r WOULD YOU LIKE TO Yourself 1 Daily? Reduce .round WHAT A MAN SHOULD WEICH I M I Ma, Itf Kb ' Mia 1-4 1U lb i ' 14 Ik I 144 she 4 " T 144 lie I t. - 144 las I - - 14 lb 4 14 144 fee 4 " 11 " ii tu 44 " 174 lha II yea waist m en kl rMWt af uaafetbrtini Dr. Brae.. Tilth snt. Over-Fatness is Dangerous to Health'. It Shortens Life, Weakens the Body, Causes Nervousness, Liability to Accidents. Sunstroke and Many other Troubles; Spoils Appearance. SEDUCED 44 POUNDS. Mr linla 8tra That tlx Lea ef Flat Rss Boon Beenarhaeie. Missouri. F. Thompaou Brough. Dw Sir: I thought I wnM Htt T Km to 14 rou know how proud I am that I triad year ImM bora tmUmnl. I am at normal weight and never fM bettor In my lift. I bavt rot aa goad ,ue of snyeelf I "" bad and raa a anything I want to without tiring aaa. I can walk tin, aa far and not tin a half aa aaa. I lost pounds of Wright, which waa that much navr thaa I could comfortably earry. I think that thar I rwalltr n taking your treatment. Tha lua ia waigbt baa brm rofnarkable. I thank you, MRS. A. at. HUUULKS, Wsrthlngtea. Ma. I.oaT M rullNDI or BXCBSS FAT. Mr. Khanta rtar gba Alaa Gal Bid ml Bee Bhaumatlaue huh llaa Bathared Mar fat Years, at Bams Thaa Baa lrl a) faaaaa af Kal. Mrs. Shaau la 41 Yaara ef Aga. llltnata. Daar Doctor : 1 am frj mu.h planned with your treatment. I think tt Is all riirht- It suraiy baa bean a fml blessing to mm. I hs gotten rid of pounds of Sean and all my rheu mnuim whtsh haa bothered ma for many yaara. I had much bothor with my arena and hand. I could not strap If I did w irk whrra. I uaad my han.la. I would Kara to gat uv at night and walk tha nW. This la ah need now. I sleep all nlscht ari awrrt and !. T Iial Ilka woman, thouriit I am 61 mr old. It ia nleiiaure for ma to work. Thank ing yau Cur tha ' llitorrat y. taken in ma. and "wishing for tha good yoi aaa doing for hw- manity. I will rat-cm nnand rout Yours resprtfully, MUM DAVID CHAN T7. lullum. Ill I tun a licensee! practiIn( physician of the state of New York, Specialist ia Obesity (over-etoutnesa) and ita allied disorders. I believe that my practice is the largest in my specialty in the world. I can treat you just as successfully in Raleigh by mail as if you were to visit me here in New York. I publish here a few of leg-ions of testimonials voluntarily given me (with permission to print from those who .have been perfectly reduced of excessive fatness. I could fill this whole issue of The News and Observer with similar endorsements. My treatment is safe, mild, speedy Legions of rstLS finb. Mra. Spealdtag Fsats Better Thaa far 4 Taara. New Uampablra. Daar Darter: I aaa f Baling flna, hotter than for Saw yaara. I jtart Ilka t wu bow. If I walk ad Juat a tittle way bafar I began your traatmant I would hava a alrk beadarh. 1 elae wow with baat wlabaa for your aaeeeae. MRJ GtOKGE SPAULDINO. Aubura, N. H. LOST 44 POUNDS. Hh Maaaara la 4 lacba Saaallar aaa Wakrl 4 lacka Satariar. I Fatliag Piaa. Micblcaa. Dr. P. Tbom paon Branajb, M. D. i Daar Doctor and Prtond I radorad 14 poonda and am faalinc juat flna. 1 maaaara bipa 40 falrbaa, whrra I waa 44 Incbaa, and waist la about 4 fnrnaw araallar. I ran think and plan my work now, wbara bafora taking tb (raataaanl 1 did a hat I waa aaaolutaiy obliaad to da and aat down ao tirad and would probably go to alaap. With baat wiahaa for your aurcaaa. 