FRIDAY ilAHCn 24, 1916r- TIIE NETS AND OIXSERVTJK. 5 UAMESELASS HOT WITH GYPSY BAUD Cot- CralgAutffM If other That r UW.CK14 roti State mi , iSkptrtea .V;f." ' Grec!r,T; Abont Year Am Thortghtto HTevBeen ViA Gypsies- ia . Eastern North , Caro2h; InrtigmtfoB Di piwet After tsfcrnhoao eommaaieatioe with sheriff t 1 Beaufort county Gv amor CrsVystway wrote Mr site Glas of Jereey Ctyr, K. 1, that her sea, bwWW Ibm. 'Dm-Jm akeas. who asysterieaoly . wvMM tr Greely. Pm, MUy U, UU, to aot the Saxea haired yooagster vttfc daring gypey ia .North Carolia reeeatry. The letter wma m aaawer te eemmuairatioa iwawr by OtrwMf Craig calling spa hisa to ue vary fart ta Sad th bay that nman had leeated eomrwhrre ia the eaatera part af tka State. "I am the mother af James Dewglas Glasa, who waa take froas farm house JAMES DOUGLAS (J LASS. ( Tka lad wka myotsilsasly disappeared fraai a farm haaaa la Graely, Pike eeunty. Pa, Hay it, ltti, nod far whose diacavary a feetaa kaa heoa apoat, is described a faar years aM. with fair eempleniea. heavy light kair cat Boater Brown, two iiwana. blaa eyes, aaaa teeth. faU fere, belch t aaaat three faat aU tackaa weight U aaaaaa. Wbaa Uat ha vara taa araraUa with plak triat- hat. aaaa aat talk pbvJwty. la draaty, Piko eewmty, Pav May 12. 1913," tk mrotfaer wrote Tor tka past few days tka eommiaeioeer of public safety af this plaea aa wail as myself, have beea tryiaf ta locate a baad of ypeiea. reported ta bars a child aa swrring the deseriptioa of James, at different points la yoar Btntr. We have met with aa sucoest, and duriag the hut taaaty-faar kaars hava saat eifht teJffgiaias ia farther eaaeaeor ta losate tkest. Oaa of tka bsod. ia a dnrahra atapar. as Hi tfaa ehUd was a stale lad fram Jeraay. "Will yog kiadty js yoar iaflaeaoa witk tka press ta gat tka story before the peapla and b oa the lookoat for tk child ' aal tka 'mlnata b is located to aotify tka paliea of that partiealar town so that we cava get a look at the child with theai." North CaraMaa Areas Already North Caroliaiaaa. parttea Urlr in towns af the aastera part of the State, have baoa arwaapd by rnmors of the kidaapped hsaV Stories about the ftazea haired, blae-eyed boy with the a7Pey baad hare cease froea Goldt bere, WuLinxloa, Ihtrhaa, New Beta aad GaUiebwry. Th appeal came to doTeraor Craif front tka mother ia a frahtie effort to loeatr her sea. OoTcraar Craig got into wire aainniratiaa witk tke Beaufort eount aurtksritire witk tka reaalt that he ia praetiaaliy aaauraA tka Ghsaa child waa not witk the gypsy bead, aad that the child eaepeetcd waa fTPJ- He wrote tka mother ta thia esTect. Twice already the aaotker baa trossid the coatiaeat to see lost boys only to aad that neither vera her Jaxsse. The father, it is said, haa bsnme a svervoae wreck orer worry af the affair aad the ssothsr ia well aigh iaaaae. The esse haa attracted nationwide in tares, a fortane has abeady here spent ia the search for the 1a. $900 U the rrwnd Sere for the boy. No attentions ak 4 ia Ut asrirrajiee af adrertiaesBewta. ra rail- m X "A ' .. rV--:; V i - . r ) fan nan aawwaBwawaaa 1 1 I A Local Drofcrirut Sufgeela a Remedy for Overworked, Run-down Men The following letter free Manager Bodes reroute the experience and con ditioa of many Raleigh men. Bead this letter and oaf offer which follows: - - Brooklyn,-!. T. "I ass a general of Ice manager, and became no nervous and run down in health tkat I lost my appetite and finally my health broke down completely, largely beraawe of overwork. 