said to have obstructed bis view of the machine. - Before either the chauffeur or the bicyclist could stop, th blcycls struck th automobile, an j the rider was thrown over the handle bar and under the heavy ear. Two wheela passed over him breaking hla neck aad hia toft tow. Ths ebauffeur was taken Into custody by a member oi the shsritra department but wss re leased upon bail furnished by ths firm by which he is employed. TURKS LOSE SOME GROUND AT DARDANELLES : -Jim Amsterdam. Aug.-1. via London.- A land and sea attack on th Turkish posttloa on Gallopoll peninsula I announced in an official Constantino ple, communication received her to day. The Turkish war office admits the loss of around, but a irt a that la another sngsgement tho Turk cap tured some trenches. The report, whoa date of Issue Is sot given ears: yesterday evening . oa th Darda nelles front In fhs region of Art Burn our . left wing captured aom trenches by a surnriss attack and D re ran tea Dim rrom Bringing up rein forosmenU. : la ths a ft em oo a the eaamy. afvST stent aruiiery B reparation from land aad see, mad a number of attacks against ths trenches oa our toft wing. penetrating a portion or tnem. To ward svsnln- we reached the rreater part or tne iqst grouno. . "Oa ths same day, near Reddul Bahr, we repulsed the enemy who at tacked our right wing south of Bacha- dere." . . - ' Captured Dewprrado Promptly. EHxnbsth City. Aug. ' fc-Pro" work en th part of tha police de partment tost night put behind the hers Nick Sawyer a Norfolk nee-ro within five minutes after he had rem- milted assault with deadly weanoa upon ths. pereoB of Louis Perry a ne WM AUTOMOBILE KILLS gro Irving here. Perrr to badly sliced up but the phystcrea save that non of th wound involve any vital er- ' i . - . . ' But It Is Believed In English Military Circles That Nich- olas Can Extricate Army ". MINOR FORTRESSES TAKEN . eaensaSaw Field Marshal Mackensen Is Being Stubbornly' Resisted . and Apparently Is Making Slow Progress; Germans Gain Minor Successes' In Ar- gonne Forest .-m.., (f Oa i ill Hint hat. Ieyndoa, Aug. The Germans on Unua to make progress In an dire. Uons la th.str efforts to out off th Ruanajl retreat from Warsaw. ' The have oommenoed aa attack oa the fortresses of Kovno and 0owta, which are iMnn- lh. .w..iu --. thg lhsm from th railway from War saw through VHn and Dvlaak to Pet rograd. They have take the minor fortress ef Serock. at tho junction of ths Narew sad the Bug. and have crossed the Vistula in tho vicinity of Warsaw; and further south. General Woyrech Is advancing eastward. Field Marshal Mackensen Is being stub bornly resisted aad apparently making but slow progress. On th whols. ths daring German scheme to destroy ths Raasiaa army before It can retreat to unfolding slowly, a must be th Case from Its vary magnitude, with the thre mala railways, beside those built since the war. It Is believed In military circle her that the Grand Duke Nicholas will be able to xtricate hla Warsaw army. Tha areata ta tha east how. ever, will continue to hold the world'a attention for aom time to oome. Tha Oer man have gained minor the army of th Crown Prlnoa ha been trying for weeks to to And a weak spot In ths French dsfsnces, but a German effort te recover lost trench en the Lingskopf ta fhs Voeges to de clared to have cost them dearly. There has been aome heavy fighting In the Caucasus between tbe Russiaaa and th Turk, hut official reports are so contradictory that It la impoaalbla ' wmivw awwr ui euwuunxar . to going. Interest continue keen la the dip-1 lomatto nerotlatlon In the Balkan Reports Indicate that Serbia at last la willing to cede Macedonia te Bulxarla, buOhat Greece -m opposing any sug gestion that shs should give Bulgaria Kavaia, th seeporf In the Vilayet ef SalnnikL 'It to thought, however, that thl opposition may be changed with Venleelna mimm I. - . - - - .... . . , V pruww,. M V, W when tha Greek parliament reas semblee early In September. M. Venlselos offered Kavaia to Bul garla whsn hs waa premier simply la return for her continued nsutrallty. whlls Greece went to the assist anc of ths allies, but King Constantnls put his foot down on th whole policy, and the political crisis which resulted in. tha resignation of Vonlsloo cabinet fol lowed. , Th Petrograd Bourse Oaastta says Germany has made peace proposal to Ruasto, but that they were rejected. There to bo confirmation of thl state ment. ' Germans Report PrTjgfvJss. t ' Berlin, Aug. I, via London. Fur ther progress for the Austro-Gsrmaa forces attsmptlng to cut off the Rus sian retreat was announced today hy . th war office. Th statement says Serock, at ths mouth of th Bug. north of Warsaw, hss been occupied, forts near Novoaeorgisvsk have been cap tured, the Germans havs occupied the east bank of ths Vistula near War saw; and, to ths south, the Russians are being drives back by Field Mar shal Von Mackanseo. Minor Guinea Galaa. Paris, Aug. I. A German attack of extreme violence In the- V posts to re ported in today war office statement. The attack was repulsed, but ths war office concedes that ml a or German ad ran tares havs been gained la th Ar gonna. To Fichang London, Aug. t Exchange- of In capacitated Russians aad Oeraiaa prisoners will begin Thursday. A Co- Knhagsa dispatch to ths Exchange legraph says a steamer will sail rose th Bsitle between Telleborr aad Bsasnlta, carrying tot prisoners on each trip. Th dispatch says oxchang of Ass- trlaa and Russian prisoners will begin next month. British Caawalty List. . London, July l. Correspondence of tha Associated Prees. ) Officer -eaaualtv lists from July II to July t . show that ths British army lost lit killed, lit wounded aad 14 missing. . a total of (. This brings th total loss of off) oer sine the wsr began te ' lS.tlf. of whom 4.1Ts are recorded , A . . n r .. , J t,r lag. Daring the tea days covered by the lists, regiments In the Dardanelles suf fered most htarily.. v.. . . . - To Orgaaiss Military ladsstrial. -Petroerrad. Aug. S. via London. Th general committee appointed to organixe IndustrUia f or military par pose oesraa their labors yeatsrdsy. Representatives of all parts of the em pire attended the committee ineetinrs. Addressing tb committees, M. RIs beuchlnaky. ths Moscow anilUonsire. said: - "W shan retire, if aeessary. as far aa ths Ural Mountains. Ws shall fight to the last maa, but w shall gala vic tory." - ,. ... . , . Vlgorcaot Attacks. Petrograd. "Aug. I. (Via London.! Aa official statement Issued tonight says the Germans have been dislndred from ths reerioa between the Dvina. the Ekau. rad th s,wer couree of the As. la ths.ifnreeUoaf Riga.-Vlararens German attacks continue from the Narew line along the whols front, ths statement adds great Teutonic pres- ICoattaued en rag Tw,