and Observer reMUhed mrrj day I the Tear w aad UlMtw PafeUsblag Co. JObPHl' BAXIKLa. - -I TEMPORARY OfVICK hledumkai, sCditorml warimeata. Th Ttsaee.-, Building, j ul Etti BmtU hU'ert,.' . j Advertising aad Local Hew D -gltai ta, Chamber mi CsaiwaiVs room. CIS I- Ksyettevtlle street. I2T r'VLA. ASKOti.tTKO WEftS RETORTS. ' Om year Ml ivuLared at the Postemce at Hal olgh. North Cnrellaa, a second-clas matter, -j ' , .' (Thomas a Keaopla.) Lore' hia and ketp him (or thy friend, who,, whea ill go away, wfll not forsake thee, aor offr thaa to perish at th mat UNCLE WALT'S WAY RITKERXITS RIPK. found In U Florida Tlmes-Union. HIM th bickers r ripe, aa' . " cattred a the grow', oh. Td W W W J UHV roam la' roan. Wbea aa ssspty sack aa a esnptv stomach, too, bat heart so fall a' Jof tturt th t , were always blw. rVbea tbe hkker- mate ar rip, I can aae myself agate with a bop aa' skip aa J amp makla' for 1th dear oht Jbum, With my good dog at my beets, with kla ever leatteg bark Ibe'd ewtaark tba scaly- bark) what a mum, tiy bii Waaav tba lUckarawta ara ripe, why ar IkwM r roamta' bark aa 1 ri'mit (ha fear aa' I scoot Hi aii' -! in-i-i, Ob, r Uka te ? nu If Urn 1 caaU bat ttowaT wheat tba blckeraate ara rip. WAoaa tha rvTvnx vxitwxu.T , uood morning: it take mora thaa twm Bras U pat tba-Ma ara and Cbaamr aat of baalaaaa. 1 . i : Itbta I ga, bat I ratara. ,tbla la tba war SvtdaaUy that Vma want '.Oeaaral Callaa. aad agab.Frtata (aodarataad tha attaatlaa. ' ; rrom aat tba aabaa of lt baraai '.homa tba Nawa and Obaarvar thank tod tor tka plaqdld axMbtttom at rMmdabig : vblck ara coming to R Xacaaaa of tba dtaaatar of yaatarday fmaralag. ' .1 4. nattar I Mf. Cottoa rmrmar: No rwbat yarn abaat tba aeraaga r jat la cottaa aaxt yaar aaa to It that Vaa prvrii tor "bog aad bawtajT ,ln yoar prograaj of crop dbraraiflea ttioa.. ;, ', x : vtaaaoag tba Saaat joaag dtliaiia I Mortb OaroHma ara U ba found ha r fallow la tka oora clubt and tba pig elaha. Aad by tba aama (.0kaa. tba7 nty .alaa ba found aa 5iiambara of tba gtrla caaalag elnba. fiUy tbay kaop aa tba laoroaaa. Wa aaad hardly paat tba word t tboaa wko wrota articlaa tor tbla laaaa of tba Nawt aad Obaarrar that Ykoaa which ara aot fonad la print iala noralng kra bo longer la axlit jaM.. Tbay ara part of tba aahi of tho Kova aad Obaarrar balkllng fearaad yaatarday noralng. It UVm Ufortoaa to bring tha real grip of trw f rlaadahlp. Twlea la Ita btitory baa tba Maat aad Ob- aartrar f oad trlaadabta. at that aort wbaa driraa froai tta boasi br Ira. In itpril, 11J. with hut pontoaa'of tba walla of 1U aatr baiidiag brt ataadlag. that frSondsblp auatataed tbla paper la what It considered Ma boar of direst dlatreee. 1U home waa reballt, ; lb torara aeamad bright, In IU prtaaoa. hut yaatardar cmm raa a darker hoar, for ererythlag at a aaataribl kiad kik tbla paper owned dtoajtpeered aa - tha i oaee asore aaade it keawleee. Bat we thaak Ood and take, aoar- age to ga forward, lor oar greateat aaaat raasain tnlaet, that aaaat th place la their heart which tha peo ple of North Carolina haragtea-ti. la aaasoa and out of eaon wa bar endeavored a best we aoald to ear them whole-heartedly, aad they baa aevei failed . . . Ka while tb namee' were taking from aa oar building aad plant yesterday aw? ra in f there m'eaagea' of aympa tby and af aaaaraaeea of practleal aid. Tha News aad Obeerrar Is rich la Its friends. If .that were aot the case the destraetioa ox oar eaxire plant yesterday wo Id have been a calamity more dlrcfnl thaa K Is. 80 w meet It at oar friend would have aa, aad tarn our face