SATDBDAY MOIINING DECESHJEE 1&191S' Listen to tte advice o tjou iriends for tlietj are lure to aij Boone if tLeij Lave erer been to tko DeLuxo clothing itore, tne "Boon" to tjou. Our tandina invitation is "COME AND SEE," it' all I aik. And if tjou axe undecided ask us as we know wnat "He" will admires H II BIT I Mm Mxmx Xmas 3 I Bl I M AMI H I . I if 1 II M.,, li 11 uw - i BoaV Rata Coat, Book Socle We Bar Bora h Whet Im Bar FREE! FREE! FREE! tiiifffnii"Mi'ltm''au',1K1MlimmHnimmuTimiann 1DGE DENOUNCES , MAKING OFLIOUQR Jjlocluding In Durham Seri- ooaly Threatening County, Declare Hon. 0. 0. Allen Wows end Obeerrer Bureau, IM Nation! Baal BaUdiag. Dwkia, Dee. 17. f y 8. E. WIKTBBS. 1 I mH hia aea hew good fee- ha is; tee eerry te so to th 8oeh aaa th Jedgmeat pre I br Jadne a H. Altee oa aha a twwnehin. eearieted mt btoeleniteg aad gleam a twoyaar acad Mm" liallTfTr " aaJghbeea, - kLa ftat aa had "baaa j chat ka bad Hred la a wnhmiry nailing Ana wag bata mat a ' him flnmae esnalarwd tka waeon. "OU township were totradaoad la aeart la bogging ataman ey em Jaka Panatto, 4 white aaa toiwead for bloohadmg, A mlala tor kd algae tke poUtieei aad Dnrham at gaai lag at toattsai a aJB tly faraaaxkaal MartadlaaL- : Ba appHad tka vara f aaataa joHgm, toaa af gaad abaiaator toato a akaan, Tka r wkMa aaaa aad tea aerial aaaMatad af trafflaktoa; to wkJakny vara .Kaad a to aaiallal iiajimi by tka Ha aarataaaaaa wWk faaaara kfafalaaaa af na amid i dlnattoa kaj ta white awa, -b) ta tka aaa i af white aaayia aad tka ear i af aajaaa What ara yaa 1 to hato aaatety, to bate aaaaty aalliac trbdakayt torhaaa, laraaa. Oaaaaa aad i af StaarUla aaaaty ata tka worat bloakadlaf aarttoat arhiah I aaataatar. It la a citaattoa that to aavioatly-thraat-' aaiag Darhaa aaaat j1. Tba madaat mm ad laainaa If aataUttai to graw bnfW trlD tiraitoato to aaaicky. : Tka aaqaKtal af a blockade bare tvaaty yaaia aa hi partly raaponaibl ' for tkia lawlaaaaaaa. Jaatead af pao- ta Mac adaeatod ta raad aad write. aa toacbi by tka wandtght tsbeala, tha faayta art tatna tao(Lt to driak aad : MQ Ufa) Wbat to tta tegnrn of taulltscaea of tbto arawdt Ara yaw ekildraa brUjhtf Thaw wara tbn qaaatiaaa hia Eoao aakad tta wkita mi aeaafetad af btaakadiag. Ha aoarladed tkst if - aaraaaa aad baradlty wara aat alto : getkat farralaaat to tka mhjaal TaaU atoay wu Btadaacd to aaUhUak tka aoateatiaa that tha favefaUara af aaa af tha white aia bad kloatedad aad kla daaamdaata had baeaau ta aatarated with tha Maa that thay had daaaaad H abaaat af trroardaaa aad bad aKlaaa kl. Jadftw ADna abbaa that tka aaalaal , dtotaaa, Eary aagra ateabr baa baaa "I""- "Tbara ara tea ttajai aa aiaay whiakay aaam aa tta dart at aa atealiag bracelet todga. ttaar ' rDnjnUunm the osoad pea ar km.' aaarae tothe ,9 Te woman who acknowledges a rgift of a BRACELET WATCH needs jnrMfjBdjM her delight. Q jWe can sell you a good 7 jewel Bracelet Watch, guaranteed, for $10. Higher-CTadea rantrinar iWm: 4I-tm H. MAHLER'S SONS c HERE ARE SOME SPLENDID SUGGESTIONS T Auto Coat I Sweater, I Suits Shirt, .