v ' 7y I ir.., ,':4 f ""' CCS b . section cm PAGES I TO 12 ' Wmm today. Hossnsy pertly dowdy, probably tlwuiii Mat portioa. vtu.cn.' Naeo. H, N. C, '-.SUNDAY MOSWING, AUGUST 29, WIS. i, '.", , PRICE 5 CENTS i - ( fl : VOFJ BERFJSTORFF i. WAITS ORDERS 071 ' SINKING QFARABIC " Berlin's Official Statement; Is Hoped To Solve Submarine U-'"4" . i - Problem -' r " . ; 'AMBASSADOR TO 60 V ? : TO NEW YORK TODAY There He Will Receive Instruc ' tioiis From Kaiser; Germany . Expected '-To ' Say U-Boat ' Commanders Have Been Qr- " ckred Not To Sink Passenger Ships -. - . j : - 1'uhnston. Aug. I.- Count Yon HwriwtorfT, Gormao AmtMMdor har, wiH, h.v Wuhinctoa tomorrow far Now York, to a wait Instructions from . his rovrmnt whJcli ho eonddoatlr axpooU will load to ncfrotiaUono that tUI brimr p4r and wbollr aatia - factory t-onciuolooj to tho fntlro con trovoray. betwoa tho t'ottod Statoa and German over ho qoootioo. iLnk ' marina worfaro. Calooa'Uio aitnation in Borttn,' wholly chancoo boforo tho 'atapafehoa aro aont, tho .itibaaoaAor "bollovoa. ho will bo authortaod to rot epa Informal (tlaruoolona with Becro tary tntnK to tho cad that a not wtar do framod by tho Oormaa aor ommont ontlroly satiafaetory to tho '. LnUod Utatoo,..."",: . .,?':' V-i- (ierard to Rnmrt. . . . 80 far aa tho Btata bopartmonr la conrernad, formal proaantatioa of tho Arabic raao to Uormany awalto ro-4-nlpt from Ambassador Oorard at Bor )Ir of tho Uerman admiraJty report on .tho dost ruction of tho Ohio. tMa - pa tchaa f rora Berlin tonight said tba report miht bo mad any day or miht ha delayod a fortaiht. Tho laat of tbo Oonnaji aabmartnoo operat ing sooUt of Irolaad will aot rotura to port Tbeforo that tlmo. . Cntit tho admiralty atatomoat la rocelrod, how vn and th Arable eaaO disposed f. -H- to an)koly taa.t diaeuasloa of tho broextor , ouostioa of oubmariao wor faro will bo rooponod,. ... In tJerman oircloo bora It la drmly iolivd that tho Berlin- forornwtont !i anxious to brln to a outck aod a f i-inndly . termination tbs : wholo dlw pitomon over tho wbmarlM campaign. The Mt f Count .Vjon .(MwaatorfT to V'aahlnKtoriiitiiVX on-, instmctlono from Borlin. at towod as oenclusivo proof that tho Ubora) element of tho Dormant aorarnmont baa triumphed . and that every effort will bo made to . moot the views of President Wllsoa aa oipreaaea to too Amoaaeaaor in an in terview ooo after the Lrfiaitanla was destroyed. , t - . , I rawouiger fthlpa Dor rod. As to the Arabto eaae. It was pool- tlrely stated' today that whatever tho tJermaa admiralty, report mUrht bo. tho Berlin rovornmeat would five ao- , auraneos that its aubmarlno .eoro mandero had reoorred explicit Instruo- Y 'faae. Aoatt.aa-passrnr ships bo-at- ' ; tacked, without warning". U is bo i- .Hovod-tho OemawJTrovernmen't wlU . eeek to make It elear that aa s aa 1, tional policy tfya warfare aamiast pao aenaor ships he boon suspeaded. Al . ready offers of reparation for Amort can lives loot with tho ship have been made Informally and Ambaseador . ; Bernstorff fee la that barrlnir adjust ' mont of minor dotaila, tba f rtotion be - tweon the two eoantrios Is at aa end. Out of the relaxing tension of tho eltwtl& -fMW--heB t&t peaeo ta Kuropo has sprung. Oerman oboenr are hero have noted tbd( there Js a , croup in each country Which sees . iwMMlbiUtiea ' f American mediation behind the peaceful adjustment of . the Amortoan-Oerman dispute. With . oho roaceoatoa won from tho belll. orents by diplomatic means; the oo curity of tho Hveo of neutrals oa the hitch seas it is thought possible that Y ' other proposals may follow with re- , , Continaod on Paso Tea.) : ; v : . STEWART RESIGNS AS 7 ' ' ASSISTANT POSTMASTER ' . . . -J' ;". ; , .far Si ii.iil . Waahintrton, Aug. .1. Joseph ew rt, Seoond Assistant Poet master Oea ' oral for the past eeven years, baa re Kitcned. and he will be auooeeded by ' otto Praegen Ppotmatrter "J" j1" . dr-rtKent. will auoeoed Mr. Praeger. Mr. Stewart has been' retained by " tho Impertinent of Justice In llttrratlon now in the court of claims Involving r . railway mail pay.