HIE NEWS AND ODSEHVEn VEDNESDAT DECEMBER 22, inZ -The- Newt - and Obeenrer KgWt AXB OMESVm JrVBUSJU JOJSaTKTJg DANIKJUs BJHwUI. tal Haw, ttxto Aerer. m ParvtavUie Itmk H nltn FaB Associated Prawe Raport . ' avBacBiprioM rmicci ; Hi Mo Mm lit Pm lr 17. KntrrW at the PoatafAre at eUleich, Maria Carolina, a second-cuus matter. MORNING TONIC (James Hinton.) Though 1 (ympathix, 1 do sot share ill the leutt the feeling of being dis beartencd and cut dowu. It if not things of this sort that depress uih, or er will. The contrary things, praise openings, the feeling ' the greatness tC ay power and my ability in-relntiou ta it, thaw thinrt opiirf ss andtast trie down; bat little hindrances, and elosin ip of accustomed or expected avenues, all the presence of rtiroeultiee to ba Wluma I 'ni unt going to be cast I dew a by trifle iwh aa three. UNCLE WALT MASON TESTIMONIALS. A snaa eaa maaafactare villa af plsa- taf Pari, bra and flour, aad awear they'll re all humaa Ilia and folka UI praise Hum every bear. Aad every Basil that comes ta tew a will Bring warai Icttera from the toy wha tell fcanr tar ware strickaa dewa with In Vaaau la the eyes. -We tried all saedl tae aad drag that kindly folk could geesvaxaeud, we nought aach t hi age la , a eg aad Jag, and porwaa plaater . wrltkeat aad. la rain It didn't hit the ; we weaker grew from day to day fa spit of all thattaatly rat. It aeemed ghat w ntnat ease away. We called learned physielaa la, aad at ear league ,ajsd pals he looked, aad sal, with aael fcacboly grin. 'It la no aae year goon -ta cooked I' Thea Grandpa aald, 'For aortal Ilia there la one rare that1 elm ply great j O try the Plaater Pari Pllle!' Aad ee we weat aad beaght a orate. Wo look tea pills sla time aa boar, at adght we look a doaea more; aad to oar wroakeaad limbs the power came rash. lag like a tidal bore." Thaa people. jswret all tbe earth, are boeatlag fake, and awaa no harmt oh, what la teetl laooy worth T la evidence a fatae alarm? D your Christmas eating alowly. Doat wait for the rush of Christina T to do that shopping. ; . The Teuton ie forrcs evidently hare it la Bind to slide the Knglish and tbe French off the mnp of Greece. , And the Alius hare rome to the con duilon that they are not to have any rt of Turkey for Christmas. Kow you are him and now you don't. . A-meanin' of Villa. He's a hide and aeek Mexican. If it's not been early Christmas shop ping, why make It early morning shop ting in the few days loft. Captain Carl Boy Ed has concluded to at least remain with us over Christ There will he some painful memories (or the Republicans when next year thry meet in the coliseum In Chicago. , Feruap they thought that Georgia eedt that eitixen '1 military training amp mure than North Carolina does I ' Raleigh should make as one of its Xr Tear's resolutions a program to continue the laying of granolithic aide walk. Carranz should feel that it has been President Wilson who put the can in Mexican, even if he has given the can to Villa. - Both expeditions of the Ford peace tniaaioa party found a Kirkwall which Impeded their progress, but finally they got over H. Just Uiak about the and affliction fal Ie npan. the Bepabliean. Bom of them are ee blind that thry eannot see ta preaportty all sbont them. The itatioa which now stirs the mind of Bepubllean is as to whether r at tit Coloael pmpooe to do any nor Amagcadoalng next year. Aad what a eight it would be to see the Coloael in command loadiag Barnes and Pen roe and Lodge aid Maun and Cannon in aiagiag "Onward Christian 8oldiera. ...... . Th Jlepablieaaa have noted with re gret that there has been a departure la Mexican affair which lea res ao room for thess to baild ap an inn oa the Wexicaa poWey -of PreBidewl Wirsna. Aad ft appear that Henry Ford i not the only Henry Ford, for a Henry Ford la jiiat applied for enlistment in xha ilarin Corp at the Philadelphia re orulting office. - "Therew not a ripple in the party" uK-Urc Bepptlicaji Jfaliiinal, O-'mra 1 II lip.. W tbught . You it 1 a I ; la. stagnstion there i ao rippW. Tte