A "FRIDAY MORNING; MARCH 24, 1916V TTfF NETS ANT) OTtSFRER MISSIONS Yesterday-Called Red Letter Dajr-For Annual Session of Baptist Union Winston-Salem', March 23 It U an aausaal .privilege for any Rtate Baptist gathering to have two of the Southern Baptist Convention officers present, and today fcaa bees. red letter day with the Weens Mini unary Enion, now la nas liol is Winston -flalem. Tha address of Miss Kathleen Mallnry, corresponding secretary, from Balti more, oa "The Mountaia'nf Thine la' heritaace waa well worth the time and money spent by every woman who award her, had they gotten nothing else. The eaferenccw are 1 ways moat val table .ta the workers present. Mr. Charles '. Maddry, of Kaleigh, led tha OB oa personal sendee and there was aot a dull moment. TfctTTW. A. hourls' slwnys a period at? brightness and enthusiasm. Mrs. C. E." Mnsea, the' secretory of the Young' Woman's Auxiliary, is u strong, aggrcs sivs Reader and ( iha interest nignl. f eatrd at thia gathering ia any evidence, tha Aft new aoeietiea of thu year wilt be mwe than doabled.. - y The special work of tha T. W. A. ia tha frniaing school ltated at-l.rfmi' ville, Ky. Thia school ia for the pre paring of young women who wish tn dedicate their lives to Christian work at hone and in the foreign field. Mrs. Mr Lure, tha euperintendenl, wan fit ber beat ia her address on "Candle lighting." The audience was led step by atep with the young women ia their studies, their home life, their work ia tha city, whirh work is a targe part of their training. The conference that followed was full of good things for every leader. Tha missionary nnioa regretted ceedingiy that an over crowded pro gram prevented the acceptance of an invitation to a musical recital at Salem (Vol lege and for a drive through tl city, which invitation waa from tli men of Winston. The increased number of societies and of objects for discussion hns forced tha women to eliminate all social lent urea, the foar days being spent in earnest, prayerful work. Tha closing hour of the third day waa given to addresses by two strong, consecrated men from the foreign Held Bev. J. 1. Lowe of China's New Dawn and Dr. Qeorge M. Green, M. D of Went Africa, who with words and store- optima carried the audience through hiaiScld ta Afrya. . , , ( RESIGNS AS HEAD ' : PEACE INSTITUTE One., strain much longer without danger ef serious Soils pae, which ha says, is a risk more aerie ua to the. institution thaa to hiaaaelf. Tha roaiu nation will so formally be fare the entire board ef trustees at the neat meeting on April 4. It has been aeoptd, however, by the executive committee, whose action is subject to IIM'evntef rhe board. The meeting at which Dr. Ramsey made known his resignation waa eu tirely informal. It - a gathering of the member of the faculty at the srhool aad ill were nrcseut. The an onneement ame as a complete shock to them and Di. Ramsey was told by earh ta torn, fa aa informal way, of the regret in losing him, and of the high appreciation of his work aa their reader. Dc Ramsey's Resign t lea. The hitter which Ir. Itaniscy read to the lac iy members waa aa tallows t "When 1 accepted at your hands near ly foar years ago the presidency o: ' srve Institute, I did so as I believed sndrf Divtne gnidaaee and with high hope that I might kave s substantial share la building up a strong inatitu tioa for Urn Master's glory and the Meaning of future generations. "I have tried to da my duty in this noaiUoa and wa have enjoyed some aig aal evidences of God's favor; bat ths SnanciaJ stringency ox ths past twe years has brought so many sear oompli as tip aa