- He was appointed from Missouri. - JUr. Praeiror, who U from Texas, - was appointed Postmaster Of Wmh lnrton by Prenident Wilson. .Mr J Clianoo la from Illinois , N CuE DEAD, SCORE HURT , AS TRAIN HITS FREIGHT I r-aal ' Bluefteld, W. Va Aug. ti. Fire man T. M. Bailey was killed and a -rore of persona were Injured, several "nevereiy, whrn Norfolk and Western rasenger train No. 1 collided with a freight train at Gary.- W.-Va.. fete to day. .Engineer John Culleney Jump ed, but he waa burned eevereiy by rt-nm. BeveraJ paeeenger coaches were smashed. J- THE -"GFrtM W-AHERICAV . WTf ATM)J. ... New Tork gun (Saturday ) 1 It seems this morning' to be iwut as follows: - - hnr Oermenv. a clearly recog- niitfi opportanlty to get out of a iy and morally untenable r'wiiion: and to set out In a man p.r likelv to win bar-lc a oertain rnniirt of vfnn friendship on ti - side of ti'iw-.' i for thn I mltl Ptstes, peace r t 1 e d?rl".ftrf in of TVeod ied renoan. . Prince As a Boy Scout , I', i .1 7'. m lay Wasg.- m-'H m Clay-j J ,town Print of Italy . . , . -V. - "I . Crow a Prince Umbert has become an nthuslasUe boy scout. He Joined wheai his country went to war, and since tbea he has been an ardent fol lower of the precepts of tho coats He was immediately elected head of his company whee he Joined. ; . ' ; U.S-CAFJALFORCES TO BE INCREASED 2,000 - Men To Be 'Added vjb Coast Artillery ..Division r ;. .y . i ft , ty ' -i Vmmi sisiKHit . "".tifjsf '.Washington. Aug. ' ThV oast artillery foroo oa doty at the Pajaama Caaal will , bo increased to ; full strength of twenty-eight companies or about t.vet men it was learned to day, the former policy of maintaining tho big' gun crews at about half stBsAgth in peace tlmo having been abandoned. ' . Fertlflcations of the eanal tone art rapidly Bearing Completion. Origi nally It was planned to man them with fourteen) companies under tho theory that It was Improbable Ulat tho de fenses at both ends of the waterway would be attacked simultaneously, and tho caaal and railroad made rapid shttar',ofthe-Twesr thr point posslbe , Under the general readjustment-plans of ' the army, full garrisons for the canal defenses have bee determined -upon and it la con sidered oertain that a big Increase in tho coast artillery corps will bo asked for when Congress reassembles, as the doubling of the canaljorces will mtte- fr; -, (Continued on Pago Two.) ; $25HYDR0PUNE3 ?tii SINKS IN FIRST TRIAL , tstectal I Tea m mt CWin ) . " Chicago, - Aug. The-' 2S,t hydroplane Dteturber V. owned by James A. Pogh,, commodore of the Chicago Yacht Club, -which' waa launched yesterday, took sharp 'turn on her trial trip here today, careened and plunged to the bottom In lest than two minutes.