1 tnad Beef Iroa aad Wine, ami other remedies without help. I saw Vinol advertised, and eooa after taking it I noticed an improvement I bow hare a hearty appetite, sleep better, feel better and have gained consider able in weight." Bauiuel Hodes, SOI fitoae Ave. Tke reaaoa Vinol is so jSuccnwf si ia aork eases ia because it contain! the throe oldest aad most famoos tonics viz. the medicinal elements' of freeh cod livers without oil peptoaale of iroa aad beef DVDtom : ... I We ask ejV fsnpdown. orerworked v. fCanaB U Kale!4tOa.,(rw a bottle of Vinol ';-Vttk tke uaderstaadiog that their f '4 , money will be returned if it fails to . t help them as it did Mr. Hades. " ; 1 Kaaw-Orwwoli Irua: Co. Ji P. Rc-la yoor home town, wherever yva lira, there ia tiaot Drug'btore, jok for toe fprr 1 m LEADING MEfJ ftRE Rev. G. W. Lay; Mayor Johnson and Ji lr. Carf JIIanletGive - WHk the hearty SBnatfoalrd,!. m. . themm th latterk rsieivVaV from. . th ?irMOrat ase )p tto;eitjsidoriag ike cUb's wart, tk Wasnaafs tbtb it i thaaiastic Bad N Mxiowe 'ta begia.' their eampalga by which they are to' raise BCUO needed ia putting. tha aaishing teaches ta the kaadaome club building vhich is now being everted oa Hrilsbore etreet. . . . . -- -- Three of the letters received are print ed belew: Bar. - George W. Lay, rector of St. Uary's Bchool, writes; "A elnb haaae nasally snggeata the idem of a pmee devoted ta the personal pteaaare of the members of the club tkat errs pies it. A rM for men is generally intended to giro some of the comforts of kome to those who 'have aane, aad to afford a haven of reet and refnge from the storm of others over whelmed by too much home. For other wiaa is it with tke beautifal Hub house Bearing completion oa Hillsboro street. Doubtless its members will spend many pleasant houn within its walla, but that has been the end least considered ia its planning. It is to be the great senti ment factory of the Capital City. Here will be carried oa better than ever, be cause nader better conditions, the quiet and powerful work that has already doae so much for our community. Here more than anywhere ejsejwill be as sdmbWdfrquntly an )rest bbdy ol citiseas, all working together for the common good. and none for self, with aa thought of getting anything out of it in-'retura far their efforts.' Ke com miuiitjr can gi'l anything ualcaa it agree that t vasts tt. ' TO agree its membera mwst get together. (The Woman's Club gets together. They -cannot want d thing they know little about. Beatiment must be created. The Woman's Clab haa bee the great agrat for ed nesting pub lic seatiment ia Raleigh aad its mem bers have freely sacrificed themselves ia laboriag to make hopes, aad evea dreams, become realities, (to, look at Ma acw kome. It ia oae mora dream come true." ' . Mayo lehawaa'a Letts. "I am writing thta letter endorsing the eampalga just inaugurated to raise 3.000 to Complete the famishing of the Women's Club building on Hillsboro street. The building is Bearing completion aad ia very haadaome indeed-. I un derstand that they have expeaded about 21,000 ia the completion of it aad the 5,000 that they are now asking the citl sens of Baleigh to contribute is a.'mall part of rhe am6uot expchd3." "The Women's Club has always stood for the highest ideal ia every branch of our civic life anj (he J sliould d eacoaraged in every way in' this under taking, as it will fees a so much to oar city. I heartily endorse their phta to raise funds aad hep, that war ertirres will respond liberally." Mr. Carey Hunter's letter reads as follows: "If I were contemplating moving to Raleigh to establish aa institution of learning, or enter into any commercial line of business, or to build affd eetab Hak a mannfneturittg plant, etc., I would be greatly encouraged to do so as toon aa I saw the apleadid building of the Womaas Club and knew that tke lead ing aad moat influential women of Ral eight had beea eo-pertiag for larger aad better parks, more