THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST IS, 1915. IVAKETfiX LIST HARDIVAREFIRM v-vFinrifisoLi Thomas H. Briggs & Sons are - IS S30. E . roe Catarrh Wheuwr Locate '. , 'war, safe, time-tried rem "edy far Catarrhal Affection at very aeaertption. Sold by art Druggists. Writ ., th Parana Co 0 Columbus, Ohio, They will ad via yon faas. . x. '- Valuation of Property for This Arthur Johnson, Colored, Taken Year Shows Nearly, 60 Perl In Custody by Authorities in Celebrating Seml-Centenn;aJ. ;' of Start In Business : - Cent Increase Over 1 907, - ' : Portsmouth, Va, AeRESTIFJ ABT STANDlKDEED U . '-. - - : . "--f ir v- ' - - - ---- Vk,'. -r-". ataKBgfXla '-i- . -"lirrj , 000,000 MURDER f.I - " ; in . . . List '.Will Give -Adequate . Amount to Meet Provisions of Budget; Auditor Holding " Files Salary and Fee Report YFAR'S 'GAIN S;9.nm.fVYl Ahr John, colored, yesterday . .. w T yyy wl.,, , . ...u Va In connection with th. murder of Chart Abt which? oooarred la this city early 1a July, 7 according " : to Pcll from th Virginia city- Th pedal to The Sew u Ohaarver Mid: ; , "Arthur Johnson, color, II year AIM I.1 kM B tfn lUttf mowing baving to we cpufH !-rinr JM-,TS TV nf Mrvr. Than 51 Q.fYYl I tloa with the AM murder an July t. V V. ...V. W , . V i V WV .. mm' ... (.k. ,, .,-,, W. I Mains HmiivhtAi? ehl.f eif mIIm. TW. mend number tha total taxable I lective Land and Conatabl Harr! -- ' "'""I been working. Johnaoa denied know- ty board of equalisation at a epeclal 1 in anything about tha murder, ao maetlna'vaatarelav dacida to .t..4 leordlng to tha polio, but dtsplaysd by tae rata, of IS per cent, over the ltfmTl. 121, iH'T I III assessment, made M a recent A .pial agent, representing tha meeting. , j authorities In Raleigh, haa been la th Under thla aaaaaament the Increase cy tor aeveral day la quest or jonn- la Raleigh property over la IT ; Hta energies were directed la aa per cert and la th county th In- for to locate tha negro at Center, creaae is 17 per cent wher. there are large ongregatlon 4 la a rceat issue of thla paper th of th colored raaldenta ia the city, atttement waa made that the. In- Johnson, It appear, 'was not la tha area of it pr cent on the ml a, habit of coming frequently Into the eeameat really put the property back c'ty, but lived at 71 Vermont avenue, te what It waa in Iter aa In 1111 that Fort Norfolk, a community about two aaaaaament waa baaed on a cut of II mile from town. He worked dally per cent la the 1T aaeeaement. Thla H th ameltlng work la Port Norfolk, statement waa an error aa only 'some atltt further away from th city, aa a property .we, cut 10 per cent In lilt laborer. The local polio hav been whereas others waa Increased. The working on the eaaa for three day. tauu aaeeaement for HOT for the following the arrival ssre pt in nai eounty waa only. In round number, elgh agent. He waa not pressnt when whereas thla year the the arreet waa made, du t eudden amount l IIO.0.o, an Increase of development thla afternoon whan th nearly 10 per cent. police gained dellnlta Information that - Th total taxable nraBtmslutjnuL Johnson waa In Weet Norfolk and waa 111.000,001 and Wak paid more hurried there to laHr-tllm betuis he AT THE CHURCHES Preebrtreian ReVi W. MoC. White. u IK, paaenr. prore at i i a. an. I p. tn.,; Sunday echoed at 1:41 a. in.. Prof. W. A. Withers. upartntaedntj Christian Endeavor rvic at fill p. m.s Prayer asaatlng Wedneeday t FAtnttm RtreeCRev. J. C. Wooten, aaator. Service at It 'elek. Ser mon by Rev. iff. T. nyler. prwatdlng elder juielgn diatrlct. No aervta at night. Sunday achool at a. nu. Joeeoh O. . Brown. - euperlnMadent. prayer meeung. wednaaday evening at a caoca.. , - VweoiUi