ir 1 f TBS NEW ANI) OBSkRVEH 1J IN THE RELIGIOUS WORLD FCTTWO BrriCIKNCT INTO TBI (JMUaClL. The laMraotloaal leads School aoa For Pvhraary ft la "The Soros Helpers." Acta ek. 1 (By William T. Ellis.) Wkea Mea aad Religion "experts" fee about the had with their slogaa of "efficiency" they were hailed aa aew force aad as bearers or a sew Message. As a atatter of fact, they really only illustrated the truth that Chrietiaaa hare to get hack to the New TeetaaieM to bo "up to date," for a bet ter preftrsai of efaetoeey tkaa theirs waa laid dowa for itself by tho early Church ia Jerusalem, as aoeelactly told. In the eerea verses f roes the Biata Chap ter of The AeU whisk constitute tkia flnaday School Leaeoa. "Now ia these days, whea the ansa ber of disciples waa multiplying, there arose a unrmuriag of tko Qrociaa Jews easiest tho Hebrews, because their wid owe were aegleeted la tko daily miaie- tratioa. Aad tho twelvs called the mul titude of the diaeiploa aato them, and said. It is aot fit that we should forsake the word of God, and serve table. Looa ye oat thorefofc, bretsren, front among you seven men or food report, ran or the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we aiay appoint over this business. . But wa will continue stesdfestly la prayer, and la the ministry f the word. Aad the saying pleased the whole multitude : and they choae Stephen, a man full of faith, and of the Holy Spirit, and Philip, and Protchoris, and Kir&nor, aad Timoa, and Parnienxs, and Nieolaus a proselyte of Antioch; whom they set before the a post We; snd when they had prayed, they laid their hands upon them. "And the word of flod Increased; and the number of Uio disciples multiplied in Jerusalem exceedingly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith " I'arest snd LITe. Rome timorous souls are disturbed by tlie ditwonti 'it evident I" the Apostolic Church. Wherever there is life there is movement nnl irnrrat. All progress ia a series of S'ljuMments. The one place' of perfect placidity Is the graveyard, ami often the city's advance causes that to lie dug up and built over. A big hint in hidden, not very dtteply, in this New Testament episode, to the effect that the form and usage of the Chris tisn Church is not a fixed and rigid thing, to which all generations should conform, hut aa adaptation to the changing needs and conditions of every century. I pity the postot of a local congregation who is dominated by a few "conservative" members who wsnt things done in the good old way. The message and mission of the church are eternally unchanged ; hot her imtliiMta may vary from year to year. Home one has said that the two angels of progress are the angels of birth and the angels of death: both bring changes In this inxtance it was growth that caused the church to modify her meth ods. Thut growth, as lr. Torrey points out, was nut by addition, but by multi plication Rurh an accession of new life niadc i hangrs inevitable. An old new evil seems to have tie veloped early in the Jerusalem Church: too few men had" too much responsi bility. The whole load was on the shoulders of the apostles. T,hey were the busiest men in the city. Mo nina tan do efficiently as ninny kinds of work as were required of them. I talked with a Inyman leceutly who had lieen, uutil his U f H-lf errfnurij-u tion, a meihbcr of tueuty eight bourds, commit!' es nu, irirt u s. Ol.t iouslv. no one man could 'bt efT"i'tive work in so many ilifTi mil r;i, :irito-s. Kirn the apoetli. tunned in the pri sence of Christ II iinelf, were not eqilill to the burdous laid mi them by th rupidty growing church. tin Man. One Jh. "We mast suve ourselves