and larger play grounds, well equipped and directed, a cleaner city, made more beautiful and ap-ta-date ia every way, a more, healtk- ful supply of milk aad food, a higher class of musical aad other entertaia aneBta, etc. Good conditions along the line of their activities are eeaeatml as a basis of a great commercial aad maa- afaeturing city. "It is but just aad right aad for the beet business interest of Rejeigh that every mas kelp oar aeble women ia pay ing for their magniaeent Clab Build ing." DEPARTMENT HEAPS j OF CHAMBER NAMED i sa now9pb2tedrhM)Bf4 of duactoie ejf the Chamber of Commsrse ia aa fol lowa: V. O. Parkes, R, a Busbwa, Henry T. Hicks, A. R. D. Johnson, C B. Park. Dr. C. O. Aberaetny, 3. B. Pearce, R. H. Merritt, Jadge 1. . Manning, i. E. tyTMnnell, Prof. W. A. Withers and W. U Bcasley. The department directors aad com m if tee men elected yesterday were as fallows: Mercantile Directors: J B. Pearce, R. H. Merritt; Committee: J. C. Elling ton, chairman, W. B. Mann. J. U. Bali, T. M. Jolly, B. L. Crocker, John W. Cross, Herman Heller, E. E. Rrooghton, M. i Wyatt. Civic Directors: Judge J. 8. Man ning, J. K. (XDnnaell; Committee i A. U. Maopin. chairmaa, Dr. K. P. Battle, Jr, W. U. Sawyer, J. J. Bernard. W. 1L WillUaieoB, E. . Bain. H. O. Ltaeber ger. Dr. U T. Koonce, W. B. Snow. Agriculture and Good Road Direc tors: Prof. W. A-. Withers, W. L. Bcas ley; Committee: J. W. Broughton, Jr, chairmaa. C. M. Miller, Prof. R. E. U Yates, Dr. B. W. Kilgore, T. B. Parker. Prof. C. B. Williams, D. F. Gib's. Dr. M. C. Horton, Dr. Albert Anderson. WO! Talk Oa Ka Klax. - aTAjhrW. A. Graham, Commissioner of AfSTiifrnre, who is responsible for raie ingfWtOBds for the Tomer portrait to be 'presented to the State on May 10 is mapping out pmns for the presea tailoETjDa that occasion Major Graham is to make the address and ia it he will present a sketch of the Ku fClux opera tions ia North Carolina. No Phosphate . Exercise Ta Be Bright; Paratle Ewepted t Be Btgeat in (a , UJr ' U wiU iadmaw bows lie 'the ckildrea oi see amsmxy M) sssnrn jaa xaera vui be aa;Ary ar ksaig-sMsAsd aneeehss at ths sxarsasis af th Wshe eoaaty seheol aonimkwsmaient whiek5 vlH be held ia Raleigh Oa rriday. kpl 7. This waa asshrad yaatarday, wbn Superintendent Giles gara est the program. Ia addi tion to the patriotic aeags the chief fea ture af the enrrises will he Tarn Hunt er, of rayetteville, who wilt tell some "Cade Bems" stories is his iaiaitable style. The program will be as followf : "Amerhea" will be sang by all the erheeta. The Weadsll school will sing -Carolina." Mr. L. J. clears, chairmaa of tke Board of Educatioa, will preeeat the diplomas ta tke seventh grade .The Wakeloa school will sing "Dix ie." Mr. Thomas M. Hunter, af Fayette ville, will entertain the children for about 5 minutes with "Vacle Remus" atones. The Apex school will siag "Oar Flag." Superintendent Giles will as souses the prizes end premiums. The t'ary "ligh school .will siag a special selection. The parade, as oa former occasions, will be the big feature of ths day. The city schools will participate aa they did tst fear. Tim schools ia the eouaty afe manifesting great interest aad the replies received so far indicate that tfe parade will be the -largest ia tba. his tory of Wsks srhool commencements, rjiiperintendeqt (VileM eipeeta that efceW will 'be-H.000 or lo.wo'm line. " TAia rear the ii eouhcils of therjuh ior 0rier I'nited American Mrchsnrcs ia tke "county will taite part anil ' wfll act as specisl escort to the children ia the parade. The county beard of education and Superintendent Giles ars greatly pleas ed st the fsct that the Juniors are go ing to participate ia the commencement aad have decuied to award a haadsome silk