v TEDNESDAYMORNINGr, PECEMBER 22. 191S. . . . THE KEVgjtND OBSERVE .i-v r t B OPPDR T UNITIES ONLY REMAIN OPEN Up To Ust Night 44 Out of 50 Offered By New and Obser ver IId Been Taken MEANS CHEER TO MANY Raleigh People Quickly Re spond To Chance To Give Some of Thi World's Goods To The Needy Ones at The Christmas Sesson When Help . Is So Much Appreciated Only fii opportunities offered through the News aad Observer by which the people of Baleigh m dispense some of this world's foods snd Christmas eheer to the needy are left. Vp to last night 44 out of 50 offered had been taken. The News and Observer has been grat ified at ths quick and cheerful response to these opportunities. It will mean no doubt in sua of ths eases that Christ mas will he to them the happiest day of the yearjuat drawing; to a close. Pov erty hangs over many homes in the eity every day in ths year, and those who haw been blessed eaa well spar a the Christmas tide a little which means so mah in ths homes ol the poor. The opportunities uataken and those .taken yesterday follow: The tlatakea Opfmrtnaltna. OPPORTUNITY NO. 26 Old woman, takes in washing for a living. Her earnings are small. Taken by Mrs. L T. Penny. OPPORTUNITY NO. 28 Woman and son; son has spasms. Woman sews aad does all she can to mako a living. Takes by Mrs. George Marsh. OPPORTUNITY NO. 32 Husband aad wife, both very old; maa does the best he can to make a living. Takes by George Marsh Company. OPPORTUNITY NO. 33 Husband snd wife; man is crippled, woman works in mill. OPPORTUNITY NO. 34 Woman, very old, works and does all ike eaa to make a living ; capable of Urn ing very little. OPPORTUNITY NO. 35 Very old woman, feeble and not able to work but very little. Taken by Vaagnard Class, First Pres. byterisa Sunday Schawl. OPPORTUNITY NO. 36 Woman very old; has daughter who .Vies to take eare of her. OPPORTUNITY NO. 38 Old lady very feeble, lives with her Son, who haa four very small children; ery poor. taken by Mrs. J. C. Klllagton. OPPORTUNITY NO. 39 Family of Ave, husband, wife and three small children; vary poor. Taken by Mr. Ed. Denton and Mies EHsabeth Deatea. OPPORTUNITY NO. 41 Husband, wife sad several small chil dren. Maa anK woman very feeble; man mends shoes for a living; very poor. Takea by Mrs. G. M. Green. OPPORTUNITY NO. 43 Woman and several small children, Very poor; woman not strong. Takea by Mrs. 6. M. Green aad Mr, t. Glass. Ideal Gifts- Slippers Hosiery Trunks Traveling Bags You will And what you want in our complete stock "Tnii Slipper eawJlS 118FayetteTill Street - Suggestions For Your Shopping List FOR WOMEN All Shell Vanity Bags "Tokio" Leather Bags Pearl Necklaces, in handsome cases Toilet Articles, Perfumes, etc. Mesh Bags, all sizes Vanity Bags and Boxes Handkerchiefs ' Scarfs, fine Silk Knit Manicure Sets in Ivory Bedroom Slippers Leather Wrist Watch Receiver China and Heart Pendant "Mandarin" Brooches and Pendants Pearl Car Rings, pink and white Skating Sets, Hat and Scarf Bath Robes FOR MEN Umbrellas, Handkerchiefs Smoking Sets Whisk Brooms and Holders Leather Wallets Automobile Robes Shaving Powder and Sticks Ash Trays Cigar Cutters Military Brush and Comb Sets Handkerchiefs, in boxes Toilet Water, for after shaving Automobile Pillows Manicure Sets FOR CHILDREN Rhine-Stone and Horse Shoe Pins Bath Robes Teddy Bear Blankets Sweaters, all colors Gloves and Mittens, in wool Umbrellas Hair Bows and Sashes Dolls, all kinds and sizes Handkerchiefs Hosiery, made especially for boys Shirtings that will wash and wear Hats and Caps Leather Wallets Military Brush and Comb Beauty Pins, solid gold tops Gold and Silver-plated Bracelets Handkerchiefs Leggins, in all colors Genuine Oregon City Navajo Wool Blanket for Gift There is not a Blanket on the market to compare with this wonderful article. Ths quality, All-Wool, in those rich Indian colorings and designs makes this truly a wonderful offering. Totem Pole, Warpath, Elk and numerous other designs now displayed here. This is the ideal Blanket fur automobiles, sleeping porches snd -ouch covers. Wide range of prices M.S to Boylain Pearee THE STORE THATS FILLED WITH the CHRISTMAS SPIRIT fj This Christmas spirit makes itself felt in the attitude of all of us in this store to wards each other, as well aa towards our customers. There's a joy in work and serv ice and a feeling of good comradeship manifest throughout the store, and partic ularly at Christmas time. We feel this, and we hope our customers feel it, too. We believe they do. CJ This is the spirit, as well as the merchandise, which makes ours an enjoyable store in which to do your Christinas shopping. For your convenience we are open evenings. Niagara "Maid" Silk Underwear Silk Underwear of national reputation and for nness is about the best thing on the market, on sale this week only. " Vesta in white and pink, values up to $3.00, choice $1.25 Combination Suits, values up to $5.00, choice $2.25 Second Floor Children's Purses We opened today a special shipment of Gift Puree, made especially for child re a. The; consist of aU the new ideas In Children's Purse, with s wide range of prices lie, Mc, Tic aad ll.w Gift Kimono Beautiful line of Rilk Kimonos, nirety boxed M M to - New shipment Brassieres. 811k Corset Covers, Com binstion Buits. Hiik snd hlaalin tiowas. Princess Mips packed in holiday boxes , priced from See to tM Dolls for the Kiddies The Doll Booth on the main floor is the center of attraction for the holiday shoppers. Hundreds of children are visiting it daily aad selecting their doll for Haata Claus to bring. Our collections of Dolls is the prettiest we have ever offered and the prices are strikingly attractive. Oae lot of pretty Jointed Dulls. 24 inches in height, with bisque head aad eyelashes of real hair, priced everywhere tlM. a special value at. . .fl.lt A number of dainty dressed Dolls in the costumes of sailor and Dutch maids, jointed with bisque heads and with eyes thst sleep, siieclal at 4, tSc, eat, 7 Kid Body Dolls, the better oaes, with real human hair and eyelashes, aad eyes thst sleep Tftc, ll.lt. tt.St, tl.tS Jointed Dolls from 24 to lid inches in height I1J, Hit. tlM, IS.M, tlM Gift Slippers Nicely crocheted, all-wool, felt lined Bed Room Slipper, in a variety of combination! of colors. Ladies' sites only. A great value at IK pair Extra quality Ladles' Htipperi. ...... II. 4 sad fl-St BOYLAN-PEMCE COMPANY The Big Busy Christmas Store 1 Ivory Pyralin Sets ? - Ivory Pyralin, the gift beautiful for' Christmas. Every article In the stock' . is of real solid Ivory Pyralin. j Individual pieces, nail files, cuticle knives, button liooks, shSe horns," etc., etc 25c and 50c Special values in Manicure Seta, con sisting of cuticle knife, com knife, nail file, etc 75c, $1.00 and $2.00 Combination Sets, the best display we have ever made . . f . . .$2.00 to $18.00 Skating Sets The present mode calls strong for these fashionable Skating Seta. The set consists of a nice large scarf and a turban cap, very becoming to every one. We have them in Silk Fibre at $4.50 and All-Wool at $2.50 Why not give one of these They are different from anything your friend ever received before First Floor Gift Handkerchiefs There arc no many pretty novelties in Hand kerchiefs that they arc especially desirable for gift pursues. ladies' Ijnen at Sc. Itc aad ap ta tl.M ladies' Crepe de Chine at lie ladies' Initial. A to a Iki 11.SS boa Meus Initial, 4 to s box tl OS aad I1.M box Leather Cases with nix Men's Handkerchiefs, priced II -Se sad S2.M Children's Initial Hamlkerchicfi, 3 in n box, priced tit box Children's Linen, with embroidered figures lie sad lie Children's All Ijmn with nursery designs, 3 in s box Me Children's All Linen, Fairrlnnd figures, S In a Iki TSe box Men' Handkerchief! kc ap v Sale of Gift Waists Fine Shirt Waists in holiday boxes. They consist of Crepe de Chines, Pussy Willow Taffeta, Chiffons and innumerable Novelty Waists. Neatly packed in holiday boxes for gift giving. Values up to $5.00 Special $2.95 JJ OPPORTUNITY NO. 44 Old couple, both sick ; very needy. OPPORTUNITY NO. 45 Husband