for our higVst work." so id the apostles That is a good life rule for eterl-o,l We must confess thut eun tho apostles were not a success at work for which they were not suited "To oery man his work" is s Nciifiturr that needs often to be preaeheil iljutn If the rhiinlis today would adopt the motto, 'One iiihii, one Job" theio would be a smft in, reuse in efficiency. The notion timt s certain few "leading men" must hold most of the offices In a congregation i a grave mistake, it ruts in seernl directions. The buaV good men do not put their wholo pnw , era into any one tnsk. so Mint the work Buffers. Others, who might do the work, are kept therefrom, to the loss of thciu selves and th, church That is a wise faahion which is gromng in many churches of adopting the rotary system of office bearing, with a compulsory Rheumatism . iThsAU HM Vwn GI-m hy flm WlW fcUt It H Wbmu ttmry Serr to !-C KWm4 tim Mc7-JmI THt AMim Yf at awful wvtfvfinM and mitmry Kjiv- ' iBsaaTiit Uii win, Mark II. effttHMtMi of Sjm- fm. hrm York, how terrible n tnv to ttmli IwivplhaM rhspurnatbm W and Mtt 1 aMWoBaa -fqaaa. aw (nialB Wttn , si If UftfUnUllaCmB i ftr rWtttl. Ita vraap. Ha wana wry tw rtetiaa to knyw 1m w ..! -ad Sasi fstM Law Lhrhass : a Taisaaa Mr Mta- eTo sko eerwjf ft 1M I was sets ikes by VVAbMIsbbT faM stBaaWatBBBBBBvtojsTy aasasMBBBaMsmaaeV I aftf- Wes so one aese who have M knew, far oswe aVrae swam. I BrW eeseey aftse rmm atby. aad sVytse after liSn, ass) aash reiM is I ssarcsi waa sw sssswrse. rtaaur. I sVaasf a essaasV the sen me inajlmli, aost mhm awesr wtinwiiT I am aivea si . a Bsssias' who were sarrthir eiaWiU aad evea wneasawra. l simiilim, east II iBnli. a sfaajst at eBBfyy efaatam I vtm esw saweNB aay mrai of rwii'is an it 1. e try eVk aai islisi heal- m r. Ahs m hm aa4 st east H bee J ' " i w awo- esai the f "t tr tmaJETZSt a. yJtiEr fSTt V mf ewaee ae liaaie 11 m . idrf ar txaorisees swesVwt Nal SsSw. Wrwe s .e. MaaaT at JACKgoM. tea, Mt V W ar , Bjes so, W. T V 4- wass - ... i... ii s i i. II Httraini Mvmi tanl. Tk i plan promote mcMMr a -weu as aMcnr. uv dcaru or wurtsnsa mm- art is partly due to tks uawis seat tratioa of offtcee U few mea. A goldea word, St to bo embossed ad kept oa bis desk by every m la later of tho gospel, wma spokoa by tko apoe tloo kea thsy declared "It ia aot at that wo ekould leaea tko word of God aad serv tables." Lot ail tat toagre- gatioa err "Arses I" Bock to year book aad to your praver-eloeet, brothor poo- tor. Tho ehnrch of today to soffsrlng from iatelleetoal aad spiritual bsrrea bom la tho pulpit. Wo ke -raised op a brood of aila 1st rial eonatltteoawa aad auaagert aad e tread boy aad so cial oraamentf aad after dinacr speak era. All tho whilo tho poop la are groaa lag for more of powor la tho oerrnoa aad prayer aad family riaitatioa. A famooa EagUskBtaa oae lolc a teas at it too of parish Uiaera: "Hero an ny feet aad hero la my hoad: ehooe which oad of me yea will have.' They, choao pal pit power, and rot a fair share of pas toral work besides. Tkia preeeat fine day School Lessoa la obo that shoald be studied ia every theological aemlaary aad preacheraf meeting la tho laad: for its principal porat is "Shoemaker, etlrk to your last; aad Preacher, pot year flret work Bret." Spirit eel Coaaorvatana. Whea a bit of business was to d doas efficiently In the Apostolic church they did aot seek oat the eaoa who had the highest rating la tho Jerasalera Rredstree, or who ran tho biggest busi nesses in the eity. The modern notion that only commercial efflclraey is nerd ed on the board of trustees had not orison to plague these early saints. For he somewhat temporal work