Mthodlat. Preaching at 11 a. m. and iila) a. m. br tha aaator. Rev. A. S, Parker. Sunday achool at 10 a. m.. I. Cotton, euperintenaent. Epwerth ru Wedneeday evening ax I p. m. .Tn puDiio la coraiaiiy in vited to all tbeee aervloea. Central MctbuAatRav? W. W. Peel, headmaatar ef Trinity Park, will preach at 1 1 a. m. and Jtev. M. T. Plyler at I a. m. . Jeakine Memorials Servleea at the Method let Orphanage at 11 a, m. and D. m. preaching by th paator. Roy. J. W. Pottr. : a taae te th Stat than any county. Gala for Year. m hr I lft the amaltlna works. "While he denlea connection win the murder, he doea not deny that he The recent aaeeeamenta by tha aa- la from Raleigh, aaying he left there aaavor Increaaed the property vr about three week ago." laat year by nln per cent, while the Th body of AM waa found In the aeaaeenra . In tha country townehipel room that he aecupled on Franklin vaiura m pronertr lower than it waa atreet In thla city on maay morning. In 111. In view of thla Mat of af- July I. It waa lying In a pool of hi ait in. ooara or equalisation decid1 ewn blood and waa partly aeeompoeea ed to do away with all the aaeraa-1 ihowlng that th murder, for It ap meata of th aeeeeeore and mad an I reared to be a oaee of murder, had tncreaaa of ten her eent on the lti haan oommltted aeveral dava before. aaeeeamenta In both th city and I The laat eeen of AM waa the Monday county dlatrleta. I before and It waa aurmleed that he ja aaaition to tn taiable property! waa killed that night. On tne nat ther la more than lie.OOA.eoe non-1 yrday before th dead man waa known tarnbl property in the rauntv Th i k.... h.a tinna tn hie noaeeealon. total tascbl propeHy on th list In I All In th way of money found In hla i'" Ji.eeu.ewo. 1 aorketa r at the . nom iwere two in amount cm th llt for thla I pecketbooka and two large money ywar win nnng in 167.000 for thlacka, all empty. , general fund; IT5.0O0 for roade: III.. I i.hmimum .hawed that th mur- t !nr .th.A'"l ""l 'pr(d,rr nt very tittle money. If any. aa , ivt in eouri noua i practically all of hia money waa nc and county horn irfnklng fund. . Imuntad foe in tun bank of the City. llO&.OOd rr Raleigh Hcaoala. He waa noted for hla craving for - On thla narta there will be lioa.010 eh. H ecnatantly talked about nia lor tha RaMgh graded erhnole. In- money and time and again h ahlftd eluding th varl.ioa epeclal achool i. tram hank to baitk. It waa aald. It taiee the entire amount of taxe tolWM atao-aatd that It waa hla cuatem ' be collected wilt amount to ll.o. The IT"I for the general fund will meet th axpeneea of th county aa -provided In the racent budget nad up by the oouaty eemmiaalonera Auditor Molding yeaterday filed hla aalary and fee report which ehow. d a eaving by thla ayftem to the county of U,09. in reality it waa m eaving of about HMD! to the i county aa th auditor" - office did bout M worth of work which under the old ayatem th county paid ut of the general fund In addition t tha varloua county officer' aal ria. ., -if, , Kxpraae of OnVwa. nearly I to take targe urn' of money frrmn tha banket1 Saturday and play witn It on Sunday. ' ' .' . am waa about II year aid and waa a natlvtiln ounty H am to reeld tn Raleigh ahortly Xtar Chriatmaa. , . , , -.f Appeal To People and Leaders For peace In Mexico . (Continued from Pag Ona-) pal la received, although th time mav be etnded for oaua. Tn axneneea nf the vaplAiia Mitmtvl . ki. ...nh lev. Orllcea, including aalary, clerical aa- Lr,Me replya to warrant them In altanc. bend, eUmna. . etc., war aa undin their aid tn th propoeed 1. -.T "'r. e.i.2; aneriit. i neaea ongreaa. 0 I.4T: clerk. 