Tin News'-Mi1 'o IHE JWEATHER PABI1" -PAGES 1 TJ.W Fait today and - tag Imnratm. VOL. CIIL NO. 51. RALEIGH, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 20, 1916. fevE -TVE CENTS " tj I 2- E LT.T.LlrriIOLFJ.SPyr WASHINGTON'S WIFE OmOf THE BIG EVENTS IN THE ftPr WASHINGTON H. C. flEPU BLIGIUIS tfarion Butler and Bob Mc Neill, of Washington, Will Be The Ringmasters ML IS ARRESTED. - . i Self-Confessed Gennan Emlawj sary. Who E&U-l$piz Is Reeaptnred " rHU- IS TAKEN liW YOfiK! Can Prosecute War Indefinitely Without Menace To Finan cial Stability, Claim s6ltd X'ANT CHICAGO SHOWING I J, . I - ... ', 1 ' ' t . 1 FOUNDATION IS CIRCUS OR RUSSIA PUP RIG ASSERTS MINISTER Hi . 4 A if vv 'lan For Substantial Lot of Delegate at Their Back ft Republican Convention. Thejr Know What a Nice Looking, Well Behaved Bunch Will Mean By H. K. C. BRYANT. Washington, Feb. 19. The politic! ot is beginning to aimnier and North Carolina U furniihing fagot to get the Ire going Frank" H. Hitcheoek, the crafty blonde imchelor of the Taft administration, nd former political lieutenant of Col Theodore Roosevelt, did not get hi movement for Mr. Justice Hughe tarted in North Carolina before Rcpre tentative blemp, the wily Republican leader of the mountain Beetifin of Vrr- giula, punctured it. Mr.' Nlemp naid he wan tried of outsiders exploiting the Republican of hi State The Blemp expose put Hitchcock in the diarard for the present campaign. North Carolina Republican urc about to ha.. put through a two ring eireu. Ex senator Marion Mutter, of Washington, and Robert II. McNeill, -at torneyi of Washington, are to be the ringmaster. The two are not working together hut to the same end - making a good showing at Chicago. The Wash ington lawyera would like to have f substantial lot of dt legates at their backs in the Republican convention. It would mean much to the inner if the Republicans come back into power next year. The real contest among Tar Heel Re publican this year will be "the bunch of delegates to Chicago." Leaders of the C U. P. believe that their side will be on top again after March 3, 1917. Therefore, the one with the "goods at tii- national convention will shine after fhe November election. There will be cabinet 1cg, 'mosjasadoTsatps, Bad hundred of other fat and lucrative posts la JlU if the Republ- come hark, rxtenator Batter and Mr. Me NeiU know what a nleo looking, well behaved delegation, at Chicago may mean. If at the proper moment Tar Keel Republican rould deliver the wal lop that would put one candidate eat and another in, with Republican sue eese, pre woohd eonte thick and tooth some. Significant Activities. The aetivties of Republican in South era State are significant. Wade H Ellis, formerly of Ohio, but aow of Washington, made a hurried trip to North Carolina sometime ago. He wa pleating a little Theodore Barton prop agmnda. Others hare beea la the State Recently Mr. McNeill shook a few bushes ii and about Stateeville to see what he eottkl start. Henator Butler denies that be will return to North Carolina te live, bat his fine Italian hand is being felt there. It is boasted here that the Butleritea have won one or two fall eat of E. C. Daacan la local contest iu the fttate. The Rutler cohort are active. As was predicted by the News and Observer correspondent some time ago Mr. But ler is a busy in the Urate a a email dog in high rye after butterflies. He is not going to let Carl Uaaeaa put say (C AMERICA HAS GIVEN BELGIUM $7,500,000 IR, h AMncUMS Tnm New York, Feh. 19. America has eon tributed ,7,M0.0W to ths relief of Bel ginm, aeeording to E. Van De Vyvere, Belgian afiniater of Finance, who sailed today for London on the steamship fH. Paul after spending several week ia thia country. I'p to February food tuffs and clothing valued at mora thaa S90,OOO.0U0 had beea shipped Into Bel gium, he said. Belgian Interests sap plied rabre thaa t,000,OGO of the