of the ileacons, the apostles said, "Ixiok ye out therefore, brethren, from among you seren men of good report, full of he npirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint ovrr this business. Spiritual power for somewhat see ular service: that is the idea. The trustees and nVaoons and uher and sexton all need to he mod of spiritual force. I was stirred to see a fine tablet on Wit- nail of a loading Houston, Texas, church commemorating the long and faithful ami Christian Berries of a sex ton. In the fashionable (lurch of the Covenant, Washington, the sexton is a menilier of the dloconote. Indeed it takes more grace to run the seenlar af fairs of some churches than to preach the sermon. A crown wora forever by the laity is thst it was a laymun, one of three seven deacons of the Jerusalem Church, who was tho 4fetChiottaa anartytV Aay work dose for tied ia sacred. Ministry to tables is aot leas holy than ministry M the word if It be one's duty. Dr. Washington Gladden finely says: "O Matter, let me walk with Thee Tn lowly paths of service free; Tell mo Thy secret; help me bear The strain of toil, the fret of rare. "Help me, the slow of heart to move Hy some clear winning word of love; Teneh me the wayward feet to stay, And guide them in the homeward way. "Tench me Thy patience; still with Thee. In closer, desrer company, In work that keeps fnith sweet nnj HtlOllg, In trint thut triumphs over wrong. "lu hope that sends a shilling ray K.-ir down the future's broadening way; In pence that only Thou canst give, With Thee, U Maatur. kt me lite." The !, ons and the Kevltal. What ii'iii!,-iii-'ii Uiose early Chris tians hit'' In tins true democracy, those in ofti. ril poMtion were quickly redpoll"! t t,, the wishes of the brother I I hen :, f.'.mt murmiiring arose- not n utod'in rh'irih quarrel, thnnk (m,I! the (iri'i'tnn Cliristinas were not as wi 11 looked after as tint Jens. -:i nutural condition, owing' to their be i it at Mraiiiicrt the apostles quickly took action. They ilul not hesitate to assume all the blame theineelves, and to re. eg n ism tint anaiasico knit a'nwitthigly been done. " ' More than that. The fine spirit of the church nppcac in the fu t that all the seven deacons elected had Grecian names This was "in honor preferring one another." The generous Implicit tion was- We shall mnke sure that our sistois frotn afar are enre.l for by Bp pointing men who know them; and we hn all confidence that tho welfure of our Jewish Christians may be committed to tho hands of the seven. We Jews are a majority, it ia true, but these (Ire eirin Christians are our brethren, and in Christ there is neither Jew nor (ireek " Immediately sfter the record of thi busin-ss meeting, nud the putting of the laymen to work, we read, "And the word of (tod Increased snd the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem excci dingly ; and a grent imnr of the priests were obedient to the faith." The revivafthat followed was a great one, reaching evea to the temple and winning many of the priests. The eon neetion between the way a church is operated aad its spiritunl gains is closer than w may think. What do you say to a revival by way of the board of trustee, and th deaconst That would bf ec coVdlhg'Yo ttii Jfew TntaBviat pattera. LITTLE GLIMPS8 OF A CBCAT BAT. TLB. Teres Com meats oa tho Calform Prever Meeting Topi of the Yoeag People's fln.lmee Oiriattaa Badeavac, Ete. f Febraary tTt "KxtermiaaU tko aleoat WkyT Hewn Baa. 1:1-14. (By William T. Ellia.) Th social and moral welfare of the people has become a national passion. Whatever promises to asake the lot of mankind freer, easier and happier, eaa