aad anxieties task. I Bad myself physically annate to eadara tha straia mark longer wttheat danger of a eerieus eel la pee. "Did tho welfare at the school de mand thia ran, I be Have I would take It willingly but it does not. Oa the ether hsnd, tha risk, at this critical period ia its history, woald be greater far tha suae! than foe ma. "I And myself therefore very reluc tantly constrained, in justice to yon as well aa myself, tetaer you OacK tae trwet committed to my ears and ask yoa ta accept my resignation as president of Peace Institute to take effect July 1st, 1919. "My relations with tha faculty aad student body are of the most cordial nature. I have never known a faculty setter equipped for its work, with higher , idifin, an harmonious and aa loyal, nor a student body mora responsive. It is needless to say that it wrenches my hes rt to sever these ties that have grows stronger year by year. --"And sow, Gentlemen of the Board, ' let mo e spree to iron my Jieart-f elt ap rrt-iatioi aad gratitude for the un Ilia eaurtesv. ennsldsration and sut part yoa have always accorded ma and assure yoa ef my unabated interest in .the great work ia which you are en gaared aad pf my sbiding faith ia its triumphant issue. Uay Uvd speed you ia it." Ia reply, the following letter, signed by Bev. W. Me, White, president of the Board of Trustees, aad K. T. Qow a. sw ist lie, waa read: "Voar hrtter of Mare 20th offering yeur vceigaatioa aa president of Peace .laststata waa presented to ths Execu tive ODBimHtee of tha Board of Trus tees b yesterday, aad wa were ia trwetad to reply as fallows: ' "With prof ouad regret we leara that the cireumstaaces seem to yoa ta re awire this step. Wa realize that dor- lag thee years of war sad inaaeisJH thy bardea vy respoasibdity Noticm of Candidacy I respectfally announce my candidary for the House, sub ject tt traction of the Demo era tk primaries. . R. W. WINSTON. JR. 5-M eod, 16, r. r:v fir fcHHWD A TEAM THAT BtOCKf THE ROAD You need a Klaxon The driver hears you.. He turns out long before you reach him. The Klaxon means a clear road. No need to slow up. Trip uninterrupted. The big Klaxorv--the one you see 3rvali high gsade cara, ia now $w, No matter what "your car is, this iathe signal for it if you want the best and if you want tJ) you sriend to . rrcogrme it a thejbeec The U. R Klaxon $u and the U. H. Klaxet $6, also operate by electricity- on the motor-driven Klaxon principle. If you have no electricity, there is the Hand Klaxon at $7. 50 and the new Hand Klaxonct at $4. - Klaxons are made only by the Lovell'McConnell Mfg. Co., Newark, N. J. Like all standard articles they are widely imitated. To be gure, find the Klaxon name-plate. 700,000 an in use. pi N.U Walter THE ELECTRIC STORE Yarborough Building Raleigh, N. C must hare been heavy indeed, and that the "new complications and anxieties" do produce a strain almost too heavy even for the strongest to bear. And we caa well understand your desire to be absolved from it before it tells too severely on your health and strength "Such circumstances, involving your vitnl interests, leave us do option in the matter, and, youf ilrtermin'Btion hav ing been reached after matare.