flag to the council which has the largest pvr tent of its tnembertkip ia o Tka Third Regiment band and per haps others will furnish music for the parade. It is also planned to have tke Raleigh high School orchestra to fur aish mnsic nt the auditorium, where the eierrisea will take place immediately followiag the parade. The parade will form ia Nash Square at 11:.10 o'clock ia the morning aad .will mev arason. The line of mafrkfhrBi be up Mr.Imwe11.4ura 4 to Marrxs(asl the see doss t'aettevijle to the ajidi toKu'Bi. h . i ' ' FIGHT BULLETINS TO BE GIVEN BY N. AND QU 'AT TUCKER BUILDING Raleigh people interested ia the big boat Saturday night ia hladiaoB Hqaare Garden, w York, between Jess Wll lard, ehsmpion fighter of the world, and Frank Moran will find pWnty of excite ment at the Tucker Building Pharmacy, Fayetteville and Martin streets, that night when details of the tight will be made public by the News aad Obser ver to those who happen to be there. Arrangements have beea completed by the T acker Building Pharmacy which will enable the management of the store to give to the public everything happen ing at the ringside from the moment Referee Charlie White rails -time" natil the finish. There will not bo a dull mo ment. Ia order that the Baltimore players ran get the benefit of the detailed re port, they will be invited by the Tucker Building Pharmacy to be oa the scene aad Raleigh faaa will have aa oppor t unity to see some of the players who will represent tka Baltimore club this NEW CORPORATIONS t-1 Charters were issued yesterday from the ' office of the Secretary of State if or the following eorpnmtKHis to da buai arss in North Carolina: u North Amsrieaarpeaaat Company si Wilson. Capital stock, ,10,000. tfebr seribw stock,-27,Oge. Ijteorsoratoras Alfred H. Ilinde, Benjamin H. Tryan aad Wiley R. Wood, all of Wilson. ..Brown-Chcrry-Baird Co., of Asherille, to do wholesale grocery business. Capi tal stock, 50,000. Subscribed stock, 17,100. Incorporators: Heavy M. Browa, L. W. Cherry, Charles W. Baird, all of Asherille. Amendment was filed to the charter of the Burlington Coflln Co, of Burling ton, changing the existences of the cor poration from thirty to sixty years. Frecklo-Face New Is the Time lo Cet Rid of Those l,gly Spots. Do you know how easy it is to re move those ogly spots-so that ns oae wil( call yea freekle-fneef Him ply get ah ounce of otfiihe, double- strength, from yoar druggist as! a fw .Applications should show yon how cafiVwny is to rid yourseir or rreeaiea gj t -a beautiful complexion. Tka mtfdk& winds of March have a atroag tegdeney to bring wot frwekles, aad as a'roouR mora othiae ia aold-ia this month. Be sure to akk for the double strength othiae, at this ly sold wader guarantee of money back If faiis to remoTB the freciles. Jjidv. ' PB0EB1 COUfJTY MANY ftPPRDVIHr nil's hct Men of Promizxerice in All Sta tions Write Lettert of Com mendation to Him Democrats and Republicans, minis ters aad laj msa. lawyers aad merchants, soilage prafsssera, white aad colored, haw jsinsd ia a anagle voice of ap proval, aaasmradhag Ooveraor Lorho Craig fa hm eomsnwtation of the death sesteaea of Ida Boil Warrea to afa imprissamrat. Tharsdsy'a mall waa heavy with letters of coagratBhwIaa mingled hare tod thers with a acta af disapproval. "Wise, therefore commaadahla. wroto Bsfisaiialattea B. N. Page frwas Washlagtoa. "Pay ao Bttoatioa to your sewiea, ho argoa, Jtha fataww will vaasUeato ywal aloag with evory ether man a pahttaJ or fiiwato pssttsam who after tatiag ssaasat. with hia ova soul plays Us man's part." rroat lea dart af the Republican warty ta North Carolina, Governor Craig .re ceived totters of flattering eommeafUv tioa. Jf cow Id have been in ao seaae a partisaa