- J1 VI r r Ned fflramona, captain, ' and the mechanician were the only persona on the craft, and they wert picked up by rescuers. The sharp turn waa mads to avoid"! running down Frank Weeterland, a swimmer, who, although not - struck by the craft, sank three 'times and was rescued from drowning only af ter ha had become unconscious. INDIAN PRINCE, IN.U-BOATZONE - & FEARS BEING HELD FOR RANSOM Jagatjit Singh Bahadur, Maharajah of Kapurthala, In; Punjab, ;; India, 'and His.Queen Sailed Secretly For England From New York; Now .Thought in Danger of Submarines -. v' A. (ha imiHiiiii hml ; . - - j New-Tork. Aug. It. .Some where is the dangerous waters that was the British laiee. the steamship Rotter dam is nearing ths port of Kalmouth tonight with aa Indian Prise aboard whose chief apprehension is that 'he may be captured by the Germans and held for ransom. He ia Jagatjit Kingh Bahadur. Maharajah of Kapurthala. whoee rich principality lies in the Punjab of India, and reckoned one of the wealthiest and most powerful of Indian rulers; and he railed secretly from this port August 21 on his way back to. his klnrdom after a two months tour of ("he L'nited Btatee and Canada. . - , With the Maharajah' are his Queen the Maharanee a Spanish beauty, whom he wed in Madrid flvs yeai axo; his eewetary. M. Hoy, a - un Mderalile retinue of ti-viint end an American girl. Aiwa Mat-Kie t uil' i. to whom the JflHharanre took a liking while In the "t e?t. Friend nf the ro l couple are very tnorh efrnid tht ,rtu:n eulm inn comma ntiT ir.i-ht h.ir f the a hanji.hs drarf.ire from New TorK. were It puti;Op.i hre. anl knn.n -.g of hirreat wiih, n-icht he in t for tiiTihip. in he Is:m off and b.. him t 't r B it . f Uit te t'-.vC i i v t;,e I . - i . PASSMIRIS Products of Farms and Facto ' ries In July Valued at : INCREASE OF $5,000,000 , - : , ' , Greatest Ever.Recorded fri Sin gle Month Says Report of Department of - Commerce, Trade I "Balance Is; $124, -79,370 Against .$24,929,- 008 In 1913 . . ' MWr as , Washington. Ang. f I. Exports of tho products of, Americas, farms and factories in Jaly rained ;at Tt.t-.were the ' greatest ever re corded in that month, thi tcpj-tment of Commerce announced toulght The nearest approach to the lew record was mads In Jury, lilt,-whoa Ameri can shipments abroad reached fltf.t fft.TTt. ' . y -.. 5 j -'Y5 i v" ; The trade . Utlancs for the msnth, tho ex roes of exports over imports, was fl4.m.i7tv compared with balance of IZl.tII.00l IrN July,. lilt, la July.Mtll. exports wars less than imports by more-than-M.toOvS. . Hesvv Trade Bslaarw. Kxports) for tho first seven month Of the year' valued at l,ttl.77,4. gave a balance of- trade in favor of tho United Btates Only a little short of One million dollars, The balance Iwas- e,l7l,et4,- oomparod witn 0,ISI.7lf la the first seven months Of 111. r J ,. ' ,4 . July Imports wore valued at 1141, tt.f. compared. With $1I.I77,11 laat year; for thjt seven months 1 1 Q,0.e4t. against ll.14t.IH.l7l. P0LI IS APPOINTED t ' ! COUNSELLOR OF U. S. ' 'Washington, Aug. M. The selection of FVank I Polk, corporation conn eel, of New Tork Ctty, to be ooanseUor of ths Stats Department, waa formally announced tonight by Mocrstary Ia tring. Ths President haa tendered the position to Mr, Polk, who. has as cepted -.--'. V " Mr, J?otk'will sweceea Mr.' TAnMng. who became Hecreisry on the.reaig natioii ty William Jennings Bryan butt June. Ths counsellor's otSos haa been vacant sines Mr. Lansing took his place ia .the cabinet. - -,.', While John Bassett Moore wat oounnellor. he acted for tho Secretary In all matters In tbs hitter's abaenoe from Washington-and the rule con tinued In effect while Mr. Lansing bold tho post. : Diplomatic callers were re ferred to the counsel 1 or, and . when matters of pressing Importsoee were pending, such as tho correspondence with .Germany over tho Lust tan la oase. . ths counsellor waa called Into conference at Cabinet meetings. While it has not been definitely decided. It Is virtually oertain that ths rule .will oomUaus tatsgect-aftes Mo-Polk takes