..... ' l tru ul 'mrrn a - mw m a w r . ma- .,..-'--" - ' a jr-w . -.- rver Best AdrertbJn J " Medium In North Carolina C VOL CH. NO. 64. VY : RALEIGH N. fc. pIURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 2, 1915. ' 'H: : ? PRICE 8 CENTS J ; GMM AC( HALT TO HER SUBMARINE WARFARE, 1 ATiIERICA IS ASSURED THAT PASSENGER! VESSELS VttJL NOT BE TORPEDOED WITHOUT YARNEIG ' 11 : VON BERNSTORFF OFFICIALLY . . ANNOUNCES POLICY OF BERLIN v. TO UPHOLD NEUTRALS' RIGHTS Washington Pleased Greatly at Recognition and Acceptance By Kaiser of Fundamental Prin cipals For Which President Wilson Contend 'zzi ed After Torpedoing of Lusitania ACT HAY; BE DISAVOWAL TOR SINKING OF ARABIC j. - Ambassador's Statement That Submarine Commanders Were , ; Ordered Not To Sink Ships Without Warning Taken In T,v Light' Responsibility For Loss of Arabic May Be Denied. - U S. Now Expected Td Protest To England For Detaining 4 Cargoes .' J .' . (By Ti Aaaortated Prese.) Waakiagto-, D. C, Sept. L, Count Berrutorff, tha Carman am taia dor, tm instruction from Berlin, today informed Secretary laming that Germany had accepted the principle that paseenf er ' liners ahooU ha warned before attack by obmarmee. He formally rommonkated this information in writing-. After a ratfeaeaice at the Stat Department, Ambaaador Bern tterff tent Secretary L-aaing this letter: M Dw If. "With reao to on wmwtlwi of UUa Mtrnlnc I Im to tafona mm that ( InatraoUona cnaoermlnc mw Muwer to jrow laat IvMatunU aote nnMaina taa (oUowlaa pe ft " Uaeta rtll ani h sank by our aabmartnea WlUmat warning aad wMImnh aMr at the Niw of aoaonibatajMa, prorldrd thai tba - Uaata aVt ant try to awape or offer mtouiBGe.' . , v - - "AlUioaaU I kanw that yoa do aot wlata to AiaonM tiie LnaltanU aanaloa ttU tba Arabic incident haa been acAnitriy and sUcfsotorlly settled. I entire to Inform yoa of tiie above becMae thla pOUry ot mar goimtmtut waa devlded oa before the Arabia incident occmrred. "I have aa oiecUoa to yoar aaakiiiK any aae yoa may please of - the above iaf oraaatioa. "I ffiiaalii, aay dear Mr. Laaalnic, Very alncerrly jroars. -jr. bkrkbTORFF.' la connection with tha tettar Seer--tary LmbHik maaa the following tatenient; . In. rlw of the elaarneea of tha . iforegoing atiktement It aeama neadleaa 'to Aiaka any comment in regard to It, other than to say that it appeara to be a raeognlUon of the fundamental ' principle for which we have, con tended y CrtHls Now PaowxTc . ' 'tvrrtry hand in" omrial "Suartara ' there waa erldtnoe"" of gratiflcation that the aubmariae eriala had aaaaad and that Germany had acknowledged the Justice ef tba American contaa tiona. The Oermaa government's state ment that before the sinking "t the Arable, her submarine commanders bad been ordered to sink no more Casenger ships without warning may taken as a disavowal of that act. It generally was acknowledged that In making concessions to the United Mates, Germany expects President Wilson to renew his representations to Great Britain against Interfere ivoe with neutral trade. The president .has steadfastly declined to conduct one negotiation In a relation to the other, taking ths position that the diplo matic negotlalotns of ths United mates with one belligerent eould not - be eaaittoaed en-tt relations Wtt another. . . The new American note to Great Britain making representations against ths restrictions Imposed by ths orders In council Is almost ready to go forward. Secretary Lansing sent ths com munication to ths White House and (Continued on Page Three.) (w a Press Comment 1 j a annum ma.) ' Iiosxtos, Sept. tV-Tbe IiOodoa . ssoming aewapapcra, while reoogals log that PreMideat WUsoa has aecwrcd