SATITJUT i:OSTiESC, 18,1915. ; THE REVS AND OBSERVER SAYS WAR "SKINCS . -'-V HIOSPE&ITY TO u s. r Woreeeter, The Jro- - fan., riS!."J13 V -WW .T 6t iie? tie war begxi discussed by Geenr E. Hobert, of New York formerly direct or of th United State Mint, -to ill addjwM before) th Park -'- t'alverarty eeeTerewee ea "The Problems ad Leeaoasof ah. War "While ths Initial impetus to "busiaeee nm from waf orders, aald Mr. Kooerts, "ths eesatrv sTenerally ui oveloped spirit of exmftdame aad ambitioa hiah : had not bea.nmieraa for soma years. "The country ia accumulating capital aad salargmg ha productive equipment faster thaa vwr befoe ia ita history. Moreover, aa country's relative Boal tioa la world affair is demeastratioa aot ear by own strength bat by the strength ot -weakness -of other countries, tha loose whleh the eountie at war are suffering must hare th affeet of mak laa the United State relatively a more Impertaat factor ia world affaire." Development af trained organisations, - production with larger output aad bettor service? by domeeti laduatry, he men fished aa retjniaite te ODjoyBteat of tha opportunities for foreign trade which will come te thia eouatry after tha war. UNITED STATES TO SEND SECOND NOTE (Continued row Fags Oae.) veraioa contained nothing which made ita m easing radically different from the unofficial version cabled la aewa dis- patehea from London. After the eabi net meeting Mr. Lansing announced that aoae of tha dasaaads made by the United States had beea acceded to. It waa explained that the reply eaggeeted farther eommnaieatloa oa the subject aad more specific information la eup port of the charges made by the United Statea. Official translated Mr. Laaaing aaid. Buses tha meaning of the Austro Hunga rhha government perfectly clear. The oacretary previously had declared the aaofiaeial vareioa to be vague. Blight change eaaaed by variatloas ia trans latiea existed between the two versions, he aaid, after aeeiag the official text, but the meaning ia a bread aeaae waa the sums. Such a rejoinder ia wholly un satis factory aad aaaeeeptable to the Ameri can government aad inereaaee the gravity of the aitaatioa between the two ia regard to the eeeoad note. Secre tary Laaaing and official! were reticent. It waa aaid, however, that the United Statea might give aoae of the facta nak ed for, though it would aot, under any consideration enter into an extended dlaenaaioa of detail. The Catted Statea expecta ita demaada to be promptly complied with, aad each apparent pro crastination aa officials consider Aus-tria-Hqngnry exhibited in answering the original Inquiry for iaformatioa, sub mitted boob after the.-Aneona disaster will aot be allowed to paaa- without actio a. The Beit note, it ia believed, will be more insistent ia ita demands tbaa the ret. It will aot, however, preclude f ur a Iher diplomatic correspondence. Secretary Lansing announced that the Aaetriaa reply did aot accede to any of the American demaada. The gravity of the aHuatloa eaaaed by Austria's rejoinder to the American de maada which is eoaaidered evaaive, un aatisfaetory aad unacceptable, remained unchanged. The nexfitep will not be decided npoa until some minor point not clear ia the official text are cheeked up. The apparent diaerepaaeler are not import aat aad may be due to traasmiaslea or translation from the State Department code. Secretary Lansing aaid after the eabi aot meeting that he did aot know when the official text of the Bote would be girea out for publication. Diplomatic relations, although la dan ger of being broken off, are not likely to be discontinued, at least before there has beea another exchange of notes with Vienna aad so the crisis may be aaid not to be ia Its final stag. Another note setting out why the United Statea cannot accept Austria"!! rlply will go forward before the aitaatioa takes on a more settled aspect. Meanwhile, there are some hints of formal negotiations which night smooth out the troubled situation. The frequent eella of Baron Zwediaek, tbo Austrian charge at the State Department, give eome color to discussion along that Una, aad those whs expect that at the end the differences will be adjusted, count e the influence of Berlin to counsel Vienna to avoid a break. So far as was apparent today the aituntion has not affected President Wilaoa's plans for going