Office, v - J -V T ' -: -"J ; -! ; , " DANIELS SEES WORK tP:47 : : ON NEW DESTROYERS Bath, Maine. ' Aug. -H-eorstary Daniels arrived hsrs en hoard the gunboat Dolphin today to Inspect the plant of ths Bath Iroa Works, miiwrm the construction of two torpedo boat destroyers was begun a short . time ago. v. ' - " ' ' " ' . Ths Recrstary wasaooompaaied by his wife aad throe sons They will leave tomorrow for North I lave n, where a "call will be mads at ths rummer borne of Secretary of the Treasurer McAdoo. Later the party will go to Bar Harbor. . H , ,.V; AVIATOR KILLED IN V -. JUMP FROM PARACHUTE -;. t . . .i ,-t i ' i . - r . .ti? : '-jtm. uml lws ;' :'v Port Waynsi Ind.. Aug. fli Ooorge Williams. IS, an aeronaut was killed late today when he Jumped out of hla parachute to escape falling Into a forest. His neck was broken. : secretly and take the Rotterdam, a Holland-America Ifner for Falmouth. T- maVs certain that no one.' save a few plose friends and officials should know -his plana. 'the Maharajah; and his party boarded the steamer ' two days before she was due to salt and remained aboard la aeclilun. They, made ths trip to the liuboken pier rt a cooped automobile with drawn curtains at night, snd after they were taken to their qtinrters ia the royal suit, the pier was closed, until ths ves sel's depart are, to sveryone notjn tending to sail. - -... . . . , teantime' te preservs outward ap pearatices, the Maharajah's summer residence, a big houe on Long Island rented for the season, was kept open as uausL . ' The Indian ervsnts remained on the premieee ri those whom, he took back in h reurtue were quietly re placed with -others so that neighbors would not notice the riurce, . 1 o sl- lay pr s:i n of trie ;,. n ha rajah's d. .rtur an H"rv et a men out. In i". t,.r four dyg after he had ?:iild. . t a that, he - t referred l"Tadwm i Ma to eervtl.itig eie. I d a, t e h In r'iit.(,i,ii, by the i."i.i:-.!-.i s .,f-mnt firtrif'iiTed to him. it e i!- -e t.. ..sr luat he " '' ' ." toin-. .i 'in . this PEACE GDJIFEREES WILL RE-ASSEMBLE Meeting This Week Will De ' clde Next Step Toward Or- " der In Mexico ' ' " WAIT ' CARRANZA'S REPLY . ." . "i .. . - i Northern and Western Leaders Are Favorable To Proposals ;1 of United States and A, B, C. Bowers j Opposition .StilL in h East ard; Southern Part of ;;Cpur.tiy y,-. - r - t IM aaeaswl Pms - , Washington. Aug. "II. Ths nsat step in ths "effort to bring peace In Mexico wiJLs considered by ths 'Pan America n eonferaaod probahty next week. A majority of the military and political leaders In Mexico having re plied to ths appeal of the conference for a pesoe agreement, it was offi cially, announced today that ths con ferees would be rsassemMsd soon, al though a definite date for tho meet ing has not hewn Set. . General Carraasa't reply is expected early next week and it Is understood ths call for ths meeting will be issued as toon as that is in Mr. -Lansing's Hand. Cferransa omelets here said the reply probably would he Sent as toon aa General Carranaa reached Mexico City to re-establish his capital there. . V"' 't. ; V Rallies Favorsblei. ..... C i " Response favorable to' the appeal have euro from General Villa and all his military commanders, members sf his cabinet and political advisors. AH replies from I'airansa's generals aad advisors have referred the decision to their- chief. All Mexican leaders out side ths Carranaa and Villa factions havs accepted ths offer of the Pan American conferva oe of aid In sr. ranging for a convention to be held In neutralised Mexican, territory for tho purpose of creating a provisional govern