get a majority vote aowadaya. Ia tkia era of insurgency, hoary traditions aad established institutions have small bob aideratioa when they come into eoaflict with the common weaL Withia th past geaeratioB there has grown op a eoa victioa la the mind of a great many poraoaa, and aot all of them total ab stainer aad "temperance ranks," a'.ih sr. that the liquor saloon la a baneful Uflaeaoo la the nation's life. Tho ia stttntloa ha lost "face." It ha every where beea pat oa the defensive; and la many places it has beea driven ra tirely oat of bu sines. The verdict of tko people, it may ia ail fairness be written, has com to be that the saloon is a factor that hurt, aad aot a factor that kelps, ia our modern aerial life. : The salooa Is a mother of crime and tko sUeat partaar of every existing so kal arlL- ... , r . ' - e e -'e Kxtrevegaaeee are taught ia the erheol kept by tko salooa keeper. Mea opoad taei maaey without ratara, the foaliak DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR Look YoungAttOro Gray Hair Changed fcl Afc Evea Dark Shade Bf Q-BanI HarmleaNo Dye. Not a trace of fray akowa la yoor hair after a few application of q-Baa Hair Color Beoterer to hair aad scalp. Q-Baa is a harm lea roady-to-aa Uaaia wkick max aaaip aao aair health v. If roar hair ia gray, etreaX ed wiU gray, prematurely gray, faded, taia or ralliac. almply saampoo aair aad cents with Q Baa Bair Color He etoror. It at delightfal to apply, aa it ia aot eteiky or mossy. All yoar gray aair aad eatire kead of hair thsa oaicklr taraa to aa evea, baaatifal dark shad, laaviag all yoar hair healthy. Daffy, radiant, fall of life. rinaliag; so evenly oar aaa hsaa aa bo one will suspect yea aaed Q Baa. Alao stops daadrasT aad fall iac hair. Sold oa a money-back guar aatea. Only 60c for a bbg T o. bottU at Brantley's Drag Htoro, Kalelgh.' Uut of towa people eunplied by parcel poat. ,t , ... l ' tau, smie or isi.fmosp, mn, aad Tieloas treatmCat kabit i a real evil, learned at the bar, and It has led many mea iato careless practice that have spelled disaster. el Evea the most biased opponent of the saloon will scarcely rlatm that H to a social renter worthy of the eommoa level of America life. Admittedly, the niaa who seeks his social intercourse in the salooa, step down from his proper sphere. The Brewers' Convention itt;lf would scarcely care to offer to the world, a typical of the American standard of society and fellowship, the average saloon. The vlrlnusness of the saloon aside, it is a proline source of dissipated tune. Th evenings spent there are profitless, aad reveal a debased conception of what constitute a good time. The conversa tion and social ideals of thurpoor man s club" are low; they do not make for cul ure, patriotism, or righteousness. Home life ia our time ha many ene mies; nud en of th worst of them is the saloon. It steals the time and inter est and money of a man whirh belong to his wife and children. Every drunkard meaas a epolled man. This aiarninee more tkaa that there is oae wren less In the coiajnuarity. It rep resents a blow struck at the welfaea oil the state. It snntrscis ironi tne power and the purity of the race. We cafnqt injure or sacrifice individual manlooe; without serious hurt to all rnankuus The coming of the kingdom means (trr going of the saloon. . Tho end of the saloon will be thd be ginning of the safety of our youth. Every boy pledged to total abstinence s s vital mow at the saloon. The good tighter must know how to wait. His should be the faith which should ldde Its time indefinitely, know ing that the end la. sure. He should sot expect victory In a day, but he should expect it