SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 5, 191S. THE NETS ATM) OKSERVER tHUilllUllUUUttUIMIIUIUlllll.uii, ? YOUR XMAS SHeRPIMG; While Our Line is Most Complete We have Thousands of Articles in China and Cut Glass that you can buy cheaper than ever before. COur Store is the home of Santa Claus, the little one's delight NOW ENAMELED TEA KETTLES L 6 quart Enameled Kettles, 75c values Sale Price, 39c ODDS AND ENDS 4 In China and Glass, 20c to 25c Values Sale Price, 7c COVERED DISHES Regular value $1.35 Sale Price, 98c CAKE SETS Regular values $4.00 Sale Price, $2.48 BRASS VASES Regular values $1.3Q Sale Price, 98c"" TUMBLERS Tumblers well worth 60c per dozen Sale Price, 30c per dozen, or 15c for one-half dozen CUT GLASS Cut Glass Bowls, $3.50 values Sale Price, $2.49 L0 OK! LOOK! TO THE FIRST FIFTY LADIES TO ENTER OUR STORE and make a purchase of 50c or more on MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 at 9 a. m., when our doors are opened for business, we will give a present worth not less than 25c, so be among those to get the presents. Your neighbor is coming, why not you? The Alderman Toy and China Company We Want YOU to Come to our store and uvc all the good thing we have to offer you at reduced prices. You will be glad you cams. D. B. ARCHBELL, Manager. J VASES Hand-painted China Vases, $2.50 values Sale Price, $1.48 CHAFING DISHES $5.00 value Sale Price, $2.98 CHOCOLATE SETS Chocolate Seta, regular value $7.00 Sale Price, $4.48 FRAMED PICTURES Sale Price From 15c and Up f OUR 10c CANDIES Are as good as the best and better than the rest BOOKS AND GAMES Don't fail to see them CASSEROLES Nickel Frames, round and oblong Sale Price From 88c to $2.49 BRASS SMOKING SETS $2.50 val ues Sale Price, $1.88 $1.00 values Sale Price, 68c j The Alderman Toy and China 132 Fayetteville Street Company Raleigh, North Carolina James D. Ray & Company, of Raleigh, in Charge of Sale Opportunity is Knocking Now Make our lost your gain. Theae foods must be moved betwscn now ar.d December 24th. So why wait? JAS. D. RAY & COMPANY. x - . n K-l-NTl KFTTi: Th .:.i;;.-ri-; I nit of K' iri.- r nl Sf rrnjtth. !.. . ..: .s-m '.n i: ; t '1,'' t .. ' rr, i,' . Y. , . k .'it i iitt.Mi , . , . t!i : i'!', i 'l.'HV t;i:l':ii tn t .. t ., , , . ' :. , , -tv'.' '. i ''-in'' fr.'m . .. . Aim:.. . '. ,. ;r. :i' K-'tt. ( ., . , ,.1 , .v.. I". I ll ;,- ,. ..... i ..I..-. lfl-V All I.. . i v . - ri , .. i!. - " ! ' ,. .. .. j,.,r' . ! .' H" olivtr:- it v ' k :i ii t.illlV' to ill , t!,:it t.!.s n:t- h I '' ' :ir H, 1 ,.ivt ti..ic i.Tt'-r .Vi;iiI.'iii rtt.u V-. -l.n.i;... : ' "C- 1 'l" l" r'' wvi 11 :ht if- "t v . i,- i I: . t t .1 '' il.v- i ;, i- ... - ' . f Alrtt ' ' f;. ' f i .; i' i l ' Ins r- .. .m I". i. tr.. Jy .. , ; . in-ii . ua tli fuil.iT. Tn I !r.