- Umbrella Military Brushes Auto Robe, Silk Ho- Shorn Boss Suspender, &mAm Auto Glove SuitCases Hut. F-DSf? I'T Mmckmaum Overcoats Beth Robe, Glove, - Fancy Vests ST c Rain Coot, Handkerchief, Cane, Collar, Boyf Good, MotchedpSeU and Hat, Rain Proof, la Xmas DeL uxe M0VETOCX0SE UP POSTOFHCE STOPS (Cmliad 'ram Paa OaaO brought a aetttko aigaad by avarybody In tha romamaity. Senator Orarasa and Major Btadmaa have ba boay for aaaarai days la ba half of old SaJam. Ia a letter to tkaai today, flrat aaaiataat Paatiaaitar Oeaaral Knox laid: Kef erring to you tolephonto Inquiry la regard to the propoaed dto eontinaaaoa of the Halera atatloa af tka poatofflM at Wlnatoa-rJatoBj, the aabati tutlon ot a eaatraet atatioa there aad the errinc of the Beleaa territory by city arrian working frota Ua aula efflae, I wiah to infara yoa that while thaea rhangt.1 will raaalt ia a material eatag la the erpenaaa of tha peetnl aarriaa tkay will in no mataaar impair na affleieaey. The traaafar af fawa eerriere to the Biaia offtea will aat delay tka deflrery of mail in the 8aUw diatriet far tka raaaoa that there ia good etraat ear esrrlee be tween tkia territory aad tha mala office aad if aeeaaaary the aarrlere can avail - - - - -' A kat urvliiA. VSiHhrmnra It la prapoaad to continue tha preeeat m i . n l 1L.1 L. loea pet eerriee ai neuem, aa vn vuv preaeat reatera of aaak baxaa will aot ! M ba tha aiaia of Are for thair mall la the wreat they da aet aarra ta bt It aeuwarae. ay earraar. nn- til ha mik kSbm In tha aarr- lee at Ha lea exeept that tha etetlea will ba ta charge af a paraoa aot la the elaaaided aarrlea but who to under aea tract to tka otoertaaaat to eeadast tka tatioa at a atlpnlatad eompeaaatlea, while ai praTlomly atatad tha earnera will work from the mala afflee. galea affl aafkMM Ha ldanxity aad tka aama of tha eaatraet rtatioa will be bated la tha Peeta! OvMa tka aama aa tka pree- ..4 .buM atafUa mmS nmll maw ha add maid to Ha lam tha aama a under extetJag aawdfttoae." DR. HUBERT ROYSTER WILL ADDRESS MEN Dr. B. A.' Boytter will addreaa the awa'a meatiac at tha T. If. 0. A. Bnaday afteraeoa at S:S0. "Why Doei tha So eial Hvil Exiatr will ba kia aabjoet. iThia it the third leeaare ia tka aeriee of vital vtveettoae oarag mmaaaaii at tka Y. hf . 0. A. thai moaU. Ir. Boya tor kaa aa exVaalra repwtatloa aa a apoaker aad aeientile atadeat. Ha kaa addrimi large andieneee ea rabjeete rebarag to keaJth, inaludiag the United Stetea Nawal Academy aad the atudeahi at the UnlTenHy of North Cam Una. Hia addreaa Sunday afteraeoa will be baaed oa arieatifle facta but will be kaadled ia aaeh a way that it eaa be thoroughly aadereteed by the average aaaa. Tha preliminary aoag aerviee will twgla at ;30. Tho Ward "Xmaa." The following eoutrlbatloa ta the current dlaroaaJoa on the uee of the wanl "Xmaa to tent by aae of tha aab aeribart ef tka Newt aad Obeerrer : "I aaaa efton notird ia roar eol nmaa a rafcrear to 'Xtnaj.' Without intending to iadaraa it, I would any that thle Xt to tha aqairaleat ef the Oraek lettara for Chtlet, that while not eo aomaMa bow, it vraa formerly the way ia which brothara la the miniatry ilgaed themeeHee. Tea re la Xt' aad no doubt 'ia Xt' to over thouaaada of temba in tea Cataimba. Ia my fathaVi Tale album It U ripaatadly aeea. He waa aa thay, a candidate fer the mia totry." X??atcl)e5 Box, all for . . $3JX C. R. BOONE TAR HEEL ISBACK Fl CapL Francia N. Cooke Rrtnrna To Wilmington En Route To Fort CaaweM Wilmimgtea, Dee. 17 Capt. FraaeU N. Caoka, a aea of Jadga Ckartoa M. Oooke. ef Leatobarg. who far tha Wat aareral year kaa bona atatioa ed at hia alia, P. L, waa la WUmlagtea yeeter day ea raate to rert CkaweU to take eommaad ef the Slat artillery eompaay, to eueaaad Capt. O. W. Paaea, wke