11.1.112: treaaurer. I la Probleaa. ;". ii'1,tr ''. III44.TT. Oaneral Carranaa attitude toward I!?,.ri-rfi .5 a comim'f'" p I the appeal atlll la a mattr apecu- ti Vit . i V1V - L V ."7, ...' ' twtton tier.- Anouga-ma. poaiunn lZU2l.S?LlP,'k Sh "' thua fa haa been regarded aa dy F.ecelpu were aa follow: ,. ,t (a hoped that th frindly Vtll,.?eTfL.b?:jto,r,Ti 4-MT , ton. of th. appeal may lead him to Jail fee collected b iclerk . aegotlatlona witb tha oonfereaa J!"!. V 0 4 n u generally believed, he will reply 0mmw fWWrr-Trrr.'; III.OlT-hich h Twouid agree t loin In a Commieaiona collected an foreign ' paper Commieaiona collected on eaecutione ; , , , 4 Commlael on ""collected on taiee .................. Commiaalona cnlWted en taae B and C 171.6 11.11 1T4T4 111,119.14 Commieaiona on receipt and diaeureementa . by treaeurer , ll.Tol.17 r r-e voiHKaa py cierK of th court ....,, I.I4.4I Fa collected by the regiatar T. Ill II neap conference. Should Oarranca make no reply whatever, It t gpactd th conferee will aocept tne invitation oi n faotlone tn Mexico to arrange detail for a pac eonfercne without participation. ; RALEIGH CLERKS ORGANIZE MONDAY J : Vet balaac by ehwlff Net balance by Treaa, Ket balance bv dark . Net balance br restaur 4 , 1 I4I.I14.TI .., a,TT.4 .,..kll, i tm- s,j.a 1.1111 Will Banrtva trrfoei Which Waa Active In H letch Several Voara AgO( Meat at hJxtx O'clock. Th clerk ef Raleigh wilt organla tn become member of th. central Ibor Union at a meeting In the Koonc Hotel, at th comer of Mar. gett and Sallabory atreet a Monday night at alght o'clock. A atreng or gantaatlon waa actlv tn Ralalgh v ral year ago but for oro reaaen or other It want out ot exunence. i ne Tatat' eapena of auditor . I.ttl.41 1 ",'f Monday night la te revive thU v paiaac tor pacal year -..It gal a I union. MONTHLY ORGAN FOR I WAKE FOREST ALUMNI i Thla te ut another ateo in th Work of mar thoroughly orranlilng Ral- elah working men and women. Now there are organisations of printer, proraa, bookbinder, lady booh binder, machln lata, : boiler , makers, car repairer, barbers, muetclana. and a W.k 1 1 a. a ml Mklmatk. , - was rwraia Aluaaan I Xaana oil Dmmii the laandryworker tup- JPrtlcW-a Wak . Awien ruilttd but have not yet secured a PtWMMV Ik. J Ik. afaaasatMl V TniVtM . a tufck.I,,rK,tl,,?"'l ,h "h nranisatton to be Prtd su?e ,hi? FJ". Monday wiU Include th. clerk, of all 1 w.s-iSSLS.SJf "Mbneea house. f thwetty, both map Tha paper to a four peg one. ' " women. VLi,:i?jr?:. 'ij" wtmm- tor September tttb I)r. Cieor W. pa chat and tr. W.. I Potest compos the editorial eta If. . . . .,, . Th publication waa authorised at the teat meeting ef th Wk Pnreet Alumni Aaeortstion at Wake Forest on th eccaalos of the IMS com mencement, At that time, a move ment waa launched to atrengthea the col legs over the State by mnm of l-wal alumni associations . iuiing tne summer, members ef the faculty ef the folie-cer have asted in ereenti l" aesociauona tn many parts ef th t lata. - .- -- . . i. ... .t DESXATS BETHEU V (SjKlaJ rw H n4 Wsejiejl. Scotland Neck. Ag. 14. -Testerday f colaBd Neck defeated Bethel In an interesting game of hall en the local iiml ' The Scotland Neck team aostougii recently ornniJi ha not I " a game thie ssason. Tha feature et the eme yeeaerdav u the sll r Mini wurx ef the bcotiand Neck bat- "A Nerk Ill 0 Iftl I t "l t r e S-m af,i Nerk. Dsv and ' f -!. levior. W. Car'n , 1 i -v. k a nd S Curt . . . it p. e, 1 , 1 Ol'ltS WUnrD.tY, bKPT. I. . tSeeaM e I met a Wendell. Aug. 14. At a meeting of the Wendell Tobacco Board of Trade bold today It waa decided to open th warehouse for t he ! af leaf tobacco Wedneeday. September 1. Tha Wendell tobacco market will open on that date under th moat favorable circumstances aa another targe brick; wareheuee haa been built etne - last season.