thing, their testimony ahava, hat a matter oa which ths Ooveraor of the State, as a North Caroliniaa, aad as a aaaa drat aad hut, should hare acted, aad did act. "Tka greatest Bet ' of your admiaiav tratioa." says Senator Charles H. Joaaa, af Liaeola eoaaty, wka reprsoeated hia district ia th Bemato duriag last Own oral Assembly, aa4 th aaa yea will look back apoa la th year that are to come with greatest degree af roan fort aad satissettoa was that of yoar commutation of the eeateaee af Christy aad Mrs. Warrea." Judge W. 8. OH. Bobiasoa. of Golda boro, another Bcpvblwaa leader ia the State, wrote: "I write to let yea knew that yoar eommatatioa of poor wretchee wins the hearty approval of our peo ple. I have act hoard a discordant Bote, though don IK less thers are some who wanted them to die an ignominious death." Effect Oa Ota to Mala QbmUm. That the main cjoostioa was the effect of the exeeutioB of tke mandate of the law apoa North Carolina rather thaa upon tke womaa waa tke peiat that Judge Heary G. Coaaor, of the Tatted States District Court, mads ia kis eons- maawatioa. "I love i man wka sees clearly and acts broadly," he declared. "Yea hare lone th rife thlag la (he rigtit -way. Lmet aad dike barged like the maa we ail knew yei to be, the imposetblo. After all, H wot so murk what Ue fttate should r)o to the wretched woman), as what aw woniii do to the State, v Her executirfn would, aa- all executioa em, hare shocked tka beet there is ia aa. I pray, not for ths saks of wretchee we kill, but for the eake of the Bute, that some day th Btats will kill ao one." Prof. N. T. Gallery deaa of hi at Wake Forest CeUogwi la a letter to Gov ernor Craig saidt "J 'think yea did right. I have thought 'ol yoa often and sympathised with yo irfth trying art uirtion. I. know, to, aa hsaset eoaecioa tious maa. one who wishes to do the right thing la the eight of God aad aaaa, such a situation ia trying. I eeagrata Inte yon aad the Btate on your decis ion. " Other letters came in yesterday ia pretest snd rrituJinm of the action. H. L. Rose of (.ioldslmro wrote, "I am writing this; because something ought' to be doae toa m much murder. There has poewibry beea thirty ia Wayne county in the mat fifteen years aad not' ta execution." Much 4n Vit same liae was the com munkatroa1 from J. M. Beany 'of otnithflefd. 1 i Other 11 cdmmendatery letters were received from B. G. Oooper, Oxford ; J. O. Busslis, Rockford; Rev. J. L. War FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A few Cars That AnvwM Caw Vm W havs a New Methad nast mum Aathma. ad ws wan fee to try ft a oar iilwflR N matter whether vewr esss hi W Umw- MaaeiB v tMri tftavmm. -wM4hw It H p fiint m eeiw liwisl Of earsoic Avthwia, rsw shout smd tor hfrae wml ml w merhad. No 'Blatter i vane ssialaW roa IK no nutter what rear ana or . eecupstton. W ro ar trswbM with mUusuy aw methW should rvlim von We sspwuiUT wawt Is ess tt tm tka. ap. saiwattr hilw essas, what aM farms of ta baWn. douchw, otilum sraparatHMUi, fuaMa, "patent , " ata., ha t.llia. We want ta show avarroa at awr tss faaaii. that tha) avw aw mad h aaia-nad te sad all dUaraK bnathtac, all waaaxtac. and all ChaM tarribh psrozniaa at eaaa aa ac an ansa. Thia tra efer Is toe iaaawmat ta a etaa-le aay. Writ, now and than barm the SMthod Da ft Taanr. FBXB ASTHMA COUTON rfrJCTtnlt Arm! A OOj law Sit nf. Miaawr snd Hudaaa Sm, Bwaaia. M.' V Band fra trial of roar amthad tsl Dr. Osier on Tuberculosis atr wnrtssi ow. a of ew isism at ItaatriB. at Oifars. oars Maslchar ta. aa Ths bealUf af ahawa eHamaar by the wham sawta haul la the mtaratwatat wt aaallas.