sum rpended. The remainder was given by the people of the Ported Htatea and ' other- 'countries." Mr.'' Van' "Dt 'Tjrve're stated that tM.OOO.0O0 worth of sup plies had beea purchased ia thia conn -.try.. .. . The Belgian Minister thanked the Americas poop's for their generosity and said ia a farewell wit age : "I ask yon individually and as a na tion, to accept the love, the friendship and the faith which is offered to America by every Belgian ai the tribute of their gratitude. GENERAL SCOTT SIGNS HIS OWN COMMISSION Waahiagtoa, Feb. 1 Aa probably the first United States army" officer to sign his own remntisaioa. General Scott, in his capacity aa acting secretary of war, today affixed hia signature to the of fieial document by which he became a major geaeral several month ago. The remmiasion would have become void had It not been formally approved shortly, and so th geaeral signed tt upon advice of the judge advocate general FOB MONCMrXT TO BOONE DseghteaIslredsees Joint Reselnttee --! . :WaKgfo. JVfc W A joint reeo- ration pei-nUttaag the pkseiwg of a ataae aienumrnt (ad taMct to ths memory of ; DoaM Booae ia th city mi Waahiagtoa - - withowT STpentTk federal govern nteat, was latredaeed today by Bepre-'- oca tali o beachtosL ef? North Carolina. be ta eaacfe at Oo Vertki Oarliia 9m aiety at rTasbingtoa aad the D. A. B, ,.' ' t hT-. ; -J w2yjt - :' . ?:? JW Martha Wnahingtoa was the. wife nf George Washington, whose memory will be honored by alt American on the anniversary of hi birth. Hhe was a faithful companion to her hunland anl was well liked by all who knew her. S LIKELY30 ESCAPE Increased! Rale On Thoe Al ready Taxed Seems Idea of Democratic Leaders (Hj Ih? wirr t Frrtu I Wu 1 1 t;t in . Feb. K. The pron.nl to aim itl the iiieuine tAX law no iin to inchile KiiiitUer incomes it xirtuaily eertain to !e abaiuloned in favor of an increased rate n thoe already taxed, it vrnn dcrlnrivl tonight br llemm-rntic llone lenil.T. rVntlinrnt agAiut lov.t ring the eveuip tion limit in ovtler to provi.-b. ,blitionnl revenue for the preparedness program eryntalliaed, it va aid, in the leino cratic caucus Tliur'ly night when Iemoerati Leader Krtcbin declared against changing the present niiniinnni of (.IWO. Bince then protetaiU nguinKt all rednrtisn ftlaht" hgve btcojne more outspoken daily. " , i - Leadera dAtlaaed tnaight IKat virtually the entire preparedness revetiuo burden would be met nith income taxes. Ten tative bills looking to raising tlOu.iMMV (JU0 solely by aa increased Income tax rate are being discussed, and will be offered soon ia committee. One of the Democratic leader who win be Active in framing the ml mini tratinn bill said tonight he would sug gest doubling the present one er cent rate on incomes below tJO.iUM) anj poa iblv make the tax on incomes above that amount aa high as eight per rent. (Cearbweat M Pas Mm.) SISAL INVESTIGATION BROADENED IN SCOPE R Ik Washington, Feb. 19. Hen atonal in vestigation of charges that American financier have attempted to monopolize the sisal crop of Yucatan, Mexico, wa broadened today to include an inquiry into whether the International Harvester Company nought by intimidating Amer ican bsnkers to prevent sisal planter obtaining money to market their crop. The agricultural committee conducting the iavestigatioa decide! to call as wit nesses Pres. Cyrus H. McCormirk and other officials of th harvester com pany and Arthur Reynolds, vice presi dent of the Continental and Commer cial National Bank of Chicago, and to ak the -bank to submit a record of th balance maintained there by the com pany during the last three year. Offi cials of the National City Bank of New tork will be asked to testify regarding charges that the harvester company also exerted Influence upon that institution. The hearings will be resumed Tues- lay. MALLER INCOMES ONLY BRITAIN NOW OUTSTRIPPING U. S. IN NAVAL CONSTRUCTION Navigation Bureau