- cloned, also n other prts houae. The crop In this section 1 consid ered by Kncal tobacconist on of th finest ever grew, .With tht crop t aeil and with a fuU eerp et buyer from sll th large manufacturer th Wendell tobacco market bldi fair te eclipse all record heretofore made. : TO PROBE SHIPPISO, - ' Washington. D. C, Aug.' 14.- The Interstate Commerce Commission will malts an exhaustive tnvesiisstion of ahlpplng facilities beterssn the United btaie and South and Central Amer ica Acting "ecretary Sweat f the 'De partment of Commerce, arrsseed to rt v to confer with Chairman Me Chord ri the Interetate Commerce CommiiiMcn who hae been deafitd ccU t , tetk-.i;tOi,. I Paling. Idosrsprlal-Rev. Walter H Dodd, pastor. Preaching Sunday at u a. m. ana P. tn, Sunday ecnoo t 1:11 a, m., W. p. Baker, superin tendent. B. T. P, V. meeting at I p m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at p. m. CAREER ONE OF SUCCESS r- i !,?''.-.'..,. -- SBBBpaaagsajsaBaaajtsBBage. -. 1 r--1', - tHr5; Keeping Everiattingfy at It One of the Secrets of Achieve- . ment; Grow From Fifty-Foot Store to One Two Hundred Feet Jri , Length and Four Stories High The hardware Arm of Thomas H. Brlgg and .Bona, 'which has beer, on of the commercial landmark of tha capital city for many years, Is fifty years old today. Zb store -is cele brating It aemi-centennlal by having constructed a aplsndid new front, the architect for wtlch la Mr. Joha V.y Brlgga, a brother af Ueana Thomas H. and James A. Brisaa. tha survivlns nmbr of the Ann, - ! The Briggs hardware store started buainea fifty year ago in a ator located where the French Hat Rhon now la, tha building having a depth ' of only fifty foot. "I went to work tn that atere a barefoot bar" Ur Jamea A Brlgga ysateriiay remlnla cantly. "I used to make tba fir, ' III - r - j."Jtf" . v . st T 3 " JohneOH - Mornorlsl.-Reirtilsr - vices Sunday. Preaching by tha pas tor, nev, w. j urifga. at l p. m Sunday school at 1:10 p. m., N. B. Beali superintendent All bar a cor dial invitation. Primitive. Communion and foot waahlng at 11 a. m. Sunday aervice. On nr mora visiting Elder expected to aasiat tn pastor in services, via itlng members from other churchee expected , also, as It la our . "annual masting." Levers of truth are in ritad. ' First Christian. Sunday achool at :I0 a. m., C. H. Stephenson, aupertn Undent. Preaching at 1 1 a. m. by tha pastor, Rev. C. B. Newman. Junior Kndeaver,! p. tn. Senior Endeavor and prayer meettns Wednesday va ing at I o'clock. A cordial Invitation to attend thee aervlo, Christian (IHsctDtrat. Sunday school at 1:41 a. m. in lha Chamber of rAmMMMtf WUCMfl C V TX.II an nartn. tndnt; :JiaV-. (Lmith, assistant Preaching every fourth Sunday. Pub Mo weloom. . Church of te Good 8lvtbnl. nev. i. Mr iv. fitienger, u.u reetor; Rev. J. B. Ingle, locum tenena Elev enth Sunday after Trinity. Celebr. tlon of the Holy Communion at Till a. m.; nunaay scnooi at : a m. mnrnlna aarvlea and sermon st'll a m., Rsv. Stephen IJoyd . Cartright, preacher, JCvening prayer at p. m. Week-day . servlcea: Wedneeday, morning prayer at is a. m. All aeata are free. Vlattora cordially welcomed. St. Rarlour'a. Rev. Cyprian P. W1U- cox, pastor. Eleventh Sunday after Trinity. Sunday school at 1:41 a. m Morning eervlc at 11 o'clock. Might service at I o'clock. All aeata free. Pueli cordially invited. - 7 -rr Chrlet. Rev, Milton A Barber, rec tor. Eleventh Sunday attar Trinity. Sunday achool at 1:10 a. m.: Man'e Bible Claaa at a, m. Horning service at 11 o'clock (Rev. CP, Will- cosh Evening service omitted, week day ervtce! Friday at I p, m. Free eats. All cordially invited. Sanrnd Heart-rther fjrtfBn, pas tor. Twelfth Sunday after Penteooet Assumption of the Bleeesd Virgin Mary. Holy Communion 7:IO-a. tn.; Suhdaf achool 1 a. m.1 Sunday aohool l a. m. : mass ana sermon it e. m mas daily 1:10 a. m. Th. publie It invites to tneee eervioea. , Mf hi ii-.