1 'ff satceday uimxuiGl DEcnrDEa la, wis. Tits Dally Fashion Hint " ' 4 ri llmr An'mm see" ' I if wrtl aW rl TM whale Weril sanst iijliTO, j a t Wrf awtth M 1 1 1 dam wttk la traae I I! 1 Of aa M mm ef ta Ulk, Jlj starless as ta Ma'ft. , AM aS that knW ear 7 Mt ! asm mr iwtn ear. . shea ft mm a me i That J1 that I had UH ? Waa ay aw heart la th aaes AM th WtaCs !! Mt . ..HlM Cfwam Harpr( nletmy. i Dr. aad Mrs. a E. Cheek, of Fuquny i Barings, wer. la tbe city last night to 1 see "Everywemaa'' M the Academy. ; " Mies lily Oart.r, of Wallace. WM a sweat t oas ef ths Meal hotels yas , today. I Miss Belli Mae WiUoa, of Wilson ; Villa, ni ia tha elty yeaterday i Mrs. M. Bradahaw arrived ia tbe ;; city yesterday to Joia Rev. Dr. Brad ahaw, who ia the aw paator of Edenton ! fttreet Method tat church Miaees Mary, Virfie aad Baehael Goedwia, who are atadeata of Flora MeDeaald Collega at Kd Springe, ar rived here yesterday to apand the holi i dale with relatives. ' Miss Margaret Baaa. of Noroik i ia the neat of hi iaa Mattia Beese for a I few aaya. p -tias Delay Deaeoa haa returaed to i tha aity front Halifax eouaty where the Ylaited tha Htate farm at Tillerr. ; Mias VUrnret Wrifht, ' of Hlh mad, waa among tha Tiaitora here yea F tsrday. Mr and Mrs. A. M. Powell aad Mlaa Mary 0. Owea, of Oxford, were here mat Bight to tee the show at the Acad aaur ef Mnaie. Dr. aad Mrs. H. A. Borster have fatal aed from a trip to Cincinnati Mr. aad Mrs. H. 8. Houetoa, Mrs. A T. Neweomb and Mr. Oharlea Engel, ef Ptaehuret, witaeeeed the ahow at the Aaadeary laat sight. . Miaeea Bettie aad Leila Underbill, af Bmltaneld. arrived ia Baleigk yea tarday afternoon to visit their coaain, lira. w. C. Bafham. Him TaaaU Bleka, of Waahvtlle, rataraad koma yeatarday after vlaltiag ha? aiater. Mrs. J. B. Barkley 40aa Julia Baadelph, who hai beea the gaeet of hrr aletar, Mra. J. Frank Weat, kaa retDraed to her home ia Kia Mlaa Jolia Jermaa haa arrived ia tha aity from Salem Female Collega to apead the holiday. Mrs. Joeephua Dan la la, who kaa bea Deaa la Charleston, 8. C- for tha laat few days arrived ia Baleigh yesterday. Baa will apead several days with her brother, Mr. W. II. Baglry, before ra- tarmlag to waahiagton. Miss Lory Ilcrring, of Duan, v la the fity yesterday the gneet of ber Bister, kilns Kats U. Herring. a) Baiaar At DaaUaicaa Oaavsat. BeaatifuU varied display of fancy ar tklaat useful Christ maa prsasnts. Aua tioa Saturday. Tour patronage la so Ikitad. 104 Ulllsboro 8t-(Adv.) ; Miss Baraard Casaiag T Balatgh. Mias Maud Barnard has realgoed ber posit ioa aa rural supervisor of MeDow all eouaty to take effect the Srst of tha year aad will eoms to Baleigh to tax charge of the primary department af a) pubuahlng roaeern with head Barters ia this rity. Mary Peacad Society. Tha moathly meeting of tha Mary Faasad Missionary Boriety will be held la the Buaday arhool room of Edenton OUeet Methodist Churrh tomorrow af teraaon at four o'elork. All members ar arged to attend. Ta Bpoad Balidays Hare. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bo-Belle, of New Tork City, arrived in the city yesterday ta apead tha holidays with Mrs. No Belle's sister, Mrs. J. Sherwood Up ekarek. After Christmas they will leave for Havana, Cuba, for a stay of several weeks. Mrs. No-Belle, before her mar riaga. waa Miss Alexina Hardy. . a ' Bar. aad Mra. M. T. Plyler Uavea. Bev. aad Mrs. M. T. Plyler left laat aight, Mr. Plyler for Wilmington and Mra. Plyler to join her children on a visit to relatives at Oateeville. Mr, .Plyler goes to take up his work as pastor of Grace Street Methodiat ehureh ; at WilmlngtoB having been aaaigned to that station by Conference week before laat. Hs haa beea presiding elder of tha Baleigh district for tha past year I and kaa made a large number of friends I both ta Baleigh and throughout the district who regret to see him and his family leave li.leigh. I Waahlagtaa Personals WaahiagtoB, Pea. 17, Dr. F. P. Ven- tbla. Dr. E. K. Graham, Dr. C. H. Herty, aad Dr. Char lea A. Baper, of tha faculty ef tha University will take part ia tha Paa-AmerWaa Conference here, Dr. . Veneble ia already here, and tha others wju erao later. Zeb Vaaea Walser, af Lexington, was hero today. Fred J. Com, of Wadeaboor, called oa Seeretary Daaiela today. & H. Bobba, eaadidaU far eommla sioaar af agrieultare, aad George W. lialbuay, aaadldata for state aaditor, war