meet to arrange general slee- UOn- ' ; - '; ' "-r'r ;"': r-v MexU-aa leaders favoring, ths Pan American plan are located principally In ths north and wast of Mexico; those opposing It are-la- seat and osntrsj Mexico. -. - r -. ." .... . . - - v s , ., Battle Einertod. Kr ' Before tBhe conference Is held. Oarraasa'g adherents are hopeful that Ooaeral Obregoa will bava osptnred Torreon toward which ho Is said to be advancing.' Villa is said ta.be mewing his forces St rreon t sueet this st tuck. A decjaive turtle tere may have a far reaching effect pit e fu ture of the republic. . . . ' , '. MAN FALLS 400 FEET TO 1 DEATH FROM MOUNTAIN .1 T--1 ' : . IIS aw aniilmt Paw.) Atlanta, -Oa., Ang. Jl. Wllsoa Raid, of Norfolk. Va, foil four hun dred feet from the top of Btone Moon tain hear hsrs today and was Instantly killed. ' Workmen ia a quarry at the foot of ths mountain saw him plungs over tbs sdgs ot the precipice oa the north aids of tho peak. .Bis body was fouad , after a search , of thirty minutes, - ...,-..' . .t- ts-sttpposed ' Retd- slipped -while attempting to look over ths sdgs of tha prvclplce- - - - AUTOR.F.D.ROUTE FOR HASH COUNTY First Motor line Will Be Estab- lished at Bailey,-Wasb- - ington Announces V tnr w. ti TEt-VERToir.) Washington. Aug. It. Ths first ra mi delivery route la. North Carolina to bw served by motor transportation probably wilt be established at Bailey. Nash county, by ths Postofftes Department- - This became known today whan t was found that a vacancy In tha rural carrier servtoo there will not bo filled pending tho consolidation of two routes Into motor routs. . Ths dsparttnsnc will appoint a temporary carrier to be paid from tl.(t ts II,- ttt a year, depending upon local con ditions, and later flit ths position per manently by a special ' civil service examination. .. . -. .. ; FlrsCMTWo Hate. . ' These automobile routes havs been established la a number of States la tho last few weeks as an experiment, but nons have so fsr been Inaugu rated In North Carolina. Ths son-' solidatlon of two routes for ens motor rents ia a saving ,to tho Department aad at ths asms time offers faster eervtre to patrons . .John s. Harper today was ap pointed rural carrier at Sharpsbarg. k. M. Hengepeth will probably be appointed poet master at ths saros place. Miss Lluts Honrtae Is likely to bo named postmaster, at . Wilson's M WARSHIP GUNS TO GET 30 DEGREE ELEVATION Washington." D. C Aug. ' II Main bateries of American battle ships hereafter will be given aa ele vation -of . It degrees, virtually doubling .ths . present angls of are, according to a decision reached by Navy Lwpartinont a perls after does study. It Is said, sf all available In formatics on naval engagements .of the "European war. The effect of h change will be to Increase materially ths range of the navy's fourteen Inch guns snd alas make gun firs mors accurate In rough weather. The gune now have suffi cient range to reach aaythmg wlthla the, limit of vision st aea. It.e added elevation will enable ithem to hori belle at objects far peyond ths hori tun or ever hills ef con;fiierabla gise tn bombarding land fortin. etiona A new problem haa been j. relented aa a result of tbs hUh anile firs, and nrvy experts sre studying methtds of Increaelng deck armor srainet the pluneirg Ore of shelis huried from a j- .1 tttance. 4. PARIS RAIDED BV GEIWUK AVUTORS L This photograph shows tha types ot biplanes and triples es used by Oer man aviators yesterday la their raid oa Paris. Tbs largo maehinS ta a tri- Slans. -recently constructed, which. It 1 said. Is oapaMa of carrying twenty men. , .. r. BOYTHIEFJO; GETS Lumber Negro Arrested; Minus $22r Robbery v iij? -'In Broad Daylight '1 -( '.' ., y,. :.