ea his honey moon journey. Before the President leevee, however, ha will agree with Secretary Lansing ec the outline of a reply to Austria's Bote and if there should h any further shasge ia the situation Mr. Leasing will go to confer with the President at the place where he wiU spend bis honey moon. TRAINS IN 2 SECTIONS, DUE TO HEAVY TRAFFIC Prosperity incident to the Christina m and .tli generally good bmnaaes aoadhions ia its territory has canned the Sovrthera Railway to ran two of Its principal mala Jin train ia two see tioaa. Ia a metis issued yesterday the snaaagetcest of tha read aayii i Te provide adeqtaato faaiUU for aWndliag travel incident to tb holiday sasoa, also, take ear of movement of Hail aad express, the Southern Bairway kaa arranged to run trains IS, M, 17 aad M ia twe sections np to aad Including bos. Uthj Kos. U and II were ran ia tw sections beginning Dee. 16th, and Ko. 17 aad M will be raa la two ae ttaa fram date.'' T"aMMroi AWO AalPTOK riKKD . aUU Trtoe) la Oty Cwavt 'or righting , - Oa aUswec. Basmierd aad Hampton mteed U stty eewrt ware lned IS aad half Ue eeets eah pea oenrviwtio f aa affray which avsarred aa Kx- haag scree la frent f 0mith We a the aigbt Oetobot fit. Th fight ssartaa a JU af mrhea xUatptoa aw J ewl-)WsVananBn' itsnmi . e.a f . . . lrM.fwsoato-Vy Bash ford. .. T"" " 't' nwai WarwlwM Oat.'-" ' . ia Sn HianeiiT faaa. Vaaaiaii lf wae Ibevwa ad Vt Mwk temsjkt. areWed kaejtkweat item warnings diapUred freaa WUatlagT, IT. OC. t Jactewarille, Hb, b4 nodimaaH wnninee fraw Bor i he Oape PjMsiBv The stem wet fejperted w Tmtssss. Imereasing ia lnaaatcr anul unW eMwchMl J.... . ..... -..-. 1 mewcatner Local Oflce, V. S. WeatheBnxeea. POaECAfiT - - Baleigh. K. L B. I. IMS. For Nofth OaroUjil. Ha3 anl ii,, Saiarday. Euaday fair, colder" east per tioa; strong aouth, ahifting to west wiada. -"'..."- . ' - -4'. '-' Suaria .7:18 a.m. Sunset .6:02 p.m. Tempera! are. I a. m S4 I p. m. A3 Highest temperature 64 Lowest temperature ............ S3 Mean temperature 48 Deficiency for the day I Average daily exeeea since Janu- nary 1st 0.5 PrecielUMea (Ia IachaaT Amount for 24 hours ending p. m 00 Total for the month to date 05 Defieieacy for the month J1 Deficiency since January 1 9.M atatleaa aad Weather at a. P. M. Tsaetaavwat STATIONS i! n Abilene .. .. Aaheville .. .. Atlanta .. .. Baltimore .. . CharlestoB . . , Charlotte .. .. Chicago .. .. Oalveatoa .. .. JacksoBvill .. Kaoxville .. .. Memphis . . Montgomery .. New Orleans . . New Tork .. . Norfolk .. .. Raleigh .. .. . Richmond . , . Viekeburg .. . Washington .. Wilmington .. Wytheville .. . SSI S4 M M 8 . 64 46 .. 86 .. . 48 50! M S4 82 44 58 44 64 66 18 .04 JO M M 34 Mo a . .. ! .... Ml .... 88 68 44 68 71 42 64 64 44 M .10 . .. Sfl . .. 82 3.12 f-80 2.38 40U-10 .14 JOl .. 60 4 84 .. 13 a 82 jOO JDl 10 34! 48 .. 40 .. 18 41 88 70 56 SO 62 SSI M M .02 1 ... 66 WaehlnareM. Dee. IT. Alabama t Partljr ehwiitr aa eektor Baeatew. Bawair fair. MMMipi: Fair aatareVw; eeMer eeetk- eaet nHliia. Saaeav fair. leawUaa. Beet Taaaa, West Teaae, Okie. Fair nilaiiias aa . Bandar. Tenaaewe: Paitiv eleasjr aa4 eeleW Bat- wedajF. evader fair. ywsinlat Bain Baearenri eeMer weet Ber tie. Saadar Uir ul solder. Mevth naeeltae. Snatti Carolina: main and eeMer Batardar. BBdar fair; eeMer east eeitlea. Oeofwia! Bala. Mkwed he elmria Bet- ardar ; eeMer. Baadas fair. COL. FRED OLDS GETS VALUABLE RELICS Col. Fred. A. Old, collector for the North Carolina Hall of History, re turned last night from Salisbury, from which place he brought valuable relies for the eo 11 ee tioa bearing oa the War Between the States. They include the flag of the Sixth North Carolina Regi meat commanded by Col. Charlee Fisher the uniform, sword, saddle elpth and bat worn by the commander when he was shot at Hanasaas. The flag was made by Mia Christins Fisher sad was a blue shawl of very fin arepe. Th seal of . North Carolina ia embroidered oa it ia high relief with the inscription, "Sixth North Carolina Infantry." On the other side is em broidered, 'May SO, 1775, North Caro lina,' a star below, "Deeds Not Words," which was the motto of the regiment. ehooen by Colonel r inner aad the date, May 20, 1861." All of these are the gifta of Colonel Fisher's daughter, Mrs. Francis Fisher Tieraan. UPHOLD WILSON ON ALL HIS POLICIES (Continued from Page