..Vs.'3str.-. . i.. 10 TILE NEWS AND OBSERVES The News sad Observer ,i . & v T SAINS LUA UUKI KASOAR0 A LINK. 4 (1 a. m. tiMs-s. II :- ll:l.sa. 1142 a.m. isla.sn. It:ls. sa. 4 ill . St. i.sa. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Mx ImI Casss West. I UtB. I :M a. sa. It:t0 sa. !l a. si t 4 a. as. It . as. f reaa Wart. Stop hers T:s. NORFOLK lomiM. (Ma Mk CMx Nerta. TMt.lt 1 :!.. V MS. as. IsM, m, 1:11 B.' 4 it . at. Oata East, Antra Kaklsa. 1 -OS a m 2 :M p. m. IIMia :M( , . :lP.at. Daily Sunday. AU tthan eailf. RUtUY-TIShl win euro Riciinistim Ncs raigjs. neaaaciies, uarapt, Colic BpraLa,Cniiii,UilBuni Old Sore. Tetter. RiatWom. Ec semi, etc Aafisestie Amirmii med internally or externally. 25c moraine for Aurora to pend th holi days with ail eoa, Mr. William UrWU liama. From there he will go to Nor folk to visit other tout and daughters. FORSYTH COMMITS THREE PRISONERS IN AM) ABOUT THE CITY Marriage License. So far this month more marriage lireuara have lecn i susd to colored couplet than to white. The rerirl up to last night wat .12 col ored and 30 tfhite. Negro Boy Placed la Jail. Herman Biehardaon, a negro youth vat brought here yeaterdny from chulon uml placed la Jail. He it to serve a 11! mouths' , sentence on the road for larceny. Coea to Greensboro. Mr. W. F Eaton, of the office of Dairy farming of the North Carolina Experiment Btntion, will be In (jrecnsl.uro today where he will make investigations relative to the tost of raining rulien. Smallpox Dire Out. With the release of the two houii't under quarantine, which will be dune tlie latter part of the week, the city will be free from tmall pox, aaid Kegii.trnr ltvit, of the city health department yesterday. Go to Aulryvillc Mr. T. E. Browne, director of turn Club work in North Carolina, and Mr. V. C. Crotby, Cum munity Kcrviec Hecretary, left yestcr day for, Autryville, where they will to day attend the Community fair to be held there. Vlaltt Postofflrr. Sir. A. Wayland Cooke, of Urreniboro, who hat been named iiottmatter for that city, yeeter day while here to attend the meeting of the executive committee of the our auto elation, took oceusion to visit I'ostmns ter Catling and ace how .the Uulcigh of flee it run. Tsbalste Report. -Mr J. M. John ton, of the imioii of Farm Manage aient of the North Carolina Kxperimen fHation, hat just returned from Wash lugton, where he wat called to a confer ance with the department relative to the tabulation of dnta for a bulletin on the results of hi" finding relative to farm management in this state. On Externa Trip. Dr. H. f . Kuupp, f the Hiultry work of the North C'aro Una Experiment Htatton, leave! next week on an extended trip to Washing too, where he will vialt the animal in . duttry farm. Prom there he will go to Brown Mill, in New Jersey, to visit thicken farms, theuce to Cornell to In erttigate poultry work, and finally to attend the Madison Nquare (tardea Poul try Rhow. lie will return about Jan nary 5. To Get Game For Raleigh. Trof. W 0. Kiildick, reprceenting the A. and M lollege Athletic Association, and Mr. A T. Bowler, representing the Chamber f Commerce, will leave this morning for Lynchburg, Va to confer with Or W. H. Pollnrd, chairman of the Athletic Committee of Washington and Iee, for lha purpose, if poasible, of aeeuring for Baleigk. the fotlU game between Washington and Ie and the A. and M College on next Thanksgiving Hay. Sheriff T. R. Holder, of Fortyth eoun ty, yeeterday brought to the rttate