- 1 s ; J,'!,. : . tspaM is. Tss. Met sad tsssiiSil Iaimberton. Aug. II. A,, "daring robbery occurred hers toaay at eleven o'clock whsn Elliott tier rick, a tea- year-old negro, stole list la easa trntn" tha Farmers and Merchants Bank. , Cashier Barnes stepped out a mo ment asking one of tho dirsetors, who was present, ts watch for him. Dar ing his shewn oe tho sneak thief slipped around behind tho eounter aad grab bing a ' package of aaoasy, sees pod without detection. - -xii. " Upon his return Mr. Barnes missed ths money; . Chief : Rsdfsrn arrested Merrick and all ths money but til wan rw srsd. Meniok la In jalt AMERICANS GLOOMY , ON CHRISTMAS GOODS . Berlin. Aug. ' !. Vla London) American buslnsss men in OsrmaJiy are taklnaf ths gloomiest view of-the fats of great quantities of goods or dered In Germany for ths American Christmas trade. . They say that the loos of these goods . will amount to millions. ,-.-. h, - . . j- - , Orders. totalling about' fst.ttt.ttO fsr ouch, wares as - toys t Bohemian ginsswars. - bronsee,-' Christmas 'Cards sad optical specialties had hoe a plac ed for summsr delivery. It is stated, this being tho usual praotlcw in order to give American wholesale' dealers an epportnnlty . to pevce - ths good: Ths article ee, are 1 sj of A seasonal vara4 and beoomef virtually valseless anises delivered Immediately. Howsver the British order In councit although sot effective whs,n tho orders . for." tbs goods wars placed, prevents such a delivery, . - . . "a t Ths order In coundr eia Is playing havoc with golf supplies. ' Uolf balls snd clubs are being exhausted rapidly and ardent golfsrs are- obyurgaMng Kaglasd and planning aa. appeal tei their fellow enthuetaet-in Amsiica, BRESELERT0 GOYERN.t GERMAN FORCES IN RUSSIA ..-' t pi'-, n ,. ' .!., . -.. BerUo. Aug. II. Ths occupied re-' gioas of .Poland, and Russia under Herman sd in in 1st ration have been formed Into a general gossi nut ship aad plaosd. like Belglumjinder a general governor. ' i'or this post. Gen eral Von Beeeler.; sonqueren oft Ant werp and Novo G artievsk, baa been s NEGRO IS SHOT AND KILLED BY T - OFFICER HE ATTEMPTED TO RESIST ' '.''". -A"-; ?';"'' C 1 1 ' .' . 1 ,. ,""V.'.:'.- ;, t - Policeman Duke, of Kittrell, Fires at Sam Garner,' When He Attempts To Escape Being Arrested; Bullet Passes Through Man's Heart; Mob Threatens Violence : ' . , l.v ' taiisit ts Th. n md owis.l . V Henderson,, Aug. 5 1, Polios mas DukS tonight at 7 s'olock on the main street of Kittrell, shot 8am - Garner, a, negro, through the heart, killing him lnsumtly. t.amer was resisting arrest. . ' Uuke. who Is the only officer la Kit trelL Is "-very unpopular wtth the lew ises element, and immediately after the shooting a mob formed around the omuer and threats of violence were heard. ' . t ;iX Joti'h. & iAoystsc And Cor : -- 5 1 . ; - t, y I ' '.V ! rr ' i '- ' ' ' - j l ,, i ..5 .' Not only have tha Osrmana perfect td groat EeppaUns for use . against their enemies tn tho great war, but they save made groat strides In -bolld tng aeroplanes. Tbs Oerman trtplaae has ths largest carrying capacity sf any plana typo of airship ihat has bean invented. J.0.L0fIG;F0HMEB II. Exovcrnor . of Massachusetts . : Ordered Admiral Dewey . a To Philippines av aw Ulngham. Mass., ; Aug.. i.-mloha D. Jong, - former i Becrexary - of ' ths Ifavy aad former Covert tor of M. chueetts. died at (his home' hers to- Mr. Long was geflretary of . ths Navy . daring ths 6paalsb-Ainsrioaa war. ' It was be who la on record as having dispatched tho famous mes sage of April IS, lltl to Commodore eebrgs"-iew eyrt-Tondlntt th" Asiatic squadron, - then awaiting or. aero at itong Kong. . Tha asn ' -.