- delilx e ration and urnrrr, we do not feel liberty to insist upon reconsideration. and further enntmusnee is theServica of the institution at peril of J'ur health. I Bat We beg ta assurie you of,. tha very high esteem in which you are held by us all. and ef our appreciation of your labors for Peace. We feel that under your hand tha institution has beea brought into a position full ef promise for the future, and that we are indebted to you for its present eieel- lent organization, the splendid faculty assembled, and the happy spirit pre vailing. Wo recognise, too, tha loss sus tained, not only by Peace Institute, but also by our church and by our city, ia tha severance of tha relations that bare so happily existed. Wa acquiesce ia your decision, because you think it beat for yourself, and i- tha hops that yon may find the relief sought in other con genial service less exacting." Faculty KegretisL. . Following tha announcement of his resignation. Prof. Brawley of tha fac ulty, last night paid high tribute to Dr. Bamsey. 'It is with deepest regret," be said. "I learned that Dr. George J. Bamsey had resigned as president of Peace In stitute. I have been very closely asso eiated with him and his loyalty, high sense of honor, asd optimistic spirit have endeared him greatly to ma. He will leave many warm friends among the fatuity and student body. 1 AUGUSTA'S DAMAGE BY FIRE $5000.000 (CmMshssI tress Fsas Os.) copal church, erected 135 years ago, fell before ths flames. Doeens of homes of Colonial style that had withstood the ravages of the war between the States were consumed. Work was begun today to restore conditions to normal. Telephone and lighting service was badly damaged. and this was being restored tonight It 1 announced that eonvict gangs would be brought in from tha roads of Richmond eottnty tomorrow to clean np the eity streets. Thousands of visitors from nearby Oeorgia towns and from Booth Caro lina points just serosa ths Bavannah river, cams to Augusta today, soma as idle onlookers and many as active helpers. Police and three companies of local militia did guard duty. No lives vrara lost ia the Ire. A dossa oa more persons were slightly hurt. Four fire men remained in hospitals tonight, but aona was seriously tajureh Both newspapers Bar, ths Chronicle, esetablished ia 1785, and tha Herald, lost their plants. Tha Chronicle, driv en from its new ten -story building, published a miniature) edition this a sag ia local job plant. Ths Herald' pablished a small sised iasna rad' arranged fa gat eat its uasml edi tions tomorrow at Tnomson, sun a CROWDS -WITNESS rfllRTI OF H Wonderful Picture Production Will Be Shown Here Aain Today and Tomorrow Lrge audicneee, lustine- ond night, yesterday nt U0 Academy ' of Musie, were thrilled and loudly applauded the "Birth of a Natron," the marvelous motion picture prey hith has carried every section of the country by storm. It stand out ss the greatest moving picture produitiou over liluitil. Based art ihe navel The Clansman, written by ThomU Dixon there are dramatic fea tures of the highest order at every turn. The camera effects also are something truly wonderful not only ia the eeneral scope of the scenes but ia the details. . The bmmy handling of tha features is auch aa not to give offense to either the north or the south. There is no reason that the blacks should feel aa antipathy tetha production, a the splendid qualities pf 1ho faitajTsI old aarsrya are cuiiy snoai-a. j a- With evei y ain)eaaaace of tha ipeei eqi& ClnosntonBi 4hsir dnatiifigvrnies After you haa SBesi this. TemaAa1le pictlre you roof longer are surprised thai it attracts Juch largo audjentes at &ny prices of a 'Jilni produiSiu. It $eeibponta no hnj fact ft Baases one to utarvel at the wondej-f flneea of the proVluctioa. It bears the. stamp of genius. It will he presented again today and tomorrow matinee and night. FAYETTEV1LLE TO GET THREE FINE PRESENTS (SlMCtal to Th N- tnd IHMfW Fayetteville, March Zi. This luMy little city is to le the happy recipient of throe worth-while