-,. Holy Trinity Cuorch, (Corner ot Hlllebora and Bovlan avsnus). Bun day achool at- IS o'clock and divine aervice at II Sunday morning. Vla ttora cordially welcomed. Coanty Home. Service at county home will be conducted the by Rev. R, I Stephenson at I p. m Sun day. ' Th uprintendnt of the home and th Inmate appreciate th friend of th community attending this vie, Publte cordially Invited. , : . ' i m ' -" ' Baptist Tarwnaol. Morning , vice at 11 o'clock; evening eervtoe. 16. Preaching at both service by l. J. Bv W'eatherapoon, ot P"ort Worth, Texas.. Sunday achool at 1:10 M. Breushutn. Jr. superintendent. Senior and Junior B. T. P. u. at f s. m. Prayer meeting Wedneeday even ing at a- Publie invited te all sarvlcea. FAXUI THROTJCH SHOW WIMDOW. Joha 'Knox Cut Rand - Wheel ' Be Shoves It Through Plate Class. Mr. John Knox was painfully cut on th. wrist when he fell against a plate glass winnow and shovsd me hand through It. H and a group of compahlona were wrestling la front of Dixon and Olive's pool room ea ray ettevtlte atreet about 1:14 tht morn ing when la some manner he was either thrown up against th window or stumbled and tell against It. , Th !rlaa was completely .shattered and t I eett mated that It will rwaulr about 171 to replace R. Xnog waa given medical attention. TO WORK V. S. PRliyXERS. . Washlngfbn. ' Aug. 14. Attorns General Gregory has practically de cided that th !. prisoner in 'the three Federal penUentlarlea. .hall be put to work making article which can b used by government depart ments,, including th army and navy. At present they r at' week enlarg ing their living quarters which will net be completed tor a year. Arm tents and uniforms were mentioned aa arttcle which might be manufactured by prisoner for , direct aal to the War Department. '", First Aid To Injured, ' The Slat Insurance Department as issued a Itttl pamphlet on "First Aid to th Injured." It contains aug geettoa specially for officer and men In th North Carolina lira, depart ments. . It i a value ol publloation d ws. previa rad by Capt. Sherwood Proekweli, of the State. Insurance Pw- partment. ;'''--' , 1 ' Mies Clara H. Wemble will lev ht mornifg for vwii ts-Nerti:k. s.umor aui i.i-1. is, : JAXES A. 1 bring water, and sweep out the starai Open all the soda, helo mark them and put them on the .helve. My brother at thla time waa student ef Wake Forest Callan. ftw J kfi Oolleca hS fans in tha Mara. W. afterwards leased the .buUdinar sow pccupled by Heller Brothers, which waa extsaass sack a tmadred feet, eo mm o meet ne growing neeos of eur buainea. . W remainad in that hullil. ing several yeara, -and la 1174 bought our present att and erected our present building" A teum Kstabllaiunana. Th buildlnar now snouDtad bv tbs nnggs nrm is on or the largest mer cantile estabiiahments in the State. being III feet In lenath. II feet wide. and four atoriee high with a cellar running the entire depth ef the bulld- ms. -siiar. n"9t. and Pearly aU of the second floor la ocouplcd by th Arm, th rest of the apace la the ouiiaing Being rented. , The bueim conducted by th Arm la on a larsa ecaia, pernapa tne largest retail hard ware buainea In the Stat, as th nrm, wnil doing Boms tobblna husi. Rasa, dee not cater to that as it doe to tne retail trad. - A staff ot flftacs aalununl. I si .H..l.a..J r reaavayaeyuaiej is rinpmXwtl- Keenlngt at It. Th two member ef the Arm. snd the only member since Mr. Thomas 'i ' A;,Ne7 