ultimately. In patience he should win his soul, and a triumph over his adversary as well The church's war . ... . , against saloon and it is no smaii vie ory that practically the whole church s at war agaipst it -calls for long, hard fighting and much weary waiting. Jiut he outcome is aa certain aa the eta re their courses. Ours ie th e vfingin of Vjufiti uiwldbidj idc, because it is the side f pity, of justice, of suffering nd of a long suffering tied SEVEN SENTENCE SERM0.13 The lcst pieparntion for th the prrsent well seen to. Gcorgi donaitl. Never be nfiuid of giving up your lest, and od will give you His better. James Hinton (iod help us all to kindly view The world that we arc passing through! l.ydia Maria Child. When we talk about "getting en,' we mean getting more money. Christ never "got on." ll'iifh 1'roc Hughes. Purely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord, for evt r. -IV S3 .. There is a home for weary souls By am and sorrow driten; STOMACH SUFFERERS M AYR'S Wonderful Remedy. One Dose Will Convince You. a Mayr's Wonderful Remedy ia well known, through -ut the country, klaay thousand people have taken it for Htomach, lver and Intestinal Ail meata and report marvelous reeults aad ar highly p raisins; It to others. Astonishing benefits sufferers- have re reived evea from on dose are keard everywhere aad explain its tremea dons sale to more than a million people. It rarely ever fails aad those afflicted with Stomach. Liver end la teatinal Aliments, Indigestioa, Gas la the stomach and Intestine. Diixtaeos. Fainting Hpells, folic Attacks, Torpid Liver, Constipation, should by all meaas try this remedy. MayTS Won derful Kemedy give permanent results for stomai h, liver aad tateatlnal ail ments. Kat aa muck aad whatever yon tike. No more distress after eatiag, pressure of gaa ia th stomach aad areaad the heart. Get' ee bottle of yonr draggiet smw aad try-li oa aa aheohtte gnarnte-t-tf aos satisfae tery money Will be returned. For aale by F. W Parker Irug to. Galloway lug Co, and all otker rU abla draggiet. (AdrJ . ... Whoa t sea id oa Ufa's tompostaaasiheali wnnre rtrmi arias aad oeaaa reus Aad all Is dear bat heaves. William B. Tappaa. s BsmSTBkn. that every word yea ntte Wiagn ta may to the thro as .of God, sad ir W aJTee am condition of year soul lofwTsrc-Tsdd. OBTTINfi JOBS rOB BOTE. Chicago's Effort To Keep Dowa Tko Crop of Crtmlaela. redaral. Stats and municipal axsa das la Chisago ar combining to sup ply jobs for boys la the bop of keeping oowa tao crop of youthrul criminal whoa aotrvities demand bo large a pro portion of tks eaergtcs given to th pre vention, poaiekmcnt and curs of law- All sorts of Job ar offered, but tb omelasj ar discriminating ia awara lag them. As dangerous aa It la for a kia-h-apiritad1 boy to remaia idls, they realiao that there are worse evil. Tssa which offer ao bodo of advaBcement d maks ao demand ea initiative eicksa tko boy of all work. If he flads himself becoming merely a machino oait, will rebel to the exteat that ho la alive aad sensitive. The pursuit of adventure aad easy money ia aatnral reaetioa from hopeless drudgery. Also Jobs which are aot lasting are recog Bisedas' unwholesome Enforced idl aeae reenhing from frequent layoffs spoils a boy's ability to apply himseu. Fitting Jobs to boys formerly waa a airaplo matter because fathers passed oa their trade aad crafts to their bobs, and Individuality counted. It waa more Interesting to make shoes by hand, for example, than to stand at a machine performing one small operation In th construction of a shoe. Occupational training ia one step In solving the prob lem, but under the present