Repuhlicaa are all of a qulrer t," t'ie new that atoooevelt haa takea a ist big on it of room ia Ckicage TrrlRg tb time of th Irot week ta .'' lie. lit leojio Vat th rack. ." Ari l rthen th fccpublienn look OTer ; ,' "cf K. i.;.LIkn candidaU for lh r. i on fur President' they realize t i-"-e is none ia the owtit wha i n Unc cf prepared nee to go Bp - i .VT or-3 row Vrilamm, .. ' . :. COU KOOSlfBLTI IUMMt DIKKII. OoL Booearalt, we- have ebaerra4 aa th habit of stacking up hi partner ahip with aaoney wheafVer k lias a ennvpoiga oa kaad, wd fc ii nf that praoUcai braad of politician who knows that "money talk," ea If there are times when H finds it wies to talk aader it breath. So a-hat more aatarul with souther Armageddon looming in sight ths Coloael should bo found In shuultlarJ touch with money. He was there, and It was there, the other night, and there was a et retching of its legs and his leg, oader the mahogany. What did it all mean, anywayf Answering th question the New York World depose sa fellows: "There must hare bei-u at least 112 ihki.O'HI.ikio of organized wealth rwpf seuteit at tbe secret diuner tliat Judg' nry gave to Cjl. Roosevelt, liu think the generul signilleauce of th dinner is misunderstood both hy politi elans and the puldic. "Thnt Col. Kcx sevelt is a candidate for I'resident in 1916 goes without saying, The Colonel will he a candidate far 'resident until lie dies, una there is n reason why he. should not live to be hundred years old. Thia means thnt ways of financing his campaign in ltfl ia 1920, in lM!, in 19i.8, in 1!.U, i 1H.16, in 1V40, in 1944, In 1MH. in 1952 and in 19 6 must be provided, with po si Mo provision for 1!60. In 1911! brother IVrkins and Brother MuaseV pakt th freieht on the battl for the Lord, but Brother Munv.V 'ia dropped out, and Brother Perkina ia n longer so koen aa lis might he about the collection of a campaign fund at th source when he is the only source. It looks to us as if Brother Perkins, through his friend Judge Gary, had ar ranged this dinner to the Colonel I order to taks In n few responsible sub stitutes for Brother Munaey, who ia now too proud to contribute. "I hat would explain George . Maker, Jacob II. Hehiff. Daniel Uunrenhei Prank A. Vanderliii, August lie I in out Cornelius underbill, Clarence II. Mai kny and all the other guests whose name are as ernonymoas with ready money as K. U. Harriman' name was ia 1904 when the Colonel invited him to the White House and nheok him flows for the famous g2u0,iKi) thnt turned 30,000 votes ia the City of New Yurk 'making a difference of 100,000 vote in the general result.' If the Colonel is to le carried along adequately in politics for the remainder of his days, an endowment fund repre senting fU.OOO.OOO.OOO of plutocratic in terest in sue 11 justie I Bone too much. We assume that all the guests at the Gary dinner signed the oath of alle giance in their check hook in tbe pre enre of Brother Perkins, to whom we ish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. For if Brother l'erkina has succeeded in unlonding some of his Mild inrs in Armageddon Preferred, he has achieved i stale Vif preparedness the United -routes government might we envy." WORKING THE ELKCTORATK. That the Republicans propose to muddy the waters and bm-luud the iasues n the forthcoming national campaign ia hardly to be doubted, for that is the usual program of tbe Republicans. On one point at least they have shown that hey propose to hand out n lot of hot air josh to the electorate concerning the matter of prcpuredness. At the meeting of the Republican Na lonnl l ommittee a few days ago in Washiugtou there was talk about the program of prcpuredness. Concerning tlm pin in of the ficpuMicans for nink i)g aoxaults on the Wilson adininiatra ion on this issue a report of the meet US had this: "One of the points of at tack will be that the Democratic party In Congress haa not stood for an ail quale plan of preparedness until events across the Atlantic forced them to hange their position." If the Republicans