'Motor Car Day S ' mm mm i ' ae. 1 I I it - i ; V ? X ill and the -great Standardized Factoiy again has come to the front- with the right , cirt the right time the improved 1916 Gole Eight which , measures up to the latest . motor ' car' requirements. "' People demand less cear shifting, less weight, more power, ; more beauty and more luxury. ' " They want a car so competent that it will deliver any reasonable speed without an effort V - A car must float instead of labor over the roads. It must play at its work, instead of work at its play. It must be sibnt, viora tionless, and. while its motor must have Mgetaway," the brakes must be more powerful, silent and absolutely equalized. On the country roads there must be no swerving aboutno bouncing' of ttiar,-wjieel 'U. " 4 No car can do all this, jrou may say. But before you make the statement, take one ride in a Cole Eight , . And best of all It carries the Cole nameplate, and back of that is ' the Cole guarantee of standardized perfection-- distinction of which thousands of satisfied Cole owners are becoming prouder every day.7pr-:-::,-:rr:" -' : ' - " ' ' ' -r r .. ,. ' '--- - , , ... . t ...... .,- . , . .- -U -. . Cole Eight weighs less than 3,500 pounds, develops 70 -horse-power. It has direct spring suspension and1 7 belicalbevel gear. Wheelbase Is 126-lnches. Seven people find abundance of room In its lounry depths. - Cole Eight sells for 1785,f.o.b, factory. COLE MOTOR CAR C03IPANT, INDIANAPOLIS, 0, S. A. "- - -.,:-Jei'.t KslMsrsaf His lusflaadlawl Cm - 7 - , I , t THOMAS H. ItRIGtsS Brigs, the fnundee tn. mm dld tWnty-alna mmmrm .in. mrm Mm. Thomas H. Briggs and Mr. Jam A tngga. They, acknowledge that they had a CDlendllt start la lha aeM-k tvl meir rainer la building up a clln tel and a business, la fact they are disposed to gtva practically all th credit for th success of the Arm to the founder of the huitnu. -Hut Whatever imnetua hemnine? avarl.aein. ly at It aad kssnin at It la alhl and practical way, with fair deal- ng m an. win give to a business the present members ef the Arm, their many friende any, have aupplled in plentiful degree . . . ... . - A Hard Worker. Th daily m-oaram f Ur V. mm-mm A Crtgga would like a life bf grinding toll to many ef th "younger genera tion, for the benefit of a reporter he told how ha spent hla d&va "I iria at :. h asid. - drink hot coffee made the night before and kept warm la a Themos bottle. This erlvtt bread make the greater part of my break taet. , I got away with what I need ef this repeat ia )ut a tint whil. 1 then spend about twenty minutes reading th New and Observer. In a tew mlnutea I em at th store and very rarely leave there at night until tea o'rlock. V!y work Is my recreation. Th proeram that I hav outlined to you is followed reirulariy oay in ang sy out in the fifty year that I hav been worhine I do not think 1 have averi-4 nuar more than' Sv day a year from b'le.nres on account. o( airknesa, but 1 tike an s.i. 'rT vs vaca'i.m. 1 "My brother , .': ' ' v. ful ljratUndAi.cs tti oa ia 4 U i I ..jLSmM- PlipNl5 w45,: ! ( . I ILfUXIGn, N. C. ? : Aiw E. MORGAN ST. v e-v5t" coma to hi' work -at 1 : 10, : but foe nora ior brsAklaat. his work largsly in th office whil mine la out in the store and naturally h can ad Just hla hour to suit himself bettsr than one who is ia charge ot tba aalee- foroa. But while be has a separata una i warn; rroixt mine, I am sen taatiycooaultins Mm about my prebiema and h m about his, and In ail the long year that we hav been together we hav aaver bad the aiignteet dtsagresmeat'' . Mr, :. Brlgg gave om. int.raarlng reminiscence sbout ths advertising ot hla farm. "We advertised," said h. "ia the first edition ef