One.) federal, state aad city officials to estab lish joint offlees for aiding the unem ployed were adopted at a conference of Southern State aad municipal officers after discussion of the question with Secretary of Labor Wilson. The Sou thern Commercial Congress endorsed the plan. Among other subjects en dorsed by the congress werei Inland waterways; national aad State aid for better highways; efforts of the American Bar Association to "modern ise' procedure and practice of courts; organisation of a "aemi-offieial national chamber of agriculture'' ia proposed by delegates to the Association of South ern Agricultural Commissioners which met here with the congress; laws for co operative marketing? purchasing aad credit societies for tbo benefit of Amer ican farmers. The woman's auxiliary to ths con gress adopted resolutions fnvoring legis lation to abolish child labor, compul sory education, factory iaspeetlon, mini mum wages, maximum work hours in mine, factories and mercantile eetab- liahmenta employing women aad ehil- drea, and eo-operntion by the auxiliary ia tha work of oraranfring State aad county branches of th league to ea- foree peace. Dralaag Men Meet. St mm A wis real Cbarlestoa. 8. O- Dee. 17. Southern State members of tb National Drala ag Congress, who have beea meeting here during th eon re a tic a of the Soother Commercial Congress, today organised the Soathem Statea Drsiaage aad Reclamation Asaoeiatica, E. 3. Wataoa, of Columbia, S. C, president of the . national asalatioa, saxgeated tht 'orgaaixattou of t.e South, era aaao tlatJoa. Samuel O. Stoaey. of Cnarieston. was sleeted praaideat aad W. H. Marshall, of Fort Lauder liala, Fla, vie-prealdeat An executive committee representing Virginia, North aad South Carolina, Oeorgla, Florida aad Alabama i was rhoewn. A eoaveation will b held at Fort Lauderdale In February. ELECT OFFICER. Witrias RUfahea U New President f Lewm getlety. At th regular meeting of the Lewis Literary Society .ia - th high school truildlng fast night, th usual literary program waa earried out, beaidee th election of effieer, n fallow:. William A4iW.sahelTaeid Payaey-viae-praaiii ant t Reyal Atephoaw soeu aeerrtary-treasnreaf Wilbnr Tatea, monitor; Robin Phillip, pre reporter. Tha atecuea l Braanaent was aaaat- ' -- 4'.- Eeatertala.Bt. Cr4mi VTrm A.lm anj ailea eiiao DoyUa entertained informally at card yoaterdar cftemeedl ta he or of Mrs. Hubert Hsrwwod, abin. Cheuhrr. Jr. aad Mr. I MmCHANTS GATHER , RIXrUARESSION Having secured data showing; that ChariotU, Roaaeke, , aao jawa k'l. Mw.liuita.uv onlv Cf Its Pstborepowr for ttoi fisf vtM.ii m w"r" ' " - - la Raleigh, tli public eorporatiot tbm 1 mrtte or to aterenants mmm houneed last aigbt at the meeting of the aaeociatioa that it waa ready to re port. However, it waa vetd to potine the reading of the report uatU th January meeting. The regular meeting held last night was short en- account of the busy period of the merchants. President Visiter Hunter being detained at home oa ac count of iliueaa ia his family. Vice President R- ii- ilerritt preaiuad. It was decided te request Mayor Joha soa .to have the ineaJideeceat lights turned on st night during next wecx. A letter of thanks from the News aad Observer for the use of the assembly room following the lire waa read and accepted, the members voting to return a cheek which had beea seat for light and heat used by Us newspaper. After adopting resolutions of regret ia the death of the late A. J. Thomas, the association adjourned. DURHAM Y. M. C A. BEATS WAKE FOREST COLLEGE Durham, N. C Dec. 17. The Durham Y. M. C. A. basketball team won its third game of the season tonight ia yWifv ftvsr Wake Fores. Collesra by scot of 61 to S3. Clay, for the locals. was the star. He caged u rout goaia out of eighteen trials, uenser aeeu ior Durham, scored asvea field goal. Durham Wake Y. M. C. A. Position Forest. Holeombe Hall, Holding (R.) R. F. Clay Holdiag (W.) L F. Reed Franks C. Mangum Robley, Dean Carrintrtoa Davlj L. O. Referee : I.yrande. GERMAN PATROL BOAT IS SUNK IN BALTIC (Br aw tiMs rMsi.1 London, Dec 17. Tke German patrol boat Buns has been wrecked on the Islnnd of Laagelnnd in tke Baltic Sea, says a dispatch to ths Exchange Tele graph Company from Copenhagen. The bodies of several German officers were found on the shore, it Is added. LIKES NORTH CAROLINA Freak