towarai the futnr with even a greater de termlnatloa If that Were poei'ble--td aarv them, even better thaa we bare endeavored ta do la tha paat. It has been for the best Interest of, North CaroUaa that w have labored, and North Carolina ha given 0 lib eral reward In the eosadeac It ha placed lg ia.r tha Mi port watch ha enabled wa to ga forward l behalf "of " "people thaa" whom that arw-aoaa-better o the faoa of God's earth. - -' Fires to coma, aad are stay go, bat tka, Kew aad Obaarrar gooa on bocaaaa of the jieople of thta' good 8Ute. It wa a fearfal dhuater which befall a yaktarday, aad while oer heart ara sad, tber ablnee f aa the raiabow of promlao at the aad of which U tb real pot of gold fko phtee wbleh - Hortb rarollaiaa havi give aa aasaraaco' w hold their 'keart. It la waeaaaa ol thl that wa tae tb later daafrald aad atflB7d. " It I " baeaaia of this that from tb ashes of oar bom we reconsecrate raalve ta tha aervle ot North Carolina. Tried by Are w have tb hope that la wvaa a greater degree we ahall amah thl nws- papor traly rspraatatlre ot tba great people at a groat gut. ; i Tb pablkatloa of tha-Kewa aad1 Observer will eoattaa. V barlly need say that, for North Carolina kaowa that aa Ira'caa atop ft. new balldtrg win go ap, a' aw pUat will b eqalppad, tbo ; men and women of tb paper will bead arery eoergy to' mak tb Old iUliable greater bora or of the tribulations whtcb hwa cease apom 1C Aad oqr heart are atreagf bemad t do this becaas o the peopl whom we tried aa beat w eoald t aarv. a peopl whom we are assured will continue to give the New aad. Observer that pleadid apport whMa ba enabled It to fight their battle; aad to de all la its power to carry forward the ataadard of North Carolina to high A CITY AND iTATR CALAMITT From the That Christmas hi getting eloaa aad that th tiat of Jaaaary. It 16. 'la gettleg wttbta hailing dtataac hi bowa by tb 111 Is at Tarawa torth Carortaa Almaaa. pubilshsd tbe IUieigb jTltoe Pnbnshlng pompaay, . wbleb r w Jnat the pre. A asaal ft hi rail T val- : ibl taformalloa. - . ' Six day tar tb MAlag at tba dM oa tb TUllg:T, X. C. A. bulldtag la gafag to b aogh and to par. It we knew aaytamg of the will with wbleh the peopl at JUleirh Uk hold at a worthy prop o!tloa, tf lsvwht aakd tr. bat aa tba total debt ts f 4lJ)0l waald aot be aarprbMd a a tb peapi wf tkt dty clear U ateta. .1, ThrBaahwanma -aar-fco) long beea permitted to 1mm away ha Ral clgh. Chief at twlle KaeM aa render a real rvte t th poopl ef this dty .bT breaking ap th jaabMOioa. .' ladg Hani, at th nty Court, ahoald mah hi tcea aaeb aa to carry terror to th 1 . mbsrs of that orrtnfaatloa. Mak n exaiopta at coma at. thwm, leaa c t tha crowd aad rid lUMgb Te tb . rce t It to make the Raleigh T. M. C. . ere a a greater factory In the aaak l ef is&chood. Tb fall t the 'e cf RalUh to tike part m rz 1J5.CS8 towaris lifting tb - -t rnut i s t' aettvt-' . !!-: :a .- . .l.aiaat Raleigh Tiaie of fwtar- " . day. " Oa niday THK TlhlEB carried aa editorial artlcka ealllhg aUendoa to th fact that th ir lorn for RA UCIOH for tb month of October was on! II. Today th city 1 Shacked with disaster which aat oaly coat (baa fsOv.OtO la brfcnga to tbd giwoad la sshaa tw baUdiags wbleh rapreseat th Uf work aad dream f two men to whom work ka bea a gwpeL ' H I th dattracttoa of tb plant t th Nws and Observer, evea mor complete than followed th hr of April S4, lrlt. U sympathy ot th peopte of both Stat aad aatloa will g ut t Joseph u Daniel la tb aiomoat af a blow that almost seom tb aUbarat hammerlag of a toaltg lata. Tb whole caalry avow