Prison three men sentence! ia that county to termt aggregating thirty year. In each case the offense wat assault with criminal intent. leWitt King wna aentenreil to fifteen yeara; Jin Hayea to aevea and a half yeara; and Robert Blanks to arven aad a half years. Toronto haa a street naming commit tee which ia raking the tty, aian with a fine-toothed comb for tbo porpoa of destroying all Ueratau street ttmai Many such aautea have beea found aad ruthleealy stamped out. ONLY ON lraM Q r , tkmt h axatrve Rroroo Qninin wsraa a mm ha un Day, en at a Day oa box. 33c. W A N T ADVERTISING RATES eaamattBaiataiatammmmmmmBnBanBaaemBBVBm 10 CENTS PER LINE SIX WORDS TO THE LINE CASH WITH ORDER Twwty taaila - mtalaiHaai cara. A amrtaait atT tea par eaart alWweal aa ail aaa. sasirtii tar eate waak (aaraa trntm) ea imnillii days. Waal itlama stat awartataaal aitar I :aO p. at. FOB SALE IN FRONT OF COl'RT- houte, iu Raleigh, at twelve o'clock boob, December "2, nice gentle mar and good mule. 12-22 It IF TOCT KAVX A TARM TOO WAJCT to pell, write Box aVL Balcixa. IMMf WB drill- domestic typhoid "of Walla, tkiwajgk ajty fematia. kaw aUwvya gteem ntir BtUiafaetioa. Big or littl. jolw aolteited. J. T. ft . JsV J! 'Wait, water aupply eoatrma Ura Nawlljta, M. c. i-7t ; ro sals Cabbage plant grow from V. Landretha A Bona pauw Bead, CWleatow Wakefield, tarly Jersey Wakefield, Bucceaaion, aad Red Dutch, $IM per thousand and $1.00 per thobaand in fire thon aaad Iota or aiara. Hpeeial prieaa oa larger quaatitloa. N. B. Dawaon, Conetoo, N. 0. 12 10 30t OYSTERS OUR N. C. OYSTERS ARE better to eat than any Virginia oys ters, and wo cava famish them to yon at I eat price. Bead us your order any quantity. Geo. N. Ivct ft Soa, New Bent. N. O. 12 9 14t. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED city real estate. "Loan," ear Newt aad Observer. 12-IMf TOjXESDAY morxixg, DEal22:i9T5r" 7" STRAINS t HONEY WANTED IN quantities, natural, made by bee not fed artificially. Box 41, Kittrell, N. C. 12 22 It WHEN MAKING JANUARY CHANGER we raa help you. National tniploy- anent Bureau. Raleigh. 12-22 2 FOR HAI.fc BEAI TIFl L FAHM, in arret, all open, 6 tenant houses). P. B. Zollicoffer, Weldon. N. C. 12 2i 7t APPLE APPLES IN FANCY PACK. aget threw kind to box wrapped ia tiaV uo PPr. Nieo juicy plump frnM rrom yonng traea kept in private eold rtoraga plant until day shipped. Bend ordera quick if you with any of these fine applet for Cb.riatn.ae. Have 2.000 boxoa these apple ia standard weatera box, each approximately ona buahel I'rico $2 per boa . o. h. Wayneseille, N. C. B. N. Barber, Commercial Apple farm. Wayaemlle, N. C. 12 12 lit Cindjto the gift mirtnali the jrftft tiuit nerer fos wrong th gift that ii weleoxsa to all Rres and sexes. We certainly1 are offering- a nice line of Candies- this year. Whitman, Norrk, and Martha Washington, can you beat this trio for Quality, purity, or pries? The boxes are unusually attractive this year. Race your order early with j. C. Brantley, Druggist Maotuc Tempi Phong IS FARM LANDS MY SPECIALTY I have some excellent values. Tell nie 3-our wants. R. K. Prince, Kaleigh 12 22 it X. r FRESH WATER FISH flig double bun. hot Neue River Ch il I rout, rike and I'errh, 4ie, f,ie, an I 60c per bunch. Oysters 2,V, 3"c, ije and Iw per iiurt. BRITTON PEARCE Phone 271. " Quick Delivery. PERSONALS air. tj. ir. i.uhk. or leiingtoii, was in , the eity yeeWrdny. ;. air. j. i. imssi'y, of liarlotte, was c among yesterday's arrivals. .... ' Mr. B. 