aa laaportaat coacessiua froaa Ger V msny with regard to Genaaay sab ' aaarine warfare express 'the belief that the rresldeat wffll aot be coateet ' with IC The paprrs take the riew that Yoa BrroatoriTa aots to Secretary of State Laawing tadacatrs that Sr. ton Uethsnaaa HoUwec the ti is seas . fsaperua chaaoellor, baa a freer hand. : . sad they express aatisfactioa arer the isnproved eattoak of the sltsatioa. '1 It is diraeaH to Inssrlar." says the -'Dally Tr hgia. "that rresldeat II- son will aocrpt Coast Voa BeraatoHTs . proposal siace sach. a settlesaeat 4 woaM karo sswiiaat sailors aader - the Aasericaa or ethew Bags stIU -eg. , posed to all the "perU of sabssartae -, piracy. U tbera Is aay whittling away of the broad prtactple for which the I'nltrd gtstra baa beea wianndlag the world will be ceafrewted with aaaw diss as eoaditanos at sra sa a penaa. aeat sarssrt tat tfaaa ml war, for auwiy has ' asv saoawpoly of saa- "'TbaTDafly IVhaiaph eootmds that . aotMnsr bat a aoanpleta abend i am m i I t. , of Gli ssssr's sabesariae poacy wiU be saacseat. H.argwea that iausua . tiuaal law rerogalscs ao diaereaee be. ' tweea iwswatiJ vrssria and oargo f boats, aad says that ttenssay herself arte la aooordaace with , tba) prtac. pie aa hmr aa she bad a warship or a snrrrxtaatansn at sea aad oaly threw It ever wbea British aaral power aa- cried tts sway ay smsssn s. The Dailr Tesrgrapa says that while It fa brUrved that voant Voa Bera. store? la trying So obtaia minissnia tersss M sees bore fcs the apparesKly . lUaess ef Voa Trtpita, . toe iieraaaa Amiiassa lor of Marina. ' The Dally Orspble say the a a. BMancrd Germaa posrtloa Is a grratrr trtaasTdi for Dr. Voa Pesbmana UoU Weg thaa for Iressdeati Wliawv . , . Adsoiral Voa Tb-ptta UL ; , , ua ae t iiiinr neat - Ixmdon. -Sept. ' X. Aa Exchanrs -telegrmpb dispatch says that Admiral Voa Tfrpltx the Germaa Minister ef Marine, is reported ill from overwork and exhasstlon, and oa adrlce of bis phrwrteji intends .tajleare Bsrlia for a holiday. J ' REGARD OUTCOME AS WILSON VICTORY , W. t TEIiVKKTOIf.) W'aelitngtnm, Kept. 1. Ho single triumph of the Wllaua adrntnlswa. axraaaiaesl aa mnoh Tavor. ia Waahlngtoav as the dliiiosnaclo vU-torr which today brought asBaraarea front (Jernjaay that United fttatra demand for a eesuatloa of dangrr to Aaars leans from sahaasrine warfsre will be rxanptind with m fatare. This as saraare from (rnsanj la ts-garded here as the end of serious oosnpU raUosa with Germany and is taken -to atraa la weU-tnrarnatd circles that there will be no war with Ger many. The oatronte Is regarded as a alg ae! victory for Presldeat WUsoa aad as a attlng Initial achlevesnent of Secretary of State landing. PRESIDENT! GIVE German Crisis Over Wilson Plans To Study Needs of Army and Navy Washington. Sept 1. With danger of serious trouble with Germany ap parently removed, President Wilson. It was said tonight, believes ha eaa proceed with more freedom In de velopment of his national defense plans because there can be no suspi cion that they are directed against aay particular nation. Ths President's Idea, It waa said, is to prepare a, program for several years Is advance, and In doing ao to secure ths expert opinion of army ana nary officers, who have been watch ing military developments in Kurops. Expenditures for ths army and nary are to be kept aa low aa the President thinks consistent with the (Continued on Page Three.) CPCWrU TAkfC ki nun . OFF COAST OF SRIA (Br a aaieiail Pna.1 Paris. Sept. 1. The Ministry of Ma. rine tonight annouaeed that the Is land of Ruad ( Syria bet weea Lata kireh and Tarabindusv hod beea oc cupied by a detachment from the freneh squadron, which