presents shortly a new building and loan asnociation, a roof garden, and a new office and store building. The H. aud U association ia oDiccred by some of the best aad most eulistantial men in Fayetteville. Its tirst series will be open on the first ef April. It lias just been lieensed by the Btate inaurauce department to do busi ness in Kayetteriile snd its suburbs, with Dr. J. V. McOoiigan president, A. B. McMillan vice president, and Thus. II Button hoc rotary and treasurer. . A t25,no store and office building will be erected on the soouieaat corner of Market Square by J. fc. ptoin. with a roof-jnrdua topping te struc ture. TlU wijr 1 the onjgr den ia Nrth ftreliua. WILSOiN DIVERSE Tp Mexican "Emsii 4 ' (CeatiMM4 (x Pas One.) Setrstor Overman feels that the Preai dent has done ail within his newer ta keep out of war with Mexico. He fa vors action if it becomes necessary to save tho soldiers who are aow eu ths punitive expedition. Gen. Ijiurenco W. Young, of North Carolina, tutid today that .North Caro Una can furnish on short notice at least 3,000 meV and of fleers .from the national guard. "I think that 90 per cent of the men in the national gfiard, fiaid he. "would respond readily snd immediately to a call from the President tf they are to go into war with their own officers. Much would depend upon the Ahsraeter of the cull. "Alan for man. members or the aa tional guard 01 Jorth Carolina are ('Qual to, any aojdifs you can find ia Mexico or anywhere else.. ! 'North Carolina has about to.00 mm' of military age and all except about 12 per cent could be used in a piorh. -The mflitm foreeis of tha State are itt much better -shape than wheav tha call aai . far tha Spauiah-Ahnarieaa way. - - '. , 1 a "If the Tar Heal fighting force are needed, they will be among the;But to report for duty. There is no doubt that North Caro linians almost to a man will support ths President in whatever policy he adopts for Mexico. The geaeral feeling throughout the Btate is that Mr. Wilson has beea patieat and optimistic, ha has felt that General Cartas za would have s fair aad thorough trial, ha has be lieved that tha old revolutionists would bring order oat of ehaea. Ths President hopes now that tha United States troops will capture Villa and bring him out without arousing ths anger of tho Onrranxa forces or other Mexican citiaens in sympathy with tha vum murderers. DOUGLAS, ARIZONA, WANTS PROTECTION (CaMaas4 frem rasa OtM.) Brig. Gen. Araulfo Gemes, his second in eoramand, is aow en route from Her moaiilo with man to reinforce tha troops alongha Honora-Lhlhuahua bor sar, piaeM taan la guard against a poaslbls wasters movement of Vilhv. Sixty thousand founds of ammunition for General Calles arrived hers. by ex press today. It probably will hot be sent across to Agua Prieta for delivery until tomorrow. Tha feeliag of apprehension ia Doug las was made evident late today.. A number of telegrams went to Senators Henry r. Ashurst anN9 Marcus A. Smith and Congressman Carl Haydea by local men, urging that War Depart ment Officials be interviewed at ones aad representations be mads to them that orders should be issued to ths troops stationed here so that they eould ads- quately patrol Douglas and afford pro tection .0 tha civilians. Btana Waa Severe at fMasa. (SesHslis Tt Hmm m Okmnm I Selma, March S3. Selma waa visited by ths worst wind storm ia ths history of the town Wedneadsy night. The entire roof of tha Bsehardsoa Drug Company waa taxea off aad land ed ia front of the Selma Drug Com pany's door and had it aot been for a phone pole directly in front of ths door tha fronts of several stores