aad wife, old and feeble; wife an invalid. Takea by a friend. OPPORTUNITY NO. 46 Very old woman, very feeble ; docs what work she can. OPPORTUNITY NO. 47 Woman, daughter and baby. Daugh ter siek. Works in mil when well. OPPORTUNITY NO. 48 Man. wife sud one little girl 8 years old. Man hanjnly one eye and is very feeble; capable?! earning a very small salary. Taken by s friend. OPPORTUNITY NO. 49 Woman with three small children; husband away; needs help badly Taken by two friends. "-n BRITISH TREASURY WANTS U. S. SECURITY London, Dee. 22. The Loudon Gazette publishes today a government invita tion to holders of American and Cana dian dollar securities to place them at ths disposal of the treasury, either by sale or loaa. The accompanying memo randum aays that no purely sterling se curities will be accepted and that it is essential that all securities tendered be ezpresaed in T'nited States or Canadian enrrency. Subject to conditions the following will be acceptable . "Any securities quoted on tbs Lon don stock exchange. United State gov era men t bonds, I'nited States or muni cipal Itonds, securities of United 8tates railway or public utility .companies. Canadian government, provincial aad municipal bonds- and Canadian railway securities." Bonds and stocks of industrial cor porations, it is stated ia the invitation, will aot as rale be acceptable "ei cept ia ths case of large corporations, such aa the United Htates Steel Corpora tion, ate." Commission Reviews Bosk. Ths Gettysburg Battleground Commis sion ia ths office of Secretary of Bute J. Bryan Urines last night reviewed ths werk that has beea done aa eopy for tbs book, "North Carolina at Gettys burg. 'Gratifying pragma, it is said, hat wM ittw thwart paWteatiom;. - TW sneesbere of -the oonmlailoa arc Jsdge W. a. Montgomery. Cnptaia W. r. Utley, D. C. WaddelL Cyras B. Wat son, CoL J. Bryaa Grimes, W. J. Peele, D. H. Hill, Thomas hi. PittaaU, M. C. & Noble, B. P, W, Connor. - Oyster Baps Far Voters as. VUnty's Battery. Children trf ths Ooa fedrraey, will giva ths veteraas ia the Soldiers' Eosae aa eystsr supper aa Cariataaaa Eva. Every Christ maa this Organisation; rsmaanbsra thaetseaaa ta seas daUghtfal way, aad It ta aaaoaaeed that tbs affair thia year will coma fully ap ta tha high ataadara set by prsriows sveata. - . i ... MILITIA GUARDING PRISONERS AT DUNN Governor Orders Men To Pre vent Attempt To Rescue Two Held There (SpmIsI to TlM Km sna OUmmt ) Dunn, Dee. 21. A detachment of Ca. M, Second regiment. North Carolina Na tional Guard, called out by Governor Locke Craig upon recommendation of Msyor J. W. Turnage, are tonight guard ing the city jail in face of threats that Bumti Hinith snd Burcher Smith, in rarecrted therein on a number of charges, will be liberated by their friends. It was upon arrest of the Smiths by a posse of Hsrnett county citixens on the charge of shooting into the house of Mrs. J. W. Htewart while she slept, wounding her slightly, that the Srvt fears srose. No open outbreak had oc curred when Mayor Turnage, aaticipat ing violence, called upon Adjutant Gen eral laurenee Young in Haleigh for as sistance. Governor Craig was common! cated with by the Adjutant General and authority was conferred upon the mayor of Dunn to call in the assistance of ths local military company upon emergency. Adjutant General Young himself In aa automobile made the trip from Raleigh, reaching Dunn in a blinding snow storm and finding the detachment of fifteen men under command of Lieutenant W. D. Holland in charge of the situation. Late this afternoon Lieutenant Hol land reported to Adjutant General Young that no trouble had occurred and thnt ho believed nothing would occur. To be safe, the detachment will remain oa guard until the two mea are brought before the court. In addition to the shooting offense, ths two wen are charged with a a umber of other affsasas. Bnrais Smith appears to have the largest Bomber against him. He ia to face trial for larceny, block ading, robbery, besides shooting into the house of Mrs. Stewart. It