1 am. MRH. 0. W. 8AMMUNS, Bueklry. Midi. 1 -5aaaa iaaa W U.I iOII I All rU'iHiRI W ia action, strengthening and highly, effective. I use only' pare, hannleas remedies. I want you to write to me today if you are over-fat It will cost you nothing to obtain my Free Proof Treatment, my interesting Book of Advice and a Legion of Testimonials. Do not let this opportunity pass by, fc you will probably never again have this chance. If you want to write to the persons who have given me their testimonials printed In this advertisement, by all means do so, but enclose a stamped, seli-addressed envelope for reply, and if these are not enough, I will give you a long list of other names to write to. WBATAWOMAir SHOTJLB WEIGH 4 (aat IS laMkaV A 4 fl Ul Ika . . - S i.-viw4 Ba -1-1 V IMh . 8 - ' ill tbm t-.-w .j-S.laa B -- S MOm -4 a...- S JH lha I " t " 141 Da 4 - S 14S tki tw pa wwla- aaw aa '. 4Waatary 4W aw&taraawk Testimonials (Artibt . Bkeuh) "The Shadow of Her Former Self." LOST POINDS. I Ha Eadaral My HI pa IJ Incbaa aad My Baal 4 harhaa. Daar Dr P. Thorapaoa B rough I Naw York. Your matbod of Iraating obaarty la atmiathing that k a wondar ta at 1 baaa raducad from 214 aovada ta 144 pounda and am loalng flaah na) day. 1 faal hattar in carry way thaa I kava for yaara. 1 do not gat waak, but oa tha othar hand I iinu 4 ba atronaar than I waa bafora I bagaa tha traatmant. I hava rati Herd ana kip maaaura 12 Inrhaa, my trust 4 lnebaa. 1 eaa walk 4 milra any day and not ttra ; bafora 1 bavan your tramtaiant 1 aould not go a block without raating. I hava triad a Bum bar of othar trsatmenh. hut thry all fallad to balp. I ramaln. raapactfully, MKS. BEAT kll'P. Btiiiwatar. N. Y. 44 POUNDS OP EXCESS!'! PAT B EDUCED. Mr. Pwwara la Oraatrr PI ml Wkak aba Tiaaaaiiaa. Daar Daaaur i Ohio: I- am gwturta ahmg tma. I am batlar ararr way. I baa feat 44 an da. X cannot aralaa tka madlitna iniagk. Praam MKS. SARAH POWERS. Jammtowa, Ohio. RECOMMENDS TREATMENT. Mr.' Waatbraak Saya, -It Daaa Ma Goad ta TaB Othan tha 6aal Tai Raw Daaa far Ma. P. Tborapaan Braugk : MknlnWpt Daar Doctor 1 aaa ta racaipt af a arttar fraan aa aM frbmd af mlaa that baa baard af yoar waadarful akiU aa raducrng Sawh. I bar. anawarad bia lattar and aoad kiwi that I would writa to yaw and kat aim gat la taajak with you. It doaa aaa aa mock goad la tall atkan tha goad raa bara was. far ana. Your, raapartfully, A. W. WEbTBROOK. Cllataa, Miaa. REDUCED OVER A POUND A DAT. Mn. WIlHaata Radarad a Paaaad a Day aa aa Aaaraaa. Dr. Brwogh: Moat. Daar Sir l I will anawar yoar Vrttar I racatrad thai morning. I ara (lad you taka aa much mtaraat ia my walfara. Aa loag aa I took yoar llmi liaa 1 r ad mad ewar a pound a day aa an araraga. If you tkould want ta uaa my nama and addraaa yoa ara ailnai la da aa at any Uma. Anyoaa yoa abouM rafar ta ma I will gladly tail thorn af tka baaatt I racolrad from raa. Tarn ear. talaty did ma good aad avajrywbara 1 go, If I aaaat fat lady, I atwaya apaak a good wotd far yau. Tamaklar yaw for year klndaaaa, I mnaia. MRS. TOM WUXIAMS. Oraat PaJIa, Moot. LOST 44 POUNDS. Mr. Saaraaa Mara That Ska Caa Naw Co ta Church W Kh an Baaag Laaghad At. 'I Norwr lira TaiHmg J aat Maw It Cama About." , MlaaonrL Daar Doctor t I aaw will wrtta yaa a faw Una, ta ragard ta gay aasa. Wbaa I bagaa yajr traatmant for abaalty I w sag had 114 pounda. baat 44 in aha, waaat 44 baahm, abdramaa 44 biahaa I aa happy aaa Brand that today I rag, amy that I waigk bat 144 pouada, basal 44 lac has, waht 4. iaahaa, ahdoaaaa 44 tachaa, and I am In much hattar baalth thaa for yaara, bat baat of all I can go ta ckareh wltboot bolng laacbaal at. My Ifin la graatly tmproaad that It m plaaaoig ta aso