Officials See Recover Position Once Held As World's Foremost Shipbuild ing Nation; Construction Tonange Doubles in Year (to Washington, Feb. If. Reports to the Bureau of Navigation made public to day abow that many American ship yards, crowded with work as aever be fore ia their history, are refusing all contract calling for new types of ves sela, ssd confining construction to those of typ- for which - construction plan aJ ready have been drawa. With 230 merchant vessels, having total toaaage of about LOOOOO building or about to h started, the raited State now ia he lag oat stripped la construction only by Great Britain aad navigation bureau official aee la the boom a prospect that the country may recover the position it held as the foremost aatioa In ship building. The amount of toaaage under con traction ia American yards. has doubled within the last ti. It has Increased nearly fifty per cent si ace the first of December sail yards are so filled with orders that assay have work that will keep then steadily employed aatU well into 1917. Thirty nia ships have beea completed since las Jury. Th steamboat Inspect ob is preparing for aa expected ahortag in Men to com mand Amerieaa aerehaat men by chaag- iag reg-alaneaa govern tag 1 mane of Urease. The age Hmit (or officers was red'Jeed in sj order several days age Is Economic Pre People Finance flares ; Enfoireme: hibition One of Th For Phenomenal Itret4aWi-B Deposits of Savings Banks -. - IB 0 Petrograd, Feb. 19. Via Iondon. Contrasting Russia's increasing prosper ity with Uerman's financial and eeono mic condition, the Russian minister of finance, Pierre L. Bark, in a statement to the Associated Pre today express ed the'opinion that Russia could prose cute the wnr indefinitely without scrloun menace to the financial stability of the country. "Hujuua'a uuaui's rest ufxm the most solid fouiidHtion in the nrWi," said the minister, ""flie e. onomic irosperity of the Kussian people, which is uow great er than h us eer eoneelved poible tie fore tin- lieginnioff of the war. Thus, whib- Die ikwwi of lbs tier uian people are reduced by war to poverty, every month of the ka rariehed the Rus sians. "The optimistic statements concern ing (termuo's tiiiHiieial status have de 1 rived but few. On the other hand, there 11 nothing illusory or iieeioii about the KunHinim' pronperity. It rests upon the incontrovertible ftt-t of the RusMian wnple in reased earnings and savings. "When, a year ago, the savings banks showed a monthly lucres) in deposits nf 5u.iMKMiii roubles, it was regarded as phenomenal. Hut that has only the be ginning. Ibiring the month of Janu ary the savings batik alone showed an increase in deposit of 120,000,000 rou bles. This is accounted for principally by the growing thrift and economy of the peasants since the enforcement of prohibition, by their greater earning power and the higher wage they com Bland, and by the government prevision for the fnmilie of soldiers, Which mate rially increased their antebellum In come. "Thi marvelous proajierlty makes Camst aw Pass Eisfct.l TflKEMillNS .S. The "China" Is Held Up On The High Seas By Britiuh Auxiliary Cruiser Hjr Utt AaaiK-Ulsd FrsM Shanghai, (liina, Feb. ID. Ths Amer ican iteamahip China, which left Shang hai yesterday morning for ban r'raneia co, was held up on the high sess by a British auxiliary cruiser and US tier men were taken off. The Chins is owned by the Chins Mail Steamship Company. It is thought she may have been held up by the Lauren tic, which recently stopped th Tenyo XIarn while on a voyage to Manila, and removed 9 Indiana. Auierieau vessels ia the Pacific have lieen held up previously during the war by British warshipa. In August of 1014, the China, then owned by the rariflc Mail Steamship Company, and the Man churia of the Mime company were halted by Britih warship off Hong Kong and forced to urrender forty Uermany re servist. The