is aaid that he la wasted by autharitiea ia Ral eigh, Goldaboro, Benson, Helms aad Smith fie Id. What put the authorities of Ben sob ia fear waa that It was understood that, tse two maa had beaa jailed at Benson but were released by their friends who stormed the JaiL "While there have been and still are very disqnletisg ruasors eoexiag into the town from the eoaatry," said Mayor Tar sags toaight, "1 do not anticipate that iCliristmais Flower Store Tor the aeeomasodatioa af aar . sastomera aad the geasral pablie. wa kava speaed a temporary Sewer stors at lit PsyettevilVe Street, with a complete stock af Cat Flowers, Blooming; Plaata aae) Christmas KrergTcens. ' Wt iavita yea ta eaesa aad eaa aa. rRileigh Flcntl Ccnmy there will be any difficulties. The troops are easily able to cope with almoat but emergency. Adjutant Geaeral Laareaee Toumg had warm words of praise for the apirit aad promptaess with which the local eonipaay aaswerext the call to arms. All sight, with anew pelting them from above and with f reeling temperature, tbry paced their bats uacessiagly. Maa Hit By Anta. Badly Hart- Halemburg, Iec. 21. Frank D. Parker, a prominent Rampson county eitisea, suffered a broken leg aad severe bruises shout his body whea ha waa run down by nn auto yesterday while attending a good roads meeting at Rargaw. He was tsken to the Jsmes Walker Hospital at Wilmington. The Weather Larol OfScs, V. S. Weather Bnrraa. FORECAST Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 21. 115. For Nort& Carolina: Fair weather and rising temperature Wednesday and Thursday; light variable winds. Hun rise 7:i'l a.m. Hub set .6:03 p.m. TasBperstara. 8 a. m 30 I S p. m. ....... 37 Highest temperature 42 Low eat temperature 27 Mean temperature 14 09 Deficiency for the day . . Average daily variations sines January 1st FrsdsitaUM (la lachesT Amount for 24 hours ending S p. m 00 ToUl for the month ta date 1 21 Deficiency for the month I OS Deficiency since January 1 M M Stations aad Weather at a. P. M. rswevsATows i! Ahileae Asheville.. .. Attaata .. .. Baltimore . . Charlestoa .. Charlotte .. Chicago . . Galvestoa .. . Jeeksoaville . Knoxville .. Memphis . . . Montgomery., New Orleans New York .. Norfolk .. .. Raleigh .. .. Bkhmoad .. Vkkabarg .. Washlngtea ; Wilmington-. Wytaeville .. 50! 42 i 1 all SftI S4j ssj 1 4 M4 & BM 4; rrj t S3 4 Mi a 82 40! .00 ii to, jx 26, .00 -oo 40 .12, M 44j 8! M m: is! joo 4Si M 22 M B2j 3S M 521 3)j M 5sj 41 SH i'mk) 38. 30 jOO 42. rr .00 aJ 8 M 5i 3 jOO Sat i ii 2S M Ui 12, JM WssUaswa, Dse. It- Tw . t: OklikiMi. fair Wi laii lM aa4 Tsmeaswr. Vtremia. mar WeaaasSmr sb4 ribib ThamOsrt raaae Imsi Narth sai Seatai rsrslssa. Ours Is. PVrWs. tlssams. Mr ss4 rwssa tiiimai We. nissy aavi Ttsnasj sans varbste wtoss. SI l in ml. J nl liai, tsar saa mtmm Witisiaif ; Thamaar fair; Best waHsssi aaafasjafsj, i i - - Team, ssr Wilantxr sad Tkw Ti i ijjuaT aaar ;Wsxsmsasa sad ssnasUr S IN COURT E DIES p WEEK Robert T. Hough, Greensboro Lswyer, Is Desd After Few Hours Illness (Sptcui w TIM N.wi tn4 OWrm ) Greeaslwro, Dee. 21. Those connect ed with Federal court here were grieved and surprised to learn today of the death of Robert T. Hough, counsel for the United Htates Fidelity and Guaranty Company, who appeared in District court here last week for his company in the caae lirorajht against It and Dart C. Foe ter on a bond for fl,'H. on which Fos ter wss principal and the company a surety. Mr Hough was takea suddenly ill after returning to Washington and died in a few hours. Mr. Hough had as sociated with him as local counsel, G. H. Bradshaw, of this city. The deceased waa solicitor of the internal revenue de partment under the Cleveland adminis tration. The jury in the case in which Mr. Hough appeared rendered a verdict in fat or of the government, but a motion was peuding to act anide the verdict of the jury. This motion is to tie srgued later, or briefs filed by attorneys on the respective sides. Former Dutrkt Attor aey Holton apepars with District Atur ney Dimmer for the