enter upon such a rograra as that it will he the same old state of affairs as the thief who is seek u g to escape shouts "Stop Thief" so as to delude the people a ho might try to get him. Count the loug line of years in which the Republicans were in con rol of the government, and see how much of preparedness was in their ac ions. Why even our merchant ninrine went smash under continued Repobli can administrations. All the Republicans are after ia to catch suckers in any old way poaaihle, nd thry will hand out bunco stuff straight along as bait. Rut sensibfe pc"l'k will realir.e that the Do m or rats reTaking steps in good time to look out for national defense, and they will I so find that the Democratic plans of preparedness are such that sane and sensible people will agree with them. As always the Republicans are on the lookout for thing to say that will sound good to the ear aad amount to nothing. Rut the people are able to see through their game. ' IN CHRISTMAS DRESS. W feel that there are papers In North Carolina wblch should be banded bouquets this year oa the beauty of the Christmas drea which they hare pnt ea for the, 1915 anniversary. These papers which bar bc4eeked themselves for th Christmas acasoa bare done ao In exceptionally attractive colored covers, these made up oa a ape 'bitty good quality -of 'papar. A the paper hare reached thi ' office they have won eoasplimeata from all who have examined then. Th PW hiVk. ej 4 JM- la aperial Christma dreas ar th Fayette U Obaette. the JliUabojro. Enterprise, th Maxtoa Scottish Chief, the Waxhaw Eaterprl, th Snow Hill Standard La eoaie, th High Point Berlew, th WayaeoTlll Carolina lie tain .wr. aad th Faquay Oold Leaf. - - - Taa at th only Bute paper with apodal Chriatsaa evr which hav roachcaT ttU T6mc ti? W Ue proocat rritiac, Aal tb er ar ea bcifht eheery that ore feet r aiwet cwm pluseat oar bretbrea of the Suto pros o tk fat ahawlng and by the Ahk goa The ar ssnpls of tV prea- pef tty f th ' fHb TBI ftLPit TO Ai riKMOJa, T the pttlplt lk poop! took for ra aplratWa had uplift, la all tke wars la whlta the great the of ChrlexlaaH baa kwea preached, tk apakaa arerd by asoa who lie arv ioo to tke Ckrta ka sarrle4 th luaxajl fa to betgku of the kit-beat. Wbea there kae Uea sought thlaga great aad small for tke betterment of tk baauaa family ataa aad wvmea bars looked t tk pulpit for th forward word. Ant tte world ha bee made bettor kmiis of that word. The history of a greet par of tk world Is today Mag written la blood on many battlefield la Europe. The strife which la taking nut toil of bat tling aatioua ia such aa to make augels weep. The future seems black with th very hupelt-oeuesa of what ts U be ea pvrted. And the time ar aurh that any day other nations may l-o drawn into the vurtei of war. New come time in which th pulpit caa well apeak, fur w are a pea tho Christma eaa son with its world wide meosage of "Peace on Earth, good will to ilea " And so it u that wo ars glad to peas on "An Appenl To Preachers" which is being sent broadcast by Dr. J. J. Hail, director of the American Peac Society Ia it is n message to the pew aa well a to the pulpit, the "Appeal" which Or Hall in seujiitg out reading: Christmas and Peace ar blemded ia thought and hop; aad yet this Christina i witaeaaiag th moat terrible war of the agee with mora than oae half of the world' popu lation represented, ia deadly eaa lint. Never more thaa today doe the world Bead the Soag of the Aagalat "Peace oa Carta, goof will to men." Christ haa not reaaed to be "The Prince of Peace," and the promise has not been reeailew that "Ia 111 day sIihII the righteous flourish, and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth." We are not aeelng tho (ellaae of Oriirtiaarty but nf a civilization with uiu.h Christianity left oat. The stricken, suffering world took to th charch for cwonfert, light and gsidsacc. Khali It took la vain 7 The appeal is that each preacher on the Hunday immediately follow ing Christma day point out a bet ter way than that of humaa alaugh