Wsahiagto visitors today. After aoaaaHiag frtesds Mr. Bellamy aa aeaBead informally kia eaadidaey. Walter B. Waodsoa aad Stasis Lyaa tt Sallabary, passed through Waahiag toa today aa Ueir way U New Tork. -, Vedding and EngagemcnU Anaoaaeemaata wara raasivid La Bal- h yaaterday aa followsi lira. W. IL Perry aaaovaeea th Ting af her daaghtar. Miss Lena riB, ta llr. AJla Waotaai Grady, Iharsdsy, Deeember tha atxtaeath ta hssdred aad tfUem a Xa X North OarallBA." J -- 0 young eoapla ara frasa TnhaJBi ! tlia weddlpf was psifsimad hsra 1 v. J. a Vi eotaa, nsjU tf Ua it. Tbe brlda U aa attraatiTw rvaag a of Carhaa wherw aha Bag beea I f r arraral vaara. Tha rrooaa a r"70Eiila poaitlaaj wHtVtfc n (Ktloa CcmfMf. Ptraatlw . t crtn,orv, wnassssl ami by cf t s reuag aowrli M. t V t fo ft swUal tsajt t in . iu'iTgt6 cad Kaw After Special Christmas Prices On Suits For TodaySaturday Choice of 68 Beautiful Suits $11 7 They will be badly picked after Christmas, why not make your selection early today, at after Christmas prices. Come Early Today Sure. Taylor Furnishing 206-10 Masonic Temple Co. V; wT. Mi- 5 ? PROSPERITY SEEH NRAILWAY'SMOVE Atlantic Cot Line Will Retain Thousand Men at South Rocky Mount (Snail ta Ta Mm aaa Otiimi ) Rocky Mouat, Dee. 17. AddUioaal signs of prosperity aad tha return of conditions not only to normal bat avsa batter Is oeeaaloaed by the announce mant from tha Atlantis Coast Liae that uatil further orders the thousand or more mea ia their employ at South Rocky Mount will be continued oa full time, and man are being earroled to gether for th. earvice and the total list of employed ia growing each day. Em ployees of the company declare that overtime la tha aervice ia aa active de mand now and that the earaing rapacity ia limited only by the amount of time that they can remain oa duty. Coupled with thia very enthusiastic aad area booming condition cornea the announce ment from the large qaarry of the Eng lish Stone Co, that after having beea suspended for more than sli months they nre resuming work with full force, and that within the aext several weeks, when the many bins may be refilled, that they will be moving upwards of tftaea carloads of crushed and screened rock from their quarry. While the railroad ofnelals with this uaual ronarrvatiam will not make any statement aa to how long it may be ex pected that the same booming conditions 111 prevail here, they agree that they are employing mea ana that with In creased appropriations they are giving the employees much overtime because of the demands of the work. The quarry in Edgecombe county, near this city, has beea actively under the survrilanee of Mr. Clifford Engliah, of Lexington, Ky. aa official of the Engliah Stone Co, who has beea pressing the work of getting the quarry Into a full awing not only of normal time, bat for an iaereaaed efficiency. The plant of the company will be under the euperinteadeaey of Mr. W. F. Benton and between two and thrse eeora of mea will be put to work on full time within th. present week. Tha one odd .hoe which th. thieves failed to take worked th. aadoiag of two aegroea, Willie Cof field and lease Williams, who srs held la tha city sta tion awaiting trial tomorrow morning for tha larceny of two pair of ahoea from th. firm of B. W. Bawls it Co, and just two and a half pair from Bailey Draoghn A Co. Tha aegroea were sue eeeafully working tha old-time acheme of having ana of than inapeet eome ar ticle la the stars while another waited at a poiat distaat and gathered la that which they desired from tha goods on display. Tha aegroea made a clean get away with their thieriag, but their fail ure to take the other ahoe caused tha Ira of Bailey Draugha A Co, to Bote tha theft and tha matter waa reported to the police, and it was whea the, ne groes were about to throw the oas uas- lesa shoe away 1b tha back of a aaf. that th. police) go busy aad with this as a elu. ldsntined th. on. shoo and then sst ia motion traps that' re eovsred th. rsmalaiag stolen articlea and landed tha aegroea la Jail. r Jaalae Bardaa. Henderson, Dec. 17A telegram an nouneing th. death of Mr. Junius Bar' dse, of Ennsld, N. C, kaa Just beea received by his brother, Mr. D. W. Har dee, af Hendereoa. He aad his daugh ter were hcreviaiting a few days ago. He died suddenly. D. W. Hardee left immediately fot Eafield to attend tha funeral. The extermination of