- Mmmy smiamt madlaal authaillaw hava taatnas to the afncacv of mas snft ta rjw Uaatmant af tuhaiwulaaax sad ths wrral af Kckman's AlWratlv. ia thia aad alliat thramt and hranchiai airaetaaas amy he das Barter t tha faat that it iintshm a Bam aaa aa aaaa. Moat wiU ethtr whnkh msraaasta aa ta h awUr aMimllatas. : Wtinprm me af this am i) m amner ous rirrr of tnbarculwhi many of which as. naar te bar vtcldad mvMHr to n Juwti. m ow banef mat M h worth a tri.1. wnlajs mil other alraaey la aai amiHaa. It farwdng di wrali nm ft any i i .i, i, ..nil. m war w kwev at maew assas la - wsuah it hLaA MELPhD. ' J faar diacsM hasBsrsaaawrn,arwe , send ein Rahman aa likuvajra. fnwwtl eg Jshas maa now laxms fnlmii af bm Trwrtic. ml pas Ml I II af QiHaaai Bi and tssH aaa. haaa aakhv Ta saah alas ihiul the tarm baaiaaa hi a einaaw. ai I ar haHb Wa meha aa aiiiuiim eaa wm thaa reoBtebla ahnieiam - hara been used with success 'dorinf tha past 40 yeara ta al leviating" tha ilia for which they are Intended, aa evidenced by their widesBread aaie. They are made from herba and other healthfal ingredienta. ' WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES Warswrw lafe Kidney aad Uvor Remedy, He aad I Law -' Wsrwer's Safe Dtoaetea Bessady. ... $Ut Waewors Safe Bhoasaatlc Beasedy, ... SUS WarsMes Baf a Asthaaa Beanady. .... Tie Wayne's Baf Nervine. ... Mc aad tl-M '-. .Warw Bafo film, (CsastlWaa aad BIM ta ' For sal by laadlag druggists everywhere, r seat post paid oa receipt of prV. Proe sample of Bay oaa remedy neat ow rsauest. WARNERTS SAFE REMEDIES CO S4S whw. BKrharwt WT Bf t ...... R-a a-riago; B. & White, Loams org; K. J. ewaaainarea; Jm. p. uvaotaam. steeay ktoaatj Jamas B. Iadly( Orssaaksf i ; Col at H. tmswowJlaliohatTi Thowaaa A. Jvaea. AahowiUst Bar. O. C. Davis, tmm 'Paihsm I Oasigi H. CrawalL Waymawvillei Bar, Jool a Saydrr, Jay stteVllf; Cat B. VL raraan. New Bern; Brace tOraeea, TriaMy; L. L. Hobbs, Arcadia j W. B. 0411, Concord j T. T. Tharaai Baakr . ktaamt W H Raow Baleigh t T. hL Byaam. Goldaboro. Loaia D. BrawdeLa. raeoatlv annaint- ed to the United Btotea 8apreme Court beach, gives half kis time to public work without pay. "IWtWcar V "Just Any" Corset . f Find f Ac om that is dijnmJ y t for yaatr Particular Figmrm a Many a good figure is niined by in- vi correct coraeting and hundreds of Uc poor figures are made good by the wise F sHrxtion of the right corset You can do Jk woriders for your figure ampfy by making 'y 'j k i pcrfecliy awre toget your model of RUOTLESO CORSETS , Tbe new gowns are made to be nttea over a; t this year's corsets. You can't make them J .look smart and 3 1 R modish unless 3 It y . you do wear cor- fl J It sets to support 7s , J If them. If Prices $1.00 "r KjSVl S to $5.00 V jN On sa y lV """"" HELLER BRO'S SLIPPERS fit from the first day worn, PATENT $3.78 1 STYLE 99 Writ Today For Our New Spring. Booklet HELLER BROS. Established 1876 RALEIGH, ti. C jjF,!!llIB You'll Like the Cut of Our Spring Suits CJ However critical your taste. They show faithfully the ex clusive mode. Stripes, plaids and mixtures, in "different" ef fects. When you decide to blossom out, survey our models at, popular prices ,T.T.j.Tirr.M.t.T7 .t.i.i-i .'-.:! $5, $20, $25 fa m m CROSS '. N. T. NOTHING IN REPORT Durham. March O Victor 8. Bryaat, prominent Pnrham lawyer, diervedited ia Ma satiretji the story from a Raleigh eeiiBsuaaleat to a urooasboro paper that he would likely bo a eaedidato foe Attoraay General at North Carolias, Mr. Bryaat added with emphasis tkat akoald ks havs eoaaidered aa aaaouaceaeat to tkat egret he would have made it pub Ik through tke columns of tke News and Observer aad tke Durham aapera. Mr. Bryaat Is a very busy lawyer tnd po lltlcal preferment by hia frieads is tem porarily decliaad. and require no "breaking in.' DULL $3.75 STYLE 98 g n ....... 