now holds the blockhouse ana the Byrtao shore, "The French tag was hoisted at I o'clock this morning, says the sn. oaaeemsnt. There Wss ao resist anee, the population according . the troops a warm reception. ' Ruad la two miles off the coast' of Syria. Its population of l.ses is largely engaged la navigaUon-iaad sponge Ashing. : - ; KILLED, 5 HURT WHEN : MILL BOILER BLOWS UP - ' lar as si rum pmt '. : Barllngtoa. Sept. I. Three men were killed and fire others seriously hurt aear snow camp, it miles from here this afternoon when the boiler at Johnson's saw milt exploded. There were fifteen men working at the plant at ths time ef the accident. . none escaping injury. - , . . Ths dead are: - Otis Johnson, pro prietor ot tns mm; Clem Fuqnay and Sidney Boggs. The" father of l uquay sutxsrea the loss ot aa arm. .. TUTOR DEFENSE . AUSTRIAN OIi; I This remarkable photograph ' waa taken shortly after the Austriana, by superhuman efforts, had driven tba Rum tans from Boryslar in UaUcla. PATH FOR PEACE OPENS AS RESULT Cardinal Gibbons Granted In terview With President To day To Discuss War WILSON IS EXPECTED -t TO BE RENOMINATED Washington Believes Success of Negotiations With Ger many Puts United States In Way To Bring-About Agree ment Between England and Kaiser On Freedom of Seas (Br i - rnssi Washington, Sept. 1- A request msde at the White House today on behalf of Cardinal Gibbons for aa In terview with President Wilson waa re garded as slgnlflcant In official and diplomats circles -in -isw reeent reports of the Pope's hope to bring about peace In Kurope through co operation with the heads of neutral governments. The Interview was ar ranged tor tomorrow afternoon. Many officials here believe ths suc cess of the negotiations with Germany over submarins warfare places the United Statss In aa advantageous po sition to bring about an agreement between Germany and Great Britain on the .qujeatioa of maintaining the freedom of ths seas, which ultimately may pave the way to a discussion of neacs terms. At ths White House the object of Cardinal Gibbons' Interview was not disclosed, though It was Indicated be wanted to discuss the International situation. J. Renominate WUsoa. Indications were apparent here to night that President Wilson's closest friends expect htm. to be renominated In ltt. and are laying their plans accordingly. Ths - President himself. It wss said authoritatively, however. Is taking no part In such plans. Gratification felt by the President over the action of Democrats In ths Tenth Congressional District-of -Wisconsin In indorsing his administration was expressed In a 'letter from Sec retary Tumulty which became public hers tonight. A telegram to the Pre dent announcing that ndorsement stated that it waa voted "unanimous ly" at a maaa meeting called "for ths parposs of arranginng for the .cam paign of ltl." - "Word that Kentucky Democrats assembled la a state convention plat form had endorsed President Wilson for re-noml nation wss also welcome news at the .White -House, i- but - ao formal comment was 'made. Senator J mas, author of the resolu tion adopted la Kentucky la -one -of the President's political advisers. , PEGOUD, AVIATOR, HIT v IN AIR BATTLE. KILLED ; : ?; 'ifj W. ' na :; - !