German took passage from Hong Kong to Ban Francisco and (GMttoasa M Pas Klskt-1 in Boom Prospect Country May A. P. MAN TALKS In Exclusive Interview He Des ignates Rebellion Now in Progress As Skirmish It ierity . of 4 if Pro 4 Reistni FROM U STEAMER WIT H YUAN SHI Ml !tv Um sjftoelatsd frsss ) Peking, China, Feb. 1 In an txcln aivc Interview with th correspondent of the Associated Press at the palace tolay. President Yuan 8hi Kai mini raized the importance of the rebellion now in progress and expressed confi dence of the ability of the government to suppress the np rising whea adequate troops reach the upper Vang Ts Kiaag. Vice Admiral Tsai Ting Kan. eanfidea tial secretary of Yuan 8hi Kai- acted as Interpreter. "This la a campaign, bat. only a skirmish," said Yuan fihl Kai, -but It giea ate sr mseh work that ht haereasea my appetite." The prssideat replied laughingly to a tCiaHasil est fasa KkaaJ f t With tree American spirit the birthday ef George Washington will be duly honarrd tkreaghout Ike I'nlted SUlcs Oae ef the big event In the life of the rather of th roan try was hia Inaugaratlun a the first president II 1. friend, a co-patriot, Joan A dims, was the vice-president on the occasion. This plrtare from aa old print, show a mr altrad ing that hrstorfe at. 1 DEAD. 1 MISSING I Accident Unde Eal Hiver Be lieved To Have Been Cauned By Leak IHy ls As., istwl Pt, 1 New York,, Feb. 19. -One man if desd and another is niissing us the result of a compressed air blow out late toilsy in a subway under ruiistruetion H feet below the surface of the Kart-. rivr. A third man. whs was abet with the othos through mnduJ water t the suice; of tti rivei na lirntsvsv-wadNtesdsu soon recovered alter removal to 11 he pita). The blow out, believed to have been caused by a leak in the compressed air pumped Into the subway to stabilise the work under construction, imperilled the lives of thirty five other men work ing in the tube. t The three m(n were sent sky rocket ing up through the roof of the tunnel into the icy waters. Witness on the water front declared the three men were burled fully thirty feet above the sur- faoe ef the river. Much difficulty has been experienced in constructing the new subway, owing to the presence of great nuaatttie ef sliding gravel and mud. Many slides have occurred, it was said, bat deepige this fact the work has been pushed with greater rapidity than in any subway than far constructed in this rity. The tunnel ia being constructed by the "Shield Method" according to a state ment issued tonight by the Public Her vice Commission. Air presaure of 24 pounds to the square lfieh hold up the ( iisase m ras Blent.) THE DAY IN CONGRESS SENATE. Met at nitaa. Agrlcaltaral caanaalttee continued hearing on rraolStloa la direct Inqalry Into control of aiaal output. Concervation caananlons sera a Sent to amend Shields waterpower bill. Hsltira treaty was laid before th Senate te be called ap next week. Senator Lewis, la speech, assailed former Senator Root for his sseech at the New York State Republican conven tion, attacking President Wilson snd th Democratic sdanlalstratioa. Adjourned at till p. m. until neon Ms-nsay. HOUSE. Met st aooa. Keen mad roaslaerstiea of Pastoffice Appropriation Bill.. . . , . ;. . Aajoarard al sflS p. aa. annl aeon Monday. SEE NO NEED OF IT Georgia Democrats Will Pro bob Omit Prealdeatlal Primary. tin ite I nwi Atlanta, ia., Feb. IB. No Democratic presidential primary will he held in Georgia unless opposition develop to the nomination of President Wilson. The Demorrstie state executive commit tee at it meeting here today decided that It secretary ihall be prepared for thirty day to receive any nomination. If no other candidate appears, the at convention, to be held in Macon, May S, will select dole gat so to the St. Louis convention without holding a primary The committee , unanimously endorsed President Wilson for a