system, boys and jobs for the most part are thrown indiscriminately together and the mis take exacts a penalty from society. J. C. Hohler, aecretnrv of the Kansas Htate Board of Agriculture, has est! mated the cost of Knnsan seed for Held crops at more than t!4,'iOO,"O0 a year. wheat leading with i.4ft.412, followed by forage sorghum at fl "05,114, and oats slightly less. Corn is fourth. CROSS, FEVERISH CHILD IS BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED Look, Mother! See if tongue is coated, breath hot or tomach sour. California Syrup of Figs' carj'tlharm tender stomach, ' liver, bowels. Evesv brother realizes, after giving er clDlilrcn "Calirorma Hrrln.or furs. thai tpisMs their Ideal laxatlvci because thes- htvs its r-le.iMiot tnats and it thor anwlilV clranses lb tender ilitrle stem 1 : . ... ... v . . OA, Utor aad bosSsa Wltnota griping. . -, , . k 1 M i ,. v nsu errosin, unisoic, Acvrriqu, or breath is bad, stomach sour, look at the tongue, mother! If coated, give a tea spoonful of thin harm lose "fruit laxa tive," and In a few hours all the foul, constituted wast.', sour bile and nndi- gtisted food pa- uut of the bowels, nnd playful child again teiu is full of cold, iiiat li ache, diarrhoea, n member, a good "in ..uld always be the mi hate a wil When the little hroat Sore, ),u indlgesitoli. nil,, siilo cleimiTii'' first treat tin nt Millions of ii.. Syrup of l is-' ! SpOenful tod.ij n.orroi Ak cent 1- t'le . :' Figs." tt i.ii h 1 chiblrcu of hii printed on the 1 Urfeits sold !o i Get tho gciii,;n, :hr keep "California mIv; they know a tea nves a sick child to 1 1 r druggist for a .V1 "Clifornla Byrufi of itireetions for babies, ages and grown ups itle. Beware of coun c. so dou't be fooled. made by "California I'ig 6yrup Couipuny.' adr. The Elmpire - pilliard Parlor Go4d:Cea . ... pao45te Cigars and News i. , . a haves & cbiaC HqVV Opposite Pbstofflce i on Fayettevllle" fet. FRESH WATER FISH Big doable bunches Neoas River Chob, Troat, Pike aai Pertk. 40a, We, sad SO per bunrb. Ovstsrs ESe, 80s, SSs aad 40 ftt quart. ' BRITTON PEARCC Phone 271. Quick Delivery. r ENGRAVED Wedding lavitatieae aasl TWtlag Oarda aha os as CHaaP as PriaataaV Writs aa. . , . The Bell Book 'A' SUtionery Compajay aUCHMOHD, VJL, " 0 (I The New Reo "Sbf "The Fcuhibn Plate" YOUKISDOONO to obta etyta. I oar, FOR WX alAZNTAOf that, tfcomgk yoa sach rkmrld ossar. yasj wiB ftnd ao ear at say price, that la rJs ssipartor ar tnuo new Koo UKMAMKAULY IT rieoaum tho art esse of BBUnrluigy knoar a better. Kea nses asid alwerys kas aeed tks beat. Tag snano of KM sTCfCsa M1 tftlatt IT IS NOT POCSIBLS to macMM ports tnrx acCmrataly tor tko Reo factortt cr astektedty th n odtelY' snaoag ovtotrjobfle bctoriea aad ktaa Btaadarda ars admlttadly of th hlcoaet. AND IT ISNT POSSIBUt to abtaki aa mrtoaaobila, la the designing and fabriewtkm of erbich, more ex perience kas been applied (or the Reo organization is the oldest ia th Automobile industry. Afl TO BEAUTY' OP EXTERIOR ws need only say that when rials new Reo Sis wsa anxsoonced aad Its graceful hues shown aa tho engravings h was instantly bailed by everyone to the trade rival and friend alike aa th "Faenion Plate" par th coming year. BUT REO BEAUTY ISNT oa tb oustJd alone It's In the unseen peace as welt. THE SAME STURDINESa the same wonderful reHn. billty, dependability and MT-cyuodor Rao Bis, "0 PER CENT OVER-8IZE In all eftal part," that Reo factor of safety is th reason at the same time for Reo dependability and low mairrtcnance coat. JUST A WORD ABOUT DELIVERIES. Those who know are unanimous In stating that there will be a tnmetvdous shortage of automobiles the next few montha. Can't be otherwise. Shortage of all kinds of aaaterials and of tools to manufacture them demand greater tkaa ever before. 