-n ' ' Parts. Sept , Reports of the death, of Adolphe Pegoud the famous aviator, have been officially confirmed. , 'Poud. who waa only If years old. Served five years la-the French ear elr t lighting - la the Morocco cam paign. At the outbreak of the present war he Joined ths aviation corps- His exploits won him tbe military medal and the military eross. Hs brought dowa his sixth Germaa air craft July 11. . -j . Details received - concerning .. his death say that unaccompanied, he was making a reconnaissance. When clone to i'etite Croix he attacked a German aeroplane and had fired sev eral cartridge bands-arith bis machine gun when a bullet struck bint, killing him instantly. His machine fall in side tba franca lines. . , .... r . '"-V Coy Galorlardlnt Daw. T Ftereace. Pept. 1. ?aunt Guiociar dlnl. former foreign minister ef Italy, died today. - ;,i ; ...... i OF GERMAN STAND r It-lnTa a'"f il -ir1Tf Tl i,!? uraisnu 1 1 f i iii fir i Ths Russian's after taking the town I had used ths ell wells to supply their I I army, and had almost drained them. I The Austrian supply being cat off the I BUSINESS- ODNDITIONS BETTER, . RESERVE BANK AGENTS REPORT Slight Improvement Over Last Month Is Noted With Large Crops In Sight, Manufacturing Stimulated By Foreign Or ders and Money Plentiful (W. r- VfcXYKKTUX.) Washington, Sept 1.- An encoura ging summary aad forecast of busi ness conditions in. the Fifth PederaJ Rsserve District' particularly In ths Carolines. Is eoatainsd In ths Fed eral Ksserre'a monthly review mads public today.- .lumber and truck are hit hardest at present; a hlls the eon dlHens aad -avtleek i , tehaccs AOdTorn frtecbaa.af follows: la tba Carolines It seems te be widely appreciated that thla year there can be no excuse for-a re pell, tlon of the experiences of laat fall. The kaowledge that there are bow at band well organised sgencles competent to assist In the gradual liquidation of cot ton, free from undue pressure upon the farmers, has had a most steadying Influence and will, make tor the mar keting of the staple at prices subject only to the universal law of supply and demand, and fraed from artificial or hystsrteal conditions. Banking fa cilities now available as a matter of routine will. In permitting the gen erous use of cotton as collateral when Famous Prisoner's Name Not Mentioned By Judge " In Charge To Body (Br dM laiwm bm.1 Marietta, Ga., Sept 1 The Cobb county grand Jury drawn for the July term of court was charged today by Judge H. J. Patterson to Investigate "the recent lynching la thla county" and before the day enfled had examin ed -erveral witnesses for Information they might have on the ' hanging of Leo M. Frank. At ths rate the wit nesses were handled It-would seem that the Jurors could finish with ths thirty-five or mors called In time to report tomorrow. . Judge Patterson was emphatic on three points In his brief and extempo raneous charge: That the crime should be thoroughly Investigated; that thla was not a special grand Jury aa bad been reported and that ths Jurors were not 'secret -service men" and were not expected "to do detec tive work to perform- their duties." Ha said Cobb - county never had needed a special arand Jury, and In ferred that the-Frank lynching was not ths sols cause of reconvening ths Jury that served during the July term of court. The killing ef a negro soon Con tl need on Page Two.) J. B. UNDERWOOD TO GET FAYETTEVILLE P. 0. JOB r. ?; ' Fsysttsvllle, Sept 1. J. B. Under wood will be Fayettsvllls's next post, master. This Information waa con veyed ts this city this afternoon by a telephone message from Congress man IL U God wis to CoL Oeerge Me- NeilL -, '. . ' - - - rJeyead the announcement no par ticulars aa to when the nominatioa will 'be mads er the appointment be come effective are known here. Mr Godwin said that Mr. Underwood was Pens tor Simmons' choice for the post Uon. - ! , It generally Is understood that It was Mr. Godwin's Intention all the time te leave the selection to Senator Simmons oa account of his hsvtr-g yielded several eppolntmenta recently to the congressman. - Mr. Underwood te a member of ths Stnts Democratic executive com mitt re aad Is close to Seastor Simmons. He was ths Senator's campaign manager la Cambertaad oouoty in 111,. RANGI OF FRANK IS PROBED BY JURY u i- , , ) .