kaa been traaafarrod ta rortreaa Maaroa, aear Norfolk, Va. Oapteia Ceake ia a graduate af tko TJajTeraity of North Carolina aad ef Weat Point ia the elaaa of 1WM. Capt. C. K. N. Howard, of the Coaat ArtiUery Corpa, aaa bora earned an tha rutin nor of Capt. K. L. Gilmer, who ia alee traaafami to aaother peot, ia eommaad ef tha 19th miae eompaay at Port CaawelL While It ia the aa torn of tha War Department to traaafer Ita of trera ta othov peeta after a eerr toe ef four year at one place, it to un deratood that Poet Commander Mont. Ool. Beaaert will remain at Fort Oaa- weU. Whaa a deaf mute meeta daaf mate ia eowrt. It to not eaay far the preatdiag hidge ta dlapaaaa Juatiae, aa Beeerder Kmpie foand y eater day whaa Nat King, colored daaf mate, waa triad ea a charge of atealiag a d mm aad nag from kv A. L. Oeeaa. a white deaf mate. Hawever, after two aaora of axaaUaatiea af tha two ataia witaaaaaa with tka aid af aa iaternreter, Beeorder Empia flaally aa- earad a oeafeaatoa from tko aagra aad at kirn ta tha roade far Cw day, htra. Kaaey Palnkar. ef Pamltoa eoaa- ty, died kere kat algkt at tka home af bar daaghtar, lira. E. 1L Hardtoaa. Aftar funeral aartoaa kora today, tka reataiat wore takea to ker aid home far later meat, 8ka waa 97 yeara old. htra. Jalia Seaith. whe bad tired la Wilmington for many yeara. waa found dead ia ker bed yroterday morning at the homo af ker daaghtar. hire. E. W. If aaa jag. She waa 79 yeara eld. After faaaral aervkee her today, tka ramalat ware takea to 8oatkpart far interment. She to auTTired by a eoa. Inane B Smith, C Athaat, Oa. ew T Ct-a Q I n Ta Chanwan. raBRILnra to tka tra. Mr aama efeea a It to a TmhIi awroa. FKaHlUNK to CONCRESS EXTENDS EMERGENCY TAXES FOR ANOTHER YE AR (Coatiaued from Page OaaJ hia ft rat Hanata apurh. rigaraaaly ap held the law which bear hia aama and challenged BepaMtoaaa to ram pare it with the Payae-Aldrieh tariff. Seaater flimaaaaa, t hah maa af the Finance Committee, ia leayioaai ta awna tiona from the bWpahl'eaaa, aaid bo -deretood it to bo tha aalmiaiatrattoaa praa ta propone farther rvreaue leala tat in a after tha keiidaye aad that hto tmpreeiloa waa there Wwal4 be aa to uanra of hoada te defray iacreaae d gorerameat irpcaaaa. Honator Pramao. ef Pwaaaylraaia, who led ia the miaority attack ea tha resolution later ruptrd fteaator rndrr wood'a epeerb to draw a picture of idle mea ia hia etate daring hia campaign for re-elartioa laat year. He naid the preaeat preaperity ia the atael bwai aeaa waa due to tha war aad immaaaa purrhaaaa by bolllgeraat goTwrmmeata, "The Senator from Paoaaylraaia, aid Seaater t'adarwaod to reply, "baa evade clear hie belief tkea that the do preaaiaa whiek followed tka terror af tao re few anoatha of the war waa dae eattrrdy te tho Demmratie adaxiaia tratiea bat that tha preaeat proaparttw -alaao-.ia dae to. tha war. . "Tbto diaruaaioa today while aot U lamiaatrva ea tha taral eoadrtioa ef tho aoaatry baa eiaarly datned tka linn aetweea the two great parttoa aa 0,000 ttoaa of legiatottom. Mr. Paaraae aay we ara remmittiac a arima naiaat tha AmerVaa prapto by redaeiac tha taaatioa rratlng aololy aa tha waahth af tka eoaatry. year of tka preeeat tariff tow ha aoaaal, thaa la the teat yaw ef Payne law. aVamter rearoao toatotod that tko war had baaa a potttieal blnatae ta tko Domarratto party rather tha a haaaH eap ta tko laaiiaafai warhtog eat af tta freo