haews th aJatorr t thl paper aad hw tb yoang aad Ineaparleaeed dttr wb to aow BecreUry of th Navy brought t It the gift of win and fajth 1 hinv- lf . that mad both a newspaper aad n. Th Nwa aad Observer ha la more thaa on artel la th Uf af th people daa th But a ervte beyond price. " T iorth Carollalaa calamity Ilk that ot Ua-prent Br trika horn with peculiar fore. Tha case of th printing aetabltsh- mat at 1C ht UaaeU Company la equally. If aot mora, dkrtramlag Ita great baiidiag and magnlloant eemtp aasat tlkawte maat th aohiavemest of oa aaaa. K. If. Oasell hi of th type of maatar printer wha occasloa ally reincarnates th spirit ot tho lover of th craft la the day wha printing wa Una aa art aa petat lng or sculpture. . We deabt If aver thar lived a maa . wb old toll harder or mor trvly, with th end vr la sight of doing . tha perfect pleoa of work. HI read to snores, through tbhty-tv years labor ta RAUCIQH, wa uat of flaal recogni tion m the pear at prim! lndoml- Ubl ta mlfortana,--he"ha ponred hi Uf la sit work UU hi. nam I kaowa ' and respected wherever throughout fh South printing ta ot concern. For each a maa to be called oa at th Srst moment of ease to begta to build again ha the ceior f tragady.'-t4''. It to almoet rediadaat to aay that THK TIMES extend Ha dpt sym pathy .ta Ma "newspaper aetghbor at kUrtlav .Street and to Caaa -Cm-panji. y Whatever thl paper eaa A to help. It wtU da. ' The nam may be said truly for R ALtflGH and for th Stat." Th disaster must at this mo meat ba at a sort to daaa tho who raSsr by ft moat greatly. ' But tnstl tntJona that ", rpraat ; 'character never Uk th ooaC bwvr'f taa a hard chase aaa temporarQy floor them.'';:. ; A "Ksahood Factory,- Tbat a t ' true deslgnatto ot a T. hL C. A. s3 Bfcw Uiu U oportaaitjt itnafcnU cart r will not succeed. Them : .SO SPLIT a THX FARTV. -1 ,Taa attorn pt by RcpahUoa paper to make the dlBerrac of - opinion between Preeldent WSaoa aad htr. Bryaa result in a wptit la th Dame- two eminent Democrat hold views ta common aa to th eeastrwetive poUctea aaotot' by th Blxty-tolfd Congr. Their divergent riewi which caused htr, . Bryan restgaa Doa made aa'dlvlaloa In the party, hie- Bryaa f twt that He 'tfd eot o ctaJiUouIy alia "Xh aot to Cer- y. If b had been gafded leas by conviction ho woald aot hav retired. Deeply rsgreUlag hi rwalgaa ta prevaillag aeatlmat was oa ot eoafideno la hi derotloa to hi siacere coavietloo. la oppoalag the propoaad bvg la eraaa la th army aad navy, Mr. Bryaa- la aaanmating aew ballet He ha alwaya vlgoroaaly fought la crease la steading araal and ha aot hollared ta ether thaa- pram Mfioxrtatloa for th wavy. ; A prirato cttjsea, a feela there 1 a eail apoa him to cbaag hi post Uoa. HU atreagth Aad hi - a la pollUe have bwea that, he does what h thlnkJ right, aot coaaW tag th cost to hlmsalf. It I hia strength, tstaus peopl rwsped boweat aad ontepokan maa. 'It I hi weakaoes a a rot getter beeaus giving, oipreasloa to all hi triwa-4 thinking aloud.- aolo' pkarue anUgontsm. II ) fries d bar eftea urged him to ramala aOawt 1 ysastloa that divided tb pwopl. bwt la aaewer to oh apgaals a haej brr artthhald bis apt! aad ha toaght for hia view wbother.h was wtth. l aijorltt r a mtmorlty. President wnaoa hag a backboa a big a a alroa polo. He I th choaaa trwatea tar to America ; pi. H aa occtal rsspsaunbiaty greater thaa, aay other maa I th world. He hate war. !B'aa a paaaloa I or peac. Mnitartam aad all that R Implies hi hataf ol to him. A year aad a halt age aohady thoagbt tb Baropeaa coaaagraiioa posslbl. It cam to a Saab. WaT bar 