-.-,.-tr-' ' ' . . ; -r -r - rs .... .. , - (; -sN ' - a in iiiWl rti iH ' army waa In a dangerous situation. It became necessary to drive the Rip- I stans from the wells aj any cost. They I succeeded is this, but Just as they left desired snsbls ths grower rapidly to liquidate seasonal indebedneae to ma ture In ths fall, and such a condition, should make for the advantage not only of the banks and merchants im mediately Identified with artners,ut In turn With distributors et gil kinds also have dsns buatsess with ths cot ton section, ;'. if .. . "Cottoa milling has been somewhat uiie,en in- thar while many properties have been doing well, the majority haa aot fully .met Its expectations. - "Some of the more Southern af ear tobacco markets havs opened at prices which seem to be satisfactory to all concerned, and better than have beea expected In view ot a very generous stock carried over from laat year. The quality la better than was the esse last season. "From both ths Carollnaa corns re ports of satisfaction with ths result of experiment In greater diversifica tion than heretofore practiced. Well distributed ratna Insure the promise (Continued on Page Two.) IVIFEF0RIV0RCE Files Petition Charging Miscon duct With Former New York Newspaper Man Pittsburg. Sept 1. Harry K. Thaw, through attorneys, filed a petition In common pleas court hers today ask ing a divorce from Evelyn Neshlt Thaw, charging misconduct with John Francis, of New Tork. The petition Is very brief, covering less than one typewritten page. Thaw alleges that his wife was guilty (of miseonauct at il west list street New fork. In December. 1 to, and January.. 11. aad at various 'other places and times. Thaw also declares he deserted him in July. 1101. New York. Sept 1. John - Francis expressed surprise when Informed herd tonight that hs had been' named as corespondent In Harry Thaw's suit for divorce. "I have not seen Evelyn Thaw In three years." has aid. Francis, st the tltns ot ths shooting of Stsnford White, waa a reporter on a New York newspaper. FULUM SUCCEEDED AT ACADEMY BY EBERLE .OS -e Sin lilil Has) Washington Sept. 1. Rear Admiral Wat. F. Fullam was reletved today as superintendent of the Naval Academy to be succeeded by Captain EL W. Eberlss now commandant of- the Washington navy yard end superin tendent of the naval gun factory. Ad miral Fullam Will, succeed Rear Ad miral Chas. 9. Pond In command ef the Pacific rsserve fleet at Puget Sound, ths Istter becoming command ant of the Portsmouth. N. H navy yard. ,..--. While Acting Secretary ReoeeveK Issued srders for ths new assignments, hs acted at ths direction ef Secretary Daniels, who la on a tour ef Inspec tion of Atlantic coast naval atationa. No resuaans were given for tbs ehanres. Rear Admiral Fullam was detailed as superintendent ef the academy February f, lilt . His action -last spring la recommending dismissal ef seven midshipmen for trreguleritlee la laminations led by a board of In quiry which recommended the dismis sal of two of ths midshipmen and Im position of less severe penalties open others, and urged radical revision of ths method ef conducting examina tions. - -- . Tbe change ordered today become tftectlve September Is. . i . i HARRY THAW SUES the Kusaisns fired the wella. This photograph shows the prospect tba Aunt runs faced when tbsy bsd at last retaken the dry. EXCHANGE PLAYS FAST AND LOOSE AT LOWEST RATE Pound Sterling Leads In Check cr Board Moves of Foreign Bills Downward ENGLISH MONEY FALLS - . AFTER SLIGHT JUMP. UP Registering $4.50 at Opening It Ealtets Upward By Leaps and Fallst Dropping Back To $4.54 Late In Afternoon. Francs Also Decline From 6.03 To 6.09 m u inrtini r .t New Tork, Sept. 1. Foreign ex change rates, led by the English pound sterling, played fast snd loose today. !jl.,ehscksTbkrd movss s- tns lowest plans of values ever reached in thla country. From !!.