-;- - 1 v - "War ' has . commenced betw Spain . and tha United states. Prs- ooed at -once to ths PhUlppins li lands Captura or destroy-the-Spanish ships. Cos ths utmost endeavor." It, Was on ths sixth day after ths receipt t of thees ' orders ' tost Dewey reported his groat Victory In- the battls of Manila Qajr. As to tha mes sage which had thus sent the-fleet Into, action, Bee rotary - bong .ones amid: ' '.. - ... . "My name -rat at ths bettors. Q'rl sua dlapatoh! I should rather like to havs ths credit of it. But It mine. . I directed Chief Crowntnshlsid of the Bureau of Navigation to have such -a dispatch made ready, s But Crowninsheld did not write It ;Who prepared 4t? Boms subordinate clerk In his bureau. WhoT.Uod only knowa. As tor wis, I should wot haver need the word 'commenced.'' 1 should i have said: ths war has begun." Aside from that. It la a mighty good message. thlnk'ws can pardon that word." Ths diapatnh Tsuas-la-to-ma. -, I took,? to ths President, saying: tot him: 'Mr. President. I think this ought to 'go.' no sua: u rtgni- . sign n. , Mr.-Long was .sailed tav head .ths (Continued on Page Two.);; V; WfjutiW'&ftOLY' BLIRM WHlll-OMUUI OUnit WHEN GASOLINE FLARES -Lumbertoti, Aug. Tble 'after noon Anna. Thomas Cherokee was ter ribly burned about her-lower limbs. She went te as auto garage te sea a relative employed the a Lis was us ing gasoline la repairing a. tire, with a smalt amount, or gas in a asarby pan.. la passing by ' ths pan she knocked It over.- causing ths gasolins to spread . over ths - bottom . part of ber dress which caught Sre. . prompt actios aavea us woman s me. oner D. W. Hardee were notified of me tragedy and hastened from here to Kittrell by automobtsa. They found that Uuke had gotten away from the crowd that threatened vengeance against him, but on tha advice of citi sens of the community it was decided to wait Until tomorrow. to hold the Inquest. . Duke's friends Informed the officers Where the policeman was -and they placed him under arrest bringing him to Henderson ss a measure of precau tion, lie waa placed in Jail to await a preliminary bearing. 1 RUSSIANS FROFJT IS SMASHED IIJ BY CALCIA TEUTONS Germans Break Through Czar's f Positions On Zlota Llpa - . River In South " , NICHOLAS IN RETREAT. BALTIC-PROVINCES' ' ; - Austro-Germans, Intent On ; : Destroying- Czar's Great ' Armies, Push Forward On . Foe From All Sides; Some Rear Guards " Already". Are Reported Captured , GinttUNAIIttlEI DROP BOMBS NEAR FRENCH CAPITAL tr Sw siiiitml Penal ' Paris, FranN Asg. . an Fowr 6 w wis a s op lanes attsauptad to make a raid 0a Parts this) snor Insr. Tbey veers asusnhes) by m Prvev-h air iosiila tad-ess ef the (ernil snarhlneat waa soot . to. dectw la rdd-sir. . . ,- " Th Ore iaa snstiitlnrs rrossnd the rvirsirh Ifnrs Sytng si' a greal heigh aad driving toward ths city of Paris. Wheal 1 over a point to ths worth of ths capital they sight ed a PrreK-a air tt Mills snd three of the m nat anm ilaars wheeled shc-t and headed for the tier man Mars. ' . . Tee of the Ota mas -Machines es rapext. bwt naw waa oeiilllaa nd by pai wutng 1 riddled by bsllrts. It fesl njamtng Into ths forest "of Hals US where tho burned bodies of two Aviators Vva- fosmd. . "'"' " The snwr saswThhMS drotifird live bornbs at Mowt-josrecy, a town gf teea amlra frosa Paris. ( ISs one was hart. The batteries at Most pjMii'f list y optsasd Sre ee tite aawo tHsaet) but they, got away in the hsse. -(. ... f..- - I,; . ,-. ...'