ter for acttling international dis putes: the way of Him who came not to dentrnv hut to save. STATESVILLE MILLS RUN NIGHT AND DAY IRparUl Ui Ta, Km sad Oiawiif 1 Rtatenville. Dec. 81. Htatesville cot ton mill Bettlemrst on the weat which known na Bloom field is now a hoot the busiest place hereabouts. Both of tho big cotton mills in the aobwrb are now running night and day, aad the announcement that a new mill ia to be built in the eame settlement by Messrs. I). Miller. J. W. Kaaeer aad other ha put new life into the community bverv house ia the settlement ia oc cupied and the demand for honae haa xcoinft so great that th Hloomflrl.l Manufacturing Co, ia building a nura ber of new ones. Mr. D. B. Stearns, of hark. tte, is also building a number of houses for rental purposes oa hia prop rty in Rliximneld. Work on the new cotton mill is to begin within a short ime, the contracts for the textile ma Inner hating already been let. All f State illc's manufacturing industries re now running oa good time and two f tin- bii( furniture punts are run nintf at night. Mr. Walker M.i-ain has gone to Uux ille, (in., to attend the marriage of is brother. Mr. W. V. MrLoin. of Co lnmhia, H. C. and Mis louts Stone, f luumille. ahnli takes place ia lxunville today. Mias Mary hlclaia weut to l,nuiville some days ago for the marriagM of her brother. The groom as for several years practiced law in 'oliiiiihis. He is a sua of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. il.ijin. of Htteville. MOUNT AIRY BRIEFS IHMf-tal u TV Nw, anl Wii w 1 Mount Airy. Dec. 21. The leaf to- baeco warehouies close! dowu Saturday till after the holidays. Moat of the fac tories will remain closed down only a w days from Thursday till Monday The quarries will take only a short holt lay, also, as the,, many different com panics have order on hand that will ave to be filled. T. J. Lowry, Jr.. left yesterday for Marshall, N. C at which place he will nffagc in the moving picture husines with Mr. .1. W. Williams, of Charlotte, who is the new manager of Hotel Moa texuma. The Holiness denomination of this city have put in the foundation for a new otiae of worship in the factory district the town. There are quite a lot of coplc here who hold with the Holiness euomination. and their member are constantly increasing. The city police poured out a big lot f confiscated wine Batur.lav. REALTY TRANSFERS Real estate transfer tied yesterday: J. W. Hinsdale. Jr.. and P. H. Brigs. com mission era, to W. H. Aikra, tract Middle Creek township, considera tion tifiOd. Charles W. Morn et al. to S. H. Bag Icy, tract in Mark' Creek towaahip. consideration $1,100. Mrs. Ellen U. Bait ta RalebzV Real Karate aad Trust Coaspaay, lot ia Ra leLrh. coaaideratloa. ftlOQ. etc. 8. 11. Basley to C. iL Marti a, tract ia Mark's Creek towaahip, ceaaMoratioa. l,oo. - - ' - - - J. C. L. Ranis, eomaniasloaer. to Delia Hall, lot ia Oberlia. coaahleratioa gut). MUNICIPAL CHRISTMAS TREE ON CIIRISTMAS EVE tsftt wim giTtswa -th wnrairi- pal tree thi year a tbe amoaag of tk fan available aot aanVieat to pro-v-id gift for all who would export a. Th tree, however, will b beaa- tlfully decorated aad .fllajaiaated with electric Haftr. . Tb tree will be lighted at o'clock 01 .Christnaaa rr aad at this tiaa a Biuairal progtaai wot be readered. the aiagiag to be by th Tariea ehoirs of taw-rttjr ebarrke.- --- - -' ;--.--.- - - Ta tree will be ia th capital square : ta anxa fcxatioai a that of but FOUR DODGE DEATH AS AMIIES GrtrwDftLero AutoiU Eacap Being KiliW Uliru C.r SklJ N)r New Bern IBj ll Its Mm at Hew Hera. Do, tl,- Whll eu rout frees Wllatiagtea to New his few day ago, Oeorg T. Penny, 0. B. Tkoataa, H. T. IUrtman, and J. B. Tk nwiss, of Graeaabore, had a a arrow eoeape from death r serious Injury wbea th oar la wh!nh they were riding ahlddid nd turned over abot.t sight ml la from New Bern. Th autolet had on ths day befor been at Hallsboro and bud ku.mo to Wll- 01 in at on. expoetiug to catch a train out nf that city for New Item from which pus thy were to go to a