would havs beea torn to pieces. Mrs. Aifoaaa White. Elisabeth City, March S3. News was received hers yesterday of the saddea death of Mrs. Alfonso White at her hem, st WinfalL which or caned at three o'clock thin maraiag. Mra. Whits was forty-nve years-of ago and. is ear vivad by her hasbaad aad seven ehil- -. ; 1 - I fill. PlAYblllS BET mim tin Workers Eneourarxl Over Re sult f First Day's Activities in Campaign The first day's work of the teams en gaged in the eaaipaii'n to raise toWO for the Raleigh pLavgruiinds yesterday, resulted, ia (CTjSO iVr the movement. Jnst half of the teams wrre working aad part of them srerr not thoroughly or gaaised say tho Ka.l. i With this stata. of affairs, they take great enroarige-j iwnt in ib, HiMq 01 ill. ir ncaasnsssnie Today will rurnish s fair udtsnttoacol results, they say, t ) At the ana o'clock luatkeoa at the Tarborongh yesterday ta t&f Sb wasn aaaouneed. With the regular swaSaare-1 meats cam a anmher of -target sab serintiana. Owe hundred dollars waa aa nounced as Ufa gift ef the Muthara CJuh f Thompson School ; I'arey J.IIuats gam Sou; B. r. ainntagne gave Sfti; -""Ths- team reported as fottevaiT -Mra. W. A. Vpcharch, S3.VI; Dr. W.IC. Hertea, $WJ: Mrs. M. BenthaLt7l:"Ber. CP.Wi)cax, 17; Mrs, W. f &k- Wir the wwsicy to 1 rtieed ia" this easpsigav tha jt'ja.vground ('oiajrwM piana to eqaapaea Miervue threa sto tiosal playgrwanda for Raleigh. Arthnr Warren Waite, New York Dentist, Locked I'p On Charge f . Having Poi soned Fathcr-in-Law (GMIfcsaad tr Pan OKI with S steaetrranher to take a statement from tlie deatist, tint Waite was in a stupor. lr. Mere said his pa tient probably would be able to gs ta court tomorrow. The arreat of Dr. Waite waa ordered today after an investigation by IKstrict Attorney Swans based upon the resalta of aa autopsy oa Peck's body, which re vealed strong symptoms ef poisoning. The ease waa plaeed in the has. Is of the grand jury today after Dora Heiler. a negro maid at Dr. naite s home, aad Dr. Jacob B. CorBveU, a wealthy relative rt the Pecks, snd fold stories to tha District Attorney which autuwd to him to k warrant aagiaaiag proceeding snssssf I ha Jiissrim . a a -"i .T . ( T. 4 a . I ae wraaa - itUT tnvswagaaos; miu eonilBfa stwat days. ;WtoVwsJ teas UraadrBntOeVs sad DetroiS a d smsj uetsjrvtnr. Waits wis Sr pc- . g ... . - . . A -M as . . eat So aha Tesab sad held anargeA Mrwrdas th M hgt da sjref. v : til ; Tfjerfcaid. srhaea the ateta. regard? an aaa ast ths ataSt iUnortaM witBcues, totd tho district ntracy te day that Dr. Waits vme lata the Irtieh en whera aha waa prepariag disaer aad poured anesethiaa out of a bottle, that he told her wa. medicine, iato soap, which afterwsrd was serve.! ts Peck at the dentitssVa dv This oeearred. she said, arxit;ta &3JJ befora tas drag gist's deathk r.tM . She aotiena thai" Peck ate only a ft tla. of the aosp.'and expreased a desire for a cup- of tea. - Dr. aita went with her to the kitchea she asserted, sayiag "Father didat like the soon. I'll put soma mora medicine ia the tea." Peck drank the tea, aha said. Dr. Cornell saiat he visited Peck Rat urday afteraooa, March 11, aad talked with him for about an hour. He seemed st thattime to ba in good hearth.' tho physiriaa declared. While he wss there lrr. tftrraerl said, ka saw Irr.