1 that tho aatl It eaaght aapra- pared bare sugared grtevoaaly. aad under whip aad apar hav had to aa- car muamoaa aad trsJa men or be crashed aad sea their aatloa snuffed at, Ta Prsstdsot Wilson, aad kkt mtbtaet, charged with th duty to safeguard America aad , latrt prlaoial, the leeaoa of th Euro pean war I that tbla country should spend money aow a mslstfste Ra ha- depaadaaa aad taatAaMoaa If thay should be placed to Jeopardy. Th duty resting apda them la grwrvaad N aataoa may wrer bal- . Bat wtth faatveUtha f to world oa tra, wb ahall aay boa may aot be adaagdT B la better to be aaf e thaa b oorry. If htr. Bryaa la right, who th Barapaaa war ts Preeideat WU aaa cam lead to 'aecaftag' ajt tateraa- ttonal agraamaat to iwdaoa arma meaC The only loa w wtH aaatala will be th moaey eapeaded aatfl that happy hour coma. . .- . I But la vtew of the poeelbnity of peril, ao matter her remote, oould th responsible chief catir g- prprattoa that waald b arse ntlsl IX aay graal aaUtoa floated oar Just .damaada r had - eovetoa ya poa thai hmtephrT ; ' . : htr. Bryaa 11.p1 sand "orrow aad regret"! tbafu mpoa thl gw Una hi oould aot b in barmoay wttht th p Moa of tb Prsailmt. Tb Demo- crate of the country regret this dif-ferwac- .bwt If User ara aar atopab- lican wb thlnh this hoaoat dlffer- aae betweea honest maa will aid tb Rspabliaaa party axt ywar thay are deattaed to a ree awaheatag. Twer will be dteeussloa aad dlffep ences. bat a split.. ; " OCR mUCKKX SltGHWORS. Th New and Obrrr today CTfcTM because of U afpaiiing dis str which hst be&na It bela bor, tut 1 -,'ing hous.o E, U. Pi!l r i Co. - Th horn T that great t;!,:,.,.,. U acw but A smoul dering us ef ruin, th lire which yUrdy .,... i,ls originating in 1U SnlMlng --Tlag ltatteily, ;. . . l'i hag .hatltjtf. .IMtTfat piintlag busies In North' Carojlna. H la a wasier printer thaa -whom thar I do Wter to be found. That after year cf struggle Ala sptoaald plant ha been destroyed la ft - Urty 1 a blow to htm of th bear- lam bind." That affair may bavaach that h eaa go forward Wlth,hi4 pat. a wtth a r - w rtgor 1 th hop af a groat boat t t frtda Aad a xt door nslgLbor, oar building plant like! destroyed, wd'-glve to him our heartffU aymjjmthy. Aad there I th sum espreeslon f sympathy to th others arbo-,- torday mornlrg felt th ravage ef ta Are. The Wth (ho Company, Crystal TSrtr. th Raleigh Apartmante were also aaFarera," aad hi laaaer deirr th Bland Hotel and th It, t. Btorr Co. - Bat thar arm hi eh .of thase baslaesse . mea of ptoek and nrry, aad w feel that oat f their 6UMmt they : win. ad- vaao to greater tktega. - - STATK-Vl II X IB aTRRxar; Tkere aa North CrUaiaa 'hat who ahould feel a deep laterest in U 8toto Uterary aad Historical' As sociation, la tb sixteen yaaxa of its ezlateace It ha given aa Impetus to literary activity among oaf peo ple, and ba heearth mean f araing Jocr tassd , laterest ' ta ur history. ':';f .m,' ' v";. Th annual sessions of th aaao- har la U paat ' aUractod much attention, thee giving oppor- taatty to th people to hear soma of th moat gifted bpeakers of the coun try, Man af th highest amlnaao la th United State, la Boath Amrv lea, aad U Kurop bar been heard with profit aad pleasure. - Tb aaanal ad res thl year ta to bo mad by Haw. Frank Ha K. fAaa. Seeretery of th laterlor. a maa wb ha mad reputetio as a' j ef - aaaaaaf ; charm, hi addraa aaarked by a beauty of dlotio wblel ! ba glvea to oa f tbem plao a etassica, ; Becretarf tan m to apwak U th Oty Auditorium oa Monday night, aad he should be gtvea a great audlenc. - Th addrom h la to mah will be oa th sublect of ?k Vt- era View of Tradltloa.