point In Pam lico county. They failed to catch this train and were forced to hie two auto motive in order to nsaka tke hundred sails trip. All went well until at a point elifbt miles from thi slty when one of th cmrs. In passing over a bridge, struck one ead of it, turned evur and precipitated the occupant to the ground Fortunately aoa of them war seriously hurt aad they wcr able to go on to Pjinlico county where they conducted sale that day. It ia now an aasured fact that the Nor folk Southern Hallway Company will re build their local shop which wera de otroyed by fir a few weeks ago. There haa beea eoane doabt of thi fact but tiiia ha now beea dispelled. Contractor here have received tbe plan for th aew building and a fore of mea are new engaged in clearing away a sit for the new building and aa soon aa thia haa been done, the actual work of eonstroetion will begin. The plan for th new shop show that they will be larger and mors elabo rate than ever before. They will cover mora ground aad will ia every way be larger and more modern. Not only will thrre be a aaaebia ahop but there will bo several other departments connected with this, making tho ahop her one or the largest owned by the Norfolk Southern company Tonight the members of the Chamber of Commerce will hold a meeting at Inch they will pas resolutions thank ing the railway people for the action they have takea In deciding to rebuild tbe shop here and assuring them of all possible support. The Coast Uuard eutter, Pamlico. Can tain J. C. Cantsell in command, arrived in port yesterday afternoon after rather perilous cruise in Panilieo Bound aad its tributaries. The cutter was in tho sound during tho severe gale which swept thi seetioa on Friday night and Saturday and buffeted one of the worst gale of the season. In Goose Creek the cutter found the mall steamer "Josephine" of Hobucken, with Captain J. A. Hodge in command. ia aiatreaa. The Teasel with six nasaen gera oa board had blown on a shoal nd was In dnnger of being swamncd The cutter passed a line to the distressed noat and after two boar of hard work auceeeded In getting her in deep water. me ramliro left tM afternoon for not her cruise throaehA the sound, i Members of the Wdhmn's Clnb of this city are looking forward with much nticii.atlon to the n if lit school which hey ore to conduct in one of tho traded school buildings after the first of the year. Thec clasaea, which may be attended y any one who desires an education. ill be taught about three nights each k and will probably begin about 7::t0 clock and laat for an hour and a half r a little more. The Woman's Club bus decided to cow- uct this night school in order to cive hose who do not otherwise have an on porfuuity of securing an education, to ncreasc tneir store of knowledge. The iuii memiiera will confer with Prof. II. B. Kmith. supcriuteiidcut of the pub- WHiis.itoinorrow inorniuir and will complete all detail at that time. MARRIAGE LICENSES Marriage licenses issued yesterday: Mr. ttnnie Medlin. of Knurht.lalo. and Miss Ellen Agnes I'hipps, of Wendell. M. Carlton Ilea Is Bailey and Mias .May Cross, toth of Raleigh. R.FJ). . 1. Mr. Alfred F. Worrell aad Mis Tona I.il lie Jones, both of Wske Forest. About half n ton .if whalebone is ob tained from one wli.ile, its value being, roughly, f.,itii Th Children Like It Even Better Than Ice Cream You can let them et all & they wraa. kia wot lee rich, for diktats h-li sfeaaJio. ths ask, a. Ct k uZJu Lrallawa, k. T"! jera.TJrwgw vr r lsWaaaw.1 ,i luil. CI.il 1 'sal t tl arTW.. . ii - t.iaaw a. r 1 "-rr-ssnri i ni am. i n i.J.E.GAilRAlY REPLIESTQCfllTICS Clrei Region WI17 Blckett Will N6t Carry Tenth Diitrict Kdltor New had Observer 1 I see that several of atr. Blckett's partisan a front this pari of tk atat Undertook to kal ian g my lnUrvleW oa tk subjeot of us guberaatorlal aeateot. They all assm to b tl thU or ex-that. If I fait dlsposad to b aefliaoBlou I might ug geat that tb prsDx "sx" to their of oelal title 1 somewhat of a coininen iary oa their political