D. WIlHasaa, Taaearera ladlaa, May Make Bute Hie Been. Frank D. Williams, the Tosearora la dlaa whs has coma to North Carolina from his horns on the Tueearora Reser vation in New Niagara, Niagara county, New Tork, to secure copies of records li which the Tueearora are late rested, says hs likes North Carolina so wall that he would like to secure employment in the State and make North Carolina hi homo. He is a carpenter aad build er by 'trade. He is most Impressed with tb ell mate, whleh he finds a great deal milder than that to whleh he is accustomed. "It Is fins to be tbl to goarouad without aa overcoat," he said. Hs hsld a magnolia leaf la his head "Ws never see aaything like that at this time of ths year la my part of the country," hs said. "I am going to send this back to my people aad let them know what there ia plenty of greenery here even oa the eve of Christmas." There are about 450 Tuaearoras oa the New York reeervation, Mr. Williams says. "They live pretty aa much as do the rest of ths people in Niagara eouu ty and other rural sections of the Stats of Now York," hs added. "Whoa you ride through th reeervation and erose Ita line you do not see any difference. It is all the same to all outward appear ances." Mr. Williams said that th younger generation of th Tuaearoras Is inter marrying with the whites and that ulti mately, ia his opinion, ths Red Maa will have been completely absorbed iato the rest of the population. Not ia Wreck. Mr. Edward F. TJssle, who aext spriag will have completed a medical coarse st a college in Philadelphia, was ex pected to arrive on an early traia this morning to spend the holidays with his parent, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. TJxxle. Mr. TJxxle was due to leave Philadelphia yesterday afternoon at five o'clock and when the father of the young maa heard that at aix o'clock there had beea a wreck and .five killed and many injured between Chester and Wilmington he was very much alarmed. Later bis anxiety was relieved whea he learned that the wrecked train was going north Instead of south. Liqser Tab Ia Mesie. (Br Oa twins rnal Galveston, Texas, Dee. 17. Th sals of alcoholic liquors la Mexico City has beea forbidden for M days by a decree Issued yesterday by th governor of the federal district, say advice to th Mexican consulate her today. Tha par poe is te prevent the spread of typhus la tha capital. , To Calarg Wast Paint, Waahiagton, Dee. 17. Oongreas was asked by Secretary Garrison today to appropriate as soon as poembl NlW to enlarge the West Polat Military Academy for accommodation of 140 ad ditional cadets, aad 115,000 to meet certain special expenses of ta army. Deal Klteheaer's Kara Bed. ' (as i ml st in Neat ead otin ) Loadoa, Dee, 17. It was officially an nounced tonight by th private secre tary to Earl Kitchener, Britiah Secre tary of War, that the report of the a gagement of Earl Kitchens to ta Dow ager Conn tees of Mlnto was antra. Relief Itsamar emeriti i9y a in mm raa. London, Doe. 17 Th Belgian relief eommittee's steamer Liverpool, from New Tork for otterdaa, baa beea beached ea th Engiiakeoaet ta a lnk iag eoaditioa a a result of striking a mine. .. Mad Ride te lave Dec. Ankena (Mine.) Dispatch Minneapolis journal. talk say Brysoa 4v amastimabili 40 nails ia 45 sniawte over fro country road to aav hi dog aad eat from are. Bryaon's home oa Ilk river took fir while tha owner aad hi wif war away. H was 'called aa th Uiepbea, aad th race began. Brysoa arrived to hate to aav tha koxeayjwt raatnsd the pet. .. ' --,., One today ia wort tw . aUIITKS PRETEXT DROWNCVO Tw Bey Rev ThiinUea Wbea Icaj Crosby (Minn.) dispatch St.-Paul Dis patch. Clinging to ta) ire hs Sevpeat Lake, tw Crceby boy. Trig iVeleoa aad OerarAalereoB, battled for their live by Being" it air' pocket kaives to stick into, ta is repeatedly until a strong hold wa obtained te pell themselves out. They were skating and ventured out too far. Haataa Barns Be raa Car. Near Tecb Sua. Passenger ea a MeLean avenue trolley ear fled panic strirkea when Nicholas Pterrara got aboard with a stick of dynamite ia one hand nnd a lighted cigar ia the other. Other sticks of dynamite were bulgmg from his coat poehet. Pierre ra is a contractor foreman and livss at 710 Ball avenue. He was ar rested aad takes to police headquartere. where tt was feuad he had three