io acta haw aurpiiard aaary body i ma to ba. I narrar tlra'af tailing juat haw It all aw, about. If all oamNataut paopla would jaaA atop aad think ia what a abort tints thar aould ba thalr formar aaU again, and look Kka aomibndy. thay aaraly would taka tmU manit. I tall rrary body I ara waa I atout about your d pa MRS. SARAH BARNES. Lancaster. Me. IFRE E Proof Treatment Will Not Charge You a Cent For It Dafr AepUiy aetj Heari Dl tie ejw seetit tm re dees watiaL ADDRESS LETTERS It is (lnuip'rous, uii.iuliil.v. uni'umfortallo hint tmt4rrusfiirK to tc too fat. Fir-ray. fut weakens tits In art. The livrt, atnn.a' h ui.J kirlnry frrome rliarar.j, tirrnthing i Ilffii iilt, lilno.l lniiuro iul fonK'-sted nnrl llio rm mny .omo in amldcii death hy HEART FAII.I'KE, APOPLEXY, SUNSTROKE, APPENDICITIS, or olhar form of kttack. Vou ran gave your self from theac dangrrt, do not drluy. !t m prure (o you tUat my treatment ran positively reduce you to normal, no matter line ei'i'-a of fat i. located ; aluiiim h, Lust, hip. rhpekg, ncrk, (Jonblo-chin ; it shotild ttrnlthfully, quickly, Bafoly, pernium ntly Ko reduced witliout eiercise or diet in ; your figure will thru b. beautified, clear, pure skin; no flutihines, no wriiikle4. Lost vig.ir restored, rheumatism, asthma, shortness of hreatli, kid ney and heart troubles, fcnials ailments leave as the at' goes away. I send yoa PROOF TREATMENT FREE. You may reduc. your fat at the rate of a pound a day. Don't miss this offtr. My PROOF TREATMENT is FREE. It should make you feul better at once. I also send you Free my book of advice, also testimonials from many well known people. Writa today. Hee my address below. Fill out the coupon and return to ine. Fill out and Return this Coupon DR. F. T. BROUGrf, 459 Brough Bldg., 20 East 22nd St., New York City: As per offer in Raleigh News and Observer, please mail me your FREE PROOF TREATMENT, in plain wrapper, with book, testimonials, etc. Name Full Address to DR. F. T. BROUGH, 459 BROUGH BLDG., 20 East 22d St., New York, N. Y. REMINISCENSES OF '61-65 By C 11. WARWICK, of Henderson. It aeems a long time sinra ISfll '05 to ba writing of that period, but to roe who was just old enough to remember tkoaw stirring times snd (till too young to be la the army, there ware both trag dir aad eoinrxllru trlilrh occurred that will .war rsinaia very vUia) is miud. I remember in the summer of IK60, In eompauiy with a grnttrman from our county, Brunswick- V4., the writer vis ited the Virginia Hprlngn, stopping at the different placet but staying longer at the Hot Hpringi then owned and kept by Hamufl (ioc.de, a brother of Mrs. T. Uoode, of Duffaloe Springs. The eonvrutiona had been held and nomiuee tions msde from President and Vies President of the I'nited Htatcs. Kt range as it may teem Mr. Gcxxle was a Kepub llcan and many hot disruaaions were had under the shad, of the trees in the little valley at the spring. Henator Yancey, of Mississippi, was there and a red hot secession demanded, snd they had many aontroverties on tin political issues of the day. It aaa generally conceded that If Lincoln should tie elected there wuuld be war. And by the way, the first car toon In a newaapr of political par ties ever seen by the writer appeared in a paper published at Petersburg, Va , and was si follow,: Four game rocks were made to represent the four par ties, via: Ureckinridge and Lane, South ern Iemoorats; Douglas and Johuson Western snd Northern Democrats; Ever ett and Dell, Whig, and Lincoln and Hamlin, Republican, or Abolition party. The Pouglas chicken wan standing on the) Bell chicken which he had killed, aad the others in their respective cor ner., while he was crowing "Ooek-a- TV.