-l 1 ! l.'ll' ,1-T..', ri lit l:iiiti in.' Ii.ilf an. lit .11 II 1111 l .i :t n - ' Ivli Smoked Cigarettes For ?2 Years Hl:t Wa Ki'.'nini; Him. 3ut Conquer"?! It i Three Days, Easily. T. ai;...'' w..l-hltwfl r.'.-jmii of t 1 w. Mir: h ivt hit i:f - tL:.- rurl tbr.'fli tl' irr.le.oi hliit of t f' it mn4 Up (h ncro-. rn-Lnir en in i t. rrrVt ta; "n now t 44 ;'t.. hft rcl rl tho habit er:ire : t i a fe- tT'-! inrjv;ni hi health. Wt't TCBACCO. GAINED 3i LBS. w 1Jr la !l:nr.-, Okl , h t-lkii. i: ii fcW tlAi.c .a Al Kv; be put i u!h.f Cc-t. sinrr fcettiiy; .rid of .Tr.t. - bat I - Uirowrb tnc infonnauon tDel i ,! i-r bo bu! joj m.;y also em.-.i. ' m be arJ4 naver vtt aa b fmr of A iwc-t. r'r! f?t rhil?. ir- Rui - -. -r.s & cL v ff Tor r.unr yu.ir5. k .... . , 94 rtx. ..' - - L . b. iarnpd ' K co iW ie "ro-rvxi tn thrj- L). r-.v.i.K l xr. murh iu..roseU beaiUa. BOOK GIVEN FREE. A tUuie. tpt-.mtinr bnok on how to ovrr wn U c lofccco bMt :n py f-"nn -- n,tm W tdw J. Wob. 25 Ii. Stat tor. r. :;0v erk. N. rW tt f . - . tr.wT- wbo wH' pldVtr frr It u - 4; f,; ,nii.-w tht all vbo vt-'tifrt &( i- c f- ba-vo. "uufT. rirs-. or cirr p:t tt HwriAiiT jEgg.l rirkiy. i-.. t A i.J-,ci, wr i trTBTuia red. tm- HiMtr.i! loll of w i;it IlD i - i iii;iy t " r ii tn t lie tn linmcfl. An tntii ml I I"'M r i in :i in1r4- il'i r:irrii ii:i iiicul. i a III! vult 1 1 ii , n ill titke ,n' of purreiit. A Mftiia l.ii'ip p. ifH :ii-jirtihi:it.-ly tbrie timet : rtiiu li hiflil wiih t'n s-iin' uninint f - irr.-n. Hi, is ni-k'l!i: Mi'1 -1 nl' lijflit Ut 1 hi- li.-u'i u i V miik Ii 1i i r I.ikt nil the yi.'at clictutnl mun ; i A ni mtc u t ;i ii ui r 1 :tjj : il 'Hpl:i i' - oti l.-t f'iil Uil.M' lie m:ih hlt'stu-d it Ii a iiirvflitiif nirmorv. nl it jii'l thnt jxhvn U. rcai'l ' I nn atnnft'l .'V'c lit v.ts tn quntr l.-MU JS :ti - fitin IuxjUh tx- lifitl ilvt,,rcd I.rn a Ih'.v nf tltirtt cn ypars. n'k in tliow out tif ii I tlnyu Ik- liad net liimsrlf ulittnt 1 1 .ulijig a I wtnty vdlunic nicy ''M'tliii. K t-ryt h inp wan fjriM that . ;nnr to tin lt 'h i)i--n!:il Mil II. 4 for onthnipti-. nnl lfcM lit know hmv t r rra or i itt he in nt a .;trt'io-l of doing problems y the ni lhiring nn illnotts t hov nns limited to a iiM'iit;tT dirt. His cont inuiil liidy rf pioltrm raiiHrd his motlo r tn lake the p'ltlil(!i tiom him. Ampere, not to i of this form of nibc- n:aim, rtnhatitutcri hrrndcrunihs from liia Kiiiit'tl nllnivijnie of hiwuit. As li (jrew int Nivhood Ampere le cn:ne more prreofioiij, ami his p;iion for I'TtriiinK was no great thnt hit mind ontprew tUtf ample family lihiary. Hid eop.tiii'ied neglect of eri iae Mid ef mprici'inliip nf hoy of hi a own af tooi .undermined his health, and La ws forced tu forefo his li:Iovd studies. Dos;?t ph sieiwn's irarning, he took t papain hin work in Uafthtu niHthe ront - ar.d I -it n . llo pi ogressed ao rapM'y hal ho watered Iatiu in a mo:.:1! Hii tr". .rr ioti drsio n;i his mental