government. Phillip Fenley, said to be traveling salesuisa for a jewelry house, is in jail here, charged with a criminal assault upon Mrs. C. N. Sutton, who claims Ashe ville for her home. The defendant was arrested at the passcager station yester day afternoon upon complaint of the woman. He is n young man of good ap pear as cc and the woman is about 30 years old. He could not give bond in the sum of $300. The alleged assault took place in an nnlighted railway ear, to which the woman went without ob joctioa, according to the defendant, en tered with him and emerged a little later screaming. The prosecuting wit ness has not explained how she got in the car. This was "clean up" day for tl? work era in the Chain her of Commerce cam paiga for members for three years un der the new plan of orgauizatioa and the total memberships were brought up to more than 400. The ultimate goal is 900, aird this number ia believed to be probable. Each memberehip counts t25 a year, so that the chamber is assured of an income of 10,000 or more. Under the acw bureau plan the work of the organisation will be more effectively done, and a live chamber is promised to ths city. The revenue officers in the Greensboro division, eommaaded by Bevenun Agent apsaaa, . destroyed, tfla illicit aiatifc lories during the month of November. The number tn the Western district of North Carolina was 59, or more than half; the Eastern district furnished 26; Booth Carolina 23, aad aouthera Virginia had as raids dariag the month. The ef fleers poured eat several taoaaasd gal tons of beer aad seised oae automobile. Miss Ruth Forbis, oae- f the city' aaost attractive yoaag women, was mar ried today ta Mr. Chads H-Eaglaad, of Waahiagtoa and QveeasWr. wke ia eoe rotary of the Ways trad jpWns eom raittae ta the Hoase ef Be? rosea tativse. The weddlarwaa a quiet affair at the aoeae ef Mr. B. X. Base, aa uncle ef the bride. Hhe is a daughter of the lute Jsmes W. ForbiH, for several years n well known attorney of the eity and at the time of his death rlerk of the Phierior court. Mr. Englnnd has been private secretary to t'nngresHinsn Claude Kitehin an. I Charles M. Htedinau for severs! yesrs slid is well known here, where ho has npent several vocations. NEWTON HAS RUSH IN MARRIAGE LICENSES (Special lu Tht Nwi nd ("WW Nrnluu, Dec. 21. The rush for insr riage license is on at the office of the regixter of deeds snd Huturiloy and yes terduy 13 "pairs" had Ih-:B ap'liel for, though four of the anxious cuuph-s wee refused permits by th ekepticul rrgiter. Chief among the sfTaira of Cupid so far was the marriage of 15-year old Ik'rtic Moser, daughter of R. L. Moeer oft 'line's township, who waa called from the inilk iag stool to the hymeneal altar by her lover, Kulph Carpenter, who decided that he had best get a move on for fear something might prevent the Heliling. The young Indy was milking st li.r father's dsiry when an urgent note nr rived, snd she answered it promptly, without going by the uouhc. Clothing waa borrowed from a neighboring gill and he hurried to Claremoiit ehere Rev. H. M. Carpenter ofBelsted prompt ly- The book of Prof. George W . llan n, "The Catawba HfiMier In the Civil War" is likely to be puniiuscd by the board of education and a copy of it placed in the library of every white school iu the county. The ides of doing n will be pnysented to the tioard at the nest meet ing ami it hap already been so favor ably received thst there sccma small doubt about the action of the Imard. The book deals with the part the ounty played in the struggle between the states. Mack D. Miller, fanner near Newton, has cihihited s full lln! Itlnrk Minorca rooster that after two years, has changed his ebon coat for one of snowy white. The fowl bred block chickens while it wore its appropriate feathers and diir ing the last season, after it had become snow white, bred white thickens; and today oa the Miller farm, where there was not a white chicken or oae par tially white before, there are scores of White Minorrns thst really ooglit to be coal