second term. Resolution priasing lis administra tion of President Wilson were unani mously adopted by the eommittee. rs-MiLE wind orr thi COAflT Or BHODl ISLAND. '? Ikt Washington, Tab. 19. Unuaually high wind prevailed today along the Atlaa tie aeaboarit front Cap Hatters to Uaia.8, the weather bureau announced tesigfet. The highest veloeity was 11 OA-tD hour, recorded st Block Ia-iaa-B. I. At Cape Batterns and Ker folfcthe veloeity was 52 miles, while ocity of 64 mib-e was reenrded at No-York City, Saady Hook aad Deb ar breakwater. The blow waa accompanied by cold weather, but the temperature wfi! rue along the coast during th next two Si BLOW day,. I APPAM IS LIBELLED, LIEUT. BEKG OBJECTS STRENUOUSLY IN VAIN Atiprne For Ownern of Vest'! iuut d, i't s tuiirt 1, m te, L.ocal Filed Wednesday. But Fart (Br tV Asirtil r, 1 . forfolk. Va., Feh l! To guardt front the office of the I nited Mtates niatriet Court me tonight tn charge uf the It r j t i.li liner Appam, recently 'np lured by n Uerman commerce ruMer. attorneys for the owners of the vessel having instituted lilel pro-eedings here UmImj. ViMleral Judge Waddltl issued the naual libel process aud the Appum wa Qstxed by a deputy t'uited Mates mar ahal, Lo went to Newport News on a tug for tlie purpose. Accompanied by two attorneys, rep resenting the owner, and two watch men, Deputy West Itonrded a tug to.lay aud went out to where the Arpam was anchored. The Indder of the vessel was np bnt at the rrrrtrer requrst tt was lowered and the entire party went aboard. When Lieutenant Iterg learned the 1 tun tion he aid that he would not have allowed them aboard if he hn l known their mission With Lieutenant Iterg objecting at every step the usual process of nerving "a liliel wns completed and the deputy then started to tack the uanal notice on the mast nf the vessel. The Crewman commander objected strenuous ly. -The hlp i in charge of Collector Hamilton," he said, "and you hnvc no right here." Lieut. Berg then left the Alani hurriedly and went to Newport News to use th telephone When h returned to the Appam Deputy West had tacked the notice on the mast of the ship The lieutenant directed hi men to tear down the slip of white paper which told that the Ap pa m had been seized by order of the I'nited States District Court at Norfolk "lnn't you touch that notice," said the I'nited Htatea marshal, and the notice remained on the mast. Deputy Weet then left the ship in charge of two watchmen who had been sworn in thi morning and the party returned to Nor folk. Floyd Hughes, local counsel for the libellaiits, refused to diacuaa the case today, saying Hint all information con eerning the caae should come from Mr Coudcrt In New York, leading counsel for the owner of the Appam. It ia un iCeetiass mm Pass Elskl 1 J. ffAM LEWIS ASKS "Keynote Speech" of Ex-Sen. tor Root Riddled By States man From Illinois By H. E. C. BRYANT. Wsshintrten, Feb. 19 Henstor J. Hamilton Lewis, of Illinois, celled the Republican to book on the war issue today, lie aked'ths RepuMiesaa of the Senate ( they wanted to make war with Germany the campabjfn issue. Senator Lewia spoke ia reply to ex Senator Boot before the New York State Republican Convention. Mr. Lewi charged Mr. Boot with inconsistency and demagogue ry. He said that he is now hinting at war to make an issue for th Republican party. "Ths able ex Senator said in hia key note speech to the New York Republi cans, striking a baas note, thst it is necessary we should have a President of the I'nited States who has aometliing more thaa words, who would follow words by actions," said Mr. Lewis. -Yet. what action I ,ii..evi..J 1 ,wui 1 i?..f...... T n. . i DOES HE WANT WAR What action docs th Honorable e-hlsar.vstiop or elsewhere, the go-cernment Senator, aa leader of the Republican party mean. , There eaa tie but one other kind ef actioa aad that ia war If the riaaater would aneaa war why