rasoureta, euIird iviLb ibo news of his fHtber's "KnHi t t! o han ir of the f reach ravuliitionists, hroka tlio hoy'a ScAlth. hd for a timo his reason was iLwigUt ij have left htm ier mnnently Bui, ytTcnf: ox it may seem, Irs reeo t! w: tiiio to couec'it rated thought on xsm part. Tie story has it that one Jay purely by . Y.n1 non.e "Itteis oa Do tan j ' ' ca.o. e r : I o An; zero's ha nds, and Keeaoao f l.i3 inton"e interest in tiie hook his r en k was awakened oao i.iort. Aimng his various attain lants he beeansr professor of nisthe-matit-N at I-vo'is and later proftssor of pIlVHH s at liour. Liter Aiupeie p'lbl'v'ii-.) mr'ny learn ed phts and Into and lied to a rip ! h i old aa'- And tn Ampere t"ok hi plfl'-e s.iTh ot! tT tt.dioiis- men vho as boys t re great seynhers for uiforui& t-oii al'iit t let rii-ily and other ikitU lifir si'ji jeets. It is littie vender that ih-iie great men haw hren so honored irhen vrr Terolrrt that errr Tricity has voine to he one of the mo-t ini porta ut im tois in ftnr livs. We hare only to compare vhstt biMory says of the lire and custom of the jteople who lived a hwdre-d Traw- aar wrth th adrnm of civilization today to understand how much better a place the world is to Uva in since electricity became our aerrarit. RALEIGH HAS ZOO IN ITS CITY CEMETERY nay he-will kill the person who shouts In i;i bbtt ; ;tn s(in r re Is, t vn re n U ing birds and in iim rable -at birds, wood perkers mid Knglifb spHrrows. All t hese. Mr. ieker says, fir regularly fed and watered. In hia monthly ro port" the koeper states that he has planted many rose hashes, has kept ths walks in niee condition and has done oierytinnrf n- eded to improve the plure. Seventeen peopJfwcre interred there, 12 of wuirh wre adults. URINARY DISCHARGES JtKl-lKVKl) IN 24 HOURS mum ' AIL 1RI -S-.I-M La.Vo Mi Teas th Pnrtr. au"- NLIKAIIUN IKtAir1trtl IjUMtSi WAY TO BREAK UP DEEP GOLDS A Qtilrk and most pffeitlT TemeJy for coldi U a preparation known a Oowans (mom powerful ii ppne rat ing), which Is applied externally. It Is a well known tact that most caaea rf pneumonia and other er!ou form of bronchal and lung troubles are do . eloped from Might colds and Gowans 'as prevented thousands of cases of the serious Illnesses by breaking np the .cold In its early stages and eren In advanced, eerlous cases of pneumo nia Itself. The mopt stubborn cases naTe been rellered by rnbblnc Oow. ana on the chest, under the arms and between the shoulder blades at night before golof to bed and covering with a wann Annuel cloth. The healing medicines penetrate to the affected parts quickly, reducing the Inflama tion bi'.J breaking up tbe congestion. Oowans Is also Tery effective In treat ing all rtli. r forms of cold troubles, such as head and eheet colda, coughs, croup, whooping cough, inflammation, congestion, catarrh, broorhit . asth