. . ' London, Aug;' II. The Oermsnls , allies havs not yet exhausted their ef (oris 4 awteeh sompi tely the Ki ixn army. While-the Uernisne In t he baitio provinces under t I'll klanthKl Von Hindenburg havs again become asgresstvs and ars attempting to drive . the Hussians back to Uvinsr ths Aua-tfw-Hungariana with ths assistance of the Cesrmans havs takes ths offensive la southeastern Ualicia, and acoordlng -to Berlin and Vienna, havs succeeded In breaking through tho Kusstaa post- " . lions on ths Klota Llpa river north '' aad sooth of Brssssay. . . Ttassiaas Hard Prrewnd. "- ' - Along tho rest of the front tbs Ger mans claim to bs gaining mora ground bat apparently they are aa far aa ever from their main endeavor" the cap- tare or destruction pf ths Rues Inn armies. Ths latter, although pressed ' hard at., rhany.. points continue., thelrv orderly retreat, leaving little or noth ing that knight he used by ths Invad- -era Boms rear guards which were -left behind with mas nine guns te re- tard the ' Austro-Oerman advance, have base everwhslmed aad captured, : but the guns, munitions - and main toross Invariably havs kept sut : - of " reach ef ths relenUesa pursuers. ' """5- Kxptc JnMttfovcsanenia,'' Whether the Russians will bs able ' to ranks a stead In tbs new position which, they ars said to havs prepared. " the avast few days should telL There are reports that reinforcements ars , being sent from the east to the west era and Serbian fronts but military HCoaUnusd oa Page Tea.) The Arabia bxcid-nt and fieraany's poevcy tee snbjeott or big bend at the saslwa heedoaartsra of the tHresia army be we a Utmeror Wiillavna and Dr. Vow Bsthnsana lioU- wegg, the Ouiiiaie lnsinlal ctuuKwllor, Admiral Voa Itrptta, t nnin Mlnietrr - of Marin , aaAdirdral Voa Meeller, chief e the private Swiss and the nmpemi'm persissal adviser eat . aval annum. Ne a-jws wsMie nluf iliS oonrcrrnce is rvsMistrd Berilnv - Bosrsver, Ad- . antral Vow Martler is said - to have : Uiroww big lnas-noe with that of the imperial caanweUpr - and. - JToreigw Miniwte-. aoe Jago tat smi endeavor t te ,stSM-Jt an aauicahls StxK re landing with Che tnltrd Htatce.' for this rea son the opinion Is exprtsssd la the-' tits man capital that these ts sto caane to change the optimistic view of the sitoation rroated by Or. Vest Beth- ' wiiii BoUwesr's pro oatnecaarnt of last Wednesday. . - - - VThile Perrogrsd enofflctalty ex pteseos the oplnlow that the ltuawlaas are oa the ere ef digging thuinetlite ha aad awaking a stand oa a aew front, there are no Indications as yet of a halt fa their retrograde awvesncnt or of. any let as la the force of the Teutonic .amraso. - -.:--.---'. Oa Uns-oatrsry, the Ao-tro-Oerataa . sCessl-e has broken ost again ta a sector wbrra there had been cum pa r ative inactivity fur the better part ef two months past la East ra Gallria. where the Unrs along the DtuVster. ths Zinta line and the Gniia Lira have rhanged, only Httle aime eariy July when the Trutuaic armies swung aortu and began the closing la novroe-t wbk-h resetted In the Baa-lna with draws! frosa the Warsaw aalK-n t. The Kosalaa lines, Berlin tinlma, havs now been broken along the y lots Una aad the KaMdana are la full re treat nmler nmn Ho Anetro-Ccrmsa aauanlt. AnnsreiMly It Is the Tea- tonic sins -cnnplctely to riesur allda of Ksmina triMte. - Ttie retreat of Grand tmke St.-bolea srmie s from Brest-IdUirvk and the b-s to the worth is being .arawed by tteid - Marshal nn iat-kenwn armies and tlwi c of PtIik 1 of Bsvaria, the latier bating i. traird Uie Bicloileh forest. v.mi. soulhcaat of Blaljetok tooecnl on War Summary - r f