did he not aay war! Why"mask under utter aaeea ambiguous aad doubtful inform of construction the rent meaning of the demand for action T If the able eg- (CanlBimd sa Pas Naw.) .nMitutf Prirrrdiji But Floyd in?' ' 1 hi n,r I't iiiiu, 1 uiirrc Wan kt-pt S.M-rel HE ASKS COMGRESS Senator Rokineet tffer More Evl Jenor In SuptfVwTTrt-4-- fieieney Clmrgr I I lb. 4 Washington. )'t in support of hia anation ser ice 1 b. IU - More en (barge tht h "CYlitcu.l't ibl v armj inef Scicnt" was made public i eUnator Kl tnsou. who - i. Hrttild continue his efforts fur ioual inetigatioii despite nght by 1 lai t-d he a congrea t he an uoom cuiciit of the i Dei.aituinit that it would make aa inquiry into the sub ject hairtnan Chamlerlnia of the Senate Military fwumit'ec sl he would ask the eommittee to sole oaday on the tseaator'a resolution for rwvestign tion "1 iiiinxlured ii-oiniion in Deet ni Ix r." said fcnator Kobmsoii I waited until yesterday foi the Vs,r Hcwutnieu! to act For months the 1 i rn.i, 1;t hnd all tin- in format ion V- . i.silt if in eTiricncy several men who I. !m c,l th, mil' hinea were un-tafc w.re om j., t- My and wire kill"! v I thu.k the inquiry should U' itij.lc hy j.erfMns e it sole the arniy." i Ite cVuator said i wether tai:i regard ing the service had Un Imd It-foi.- him today by mtd laimiug to Ivh e nil thoritative information 1 Ins. tog.-thei with other document ui.-bidiug photo graphic copies of btteis purporting to have passed bet it een Lieutenant Colonel clanniel Keber, in charge of the aviation eri.e. and Captain Arthur R Cowan, in ihaige of the Kan Iiiego station, will I pla. ed at the disposl of any investl gating committee Congrc uay ap point. IfBOTAIEIl Representative kalin I la Plan He Would Like To See in Effect ' a Um Amotiiu 1,,., 1 Washington. Feb u -A scheme for expanding the civilian training ramp movement into a definite nrganiaat:on of federal volunteers will I proposed te the House Military eommittee, by Kepreeentativa ELahn, of California, ranking Republican member. Tnder the plan th organisation would be to a measnre a substitute for the adminis tration' continental army scheme, fail ure of which before the Congressional committee, was oae of the factors lead ing to the resignation of rWretary Oar rison. Representative Kaha aaid tonight he had been told 100,000 men could be rn rolled If federal aid were grauti d Chair maa Chamber la la, of the Senate com mlttee, has prepared a proposal author ixing the Heeretary of War to direct that camps be held oa government re meeting all expense except for eUthiag and other , personal equipment. A sys tem of winter roorse in theoretical matters weald be provided, aad ntea who passed successfully through this training for a period of years would receive com aalsaioa a as second lieuten ants in the reaervs officers' corns- er PROBE OF AVIATION CIVILIAN TRAINING vCsatssasd ea Fss hlasj After Getting Away Last Month' Went To New Jere: and Disguised Himself Aa Farrn ; er; Probably Will Be Turned Over To British Agents To Faee Charges in England rws tn New York. Feb. l.-Igostiu T. T.J Lincoln former member of the British parliament and lf confessed Oerraaa . spy. who escaped on January IS from the custody of n I'nited Htatea deputy ' marshal after his arrest here on August " 4. 1H15, at the instigation of the Brit ish government, wa rearrested at f o'clock tonight in front of a Broadwas . restaurant . 1 - lie wjjs talejuJo the offices of the De pnrtmcnt of Jutiekv wtsare he waa H',. 'stiou, -, beluiid closed dor fbV HI SCO tl.an to hums Ijter he was removed 1. li.i,o"ii.l str.