( registered a. the open ing, atsrllng mads Its faltering way by leaps and Jumps and falls to 14. SS 1-1 In ths late afternoon and fell back at the day's end to Its 4. Francs dropped at a single stroke from f.01 to reaching their lowest value. LJree hovered around (.(4. approximately- ner "cent. " Below" ' ' no rmal; Relchemarks slgsagged between st 1-t and It M. The entire market waa In convulsions, although ths tendency toward hysteria lessened toward the close. Big Bankers t'slm. The big bankers, however, were In clined to calm, rather than hysterical. Ons foreign exchange expert said to night he doubted lf .10.6uv pounds sterling , had been bought In this mar ket today. The widely divergent quo tations st ths opening and the close he ascribed purely to speculators. That view, however, was not gener ally accepted, and there were Indica tions that there hsd been Isrgs deal ings In small amounts after sterling hsd strengthened to t.tl. For reasons not seen on the surface. optimism wss more apparent tonight thaa analysis of the situation seemed to warrant. A persistent report pre vailed that relief was In sight. It was said ths delegation of British finan ciers sent to mend England's battered credits were almost within sight of land. Ths censor has suppressed all news of their sailing for New York, but It Is thought they )nay be aboard the 8t Paul,- due to dock here tomor row. - - . News Held Bark. V " ' Ths censor, according to mall re ports to newspapers here, recently haa . (Continued oa Page Two.) HUSBAND LATE, WOMAN -SHOOTS SELF TO DEATH (ael W Tm Km sad Mania I ' Washington. Sept 1. A report waa received here this evening of tns sul elds .of Mrs. Charles Rowton. of Co- tumble, who ended ner life by shoot ing herself through the heart with a DlstoL Death was Instantaneous. It Is said that shs wss expecting her husband on the evening train from Norfolk, or a sn is sags from him. Ia ths presence of some friends Mrs. Rowtoa remarked that aha would not wait 'any longer. - She went te her horns, undreassd, got Into bed and then fired the -fatal bullet through her heart , She was afterwards fout.d dead by a young girt, Ulllan Davenport, who was conveying to the dead woman a telegram- front her husband." which directed .her to hire aa automobile, go te stacker a and take tbe train to Norfolk, where he would meet ner. The telegram was received Just one hour and a hslf toe late. -Mr.. and Mrs. Rowtoa bad been married several years. Tt.ey were radsnta ef good standing la so mm unity. v rr-f.. US FORTRESS FALLS TO GUNS OF; TEUTON ARMIES Austrian War Office Announ ces Capture of Russian Stronghold Irt Poland - L '. f GERMAN FORCES NOW , FURTHEST POINT EAST Kaiser's Troops and Those of Dual Monarchy Are Reported , Sixty Miles East of. River Bug; Lutsk Is One of Czar's Great Triangle Forts Fifty Miles Apart RUSSIANS-tOSE MILLION far Sn gaiiwii rnal Hcr ii, Sept 1 (by fesyvtltr) -As oak-ial review of the laiaeis campaign as gives oat her today by tbe Ovetwras News Agen cy, red ma tea that etotw Msy a tbe Hawdans have hwt at least xee.aoe an h killed or wnanurU. aad .aaa.aoa mum taptarcd by the (Br d Vienna. Hrpt 1. via IdoaLe Tlta -Rmwiaa fortress of srtk haa bera ' csptamd by Teutonic for