-J1. 1 'a--. UU .A ll. aVgi-kA .MaawX -Brwgnwawnwnwnr-waaaaaj- gwr . VBBrrJ ejfwT .nW4wawgf.anwawa fBsTsI Srw . COMFORT IN EVERY PAIR W. H. $4.00 Shoe1 FOR MEN Let Us Fit Yea la The Shape J18FayettvilleSt and I ran nhip the Lincoln rock and Old Kentm ky too." It struck me as something fine. It was gotten up by a country correspondent of the paper by the name of t'obb, Southampton county, Vs, who after the war went WeM and lieeame a noted journalist. 14 eiectioa in tka fall waa held and by a split ia the DeaaOcratie part laav coin was elected and the war anik In creased in heat until the spring when he took his seat, rkmth Carolina se ceded, captured Fort Sumter and the fight was on. Woll do I remember the call for volunteers and with what alacrity the response of the flower of the land to that call. They seemed to me to come from everywhere. Our good old county enrolled four companies of say seventy-five men each the Bruns wick Uuard, Brunswick Grays, the Brunswick Blues and the Ebenercr Grays. They pitched tents In their re spective sections and were drilled for a few weeks by competent officers, some of them V. M. I. men, and hurried to the front. The balance Is hietory. Now for the people at home. We were eonfl dent of whipping the Yankees in a few months at the most and knew nothing of the sorrows which were to follow, and yrt after the war breams a reality and some of the boy war. sent home dead or sorely wounded. There was but little gloom or despondency, and when some few would come home on furlough there was always a hearty welcome aad some diversion In the neighborhood picnic, barbecue or a dance or quilting. It Is not generally known that' all men working as many aa twenty hands war. exempt from aervic. ia the army, they tnere being many sack la our county and most of them old caea and dead game (porta. While the yonnger people were rl.tnclng the food old quadrille to tha must, of a food reentry fiddler three old men were having them a time playing poker for Confederate money. They ptnyed the game without Hmrt, had no chip, btrt pot up the hmg trtne on the table would as soon bet Ave hun dred on a hand aa to bat Ave and never wink. On. old gentlemaa carried hi notes in a little basket in which he put his winnings if h. was fortunate enough to win. Tha game waa then bluff, but there was but little bluffing, as any bet would be met with a eail for almost any amount aad the winner of the pot would pick Bp his winnings in package.. Along ia "63 aad tU began the time of scarcity of some of the neeeasitiee of life and la most Instances they were promptly met ky son. substitute which answered the purpoae. Hole leather was sot to be had aad the wooden bottom shoe for the Begroe. and some of th boy had to be need. They war. made by. the. community carpenter, heeled by the blacksmith with iron at heel and toe. aad ware warm and dry; aad the meat ludicrous occurrence I ever wtt euwed waa oa the soie leather quaetiea. Every county la thou days had what was known a aa offeoraer or section ia wklek the poorer 414414 lived 4a the section s wkea a soldier returned an furlough we war sore to hear of rrniitiBg' bstra dAaee aad sock. Every body went whe felt Inclined, aad en on. of then ulltia frolic-, ia th. mid, of the khasiag game and U. ----'-g aa aM fallow put his head In tha door and In