black. It is thought the chicken came from Kinston. Last night fire destrpyed the dwelling of Mrs. Rhoda Carter, an aged, crip pled, hliad woman, widow of John Car ter and much beloved by all who know her. The loss is ubout Sl.lNiO with nn insurance. The proximity of the (Ire to the cotton seed oil mill alarmed the town and drew a big crowd. The cause of the blase is not determined. C. W. Tsylors Store Burned. IWpMrtal la Th Nwv snd Oh rt I Newton. Dec. 21. That the store of C. W. Tsylor at Oliver's, six miles from Newton, burned Thursday night, was set on fire from the outside is indicated by Teiorfs' hraM Bere, and it la likeiy that the state insurance department will, be called oa to investigate the fire. -Mn Taylor aad several men had closed and left the store about 10 o'clock aad ke was sitting up reading in his home be fore 11 o'clock when he heard an explo sion, and oa going outside, saw one side of his stors ia flames. Es carried 1, 000 inauraaee aad estimates the value of his stock at $3,000 aad of his fixtures at $300. -Hie store was one of the largest aad best kept place ta Us rural dia- trieta. Th Mesas ia a house do at fateveat the burglar is me as s-foe haul. WARREN CHRISTY APPEAL ARGUED Supreme Court Takei Reread With Ktnl of Case From Twentieth District Willi argument in appeals of Ttak Hull VVHneii tn.l ttamuet Presto liiint.v h uiem ed to death for the mar. ill r of J Warren ia Winston Halem ; hint of appeal on calendar of the t. ntietli iliMrirt, the Supreme Court ot North Carolina yesterday took recess Judge K. H Jour for Mra. Warren, )Al V M I'irn-h for Christy aad Attorney ,n. rnl T W Hickett for the Htnte prtV vi-nted tl rnl argumenta. Tin di ti iiic yesterday placed mucl of it" r. I in lire for a new trial oa tht KIoiiikI of improper admisaion of tkg itfttcment of Chrinty to officers oa alf miiv utiiter nrreat from irand Hallata Texas. It a argued by lioth attorney! that the man nits put through a sort ef third d gree m far .ih mental stress wag r-oneerned nnl ulien he, had liecn ahowa pn rr from Wiiuton Halem bearing the ninK tlini Mr. Christy and Clifford Ntoii.-.tre't hitl msde statementa inerj mi ifint i nsr In in and in fact laying the entire M.Miif for the crime upon him, he kept ilt nt for twenty four heart thin made hi statement. Another point strcMied wan that of insufficiency ef rv i.len.-e to go to a jury, and no evt denee of a eonxpiraey. Attorney (ieueral Biekett for tB4 ' State, presented, in detail, a history ei the i run. tracing the facts to a eteat from the finding of the body mutilated " ami lmind with ropes in the waters at Muddy Creek. . Me argued that the officers ia display, i ux the pspers from WinstoB-tialeaa bearing purortcd statements of Mra, Warren and rtonestreet, were simply la. foiming Christy of true sUteaaeata made sgainst him. Attorney General Bickett's expbina tion of the confcHsion and the eauee af the roiif.nMon wan that of Lewie Hand in Mary Johnson' novel of thst a me. After seven months had elapsed follow ing the time whea he took lUe Lite ef a politiral rival Lodwell Carey, aad with no -uifpicioo or shadow of question resting upon bis innocence. Baud walk ed into the court houae aad urTeadCT ed hiiu(lf giving as his r iplanat iea, ' that he must bavs some sleep. "In every age and ia every e!ime," argued Attorney Oeneral Biekett, "la. msnity has always believed that tke burden of gaiH eaa be lifted by saeXrae; a clean breast of it. That heale yriaV' ciple written la the hearts ef mea aun portevf W 4 jlhsga rf -m eewjrtav th c presumption ia that whea a asaa entt 4th iU-mak.a cleau breast, ef it, teila everything Ue kaows it ia a Totaiatary statement oa his part aad tke contrary ' must be showa by the party objecting tO it.", i ' ' - ; Sterner g rate ace. ', v "Tee,'' said the yeoag aiager torn-. placently. "I had a great rsseptioa af ter aay soag mat Bight. Tae aadieaee, skoated, rtac. ftaeL' '' Hiood thing yoa didat atag agaia,. said the eyaie. They weaM have yeUea lmprtacni aveatr Us aecaad OaaaJ iriV:, ' . ' .