ma, etc. Try this reniedy tur.igM. Don't accept a substitute, "Demand Gowans, because Cow ans Is BMre pene trating." At druggiau la 25c. 60c and f 1.00 bottlea. Free sample and testi monials on requeat. by writing the Cowan Medical Co, Concord. N. C. J. R. FERRALL & CO. 9 Hast Martin St. Phone 88 Fine N. C. Mountain Buckwheat Pure Maple Syrup N. C. Roe Herrings Improved Service NORFOLK SOUTHERN RaJeigh to Fayetteville brr IT, 1K. No. U L- Kaliab . N 5 I v Ralnuh . .. No. ( Ar Frmmllf N Si Ar. FayXUmlle N. C L. Km-will No. M L. rJtfnll No ! Ar. Rnkiih Ha M Ar. HatrMi D4tr . ft i ..'! Gonl cono-ti.ii nJiHe inaifrrHl1 Orto. T .10 k.m . .... 5 :Sh m. IV V) P m lb p.m. 7:10 am ' b0 v.m. 10 i0 a m. . . 'i :te p m All Qihrn rfailr at Ralrirh lth Ralrvar and fWbovrd Air Line aad at yjlliHM- with Atlantic Coait I.ln Call it city tiofcet wfh nr Phon 72 J. r. MITCIfKLL. B. W. BBANNON. The City cemetery of Balelgh has a mtall z.00 njieh Keeper Bob Wicker nroudlv elainu Tha xoo ia coBDOSed Are North Carolina Farmers In Favor Of National Defense! North Carolina fcaa KiaranreaaetaJ an National rfofenra. Nartli t'aroHna mwm it ta tta trarfitlona and tta soS MM ta tana rirnt m thia mtUr mt NatWmal 4a fenra. Iha faraaara af Nartk CaraUnn will .land ritht an It If tkar think rtrttt. If tkrr will laka a littla tranbla to form aaana1 affintana an a anftiart wlllrli altallf can. rarm avarrana af m aa tat ajrar, na a ran, iturtit af a naajnar af Cans ram an4. mm. I of all, aa ravponaibla ana patrtatic rititan. In th Snt alaea aWn l M aa sat Na tianal acfraca ana ajltllary prvaa raaaraa mla4 np In air ailnaa with nUitarHa. Pan't trt as hatlaT th poop la wha ara Irr Ina ta ronfnaa am that paiat antil ww look Inta iha farta far anraalvaa. Orrmanr an4 A estria hava barn rants' "aaaUtariatW uclataj. Vet la t th ( niua 8Utas artaallr nkt mora far tha nphaap af anr nrajiT than Anatrla 4U bs tha aaar aani, innnlwal piaiilma. pru iicnllr aa mnah aa t irmanp Hi pan- Ike nvaat afllrtrnt ararr ia Earana. Ana ar rar ia aalr abaot aWaMa tha aim af th . fahn fanaif."Krr fart Cttr. Ta a. fan4 tha UnitW Stataa af Aaaarira from attark br aar Srat riaas pawar fu awn pratnt fllrari atafet that warthlaaa. Tha plain facta ara thaat: If wa lira In a troa 4aaaarrary awarp authar'a aan af a. rrpardlaaa af wealth and pitn. aaaat ha williaa ta aafaanl that araacrmrr. It will nat aafSra that wa tarn Uia ajraataat 4aty af all arrr ta a hires araiy af ana r twa ar aran Sra knndraS thanaaiaa an. arm If wa ara wUlrnc aa par tha anaraiaaa caat that thia raaraa waajM anUil. Tht ana af natrWtanm U kraal fca arf vlaa, nat in ana ahllHp ar aUttwenaaa tn par larra taxaa. Wa aWala aaWwraV n aratam of militarr train ta( wharh aU aba aach ana af aa iaaalliir wMJ iha nan of a rhV. wtth atwlpllni. with tho mam antlaa af a oat rial. Ana wa ihawM aara rata carh a aratcia aa m-anM