trade policy. - ' Tha traaaarw dedrm whtoh to 1 li I ea .tha Parapa wac," ka aaaa, -wemld la my npiaiaa ho a thenmaj Uanaa waraa wore It aat fee the waa ta Cotua" The war la Baraya baa bora tka eary M PHILIPPINES an tanaravW fhaatoia paHau ia vaaa ao obbi aaa aartaia tea Hi i a. filttoia aaha a aaat ana amaw R ta Oateata. AJtoa nwnlaUr iaim a eaMa wha aaaaat maa aratearr Qilatoii rlnataa hi tka BaaaV Tty tt' taa Mart Baaa ra Mat Oaaahw aar aq l era an Aak tar i-ownaa utolwal aiihia. Tha naaaa Mm la wttto, tt aaata. Gaee tbat fanpulM and, eaaao which kaa eared tha ienol POUey of tha party aew ia power ram tha moat gigaatto aoUapoa erer witaoaeid in a airiliaad aaaary. 1 beliere If wa had aot had the wax ia Europe we weald hare had tko blaekeat timea la tka atotory af the Amarieaa repablla, eomparod to which the depreeaioa aadar Clewlaadt aeroad admiaiatratioa aad ander tka Wilaoa Oormaa toWWwold hare baea iaiigaiBcant." Bepabltoana wha joined la tka debate Included clenatere iJodge, 8aot, Oroa na. Oaiiinger, aad Worki. Benatera Thomaa aad Oftre, aupported Seaatara Simmona aad faderwood. POSTAL BANKS NOT USED EXTENSIVELY (Con tin aad from Page One.) affirca do aot kare dopoeUora or de posit. Ameag tkeae are: Aberdeen, Beoafert. Barliagtea, Clnrkton, Clay ton. Edewtea, PayetterUla, i'oraat City, Graham. Hamlet, Hoodoraon, LaUrange, Lauriabarg, aittrell, lyeakiville. Lex ington. Lumberten. Mobane, Mockaville, Morehead City, klurf reealioro, Newton, Pittabneo, Bod Bpringa. Hilar VT. rel by. ThoBUurrillo, Waha iorcit, Weldon, Weat Durham, Witoea and Windaor. Tho torgaat depoait, $3,176, to at Baa dlcenaa, aad tka axoat dopoaitera, 41, at aahariUe. . Hare ara aama ef the tguret: Towa. Depoaitora, Depoait.' 41 a,8.15 Charlotte , ,, Concord .. ,, ,, ,, Durham ., ., 884 SS a ea si . m t 1 ft S8 M 803 7 ' 108 r . sia a 420 U W4 1 , 1 a a C t 71 1 40 14 xm 1 100 8 ' 83 t 130 M 4U70 8 36 4 897 88 8,843 ss unt 4 iw 1 8 81 4.0SS II UB9 I 1 KlUabeth City .. Oaatonia , ,, Goldabora .v Oreoaaboro , .. HenderroaTllie Hiehorr High Paint HUlabore Leaelr Iiaeolntea ,, Louiaburg ,, .. ktaatee aUxtoa htoeat Airy ., htarpky .. New Bora .. Raleigh .. ., Baadlamaa ., Rockingham , Rocky itouat ee a Saltobary , Seathera Piaee.. .. , Wadeaboro , Weat Batoigh .. .. . Wllmlagtoa , Wlaatoa-8alem .. .. A few compariaoaa will anoay the dif- feraaaa between a Beutkera aad a Waat era Btata. hOaaoula, Montana, a towa af 18,000 populetioa, hai tt depoaitora aad t0, SSS depoata. Heleaa, a plaee ef 12,000 people, baa 311 depoatton and 801,054 depoatta. North Carolina aaa ISO peatal mringi emcee aad Montana M. PHtahoro Newa Notea. Pitta bo re, Dae. 17. Hal 'aaaa, yaaagwr aaa ef Mr. aad Mix Henry B. Jaaoa af B. B. TX 8, waa eeriouely hart Wedaeeday Bight at kia kern while aaatormg ia aaloadiag a bale ef eottoa that weighed TOXr- pouada. By oma meani tka eottoa fall ea him. A doctor waa aammeaod aad fee ad -that the young maa a range ware badly bratoed. The good reada fereaa aadar the oa tractor, W. J. Gregory, ef Baleigh, are working: in Centre towaakip aad are moving along rapidly aad doing eaeel leat work. Tkcre ara two foreoa af haadi at work aowtkara beiag aaa force aa the Moaeure rood miViag ean nrrtioa wtih the Haw Birer towaakip good reada. Aad laat week aaother ferea began work oa tha read between Pittabefe aad Rrnnm, pttehlng thair teau about half way betwwea tka twa ptoera. Jamea