tm Daily Oseerver, edited by Peter Hale, also in tha Daily New, edited try George u. joraan, Jinerwaras, as yen kaew, in two Papers were combined to torn sue News and 0rvr . Active for Casrc and Public While applying themselves j with great fidelity to their businsa th Meaars. Briggs hav found time for activity in church and public work- Mr. T. H. Brlgga waa a marsber of tha Bcaool Board for many yeara and treaaurer pf Wak Forest College for x year. He la new c resident of tha Oak wood Memorial -Association, true. tee of Wake Forest College and has oeea asacon or the First . Baptist church-for maay years. ' vi. Mr. Jamea A. Briggs waa a member OC us board or treat for th In stitution for the Blind for 1 year and daring U the period ef hi mem. bershlp never missed a meeting. He haa eerves as a member ef th Board ef AiderssM aa year, ia a Maaoa and haa rved on terra as Master mi win lam o. Hill Lodge. Both ot the Maeare, Brlgga ar ateckholdera and eirector" 'n ransa. - . - j . Give Credit to Father. . Tba two member of this wTI known firm see rib th greater part et tne credit ter tne success of ths busi ness to their father, th tat Thomas H. Briggs. "Be lived Is Raleigh about Miry-ess year,- tncy aay in a pub lished announcement, "and left this world leaving a same and reputation, which we strive t commemorate, by . s. -rtrnlee and oractlcas which ha held. , He toft ua a prtr. . . ,n a-gt-o nam. Their. gradfathr, Mr. Joha D. Itrlgga, helped survey th ante of th city and lived here the remainder of hi life, a mechanic He had the cone Sdenc at the people t uch aa x tent that there used te be a saying Prevalent la Raleigh . "a honest as Joha mgga" v v. ; .FREMITI! LIST OVT.y Stats Fair Offerfiurs SrrctaHy Xnvttlng . tnnimsj it catumior. Th Stats Fair Bremium Hat oam. from the preeee yesterday and Becre. tary Pogua wiU begin to send cople out thi week. Several thousand dot lar are offered ia premiums and ths premiums ar particularly Interestlna to exhibitor ef every class. Especial attention Is directed to the great In crease In the poultry list. Practically ail breeds la the American standard of perfection are Included. There ie aleo a change in the Boys Clubs de partment wnerehy the Slate I divided Into three sections. A new depart ment (or the benefit of the B- Pis Club ha been created. Attention la ales directed to the tact tht the in- erent in tne count agrlruou-! pre miums and th er-ic 1 .- - .-. premiums is great tnt U r , .'.-- rv to limit eiija.-, t- . i t '4 ,t gjittat tMd, NEWSPAPER CHANGES Well Known Member of ths- Craft v - v,. To Oo to sw Fields. Much Interest was' felt in Raleigh newspaper circle In th announce ment In yesterday' Raleigh . Times that Messrs Sam K. Farabe and Sani ford It, Rotter, both long with that paper, had. ralgadV th former te go to Hickory to establish' a- paper of his cwn and the tatter to Alexandria to enter' saY Episcopal Seminary 'T pursue a eoure of study preliminary to becoming a minister. Both ar held la high esteem among the local colony of member of th Fourth Satate and there is regret that the new field ef activity which they are te enter will take them away from Raleigh where they and their families have many friends. . . eeCAa orrioa a. s. wtAist. swaas, . Ralalgh. M. C Aug. 14. 111. For North Carolina; Local thund or-shower Sunday and Monday: gen ii te moderat nirung wins. ,- , Sunrise : am. Sunset T:I4 m. m. .- Taaea'.rusa, 'it.!r'P; T7 Highest tempera ture II Lowest temperature .t,'..,.... fl Meaa temperature ......i.. t Exces for th day .......... Average daily , excs i: gtac ; . January let , " saacierrsTte) t ischisi. Amount tor 24 S p. hours adins a . ... t - .SI Total for th month to date 140 Excess for th month . I ll Deficiency sine Jan, 1 ...... 