voice which would have carried a half mile called up the host and In formed him that some one had cut off one of his saddle skirts if not both. Vou never saw such a getting out ia the dark and feeling of saddles, and you could bear the exclamations from all sides. "Well, he got mine, too"; and some party for tha purpose of half soleing shoes had actually cut off every saddle skirt of the party there. There was much hot talk, but It did bo good; the skirts were gone and could nut be replaced. Our county was often raided by Sheri dan, Wilson and other commands, hut we neeor hoard of any offense or indig nity being offered to ladies or any such outrage as they are doing across the waters. And in substantiation of tb above, on one of these raid I was stop ping at the home of a very wealthy widow lady. It was about dark when a strugglcr had come up to the house and was questioning the chamber-maid as to where the lady had hidden her silver, when up rode an officer dressed In black velvet with chevrons on his elcete denoting Ms office aa captain. Be caught this straggler by the nap. of his neck and proceeded to kick him down a long flight of steps and out into the road. He ram. back, apologised for his treatment to the man. Introduced him self, Capt. Kllicott- of Ellicoft City, Md., and mounting his hors rode off to his command. I thought he Was on. of the Knights of old, a very handsome man, and I hav. often wondered if ha got horn, alive after the war. Another Instance of freedom from plunder of the victorious army occurred at the same houso on th day that a division of Hhennan's army passed there after Johnson's surrender. 4 In the basement of the dwelling was about fifteen barrels of the beat appl. brandy distilled during th war, and soldier finding it out simply swarmed around the house. With 4 win pan (on irrt- tntw tlrw- t&mb mutt id -44 out in th.ir eantwns snd thy would a ooon pay Bv. dollar, for a quart and ask bo ehahge as to pay what 1 was worth, about twenty Ire cent. V. were simply foiaa to sell Out the whole tot and make th. lady rich, when ap rode aa officer who took ia th. aitanr tion. ordered the room closed aad locked, put a guard at the house aad telling us that if the mea got liquor they could not control them further on, of which we had not thought when we were coin ing the money, aad greenback looked mighty good to u. ( C. H. WARWICK. A recent Investigation by Profeeeor Maberlandt, of Oormaay, show that liv ing wood is of much food value, sap wood, twig aad branches ooatainlng hwg quantities of sugar, March aad oiL with sum' albumen. Soft woods contain , much oil, hard woods much starch. HORTOiYS , STUDIO . Rooms 504-607-1508 MASONIC TEMPLE Photve 603 Witt) It) Verifiers TBI CTRCLE. (Babyhood) An4 where have you bam, say swart? Out wbara tha Shadow Bieat. Oh, wbara waa your Haas, Bar ckiMt Over tha waters wiM. I know : Out oa tha Dorp, my own. Yaa ; out on tha Dorp. L 1 Ofct Ana) Ny whither art tbaaa going T I am ui fruit of th sowing. Bat whlthar woulda thaa rowan T Back to what Is Hosae. I know : Into tha beep, alone. Yaa; Into tha Daep. Paal Kipling, N. O. I walk mid sunny flalda. By waters claar, Wbara kaauleoua aaaass bate every a aad 1 J. M. D. Boona, N. C. a Greene. LOVE'S COUBAGI. Da rain may fall, Aa' oa win 'a may blow, Aa' oa day ba dull an' drear. But, lova'a fair light Will ba burnin' bright, Wid cherry glow, at 4a fall of ntgwtt 80, what neau 1 ta faert Arc Hoorycutt. Lseurt, N C THE LOSS OF HKB. Th night I warned I sssMn'4 hav bar