pounds of dream it In nil on his person. In one pocket were foar or five detonating cap. laapeeter MVhael Laady aaid a park from the eigar or a sadden jar would have seat the ear akyward in puff of das. Wsated Caldaaee. Philadelphia Ledger. "Cm, ye I" remarked the medico in his beet bedside manner to his patient aa they stood la the consulting room. "Ill give yea the following prescrip tion," aad ho headed him three mnall paeksige. The patieat peaed them aad read the direction a. "A powder for my headache," he aald aload; "a pallet for my liver," h eon tinned, "and a eapeule for my gouty foot." Then he stopped aad pondered deeply for a moment. "I ear, doctor," he queried. "hwU the little beggars know th right panee to go whea they get inside r I new Had tb FeUeeenea. Prttabarg Cbroaicl Telegraph. Through th baay downtown streets a stalwart policeman led a little child by the hand. A motherly-looking woman panaed be for them for a moment Thea. la a sudden bnrst of eympathy, she bent ever the child aad kissed her. "Poor Wsab She looks so cold aad starved like ; aad eke haaat been wash ed for a week. Some folks cannot be trusted with children, wicked, cruel things they are. Where did yoa find the child, polieemaa T Tad the child, woman t" snorted ths policeman angrily. "I didn't find her at alL 8he my owa hid." flea la Stranger 85 Tears, rargo (N. D.) dispatch St. Paul Dispatch At Harwood, thia county, a sua 85 year old Is visiting his father. Neither ever saw ths the before this meeting. Oaly reeeatiy th father learaed that k had a bob. Shortly after W. J. Bothies aad his wife were divorced at Harwood ah mov ed to another city aad the child was bora. Later ah married again, aad ths boy, takiag the name of his stepfather, was kaewa as Harry 8hepard. For the past t year a has lived at Mitchell, 8. Dak. Father aad bob, recently having leara ed of each ether's existeace, bow are getting acquainted. Tasaoem htoaatala le Marietta (Oa.) dispatch Phila. Public Lodger. ' Keaesaw htoantxda, historic as a bat tle ground af the civil war, comprising tO acre or more, has beea sold by W. J. M. Ham, of Marietta, G, to Wil liam Tate Holland aad C. M. Dobba, both of Marietta, W. J. M. Ha men bought the property from his father, H. C. Hamco, 85 years ago. Has N Rffeet. Loadoa Punch. Friend Well, how's the war affeetiag yout PoeteuMst Impressionist Sculptor Not n bit, old chop; I never sold aay thing before it started aad I haveat aiaee. Frwverhe aa4 Phrases. Ths more a maa deaiee himself, the more he shall receive from Heaven. Horace. We have been bora to associate with our fellowmeu. aad to join in com munity with the bnmaa race. Cicero. It does aot matter a feather whether a maa be supported by patron or elient, if hs himself wsnts courage. Plautua. It ia part of ths cure to wish to be Cured. Seneca. Hie Wiaa. Boston Tranarripa. First Clubman Odd, how one's wife eaa lose her temper aad still have it ready for nae. Second Clubman (with a sigh) Tes. I often wish that th vials of wrath were non reflllable. Robbed of Hie Chaise. Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. A taxieab chauffeur fnraiahed the text for this anecdote: Having raa over aad killed a a umber of people, aad pre oca ted hi company with a aumber of sawaaita, he was finally discharged for reeklee driving. Hs then became a motovmaa oa a trolly Una, bat did aot tak kiadly to the new work. Oae day as he waa grumbling over bio fallen forte ee a friend aaid: "Oh, what's Us matter with yool Cant yew ma dowa Jaat as many people as avert" "Tee," aaid th forme kaaffeur, 1 on, bat formerly I eemld pick aad Weenaa-s Featttoa ia Tibet. East aad Weet New. TV tnfiaeaee of wwmen ia familv aad society ha beea deellnUg la Tibet as a reenJt or rreqwoat warfare. As ia other part of the world aad at various epochs la hamaa history, men bach from vietoriowa battle flold ia Tibet were woat to moaopolia feminise admira- a. Heme It earn thai polygamy has beea steadily eaereachlag apoa the old snaiaputea sway of the Tibetan woman m ths family. This k aa excerpt from th atorr told by th Rev, Ekai Kawa- gaeaL the Buddhist explorer, who has Joet retaraed to Japan trees his seeoad Tibetan Journey freaa lama, by way af Derjeliag. A Tecbaieal DiaVwbty. How Tork Evening JaraaL At oa of th rehearsal af a play th snpen" bad t g wp to an altar and "kneel before H. After rehearsing five ee aix times the) stage manager lost his tees par with them sad aheetod: "K set Where ar yew gemnflexloaiT" Th chief "super" semsehed his head with a paxxled exprwaaioei oa hi faoa. "Well, air," h aaid, avedcigetieniiy, w haveat had taem Creea tm - Wa are awitdiag ovary day, Ia a good or evil way, . . Aad th stoaetarw, aav tt grow; WiU mar Earnest andf IWcfoaa. COW HOLDS W0RLD1 RBCORO. Palry- Qaeea Cave -Average f la Calleaa Dally. Followdsr are the facta about a cow with a world's record, taken from Farm aad Fireelde: " Ths, world'! record for batterfat pro duction is again biokoa, this time by th etalile mato f th former world eharn p'.oo, who held th title for only three month. Tb aew dairy queen ir Hol steia Prieclaa cow. iMndern Pride Jo hanna Rue No. 121083. "She gave ia one year 28.403.7 pounds of milk, equal ta 13,211 quarts, or more than nine garmni a day. Thia milk con tained 1,176.47 pounds of butterfat, equal to more thaa four pounds of but ter a day. She hails from New Jersey." Few PotsoBoaa Snakes Kaewa. Philadelphia Record. No breach of natural history is, so sur rounded with weird aad fallacious nar rative, deplorable ignorance and super stition as that dealing with the serpents, ths result being inherent fear and a relentless crusade of club and heel against a group of creatures of great economic vnlue, and, with few excep tions, absolutely harmleas. One hun dred and eleven distinct species of Bushes occur In the United Htatee, of which only seventeen are dangerous to man. Thirteen of the Utter are rattle snakes, geaus Crotalua, with aa un mia taxable mark of .Ideatiflratioa, ths tail ceding in a rattle. The four re maining species comprise ths copper head and water moeeasia, genu Ansie troden, and two small, brilliantly color ed coral snakes, genus Elaps. The range of the water moccasin nnd coral snakes does not sxtrnd further north than the Carolines, leaving locally oa ths banded or timber rattler (Crotalns horridus) and the copperhead (Aaelstrodon eon tortrlx) to be eonaidered ia the ' light of dangerous reptile. Th economic value to ths farmer of most of our snakes Is of great Importance, nnd an examination of the stomach contents of a few wantonly killed specimess would soon eoBviaee aa Intelligent person of tha force -of this plea for the protection of our saah friends. Ills presence of large numbers of snakes ia fields of growing crops or about barns containing grain at once indicate aa abuadane of destroying rodents, upon which ths snakes feed voraeiooly, putting to ahame the feeble effort of the family Oaly Oae "Head Up," Killed. St. Loula Dispatch. One armed Michael McCarthy waa shot and killed by two mea who held up a salooa because at their command of "Heads up I" he raised only the arm left him. One sleeve of McCarthy's coat hung smpty, its end In the coat pocket. The robbers apparently thought hs was reeehiag for a revolver. Half a dosea mea were ia the salooa whoa ths robbers entered. At their command all hands went up. Th rob ber took one glance at McCarthy's hanging sleeve, tired aad fled. Progressive. Chicago News. Postmaster No, aot mneh doin' in town. DU ye hear erbout Lem Hug gin gettin' a telegram I Farmer Not Lem t Postmaster Yea, Lem. Farmer By erlrkvt It Leats all. ther way tha young fellers ars forgla' tor the front. Getting At Hie Motive. Boston Transcript. "Will you have my eeatP he Inquired, politely. "On the ground that I am aged and decrepit f" the woraaa ashsd. "No, indeed, madam." "That I am young and beautiful and poeeibly not averse to a flirtation t" "Certainly not. That is " "Then it must be because you are a gentleman, la thia respect differing from the fat parson on ths left end the scrawny apeeimen st ths right. I sm glad to learn your principles, sir, but here is my street. Good day." The Doctrine of Chance. Richmond Timea Dispatch. He Was your fsthcr very angry whea you told him of our engagement f She Not particularly. He said be had been rather fortunate in the stock market of late, and figured It was about tlms for his loch to turn. Used to It. Ladies' Horns Journal. The man had been haled before ths magistrals on some trivial charge. "Let me see," said the judge. "I know you. Are you not the man who was married In cage of man eating lions t" "Yes, your honor," replied the eul