4.14 kUtiesa mmk atiiHtJ ki Kh. tTMnasTVsa StAXieMS Abilene I0 1 II AshevUl ., ... tJt Oi 14 II Atlanta Tit 101 It TO Chariest on , ." I4 III T Charlotte .. ... flj II 0 Chloaga .j. . Tl! O 0( Is Oaiveetea 10' 41 It ', JackaonviU .. . Ill , OI It! toi Knoxvill . , , , Tfi Memphl 14 TH .OS 01 II 14 Mootgonoery New Orle-ne Now "York . Norfolk .. Raieisb . .... Richmond '-, Vtckaburs; . Washington . W.imwt'on , WythetU - 74 ; 10, 10 1 40 41 4 .4 II 1 4 71! .41 4! 78! Ill 74! It llj III.. MILJ74I J t- III 711 .1 II II I 71 .01 7 .0 711 .01 !!1 ! ? 74. ,04 . Tl Oj 141 1 .41 Th tropical storm was near Weet era Cub, movtnr west, Koriwe-t Mnl Key, extreme end of DorMa! bid 44 re'es of v-nt frm th. Ii eh .pre held Ii tha i..i'h,.. e n'-v - we-ae'a . t i a t T AXRMVHT GTvTS WELOOMB TO MIXL1 S BOOeXCEM (SrSSal I Ts Kee as OIsrw).V . , Fairmont. Aug. 14. livan rous ing wslcom by Fairmont and ths Tobacco Board ot Trade, more than sixty prominent tobacco men from Mullens, S &, apeat tw beure her today on a boosting expedition through the South .Carolina tobacco belt: At Pag Mill, on the way here, they were met by a delegation of nearly one hundred Fairmont eittn. including , leading warehouse men and huyars. and eacorted to town where they war aasursd of a hearty - welcome by Mayor T. U Blue. Tha latch atring hang on the sutsid of th best to baoco market in the world, he sain. , , -' - ' FIRST OFFENpEII.- First Viotetnr Kew Law Arrested For KstaiUnt Ctdsr. . '' Th first violator of th law recently paassd by th Commissioners prohibi ting the retail sal ot elder from coun try wagon and by other unlicensed dealara. waa arrested yesterday. 1 W. Stuart, s, negro farmer of the Wen dell paction, waa arrested charged with tnia misdemeanor ana pui w a. , 111 - bond for hi appearance her Monday for trial. Th. maximum pen aitv 1. Its and eoata. The case-will be aa Inter eating one as some doubts of the constitutionality oi in iw nave be) sgpresaed. -. . . GREEJrSBOrtO FORMS A '"" " . - CIVIC COMAtUJf fJVWUUii '' (SwdH te TM Kes aad Oisial. . '.,.--.1 Oreensboro, Aug 14. At a meeting of awersi rs'.ir'.cui and civic orjanjaa. J... tioas held tn th rooms of th Cham bar af Commarca last night the civi - A cemmort council of Oreenaboro was er. ' ,.. ran lied. The purpose Is to bring all ot th. organixatlon. together and cor , . relate them a to certain pnases et city betterment. Th Immediate work of th organisation I to-get better ewarag arrangement. In the part '. . ef th city wner condition, hav seen- condemned by the health.': tat board ft- clatter self-love than self-neglect. jstmett to coyTRACTQRA. . ; Sealed ttrooosala will be received by. the undersigned until 1:11 o'clock m.., on Tuesday. August II. 1111, or ths erection and completion of a school building for the town of Chapel . HilL X. C The right is reserved to raject any and all propoeala, , CerUfled check in ma sum. or Bv. hundred dollara must accompany each proDoeaL aa a guaranu that if awarded th Contract, th mccessful -contractor will deliver to th owner a ssttefsctory rey bend ht th um of three-fourth, th amount of th contract within ten days from data of ward. rr .forfeit th check. Separata proposals will be received for t,hw heat Ing and ventilation. , Drawings end specification a- en f is at the office of th underilmed at Chapel Kill. K. C. and at the r!tc ft the srehftects. Hock : Ror.-l Chariot'.. N. C, where cotrailo: may iaea free ue of earn. Contractor v. ha desire set. of draw- pes and ' specification for tho'r ..v ueei. mv chtam aame tiv t- the r..hi'ec:ff, and jiyi"t f-.r -e r'iii'-e of ae - a 1. neu) N..V w-T - -,, . M.7- r c . ' , 4