Juilrment. I glad to testify, however, that they ar all good man and good Democrat, al though fearfully misinformed la this particular lnstaae. Bight hers I wish to propound a little problem 1 If it took Ave of Uieu to answer on man Inter view, how many of them will b re qulrod to deliver th twenty thousand Domoerati veto ia th tenth district of which they speak so boaatingly? At th tlm this protest against my Interview was given to the News and Ubserrar there were four or five other prominent Democrats from this district In Raleigh. Hon. Walter E. Moore, of Wsbstor, was there; Hoa. A. M. Fry, of Brysoa Olty, was there; Hon. Zob Wearer, of Asheville, was there; also Messrs. M. Silver and J. B. Morgan, of Wayaasvill. All theso gentleman ar prominent and active Democrats. Why didnT they join in thia indignant pro tsttt Th answer ia simple. Whether for Daughtridge or Bickett, these mea ar reasonable and level-headed, and they doubtless could not see their way dear to Join in snob extravagant aad absurd claims aa characterised the in terview of Messrs. Alley, Bryson and the other. If the New and Observer would give m the BMOsaary apace I could publish plenty of concrete evidence to show that Mr. Daughtridge ia strong in this section. But for ths present I will merely suggest a line of thought that should convince any fair minded man that Mr. TBickett will not carry every countv in ths tenth district br a "iier- feetly overwhelming majority" aal riaimeii ujr roessrs. Alley, riryson ana the others. In making this argument I am assuming that Governor Daught ridge's upright character and marked ability will be conceded by all. If there is one man on earth who is near and dear to the hearts of the mountain people it is certainly (tor ecT . ' ,7f- th8 "dePt,on fif tha immnrlsl Vtaa a wnn ha m awavl been rewarded bv them with more .in- eere affection ami esteem thaa Governor I Craig. Hi friends nre their friends, I sua mey ion 1 neonate to lot it uo sauuKu nuriirirr aau vvaowillVaa UUn at, Ji I the year 1908 these mouataia rwonle were bonding every effort to indue the I Democratic party of North Carolina to I give proper recognition to Mr. Craig by nvuiiuitiis uim lui uurpmur, jviiuoiign from a remote eastern country, Mr. Daughtridge stood by Mr. Craig in that fight, A is well known to all, Mr. Bickett was against Mr. Craig and the western people, and did his best to nominate another candidate. Mr. Dnugbtridga was a member of the Gen eral Assembly in liHKl when Governor Craig was a candidate for the T'nited States Ben ate, and voted for Craig on every ballot to the very end of the con test. Our people may have their faults but they are not overburdened with in grntitud. To say that practically every Democrat in this section will de beiately turn hi brick on a mail who ias always been their friend, and sup port one who never knew them nor cared for them until he became a candidate for public ollicc is roiuk it a little ton strong. Kceent politii-nl historv won't justify tbe assumption. Let us see. In lS'lll Judt;e Allen carried every county n the tenth district against Judge Man ning except Clay and he nearly got that. Whyf Principally bernuse Judge Allen stood by Mr. Craig in that desperate fight of 11KIH. In 1U1J Senator fSiuiinons curried every county in the district, al hough Governor Kitchin was better known among our people. Whyf Kor several rensona, but one of the most im- Kirtmit of them was the fact that Ren- tor Simmons stood by Mr: Craig in the tight of for this and many other reasons, Heualor DauKhtridjre and bis riend expert to make a handsome showing in this sectio "a-, A,nd mYu " and the votes are the facts are known .k 1.. .i; j v, mr; i luvmira ! e.cvu..iuns. I am not ao foolish as to claim that Governor Daughtridge will carry every county in the district by a "perfectly "n" uinjoiiij. I lewve 11 mr I 1. l . : ; t, T i - I the Bickett supporters to make such hot-1 air claims, there are twenty thousand I n 1. .Li. u- :n I "T . "" U' ' "'" .pea. ror uiemse.ve mey cant oe spoken for