prlt, "I am the men." "Exciting, wasn't itf" continued the justice. "Well," said the man judicially, "it was thea ; It wouldn't he now." Dog Cemes Back S Miles. W York (Pa.) Dispatch. Remarkable animal instinct for home has just corns to light In thia eounty. A fox hound owned by B. Porter War ner, living nt Laurel, about 12 mile from this city, waa sold and shipped three weeks ago to a man in Virginia. Tha dog is a valuable hunting dog, and is 7 years old. Warner was sur prised when he awoke a day or two ago, to find that the dog had returned and had traveled a distance of nearly 300 mile to reach ita old home. Compared. New Orleans Item. Little Nancy was in disgrace, aad father had to speak to her quite severe ly. 8 she retired, deeply offeaded, to the gar de a. Th gardener, a good-natured old maa, did his best to cheer her up, aad succeeded so well that half aa hour later she returned to her mother. "Mummte," aha aaid. "I think Clark is quits ths nicest maa I know, mneh nicer than daddy. Why didat ws marry Clarkal" Cemd Grenada. Philadelphia Inquirer. "Do you think you will be acquitted V asked Jones of a friend who had beea indicted oa a conspiracy charge. "Tsav I think so." .... "Has your lawyer givea yon good grenada to think sot" "No," responded the hopeful client, "bat I have givea him good grounds to think so. I've deeded him all my real eetato aa his fee." Hsdat Flaiafc the Other Day. New York American. Th manager of a factory had insti- tuted a system af fiaes fines for being late, fine for mistakes, lae for spoiled work and so . Happewlag to awake oa morning very early bs west to th factory a little after starting Urn. A h got eel of his motor-ear he saw a pale, haggard, hollow-eyed man walk ing wearily through th gat. Ah ha, Johaeon I" ha shouted angrily. "Tea mlastea lata, ekf Wall, you're (aad. Not a wwrt new; tears tk rnlal" Tak rear time, rev's or," aaawoiod Johnsom. 1 alat knocked from j tarday ytr , . - - , ALARM CLOCK RATES LIFE, . Arias ss Maa Who Is Almual Overeesa By Gas Fames. Marios (Ohio) Diapatek Cincinnati Enquirer. A 50 sent alarm clock has saved the ttf of E. L. Hlntoa, a baker. Return ing kome at midnight from -a dance, b set the alarm clock for 6:80 a. m. Though r partially overtone by- gn fumes th alarm aroused him sufficiently to kick over a chair oa which the time piece waa placed. This brought his landlady, whs found Uinton uncon scious. Hs was revived three hours later. DIseeacertlBg. Tid Bits. A candidate for parliamentary honors was addreeeing a political meeting In the north of England. Anxious to make friends with his audience, he began thus: "Gentlemen, I am very pleased to add rem a working elaaa constituency It may interest you to know that I am a workingmaa myself in fact, I often work whoa yoa ars asleep " "You must be s burglar, then!" aaid a voice at the back of the hall. Rxpeeed Te Tea station. Philadelphia Public Ledger. "I hope you will be happy, Mary," aald the mist rem to hsr maid, who wa leaving to get married. "Thank you, ma'am. My young man ia very steady, considering his environ "What does he dot" Mary. "He's valet to a young millionaire, ma'ah." Wrote "Casey Jeaea;" Dylag. Los Angeles Times. Appareatly penailese and estranged from his wife, T. Lawreaee Seibert, the maa who 1 said to have made $10,000 by writing the words of "Cssey Jones," a popular ballad, waa token to the eounty hospital ia a dyiug condition. He wa brought from Banning, where he waa Injured in an accident. Mr. Seibert residss at 1118 East Thirty sev enth street. Detective were sent to acquaint her of Mr. Seibert's plight. According to th officers, Mrs. Seibert stated that, as she had not eeea her husband for several years aad had heard Both big from him. She la uade eided what to do. Prwfesslsaal Jeeleaoy. Baltimore Sua. Billy Buaday whea aahed to comment on the Ford excursion to Europe deliv ered himself aa fellow: "I think when Ford put over this advertising stunt P. T. Beinuin turned over in his grave and said, 'i hnve gut to hand it to you, Henry, you've gut me aklnned.'" This is tha opinion of an expert on ad vert bring and will carry grul weight wiwi the knowing osea. It wil be gen erally admitted that what the Rev. Wil liam does aot ksow about the adver tising buaiaoa is aot worth while learn ing. But H fill us with sorrow to see a celestial mind