Waa quite tha bleak set aver saada, Th night aha turnaa sad left ate Thar war no stare m eeava ta fade. Tha rwaatnaaa of bar a she raft Waa naver quite e ue aa than. TVs bad that Allrd my soul t ear, Tha darkest, niraast sent to aaaa All boas tad manly etreofth af mine Waa swept nalda asaV I waa pray To ail tha demons ad the earth -- To aaa her aa she went i st 11' 1 1 I went i The night I laarnai t esvldVt kls OouM never touch her hand again. Th world waa hid h awful dusk, Hy etui tha battlafta af pain. Bar eyes, thalr leek fait are Fka eared. Grant end. -ah Yet 1 must roaming stand - Baas with paaskaa wk era-air the Joy ef strto wesm I With hav raa aanhaa mmm 4aaal The warW'i warn, dark fee. mmJf fims TW way ar dun, Uaa WroiUr nt HgVE' Dmmm- kU, Headier. SutaivUla, N. a' fT? I "I MlD.wHTBm JOTS.', Da eel' win' blow mm eery ate - Tar asak a fetter swtrvar en ebrh, Bat )or aaaaaa awiasraa' far an Wid ' Bn ksprin aaa asm ramaln' high 1 . Par da banjo an Addle' aU. m Ba 4a sweethearts So la da rol' wta a kiwi Wan Jar am blah vrkt as What ear ua at aT Wid letalao tutmrhs' ra We-s safe af Joy stUl kal a we'U danaa fra 14 ail sense Far lot aa aorf win' Mew at will Da banje ring, sweat nraate still We'U Jlna do aaaota' saaatkiarts gay b tarn ola wuraar tat Marl W. Frank Bookar. Apes. N. O. WUISPESlNfl BYKS. I wwh. by gad. I only had A tic kat back to Haloigk ; Could I aaaa known that, when I d be so enetaaeholy, I never woukt hav left bar thai i I awaar I wouldn't-Golly I She didn't throw hrraatf at ssa aVs aoan are aaid ta aa, Ov try aa dance apoa aar knee And vow that aha was truei She merary whlaparad with bar area And than. SMtnshsw. i-knew. Aad so, by (ad, I wish I had A ticket book to aUVaigh ; Could 1 aav known that, when alone, I'd ba a- matsacboly, I never would have left bar there I awaar I wouldn't golly I Trinity Collage. IMPORTANT CONFERENCE. leak aa bloom e J ana. I TOrUD NOT SICK. I would no rag Whan care ara dark. And frteaxsa grew eon! And hard. . Aad net Is not se tglnM . Ana free. For shea Are bat earth ware. It ta aat alwnj The eaa Can't always eatae rSoaas friassda trO aUL Buais sataa giaa raa. mW0 tgayVtgtwat)) aaHnwi wnaWaMB V Tat hat I Tnar aoanat a aataf w'u-'awwi.' "' DwrpalHaag aaary dark Aad aVasary siasi, And i.nrla traee. t.auti4T vrlth paaana rath To karka way - Thaa rrt . My teat bara haoaaT ' Aad ylaaaiaaf ta -Taaao Wtaa snraan Attendance Urged .a Meeting at Albe marle March . To the Editor: It seems that the op portune time has arrived for construct ing a highway that will connect the towns and eounties of Eastern North Carolina with those of Western North Carolina; two eastern objective towns. Newborn and Wilmington; two western objective towns, Charlotte and Ashe ville: a central objective, the big devel opment oa the Yadkin. Th. value of such a highway to intervening towns aad counties cannot be estimated- A conference haa been railed to be held in Albernuvrle on March 9, 1914, at noon, when and whore it is oxpeeted to formu late plana far constructing this highway. To this eonforene. degelation from Sum 5 or 40 towns and eounties hav. biea invite. I take this means of in vtUng you .aad any other newnpnper ea who may be Interested ia tho baild ie.t Jtjii ll$ay. to attend, thj. oon (eiene. ( Will yon- poos tho word along f ' Aihanrntarla, N. a along th line, in proerpect are Invited tft attend this eonferenee. With the groat taeroaao in travel by motor, a splendid hifhway traversing a rrrnunsat ty holds oqoai lmportaara with a rail