0 WE 5UOOEST that yon dccMe this matter at once and order yoar Reo rawrwdietely. Then youD be on of -tb hicky aa.A TODAY wont be a miaute too soon, WELFARE AUTOMOBILE CO., Distributors Wilson, N. C 1 $1250 4 ' ! I ALcr nr ym. j Stearns Engraving Co. Designers and Engravers Makers of plates for all printing purposes. Sketches sent for approval. Estimates cheer fully given. Satisfaction guaranteed. Quick service. 121 1-2 S. Salisbury St. Raleigh, N. C aaWiyraaflIIMaii 5 pg A Monthly Event J tl?TVy If yon areat on of tb many who JT r' tL'SsynjT y com to us every month for free battery 2 mmM-M J Inspection, you doo't recognize a good T L1 thing whga you see it. Get busy. Hf M lalrtgh Motor far a Marbles Company 9k Si impaction of mny battery at any tim Graryoa skotUd bs prepared prepared to saoet tks Over iaareaaisg deaaaad for sara aad sroitkea traiaed ia soma partiealar lis at bus in sea. Tkis demand Is far greater ikaa the supply. Oradaates of .Kiag's Bosiaesa CoUegs readily secure reepoasible positions at good aalariea, beeanse Kiag's training la tka most tkorongh and practical. Write for particulars tndnv KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE RALEIGH, N. C. ov CHARLOTTE, N. 0. The final touch of Complexion Perfection. Penslar's Vanishing Face Cream followed by Sylvodora Face Powder TRY ITl Money back if not Satisfied. J; C Briuitiey : (: Druggist : MASONIC TFJWPLE. K NO FUIr.lHJts eoa sssad fay tao boot tkw snacamalesl sssJairs. afl tko iisiity. aad luawtaas rtsthag qualidsa bx arvwa- j I taat your aeart cs sag la tteas I HAS NO ffCXIOX it is apt la a ceissels. sxaapir economy of upkeep thst have Koo world famous, are la this akllkrssas'aiSi doara. ma II in ii bass, Dill II motersals la a oaassi. aumcir H I II I 1 ! I to i "Preparedness" The Nation's Cry Pnooes 15 or 14. Coffee Coffee Tbsj Old Ori,mJ IMPORT COFFEE , 8 Ik tim.- No eqaaj for tlkm nwissgj a Um markst; 9 E. Martiai St. To Appear In Public B Murray Tailored Suit Is to Be Properly Introduced MURRAY Tailoring Co. "Quality flicker Tkaa tHem" Improved Service NORFOLK SOUTHERN Raleigh to FayetteviUe The followiiia schedule Inauowste Oste- hn 17. 1011: No. IS Lv. fUleurh 7 : u. Ne. U Lv. Ulcus nits .a. No. Ar. Fareirevtl's .....10:t0 pm. No. M Ar. Farrtvi:i t it p.m. No. 11 Lv. Kvttill 7 :S0 a.a. No. 14 l.v KaotUViUs ! :M m. No. IJ Ar Holeich 10 :t0 im. No. 14 Ar. Raloiirh 4 :4 p aw D1I eaonrt Buadar. Ail atkn daur. Good ooanectloa msita at KaleUrh wit Southern Railway and Seaboare Air l.iae and st FarMtevill with Atlantis Ceaat Lia. Call at cttr Uoi Um or fbeoo ft. J. P. UrTCHBtwL. B. W. BRA KNOX. URINARY DISCHARGES aauKTzo in 24 BOURS TkotV Ss mTt- vl! all nacotttaxa LocVe a Vma Raleigh Floral Co. Cut Flowers Funeral Orders Given Special Attention Every Variety of Potted Plant RALEIGH FLORAL CO. E. M. HALL, Prop. Phone 399 The Filling of Every Electrical Need Is Our Business THE THOMPSON ELECTRIC COMPANY West Martin Street RALEIGH, N. C Ia eoatemplating the purchase of as kind .-asV feedstuff - or Qioaeeissv eoa aider first Our Oood Prices ; 8eeoad Ottr "trperior Goods; Third Onr Premptaeaa; - Fonrth Our CI eaa Boaiaees Metboda, Pay Cs a Visit at e Soatk Wilmlagtosy Rowland & Rogers Cask Grocers aad Feed Dealers BOTH PH0XE8 ' CHICHESTER S PILL3 r T TrsKt-aaV Jli u Attention Gty Official TBI J. B. McCRARY CO, Off era Berrieee as ENOINEEsta, OONTBACTOBS, TTSAHCTES& Municipal Improvements ' Waterworks uoht8, bs webs tat a help yww selva ya jntilssia . j Writs HARRY W. LOVING .I I HSI