41 Sc LINEHAN GO. ;c-! - "fhe Clothiers 1avasiiaaiB (lt,,.,).li,,tf.I:ii.)i..t.iiiiiwUi.Uiiiiiki.J tt sati tj mi ismiSrti i SPyTOEME COURT -. W ARGUES CALENDAR Tka HortV CareltaS Baprem fVwr yesterday eompbrtoS - kaatiag appsaia front th Eighth aad Ninth District whoa S so aaaa remaialsg aa. tha caiaa dar vera argued. Argasasata war a faltowsi ' r r-?r B. F. Keith vs. N. H. Lock hart, from Peader. Argued by C. tt. Wake sad C. ' C. Cullea for tk ytoiatiff, aad Dwy Day. Joka D Kerr aad A. O. Bteaud. H. L. Steven. J. i. Boa aad 1. Barrett for defeadaat. ' - ' W. M. Olipkaat ra, AUaatht Coast 1 Una, from New Haaover. Argaed by ' A. O. Bicaad, li D. Uraat aad W. S. Joae for tk plaintiff aad Davia A Da- -via for the defeaewaw. -. ' , r. H. Walter vs. J. M WiHert, frma Robosoa. Argaed by McNaUI Mc Neill for the plaiatiaT aad Mrlatyro, -Laursas aad Praetor for tha SefsadaBt. That Mlehigaa la diasstlsSsd wHh Ra beea crop seen aim uat aasbbbah ka fare ef the faat that th Stat already -rsUee T 70 per coat ef all Aanerieaa beaae, naar- 4 ly as macs aa the aaaaal Bsotsa a- , umptioa. ATONCE1 STOPS" S STOMACH MISERY J AND INDIGESTION, "Pape'a Dia papain" makes' sick, sour, gassy Stomachs " feel fine. . " Do some foods yon eat kit back taste good, bat work badly ; ferment lata stubborn lumps and cause a eick, oar ,,'-; gassy stuniachf Now, Mr. or Mrs. Dya-j peptic. Jot this dowa: rape's Dmpeperar digeeta everything, leaving aothisg tot ' sour and upset you. There never waa anything so safely quirk, ao certainly ' effective. No difforene how badly your" T stiimach is diaonlered you will get happy5 relief la Ave minutes, but what pleaoee ' you most is thst it strengthen aad eg -ulates your stomach so yon can eat yoar favorite foods without fear. "-- ' Moat remediee give you relief times they are alow, but not "Pape'a Diapepsia" is quick, positive and puts your stomach in a healthy -condition so the misery woat earn back. - - Von feel different a. ooa S .tXnpe'a Diapepsin" comes ia contact with the stomaeh-Hlistress " just vanishes ryour stocaaak gwta seef, ao gases, no belch- " ingy ao sansrtattoaa of amlifested food, your bead, cleara aad yeu feel Sue. i fllo now, make the best investment toil ever msde, by getting a "large ?fty tent case of Pape'a Diaprpaia front Bay Irug store. Vim realize ia aVe vniuutea don needless It is to, suffer from indigna tion. dysppeia or any stomach disorder. Adv. Ambition Fills For Nervous People Ambition PUU ar a eapaaaaM allf ia the ftsht asaiait Narvaaa Pvaitratiaw. tlarylaM aas aad varhrai altaettam af th. 'Kstwkm nvwa. Lack af .amn. mHas, kkV wr ar -Hvar awaakml maw taatSalaars mmm rvan4a.Ur failara. If roa wish to, mm ir aaar rtsar and aiiaisr try Waaoatts AmhBlin Pill.. If r am iaatUt Hiaka Uataww Star. Tickr BalMlns Phai mail, Wak Drus Btava, W. H. hia Draw C am a.- thariawl by tk. smkar to rafand th punhaa prlc an th. Srvt boa eurchaaai. It U worth wkil to fVal ambtsVma, a bar. th. .nrer that amkai row so W warh amsarlr. .nd w fasl th. glow of bmlth and transth- . Ambition PilU wtlt aarirt raw m ivitllm IBS Caaaial DaWUtv. Mastal DaBeawias. and Uaatmna Kama, maaiit ar mr-UMukraM. ia Alaohal. Tbaae, or avarwork af nr Ml. Ptftv Mub st Ricks Uptown Star. Tuck BvikMna ItaiBmar. Wah orua mtarm. W, M. Kiaa irus C and daslam mrrt Mail. araar fttla. eharsw. arapsl iM, ar ta wfiw.ii Pharmaeal Goawanv. Ia. Sri Adv. N, Y. . Let Us Talk With You Now About Economy of LJainf Enamels Old Paint Before It's Too Lata. We can sell you just what you will need. Prices ars right. When you want Enamels, Stains and Glidings Say No. 60 Ball Phone HART-WdRD Hardware Co. 125 E. Martin St -The Sonsy Side af thaoBat" S 5 H a- I & H - - mn 3'-;.' -"3 'V - . f t -

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