- There ara to V addremee at tb various easel eas -of th amaeiattoa by dUtlngtUshed Korth Carollnlaaa. Among thee , tht , wtQ be oa mad by Dr. Ed!,1 A. : Alderman. aow ,rsta( 1 Lnivasltyoi YUclnla. who tepstatloa a thinker aad speaker is part af tb history f th SUi. Dr. Alder wia speak. Tamday algbt, aad bit abjct . wlU b '"Caa Democracy B OrganUedT - That hi dd will h oa f.ote.l oarteinC Th aaioBf of thi aaaociatfof are opea to th pnbllo;' and there -1 cordial Invitation extended to all th people to b present The program ot a' much taterwat throughoat that tt ahould attract Urg adteae to all to meetiaga. I '' i - A- 11 nrV"iv?vy -. - . - u. 5 ' - A long a yoieavre well you know you mil pay your way;, but if from a dearth v ear there rails upon you1 some accident, or soma illness,- wner win you De i Then It .Will Bal Tco Lafel V: 2- i r i . ' Suppowyou should be laid up In the hospital. with income reduced and : big expenses for nurses, doctors, medicines j and btterinclduis, would a check for $200.00 every fout weeks from. the .Great "Aetna Life Insurance! Company help keep the wolf away , . , . , - ' a ' 1 i:i M yoiare Aetna-ized the wolf of worry and financial difficulties will be ;, driven away, and it will help you make an earlier recovery. : - ; . Ypu may feel fine today- tomorrow a sudden illness may come. t The? strongest is more liable to accident or illness ' than the weakest Decause the atrongest takes the least care. y . - ' One man in seven Is accidently killed or injured every year' TOU may f be the ONE. s ; - ' ' - - -' . -. .;."'.-t.t.tN.-.--.f. : Let us tell you all about the Aetna Accumulative Disability Policy, with-1 ' "out any obligation to boy. It is only necessary vto fill in this coupon and mail it today. x: THK KOBTH CAitQIAJlA WAT. Th New aad Obaerrwr today gooa forth to Its many thousand of read er tram, th ftWat U aUtelgh Time. Far tb coad Uat ta It klatory th drteUoa'ot a groat Or bar at u from our hem, aad a ta April. 1U. tk BAletgh Time threw pa tt deer aad mad a to teal the warmth af real wea ver word cannot rjra th ap- piwctattoa Which w feel because of th gractoasaaaa af th larttatloa gjva by tha RsAeigh Time ta mah aaa af ite building aad sto plaat la th pabUcatloa ot thl paper. It ta aa act aaca. aa this which makaa tit wwrth th Bvteg. V bald etoe in heart th . gaasrewaw gtvw a by tb Time wb) tb Ar ltfl earn" po aa. and frlenoV ahlp to tt grip aa the loer haeanaa agala wa Ara guost benatb th root of that papar.. J-"'A.J 'J i;, r 1 Om k arstitad to aar heart far maay other i Bal rram all tb priaUag haa af Abla city Usr cam ymterday. who tb Bj. which :dtTTd our baiidiag wag raging effr of rvary - ta tbear pows. ApprecUUoa Is a cold word with which to xpree th feeling wttbta wx heart b caua t to rkhaem of th fttoaoV ship which poured It effartng Th peopl , Of - T lelgh gar aa ptec ta tbctr hearts yesterday Pa tb 'eaatoa af aymps tby which te a from aU aUes. Maa after ma after woman, either ta aV ar by telephone, or by pat their regret at our miafortna tat th ktdt cf.wflrdv.-Vll Jd- dea a that we IIt a pn among each a peopl. Aad cot alon from Raleigh, bwt from a J part ot th Steia cam thee words of sym pathy. Moreand 1.2 ore la It give te-reyote tnt w are North CareSaUnv Col ? ' thr aU tor the -ktadaiss a - tSev r.av thovered apun' l j. - .- , loine ............ u.. . . . . V,.. Address i s . .'. 