May, a Chatkamlte, for many yeara a reeidcat ef Texan aad af tete yeara ef Snnford, N. C, to errUralty ill at tha home ef hia etoter, Mra. . D. Womble, ef B. P. D. . Not la the memory af tka aldeet eiti eeaa of Chatham eowaty kaa aa targt a wheat arop been aewa aa baa baea eowa by the farmer af Chatham tkia fall and pat la aa nice ate The Ptltabara eckaol aloaaa today aw. til Jaauary 8 far twa aeekr vanttaa fat the holiday. CXXtf- TOBAC001" ealtkfaj way ta iM ) Chaw . ... RICH AND RIPE Tolmccn - t 4- - . ' made aatby ef OU North Carolina , Xaaf whlrh baa aa aaperlet. ' If your dealer dewa aot heap ft orad Va 88 crate, either atampa er raah, far eae-thh-4 of a peaa gte ttif eon I aaxlar-wame, ' --- TAYLOU CIlOTldtS - Wlaataa tilaaa,M.C, " Com mad See," tjou will went ciotw STATESGREATNESS Writer Dreama Are Substan tial Dreama For North Carolina By C. W. McDBVITT. Kiaaton, Dec. 17. Bioa Batler, tha well-known iperial writer who to affilia ted with the North Carolina publicity movement, to hem aa tha gaeet ef Dr. 0. B. MeNairy, loporla Undent ef tha Caawall Training BekooL Mr. Butler to getting material fer etertea about tha training aehool aad tka aew Bapttot or phaaage at Palling Creek, ate. Bioa Batier draama aahotantial dreami ef North Careliaa'a graataeaa. Tko thoughU that coma to him la tha aight watchea take ihape in hi waking hour. It ia, he aaaerte Baqualifiedly, the moot favored aertioa in the world. Why, man alive, even the air i weaderful, per mented n it li by the pine' wlaotoonme, and beneficial, a-eat, from the w enter a divide to th ocean lapped aanda. North Carolina can atand aloae, ha aay. Tka remainder of the world can go amuck and deipoll ltielf, fall to produce, aad tnrve. Thto State depend opoa noth ing Im the outaida world. If tt ah an Id eema ta th point that it haa ta aupply ItMlf with everything. North Caro lina' riven will ultimately ba hiu netted te furntoh lneihauitible power, for the entire Btata. Tha atraam in tka Btata aerer go wrong. Cheap power will be had ia time, for all time, whea tha coal af Weat Virginia, Peanayrraaia aad Kentucky kaa all baaa dog. Tha mnanfnetnring State ef tha North got their raw aurterlato from afar thay are exhausting other eectioae' raw nuxte rlala. Nertk Carolina maaafeeturea what bar aail prodnooa, aad ker roil will be productive wkea Michigan a iron aad copper aad tha coal Butea foal for power ara gone. Mr. Batler, came to the State wkleh ka tore te call The State thirteen larky yeara er eo ago, aad to traaieaaaty glad of it. Ha to a farawr of "a aort" la tko eaadhlll eoaatry, up ia Moore county. Aha out erery week aama article by him la printed, aad every time eoaae aow-reaaa rtory er poaatbUlty er the i long-loaf pine land to ung. Ha to a Pbttobwrgk pradaet, aad waa welt grown wkea ka cam to Cauroliaa to aa wttk a fall grewe man' cyaa aad reaUaa with the frealiaeaa of atartling revela tion what a "wonderland" it to. "Why did yon kaew that it never kaa bcea a hot ia North Carolina aa tt gate ia Uoataaa aad Idahet ho naked .aiacaaa lng tka climate. "Nertk Caraliaal cli mate ia far an per ior to Calif era iaV" He overflow with atatiatiea. North Caroliaa to tha grantee eora State in the Union, ke any, aa far aa poralblUtioe ga. Ma Bute aerth of tta Onto river eaa ralae to muck eora per acre. It 1 beeauee of the great aaxoant of moiatura that ia had from the rainfall and that trlekloe oa down through tha land from tha Bteaatain, twice aa high, miad yea, a tho of th North AthutUe group "North Carolina la the nation' moot fa vored section. am ready to argue that with aay paraoa,1 aay Mr. Batler. RECORDS BROKEN BY U. S. WHEAT CROP (Coatlaaed from Page Oae.) acres, 14 par eoat decrees: Arkaaaaa. 