by Fell. Alley, Thad Bryson and the othr Bickett partisan who rushed into print .to attack my exceed- ingly mild claims in behalf of Governor VMiliHriujei. BespectfulT, JAMK8 K. CABRAWAT. Waynesville, N. C, December 30, IV 15. (Adv.) " 8tadenu Hear Kev. Richard a. INfMtal to TW N as-1 INwrw I Davidsoa, Dec. SI. Pastor Hiehards was heard by the atudeut aad the con gregation of townspeople Sunday morn ing in a sermon of marked practicality aad appropriateness as aa ante-holiday and Christmas-alrticrpatory discourse. Hia thought was of course oa the re union to take place in so tnaay home thia week introduced by this third Sun day ia December. Tke arrtptur word wer Art 4:t3; Aad being let go, they went to their own company." The speaker stated dis tinctly that hi remarks weald la ao ease be aa exposition of the text or aa emkoraiioa .og ths atorjr which con stitute its setting, rather th seetioa of ths verse would be a startiag point from which to move out ia the presen tation cf thought aot aew, but, as be Ttojgf33r aird; tau tbwtr m peafH hia auuiiiaea so largely mad up f youth. "He A. nawwah. - ... Moaat Airy, Deo. 1. Mrs. E. A. Haa- ah, wife of Mr. Sdtrard liaaaah. died Friday asoraiag aad tho faaoral was held Bwaday. kfra. Hanaab bad beea ery sick sent tims of Bright's dsseaso, aad wail bet deatb ia a aad blew bs a large ircl of reiaUT aad frioada, H m w wisnw,. rt - was oectod. 8h leaves a husband and oas child a daughter, aged abont ftoets loan : Ontario prodaea aO per ooat of tk world a nickel supply, aad oao-aeroaU of tk ilrr. - 1 GIVE SIS ORPHANAGE IRK Two Wilmington BtlginesS Men Malte Donation To Build New Infirmary (BpMUl la Tte Man sa Oawia I Wilmingtoa, Dec. 21. The announce ment mH bv th mnnAfromeiit fit the Presbyterian orphanage at Barium " Spring., that Jame and W. H. Sprunt, of this city, had sent a chock of $15,000 to be used for the erection of an in firm - -rv ho. . th. .--t know ... . , . a v a. a . . "u""" ln!" lnr lwo business men Had done thia noble act. This ia only one of many philanthropic dred, they h,T. pcrfsrmri im recnt years. Gen. James I. Metta, commander of the State United Confederate Veterans, who went to Raleigh today, took along with him to place in the Htate Museum Inch was presented by the ladies of Pender county to Cnpt. Wm. P. Bennett when he commanded Company K of tbe Third Kegiment in the War Between the States. This is a large flag and was made from silk d reuses, scraps, etc. Y iliningron was visited by tbe biggest anon- and freeze in years InM night. Early this morning it ceased to snow but more than six inches had already fallen, which is very 11 n usual for this section. No damage of conseqnence wus reported. Announcement lias been made of tbe approaching marriage of Dr., .(. Buren Niilhnry, a young physician of this city, and Mis-s Willie Wellington Daniel, of the faculty of Columbia College, Colum una, ts. ( ., the wedding to take place on the afternoon of January 1st. Miss Daniel is the eldest daughter of Presi dent and Mrs. W. W. Daniel, of Colum bia College, and is highly cultured young v-umiin. Dr. Buren Kidhiirr. after spend ing a number of years in New Vork hos pitals, located in Wilmington. The underwriters for the recent Corn and Agricultural Show had to pay only to r cent, of the amount euhaerilicd by them towards paying the ei-ns.-s for currying out the enterprise, the re mainder of the expense wan paid by the nnminnl charges made for admissions. lour different negroes have been hit Plicated in the robln-ry of a freight i.r ycterday morning when sevente ear ....."...,. .-...rm.-tn lick! nf mm mr ...! Tl. .. 9 tlle ceroes are in iail while !,. frti. Lis not Hnn.i ti'.. .... . ...ik.j : the broad Havl'i.ht ,.j i. i,.