liks his give way to petty profeeelosal jealousy. Instead of sneering at Heary, a magnanimous rival would applaud hi greatness. Moreover, ss a matter of policy, all advertising mea inouitl stand together. Way thtr sheeted. Nsw York Evening Journal. A young msrried couple, who lived near a famous golf course, were en tertaining an elderly aunt. "Well, Auat Mary, how did you spend this afternoon I" asked ths hostess, oa ths first day. "Oh, I snjoyed myself vsry nineb!" replied Auntie, with a beaming smils. "I west for a walk across th moors. There seemed a greet many people about, and somd of them shooied nt me ia a most eccentric manner, but I just took no notice. "And, by th way," she went on. "I just found such a number of eurlo-is lit tie round white things. I brought them home to ask you what they wero." And th dear old lady produced from her handbag about a doxen golf balls I Called Bla Blag. Hartford Couraat There are a lot of four-flushers who go through lifs without learning that four flushing is a fine art Such are beneath contempt. But one has great admiration for those few who havo mas tered th gams. "If a man called me a liar," asserted one of such, "I sail in and lick him if he weighed 300 pounds." "Well, you big bluff," answered one who was tired of listening, "I call you right here and now. You re a liar." "Bluff youraelf," came back the ar tint, without a minute's hesitation. "You don't weigh more than 150, and you know what I said " A Disappointed Thief. Ford stories don't break into this col umn very often, but this bit of wit which flashed at a luncheon at the Board of Commerce the other ly is wortn alutttcriug all the rules and rrgu lations. An irate business man joined bis friends, exclaiming: "Nothing is safe nowadays. I left my ear for an hour out by the postoffice, and when I came out some low down thief had stolen the hood cover. That' all he took just the two-dollar padded vest that buttons over the hood and radiator to keep them warm." Oeel" aaid aa unsympathetic list ener, "111 bet that guy was mad when he got home and found he didn't have the ear in the cover." Detroit Tree Press. Might Bars Bn Setter. Kansas City Star. "Ah h h m my dear young frieada." said th statesman who hnd kindly con eenten at the earnest solicitation of the superintendent, to address a few help ful words to the Sabbath school, "look ing back over my long career, I am con vinced that tha only way to win sueeeaa is to deal honorably with one' fellow mea, to follow the dictates of conscience. to heed the teaching of th golden rule, aad to walk ia th straight aad narrow way. But ah I would aay little boy or girl liks to ask ms a questios f " well, my," spot up oa of the dear young friends, "ain't yoa kinda sorry you didnt find it out sooner F What Urn L's- Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph. "lxiados'i a dreary sort of place, and the smoke' something awful i" ths rs turaed eouatryanaa wa tolling his awed village frlsad. "It's ss thick, th air ia, that I won der aaything grows there. I planted some eora ia a box oa my window sill to remind ta f horn, aad what do yoa think earn apt" Oma suggaatad wheat, . wall . saethev thought oat more likely. But moot of thorn remained atleat, looking at their veataresom friend with reepeet. 'All wrong I- aaid Us returned trav eler, presently. "A policeman same np aad told m to tabs the boa down at I" Prwrerba aad PI It as foolish to be afraid f Making ear tie to spiritual, aa if a w eoald Iom any geauias lev -Emsrsoa. YOHR C H R I S T M A S -I.-4.A ... LIST Our varied line of luxurious and prac tical gifts makes ours the store popular for girls and boys for men and women' for all. From a Sterling Sil- ver Match Case to a handsome Diamond r ranging in price from 25c to $500., At no other store in the city will you find so many different things. You don't have to curb your thoughts. If they run Leatherward you will find us with a full line. If they run in the line of Ivory, Sterling Silver, Gold almost any direc tion your mind may lead you, the goods will greet you in a most pleasing assort ment. Revolvers New and unredeem ed in all the standard makes. Blank Shells Have all the fuss and fun you want. Wo are well stocked with 22's, 32's and 38's blanks. Capital Loan Col 207-209 ;" South Wilmington Street Mtii-' ------- T7-- . -