-Vait ga into another raoea to which Peek retired .with a battle eoataiikiag what Dr. Vi axe toU hum waa asediciBs- ta a few msuatca he said, he heard; croatting. Tho next morning he called on the telephone by Mrs. Waite aad told her father was dead. MEMBERSHIP ROUND-UP WILL BE UNDERTAKEN A stirring eaaspaiga, with "Member ship Baaad Us aa tha stsgaa wiU undertaken bar tfta Baiehrh Chamber af Comasarea sa tha reeatt ef aa eatha aiastie eaafnisais af tha mesa hers a the aasoeiatiaa hast aighs. Following brief reports by tha smsora. Dr. W. a Bankia, preeideat ef tha asaeristina made sa address aa "Efiteieney, em pkn-"i-g the lmpartnaea af systematic atsreiso aa tha haais for a saceessfnl aad waU-ramadad lira. Mr. J. M. Bronghtoa. Jr captivated tha eoafer eaee then with a brief addresa oa "Co- Tha grmna Interesting feature af tha evening. The basketbaU game Satasea ths yeuag men and tha bnsinem and profeaamaal mea waa hotly raatested. resalting in a score of 14 ta 7 for the letter. The plan to is cranes tha present mem bership of tha ssseristioa, naaaimooely decided a pa a. calks for "A Membership Boaad Cp" aa tha slogan. While all members and meads af tha asaoeiauoa will assist ia tha movement, the bardea will rest upon tan committees of ten ek. Tha chairman ef these commtt- taea will ba appoiatad by Presides t Baa kin, aad each chairman will select his own committee. The committee wiU organise at onae aad ths "Round I'p" will last until May 4. The committee making the lowest record duriac the campaign will ha required to saw c fourth of a cord af wood ia the asso elation gymnasium ia tha presence of tho winners and their friends. While the "Banna Up is ia progress number of recaptions aad sec mis wiU ba conducted nndar tha direct ma af tae various cam lajarsa ta CsllWss. Fayetteville, March tXJ. T. Horaa. driver, was iajaradaad two males be longing ta ths Standard Oil Compaay. were killed iastaatly yesterday after noon, when a Standard Oil trark was struck by as A. C. L eagia' aed ra boose maaiag as a special. n.-r ul Mr. Home's moat serioes jajurv-. were ruts from flyiag gtasa bruk. f -. the lights of his wagoa top. Mara lahsrttaace Tasva. Ia the erne af tha Ntatr aa.titor set tleeneat waa yesterday eumpMnl is the of iahentnaea taaea aa three re ef Meek tern ti ms aoaaty ameawt- to IMUM The entatra aad the ssUeeted are: T. lamas, taJ9: J. R. MeAdea. !"; & M. HewaU. 24.M. 35c Ladies' SUk Hs 1 - -24C - A Mtofch$nr KhirhwikWifr 3AirfloatandCacll's V Coo'lopsia Talcum vferSM J, Babcock'a B Powder 6c I J5mi27)i Powder s. i ; w;msj: w8r ' ' -Wwi ifliday arid Satiirdciy w-riwi vbwv cx rmMf" iSavc a it TWO PRICE CUTTING DAYS 1 f.f-ti A bsolutely Unmatchable Values on New Spring Suits for Women and Misses $16.75 value . .' $12.75 $19.75 values $14.78 $25.00 values $18.75 New lot of Silk Poplin Dresses p7(l( Dresses on Sale Today A C OU and Tomorrow P'Yaa9 Big lot of Middies just received. Special values at 95c Naw Cingham Dresset for Childiwnt all Sixss &9 raluas'at. ..... $1.19 Valuta mil . - A . 95c Of 5valuB t. , . . . 690 i 9utm ti , t i . 45c 4 i 1 1 M Grfcat a- New 5llks $1.60 Crepe de Chine . . ,95c $1.60 Chiffon Taffeta . .95c $1.50 Flowered Georgette Crepes . . 95c New Floweted Marquesette tr.t 48c Naw Tub Silk, yard wide 45c Special Prices on New Silk Laces, Val, and Linen Laces 50c Quality g Assortment of New Lot of Flowered Rice Stripe Voiles Waist Materia, yard wide best grade Percala r " 'i .. ? ' 15cvaluesat 10c - c a. Spectal 39c , &t mc Spec.al HV.c , . ; i ; : . ; u ' ' ' Great value, in Silk and Lisle Hose for Ladies and Children 12c Bleaching 8Vc 10c Unbleached Domestic on 15c Long Cloth (Cambric 10c Bleaching 7Vic gale at 6V4c finish) HV,c 8VicEleaching 5c 2c Unbleached Domestic 20c Namsook 14 7V4c Bleaching 4c on sale at , 7Bc 20c Middy Blouse Twillsl4c Dreamland Sheets 81 x 90, $1.00 Value on Sale at 69c Mohawk ShamU PapperU Sheets 63 by 90 69c 26c Pillow Cases 19e 72 by 90 79 72 by 90 79c 20c Pillow Cases 12Hc 81 by 90 89c 81 by 90 89c isc Pillow Cases 9tc 72 x 90 Kin wood 69o Ech worth 25 per cent more 90 x 90 Kin wood 79c One Lot of Good Quality Huck Towels on sSale at 4 l-2c i 25e Damask Towels now on 10c Huck Towels 7e J5e Turkish Bath Towel- ,e l9c 12c Huck Towels 9c " 236 25c Linen Huck Towels now T are v d vaiue8 15c Turkish Bath Towels on sale 19c ' ' ' J at n , Curtain Scrima , ., Window Curtains. L; 35c values 21c Crochet QnilU $1.00 values ,.50e 25c values .49c fJ-0 values .79c $2.o values ........ $VXO 20c values -16c g -JJ j-gj $3.00 values $,.49 is values . . ..... .... ioc 260 VB,ue8 ;;;;;;; ; ;$i.95 4-00 valucs - r.w 10c values 7Vie $5.00 values .... .$2.43 1 RALEIGH DEPARTMENT STORE "WHERE YOUR DOLLARS COUNT MOST" PARKER WILL PLAY Wmi ALABAMA TEAM Millard Parker, oas of ths Raleigh ban vkt has mads good la the ranks of tha professioaals wiU leave this eity Hun day to report to the Montgomery, Ala, clab of the South At Untie lirague. Parker was with ths Winston -Halem tram dnring the latter half ef last rasoa, but Clancy released him when he neqnired Hitler, last with Durham. Th will be Parker's third y -ar ia pro fr -inaslism. haviag get his start ia tha tmsrgi-Alabasaa League two years ago. DUkE DUNCAN SIGNS VTni INTERNATIONALS - DwkS Daaenn. tha OViysoa boy who wasasaimksr as -tha Baitisnaea Terra 126 FAYETTEVILLE STREET -I- ifJ- t' IflDe-y i ;.; Tomorrow in Every Department Special Values In Rain Mermen st , Talcum Powder JOc, , Values in Ladies' Shirt Waists Spring Dress Ginghams 10c quality for 8Vic 124 quality for 10V,c 20c quality for 14c pins- last year, will play with tRe Mon treal, International Ieague, club this year. Duaraa was in Baleigh - -tcrday and atatel that he had signed his 1916 contract. He was with Montreal before jumping to the Federals and when the KeiU failed to sell hint the Canada manager claimed him. CHICAGO Is; CUBANS ll. Tampa, Fla, March 23. The Cuban All KUrs collected a total of SI hite off twa Chicago pitchers, but lost tho gams here today to the Nationals by a score of 16 to 11. R IT. E. Chieagn H U All Stars 11 81 31 Battarias: Packard. Prandvrgast sad Fischer, Archer; Gorcho, Uvsrt aad Ciemeas. Faking, China, has aa estansire teie- Try Our'Spscial 95 a": IjiraaMIbW II VaS maw Talcum .MCC Sale Today and New stylish Spring Skirte - $2.00 values at $1.38 $3.00 values at , . $1.95 $4.00 values at $2.95 $5.00 values at $3.95 $7.50 values at .$5.95 Beautiful lot of Ladies' House Dresses on sale today and tomorrow fkC (worth $1.50) at a7tjC Special lot of New 69c Middies at . . . .45e Coats New Spring; sad Surntnar 1 Coats $ 15i00 values at.,.. .$9.78 $12.50 values at . . , . . .$7.95 $10.00 values at., t . i $6.95 $ 7.50 values at . . , . , . $5.95 Big Values In Wash Good. 25c Voiles at ..21c 16c lawns at 10c 25c new Moddltte Voiles 17e Very pretty patterns (a Stripes and Flowered NASIIVTLLE FORMS . COMMPJRCE CnABIDER ISkUI Is Tm Han smt Oamnw.l Rocky Mount, March 2.1. Aa organ ixatioa of a chamber of somatome in Nashville is tho work of progressive citiaens la the neighboring eity in Nana vuaty thia week aad according to all reports there has beea started a pro gressive organization that expects todo much for tha - advaaewmeat sad ; Sp- Irtiiulins? af taat eomnnartv- Permanent argaaisaUon of tha Nash vills Chamber of Commerce was gone into and Mr. Laea T. Vaughaa waa earned as preslok-at, Mr. R. O. Alford as trst vice preaidwat aad Mr. H. K.- Ben son as sooretary aad treaaarar, . ' -;t John Cahrm-wrs, af Lorrfavtite. Ky is said ts ba the nearest bring yemtivs at Oaacga Waahsagtasj.y... j- - -