844,000 acres, 8 per seat Uereaaa; Tea acaaee, W,000 acres, 8 per caat ia- W inter wkeat waa ekewa Uts fall aa 876800 acroa, a doaroasa af 11J par coat from 114- Tke eoaditlea af winter wkeat Do eember 1 - waa 87.7 par cent of normal, compared with 84 laat year, aad ), the tea year average. Bye wad aaaa tkia fall oa S,aat,0u acroa, a desrsa of SA pat eeat from 1814, Tka eoadrtioa ef rye ea Decern hot 1 wa 91 J per eoat ef aermal, eom parod with 834 last year, aad 3A, the tea year average. ASHEVILLE STILL AFTER - ARMY TRAINING CAMP Aakevill. Dee. 17. Daaaite aaaai meats from Waahiagtoa that aa earn at traiaiag camp wUl ba toosied la Worth Oaraliaa thto year, tha people of Aaharilto kav aat givwa ap kap af aa mlM ja tom AakaoUia waa tka asoae aa? fka oaty woaaoafal aamp of tkia Wad aver hold hi tka atoath, aad Part tatterpe, whart tha aamp waa liaatod tta faOawlaff year aad wkera fct la animt ta to aat a eaatp thto year, failed to draw eras tha pets a, bml aartarart trutrd at attsaaaa for treiara Tha AabawiUa award ad tyA, tha Marsh ata jiaaittaa aad tortoaa otke ammtalal aad erria aroailaa ktoaa-at Aaha-Ufcrr aaaa woJtod taa ram-miga to mare aampfahU etty tea la tha aoat fw ilay ta praaeai Aaheville' flalma to tta Wat Daaevt- BUTLER WORKS FOR tjoot bleed, to "Coma" then. We Have Bmw Per What Th Bay FREE! FREE! FREE! IIHuaUHnUffl8UlMI ant la tka a!l -AM it. Congrasa. It to believed here tfant eaaag aw am aiaae even yet aaa tue enmp located at Aaheville. air Oae "HBOMO QULNINC" T at tha aanuiaa caU far faU mane. LAXA TIVE BHOMO QUININE. Laak for iana tara of . W. CBOVK. Carai a Cold in Oae Dasv- I. Adv. : AWAJID CONTRACT FOR NEW ASUEVILLE SCHOOL (Spaait aj Tlw W,a, and OhMrrw ) Aaheville, Dot. 17. After considering plaaa aubaltted by leading architect af tka eoaatry and by all the local members of that profession, the com mittee la ckarge of the erection of Aahevillew aew 150,000 high aehool ye terday awarded tha eoatract for drawing tha plans to William R U,rd, of this Ky. Mr. Lord ha promised to hold a conference with tke committee to decide- whether he will accept the contract. Mr. Lord is one of the host known ar chitects ia the 8Utc, nnd h.n had con slderablo experience in designing pi.; lie build in rs. It was atatad by !hc eomniittee yesterdny that -Mr. Lord's known honesty nnd intojp-ity largely to the argument of hu ability in securing him tho contract. Ho hns built aamereii baildlnnn ia Aaheville. Dick Weaver Diea . AshorUle, Dec. 17. Diek Weaver, one of the prominent .business ilgures of Aahavillo, died'this momiw n-nnt two o'clock as tho result of a stroke of npo plexy. Mr. Weavor waa in bit usual good health whan he retired last night but hi wif waa awakened at midnight by hia heavy breathing. Physicians ward called bitt the patient wis un eonticiou. trken they arrived, aad never ranted. Mr. Weaver haa beea a member ef tha ' Aral af Chamber aad Wearer for twwaty-two years aad ka seen th business grow from a livery r!Wc te oa of tke largeot livery and automobile bnsineae in the South. He Tts prom inent ia errte affairs, a paralstent