-.t jnil in Brooklyn. "Iktv he Imd foiDie.ily baaa a ptiauaeg. l.inciln ib'lnred Ins capture waa dtta . tu the fa. t Ib tt tiu Liuprutar of linlgiag bullae . where he had engaged quarter iliscm ere.1 his Identity and nt ," tempted to eitort SioO froin hini in re K turn for the surrender of hi bairgaga. ' He .ls lined to mnke a Mut.'tnrnt tt newsaper men, but asserted to the of ticers ah" questioned him that lie ncvef would li.ivr "run avvaj if the I. lilted ( States g vernment, which wa aware of nttempts of the British government t I. rswufe hno. bad treated hi 111 fniily." Ill the itl'iem e of Ciiplaiu WilliaM SX,'. -(iftiey .1 i.- , f M.e loaal luroaa of ia . ' vestigutioii of the Im pairment of Jus-' -v tice. what l.iueolii sad ti the authorl ties I., re .it:er hit, ainst wa not of ficially 1 . 1 ; 1 t - pulilic. heyuuil the n 11011nc.nu.nl ihat lit hnd been taken ia cutodj l HjM-cial Agi-nt John J, GrgutswcJi huJ Niel (,'balmer h ia-. forinaVHW wns fsrrticotniug reg,.liug ' hi arreit. -4 The gowt-mniit Uileut wlio 1 real da .. MTieohi is attachr to" .too "liailimora office of the aeeret sorvie Had has beea. . -working on the ense since Lineola ' 1 xuped. W hen he saw the fugitive on the street toinght. th detective deeidr! to take ; no cluinres. He pressed a revolver against IJ'ncoln's body and advised bias to aiibnut to srrest quietly. "You needn't do that," aaid Lincoln, smilingly. "I'll go along with yota ' quietly enough " After hia escape, Lincoln told his ques tioner he went to South Am boy, N. 1 where he disguised hiuiaelf aa a farmer and went nbotit with no fear of hia identity being learned. He made fre quent trips to N'w York ami rented a ttaseS m Pass Elcfcl. DISCOVER PRO-GERMAN MATTER IN TOBACCO SENT FROM RICHMOND! J 'v Ascltjt Pretw ) Kottr-i.ta n, Krh. 10, via London. Th iinhniTT-rvv rntrr into Holland oC An ri mu totarrf, which is virtually th) oult artiflc bcrWnfort unlnterfr nith un lr the Intch overfwais trust foa . diti.ni-, i likely to )w j'0'.ardi7,ed by i Hi-troi -r y juM madf by tin atithorW tic in con-nt.rvnMit of leaf to)iar3 from R4 bmond, Va , of tin prt-Heni- of a quantity or rrn w.-rinan propaamM ' and litrratiii t and N?ial-ti l'tter ad " drr-f i f o pvr"Mus in ((niKin y, Thii n the first dinro.ery of ropa- . trniul- .iii'l litt rnturr in of Arurft fart t'lliairo, niitl ulthftugh thtr ia A pi.ihitity that it Utn bn pr&rtia4 fir Roiin tiim- th 'Jiipimnt hare aoi I'svn .-1. Iuit'l. Th r fault of the di rjvrry jM mad H that the entire eoa- . nilfititifjit it U'lMg (N-itt to a prix eOttH -in Kairtand, and Iwith the fonni(fnur ailat ' i iiit-iut-f . tiif jUr a Hotterdam Unm " have 1-i'f'n p'U"e on the blark liat. HEKT1NG Of MAYORS Hp . in TSs Nm si Oivensboro. Feb. 1. At hece lust night of the executive eonimiV . tee of I'v Carolina Municipal Aasoeia tion a program was prepared for thtt sn nual me-ttg to h held in Kiastoa Mnf snd S. Mayor Fred I. Suttoa, of Kl '. aton, presided at th meeting ia the ah score of Chairman (lias. A. Bland, ef Charlotte. Mayor T. J. Murphy, of thia ' city, ia president of the association. -Among the speakers on the program ara K. 11 lldmouds, editor of ths M un fa, turera' Record; Jsmea D. McNeill, at Kavetteville who will apeak on fire pre vention ; Attorney in"ral Bielietts ' Mayor Kirkpatriek, of 'Charlotte, nud number of other prominent mec. f Villa Cant a res Carrsass ' Troops. lltv Um Asstfrtslil Tnm i tl ro, Texas. Fob. It. Frar.e.iset . Villa has eartured a amall bead of Car, ran ra troops sent from th OnerrrJ district in western Chihuahua to a- tack him, aoeording to word receives! hers today. The BSht took place at --" Ssnta Ana. GraeraJ Garlra, eommaad- ... ant at Juarez, explained that aa tha 1. Villa fere was found to be earner irally opertor the Carraara fore chose tsj surrender. The anniber of troortg en gigd wa not jlvea evtt. . - (TraadsM ef Garaeld Weds. -"" lev is Sninai fsaw ? 1 SeUrn. .Mass. feb. laV-Uneam Oar. field. graadsOB of fanter President J. a. Uartleld, aad son sf Harry A. Gar field., preatdeat of Wllliaasi CoiUge, waa married to VUa Harriot Wiaehestea- Pew. daughter mi Oeaaral sad Urn. Wis liam IL Pe tadaty. ..-1

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