road, f trust we shall hava your hearty cooperation Err -marine known to th. public this important conference to be laid in Albermarle March 9th and, in addition, calling attention to the ben efit, to be derived from raca a highway. Yourt vry truly, W. L. MANN, Pre. Piedmont Commercial Qub. CLINTON Clinton, Feb. 19. Among Clinton, at tractive visitors during tho week were M inset Nan Fihr. of rayetteville, gaest of -Mis. Cyretto HolUdayi Mary Helen 8hU, of rayottovills, guest of Mias Xuaioe Parker, aad Aaaa Pierce, f Warsaw, guest of Mrs. George M. Matthews. . Among tho Clinton people who mo tored ever to rarwtteville oa Friday Bight to set) th. "Bohemlaa Oirl" were Miaoos Maode Partriek, Bodie Moe-ley Kerr, lhal Herriag, Cyrett. V3Tliday, Mary leuDors sad Hslea Vincent kleears. L. E. WhiUeld, Theodore Par triek, Jr, J. O. Herriag, i. A. Stewart, Manly Boyetta, Haward McKinnon aad J. M. Barbroy. - Tnoatro partie. at th. Oeta moving picture show hart proven Tory popular ia feeant aftnraooaa. Mrs. J. ,0. Hai liday was tha hosteot at on. f tkiss thirties, as was Mis. Eaaioo Parkor, Both were given in honor of Misses Fisher and Bhoetx, two charming viti tors from Fayettcvilla. The social event of the week was a leap year valentine party given on Monday night by the young ladles at th. home of Miss Annie Beaman. The party was leap year's concession to the young men. The Beaman homo was beautifully decorated for the party aad there wore a number of clever con test, suggestive of the vslentine sea son. In a musical contest th. prixe, a handsome diamond ring (Kress) was awarded to Theodora Partriek, Jr. The living room of the hem., of the ho tee waa made into aa improvised hootlng gallery, wher archers took a shot at hearts, on which were written- tb. fat. and fortune of the lucky marksmen. Th. dining room waa decorated in aa original manner aad when th. guests were directed to it they were served with a ale salad cours and coffee. Mrs. C. 8. Parker was hostess to the Embroidery Club at her home oa John son street Thursday afternoon. The home was beautifully decorated in red, whit, and blue, with a profusion of red hatchets suftr estiva of Waahing ton'4 birthday. The assembled gueata engaged ia various kinds of fancy work for a time, after which the regular he sin ess meeting tra. called to order by the president. After that , the hostess entertained with ao appropriate his torical contest. Fruit salad, cream, cake and home-made candies were served. The favor were red hatchet. The engagement of MUa Satlie Virk Stevens to Mr. Vivian Whitfield was announced on Tuesday afternoon nt a beautiful party given by one of Clin ton's most delightful ho teases, Mra. 11. L. Stewart. GREENVILLE Greenville. Feb. 19. Mra. J. E. Win ! tnmmr fr tndvew of th Bound Table Tneaday afternoon. Aa tatarreartlnf bneraea meet ing was held. Ur. a J. Everett read an excellent paper oa "Woman as aa Inspiration of Artiet," and Mi. Lewie af the Train-In- Edh'eot faculty, gave a talk on Tractienl Art rn th. Public School.