advo cate of goad roods, and prominent in ail baaiaea affair of the city. Mr. Weaver wa 49 yeara old at the time cf hi death. lie to aurvtred by a wif aad three ehUdrna . Funeral arraiige mants have net been nannniteed. For Qirbtmas Holidays GREATLY REDUCED ROUND TRIP TARE TICKETS VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY Pramier Carriar of tho Somtk. The Southern Railway will sell from all points low round trip Christmas Holiday tickets Dec. 17th to 25th, inclusive, with Final Limit Midnight of Jan. 10th, 1916. Ticket will also be aold Dec 16th, 17th, 18th. 23rd. 24th, and 25th, with Final Limit Midnight of Jan. 10th. 1916, to certain points in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota and Wisconsin. Spend your Christmas Holidays with your friends and loved ones ; enjoy your trip on the Southern Railway' fast through trains. Through sleeping cars to all points. Let us arrange your Pullman space aad sell you tickets by the select route. For complete information, fares, schedules, Pullman peseprations, etc., call on any Southern Railway Agaot, or write. a F. YORK, TraYeJias Paaaaarar Agwttt, 80S FayetttviUe Street - RALEIGH, N. C 1 Pluck or Luck "Shallow men believe im hick, 6.' - - lieve in circumstances; street; mem ber lieve in cuius." -EintTson. Luck does not play half as much part in bus iness AS phick plus brains." 'r ' Business ia built up on aervice. An iniportant put of service Is in giving in fNlifiit, that Uvfhjf advertising peyt; - The newspaper haa a strong hold on the pub ticpatrtr by reason of the service its evdvr rising columns render to readers. -' , Get back to "Cauae" of many bnsinees tu feasaiand newspaper advwtiaiag win ba found anitatpOTtsmtfsVrtor. , i .'J"jJ LJ t -wnanaaaaw V,, sM INCREASE IS SHOWN IN COTTON LTNTERS (Br oa In iiwu rsawi . Waahiagten. -Dee. . 17. Cottoa cruahed from the 1018 crop to Deeembet I amouated to l81,4l(r toaa against 2,473al toes Deeamber, 1 last year, Ua Ouan Bureau today aaaoaaead. Lintera obtained to I'eoamber 1 amounted to i?27 balaa against )1, 14a balra last year te Deeeanber 1. Heed crushed aad liatere ebteiaed, by St a tea. follows: HtaU ., . ... faat Lallan Alabama .. 1M.7N S0.41T Artaaaas llaT M. Kiortia is. ear ijh timiia Ml. OH tl.r LeuUiaaa ?. 14.1M Miaataatpal ITS.T7 Mkattl .4r S.t Nana Caialina 111. 111 OkUkau 11.1 . 1414 Routli CaroMna IS. IT M.T Tranai .M IMI Traaa til. Ml . 1H.U4 AU aUaar glatas . . . . II AM 4,41 What Peered Berry WalL Waahiagtoa Brnr K. Berry WaH, who for a number of years kaa been America" aadispated abitcr e4Fgnriaraai or, te put it more oollrxruially, king of the dvidoo eoa demned in New1 York the apparel af a youirg millionaire, -He has lots af rlnrhea," mid Mr. Wnll, "but he wears them wrong. H wears a plaid louage anit where l oiifrbt to wear a black moraiag eoat. II o wrnra oa Fiftk aveaws eaatanie la teaded for eoaatry walks or for yaaht irtg ertii--. "In fact." Mr. Wall concluded, "he i tha sort of chap who woald put oa i.s aviator'! rig to lake a ride ia th sub way." aWvore Caaa of Pamafc Colnmhia State. Wr, too, have onr momenta of deprre ion whea the anfal forebodiag gnawi s that anma day our ataff will be so inexpressibly poor that well got aa offns to work fer soma New Tork paper al a fnburoB salary Arrord'ag te th annual records af the latoratata Trap Sh eating tmnirica (33 touraameat vara regi-lared duria tho 1915 i a