awequltoes by bats haa proved ao sueeessful that one Texas City has prohlBHed Jha Wiling of tke an Imala. An advance style for the Southern aeaeoa. White broadcloth suit, with correct ripple flare oa skirt aad eoatj the collar la adorned with green am bossed leather. DECIDE VALIDITY FAN BONDS Record Calendar For Twentieth Goes Into Second Week's Argument Flowers Have a Claim All Their $wn For Gift Consideration In gift giving they are never second to the costliest gem. Everybody loves flowers. When in doubt what to give GIVE FLOWERS FLOWERS are entertainment, joy and sunshine. They are hope and inspiration. They are love and sympathy, and above all they are LOVE INSURANCE. The man or woman who does not know them has lived but one life instead of a thousand. A TIMELY SUGGESTION For the Christmas holidays the best selections in cut flowers and plants, as usual, will be found at J. L. O'Quinn & Company For Service Phone 149 RALEIGH. N. C. Si The Spirit of "CHRISTMAS GIFT MAKING" Ia again abroad in the Unci, more' or less affecting all aorta and condi tions of men with the feeling of love and good-will to others. iI The centuries have paid tribute to this in the production of the Beautiful and Artistic but never more ao than today. Q To thia spirit of "Gift-Making our beat efforts have been given to the collecting together the choicest products of expert craftsrnanahip . sTuitaoie ror we purpose.. . . V jQ A visit to our store, an examination of stock, will be. convincing and greatly aid you in making desired selections. Jolly-Wynne Jewelry Company 123 FAYETTCVTLLE ST- IUfcin,N.G OPENEVTLaNWGS. To determine th. vality of $20,000 aix per eent road bonds for Franklin town- ahip ia Macon county, ths highway commission of Franklin township aad the Gibson Construction Company yes terday submitted briefs to the Supreme Court on appeal for the adjudleatioa of tha controversy without action. T. J. Johnston ia attorney for plaintiff commission and Johnston A Home are attorneys for the defendant construe tioa company. Th. Legislature of 1913 created the highway commission of Frankan town ship and authorised the issue of boade provided in the act after a favorable election, provided that the amount of the bonds eutetaading should at no time exceed ten per eent of the value of the taxable property ia the township. The commission haa heretofore issued and sold UOflOO wortho f bonds. The validity of these bonds is not eon tested. But th. Legislature at its extra sea Ion of 1913 passed a statute which pro vidsd that unless tha bonds author ised in the previous act should have beea issued and placed on the market on or before the first day of eeptem ber, 1914, all rights and powers to issue bonds under the said chapter should cease aad determine. The $20,- 000 worth of bonds involved in this ap peal had not beea issued and the cob tract bv which the defendant obli gated to purchase was not made until October 21, 1915. The plaintiff contends that it has the power to issue bonds at any time and ia any amount within the limit of ten per eent of the total tax valuation and that the purpose of the Legislature ia providing for issuance by September 1, 1913, was that the work should be inaugurated without delay. It was not th. purpose, plaintiff argues, of the act to force the entire issuance at the time and to prohibit any further issu ance as taxable valuation of the town ship should increase from time to time When the controversy was submitted on statement of the contentions of both tbe parties to Judge Ferguson, judg ment was rendered sustaining the valid ity of the bond issue and ordering the defendant to comply with contract for the psnxhase of them. It was upon this that the appeal was taken. Other Cases Argaed. .Other cases argued yesterday ia the court werei W. V. Howard t. Western Union Telegraph Company, from Swain; ar gued by Frye and Frye for the plaintiff and A. 8. Barnard and Albert T. Bene dict for the defendant. W. J. Hannah, trustee, v. B. A. L. Hyatt at al., from Haywood; argued by Mr. Hannah for th. plaintiff and J. W. Ferguson for the defendant. Tom Queen v. Gloucester Lumber Company, from Haywood j argued by Alley A Leather-wood for tha plaintiff aad Welch Galloway and A. A. Bar maid for tha def aadaat. J. 0. Herbert et al v. Uaioa Develop meat Company, from Clay; argued by J. D. Murphy and Zebnloa Weave for tha plaiatif and .Bryaa A Black, for tha defendant Nine Caaaa Re mala. At tha eaaelusioa of Ua aaaaloB of aoart yesterday aias mora eaaaa re mained on th. calendar for argument. Th biggest ease of tha week, tha ap peal of Ida Ball Warren aad Bamnel Preston Christy, sentenced to die for murder in connection with tha Muddy eraek mystery of . Winston-Salem, has beea set for Tuesday ef next week. "This has been a record-breaking cal endar, certainly for tha twentieth dis trict, declared Chief Justice Walter Clark yeatarday. Nsver before kaa thia district com. before the court with aa many as thirty-three . appeala. , -a nana! thing,- the ealeadar ia light for these eowatiea beywnd Aaherffle.' EVANGELIST FAVORS ARJxlYOF CITIZENS (saaWtstaalamssaeaaarwr.l OrweavUls, Dae. 1711 would take Germany iaat fonrtoea day ta pat tare awndred theasaad men oa ear eheroa, aad it weald take Ua raited States all weeks te gat tojwUat thirty iva thea aad to avpoee theax declared I vaa go list Percy G. Cross, . aoted evangelist aad lecturer her. In kia lecture ea "The Karwpeaar War." "We aa net need each a peadereaa anay aad nary appropria tion," ha aald. bat era da meed a eM- -- SHOPPERS SHOPPERS; ' Yu DolUt Do TW jrY DaIUts Svaaal .;.-t!tbtftV:V-- ;'IoIlari1tAvVa; Hare Yao Trade tUra BUY YOUR Christmas Coat, Sport Coat or Coat Suit NOW From The Hudson-Belk Co. The star that baa aawinf prion to offer you t CHOICE COATS PRETTY STYLES $5.00 values $3.95 $8.50 values . .fS.98 $9.50 Velvet and Fur-trimmed Coats $7.4S $12.00 Coats in choice colors. , . . .$0.S SPORT COATS Any color, any style $4.00 Coats $3.43 $5.00 Coats S3.M $6.00 Coats, white or mixed goods $4418 Pretty white Coats $7.45 op COAT SUITS If you are going to buy your Christmas Suit, buy now and buy from us. We are now offering- our $10.00 Suits for $7.95 $15.00 Suits, tailored or fur-trimmed, for $9.95 $20.00 Suits, In Wool, Poplin, Gabardines and Broad cloths . . . r $14.75 to $16.45 A pretty line from which to select. See ours. DONT FORGET OUR CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES Hudson-Belk Co. 12 Stores Sell For Caea For Less 11 nlty of ths Uaited States, if it is ever threatened." Mr. Cross stated that it waa not for a purpose ef preserving Uesnsrlvea that th. war ia Euro pew as brought oa, but it was because tbe aatioas meddled ia the other fellow's business too much. Peter Uppers Mea. (ftrarUl Ta. aaa oa ) 8tatesville, Dee. 17. Another of Ire dell's Confederate Veterans died yester day morning when Peter Lippard passed away at his home here, aged 82 years He had beea ia a helpless eoadition for two or three years. Surviving are oac daughter and five sons. Mrs. Martha Brown, widow of Jacob Brown, Ue aged womaa who waa ao severely burned Tuesday at the home of her son, T. N. Brown, when her cloth ing caught fire from a heater, is still alive but there ia little or no hope for her recovery. She haa been in a stupor ever since a few hours after her horri ble experience. The fact that she is HO years old makes her chance for recovery very slight. Judge A. L. Coble haa gone to Ala- Mies Reese & Co. 109 Fayette vUle St Sweeping- reductions in Trimmed Hats. Colored Hals Oaso-Half Value aad Loss All the new fads in Mil linery. Watch for our -Ribbon Days mance eouaty to be at tha bedside oi his father, Mr. W. L. Coble, who Is ill Mr. Coble is W years eld aad it la feared that hia illacae will prove fatal. The Womea's Automobile club for tin Transport of Woaaded ia France a composed of ever forty society womex who drive Ueir own ears. Grand Prize, Panasaa-Padoe Exposition, Saa FranrJace, HIS Grand Prize, Puuaaa-CaJIfariiia Fjpasitioa, Saa DUga, 1915 Baker's Breakfast Cocoa The Food Drink Without a Fault Made of risvjr-frade cocoa beam, skilfully blended and manufactured by a perfect rnrrhaniral process, without the use of cbernkala; it is absolutely pure and wrsolesorne, and it flavor is dejicioua, tbe Datura! flavor of tbe cocoa bean. Tin famuVsi fears tkh tnl naarti aW If mats enfr h Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. J7SO IXJKCHESTZJt, MASS. saw. a.a. mm- suPERBA Broadway today - Uriiversal Feahro T Tha Famous Histrionic Star . .Frank Ketian IN 'THE LONG CHANCE! . - A MACJIFICEIH". DRAMATIZATIOJI Sea Next Woal lVofLm fat Tbia Spoco To s 1 At aia witaar-ssiaTi-t sreCTa"" aaa army U pisssm thi hum saed dig I

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