- Several musical .nnmbers were render ed. After th. pro gram, a naiad course wn. nerved. Mmee. Lewis, Burwell and Morris were gueata ef the club. Mra. W. H, Long ectertaied th. End of the Century Book Cjuh, Tuesday aft teraooa at the home fo Mra. B. W'il llama A short buaineee meet'ng was held, la which Mrs. B. H. Wright waa elected president of the clnb. Mr. W. A. Bowen read a most interesting pa per oa Anstralia," and Mia Muffly gave appropriate musical numbers. Be freohmeata wre served. Mre A. M. Moeeley waa hotteas to tho 8aas Bond Book Club, Tneaday af ter aooa. A short burtaaa meeting waa held barf ore th. program. Mrs. 8. T. Wait read a paper ob 'Tho Ideal Nur sery"; Mrs. B. B. Pogg gav. a reading, Turhting Abnormalitiear; Mrs. F. J. Forb. read a paper oa "What Stories Shall W. Tell Oar Children Mrs. J. & J ante, read a paper oa "EetablmHing Prwpaje hUnaars-tat th HofnaV Aft th. prorrsa, Nfreahmeat. wars served. Mrs. . O. Flaaaasa antaa-tained thir ty frtenda, Wodntatday starrnooa at rook. The homo was deeornhed with rod eamatioeva and whit, hywetn-tkn. Cpoa arriwal tTesdaaes H. L. Coward aad l. L. Woo tea nerved tho gueartg fruit psnch. Th. tabi. prixe. weak pretty book eta containing ajaapo wax cb BMdkerchiefa. AJttar th. pamae. iu eourte was served, carrying out tha reel color scheme Republican Convention. iOrrritl u Tba Naaa and Obssraw I Wilmington. Feb, H. New Uanovor Republicans will hrAd their connty con vention on Monday February 28. Tho Brunswick Republicans will hold their session at Supply on Saturday, the 27th, Delegates to tho State, aad possibly to tho Congressional and Judicial, conven tions will be named. To Preach At Elisabeth City. IHpaatal la Tha Mm and UOaarvar.l Elisabeth City, Feb. 19.-Rev: C. J. Thompson, of th. foreign mission, board of the Southern Bsptist Convention, will preach for Dr. Hen n ing St tha First Baptist church Sundny morning. Bev. D. P. Harris, of thi. city, will preach Sunday night. Dr. Henntng and his family arrived in the city Friday afternoon from Richmond, where tho funeral of Miss Wave Henning waa conducted at 3 o'clock Thursday after noon. Interment following in Biver View cemetery. The services were con ducted by Drs W. I,. Ball, O. W. Ms Daniel and B. U. Pitt. Smoked Cigarettes For 22 Years Habit Was Ruining Him, But He Conquered It in Three j Days, Easily. Th portrait hriorw ia that of Mr. F. 1. disss. earuy, a woll-knaajrn stttsea mi Living, ton, Montana, wba know that his life was beiaT. ruinad through tha pernicious habit of eurar., rtta aaaoklng, yet emild not fine anything to atop it and aolaee tha narrow craving until ba got the remarkable book that eaa sow be ' 1 JeseaL J. i -w--r . t v C - ret;'-'- ) A tlargraaaa. a. M. Soas, Daywm. OblaT lMtiM thai , tum S 1 1 kisaaa a slasa am . tobaeee 44 yaara. ba aat rid aat th aaaat an. trrety ba n tew aVaya, 41 rally isaereilitj has baalth- - QUIT TOBACCO, CAWED 44 LSS. BisubsSy as atuuras. Okas, is UlUsa about tha btg okaae m aj naaiaa; ka put 1 44 uaa. ba branny nasa dna gotuiut tubal a haXt tarouark th tnfa rn abtaia. That ha eankf tataar anrt waa th faar af 1 assaah, rant stroov ; 1 a aaava af tohasee for rn off tha free teen wbara ran aaay alas seal If ar ofl many yuass r ba after SiWintl tha bank, ba sanuwaaLnow that taMt aoaJd be isniiiisiil ia three nays. Mow?- ba wrtrae that ha is fora.ai fra tram tba) 1 aravwag eaaal s ta Wrsrh sttyisaid health., BOOK SIVtN FBKS. A aajaaaara. tnississllisi kaok aaa hew je avaa . . esaae tba aanaee aabtjm nary form 1 ha been, vrrtnan by law. rr Waoda, it K. Station k Naw- Yarn. M. T, nasi he arBI easal M fraa ta aayaaa wit writs, aaarlag for t. as be h wary . aaiions that aQ waa ere rlilhwc af the tear. -tn far tiiura, rurZ. atgasa. ee elsrabsn-- aaaUv. aninkls. snraafar aa mawaagy. Bowa, swart, Kasaaay aa aaaaaa. htqacwvwt, naarean trasstlHiiA irt tnta ,'ad. visa swanee) aad nansaatMS tsr haaaaa 1 V ly?..?- --'.J : -v-; -J. -,..'..' -i

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