8. Ciimniings, of High Point ; 4 b ia the eity. ;" Prof. M. C. 8. Noble, of Chapel Hill, arrival in the eity yesterdav. r Mr. W. A. Jones, of Croedinore, in -. aero. ,;. Mr. T. P. Brown, of Charlotte, arrived '. IB toe city yestenlay. ; Mr. K. C. Mitchell, of Mt Airy, it ; here. ;f. Mr. J. E. Farley, of Wilson, is in the Mr. Giliert White, of Durham, was ' her yoaterdfly. Mr. 8. R. Winters, Durham rorrespon t: - dent of the News and Olwcrvcr, was a eisitor to the eity yesterday. ;T Mr . Herltert Terry left yetcrdav .i , morning for Rockingham to spend Chriatmas with friends aud relatives. Prof. Phillip Woollcott, of the faculty Homer's gtrhool of ChnrMte, haa ar - rived to aprad the holidays with hit . parenta. . ;. Mr. Harauel cwnders ia here to spend ; Chriataiaa with hit parent in Boy Ian Ilelghta. . Ex-Judge E. W. TimWrlake, arrived ' i tirf Tooterday evening. .'J?'' Jyr retarnH yesterday , trorn a trip, to the western part of the Btata. - 1 - Mr, P. MeWilliams will leave this .-UNREDKMED . "lamonos . Said Oa Credit Cttf UI Tcan (Tompan J.7-2H Soath WllaUagtoa Street . KALEICB. J. C Evary Dtamoad Cnaraataed . . The; Reunion and tlie"f' Pliotograplr CTJ. :tLr:GTc:rs studio MASONIC TEMPLE Barber Shop Under New Management ATK1N8 I BBOWX, Tropa. "IF Ol'R WORK PLEASES YOC TELL OTHERS IK NOT, TELL VH" WA.NTHl MALE 8TEMH. KAPHER, also three salesmen. National. Km plovineut Bureau, Kaleigh. 12 Li' It HEIRS M18T SACRIFICE 4S ACRES good cotton, tobacco aud corn land with dwelling and outhouses. One mile of station and high aehool. Thit can be bought cheap to nettle estate. U 1.. Uunn, Middlesci, N. C. 12187t W ANTEI GOOD MAN WITH MILL to log, iuiw, and rK k about one mil lion feet timlwr, YAuke countv. "Mill." care News and Observer. 12 22 It rOR SALE AT 8A( RIKKE COM plete Brick Plant located on Norfolk bouthern Railroad near Troy. For particulars write or see J. W. Lemons, Troy, N. C. 12 1912 LOST BET WEEN MILLUROOK AND Ijisaiter'a Mill hand bag. B. R. Ucr, Capitol lihlg., Raleigh. 12 22 L't KOR 8ALE2, 13 AND 30 POIND RE- lay rail; one 15 ton Baldwin loco motive. If you want a buigain write Y. U. Uox 2;, Kaleigh 12 19, 21, 22 BARHECl E PIGS I TO M0 POI NDS, l.'lc per pound; 100 pounds up, 11c per pounl. Prompt shipment. nicely wrapMd. Money aent more thnn value of pig promptly refunded. C. M. Thimbu. Route 5, Tarboro, N. C. 12 2.' 2t WANTED COOD MACHINE SET ter for planer and moulder and com petent sash and door foreman. Give reference and state salary expected The I'itt Lumber Co.. Greenville. N. C. 12-20,22 N. C. PINK W ANTED I NDLM CON. tract Will contract for cut of mill and make cesh advance when put on sticks. If interested write giving par- tirulnrs. Address, P. O. Box No. 91, I'iion, N. C. 12 22 7t W ANTED POSITION M. P. OPERA. tor; six years experience; all ma chines; Miliir.v vour limit. A. ('. or U. C. Current. Box 230, City. 12 2i 4t ENGAGEMENT WANTED YOUNG man, ex register of deeds and attor ney at law (not engaged in active practice) with ten years' ofllco and general bmiuese experience, is open for engngeiuent. Could invest A.),- 000. Address, 8cey. Trcns.. Box 104. rlimtlitielil, N. C. 12-IS, 17, 19. 22. 24. 8.V Crt Frank K. Thomson Architect and Engineer Mnsonic Temple Raleigh, North Carolina. THE SALE OF THE A. L. SEARS FARM ON THE HOLLEMAN ROAD. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Wake County of 16 November, 1915, aud duly approved by his Honor, C. M. Cooke, Judge, etc., in the erial proceeding No. 2179 therein pending-, en titled "Martha l. Sears," administratrix of A. 1.. Heart, deceased, and Martha IV Hear individually, and vrlya I). Hears, Prances M K. Keara and Alfred U Hears. Infants, by their next friend, N. A. Dunn, I ho undenuaned will on Wednesday, January 12, 1910, expose to public sale all of those certain tracts if land iu Wake County, ia Raleigh Township, on the south aide of Walnut Creek and east of the llolleman Road, which were conve3'ed to the late A. L Scare by deed of record in the ofliee of the Register of Deeds for Wake County an follows: (1) A. 11. (ireen, executor. et al., dated September. !. and registered in Book 154. l-aae 157: '2' A. H. (ireen and wife, dated 22 Feb ruary, 1901, and registered in Book Iftt, page 114; and (3) A. H. 5reea, exec utor etc., dated 3 KcpteniU'r. 19xt, and reein tered in Book 19.", page 21. which said lands are niore-partictilarly dcs-rtled a follows : Beginning at a iwuit in the center of a bridge across Walnut Creek on the iiolleman Road, and runs thence along said road south one degree no minutes west 149.1 feet to an Iron pipe where the Hiilman line rrost-ca the road thence south S4 degrees ID minutea cant lfCll.5 feet to a poplar tree ; theaee north S4 di'grees no minutet eat lt'72.5 feet to an iron pipe about ' feet went of a branch; thenee south 89 degrees no min utea east 1270 feet to a stake aad point era (southwest ' corner of tract aold to W. C. Holinaa) ; 4kcnee along-said ll.d man's line north one degree no minutes east ltiSl feet to aa iron pin (lloliuaa t corner); thenee north 9 degree no minutea weat 231 feet to a bora beam tree (called bereh ia Holman'i deed ) oa the south bank of Walaut Creek; theaee up tbe middle of aaud ereek auutb 25 degreea no miautet weat 400 fet ; aeuth 33 degreea 30 aaiaute weat 10 feel; north 80 degrees 30 minutes weat 400 feet; north M degrees 30 minutea weat 210 feet; weat 800 feet; south 88 de grees 30 minutes west 400 feet ; sooth HO degree no minutes west 1933 feet t the beginning, containing-155 aerea. paid land win r tub divided aad sold ia tracts to be snaoaaeed ea dar of tale. A plat of aaid sub diviaioa eaa now be seen by applying to the nader- tigaed eommisaioaeT or ths Ralelgk Real Estate aad Trust Company. line: i enact. Place of sal: On the premise. Tim f saJtt Lt M Wedaeadav. Jaa- nry U, 1916. - - - Terms of sale! One third eaaa. aaa- third ia aix moatht aad th other third ia t we Its oaths; deferred payaaewta te boar interest at ths rata el par ecat per ananm t rota data sal. Boceenfal biddtrs will b reo aired to deposit, at th trnts of saw, M-pcr eeat of taa amoaat f their raapecUv bid, such deposit to ba forfeited by aay bid dog whoa bid ig eeeptad aad eoatrmed by tbo toart aad who fain to eomptr With the terms af sal. " Taii 21st day of Doeember, lt. - MARTHA Dl kZXBO. -.y&A-m - ?namnsjisa SINCLAIR, DTK 4 BAY. - Attaraey fat Casasamtinaaw. . W ANT El TO EMIIANt.E I FT. ItuiKilene Ijiiiueli, prartienlly new, fully equipped with search light, gen erator aud cushions, for 1915 Pord Touring ear. .Must be in good shape. Address, "Navigation.' caie News and Observer. 12 21 Ht. WHEN ALL OTHERS FAIL TO GET you a water supply ante the expert well drillers. ;Ws can supply your leeds. Carr Well Drilling Com Dan t. Ooldshoro, N. C. 12 5, , 12, 15. IP. 22. 31. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS ARE easy to get. My free booklet B Y 5:t tells how. Write today NOW. Earl Hopkins, Washington. D. C. 12 l,5.S,12, 15.19,22 FOR SALE MILL PROPERTY CON. sisting of one No. 64 American Plain er. I'nited States Rim aud Trim Haws, II. 8. A O. Knginea and Boiler, one Kawmill. All complete with shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting, dry kiln and tonla. Address R. N. Ayroek, Aduir. Hniithfiehl. N. C. 12 21 2t KOBAK FINISHING EXCELLENT work, prompt returns, moderate prices. Oat new pric4ist. H. Dernpt. Ktudio, Rocky Mount. N. C. 12 9u.We.Pr tf PHONE ORDERS FOR CHRISTMAS tKsters early. C. P. Arthur. 12 21 It WANTED A LOVELY BABY GIRL. perfectly hoalthy, about three months old, will be given for adoption to re sponsible persons who ran furnish ref erence. W rite, 100 W. Clay St., Bieb mond, Va. 12 17 6t To Appear In Public la a Murray Tailored Suit Is to Be Properly Introduced MURRAY Tailoring Co. "Qaallty Higher Than Price" Coal : Wood : Ice : Brick q HOW is your COAL supply) If you are in need of COAL, or WOOD let us supply you. We have a full stock of first-claas COAL, also WOOD, and spendid facilities for delivery. , Inquiries solicited for car load orders. JOHNSON & JOHNSON GO. PHONE 150 Office Third Floor Commercial National Buildings. MITCHELL PRINTING CO. THE QUICK, HURRY PRINTERS PHONE 1576 U We are always in a rush, but if you need a job right now, Mitchell will send it back by the same boy that calls for the copy. 'Phone us. BUI Heaae Nate Heads Latter Haa Btataauate gave Cares 7T Catalogue! and Booklet! i Specialty piimiiiiiiiiiiin niMiuunimimiiim 3 WANTED BY JANl'AKY 1. POSI. tion aa traveling aalcsman or clerk in up to date dry goods ttore. Refer ence furnished on request. Roy Fraa xelle. Richland. N C. 12 21 2t VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE 225 acres, m miles of Mebaas, N. C. Homo eleared, rest in timber. Apply for information to H. D. Boloman, Rich Kquare. N. C. 12-17 7t FOR SALE MOMNG PICTURE THE- ater doing good business. Population of town 7.U0O. Interurhnn ear line ronneeting three other towna, draw ing population 20.0UU. A good propo sition for live man. Will aell build ing also, or gixe long lease. Address, "Theater, care News aud Observer. 12 21 2t WANTED YOUR ORDERS NOW FOR all kinds rubber stamp. New Tear's nearly nere when you will need them. Bend for catalogue and price-list. W. T. Terry, the Htamp Man, Raleigh, N. C. Box 139. 12 16 tf. WANTED STENOGRAPHER. MAN, 2 to i.i years of age. Kxprrienerd in liimlvcr ofliee. Address, I'ostoflice, Box 7!2. New Bern, N. C. 12 2o 7t POVH ALL PAPER SHELL PECAN'S 2K' per lb. rash with order. Christ mas U.xes Salted Pecans (2 lbs.) $l..Vi. Kxprcss or parcel post pre paid. Koihall I'ecan Cirove. Boa 422. Tarboro, N. C. 12 I t lit SO SHARES IN VI M DRUG CO. OF I Durham. 5rtc. per share. Addreasl Box 13, Henderson, K. C. 12 17 lot In contemplating the purchase of anv kind of Keedstuffs or Groceries, con First- Our Good Prices; Beeond Our Huperior Goodt: Third Our Proiiiiitneaa: Fourth Our Clean Business Methods. Pay Ua a Visit at 30 Soatb Wilmington Street Rowland & Rogers Caab Grocers aad Feed Dealers BOTH l'HON'Ea ST. MARY'S SCHOOL BALEIGH N. C. Founded In 1842 by Rev. Aldert Smedes. D.D. Seventy - foarth session begin September 1, 1111. Applications ar now being received for ad mission after the holi days, Jaaaary 4, 11. For Catalogue aaa Illna trated Folders, Address Rev. Geo. W. Latj, Rector "FIREWORKS" at wholesale Alderman Toy and China Raleigh, N. . Co. ituiiniiuiiiuuiniiiiinniBiiuiimiiunMiuiHiiiimiiiiuniiiw FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING PRAC tically new out lit or auy part thereof consisting of 5 and 15 11. P. motors drill press, land saw, rip saw, planer, emery wheel, etc., etc. Equipped ready to run. Bargain. Durham Iron Works, Durham, X. C. 12 l-7t. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN TWO Buggies and on Surrey. Newly paint ed aad repaired. Apply at Btata Prima, Wardra's Office. 12 16t FOR SALE U,e.a FEET OF PINE, cypress and gum timber ia Eastora North Carolina. For particulars ap- ly to I F. Tillery A Bon, Rocky louat, N. C lMSTt FOR SALE OR TRADE FOB BOYLAN Heights lot, nice grocery aad eoafos tionery basiaeaa Oa Wast atartlav Bx SO. 12 l St TO MARE ROOM FOR YOUNG STOCK w offer yearBar beat at Sl-00 oaea. The Warrea atraia of Bingls Comb White Legkoras, acieatiilraJljr bred oa ihs iargeat aaa beat qulppe4 poultry firm soatk sf th aiasoa aad Oigoa Ua. They ar ackaewledgwd to ba th greatest en-Uylafttraia of fowls) beta ia America. The Warrea Poultry Fares, T. j& Bast, Owatr, Visa, N. d li lt 7 FOR SAA-Rt BROkvEN BIRD DOGS. Ala papa, ta 10 saeatha old. Weat rtarbaca Foaltry Turn, Waat Pnraaaa. WANTED init ION AS aALSaalAJX Jaavia.- UMarmywinesM ia gsmtiat Morsv. "llilnna,1 Xw aad OUervwr. VISIT WEATHERS' HOLIDAY FURNITURE SALE For Bargain in Furniture GILBERT C. WHITE Consulting Engineer caariotto, n. C. Dnrham. N. tl fl. WATERWORKS, LIGHT POWER, STRXna AND Funeral Flowers' A Specialty 1 VAN UNDLEY CO. Florist v OBXEKiSBOBO . .. . K 0L CHICHESTER SPILLS taMaaa, .7 J 7 V i i"! BARLER IDEAL HEATERS A Barter Heater la a convenient atovs for every homo. Depend able aad labor-saving. Will last throagh many yeara of bum. Alwaya ready and efficient Safe, eleaa, wlthoat smoke or dor. Assures warmth sad com fort st small cost for fael. Use aa oil heater, and bar th Barter. F amous For Their Quality HART-WARD Hardware Comp'y. ItS E. Hartla St. . Raleigh. N. C Write me for prices on Scrap Copper Wire aiid any grade of Old Metals. State quantity. MAX BANE RALEICH, N. a Bell Pbob C2 111 W. Davie Street MAX BANE Flowers Have a Claim All Their Own For Gift Consideration In gift giving they are never second to the costliest gem. Everybody loves flowers. When in doubt what to give GIVE FLOWERS FLOWERS are entertainment, Joy and sunshine. They are hope and inspiration. They are love and sympathy, and above all they are LOVE INSURANCE. The man or woman who does not know them has lived but one life instead of a thousand. A TIMELY SUGGESTION For the Christmas holidays the best selections in cut flowers and plant, as usual, will be found at J. L. O'Qirinn & Company For Service Phone 149 RALEIGH, N. C Mrs. Wiley M. Rogers Select Board Ill N.rtb WllaUagtaa Street Raieicb. K. C Bell Phoae, 681 , M. S. DAVIS Highway Engineer Baal-Clay sad Top-Sotl Bo4a, Streets, Draiaaf Looiaburg, . North Carolina Electrical Apparatus .. arid Long Uistatice We offer for the Holidays A combination of Webster's International Dictionary and Columbia Stand at $15 delivered. This ia the latest edition of this great work and the best stand in the market combination of stand and book holder iir J!astaaaa."leM ptate Stock Catalogue Sent on Request """" Magazine subscriptions prices guaranteed. - . W guarantee delivery something you do not always get . in placinsr subscription orders. - , , , 1 A Evwrrthitts; ia Books ancl Stattonery ALFRmmL COMPiNY RALEICiL, N. C 4- , u s i aw 4 1 sa-awtg , , .... ,j .. ,t it it . - SOU n cur-ri N. Ii WALKER,' Raleigh.