4 Age. . . . . . ..... i Occupation. " " , - - - - r - - Thousand of the leading citizens of North Carolina will testify, to the ! ?prompt and efficient, clahri service rendered by the Aetna, i : tt-B;::r2crri s r '- ... ....... . i BaBMassvasawMewnaBMSMuaaaBnannisKaaaiasnar ' Aejthing in Insurance. 'j .: ' We want 1C3 Active Young Men to sell Insurance in North Carolina; If you t vv; SIvALLY MEiAN JBU3INGSS AFPLY TODAY Protect Yourself and Loved Ones. 7. ' y. UOW-THB aoCETRTO TIMS. Ta saea wb war eountry bor aad to Jteiaig whm tt wa a small elty, " remember h: hard it wa to stead th aighte. Toa wanted eompany masment. anytalaa; te break th awf at koaaUaam sad -i aotoay. ,Ta cam through aaf. Ta had th moral, anaatal asm phy sical atreagtb to aarvtr. Bat thlak back aad recall some el the boys wh were your friends the who got la wroag aad who cam at right What woald tt Bar meant tor yoa la thoae day to Bar had a reading room, a gymnaatem. a caimmlng pool, aight. dwthnl class s. lectaraa, and talk by wb had achieved T What woald tt hhr meant to' U boy1 who dtdat uoeeed, wh V msghd ' . hav bees hUped to fcotp fhmmwde to keep eleaa minds aad aoaad bodies r By ar atin coming from, th eountry, Klgtts must atOl k paaaedl Thar I a ciwabl to lad ame eat aow, bwtl ft tb glad .thai makea .braln; a4 character T. Th T.-kt a'iw A frBlsh aad pkyrtcil : euttuf aad, mental- aad moral tralalag beald. . It Is doing U ta haadrada af Amarliaa ettie. U hto ba: atog'-ir ta Bstelgb t th astett of naa." But tt noedi moaey te develop ssaahood, to keep eleanlln ta yomtk. to - broad brala aad tiacha. It aaedf torn ot your moy a -' maoh a yoa eaa afford to gtrrn ' ' . -:: ; f; ? It need tt badly. n amdatt Chief of Pone Kooac TGI And Uat tb hem wf Balaigb I aelld to hi wpport to every stop which b toka to aaerc-tba law.. H Ita th opportnnity. to reader eervV ot great tmls to tb 'eny;'"-'rf-- Tb folk -who are awaking p- portantty aad who Bra la North Carolina do aot Bar to go away from kom to dad tt. Opportunitl ar abundant oa 3 aide far mo he wlil e aad grasp Ucm. AH that Is seeded It tVjrk. oergy. aad detfiralnatloB to saeced.V " t! a WEATHERS FORECAST Washlnrton,' Nov. .-klaboraa! Fair Sunday; Meaday , aattld. probably rata and colder. Virginia; - rFalr - awnday; btoaday Increasing eloudlnom and warmer. North Carolina and South Caro lina, Mississippi, Tennessee:. Fair Sunday aad Monday. Oeorris: Fair Saadayk . htoaaay partly eloady. ' Bast Teuaa. Louisiana; - Wir day; .Monday anaattled. . West era Texas: Partly eloady probably, abowwra - Sttaday la west portioa; fair la oast; htoaday fair. 1 ,Mrs. A., P. PAoCmui' Dead. I Elkla. Kor. ; Mr. J. p. MeCann died aaddoaly at her bom near Laurel Branch Wednesday at 11 'clock . '. aged 4 years. Uaart falter la ppeod to bar bee 4b cause. A h us bead aad oereral chll drea snrvtve bar, ... . f TheMeasafc ompartson tTrieRipre tcne; .-' its uscotT4mrabU arpcrso in til aad ; every, clcrncnt that . pves valoo to f 4one as in emanation of art; is made i. gnaoifeot Iry comparison. - .-Mvw' .- - "'- . - 'T vYtbsmer ir oe u penection ot acaie; Tanvtft .r rim raw1 f Af tfm rsfy www at wf g-v a, w w wim swva w B Vtar. m ag the oower of its fortissimos or the c,rriii&uislt delicacv and siainlmegi tsf ;"iMJMani$rirnc fncAgure of cofoparisofi, there can be - J wapjM w ug syiA4Uml WWII li- Viu nrut wlt A- 41 T' JUwitjjrem ecfuecematt cfLa ,... - '". : piano worlL . Itlional aper-excellesce chASeces . , - - ccropanson. -it is Cic concrete ex- - : rrTjirvr Ivwth fami1wJt'!sff vl .ju. , i Capacity to create an instrument that r1 "C "is widbsut a vets hi artistic quality. - - - . Tmi nAGrEomr iiuflic noucn r

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