re. It was: : officially annoanced today by the Aastriaa war ofSee. The fni ii ess of stok In la oar hands." asyn the annowaremrnt "The t( ihIsm mI of tnfaatry. at tha paint of the bayonet rjrrtrd the Kate tan frasa the railway station and entered the tows st the kaase time wtth the mrsnir. The twwa - yewtrrday evening waa cleared of the ear sr." - . Latsb t la the province of Volhynla. sixty miles rest of the Bag. ua a bramcn af trsr Btam1tnx? Mttway rues ' smsthrra Rawda anrthward to Hrrat. Iitovsk. It In one of the triangle ef fortresses which He shoot arty ail lea froaa each other In Mils rrgton, the other two bring Dubne aad Ken a, -It has a popalailon of saore than ,. oa. Aastto-Ossaiaa forcra re.-ratly have be a rrportrd eprratbsc aear Istak la thetr drive enatward from tbe Brest IJtovsk Hne and the Bog. 8a fnr aa ' nk Hal reports have ImUcated that ht the lost easterly point oa R assise trrrho ry reached by the Trntona. Its cap are marks the fall of the tenth fortress within a annul h under A astro-. German attacks, beginning with tba. taking of H a isw Angitet t. RUSSIANS RETREATING . IN PRIPET MARSHES IB. Ike it III ill Pmal London, Sept. 1. The fortress Of Lutsk, which with thoss of Dubno and Hovno forms a fortified triangle on Russian territory Just north of ths i Qaliclan frontier, was captured by ths Austrlsns today, according to . the oflU- (Contlnuedon Page Two.) War Summary German aalnnarincn will (Ink no more pamrngcr nliiie wlthont warning . and without providing for the safety of nna-enmhstanta tat bonru. If the steamers do not try o eacape or aer restiaamT. Count Mc -wtorlT, the Crrman am bamuuior. lute ao aotlard) tier retary af Ktate Inslng. Commenting on thin, Mr. Laisdng declared the naiBratioa aiHieared "to be a recognition of the fundamental ptinrlples for which ma have contended." unit Hal Washington fonsldesa the Guinea announcement mile the i lain between the United States and tie -away through the sinking by Gerasan salmai rinrs". of Aasnrltwa vesisals aad " belligerent vessels oa which Aaaertcen ares were hist tontlnaed Tea tonic progrens la the' i rrportrd by Uerlla aad Vkn a Hnselaa fort eras la sowtl Latsk. Volliraia. near the Gslteiaa boa ad- ary, has bera captaredi the Rssiilsss . have bera driven Into the outer line ' of forts west af Grodno, and tbe at it a- -anas Keens a teslstsnce la tai sera Ga lltis has beea broken, and the town -ef Kborow rapt Bred, according to tha Bev-Un aad Vlrnna oak-ial ststesarssta. ' la the last foar bmhsUm agbtlng la the East l,4e.0 Ran-uins, accord- ' lag to the Urnaan offleta! ret law lea, have been stx- anted for. Of three' aa wees killed er -eoaaded. tbe KM b cordtn being taken prlsussess. Thkv ao ng to Hernn, mesas eeaterattoa- of all the Rasa a tsuopa engaged -at.;: tne beginning of tns Tratonic otrew. va la Poland aad Kassta. v-etr places lis ring ahsce been ailed by troops draws front other regions aad by Bases suaed men. . ..... Agala tbe big gens of the cosa bat as allied crafcsnr had foaadered osT work oa the wratsra front bet au psreatly with lilt, damage to either, tide. Ja tiie A-tro-ltallsa treat there have bera srUiicry daria, - aad snsse Isfaatry attacks, bat as gains ef bo porta see are tec n led. The 1-TetK-h and Krfete.t all 11 are at grins with the Criaiss lo kinrroa, , West Africa. Toe allied troops, ax- . ro ling to London, are vlgorosaly on the ogeneive, and raptariag towns and fnrriag the sunenilir of large ansa be i of tbrtr epponrnta. Paris anneances tbe cm ptnre of the Island of Rusd, In tha Medlterrcaa O the roast ot Syria. . A Berlin Sea-ofaciat dlapalrh says aau have beea doing nsoet ef tbe at a -a M.iasiyi 7. tl