- been sold to E. W Rnmett . ,nlj - . ,n im nn, i.k i jng stolen goods linvh i ,1.. -. .unuuirrii mt names of those who nre to compose committee to serve with him in working ont the details of the co operative plan to induce mnnnfncturing enterprises to locate in Wilmington, the purpose being to utilize property rccentlvracquired just north of the city by Mr. MaeRae anci interests, t rec manufacturing lite and other inducements are to be offered. The members of the committee are per sons representative of nearly nil the ra rioua businesses in Wilmington. The property purchased by Mr. MaeRae for this purpose contained abont 650 acre and costs about $63,000. It is not prob able that the committee will meet until after the holidays. Polktsn News Nates. (SklMUl tt TIM. XmW Muf CM I Palkton, Dec. 21. The Anson Lumber Company has sold its plant here to 8. K Harris who ha been a member of the firm since it began operation her seven years ago. Mr. Harries ia a well known business man of tho town being interested ia several eaterprisea, he also bought the farm of th -company oa Brown Creek. A surprise marriage of more than or dinary interest was aolawiai.eil last Boa., day eveniag at T:30 at tk home of tk l k I A oaaiss liM.lrhrt.llftWilUira re (a eM s BWr4 I saeawb aa SBsti 9 aabeaas I 11J eaw ias m iiitesasailiasasa taaa War Was AavsaU aa ftMssasllea BMmtwia.taisiiM si saaa, aasaaad aM W 1 Hum il fal U TAJ M&ervt, rVbaklw Ow - i i asrassaaassatssxa, Footwear for outing and wet weather There 1 real dittinc tkeness to Crocker loot uenr for outing and wet weather wear. Heavy and stout enough te withstand rougA wear, and at nearly impervi out to water as can Ite made, yet not ungainly. Many stunning models. "Smart" effects for evening and for all oc casions of the day, with true A pic York style. bride's pa rax U, when Hia Aoai May Martin became ths bride of Mr. Leon Carter, these young people ar very popular wlh a host of friends. Mrs. Carter ia the daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. J. A. Martin. Polk to htethodiat parwsaag was the scene of a quiet marriage bast Saturday evening when Walter Taaker aad Mias Ella beaehum were married by Kev. W. B. Davis. The school will close tomorrow for the holidsys of two weeks duratloa. Prof. Sloaa and hi assistant hav had a very successful year so far and ars closing thi part of the school with a pleased patronage aad the pros pacta fee even a better spring term is bright. Mix Mary Anna Daniel will leave for her home in Walstanbarg Wednes day. Mis Lillian Cuthriertasm, oa of tb teachers in th graded school at Wendell spent Sunday with Mr. T. M. Bin 1th. Miss Annie Humbert of the facultv of Graham school and Mlaa Jeaeia Maake, a student of Meredith, cause home Friday for n-t Br MOUNT AIRY SEEKING MORE ELECTRIC LIGHT ISpertal w Th. . and nbawrw Mount Airy, Dee. 1. Tho eity anv thoritiea ar negotiating for additieaaj water power for th city light depart ment. It is thongM very likely that bind on the Ararat river below the pres ent power plant will be bought and another stone dam put la to meet tb growing demand for power and light by citizens and manufacturers. The sit selected is a very deeirabla location, and if the owners do not ask too much fot it, the enterprise will le pnshed to a early completion The city bow has suf ficient power to handle the light sys tem, but the demand for power Is m great, in addition to that required for the water department ia pumping water no the Dig tank, that it is deemed advisable to put in another dam arrows the Ararat river aad utilize all tho water in that river twice within a dis tance of perhaps two mile Thi entor pnse m a eery important one and Pu perintendent Barber is readr to staka off the plnnt as soon aa the papers ara signed by the owners of the land oa both aide of the river A man that weigh 150 pound con tains enough grease to make "5 rand log and a pound of soap. JUST 25c MAY SAVE A LARGE DOCTOR'S BILL We know MOTHEB o JOT BALVH to the one good medicine for pneumonia, roup, cold sad Mash. We want yoa to try MOTHER'S JOT SALVE at our expense. Writ as a postal ward todav, asking for a big sampl. W will genii it by return xsail wttheat spraa te yoa. .Address 00061 . Q&EASJi CtX, Greensboro, V. CL H4s.lT btSawlaTsiiii I,, If KaM-a, a. Asa. wiawe. wd svassw LiM . I4MI BsrWCaB, - Ms.ssistsJa."