Inawra thaaa ataipla raaniu with a aatnlaiaa af iatarlar-H-a wnh war tfrfl Ufa. Wa thonUI awracata aaMrh a aana nnn aVn. aratir ratraa af Military aaaaa Hrtw Bwltaail Maat that la saw wrarhlna E toai that has nharaa aailrtarr raapaanihiHcf an all bar aana an4 rat has praraataa) bar frppj haraartna a armuriatir aaUaa wHh a i na far now taarilary. Wa ahaahl aarratata amrk tritaaa na baa Aavtralln. a ramata Camaionwaaltb aniapina aha anatr apparrnt aafatr fruai at tark arroaa hraaa araana that wa anjnr aa wail pup, f ra a aar raantry af aiaa ana pw,iaia' w la thr warM. Kaarr rtaiaaa af Aaatrnlu. an4 af Switi aramna laynltp parforaaa military aar vlra aa part .f hi earaioa rod rilUaa ahip Jut aa wa in tha I nilaS Stata trni aar Ki larva ta arhaal ar pay Utaa. TS all ii a ara ajaraiy n frw af th fart whirh will hrtp'aa ta ranrh fciunrl opminnt in tbta matter af Ntlianal 4rfrnr. Thry aha a Hail anililary pi aparrdnaaa la anly a part af rma rit?Oi.hip. a 4ntv awari to taa hitnla which ia nithar "aailttariaur." nor raUr par aaffretc. Ara wc farmar of Narth Cnrwfana aana ta fall thart of tha Sim lira tar pntraaUam ahwwn by tha c. I,-. rcn af Aattralia an4 Bwit4fiaa4 Thcrafara that wr may knna a-hnt tha wiahra af tha Tar Had fnrman raally ara rvcarwiaa thia auttar of a,'arc, I ak tar luaa ta all not tha kailat (iraa tartaw- aa4 aaaf) ITta ata torlar Vary aiararaly tta. aptMawn vALaP&Pi tMtSrerr. - Praahlant Narth Carat in a Btata Farmara CanT.atlan. Do you favor adequate preparation for nation defence? (Please answer "yes" or "no" In the following blank) . i a a a a iVtOOrftrt m f a.a aa a ' tft.rfal wa . a a dr. Christmas Candies at Brantley s Whitman's Mar 'cha Washington Norris' Den onet't Put Up In CiiiiMav.3 Boxes of All Shapes and Quantities .J. C. Brantley Phone 1 5 Masonic Temple 1 ijasuiiisc aV II ;iU" at- Free If you arci-'t one of the rrana wbo come to us evc.y r...;nth for free botttry inpi-t-tion, you -.'t r-ccxi-re a good thing when you t.ce it. Get by. iiut'MK i trlor t i r l'. .Mi'id;:: I'.-irtpai-v llllrllfl-, N. t . intpection of any battery at ity timt IHCCfTOaAI'D V, a W A:TED : Tiainc'l Y.ung Ptop'f Fcr Good Posi'icr.. I y "'K ;ilari.-a nr ' t -. ". !!.. m- .i. .: '. meet ? 'aq'.'.emefcK. I I We teai h nooskfep'n,-. s'...i i . . n.l. 1 .. . . i . tg. t'Dmansti.p. fct-aegeaji I I and Knlisii. ''"II. .- i wit" i. I' . an I i:eitn '. r.aa. KING'S BUSINESS COLLC OE, : f y innH, h. c , . eaaat-otrr-1. , J W. S. Matthews, Druggist Comer HiHsboro and SnTtnflets 15trect3r "-T?: Raleigh. N. C. We Carry Everything: Found In A Modern Drui? Store Preacriptiona Filled Only By Competent Registered Druggist " ; Telephone Us Your Order - - - Phone 244 Prompt, Efficient and Careful Service Our Motto ; W. S. Matthews, Druggist f oae rtmitlM hare," aad Mr. Wteke-4

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